• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

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Chapter 15 - Hearts and Hooves Day

Mid February, 1005 A.D. (After Discord)

The pale-gray unicorn cast her gaze over the crowd, feeling the weight of her saddle bag on her waist as she took delicate hoofsteps that resounded in the market square. Her mind wasn’t on her current task and instead of shopping she spent her time thinking about the local apple farmer.

The day was brisk since spring was still a little over a month away. That didn’t stop the warmth that came with these thoughts however. Rarity didn’t pause by any of the usual stands or stores, walking with determination and nose slightly in the air. Her ears were at the ready but weren’t in use, not listening to the low buzz around her as she saw the orange farmer in her mind’s eye.

This winter has been rather chilly, the boots and scarves have been wonderful but apple trees are barren in winter… She did say that there were a lot of things they had to do… I wonder what sort of things they have to show for it. Perhaps I should… go and check on her to be absolutely sure.

The sound of a cheerful southern greeting cut through the air, the only thing that made its way to the unicorn’s attention. Every other sound went unheard as Applejack’s sharpened, especially when Rarity came closer to the apple stand.

“Apple tarts! Apple Jams! Apple Sauce! Ya gottah get ‘em while ya can! Oh hey there Rarity. How ya doin’?” Green eyes shifted from gazing at the crowd in general to focusing intently on the gray-white mare, joy lighting up the farmer’s eyes while the unicorn couldn’t help a small smile in return.

“I’m doing well darling. And the uhm, the apple business?” Rarity’s gaze flickered from the happy face before looking to the various treats laid out on the wooden shelf.

“We’re doin’ just fine.” Applejack grinned at the other mare as she stood on her hind legs behind the stand. Rarity’s own gaze started to wander only to have it snap back up at the sound of a mare behind her.

“Oh Rarity, there you are! I was hoping to catch you!” The two friends shifted their attention from one another to the pale-pink earth pony standing behind the fashionista. Rarity smiled even as she internally flinched at being almost caught and half turned to face the new mare.

“Oh hello Daisy, why were you looking for me?” The pale-green maned mare smiled nervously in return, shifting slightly on her hooves as she tried to keep eye contact with the fashionista.

“I was hoping to place an order for Hearts and Hooves day… Could I stop by to get a dress made later today?” Daisy grinned hopefully; the smile grew when the gray-white unicorn nodded in tandem and waved a hoof to the boutique’s direction.

“Of course darling, we could get started on that right away.” Rarity gave the mare a professional smile and paused for a second, feeling the presence behind her intensify when Applejack questioned her.

“Sugarcube, weren’t ya goin’ shoppin’? Did, uh, did ya want me to get the stuff for ya?” The orange mare glanced between the empty sacks and the intrigued face of the tailor.

“You would do that for me darling?” Rarity tilted her head, a single brow raised as she looked to the bashful farmer.

“Sure thing sugarcube, ya got a list?” With a grateful smile, the unicorn floated over the short list to the orange mare and turned on the spot to lead the way to her shop.

Along the brisk trip back, she found more customers waiting for her return. Quickly getting organized, the pale-gray unicorn had a waiting line made and rapidly took measurements as well as what was requested. Some were dresses and suits, some were colorful scarves and hats, and even more wanted a combination of both. With every customer that she spoke with, another two walked in until closing time. The waiting ponies stayed until each was seen, the meetings lasting until late that night.

Mane unraveling and eyes twitching briefly, Rarity walked out Lucky Clover who wanted to look nice for Hearts and Hooves day. Once the door was shut, the overwhelmed tailor leaned against the frame with a heavy sigh.

Oh dear, Hearts and Hooves day orders are already coming in… A full workload and it’s only the first day… Another three weeks until the actual day and I’m sure it won’t slow down at all. I better get started, I have a lot of work ahead of me…

While she leaned without grace against the door, a sudden knock shook the frame of both the door and mare against it. Ears tipped forward tightly, Rarity glared at the purple object, trying to project her displeasure through the ether to whoever was on the other side. She remained in that position until a southern drawl caused her to stand up with a much brighter expression.

“Rarity? Ya there? Ah got yer groceries, ya got the time tah open the door?” Opening said door revealed the orange mare waiting patiently behind it, hat tipped back as she brought her gaze to the opening with a half grin. Rarity patted her mane in an attempt to put some style back into it at the gaze.

“Applejack, darling! Thanks ever so much for getting that for me! Please, come right in!” The unicorn stepped back to let the apple farmer in with a smile. Applejack gazed curiously to the frazzled mare before noticing the pile of fabrics and papers riddled with notes strewn about the room.

Rarity chuckled uneasily, running a hoof through her mane as her smile shifted to one of embarrassment.

“Eh heh, sorry darling, it was simply mad earlier and yet it seems that today was the perfect time to get groceries. I’m going to be rather busy after all for the next few days… If you could come along, we’ll put these away in a snap!” Rarity didn’t wait and turned to the kitchen, briskly striding forward to take attention away from the chaos. She could feel the warmth of the farmer following behind her and tried not to be distracted, even if it did feel like she was being closely watched by striking green eyes that shone with bright clarity.

When the alabaster unicorn turned around however, Applejack was in the midst of removing the bagged goods from the bags hugging her waist. Surprise and confusion flashed across Rarity’s face before settling into a stupor, watching the strong neck muscles of the earth pony across the way move and stretch. Cheeks flushing at the sight and obsessive thoughts, Rarity turned her face away, blush spreading rapidly as she opened drawers and cabinets.Turning to face the other mare, blush subsiding while she controlled her thoughts and eyes, the unicorn found the farmer closer than before. Applejack had stepped forward, bags hanging from her hoof, and leaned towards the opened cabinets to start putting things away. The sight of boxed goods being placed on the lower shelves instead of their proper place shook the prissy mare from her stupor. With a short gasp, Rarity levitated the offending objects into the air with a brief thought, turning to frown at the farmer who froze at the sound and glare.

“Applejaaack! Those are NOT the proper location for boxes! And the cans must be placed on the very bottom, but not in the far corner lest they gather dust and lie forgotten. And the bags of fruits must be taken out and set just- why are you smiling like that?” Rarity, glancing from her quick placement of the offending foods, had gotten dazed by the very soft smile that the earth pony wore. She expected a roll of green eyes, an annoyed frown, a push of the brown hat, anything but a pleased and soft grin.

“Oh, er, Ah’m fine. Jus’ thinkin’ of how ya always gottah have the most peculiar ways to put things back.” The earth pony braced herself, tightening her shoulders even as her grin remained in place. Rarity drew in a breath and was about to expel it when her nose caught the scent of apples and sweat the other wore almost like a perfume. Leaning closer, eyes drawn shut, the unicorn’s mind wandered for a moment.

Hmm, even in this brisk air, she still smells as though she just came from apple bucking. Those strong and powerful muscles delivering kicks to trees, though that is not all that they could be used for… The way her eyes light up as she smiles, like she is finding the first rays of sunlight… I don’t believe I’ve seen that kind of grin nor the way her eyes seem to rival the most precious stone I have in my collection… Simply darlin-

Rarity snapped her eyes open, pupils wide and frantic, before shrinking to pinpricks. Her gaze shifting up and down, she confirmed that she had indeed gotten unintentionally closer to the other mare, her unusual silence causing the other’s small smile to hide underneath a concerned frown.

“Rare-Rarity? Are ya ok? Yer, you’ve been kind of quiet there… Do ya need tah lay down?” Applejack tilted her head, eyes searching the bewildered gaze of the unicorn, only to stiffen in place when an almost maniacal smile formed on the prissy mare’s muzzle.

“Oh darlin’, I’ll be just fine. Thank you oh so much for helping me all the time; I believe I’ve got it under control. Have a nice evening dear!” Rarity laid both hooves against the solid frame, shuddering at the feel of tightly bunched muscles, pushing the earth pony through the store to the front door. Her mind was in an uproar, thoughts screaming to be heard over one another, making it impossible to hear any of the noises that came from the world around her.

How could I even-! Why does she affect me so-!?! Why can’t I-?!? This isn’t what a proper lady-!! I can’t believe I was-!!! This, this has to stop! We are friends! Merely friends! I shall not think of her like-!

Enough!! I shall compose myself and act accordingly. I simply have too much work to do and not nearly enough time to do it. Something that will be made all the worse if I continue to think about-... I shall not even finish the thought. Come along Rarity, we have a lot of work to do!

The alabaster unicorn stood up from where she rested against the floor and doorway. Flashing a surprised glance at how she stood against the closed fixture, with no Applejack in sight, Rarity raised to her full height and brushed her mane back. Checking that the sign was indeed set to ‘closed’, she trotted up the stairs to her workroom, shutting down and preventing any thoughts aside from work to appear in her frazzled mind.

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In what felt like mere minutes later, a solid and almost frantic hoof pounding came from the downstairs door. Ears flicking only for a second, they righted back within moments at the familiar accent that floated through the air. The frenzied mind shied away from who the voice belonged to, magic and ink splattering in haste, while their owner tried to keep shrunken blue eyes from wandering as they seemed to have grown accustomed to doing. Moments later, the insistent knocking stopped, giving the unicorn a tiny respite before her mind swirled in confusion. Giving her head a firm shake, Rarity continued to draw and create, magic starting to levitate the needed fabrics and cutting them to size.

This continued for several hours, though time didn't seem to be passing to the unicorn, her mind off in spirals. It was only after finding she had pre-cut everything (with minor adjustments needing to be made) that she paused in her work. Looking around with wide, surprised eyes, she found that her body and mind had prepared all the current orders for assembly.

O-oh, I suppose I should take a break then, having gotten so much work done in one afternoon after all. Perhaps, just a mite to eat...

Rising from her hunched position, the light-gray mare swayed in place, a hoof reaching to her temple. Passing by her mane, which felt brittle and utterly frizzed, the weak hoof rubbed at her head, trying to remove the sudden dizziness she felt.

Wha-what's wrong with me? Surely I couldn't have overworked myself in a single night!

Trying not to tilt over, she made her slow way to the door, leaning against the wall as her hooves shook. Frowning to the window that showed an early morning through the cracks of her blinds, she edged out of the room, using the wall to support her oddly weak figure. Reaching the top of the suddenly very long and tiring stairs, Rarity barely managed to get her eyes to focus on the bottom floor when a loud bang resounded through the building. The sudden pounding on the front door startled the weak unicorn. Jumping in fright, her hooves tripped over one another and removed all balance from the mare. The trip downstairs was quick and not so painless, her ability to stop herself gone, and was easy to notice as when she landed she couldn’t stand from the ungraceful heap at the bottom.

“RARITY!” Dual voices shouted from outside, fear tinting the sound, before an even louder crash filled the air. A pair of orange hind-hooves were just visible before their owner turned around and sped through the doorway, a smaller purple figure right on her heels.

“Rarity! What in tarnation are ya doin’ girl!?” Applejack and Spike both raced to the unicorn’s sides, trying to ascertain the damage without touching the weak form. Hearing two frightened voices from above, the fashionista raised her head with a drunken smile, exhaustion clouding her mind.

“Oh hello you two. Have I not stated how wonderful it is that you are both getting along so well?” Rarity could barely focus on the pair, barely catching the uncertain glance, before trying to stand once more. “Was there something you needed dears? I was, I was, uh… Ah yes! I was about to grab a little something to eat. Would you care to join me?”

Trying to stand proved too much for the unicorn. The others stood back only long enough for her to pull her hooves under her body. When it became apparent that she would not be able to get up the rest of the way, both Applejack and Spike lent their aid, holding her by each side and pulling her to the kitchen by unspoken agreement.

Applejack made the unicorn sit in the chair Spike pulled out. The alabaster mare swayed in place subconsciously. A mildly goofy grin was hovering on and off her muzzle. After a minute of silence, Rarity turned to the larger orange spot and fluttered her lashes.

“What-what was it you needed darlin’?” Green eyes sought out green slitted ones, confusion in both, before they focused on the mare between them once again.

“Applejack said you haven’t gone outside of the boutique in days. Are, are you doing ok Rarity?” Spike leaned against the mare of his dreams. Worry flowed from his smaller form, even as he strained to stand taller in the tailor’s sight.

“Oh! Hello Spikey-Wikey. Why, I’m perfectly fine darling, and yourself?” With a tilt of her head, the unicorn almost slipped off her chair, finding the edge of the world by trying to smile at the dragon. In seconds two sets of comforting limbs reached out to steady her. Spike frowned only for a moment before sighing in resignation. Hearing a deeper sigh, one that only a certain gruff earth pony could pull off, Rarity lost focus on the drake and looked to her right, where Applejack released her side.

“Rarity, you've been working nonstop haven’t ya? Did ya… Do ya remember eatin’ anything?” The earth pony drew away, the motion followed closely by dazed blue eyes, while she started to move towards the stove top.

“Of course darlin’! I simply have too many things to do and can’t rest for a moment! As for food, why of- of course I… I’ve… eaten… something. I must have eaten something…” Rarity swooned in place, a hoof to her forehead, as she tried to think of what she ‘ate’. Noticing both sets of frowns, one from the drake and one from the earth pony just beyond him, Rarity waved a single hoof, almost falling once more in the attempt.

“I-I shall be fine! You surely have your work to do don’t you? Come now Spike, Applejack, there’s no need to worry.” The world spun once more once the fashion designer finished her attempt at persuasion. Something that only caused the others to worry more, as it was obvious she was in fact NOT alright. Spike opened his mouth, about to reassure the frazzled mare, only to have the earth pony cut him off.

“Don’t ya worry none sugarcube, me an’ Spike’ll help ya. Come on Spike, let’s get breakfast on the table.” The farmer called the lad over and began to cook the largest and most energy restoring meal she knew.

The scent of breakfast drew the fashionista’s attention, bringing her back to the world around her from the recesses of her own mind. Eyes finally focusing, she couldn’t help the smile that slowly grew at the sight of Applejack and Spike working together. Within seconds three plates were placed on the table. Freshly steaming scrambled eggs with toast on the side. Served in a large bowl was apple jam for the toast with a large pot of calming tea next to it.

Inhaling the aroma coming from the tea, Rarity slowly untensed and dug in with as much decorum that her sudden starvation could allow her. Spike and Applejack sat in front of their own plates, evenly spaced out from the gray-white unicorn, but couldn’t start to eat as they watched in concern. With each bite, the unicorn felt more awake and aware of herself. From tired hooves and frazzled mane, to exhausted magic supplies. Once the plate was clear of the meal, no one spoke as Spike and Applejack refilled both the plate and cup, watching with weary eyes.

Rarity made no comment, finding her hooves going without conscious consent, slowing only after the second helping was finished. Glancing upwards, the unicorn gave a small jump, having forgotten her company momentarily. Settling her hooves, she tried to smile only to find the others watching with silent apprehension.

“Oh, uhm, thank you both. Was, was there anything in particular you needed?” Rarity glanced between the two of them. Applejack had her hooves crossed on top of the table as she deadpanned the bewildered tailor. Spike could only frown, eyes tight, staring in unblinking anxiety at the other mare.

“You haven’t really gotten out of yer workshop since Ah stopped by two days ago. Ya spent two nights and probably the whole day yesterday workin’ nonstop. So now yer’ll get two helpers, an’ we won’t hear a word against it.” Applejack stood from the table as she spoke, trotting briskly to the sink and filling a cup with water. She finished her declaration by firmly placing the tall glass of water next to the fashionista. In moments Rarity couldn’t keep her hooves from gripping the glass and taking a full drink.

“You bet! Anything you need, I’ll get it done in a jiffy!” Spike sat up straighter, closing one of his fists in determination. The tailor smiled tightly to her two friends, feeling her heart swell at their interest. Nodding softly, her headache causing her to wince, the fashion designer started to stand only to have a claw and hoof keeping her from doing so.

“You sit down sugarcube. Ya got nothin’ tah worry about. We’ll make everything work smooth as apple cider.” With this firm declaration, the two helpers finished their own meals and set about helping for the day.

Rarity tried to levitate her glass to have another cup of water, unexpectedly parched, only to find her magic flicker and fail. It hadn’t even lifted the glass from the table. The unicorn stared in shock. Her magic had never been so low before, not even when she had to make over two dozen dresses for high profile clients in two weeks. The others noticed this and the drake was faster to respond since he was closer to the mare and sink. Using a step stool, he refilled the glass and carefully trotted back to the alabaster mare, a smile stretching across his face.

After watching closely to be sure the fashion mare had no issues with the cup, they set out to find where the majority of the mess was. It was to little surprise that the main disaster zone was in the ‘inspiration room’. Rolls of cloth hung from every flat surface, often draping across others or to the floor. Ribbons, sequins, and lace were over the cloth pieces, showing no real reason for any of it as bits and pieces were cut and placed over other parts. The two not-so-fashionable beings stood in the doorway, forms frozen in shock, eyes sweeping over the mess that covered everything but a single space large enough for a mare to sit hunched over the nearby desk.

Rarity was slower to head up the stairs, at odds with her almost unresponsive hooves, but still managed to get up there in time to see the dismay on her two friends’ faces. Stepping up to stand beside the orange farmer, she gazed at her usually impeccable workspace and placed a hoof over her eyes. The headache from earlier threatened to grow in size. Feeling once more unstable, the tailor swayed in place, about to lean against the farmer when she shifted and settled against the doorframe instead.

The muffled thud drew both Applejack and Spike’s attention. Turning their shell-shocked gaze from the creative explosion, they frowned when they noticed the weak figure beside them. Spike crawled under Applejack’s belly, a surprise that caused her to arch upwards, and rested a claw against the tired mare.

“Rarity? It, uh, it looks like you have most of the cutting done. What else has to be done? What could we do?” The drake stared up longingly to the off-white mare. The farmer behind him cast her gaze to the mare in question as well. She knew fashion wasn’t her specialty but wanted to help anyway she could.

The small voice drew Rarity from her musings, mind coming back from blankness, eyes opening with a tiny grin appearing to reassure them.

“Well, if you could be a dear and use my designs to sort out if I made the piles of needed supplies? Perhaps, uh, tidy up a bit, while you’re at it?” The fashionista’s smile grew at the energetic nod of the youth. Both mares watched him rush into the task, pulling sheets of designs from the desk and holding them up for inspection. Applejack was about to ask how she could help when the unicorn tilted her head in her direction without shifting her gaze.

“Darlin’... How long was I, erm, ‘out of it’?” Rarity didn’t turn away from where the young lad was working. She felt the mare beside her stiffen for a moment before relaxing once more, her right leg lifting up to adjust her hat.

“Sugarcube, ya gave me ah heart attack, you were that distracted. Ah tried the next mornin’ tah check on ya and found the shop was still closed. All that day, ponies were comin’ tah me an’ anyone else, asking if you were gonnah be open soon. Ah went that night and then this mornin’. When yer weren’t open still, Ah got Spike and we came as fast as we could.” Applejack fidgeted in place, her anxiety still remaining, finally allowing her eyes to look to the fashion mare. “Ya scared me half tah death Rarity.”

The gray-white unicorn sighed, closing her eyes tightly, unsteady form sagging against the frame even further. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she opened her gaze to focus on the farmer, appreciation and apology written all over her face. Standing briefly, she shifted her weight to rest against the strong mare, head dipping to nuzzle the farmer. Even as she tried to not breathe in her delicious scent, it was hard not to as a rush of wind came from the other mare, though she couldn’t tell why as her eyes were still firmly shut.

“Thank you Applejack, darlin’. If you could do me a, a favor? These others who wanted to stop by the previous day, could you see to it that they are all accounted for and have their requests written down? I will need basic measurements and what they would like for the holiday. If, if you could…?” Rarity stood once more, not wanting to give her mind or body a moment to think, nor did she acknowledge the blush that made its way across her muzzle. Something that only grew when Applejack nudged her in return.

“Shucks sugarcube, ‘course Ah will! Ah’ll get all them orders right proper. But you gottah rest up, ya hear? An’ drink more water!” The orange farmer waited for the small grin and nod before pushing her further down the hallway.

Stumbling from the strong push, her weakened body unable to pose any resistance, Rarity looked back to find the farm mare on her way downstairs. Blushing once more but unwilling to even give herself a chance to wonder why, the unicorn moved further down the hall, gaze focused on the bathroom that awaited her at the end.

Walking the rest of the way was a challenging task, but one that she knew would help tremendously in the end. Each little step cost her in energy and focus. When she did make it to the door, turning the handle without magic was the next difficulty. Stumbling through the frame, two separate voices shouted, trying to double check that everything was fine.



“I’m fine darling, darlin’, just, taking a bath!” Silence met her words, a feat that made a satisfied grin appear on the unicorn’s face. Appeasing her two caretakers, Rarity began the tiring task of setting up her bath without the help of magic.

“Sugarcube, do ya need help gettin’ the water goin’?” The southern accent seemed to appear from nowhere. The tired designer hadn’t realized that Applejack had came back upstairs and tipped to the right, away from the sudden warm presence.

Turning her head in an almost rapid fashion, dizziness still threatening in the far corners of her mind, Rarity stared wide eyed at the honest and sincere expression on the other’s face. Green eyes flickered between the vast tub and the mare leaning against it, brows coming down in worry.

“Rarity, ya ok?” At the second call, the unicorn came back to her senses, having gotten lost once more in the clear gaze of the other mare.

“I’m fine darlin’. Though if you want to help me take a bath, I suppose I shan’t turn down a helping hoof.” Rarity stood once more, a dainty smile forming at the edges of her mouth. Her eyes were half-lidded, unable to stay open entirely, and gazed curiously back to the other mare. Watching the blush spread evenly over the freckled visage was an interesting sight. Something that required a closer inspection.

I wonder, do her freckles disappear when she blushes or merely become so covered that it seems that way? Where is she going? I thought she said she would help?

Finding her source of inspection backing slowly out of the room, Rarity pouted, lip jutting out while her eyes became harder in annoyance.

“I thought you were going to help me with the bath darlin’...?” Rarity’s eyes fluttered, unable to stay open as exhaustion crept back and took command of her body. The orange mare froze, eyes wide, breath freezing in place.

Finding no response, the unicorn turned back to the tub and tried once more to turn it on. Overreaching, she tipped forward, the bottom of the tub willing to make her acquaintance. Gray-white ears tipped back at a heavy sigh that came during this trip. A single strong hoof wrapped around her barrel, pulling her upright, while the other reached for the taps. Giving them a firm twist, Applejack set the water to flowing freely. Once the dizzy tailor was safe from drowning in two inch high water, the farmer sighed once more before glancing to the shelving on the side, trying to read any of the ‘fancy’ that was written on them.

“Rare, what did ya want in yer bath?” Applejack set the mare to lean against the fixture as she leaned closer to the row after row of bottles. Rarity, not liking the lack of warmth, leaned the opposite way to rest on the farmer. She took the sudden stillness as a sign of helping her stand up and gazed blearily to the multitudes of bottles.

“I do believe I could use some ‘bain de mousse’ and just a hint of, of…” The unicorn took a deep breath, trying to think of what scent she wanted to soak in. “... of apple salt. Yes. Apple bath salt is what I need.” The heat beside her raised even more. Checking on her friend, Rarity found that the blush was back with a vengeance and couldn’t help but stare in obvious curiosity at the sight.

“Oh, erm, ifin’ you say so… Why-why don’t ya go and sit in the tub while I get yer salts an’ stuff.” Applejack tried to push the light-headed mare to the tub but the prissy unicorn used the last of her strength to protest. Using a single weak hoof, she pushed against the fixture to stay resting against the stable earth pony.

“Nooooo! It hasn’t been prepared! It needs the right amount of time to properly mix! The salts need to merge with the water! The, the… The foam has to build to just the right height.” Rarity thrashed weakly against the firm presence who sighed at the complaints.

“O’course ya got special ways for baths… Alright sugarcube, just hold on to yer britches, Ah’ll get it all set up right.” Holding the tired mare up with a single hoof, Applejack reached across and tried to quickly find the ‘proper’ ingredients for the bath. The tub was filling rapidly, setting a time limit before she would have to stir it in by hoof.

The farmer had the bath ready shortly afterwards. The red tinted bubbles floated over top, stopping a few inches over the rim. The water and air was tinted by the smell of apples, even more so than usual when the apple farmer was there. A fact that Rarity was more than appreciative of.

“Hmmmm, I love apples. Thank you darlin’.” Without a second thought, the unicorn slipped slowly into the warm water, a low sigh escaping her lips at the refreshing feel of dirt being lifted from her coat. Sinking further down, she allowed all but her eyes to disappear under the water and foam. Casting her eyes to the left upon hearing a tiny snort of amusement, Rarity raised a single brow at the bemused farm pony.

“Just don’t go fallin’ asleep in there Rarity. Wouldn’t want tah have to take ya to the hospital all wet because somepony doesn’t know when to ask fer help.” Applejack turned and began to trot out the door. Lists started to form in her mind of how to go about collecting clients’ requests when there was a splash and feeling of wetness coating some of her backside.

Swerving back around with a disbelieving glare, the orange farmer found a pair of smirking eyes under slicked down mane. The earth pony froze, eyes wide, at the unusual sight. Rarity, waking up as she soaked, realized what she just did and couldn’t meet the wide eyed stare for long, dropping her head back down and allowing the bubbles to cloud her vision. At the sound of hooves walking away, she sat up to find that Applejack was exiting, flicking her tail once to rid it of excess water. Coming to her senses to find she had been staring inappropriately once again, the fashion designer turned in place, resting on her back with a hoof over her eyes.

If it weren’t for the fact that they came to check on me, I may have had an accident. And how do I thank her? I splash her with water! What has gotten into me lately?! Maybe I’m just too tired to think clearly… Yes, that must be it… Well, here is my chance to relax and collect myself… Just shut my eyes for a short moment…

Even though the farmer had warned against it, the tailor found herself unable to not fall asleep, lulled there by the warm waters and feeling the nourishment from the morning meal. Her head fell back, stopping when it met resistance from the edge, eyelids drifting shut. How long she stayed in there she didn’t know, but the mare could remember the first of many disturbances that came in the form of a light knock at the door.

“Rarity? Could-could I come in?” The sound of the young drake drew the sleeping mare from her dreams of apples. Hooves flaring in her haste to be up, Rarity jerked upright, gazing blurringly about the room.

“Huh, oh, uh who-who is it?” The unicorn tried to paste on a quick smile, scolding herself mentally all the while.

“Uhh, it’s me, Spike. I’ve got a cup of water for you! Applejack said that it would help… and to check that you didn’t fall asleep. Did you?” The door edged open, drawing blue eyes to focus on it, only to find a purple scaly hand covering a blushing face. Even as Spike tried to check on the resting mare, he couldn’t bring himself to actually look, and tried to reach a compromise with himself.

The sight of the gentledrake trying to spare the older mare from being ‘peeped’ on was one that caused the unicorn to sit up further with a short laugh. Resting her hooves and head on the rim closest to the doorway, she called gently for his attention.

“Spiky-Wikey, thank you darling. I do believe I could use a lovely drink. And a lady does not ‘fall asleep’ in the bath.” Hearing the much stronger and more aware voice of his beloved, Spike straightened and rushed forward, taking his claw off his face in order to hold the tray better as he entered.

It was to Rarity’s mild surprise to find a whole pitcher of water along with a single, shiny glass on the tray the lad carried. Through the open doorway the sound of hammering and some saw work floated from the first floor. Spike paused in the middle of the room, bewitched by the sight of the mare of his dreams with her mane wet and surrounded by bubbles. Spotting the blush that threatened to take over his face, Rarity’s eyes widened in realization, pulling her attention back from the construction work to how this may seem to those unaware of the situation.

“O-oh, sorry darling, I suppose my mind must have slipped and forgotten where I was for a moment. Do not fret, I won’t hold this against you; I did invite you in after all. Thank you for the drink, it came at just the right time.” Tightening her eyes against the minute pain of using magic, the unicorn levitated the glass and brought it to her hooves. Barely managing to catch it before it fell in the tub or on the floor, she took a tiny sip and sighed in relief, the headache backing away for the moment. A larger slam echoed through the building, making both occupants in the upper room jump in surprise.

“Spike dear, would you know what is making that awfully loud noise…?” Both sets of eyes turned to the doorway, one intrigued by the familiarity of the sound while the other was briefly annoyed.

“Oh, that’s Applejack fixing your door. She, uh, well, I was going to knock it down to reach you first but she beat me to it! So she is fixing it…” Spike tried to reassert his willingness to do anything for the alabaster mare but trailed off when he noticed the faraway gaze that crept into her eyes.

“Oh…? She can be so unrefined at times… So brutish and yet… OH! Uhm, thanks again darling for the drink. I do believe I have some cleaning to get back to. Could you please tell Applejack thanks for both the door and drink? That’s a dear.” Rarity blushed as she realized this time she had been talking aloud about the farmer’s characteristics. Trying to cover up her slip, she bustled the drake out of the room and tried to gather her strength to finish her bath.

Finding that her magic was still too weak to levitate the various bottles over, the unicorn grabbed them by hoof and tried to wash her mane and body as she usually would. This proved difficult and at times she almost gave up, but paused, mouth just starting to open as her mind came to a blank.

Why-who would I call for? Surely I can do this myself! I don’t need any, any earth pony who may or may not have strong, and yet delicate hooves… Enough! Time to wash!

Rarity kept at the attempt, freezing ever so often as her mind had to start the thinking process over again. Grumbling to herself, she closed her eyes as soap foamed freely, hooves digging in as she scrubbed away in her frustration. With every passing minute, the fashion mare found herself slowly growing more awake, giving some directions and commands to Spike any time he came near with questions about the designs she made.

Only when a deep, heavy-set sigh broke through the air that the annoyed fashionista stopped, hooves remaining in place on top of her head. Her breathing stilled, trying to almost disappear in the bubbles, but to no avail. Within seconds she felt a large source of heat coming from outside the tub and two hooves pushing her own ones away from the quickly becoming knot that was her mane.

“Rarity, is yer magic really that gone…? What are we gonnah do with ya…?” Applejack tried to catch her eyes only to find they were firmly gazing at the top of the water, a blush spreading over the pale-gray fur. In a quiet tone, afraid to give the unicorn a heart attack, the farmer tried to offer her help once more. “Did ya… want me to help ya with yer mane? Or, erhm, yer coat…?”

Rarity couldn’t feel anything. Not the water she sat in, not the bubbles as they rested against her fur, nor the nip in the open air outside of the warm water. Her mind was absolutely silent, cheeks burning red, while her head seemed to move on its own, dipping down and up.

The first sensation in this numbed landscape was the two hooves that gently scrubbed at her purple mane. They went slowly, tugging each knot until it came loose. Finding the waves of hair free of obstacles, the warm hooves then moved on to rubbing the shampoo into it, going in small circles to really dig in. A gentle push sent Rarity under the water before she resurfaced, blowing a few wet strands of her purple mane from her line of sight. Three other types of cleaning product was used in the same way, both mares making no sound, each unable to look the other in the eye. The orange mare cleared her throat, eyes glancing to the side.

“Uh, Ah got yer mane all done… How are ya goin’ to get yer coat…?” The blush threatened to set ablaze anything near it, though Applejack was able to pose her question just loud enough to be heard over two sets of rapid heartbeats.

Instead of answering, Rarity tried to will her legs to move, rising to her height on wobbly limbs. Glancing downwards to the soap and sud filled water only to travel up to the shower head, the unicorn hardly noticed the sudden sloshing of water left in her wake. Eyes watching the orange farmer closely, the mare opened her mouth to try and decline further help.

“... Could you help with it?” Blue eyes widened at the traitorous words. Rarity clamped her jaw shut with yet another blush spreading over her muzzle.

Turning her eyes away from the stunned cowpony, she reached out and pulled the plug on the tub, watching with glassy eyes as it emptied. Once that was done, and only a few remnants of soap was left, the unicorn turned on the shower head, tilting her head upwards to let the water cascade over her sleek form.

Shuffling from her left drew the tailor’s attention. Eyes widening under the water spray, Rarity watched with muted fascination as Applejack, face firetruck red, grabbed the first coat soap she saw and spilled some into her hooves. Blue orbs were unable to leave the sight while green ones almost closed with tension before the farmer released another sigh and straightened her back. Stepping forward, she rested both forehooves on Rarity’s back, starting to make small tight circles to both lather the soap and to massage the tense muscles there.

Feeling the utter control of strength and delicate touch of the orange earth pony sent shivers over Rarity’s fur. Assuming she was cold, even as the air seemed to be heating up, she nudged the tap to get more warmth from the water. Closing her eyes in pleasure, she bit her lip from making any other traitorous sounds or comments. Not that Applejack seemed to need them. She moved her hooves in just the right places at the right times, almost as though she could read the fashion mare’s mind. Rarity couldn’t help but raise her head, stretching her neck as she enjoyed the feel of hooves rubbing along her fur. She leaned towards the impromptu masseuse, trying not to shudder too hard against what she assumed was the cold, Rarity noted with a smirk how the forelegs weren’t as steady as the hooves while they worked. The orange limbs shook with effort, even as every muscle strained in tight control.

Perhaps she is stressed out… This water is wonderful though, perhaps if I get her to join me, she won’t be so tense…

While the orange hooves sunk down her front chest towards her forehooves, Rarity bent closer to the bottom of the tub, causing Applejack to tip forward and come to a stop just over her. The steady fall of water was blocked by the trusty stetson while the sound of it was overshadowed by heavy breathing from both parties.

Hearing a deep breath, Rarity assumed the farm mare was about to either tell her off or join in only to be shocked by a sudden departure. Standing up, shivering even more with the lack of warmth hovering over her, Rarity looked to the door. Applejack had her back to the showering mare, sides shivering and shaking, while her front half was soaked from the water. Smashing her hat further down, the orange mare didn’t turn as she quietly spoke to the bewildered mare.

“Yo-you can handle it from there sug-sugarcube. Ah’ll be downstairs doin’... uh, somethin’. Just, don’t take too much longer ya hear? It’s uh, been a few hours since ya started yer… yer…. Yeah. Eh heh heh heh… Let, let me know if ya need-uh… if you need help with anythin’...” The low voice barely edged out the drip of water, though it seemed to resound in the unicorn’s mind.

It was a half hour later that the fashion minded unicorn finished her washing. When she did get to the cleaning part, it was without her usual flair, quickly and efficiently getting the job done. Wrapping her still shivering form in a white bath towel, she dried off and tried to find the others. Walking down the hall, the unicorn felt a smile grace her face at the ability to do so, and gave the inspiration room a quick once over.

Spike had been busy, sorting and reorganizing the majority of the projects into their own piles, sketches resting in front to reference which design they were for. He even sorted the piles to what was being made, ranging from scarves and neck ware to full ensembles on the far end. The floor was utterly clear and the blinds were open, allowing the afternoon sunlight to enter. But there was no sight of the drake.

Looking closer, Rarity frowned at the sight of clothes and ribbons set to the far right, no design paper in front of them. She vaguely recalled cutting them, but had no idea what they would make. Before she could become too distracted by the greens, browns, reds and pale oranges of the fabrics, the designer heard two distinct voices coming from below. Turning her head slowly, she frowned in befuddlement. The unicorn picked up her pace, wanting to know what was going on and where the others were.

Coming to the top of the stairs, she froze in anxiety. They seemed to extend further down, appearing twice or even three times as long than it actually was, causing the mare to have a moment of dizziness. Shutting her eyes, she took several deep breaths, holding her right hoof over her face. Taking a deep breath, she fixed her gaze on the railing and using it to help her stay stable for the trip down. Once she reached the bottom, the unicorn released the breath she held with a smile. Looking around the bottom step, she noticed movement from her right. Stepping closer, she found her two helpers hard at work, making yet another meal for three.

Applejack saw the pale-gray mare in the doorway in the middle of turning with a pan in her mouth. Blushing bright red, she nodded towards the mare, beckoning her forward to the table. When Rarity sat down, the drake rushing even more to offer drinks and utensils.

“Hey Rarity! I got you some more tea! Did you like your bath? I’ve got all the fabrics sorted out, did you see?” Spike placed last minute touches to the table setting, wanting to be sure everything was in easy reach of the tired mare. He stared with enamored eyes towards his crush.

Rarity glanced to the lad with a smile, ears tipping towards the soft sigh near the counter, and reached out a hoof to rub the top of his head.

“Oh, yes, thank you darling. I did see the piles, a marvelous job. Though what are the piles with no designs near them? And why are we having yet another meal?” The last question was directed to the farmer who split the food in the pan to separate plates. Applejack paused mid step. Blush firmly in place, she glanced toward the unicorn before looking to the pan once more.

“Oh, well, you were in that bath fer a couple of hours. And Ah don’t think ya were eatin’ too well, so Ah’m, uh, we’re makin’ sure you eat.” Giving a start at Applejack’s words, Rarity glanced to her hooves and found they were a little wrinkly. Pouting with brows low, she turned teary eyes to the farmer who once again froze at being focused on.

“Applejaaaack! Why did you let me stay in the bath so long! Wrinkly hooves are so unbecoming and are never in fashion. Honestly, how am I supposed to get anything done when over half the day is gone?!” Light gray hooves flailed while the unicorn flung her head backwards in dismay. Straightening up from her pose, the fashion designer found the apple farmer was just finishing rolling her eyes while the drake frowned in concern.

“But, we got a lot of work done! We got a lot of ponies’ orders and everything is all cleaned up. Now we just need to work on the rest of the old orders and start on the new ones!” Spike tried to gain the dramatic mare’s attention. It worked only for a moment before she turned to the earth pony in confusion.

“If Spike was working on the fabrics and designs does that mean that…?”

“Eeyup. It wasn’t so hard tah get everypony’s order and measurements. Didn’t say where ya were or what happened, jus’ that we were helpin’ ya with all this extra work.” The two mares shared soft smiles, eyes watching the other closely. Rarity was the first to look away, blue eyes focusing on the lunch presented, trying to re-organize her thoughts.

“Ok… Ok, we may just be able to make this work! Applejack, darlin’, you keep collecting those orders and measurements. Spikey-Wikey will be with me, cutting the fabric and doing the prep for each design. We can do this!” A loud grumble sounded through the still air, drawing three sets of eyes to its source. “Oh heh heh heh… Perhaps after this lovely lunch. Thank you both for your help, it means a lot to me.”

With another smile to both helpers, who were once again sitting perfectly even from the alabaster mare, Rarity dug into the meal, mind running rapidly. She focused on the various foods, the dots of red standing most prominently in her vision. She tried to think of what she had already made but couldn’t. Only a haze of exhaustion remained, broken only by moments of being with the strong earth mare. Feeling her body become warmer at the image of the other mare, Rarity instead pushed the thoughts away, wanting to focus instead on her next course of action.

Finishing the meal took little time, and the three washed the dirty dishes rapidly before getting back to work. Applejack went for the front door, flipping the sign from ‘out to lunch’ to ‘open’, while Rarity and Spike went back upstairs, heading straight for the work room with even more orders in hoof and claw. The fashionista settled down by the desk, reaching for the quill with a short focus of magic. Finding that it did work, though much weaker than usual, she set to work on designing the new orders, asking for the needed supplies as she finished them. Spike, knowing his way around the shop after numerous attempts to help, had everything in claw quickly and began to cut them to size.

They all spent the rest of that day and well into the night working like crazy as more and more ponies arrived to look their best for the holiday. The two helpers were insistent that they took breaks and that Rarity ate a full meal, along with many many cups of water. With each sip, she felt more like her old self, and their overall pace picked up. Magic, aside from levitating her quill, was banned by a stern glare from the others. Rarity had actually gotten lost in the clear green gaze, tinted with both concern and a softer emotion that the unicorn spent a minute trying to understand. With yet another blush, almost a social faux pas to have so many at once, the fashion mare nodded silently to the command and tried to refrain from using her magic extensively.

The workday passed quickly, with customers coming in until the very last minute. When the final prep work was done for the day, the trio sat in the inspiration room, gazing to the large stack they had made. A peek outside showed just how late it had gotten and Rarity began to try and usher her two helpers home. Applejack wasn’t sure about leaving the recovering unicorn alone that night, but the fashion unicorn was persistent.

“Sugarcube, Ah ain’t sure that this is a good ideah. Ya went and locked yerself in here last time and you still can’t really use yer magic right.” Applejack and Spike stood facing the pale-gray unicorn in the center of the storefront, unwilling to let her shoo them out further. Both wore determined frowns, and their gazes were warm even as they tried to be stern. Rarity found herself once again getting lost in the apple-green orbs that grew softer with each passing second that they locked eyes.

“Oh! Uhm, no no, that shan’t be needed darlin’. I’m sure Spike here has a certain time he should be home by, and it just wouldn’t do for him to walk by himself! If you could be a dear and walk him back for me?” Rarity fluttered her eyes to the pair, trying to play to Applejack’s helpfulness. The fluttering slowed to a stop when she saw that they had no obvious effect on the stern earth mare. Spike was both bashful and annoyed at being treated like a kid, though he dare not say anything, crossing his arms instead.

The silence stretched out between the three, with Rarity starting to inch backwards in distress. It was soon broken by a world-weary sigh. Applejack shook her head, tipping her hat back briefly with the motion. Standing at full height, and making the others feel a lot smaller in comparison, she stared sternly at the unicorn.

“Alright, Ah’ll walk back with Spike, but you gottah give us a key tah get in tomorrow mornin’. We ain’t leavin’ ya to do all this work by yerself, and Ah’d hate tah break another door.” The orange earth pony held out a hoof. Her eyes didn’t flinch nor did they soften, something that caused the unicorn to flinch.

Trying on a shaky smile, Rarity dipped her head in acceptance. Glancing about the front foyer, a burst of blue magic lit up a drawer, pulling it forward to show a silver key to searching blue eyes. Floating the small object to the waiting hoof, Rarity’s smile grew a little stronger when the green orbs softened, a pleased grin forming on the orange muzzle.

“Thanks Rarity! We’ll be by first thing tomorrow!” Spike waved excitedly before following the other mare to the door. Applejack merely smiled once more and tipped her hat to the fashion mare.

Rarity waved to the pair, watching how the blond mane seemed to flick back and forth, stopping only when the sound of a firm thud echoed around the room as the door closed. When utter silence returned to the room, the unicorn sagged in place, an unlady like sigh escaping her tired form. A flash of magic and a the lock switched ninety degrees, guaranteeing that only those with the key could get inside.

Walking up the stairs with little thought about bed awaiting her, the designer instead went to the work room, pulling the latest designs and fabrics over with her newly returned though weaker magic. The aura flickered before strengthening when she glared at it. Refilling the cup left at her desk from earlier with an accompanying pitcher of water, the tailor focused on getting more work done. Her magic was working on multitasking, gathering the needed supplies for her actual orders and the side projects that rested in the corner. It was as she worked, mind not completely in the present, that these other dresses took shape even without a written design.

She worked nonstop, unwilling to fall behind schedule, and gave a large jump of surprise at a loud call from downstairs. Her magic finally fizzed out, leaving no trace except a buzz of pain in the back of her skull that didn’t distract from the worry and thrill of hearing the distinct accent.

“Mornin’ Rarity! Ya ready tah get ah heapin’ help of work done today?”

“We’re going to make sure that everything goes just great and you get the most rest possible!” Blue eyes frantically searched the mess of a workroom, resting on the chaos that appeared once again, before ultimately looking to the doorway where the helpers stood in shock.

“Rarity! Gosh darn it! What did ya do?!” Hearing Applejack’s stern tone caused the other mare to flinch, caught red-hoof at having worked throughout the night. Spike shot the farmer a glare before rushing forward, checking the water pitcher and getting her a refill.

While the drake rushed out of the room, Rarity found she couldn’t meet the firm gaze, looking to the desk only to stiffen when she felt the warm presence sit close by. When two strong hooves circled her barrel, the prim unicorn couldn’t help releasing a surprised eek.

“Ah swear, Ah don’t know what Ah’m gonnah do with ya. Look, jus’ rest in bed while Ah make ya breakfast. After ya get some sleep, we’ll see about drawin’ and preparing the designs. Yer not to do ANY magic, ya hear? None.” Applejack was slowly making her way down the hall, forehooves carrying the once again exhausted mare bridal style, back legs barely showing the strain.

Rarity held both hooves close to her chest, another blush spreading across her muzzle. She couldn’t look the exasperated mare in the eye, instead watching the ground slowly pass by. She tried to form some kind of protest, or even question the strength, but couldn’t do much aside from stammer.

“I-you, how did, why- but I-strong, uh, darlin’, you, erm-”

“Sugarcube, workin’ apple buckin’ season can help ah pony get strong back legs. Yer light as a feather.” The blonde mare sounded muffled, her voice odd as she tried not to breath through her nose. Rarity couldn’t argue with the logic and tried not to continue to stammer aloud.

Moments later found the two mares in the extravagant bedroom. Rarity’s blush intensified at the sight of the canopy frame, but remained silent, curious to see how far the apple merchant would take it. Applejack stood beside the large bed, hooves shifting their hold on the tired unicorn to allow one to pull back the covers before setting her gently in the center. Both mares wore heavy blushes at where Applejack had to hold and how tightly she did so, but neither made a comment as the orange earth mare pulled at the purple blanket with her mouth. Trying to make sure it was absolutely tucked in ‘just right’, the farmer waited for the inevitable retort, standing at the edge with eyes glued to the floor.

“Darlin’, that was a rather, interesting, display of ability. I suppose I shan’t waste your hard work and contend to stay abed for a few hours.” Two sets of eyes met, blushes set over shy grins, before a cough by the doorway distracted them. Rarity glanced over as she once again came to her senses and smiled to the drake who had the full pitcher and glass in his claws.

“Spike darling, thank you for bringing me a drink.” A blue hue covered her horn, only to have a strong hoof poke at the resting mare’s side. “Oh, er, yes, if you could be ever so kind as to bring it a little closer?”

The purple dragon focused solely on the mare in the large bed, pouring a cup and setting the pitcher on the end table nearby. Once Rarity finished her glass, the others dispersed, leaving her with her thoughts.

I have no idea what has gotten to me as of late, but it simply must stop. This is especially a bad time to be so distracted. Perhaps a nice little nap is just what is needed…

Rarity slowly drifted off, finally able to rest her hooves, while the others once again had to clean the mess left behind. Spike was mildly surprised to find the piles of fabrics with no obvious design had been put together, but couldn’t question his crush when it was found that she had fallen into a proper rest.

It was as the sun rested halfway across the sky that the fashionista awoke. The horizon was once again clear, giving the sun a chance to clear the ground of more snow in preparation of the holiday. In moments Rarity was up and trotting out the bedroom door, trying to hold back panic at sleeping in so late. Pace picking up as she continued down the hallway, the mare burst through the inspiration door to find Spike putting the last pile of fabric into place, having already prepared the right sizes and pieces for the latest designs.

“Oh, Spike, thank you darling.” Rarity searched the room, pausing on the special project in the back corner, smile stretching in appreciation and nervousness. “Is there still a waiting list of designs?”

“Yup! But first, you have to go have lunch. Both Applejack and I agree, you need to get better first.” Spike set down the stack of cloth he held and ushered the anxious mare downstairs.

Finding herself once again seated between the two helpers at the kitchen table, Rarity concluded that any member of the Apple Family cooked and ate as though for a large family reunion. It was when she finished her third helping of sandwich and soup that a dainty knock came from the backdoor. Sharing a confused glance, Applejack waved for the fashion mare to remain seated while she went to check on the latest visitor.

“Howdy, ‘fraid the shop is closed fer the - oh hey there Fluttershy. What can we do ya for?” The soft voice was barely heard as the pony on the other side responded to the question. “Rarity? Sure thin’, come on in.”

The visitor was revealed to be Fluttershy, crouching low in the wake of the confident mare until the unicorn was in view. When the kind-hearted pegasus saw the exhausted tailor, she rushed forward to check on her friend.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you were so busy that you forgot to eat and even sleep! I don’t mind not going to our usual spa visit, if you need anything please let me know.” Fluttershy was almost speaking at a normal volume, her worry and desire to help making her forgo her usual tone.

The fashion designer froze at the sight of the canary mare, shock and surprise mixing together while she tried to keep her face neutral. Mind working rapidly, she found it was indeed Thursday and well past the time of their usual meetup.

Goodness! I have just been so out of it that I completely forgot the spa! And it is such an odd experience to see another color aside from oran- erm, yes, well, I mustn’t keep the poor dear waiting for a reply! But with all this work, I simply can’t go-

“Shoot! A little ol’ trip to the spa is jus’ what Rarity needs right now. Y’all go on, me an’ Spike will take orders and work like we did yesterday. And when ya get back, we’ll knock these new ones outtah the park just like the others.”

The firm voice of Applejack broke through Rarity’s distraction. Blue eyes searched green only to find no malice in them, only concern and that soft emotion once again. Nodding slowly, the unicorn turned from her helper and smiled to the anxious pegasus.

“Yes, of course darling, I do believe it is what I need right now. So sorry for forgetting about it…” Together the two friends exited the boutique, minds set to relaxing. As the door closed behind them, light gray ears tipped back at the sound of dual voices starting to argue, trying to hear what the deeper and slightly more accented one was saying only to have it shut off when the door finished its trip.

I’m sure nothing is wrong, they merely wish to restate how they shall be working in my absence. It shall be fine. Everything will be fine.

----------- NSSL -----------

“Honestly darlin’, everything will be fine. Now just hold still…” Green eyes flashed in surprise, zeroing in on the tailor who placed a delicate hoof to her chin in thought. Glancing towards the searching gaze, Rarity found that she and Applejack soon both supported blushes for some reason.

Snapping back to the task at hoof, the alabaster mare tried to reason why the dress the farmer was modeling wasn’t working to its full potential. Finally, she found, just underneath the pleased smile, was the perfect place for a emerald to pull off the entire dress. Flashing a triumphant grin, she levitated the gem over and fixed it to the dress. Her magic had been restored in the last few days as having helpers made a world of difference in her work. She had made a large surplus, something that was a boon to potential future work.

“And it is… finished! Thanks ever so much darlin’ for modeling on our day off.” Rarity stood back to admire her hoof work. The purple drake stood beside her, holding a basket of gems, eyes scrunched in annoyance. This image disappeared the second the fashion designer focused on him however.

“Thank you for helping with these last few items. I know that they weren’t ordered for the holiday, but it means so much to me.” The unicorn smiled, mind drifting off into a haze, gaze turning to stare at the collection the apple merchant has been trying on for the last hour.

“Rarity, why did ya make these when you were so busy anyways? Can’t it have waited till after ya got everythin’ done?” Applejack watched the fashionista refocus on her and smiled when the blue orbs seemed to become clear once more. Rarity blushed at the smile, knowing that her gaze was being traitorous, and tried laughing to ease the tension in the air.

“Oh ho ho ho, don’t you fret! I merely did this at the same time as the others, it wasn’t but a bit more work afterall. It turned out so well in the end.” The two mares shared another smile, not really hearing the tiny sigh that came from the unicorn’s side.

“Yer just crazy. Ya know that right?” Applejack smirked at the other mare, hoof going subconsciously to adjust the hat that was no longer on her head. Rarity tittered at the jab and started to use hoof and magic to remove the dress.

The unicorn had claimed her magic was still on the mend and instead used a lot more hoof work to remove and place the various dresses on her more than willing model. Which was a surprise on both aspects. Except that Rarity had a tiny inkling of why she wanted to lay her hooves on the strong form and couldn’t bring herself to admit it, even to herself. Not that the model was complaining. Ever since that day’s lunch when Rarity made entirely apple themed foods, she had been pleased to find that the tailor was back to her normal standards. Something that showed in how the two mares were teasing one another during the modeling session.

The pale-gray mare didn’t notice the sound of her front door being shut, though she did catch the worried glance Applejack sent that way. Placing the red and brown gown on top of others neatly folded, Rarity gave the earth pony a worried side glance.

“Darlin’, is everything ok? You seem, distracted at times. Perhaps you should head home now? I know staying away from home can be very trying, you didn’t have to spend every night here for the last week.” The alabaster unicorn could feel her cheeks lighting up at the mention of dedication her friends had for her benefit. It had been a long argument that ended in the two helpers staying with her for every night until the very last order was finished for Hearts and Hooves day.

“Huh? Oh, Ah’m fine. Besides, we weren’t gonnah let you overwork yerself again while we went back home… Was there anythin’ else ya wanted me to try on?” Applejack shuffled on her hooves. For a moment the fashion mare panicked, trying to find some reason to keep her longer.

“Oh, uhm, no, but uh, perhaps you could, help me witttthhhh…. uh, my house! Yes, I need some help in moving a few items around, I simply couldn’t have the very same layout every year! Must have innovation to keep motivation after all, ha ha ha…” Rarity tried to seem at ease, but felt a moment of doubt at the almost disbelief coming from the farm mare. Shaking her head, the blonde mare couldn’t hide her smile.

“Maybe Ah should stick around, seems like ya need more help and still ain’t quite yerself. What did ya want moved?” Applejack jumped down from the pedestal, muscles bunching to keep her from harming herself with the landing. Blue eyes watched closely, taking in every movement, before their owner snapped back into reality with another tense laugh.

“Oh heh heh heh, well, if you could be a dear and move that couch to the other side and that dresser to the left wall…”

Author's Note:

:pinkiehappy: I'mmmm bbaaaaaAAaaaccckkk.... Though still working slowly