• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

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Chapter 16 - Helping out around the Boutique - Applejack's Day

End of February, 1005 A.D. (After Discord)

Snow, loose and powdery, floated on the chilly wind. Large mounds had been made along both sides of the road, to allow easier passage. An orange hoof reached up, pushing down the brown stetson, as its owner plodded forward. Green eyes were squinted into slits, blocking the majority of the wind from the delicate orbs. Applejack, her bright colored coat making her stand out in the white surroundings, walked briskly, not wanting to be in the cold for long.

Once Hearts and Hooves day was over, the winter storms that had been delayed returned in a blizzard, placing the land back into the last grip of snow and ice. Winter Wrap up wasn’t due for another week and a half. The farmer, meanwhile, had spent the last three days stuck inside with family while the storm raged on outside.

To stretch her legs and clear her mind, the blonde mare entered town. Not to mention gaining the chance to see a unicorn who could blend easily with the snow on the ground. Trotting up to the multi-storied boutique, Applejack made one last check on her hat. A shiver passed over her fit body, one that she knew wasn’t entirely due to the cold.

Ah swear, if Rarity is playin’ me for ah fool… Couldn’t hardly think straight, she was actin’ so odd last week… Buck up, thanks to Twilight’s ‘help’, today’s mah day to help her… That girl likes her lists ah little too much… Applejack rolled her eyes as she thought about the librarian. Pulling up to the purple door, the apple seller glanced at the barely cleared path and sighed.

“Time tah try…” She raised a hoof and tried to knock gentler than usual. Her nerves made her anxious about acting ‘odd’ or appearing too overbearing.

By all the stars above, please let her be back tah normal. My poor ol’ heart can’t take much more!

A quill floated in the air, wrapped up in a blue aurora, swirling over top of a white sheet of paper. The unicorn who controlled the utensil sighed gustily, causing the drawing to flutter to the ground while the quill went still. The prim mare leaned forward, resting her cheek on her right forehoof in an unlady-like fashion, as she stared out the window towards the west.

It has been just dreadful outside! No one to visit, no one to stop by… I wonder what they are doing right now… Perhaps Ap-she’s making more jars of apple jam… Or maybe sitting by the fire with family… while I’m here alone… Perhaps this is a sign I should get out, see A-... friends. Yes, I should get up right now and go visit-

The unicorn stood up, a firm glint in her stare, focused beyond the boutique walls where a forest of dormant apple trees waited. Dropping the feathered utensil to the desk, she took a single step before pausing. White ears perked up, zeroing in on the gentle knocking that came from the floor below.

Surely… not a customer, much too cold… Could it be…?

The soft sound came once more, though it was even more timid, spurning the fashionista to action. She rushed down the stairs, trying to keep her breath even while her heart rate skyrocketed. An unsure smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. When the last and even softer set of knocking came, Rarity jerked open the door with her magic, still a few steps away. Catching sight of orange and yellow offset by the brown headgear, she gave in to the urge to smile and tilted her head to the left.

“Darlin’! What a pleasant surprise! Come in, come in, it must be dreadfully cold outside! Whyever are you not wearing a scarf or boots? I do believe you had those, erhm, galoshes, did you not?” Without a second thought, Rarity reached through the doorway and pulled the other mare forward with her forehoof.

Casting a flick of magic behind her, the designer shut the door and went towards the linen closet. Another flash of thought and blue light later and several towels were levitated into the air. Their close proximity meant the prim unicorn felt the snow melting on her companion's fur and she rushed the farm mare closer to the tiny fireplace in the foyer. It was hidden away from sight while still able to heat the room, being decorative enough to blend into the rest of the surroundings.

The white rectangles quickly covered Applejack’s form, even resting on top of her stetson. Before she could comment on the excessive reaction, the strong farmer felt two hooves rubbing over top of them, starting from the tops of her forelegs to their tips. Suddenly glad for the fabric covering her face, the apple seller couldn’t help how her face tried to mimic that particular fruit’s color.

Meanwhile, Rarity continued to ramble, her mind no longer concerned as to what she was saying when she felt the muscle tone under the cloth. Her hooves ghosted along, trying to bring warmth to the chilled mare, biting her lip at the sensation. Resting her eyes to half-mast, the unicorn moved from Applejack’s front legs to her back, reaching the majority of the form in long strokes. When Rarity was about to reach the back half of the earth pony, the steadfast mare spoke up, her weak voice trembling.

“R-rarity…? Ah… don’t need warmin’ up, honest. Ah’m, uh, feelin’ plenty warm…” The farm mare took two small steps backwards, taking her hindquarters away from the delicate hooves that reached for them.

Rarity blinked, her nose swiftly inhaling the scent of apples, as she rested her forehooves back onto the ground. Turning her head to the right, she looked at the mass of towels, noticing how the orange snout was tinted red.

“O-oh, ok darlin’. Uhm, was there… anything you had wanted? Not that I don’t want you to visit of course! You’re always welcome here!” Rarity took a step forward, pressing closer to the apple farmer’s sight, blue eyes wide.

“Ah-Ah am?” Applejack pulled her head up at the fashion design’s assurance. Her blush receded while her green eyes shone, gazing to the unicorn who found it was her turn to blush.

“O-oh yes, all of you-you girls are welcome to stop by at… any… time…” Rarity flinched, her chest tightening for a second at the downcast face that accompanied her words.

Having been assured it wasn’t merely her, Applejack tilted her head back down, letting the white cloth hide her face. The sudden dejected air caused Rarity to nip at her lip, eyes scrunching at the form while her mind fought against what she stated.

Why did I say that? Now she’ll think I don’t appreciate her coming by! I love her sense of timing, I was hoping she would stop by! I wanted her to stop by…! Why do I want her to visit so much…?

“If-if ya are a bit busy, Ah understand. Ah… Ah’ll just git out of yer mane.” The melancholy voice broke through the internal monologue, sending the unicorn into a panic.

Aahhhh, stop her!

“No no no, darlin’, not at all! Please, why don’t you warm up with some tea and-and… and we’ll discuss….” Clear blue eyes swept over the room, trying to find any kind of mutual topic. “We’ll talk about... Spring cleaning!”

A speck of dust in the top corner had caught her eye. While Rarity was tempted to wipe the filth out of existence right that second, it wouldn’t do for a hostess to coerce her guest into cleaning right away. Smiling widely to unsure green eyes, the unicorn lead the other mare to the kitchen, exhaling with relief at having made a short term excuse to keep her unexpected visitor.

…. Wait. Why was I so frantic-?

“Thanks fer the towels sugarcube, where did ya want me to put them?” Applejack began to pile the used towels beside her, trying to make it neat with what little folding skills she had. Glancing upwards, she found herself caught in blue eyes that sparkled with bemusement.

“Darlin’, we needn’t fold the used ones. I have a stack of things to be washed in the laundry room. Be a dear and put them there while I make our tea?” Rarity turned back to the sink, floating over the kettle, while she tried to contain her bemused giggles.

“Well, excuuuse me Ms Priss, yer the one always goin’ on about gettin’ stuff cleaned up just right.” Applejack smirked, teasing laughter hidden in her eyes, as she waited for the huff that was sure to accompany her retort. When Rarity whirled in place at the tone, the orange mare was waiting, sticking her tongue out quickly with squished eyes before finishing her trek into the spare room.

The fashion mare humphed, sticking her nose into the air as she half turned away. Once she saw, out of the corner of her eye, that the teasing earth pony was moving along, she allowed the grin to burst through, ruining her image of disdain.

Rarity found her mind was willing to stay quiet, happy to relive the past minute of teasing, her hooves automatically falling into old habits of making tea and biscuits. Snickering softly, she allowed her mind’s eye trail over the orange frame.

Hmm, well, she certainly is fit. Kept in shape even in the winter… Though as a friend- Rarity flinched once more, eyebrows pulling in tight, at the the term. She shook her head, clearing the thought and started again. Though I shouldn’t think of her merely as a fit, curved, toned body… No! She is a dear fri- dear to me and I shan’t disrespect her like that. Even if it is so tempting…

Applejack hadn’t noticed her crush’s distraction, focused solely inward, while she trotted into the laundry room, towels stacked on her back.

Well, she seems ah bit better. Not sure ‘bout that greetin’ Ah got, but back to herself. But what am Ah doin’ here anyways? There ain’t much Ah can do fer her… ‘Specially in the middle of winter…

The farmer glanced around the bare room and found her target. A large tan basket sat next to the washing tub, overflowing with fabric and clothes to be cleaned. Shelves, along the wall and on the ground, bore the sign of heavy use with little maintenance. Water vapors had weathered the wood used for the furniture. To her trained vision, the structure wouldn’t last much longer unless somepony did something about it. Humming pensively, she exited the washroom, only to halt at the soft smile the unicorn wore.

Now see, when we ain’t fightin’, she looks hooves down gorgeous. Looks pretty even when we are arguin’, but still. Nice tah see she’s willing to relax some.

“Hey Rarity? Ah think yer woodwork could use ah touch up. Would ya want me to try an’ fix that today?” Applejack continued forward, coming to a stop at the table and joining the mare already seated.

Rarity tapped her chin, using magic to set the table, wandering vision arcing over the room.

“Hmm, yes. And we do have that cleaning to do as well…”

The two mares sat across from one another, using their hooves to sip at the tea before them. They drank in the other’s presence as well, their pensive gaze only allowing peeks at their companion.

Always so helpful, so dependable… But surely I can’t keep her here with various minor tasks?

“Whelp, if ya want, Ah could stick around, uh, help out some. Should make things go faster an’... an’ all.”

Unless she suggests it herself! Rarity beamed across the table, ignoring the spike in her heart rate that came with the farm mare’s grin.

“Why, thank you darlin’. Then I’d suggest we start at the top and work down, one of the fastest ways to clean after all. Is the tea acceptable?” Rarity covered her glee by taking another sip of her own drink. She watched the other through half-laden eyes, trying to gauge the apple seller’s decision.

“Sure thin’. Might, uh, might take all day.” Applejack’s smirk faltered as she spoke. She wasn’t sure if the fashion mare would agree and didn’t want to get her hopes up.

Rarity perked up, ears at attention, while her eyes shone at the suggestion.

“Of course! Cleaning does require some time to be done properly. I-I could provide dinner, if you’d like.” Rarity levitated the empty kettle to the sink, avoiding the other’s gaze while she bit her lower lip.

“Well, shoot, if yer offerin’, Ah could stay for supper.” The two mares shared a tender smile before settling to finish their drinks.

With the last sip gone, the two friends cleaned up the kitchen before heading upstairs. Rarity used her magic to pull down the drop ladder and flick on the light at the very top. Leading the way, the unicorn cleared enough space for the two of them to stand by the entrance.

The prim mare frowned at the dust floating in the air and mountain of boxes. The orange one whistled as she stood next to the unicorn, tipping her hat back while gazing at the cluttered attic.

“Wooowee, guess we Apples ain’t the only ones who has mountains o’ boxes stashed away.” Applejack turned in place, vision tracing each stack, before coming to a stop on her crush. “What would ya like done up here?”

Rarity blushed at the implications of hoarding or at least collecting enough souvenirs to equal a long standing family of four. Scuffing a hoof and immediately regretting it as dust was stirred up at the motion, she tilted her head in thought.

“I suppose we could start with organizing everything. If only I had some more shelves up here, I could try to put some of this clutter away…” The unicorn rested a hoof on her chin. Her pulse began to race, knowing, hoping, for the expected answer.

“Ah could do that fer ya easy. Though we’d need tah make room for them first. Guess we should get started.” The two mares nodded at one another before setting out.

She’s such a dear, I knew I could count on her help! Always there to assist… Rarity smirked as she mused about the apple seller’s predictable response. Pointing with a tilt of her head, the tailor lead the way to the stack of boxes to the left of the entrance.

Working together, they went for the small piles of boxes, opening one at a time and rapidly searching their contents. Most were filled with old clothing, out of style and unable to be sold. Others had excess or incorrectly ordered supplies.

“Rarity, why do ya have all these clothes in boxes? Ah thought ya sold this stuff.” The earth pony shifted the box in her hooves to their left.

“Hm? Oh, well, things can and do go out of style darlin’. So I have to take what I don’t sell and wait until it comes back into fashion or update them to match current trends.” Rarity drew out of her pensive watch of the farmer to answer. Lifting a marker to write what was inside, the fashion mare stood beside her guest, subconsciously leaning closer to the blonde pony.

Applejack noticed this when she moved to pick up another box. She found her way was hampered by the pale-gray form beside her and twitched back, muscles tensing for a moment at the sudden proximity. Her breath hitched at the smell of perfume and an undertone that could only be the prim unicorn’s natural odor. Coughing loudly, Applejack stood rigidly, waiting until she got the sign to put the box with others already marked.

Once she set the cardboard box aside, Applejack found Rarity still standing there, watching. Slowly, without a word, the unicorn rubbed at the orange limb, eyes focused on the muscular detail and tiny beads of sweat. The blonde gulped softly, feeling the weight of the other mare’s stare. When there was nothing said or done, Applejack pulled away, her eyes scrunching shut briefly before she took a deep breath. Turning back to the small pile of cases, she tried to remain focused on her task. A challenge with memories that haunted her for the past week and a half returning with vengeance. Once she was freed of the memories, and the blush that threatened to come with them, she checked on the fashion designer.

Why… Why is she watchin’ me…? Ah’m not just imaginin’ things right…?

“Rare? Ya ok over there?” Applejack tilted her head quizzically. Tipping her hat back to clear her sight, she watched the unicorn who stood by the larger piles.

Always so helpful… So considerate and in control of her great strength… Checking on me to be sure everything is ok, even if it means she has to lift and overexert herself….. Wait. I think she asked something. Rarity jerked backwards, shaking her head to get free of wandering thoughts, as she tried to focus on the farmer’s question.

“Oh uhm-! I’m doing fi-aaaah” The gray mare’s assurances were cut off as she took a single step back, trying to distance herself from where her thoughts had taken her. This movement had brought her against the largest stack of boxes. Jostling them out of their precarious balance, they tipped forward, knocking over their neighbors on their way down.

Two sets of heartbeats stopped as time slowed down. Applejack’s core felt constricted with terror, paralyzing fright weighing her down. Breaking free, she lunged forward in an attempt to protect the apple of her eye. Rarity’s own gaze shut, preparing herself for pain even as fear kept her from trying to move out of the way.

For the next minute, once time sped back up, loud thuds and the tinkle of breaking glass resounded around the duo. Both had closed their eyes in the scuffle. Rarity’s hooves hid her face from being hit as she laid on her back. Grunts, coming from a spot above to her muzzle, were barely heard over the sound of crashing boxes.

When everything settled down, the unicorn creaked open an eyelid, hesitant to see the resulting mess. The sea of blonde strands cascading to the left of the orange face caused both blue orbs to snap open. Breathless, Rarity looked over Applejack as she stood over the pale-gray mare on the ground, noting the strain and tension in the earth pony’s body. Boxes rested on either side of the duo, evidence of how Applejack protected the light-gray mare with her strenght.

Always so caring… Rarity removed both hooves from her face, raising one to caress the scrunched muzzle while the other reached for the straw-yellow mane. The smell of apples and sweat smothered her sense of smell, drawing a lethargic smirk from the prissy mare.

Steam rose around them, blocking most of the vision before her while heating the air. Something that wasn’t needed as the temptress managed to do wonders on raising the usually sturdy and steadfast farmer’s internal temperature. The thick air wasn’t easy to breath in and left the mare panting. Looking down, she found bright blue eyes looking back up at her, their owner biting her lip to hold back pleased moans. Shifting her gaze, she found her own orange hooves rubbing the unicorn’s back. Drawing her hooves lower, Applejack had to bite her own lip as she felt the pleased shiver pass over Rarity’s form. Trying to take another deep breath, the blonde mare closed her eyes briefly to clear her mind, opening them only when she heard her name being called from the mare under her.


Searching the unicorn’s face, she found only tenderness. Pale-gray forehooves reached up, causing the farmer to come closer while Rarity laid on her back. The orange mare leaned into the caress, trying not to inhale the apple and berry perfume more than she had to, trying not to lose what little control she had. The feeling of a hoof stroking her mane broke through the haze. Apple-green orbs glancing down connected with the sapphire blue ones waiting there. The two mares drew closer, pulled by some unseen force.

“Hmm... Thank you darlin’, for caring for me so…” Rarity’s words were quiet, only heard due to how close they had gotten. When the orange earth pony above her started to pant heavily, it only caused the intoxicating scent to grow, drawing the unicorn closer to the source.

Applejack blushed while all four legs trembled, weakened by the scent and heat of the mare under her. Her forehooves lost more of their strength, dipping her head closer to the other’s. Soft light-gray hooves kept their movements steady, fondling the mane that flowed on one side while still embracing the right side of the farm mare’s muzzle.

“I… believe… you deserve…. my thanks... “ Their gaze slowly closed, eyelids becoming hooded, as their muzzles came nearer still. Rarity’s heart continued its race through her veins, though she was consoled by the feel of Applejack’s own heartbeat pulsing rapidly under her touch. Inches away from one another, the fashion designer sighed internally, mind calming at what was going to happen next.

“RARITY! Where did my science project go from last year!?!” The high pitched shout drew two cries of surprise from the mares in the attic. Green orbs shot open, panicked and shocked, while their owner jumped back. Rarity was left on the floor, blinking with her mouth open in a small ‘o’. “We need to know what was already done for our project this year!”

The voice, cracking as it was, drew the two adult’s attention to the stairs, where a purple and pink curly mane popped up. Rarity shook her head, face casting a red glow, as she stood up from where she was on the ground. The action made Sweetie Belle frown in concern, only just noticing the odd behavior. She opened her mouth to comment but was prevented by her sister’s musing phrase..

“O-o-oh, yes, uhm, that, uh, lovely thing. I believe it was…” The unicorn rested a shaky hoof against her chin while she turned her sight upwards in thought.

“It’s right over here. Here ya go, the one ‘bout ‘mining underground’?” Applejack's shaking voice came from the left, causing the two unicorns' attention to focus on the apple farmer. The orange mare had a box with the label of ‘Sweetie Belle’s project, year 1005 A.D.’ written on the side.

The young girl hopped up the last stepped with a wide smile, running up to stop under the box. Applejack smirked at the excitement and gently rested the project on the filly’s back. Sweetie Belle beamed at the adults, turning to hop out of the room.


Both mares stayed in place, watching the Crusader leave, ignorant of what she interrupted. The older unicorn peeked at the earth pony, biting at her lip while trying to clear the haze that had clouded her mind.

“A-applejack…?” Rarity’s call trailed off when a shudder ran through the both of them. She noted the tense orange hooves, curling slightly against the wood, and cringed to herself.

A-applejack… Are you ok…? Please be ok….

Applejack took shallow breaths, tugging her hat lower on her head, hiding her face from view. She couldn’t stop her body from shivering, demanding to go and finish what they started while her limbs protested that they couldn’t hold back much longer. The farm pony tried to name various apples in a bid to regain control of her body and mind.

She… She can’t have wanted that. Ah’m just… weak. Ah don’t know how long Ah can hold out…

The fashionista faced her own challenges. When she tried to review what had just happened, another blurry memory surfaced instead. One of a steamy shower and gentle hooves on her back. Of her acting very unlady-like and yet similar to what occurred moments ago.

Surely I didn’t do that! I-I-why would I…? Why do I crave her touch, her smell, her accent… her hooves on me…?

Both mares stayed in place, lost in their thoughts, vision resting on anything but the other pony. A deep inhale and exhale from the apple farmer brought the unicorn’s focus back from the room to the orange mare. Applejack stood up, shaking her head at having sunk down while she thought, and looked to the pile of boxes still shrewn around the attic.

“Did… Did ya still want my help…?” Her voice, lacking it’s usually firm and chipper tone, caused Rarity to frown for a second, heart twitching painfully.

“Y-yes, if you don’t mind…? Perhaps it would go faster if we… worked on different piles…” Rarity didn’t want to suggest working separately but she wasn’t sure either of them was ready to be so close again. The slump of muscular shoulders caused another twang of pain to shoot through the gray unicorn but she couldn’t take back her words. She couldn’t trust her mouth to not say something completely different than what she meant.

Together, they managed to sort all the excess supplies from clothes and nicknacks the tailor had gathered over the years. Once enough space was cleared from the walls, Applejack silently went out to get the needed supplies to make shelves. Neither had spoken since they started, and neither said anything when she left.

Hearing the front door shut softly, another difference from the stronger mare’s usual behavior, Rarity bent forward, resting against the box in front of her with eyes closed.

“Oh you horrid pony, what have you done…? Obviously good, graceful, wonderful Applejack isn’t pleased with what nearly happened… Why oh why did I act like that…?” The dramatic mare threw her head back, right forehoof against her temple, as she bemoaned to the sky. “ No! I shall not further taint our relationship! As Celestia as my witness, I shall enjoy the rest of the evening with Applejack as though nothing has happened! No matter what!” Rarity stood tall once more, hoof resting against her chest, while she continued to stare off into the distance.

Nor shall I even attempt to think of why I acted so until I am safely alone once more…! No matter the price!

Applejack trudged through more snow, unwilling to stop and let her mind reflect on what nearly happened. Her stern gaze was focused on the ground in front of her. The wind picked back up, not that she noticed. Her face, center, and even limbs burned, desire fighting with respectability.

The distracted mare didn’t pause outside of Hay’s Hardware. Not caring that another snow storm was brewing, she entered, shaking off loose flakes as she stood in the doorway. Luckily Lugnut lived right above his shop, like many other Ponyvillians, and managed to open even on this dreary day.

Standing inside, head weighed down with the debating, Applejack didn’t hear Lugnut’s greeting. Instead she strode towards the wall of packaged nails. She nosed two boxes off the shelf and turned around, deaf to the stallion’s repeated greeting.

“H-howdy Lugnut… Could Ah get twenty pieces of yer best lumber?” The orange mare raised her sight to the gray earth pony across the way who stared back with a brow raised.

“Are you doing ok Applejack? Did something happen to the farm?” Lugnut, a heavy-set balding stallion, leaned over the counter, worry obvious in his gaze.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, farm’s alright. Just helping a-ah friend.” Applejack wouldn’t meet the other’s eye. Tapping her hooves nervously against the ground, she tried to ignore the pit forming in her chest at the term.

Lugnut watched, uncertain, but found no reason to press the issue. He traveled to the back storage, using the double sized door placed behind his counter to get there quickly. He knew of Applejack’s strength and didn’t bother to bag or grab a temporary cart. While most needed the help getting the load to their home, the Apple Family had never needed it and thus avoided the charge for using it.

“Here you go, twenty pieces of wood. No cart, right?” Lugnut stepped around the desk, moving closer to the mare to shift the supplies over.

“Right, don’t need any cart. How much do Ah owe ya?” Applejack tipped her hat back as she spoke. She didn’t waste time in grabbing the lumber and watched the stallion return to his place behind the counter.

“Well, it would be forty-five bits for the wood and nails, but I’m not sure you have the bits with you…” The stallion waved his hoof vaguely in Applejack’s direction, bringing her attention to the fact that she did indeed have no money with her. Facehoofing herself, the farmer sighed, looking up to the store owner with a shy grin.

“Oh eh heh heh heh… Sorry Lugnut. Ah don’t suppose Ah could leave this while Ah go get yer bits?” Applejack started to put the supplies down, chuckling sheepily, only to pause when Lugnut waved his hoof once more with a smile.

“Don’t worry about it Applejack, you seemed really distracted anyways. Why don’t you take those and come back with the bits later? Your family often does large purchases here anyways, I’m sure you’ll be back.” The gray earth pony grinned at the mare who tipped her hat in thanks.

Applejack didn’t stay longer, giving one last farewell and thank before rushing out into the snow storm. Bracing herself against the wind, the blonde earth pony pushed through the new mounds of snow, thoughts focused solely on one point.

Ah gotta focus. Like with this here storm. Just hold on and keep goin’ forward. Just keep goin’ forward…

The cold and growing harsh weather pressed the strong pony to knock loudly, almost harshly, to speedily gain the fashion mare’s attention. When the door did open, she didn’t bother to greet the unicorn, stepping inside and shaking the snow from her fur.

“Brrrrr, it’s whippin’ up a wild one out there. Sure hope yer set for ah few days Rarity, don’t think anypony will be able tah go nowhere for another day or two.” Applejack couldn’t raise her sight to the mare next to her. Her body was tense, waiting, though it continued it’s shivers.

When no rush of action came, the blonde earth mare finally pulled her gaze from the floor to search for the tailor. A floating towel quickly obscured her vision, though the blue hue around gave a hint to who was responsible for it. Her load was just as quickly lifted from her back. Raising a hoof to use the towel, Applejack found the light-gray designer was already walking to the window, pulling back a curtain to watch the snow outside.


“Oh my! You’re absolutely right A-... darlin’! I’m going to have to insist you stay here tonight.” Rarity turned from the window and marched to the kitchen, barely giving the stunning sight of Applejack with a towel around her mane a glance. The unicorn picked up her pace as her breath hitched, face twitching for a second as she tried to ignore the compelling sight in the middle of her shop.

The farm mare was left confused and breathless, cautious gaze following the rapid retreat before using the towel to hide her hurt expression. Plopping down in place, she shut her eyes, muzzle turned down towards the floor.

Guess that answer how she felt about what happened in the attic… Ah bet she don’t even want tah keep workin’ at it.

Before Applejack could truly muse on how her day turned out, the scent of tea and berries hovered on the edge of her senses. Opening bright green eyes, allowing the towel to drop around her shoulders, the blonde mare looked to her left, finding a timid unicorn waiting with a cup in her magical grasp.

“Here you go da-darling… Wouldn’t want you to fall ill now, would we?” Rarity tried to keep her wavering smile in place while she continued to push the cup forward. The smile grew stronger when it received a pleased smirk in return.

“Sure thin’ Rarity. Thanks.” Applejack began to sip at her apple and cinnamon tea. When the fashionista’s original greeting finally sunk in, she choked, coughing as the hot liquid went down the wrong passage and up her nose instead. “Wait, what was tha’-?! Me, sta-stay here? Naaah, Ah can’t bother ya th-that way!”

Rarity jerked back at the splattering and teleported a small rag into the air, wiping at the farmer’s mouth only to switch to the ground when Applejack swatted at the cloth. Mouth scrunching, Rarity tried to keep the pain from her eyes, fearful of causing more issues for the dependable mare.

“I will not hear of anything to the contrary!” The purple maned tailor attempted to sound firm while her hunched form and laid back ears showed otherwise.

Applejack frowned at the nervous mare before her, noting how she wouldn't look into the orange mare’s eyes. Sighing, she gave in, unwilling to cause the unicorn more distress.

“Alright alright… Ah’ll stay…” The whispered acceptance brought joy to both mares, though their inability to look at other meant they didn’t see it. The stetson wearing mare returned her focus to the drink in her hooves, taking tiny sips at the now lukewarm beverage.

Rarity shifted on her hooves, trying not to stare too long at the earth mare, before deciding to merely go back into the kitchen. The sound of hoofsteps leading away from her brought Applejack’s attention to her surroundings once again. Reminded by the stack of wood and nails to her right, the blonde workpony sat up and raised her voice, calling to the mare in the kitchen.

“Rarity? Did ya want me tah get started on that shelf? Or is there more to clean?”

“Oh, uhm, you may start to build the shelf right now if you wish, though be sure to come down in time for dinner.” Rarity bit her lip as she shouted back, eyes firmly on the large and warm meal she was making. Shifting her sight to the ceiling briefly, she sighed with a slump.

I better start to prepare a place for A… Applejack… to sleep… I hope she doesn’t mind… I had to do something to clear my mind after all…

Meanwhile, the stronger mare began the long task of shifting enough boards up the stairs, pausing only when she reached the attic. Boxes, all labelled and sorted, resting along one side, giving plenty of room for the work pony to make a set of shelves on the opposing wall.

Ah-Ah guess she didn’t need me as much for the cleaning… But why would she ask for mah help then…? Maybe she does want me around…? At least Ah know there’s somethin’ she ain’t gonna be able tah do any time soon. The blond mare smirked, shaking her head at the prim mare’s ignorance of tools used for anything else but fashion. Guess Ah better get started!


Hours later and the two mares put down the last of their cleaning tools. Supper had come and gone, with both ladies getting back to work after a moment’s relaxation. The attic was in pristine condition, new shelf holding boxes of old supplies while the outdated clothes were stacked to the right. Mementoes and personal items were to the left, with their own smaller set of shelves. The other two floors of the boutique were just as spotless, the duo working quickly and silently. Applejack impressed herself by getting to the laundry room to refurbish the furniture there before it was time to call it a night.

In a bid of thanks and of being a gracious host, Rarity insisted that the farm mare take the first bath. She used the time to be sure the couch was as comfortable as she could possibly make it. Tucking the blanket just so, the unicorn was about to fetch some more pillows when a voice behind her made her jump into the air with a yelp.

“Golly, that looks real swell Rarity, thanks. Sorry ya have tah put me up for the night.” Applejack had another towel around her shoulder, using the tip to dry her flowing yellow-straw mane. Noticing the blush the fashion mare sported, the earth pony rapidly developed one of her own.

“Yes, well, hmm, it is no trouble at all d-darlin’... I shall see you in the morning.” Rarity tore her sight from the free-flowing mane and trotted quickly up the stairs.

Applejack stared curiously after the retreating mare but soon shook it off. Debating rapidly, she edged her way under the covers, trying to keep the immaculate setting in its original condition. When she finally got onto the ‘bed’, she gave up the idea of keeping the covers in their pristine placement. The scent of apples and berries, bringing to mind a purple mane and flaring hoof, waffed from the cushions under the hardworking mare.

Whelp, there’s goes what little sleep Ah was gonna get… Good thing Ah stopped her from tryin’ tah get me to take her bed… Or, landsakes, share ah bed with her like we did for that sleepover at Twi’s… Gonna drive me to ruin, she is… The apple seller sighed softly, pulling the blanket up to her nose and trying to keep her eyes shut. As if Ah care ‘bout bein’ lost in her big ol’ blue eyes…. Like them, uh, sapphires, she likes so much… Heh heh, guess Ah am tired, tryin’ to be all poetic… Gotta sleep, can’t stay here for much longer…

Rarity, unaware of her guest’s wandering thoughts, jumped into her own bed, ignoring her usual methods. Leaving her sleep mask in its drawer, she pulled her comforter to her muzzle, using it to cover her girlish giggling. Heart swelling in pleasure, the unicorn squirmed under her covers, not batting an eyelash at the disarray she was causing her blankets.

She is always so helpful! At this rate, I may have to advertise that my entire store was remodeled by Applejack, the most dependable mare in Ponyville-nay, of Equestria! I wonder if she would be able to return home in the morning however… I don’t believe I’ve ever wished for this dreadful cold to keep going… Hehehehe, I better make a warm breakfast in the morning!

The light-gray mare blushed, her mind’s eye bringing the farmer’s toned physique to the forefront, untied mane draping across her withers. Brown hat was nowhere to be seen, though it was the bright emerald eyes that held Rarity’s focus, making her redden once again with another titter of laughter. Drifting off, her dreams were filled with hues of orange, yellow and green, the scent of apple prevalent over all else.


The smell of toast, hay-strips, and pancakes floated up the stairway, tickling the delicate nose of the fashionista. Rarity shifted in her bed, a small grin gracing her muzzle.

“Hmm, yes, thank you darlin’... That’s lovely… Yes, very nice…” The unicorn turned on to her side, smile widening as she muttered quietly to herself.

“Hey Rarity? Ya up? Ah made breakfast…” Applejack poked her head into the designer’s room. While she spoke, Rarity began to wake, groaning as she rubbed at her eyes. “Figured ya want me to stop by before heading out…”

Word of the earth pony leaving shred the last of sleep from Rarity’s mind. She bolted upright, mane flipping wildly as she turned to the mare in the doorway.

“What? But, darlin’, what of the storm?” The tailor tumbled from the right side of the bed, jerking open the curtains with a flash of magic. What was left of the blizzard was leaving the sky, having dumped its load of precipitation for the moment. The previously dug pathways were gone, covered by the fresh layer. “The, the way isn’t clear! Darlin’, you simply couldn’t try and-”

“Ah’ve gotta go Rarity. Still got chores tah do at the farm.” Applejack flinched at the dejection on the unicorn’s face. Dipping her head down, she gave in to the pleading blue orbs. “We can have breakfast together if ya want.”

Rarity perked up at the suggestion. Allowing a tiny smile to appear on her muzzle, the prissy unicorn followed her guest down the stairs to the kitchen table. Applejack began to set out her own place only to find a sapphire blue hue taking control. Shaking her head with bemusement, the orange mare poured out a large cup of coffee.

“Hm? Was the couch really that bad? I knew I should have made you take the bed instead!” Rarity paused pouring her own coffee. Glancing up to the earth pony, she found Applejack wouldn’t meet her gaze.

“Don’t ya worry none. Ah, uh, got plenty of sleep. But Ah can’t stay long. Have tah head back to Hay’s Hardware…” The orange mare let her gaze settle to the east, where the store was located.

“Why must you stop by other places in such weather? Surely it can wait?” The fashionista tried to get the other mare’s attention but couldn’t hold it when she did. Blushing, she tapped her forehooves together. “I would hate to hear of you freezing on your way…”

“Ah have to pay for the wood Ah used.” Applejack shrugged, sipping at her coffee and sighing when she felt the warmth and caffeine hit her system.

“What? Darlin’, that was used for my benefit, was it not?” Rarity waited for a response but only got a neutral shrug. “That shall not do at all! How much was it? I will pay for it entirely.”

The unicorn levitated her bit bag over from the store front only to have the other mare stomp her hoof on the table.

“Ain’t no way yer payin’ for it. Ah said Ah would help ya and so Ah will!” Applejack started to stand up, determined to be the generous one for the day.

“Yes darlin’! You have done a magnificent job of being helpful! I don’t think I know of anypony who is more helpful!” Rarity stood up as she argued the the validity of the other’s statement. Her half-shout made the earth pony freeze in place, red begining to dust across both of their faces. “But I shall not let you use your hard earned money for me without helping in some way! I shall pay for half, not a bit less, if you must insist on sharing the cost!”

The blonde pony deflated, reassured and sheepish, returning to her seat and unfinished meal. Nodding her agreement, Applejack went back to her coffee, trying to beat back exhaustion after restless night. Having settled the argument, Rarity also sat down, taking her own cup and enjoying the warmth it gave.

Once both mares finished their early breakfast and putting the dirty dishes into the sink, Applejack started to head for the exit, placing her stetson firmly back on her head.

“Wait wait wait! You haven’t said how much the wood cost! And you can’t go out with only a hat on!” Rarity chased after the mare, with several articles of clothing following her through the air.

Without waiting for the earth pony’s consent, she layered them on the sturdy form, using both hooves to be sure they were on right. The last thing she reached for was a large sack of bits. Settling it firmly on the completely covered back, Rarity leaned forward, giving the blonde farmer a hug.

“Use those bits to cover the cost, I won’t hear a word against it. Please be safe darlin’!” When the light-gray mare pulled back, without thought, she brushed her muzzle against the freckled visage, lingering for the briefest of moments. Blue eyes snapped open in realization and Rarity jerked back, not seeing the frozen farmer’s expression, and pushed her towards the door.

“Uh, you mustn’t take too long! Goodbye dar-darling! Please stop by again some time!” Magic flicked out, opening the door rapidly while she nudged the shell-shocked mare outside.

Closing it just as swiftly, the unicorn slumped to the ground, covering her face as she felt it burn. Her tongue licked at her lips without consent, trying to identify and memorize the taste.

W-w-w-why did I do that?! Why do I want to do it again? No, it can’t be…! Rarity lowered her hooves, staring blankly to the opposing wall. I… can’t have fallen… in love… Have I? Both limbs shot to her mouth, covering the gasp that came with her next thought. I think… I have! Oh you foolish mare, what are you going to do!?

On the farm located on the outskirts of town, the heavily dressed earth pony slowly trotted through the wide acres until she reached the front door to her home. Her body wouldn’t respond properly and once inside, Applejack could barely stand in place, her sight fixated on the ground in front of her.

Apple Bloom stepped in front of her sister, tilting her head at the mismash clothes the older mare wore.

“Sis’, what are ya wearing? Are ya ok?” The bow-wearing filly waved her hoof before the distant green gaze.

“Oh, hey, ‘Bloom… Ah’m, uh, fine…” Applejack brushed the girl aside, managing to pull her numb limbs up the stairs. The only thing that had any sense of feeling was her check, something she tested by placing a hoof against it.

What… was that all about…? Ah swear, Ah just don’t get that mare.

Shedding the multitudes of clothes she had been forced to wear, she looked to her window, where miles away a boutique was run by the definition of mysterious mare. Shuddering once more, she leaned against her door, eyes shut while she fought with her speeding heart rate.

She must not be back tah normal just yet… Gotta keep goin’… Gotta keep goin’...

Author's Note:


Thanks to Gwg for reviewing/editing it.

EDIT: Gotta picture for it now :pinkiehappy:

While originally made for Shutup869, it wouldn't hurt to show all the other NSSSL fans a lovely picture of the main shipped mares.