• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

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Chapter 19 - Trying to compete

End of March, 1005 A.D.

A wooden brush floated down in a light blue aurora. The purple curtain was pulled into place behind a sturdy orange earth pony with a high pitched screech.

“Darlin’, I can’t thank you enough for stopping by.” There was a pause before a camera flashed, over brightening the area for a second. “I know you’ve been practicing for the big competition in Canterlot, but it means so much to me that you are willing to help with my Winter Worker line.”

“Shucks Rare, it ain’t a problem.” Applejack tried not to fidget at the bright focused blue gaze as she stood on a small stage. “Yer branchin’ out to ponies of the workin’ kind. Least Ah could do is test ‘em out for ya.”

A bright smile was the sole response. Both mares wore a dull red over their muzzles while heat blossomed in their barrels. A flash of light from the camera still held aloft brought the two back from their shared trip in oceans of blue and green respectively. Rarity turned around, using the motion to hide biting her lower lip, and began to magically bring over the cold weather gear.

Applejack shook her head at having slipped up. She couldn’t stop her gaze and mind from focusing on the unicorn, and didn’t want to. It was going to be a long week away from Ponyville and from its residential fashionista. It would be nice to easily remember the distinctive mare, not that this was normally a hard chore to begin with.

When the clothing arrived, lined up to the left of the tailor, Rarity floated the first of many outfits to the earth pony patiently waiting. She used this chance to adjust the jacket by hoof, enjoying her last chance before the competing mare left town. The farmer had stopped by every other day, welcoming visits, and the designer was going to be hard pressed to get by during the week long trip.

It’s not as though you’ve said anything to her, you foolish mare. I could have, but no, I simply can’t risk our friendship… She did decline that we were dating before… Though it was after I had denied it. Rarity continued to bite her lip in thought, her mind scolding her for the many missed opportunities. Applejack caught sight of this concentration and shifted with a pensive frown.

“Rarity? Ya ok there? Somethin’… Somethin’ not fittin’ right?” The southern drawl pulled the fashionista from her musing into green seas.

“Oh, no, everything is ok. I was merely thinking how you have to leave and for so long…!” Rarity paused with a gasp, eyes wide, at the almost whine. Oh Rarity, what an unlady-like slip up!

Applejack flinched at the mildly hurt tone. She waited a moment to see if the dramatic mare would continue. Finding only a red blush over grey muzzle, she sighed lightly and put on a brave front.

“Don’t ya worry none, Ah’ll be back before ya know it. Missed my chance last year, but Ah’ll make up for it this time.” The apple farmer paused. She checked on the other mare and found she had her attention. Applejack lifted her right foreleg and flexed it. “Ah’ll show ya how strong Ah am.”

Rarity sighed at the mention of strength. She shook her head as she took a few pictures and notes about the jacket’s fit and movement. “Darlin’, you don’t need to compete to show off your strength. However,” a grey hoof was raised to stall any comment. “I understand how you like to compete. Maybe not like my fashion shows, but understandable.”

The grey unicorn magically pulled off the jacket and pulled over the next design. The orange farmer frowned in thought and watched the designer look between two other clothes. Maybe… If Ah get enough blue ribbons, Ah could show off how good Ah am tah help my chances of impressin’ Rarity… Should Ah say somethin’? Maybe a little, mysterious-like. Applejack cleared her throat, eyes looking skyward.

“H-Hey Rarity? If Ah win most of my events, Ah would like to talk to ya…”

Quill and notebook froze mid-air, blue hue never leaving despite the full attention Rarity now gave the farmer. “Talk, darlin’? Why would it have to wait for us to talk?”

“Well, Ah, uh,” green eyes flew around the room, looking for a reasonable excuse. “We are workin’ on yer designs, ain’t we? Can’t really talk like Ah was hopin’.”

Applejack adjusted her hat with a smirk at her cleverness. The smile dropped away at the sudden lack of warmth beside her. She looked to her right and found Rarity had stepped three paces back, her previously playful gaze replaced with an uncertain frown.

“Darling, you think I don’t talk with anypony while I work on fittings? That is one of the best ways to get to know the customer.” A white hoof stomped daintily on the purple carpet. “And one of the few ways I get to see and talk with friends while I work. But if you think you can’t talk to me, then so be it.”

Rarity stuck her nose into the air, eyes much cooler, while she used only magic to make adjustments to the clothes. Mentally, in a private secluded part of her mind, she seethed. So, we can’t even talk freely with one another huh? Fine. I suppose it is a lost cause for me to ever like that stubborn hard-headed mare!


The soft pleading tone caused a single blue eye to peep open.

“Rarity, Ah only meant that considerin’ what Ah’d want to talk about Ah know you’d want a better settin’ than in the middle of yer work.” Applejack took off her hat and held it to her chest. “Ah didn’t mean to upset ya…”

The quiet and soothing tones cooled the burn of hurt in the fashionista’s heart. With a half-smile and wave of her hoof, Rarity stepped closer to the apple of her eye. “I understand darlin’. Please be safe while you’re gone, you’ve stirred my curiosity with such vague talk.”

Two pairs of eyelashes fluttered, adding extra depth to the request. Applejack couldn’t help her heart rate freezing before beating wildly, her cheeks flushing to the point of burning. The longer the two stared at the other, the warmer it felt in the lobby. The atmosphere was strong enough that the orange earth pony couldn’t speak louder than a whisper.

“Ya can bet yer best hat Ah’ll be back, safe an’ sound.”

“I’ll believe that when you are home ‘safe and sound’. We’ll talk about that hat and… other things… then.” Rarity also couldn’t raise her voice louder than a lady-like murmur. Her own muzzle started to fill in red and she too felt the temperature raise. “O-oh, uhm, it seems to have gotten a little warm in here. Is the clothing too warm darlin’?”

Applejack leaned back and used her hat to fan herself before placing it back on her head. “A mite. But these are for th’ winter, so they are supposed tah, ain’t they?”

Rarity smiled at the comment and stepped back, using her magic to cool the room around them. Her gaze roamed while trying to not focus on locks of gold tucked beneath the old stetson. The clock, set far in the back, announced how late it was starting to become in the day.

“Oh, uhm, time waits for no pony. We better pick up the pace if we want to finish the rest of the line while giving you time to be sure you have everything packed.” The alabaster unicorn floated over another set of winter work clothes.

The earth mare nodded. She reset her pose and focused her gaze on the far wall. The designer used both hooves and magic to settle the clothes. Every few minutes, she’d have to reset the chilling spells, as the close proximity caused both parties to heat up rapidly.

When every piece was tested and notes taken on their performance, Rarity escorted Applejack to the front door with reluctance.

“And you’re sure you can’t stay for an early supper?”

“No can do Rarity, Ah gotta head back and have my last meal with my family before Ah go or Ah’ll never hear the end of it.” The earth pony shook her head with a smile, trying to take out the sting of her words. She paused mid-shake however when the unicorn looked up from under her long eyelashes with a pouting frown.

“Oh? And what if you never hear the end of it from little ol’ me?” Still pouting, Rarity drew closer and rested a hoof on a strong orange shoulder. “Hmmm…?”

At the soft touch, Applejack flushed for the thousandth time that day and gulped quietly. “Well, if ya want, we could have ah… a nice little meal when Ah get back…” Once more the air around them caused the duo to lower their voices subconsciously, eyes glued to one another.

“I would like that darlin’. It’s a d- a promise then.” Wonderfully done Rarity, you played it smooth only to trip right at the end!

The apple seller smiled once more, reaching up with the other hoof that wasn’t restrained by gentle hold and tipped her hat. The two mares moved at the same time, one letting her leg fall back to the ground while the other started for home. Rarity didn’t move from inside the doorway, watching the smooth and solid steps of the farmer as she walked away, the fashionista’s mind blank.

A crash sounded out from the side of the street. The unicorn shook awake and put a concerned hoof to her mouth. A wagon holding a table and chairs had tipped over, and Applejack was quickly there to help them. Rarity blinked in confusion, checking from where she had last seen Applejack and where the earth pony was now. The tailor bit her lip and went back inside, knowing the farmer had it well in hoof. She couldn’t stop the anxious shakes that racked her frame. She magically pulled her couch over and sank onto it.

It’s fine. It’s fine. She… She wasn’t hurt. She wouldn’t let herself get hurt. I… I didn’t just lose another chance to talk about interest in dating. I still have more time. I have more chances. A lady doesn’t rush into things. I- I mustn’t rush into things…

“Oh who am I kidding! She’s so so so rough and and in the middle of everything and probably shall get really badly hurt and it may take her even LONGER to get back!” Rarity twirled around and flung her right hoof to her temple. “Why, she even said she didn’t feel she could talk with me!”

The unicorn began to wiggle on the furniture. Her mind constantly provided excessive things that would prevent her from seeing the farmer again.

“And next thing we’ll know, something will have happened to her and she wouldn’t tell me! We are just SO different, there’s just, there’s just- why? Why do I still care? Why does it rend my heart so?” She went still on the cushions. Her eyes filled with water. “Thinking I would never see her again… I can’t…”

Rarity’s lip quivered, her breath hitching while she held both hooves in front of her chest. She laid like that for only a second when a much quieter and uncertain voice came from the floor level.

“What’s wrong…? Can… Can I help…?”

Blue eyes dropped from the ceiling to look to the left and found a pair of light green eyes watching her. They were a different from ones that had captivated her though they were ones that were also important. The smaller unicorn was frozen beside the red fainting couch, looking up at her sister with wide eyes. Rarity’s breath hitched once more. The sound made Sweetie Belle’s brows twitch closer for a second.

“S-Sweetie Belle, what are you doing here darling?” Rarity quickly looked up and saw the front door was still shut. “How did you get inside?” Her tone went from curious to more serious as she realized that she hadn’t heard the door open at all.

Sweetie Belle crouched briefly before taking a deep breath.

“I came in from the back, I forgot some Crusading supplies when I stayed over last time. But then I heard you shouting about… erm, well, shouting.”

The older sister flinched, turning until she sat on her stomach. She couldn’t stop batting at her mane while her eyes looked around the shop sheepishly.

“O-oh, I-I’m sorry Sweetie. I was just… Uh, thinking. I was thinking about, uhm…”

“Were you thinking about that mare you like, like a special somepony?” Sweetie Belle stood up, reaching to rest her fore-hooves on the couch.

“I am NOT in love with anypony!” Rarity stomped her hoof on the couch, her shout reaching up in pitch while her heart pinched at the denial.

Sweetie Belle scowled, hurt and annoyance obvious. She dropped down, speaking over her shoulder as she walked away.

“Fine! Well, I’m not in love with anypony still either!” Sticking her nose high in the air, the young filly walked over to the hallway. She picked up the full saddlebags waiting for her and glared at her sister while she put them on.

“Sweetie, wait. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shout.” Rarity reached out with her hoof, making her sister stop and look back wearily. “I’m just worried about Applejack and that competition.”

The older mare shifted in place, unable to hold her sister’s gaze, and started to tap her hooves against one another anxiously. When she heard tiny hooves coming closer, she tried to smile and looked back up.

“The Apple Family is such a large part of Ponyville, and she’s a good friend of mine. But she likes be to so rough and, well, it wouldn’t surprise me if she got hurt while away.“ Rarity made sure to keep her voice even and soft. It helped to hide the warmth and affection she couldn’t prevent from entering her tone.

“Well, she’s pretty strong right?” Sweetie Belle stepped closer but didn’t try to stand beside the couch. “I’m sure she’d be ok. You’ll see.” The filly tried to smile and reassure her sister. The smile grew in strength when Rarity tried to return it.

“Yes. Yes, I’m sure you’re right.” The fashion designer reached out and stroked her sister’s mane. “Thank you darling. You better hurry along, I’m sure the other Crusaders are waiting for you.”

Sweetie Belle perked up further at how much livelier her sister sounded and nodded. Very rarely would the dramatic mare relapse back into panic. At least, while in public view. The filly rushed forward to give her sister a hug before going for the back door once more.

“Have a safe time please!” Rarity waved a handkerchief after the young girl.

The sound of the back door shutting was quickly followed by a soft thump as a light gray muzzle dropped into plush cushions. Marvelous, just mavelous! Not only was I acting like a love-struck fool, but my sweet, innocent, little sister heard and made the correct assumption about what was troubling me! And I still don’t know who she has taken a fancy to! Rarity lifted her face to nibble on her hooftips. I do nopony any good wasting away and getting nothing done! I better finish these adjustments and get my mind away from… Applejack…

With a heavy blush on her face, the designer went back to her work. The rest of the afternoon was in a whirlwind of sewing and needlework. Luckily, years of practice kept the mare from stabbing her hoof while her mind drifted to the apple farm and the member in charge there.

The sound of train wheels running along the track soothed many a pony’s nerves. It lured most to sleep, waiting for the next stop, except for a slightly worried orange farm mare. She readjusted her hat on her head and continued to jabber at the stallion sitting nearby.

“Well, Ah just know the others will be fine runnin’ the farm. Good time tah see if Big Mac can handle the stand all by his lonesome.” Applejack tapped her left back leg against the ground. Her smile wavered slightly but grew stronger. “An’ the prize money would be a mighty great help for the farm and the town hall! Ah wouldn’t be surprised if Ah clean right up at the Equestrian Rodeo Competition.”

The stallion next to her rolled his eyes and gave his tiny bowtie a small adjustment. With a flick of his fetlocks, he straightened his newspaper and continued to bury his muzzle into it’s depths. The action caused the blonde to pause and frown. AJ shrugged her shoulders and leaned back, pushing her hat to block her gaze.

Well ain't’ that rude. Wonder what’s gotten under his fur… Ah better stay focused myself. Can’t slip up, Ah said Ah was goin’ tah show Rares what kind of mare Ah am… Ah am…

The soft sound of the train quickly put the anxious earth pony to sleep. Her breath evened out though her dreams were anything but steady. In them, she competed but with Rarity watching from the stands. Another competitor, a unicorn stallion from some fancy part of the country, was proving that not only was he stylish but stronger. His every action caused the alabaster unicorn to woo and faint from her seat. At the end, with trumpets singing out and confetti raining down, he accepted both the large trophy and the dressmaker who had ran up from the stands, swooning with a hoof to her forehead. The stallion easily held the mare while brandishing the pony-sized trophy.

“It’s time to go…” The stallion’s words came out silky smooth and a touch husky as he leaned to the unicorn in his hooves. Applejack scowled and grumbled to herself.

“Time to go…” More grumbling from the earth pony at the stallion’s words, though they were less husky and a touch sharper.

“Miss, it’s time to go, last stop.” The words were sharper still, and higher pitched. Applejack jerked awake and looked for the source, scowling heavily. “Ma’am, you must get up.”

The farmer realized her hat was still covering her eyes and pushed it back. Standing in front of her was the conductor. His face wore a tiny frown. When he saw that she was now awake, he stepped back and allowed his face to return to a neutral position.

“Ma’am, the train has arrived at the last stop, Canterlot, Capital of Equestria. Please be sure to take all of your luggage and be careful when you disembark.”

“Oh, well sure thin’. Sorry ‘bout that.” Applejack hurriedly sat up and reached for her bags. She kept up a steady mental stream of scolding for having fallen asleep as she nodded farewell to the stallion.

She continued to berate herself for having already slipped up while walking through Canterlot. Applejack frowned towards the ground, her back and hooves stiff as she walked.

Can’t believe Ah dreamt somethin’ like that. It ain’t up to me who she likes. Ah’ll just have to prove Ah am better’n the others and then we’ll see who gets to hold ‘er up as she wilting all over the place. The image of the drama mare swooning brought a tight smile and chuckle from the earth pony. Can’t say Ah’m surprised to see her swoonin’ and fallin’ all over. Seems just like somethin’ she’d do.

All thought vanished as the top of the arena came into view. The stadium and neighboring stations were tall enough to stand above the multi storied buildings around the city, it’s fresh paint and polish helping it shine more than the others. It had been specially built for the Rodeo since the competitions had reached such a large size and crowd. The local ponies may not enjoy the rough and tumble show as much, but they went to watch what happened nonetheless. They streamed by now, wanting an early peek at who was going to be taking part.

Applejack tipped back her hat as she whistled. The sound drew annoyed frowns from the upper class ponies around her. She didn’t notice however as she continued to walk towards the front entrance. The multiple archways had banners over top, each proclaiming what they were for. One was labeled tickets, one was for staff and the last was for competitors. This line held the less snobbish ponies, their hats and clothing being of use and not just for show. There were some who held themselves uptight more than others, but their hooves still showed signs of hard work and practice. There was already a long line for the tickets, setting the blonde farmer’s nerves on alert.

Golly, guess there’s gonna be well over twice there was the last time I competin’. Better get in line… Wonder who’s signed up this year? Apple green eyes searched the cue and noticed a few familiar faces she had seen in previous years. Lots of strong ponies this year… Better step up mah game. Ah bet even Rarity knows when she’d have to step up her game. Though Ah don’t think she’d ever do somethin’ involvin’ dirt.

The earth pony chuckled to herself as she waited patiently in the line. Her mind, already prepared for the questions she would need to answer to sign in, began to wander. The sight of so many fashionable clothing and designs made it simple for an imaginary Rarity to walk among them, commenting on everything she came across. The designs the other competitors were among the first things criticized. Applejack chuckled to herself at the fancy jumble of words she pictured Rarity exclaiming. Not that it made perfect sense, since the farm mare knew very little about fashion. When she reached the table, Applejack was given the key to her hotel room for her stay during the week. It was being paid for by the Royal Treasurer to help provide entertainment for the average citizen. Tipping her hat in thanks and farewell, she turned back around to head for the hotel.

The tall building was only a block away from the arena. It was wide, spreading from both sides to make long wings. It had the usual architect of the city, with arching doorways and ceilings, wide open rooms and multiple pillars along the walls. The mental Rarity was in awe at the design and prestige of the location, though she quickly ‘chattered’ at the farmer for how little she had packed for the trip. Laughing at the tirade, Applejack trotted up and signed in with the front desk as well. Soon she was in large single bedroom, putting the saddlebags beside the dresser. The earth pony checked on all the luxuries she had available, laughing at more ‘typical’ Rarity speech. In the middle of looking out the window, Applejack frowned pensively.

Ah may not have a whole bunch of things tah unpack, but there is something Ah can do to get ready.

She didn’t wait any longer and set out for the arena once more. They had extra room for warm ups as well as basic gym equipment. It seemed that the blonde farmer wasn’t the only one to think that way. The open race track and various supplies were already in use by the other competitors. Applejack sniffed at the missed chance to use some of the weights and settled for a warm up run.

While she ran, AJ took a peek at how the others were doing but came to a shuddering stop when she saw a pale blue stallion trotting along with large metal bracelets on each fetlock. His short dark blue mane was slightly wind blown, showing a horn on his head. Applejack stared in shock at the lantern around his neck, showing that he was a fellow competitor. Her curiosity controlled her hoofsteps to trot alongside the unicorn. The pace was easy enough for the farm mare, drawing another spark of confusion for her.

“Howdy! Ya competin’ this year? My name’s Applejack, what’s yers?” The stallion looked over with a smile at the greeting.

“Hello. I’m Owin Canter, from Vanhoover. Couldn’t travel past couple of years, snowstorms, eh?” Owin spoke with a soft laugh in his voice, inviting the earth pony to join in with a warm gaze.

Applejack laughed as well, scratching at her neck briefly. “Eh heh, eeyup. Couldn’t make it mahself last year. You got the muscles for the competition?” The earth pony shrugged while walking. “We don’t see many unicorns joinin’ in, not that Ah’ve got a problem with ya bein’ here. Just takes a certain kind o’ strength, is all.”

The stallion looked at his unusually stocky form and chuckled.

“Well, these aren’t just for show, eh? Thanks for worrying ‘bout me though.”

The earth mare tilted her hat in response and began to pick up her pace until she was at a smooth low speed gallop. She kept an eye on the unicorn, noting that even as he wore more clothing than most of the other competitors, he didn’t seem to mind that they got dirty as he walked around picking up trash. While he traveled, eyes to the sky, he would occasionally bump into other ponies. Owin would apologize several times before continuing his trot.

Well, ain’t he an odd one. Sure, other mares may like a fellow built like him… an’ he sure does speak real well… But Ah don’t really see it. Rarity probably would though, she seems to like them strong but sophisticated types… Seems like just the kind who’d be able tah pick her up in one go….

Applejack frowned thoughtfully as she kept her pace even. The evening quickly passed by as the earth pony stubbornly kept running, her mind also running in circles. She was so distracted that she hadn’t noticed the announcement that they were closing the arena. It was after the third warning that AJ realized they were about to close the gate. She dipped her hat to the staff as she rapidly made her way to the hotel to wash up and retire for the night. Guilt spread through her core when she noticed the relief in their eyes at her departure. She wasn’t able to get restful sleep however, since her mind continued to plague her with shipping the polite stallion with the equally lady-like fashion designer.

The next day started bright and early. To promote equal opportunity for everyone to have something to eat, in larger portions than what the local nobility would have, the Rodeo organization provided a well balanced meal. Applejack didn’t mind, since it was one less thing for her family to worry about while she was away. Though it was fancier than she usually had.

Now how did she put it…? ‘Start from the outside in’? Or was it ‘inside out’? Oh ponyfeathers, Ah’ll just eat like Ah want to. The earth pony wasn’t an utter slob, but the few high class ponies around did turn up their noses at the less than perfect way of eating. It was hard for Applejack to not clean up her own dishes like she would at home, but as they reminded everypony, the competition was about to start and they had staff members to clean up. Together with the rest of the crowd, the apple farmer got in line before the main stage. To make sure there was enough room for all the events, the platform was against the right wall. Standing on there with a magical speakerphone in their grasp were the judges, a mixed bunch of earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi. They each wore special hats that helped show them from the middle a crowd. They gave the same speech and welcoming that they’ve always given, and did little to keep AJ’s attention. Trying to keep from becoming too bored, she decided to imagine what Rarity would say about fashion and events taking place. It was hard to stay quiet, but the earth mare managed to remain respectfully silent.

A sharp bang sounded through the air. It was quickly followed by thumping orange hooves. Even as the ponyvillian rushed by the barrel races she couldn’t stop remembering previous statements a certain fashion designer had said. A small chuckle escaped, followed by a soft curse as an orange shoulder bumped the wooden object. AJ checked her time which wasn’t the most impressive, though it still broke previous records. Her ears twitched as another bang rang out. Just as the earth pony was walking over to where the next competition was, a cheer broke out behind her. Sharp green eyes looked at the time scoreboard and squinted when her time and name was pushed down by Owin Canter and his time which was three seconds faster. Applejack muttered to herself about barrels that appeared out of nowhere as she continued on her way.

The blonde mare shook her head and continued to grumble as she was preparing for the tie-down rope event. She grabbed the given rope by the staff provided and began to test it before attaching it to her tail. She gave it a brief twirl and smiled tensely before noticing a tall blue form with a dark blue mane come step up to the sidelines. Seeing Owin nearby ruined her short moment of chipperness. Applejack grimly stepped forward, nodding to the judges that she was ready, and crouched down, waiting for the signal. Seconds after the start, the earth mare had her target securely wrapped up with her rope. She looked towards the judges with a tight smile and tip of her hat. She stepped out of the ring, checking her overall score, when another cheer went up around the side. AJ paused in her travels and looked to the scoreboard with a scowl. Owin and even another competitor had beaten her score. She had gotten her best time ever, and yet it still wasn’t enough.

The next several days went in a similar fashion. Due to the number of competitors, they could only host two big events and two side events, with the rodeo clowns giving performances in between the main events. No matter when or how often she tried to do her best, she couldn’t stop the downward trend of second, third and soon even fourth place. Her mind insisted on comparing her efforts with that of Owin Canter and how easily either of them would win Rarity’s head and mind.

The ponyvillian tried to present a proper sportsponyship and didn’t let her disappointment show. She would end each day with a stiff legged trot back to her hotel, eyes and muzzle tight. Even her old fans had started to cheer for the newer competitors, not that AJ could hear much during the events by this point. Her ears were filled with buzzing while her mind was full of self-doubt and a sharp voice scolding her for her failures.

On the last day, Applejack’s mood was bleak. She had gone from being a promising competitor to somepony who barely keeps up with the leaders. By now she managed to keep her eyes on her tasks alone, but every time she got something wrong, more mistakes would soon follow. In the end, she could barely stand still while the final medals, along with large sacks full of bits, were hoofed out. When they were all released, Applejack turned, pulling her stetson low over her eyes, and began the slow trot towards the exit.

“Applejack! Wait please!” The deep voice, even now sounding apologetic, made the earth pony freeze in place. Owin trotted up, his saddlebags holding all the awards he had won. His eyes were soft as he waited until he was closer to speak.

“Is everything alright? I kept trying to talk with you but you always left too fast.” The stallion followed the mare as she started forward once more.


“Oh. Well, it seemed like you were distracted.” Owin peered closer, peeking under the brim of the brown hat. “Just, uh, saying as one professional to another.”

Applejack stumbled to a halt as the tight ball of frustration squeezed before letting go once more. She sighed, dipping her head forward.

“Well, ya got that right.” The blonde mare smashed her hat further onto her head. “Didn’t start th’ week right, an’ now Ah’m paying the price. That’ll teach me a lesson to not focus properly.”

Owin nodded a few times as she spoke. After she finished, he reached out and gave her shoulders a gentle tap.

“Sounds about right. We’ll see you next year?”

Applejack nodded silently and bent part of her hat’s brim to the other pony. She waited until his hoofsteps were distant and growing feinter. She started to resume her slow walk out when another voice, female and with a jolly tone, called out for her attention.

“Deary!” A mare with bright cherry red and crimson mane and pale yellow coat appeared from nearby. Her eyes were open and friendly, though they were watchful of the younger earth pony. “If ya have something on your mind that a week long competition couldn’t clear out, you may need a change of pace!”

“Ah’m sorry, an’ you are?” Applejack slowly turned around to face the new company with sagging shoulders and polite tone of voice.

“ Why I’m Cherry Jubilee, and I ran a cherry stall during the competition.” The southern accent rang clear as she kept an even tone. Cherry Jubilee came close enough to place a comforting hoof on AJ’s shoulders. “I’d hate to see a mare who won so many events the previous years walk on home with such a long face.”

“Cherries huh? Ah help my family on an apple farm.” Applejack brightened at the thought of her home, though it was soon damped once more. “Though since Ah didn’t win any prizes, guess Ah’ll have to do more work tah earn the bits…”

Cherry Jubilee tilted her head and tapped her chin with the hoof that had been on the orange shoulder. During the silence, Applejack stared towards the end of the hall where a stock of navy blue mane was still visible. The blonde didn’t notice the scowl that was building on her muzzle as she watched multitudes of mares fawn over the stallion. Jubilee noted this and hummed to herself. The sound brought the apple farmer’s attention back to the other mare.

“Surely your farm doesn’t need the little bit of help the prizes would have earned ya?” The older, more experienced mare didn’t want to assume what the issue was, trying instead to get a read of the younger mare’s body language.

“Huh? Oh, no, Ah promised mah home town that Ah’d help raise money for a new town hall.” Applejack kept her stance light though she started to inch away. “Look, Ah don’t want to miss my train, so Ah’m gonna have to get goin’.”

“Well, why don’t you come and stay with me, working on my cherry farm to earn some extra bits and get your mind off that mare of yours.” Cherry Jubilee joyfully suggested while slinging a hoof around the other farmer’s shoulders.

The blonde mare stiffened with wide eyes. Looking at the other earth pony, Applejack raised both brows. “Now what in the hay do ya mean? Ah-Ah never said anythin’ about any mare or-or uh, stallion being what distracted me.”

Cherry chuckled and began to pull the other farmer along. She gave AJ a shake with a smile.

“I can see it miles away! If you didn’t have bit trouble, and I’ve seen ya be a proper sportspony, then it would have to be something bigger. And what’s bigger than trying to impress another pony?”

Applejack slumped down, no longer fighting the gentle pull. “Alright, alright… Ah was tryin’ to impress somepony.” She looked up with sorrow in her gaze. “Guess it distracted me too much from actually doin’ a proper job of it.”

The cherry farmer nodded slowly, though she kept her grip on the younger mare. Jubilee steered them both towards the hotel that all the competitors and vendors were housed in. They had to travel through streams of travelers with packed saddlebags on their backs. The red haired pony continued to steer them to the elevators, and first went to the floor where the red maned farmer was staying on.

“Deary, why don’t you take this cherry tart and get your things?” Cherry Jubilee ducked into her own room and reappeared with the treat in hoof. “We’ll get you away from these negative memories and in a new land to help you think about your mare troubles.”

“Thank ya kindly Miss Jubilee.” Treat in hoof, AJ trotted along to her own room and finished packing up. She scarfed down the food, which was pretty good even if it wasn’t apples, and settled her bags. I’ll just leave everypony a note about where Ah’m goin’ and to not worry. Ah just need to think some, get mah head back on straight… Can’t believe Ah played the fool this time around… Shouldn’t even try to earn Rarity’s attention…

“Cherry farm, here Ah come…” Applejack flipped her hat into place. She gently shut the door behind her, giving her bags one last check, and headed for Cherry Jubilee’s room once more.

The day began nice and warm, no sign that Winter-Wrap Up occurred a couple of weeks ago. Rarity, obviously not having obsessed about each and every day that stood between her and the return of the strong apple farmer, woke up in a snap, bright eyed and tense. Birds chirped in the window while sunlight streamed through the curtains.

The unicorn pushed off her sleeping mask and sat up in the large bed. She tried to prevent her heart from rapidly beating, but it was a lost cause. The persistent thought that an apple scented earth pony would soon return set her body on high alert. When she tried to get up from the bed, the dramatic mare took several deep breaths that instead shortened with each inhale. Soon she was almost hyperventilating. While she could and did control her mane, Rarity found her nerves still sang and her ears twitched. When she checked the clock, the designer found it was early dawn, many hours before anypony would reasonable rise.

Oh dear… What… What am I going to do with my time? Maybe I could… help set up that ‘surprise’ party for Applejack. Yes, I’m sure Twilight is already awake and waiting to get started.

Using her nervous energy to speed up the morning process, the fashion designer finished her prepping and happily trotted out the doorway. The whole town was taking a vacation in order to welcome back the local farmer. Stores on both sides of the street remained closed while the citizens gathered the different supplies needed for the party.

Rarity didn’t slow as she headed straight for the tree library. When she knocked on the doorway, it didn’t take long for somepony to answer. The door opened with a light mulberry hue around its edges. Twilight stood on the other side with a curious frown. Spotting the gray unicorn waiting, the librarian lightly chuckled and stepped back.

“Good morning Rarity, I guess you can’t wait to get started huh?”

“Morning darling! Why yes, I was hoping to get an early start on our little ‘soiree’.” Rarity walked forward with a grateful nod.

A pink mass flew in from further inside the library and came to a jarring halt before the fashion mare. Bright blue eyes that seemed too wide were set over a large grin.

“But Rarity! It’s not a ‘sorry’, it’s a surprise party!”

“Yes darling, I know. I was trying to add some… uhm, high class charm.” Rarity faltered at the end as Pinkie tilted her head curiously. “Not that you don’t have your own kind of charm, of course.”

The earth pony smiled widely and bounced back to the wooden trunk, diving face first into its depth. Rarity pressed her lips together briefly at the sight of more than half of the pink body disappearing inside. Ignoring the multitudes of questions that came to mind, the alabaster mare focused on the other unicorn before her.

“Do you need any extra supplies? Or help carrying them?” Rarity twirled her mane around a tense hoof. Her gaze looked around the library, though not on the now almost entirely missing form of the party mare, and locked on the large stacks of decorations set off to the side. “These perhaps?”

Twilight didn’t seemed to mind the questionable physics her marefriend prompted at all times, instead focusing and smiling at the sight. “Sure thing. I was going to use a telekinesis spell to levitate them, but it would be nice to save on some of my magical stores.”

“No problem darling, I’ll just take some from the top then?” The fashion designer stepped forward, her mind blissfully focused on which bags she should try to carry. “It goes to Applej-erm, sorry, the Apple barn correct?”

The other mares didn’t notice the stumble and instead began to lift some of the bags as well.

“Yep! Straight to Applejack’s barn! The other Apples are waiting for us to get started whenever. And there’s no time like the present! Especially when it’s a present!” Pinkie stuck her nose underneath a large mound and flipped them into the air with ease. They all piled neatly onto her back without the hyper mare flinching at the touch.

The other two unicorns froze when they saw the move. Blinking unsteady eyes, they came to a silent agreement to not question what just happened and used their own brand of magic to lift the rest of the supplies onto their backs.

Together, the three mares quickly made their way through town towards the east where the farm settlement rested. The barn was only available the day of Applejack’s return, requiring that the party preparations be done that morning. They wanted to announce their presence and aimed for the farm house first. Rarity was the one to lead the way to the front door and knocked politely. Granny Smith seemed unsurprised at the three mares waiting there.

“Ah sure as sugar in mah ol’ granny’s apple pie knew ya’d be here Rarity. Shoulda known y’all be the firs’ ones tah help set up that party.” The older mare strode out of the door, hooking a hoof around both the gray unicorn and pink earth pony’s necks. “An’ ya got yer marefriend tah help too, Pinkie Pie. Tha’s sure nice of ya Twilight. Big Mac already got the barn as empty as a cup o’ cider day after cider season, waitin’ for y’all to set up that fancy party for our little Apple seed.”

The three visitors could barely keep up with the rambling elder, though they were pulled along by surprisingly strong hooves. Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but giggle while Rarity and Twilight shared a bemused grin.

“Thank you Granny Smith, I’m sure we won’t be but a moment to get everything in just the right position.” The designer chuckled with a wave of her hoof. Granny Smith beamed at the assurances and squeezed the pale-gray shoulders.

The unicorns set down their burdens with relieved sighs, the strain on their magic now gone. Pinkie had used a secret technique to hide how heavy the bags truly were, and the weight had pulled on the mares’ strength. Though the earth pony didn’t seem to notice the saddlebags on her own back. They weren’t at it for long before other townsfolk began to arrive to help, lead by two pegasi. With the extra wing and hoof power, they soon had the barn set up in true Pinkie Pie style.

Rarity’s attention was divided between making sure everything was just right and keeping the Cutie Mark Crusaders out from underhoof. The two other members had arrived to help share the joy of the farmer’s return with their earth pony friend. It was a challenging task, but the fashion mare convinced them to find the best hiding places available in the barn for potential sneaking cutie marks as well as being ready for the surprise part of the party.

When Twilight called out that the apple seller should be arriving any moment, Rarity pranced on her hooves in indecision before leaping for the table. Granny Smith pat the dirt beside her, offering a seat to ‘hide’ behind the presents and cake. Rarity tried to control her euphoria, already picturing the bright freckles on bright orange fur, and could barely wait for the door to open.

Expecting to see orange and finding a shade of pale-brown instead, Rarity froze, unsure of what was happening. When Twilight started to read the note, the dramatic unicorn’s mind started to fill with worse case scenarios, each more harmful and threatening than the last. She’s never been late before. Why would she be late now? How could she be late? What could have possibly happened that would forcible make her late? Even when she was sick, she still continued to work! It must have been something dreadful! Oooh, I knew something would happen, I just knew it! A lady’s intuition.

“‘...from Applejack! Family and friends, not coming back to Ponyville…’” Twilight’s voice cut into the designer’s thoughts, only to spur her mind into a stronger whirl of panic.

NOT COMING BACK?!? What does she mean, not coming back!?! She’s- she’s never not done something she said she would! All those times that she could have worked on the farm but instead came to help me with fashion and work around my house! W-why would she not come back this time!?

“... loves her family!”

The shrill youthful filly’s voice broke into Rarity’s monologue once more. She bit her lip and looked towards Apple Bloom, finding that the other Apple family members all huddled up. The dressmaker felt a pinch in her core, knowing that if nothing else, even above herself, Applejack cared about her family. Her body trembling, Rarity couldn’t hold back a fearful half-shout.

“Oooohhh, something just dreadful must have happened to Applejack to make her not return!”

Everyone gasped at the exclamation and began to mutter among themselves. Rarity wobbled in place, her head buzzing and starting to feel too light. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a small pale-gray form that looked her way. The bright green eyes, similar and yet not the same as ones missed, jolted Rarity from her dizziness. She tried to give her sister an encouraging, warming smile and loosening her tense body, but this only made Sweetie Belle frown more in concern. Rarity frowned as well, nibbling on her lower lip before turning to look towards the librarian who was already beginning to think of a plan.

“So what are we waiting for?! Let's go find her!” Rainbow Dash distracted Rarity from watching the lavender unicorn as the pegasus flew out of the barn. She flew fast enough to leave a rainbow trail behind her. Twilight didn’t wait and turned to the rest of the waiting ponies.

“Don't worry, we'll search all of Equestria if we have to. We'll bring her back!”

Rarity nodded firmly, her mind focusing into a single goal. We WILL bring her back. She took off after the others, running over the dirt road with little care for the hooficure she had gotten a few days ago. The pounding of hooves and her own heart filled the alabaster mare’s ears, adding another layer to the buzzing in her head. The fashionista was so focused on keeping an even pace that she hadn’t noticed a trio of fillies chasing after the group.

A shrill voice rang out behind the five friends. The sudden call caused the others to slow while Rainbow Dash began to float down to answer Scootaloo’s question. Rarity wasn’t able to see how the brash mare would respond as she was soon besieged by her own little sister.

“... Rarity...? Rarity, are you ok...?” Sweetie Belle stepped closer to the taller unicorn and rubbed at one of her forehooves. Rarity shook herself from the daze her mind had willingly entered and tried to smile reassuringly to her sister.

“O-oh, u-uhm, yes darling, I-I'll be fine and-and everything... will be... fine...” The fashionista didn’t notice as her right eye twitched, though she did falter at the end as a mental voice spoke up. Will it truly be fine…?

Rarity didn’t notice how her smile slowly morphed into a frown. When she saw Sweetie Belle wasn’t appeased, the older sister tried to reform her smile, only to come up with a thin tense line. She reached out and gave her younger sister a pat. The filly pursed her lips but remained silent, trotting back to the other Crusaders and hopped into the red cart. Rarity watched, eyes taking in the earth pony beside her sister and thinking of the older earth pony farmer.

The designer’s stillness and unusual silence drew Fluttershy’s attention. She had been floating near the sky blue mare but dropped down to walk next to the distressed fashion mare. Rarity barely noticed, thoughts swirling into a jumbled mess. As the rest of the group turned around, she went along without thinking, her body and head numb.

A light feathery touch jolted Rarity. Barrel tensing, her head swiveled to stare blankly to the canary pegasus beside her.

“Darling. Is something the matter?” Rarity’s voice was monotone, deprived of any of its usual flair. Fluttershy frowned as she nibbled on her lower lip.

“Rarity… Are YOU ok?” The pegasus didn’t raise her voice though she still managed to stress who she truly was concerned about.

“Whatever do you mean?”

“You, uhm, you seem kind of, uh, distracted…” Fluttershy crouched lower, even as they continued to run. “It-it could maybe possibly… help to talk…. about it…?”

Rarity blinked slowly, the pegasus’ words sinking through the fog of her mind. “Distracted, darling…?”

“Yes, uhm, you seem to be really worried about A-applejack?” The bland tone shook Fluttershy’s resolve to help, but she continued after taking a deep breath. “You don’t have to worry… I’m sure there’s- uh, there’s a reason Applejack thought was important to not come back right away…?”

The suggestion that there was another reason for the delay caused a heavy tremor to course through the unicorn. Another reason?! Another reason?!? What could be more important than-than-than her family, or her home or……. or do I not matter in the least!? M-maybe I don’t… Sniffling, soft and insistent, floated to the light-gray ears. Rarity stumbled, trying to pinpoint where the sound came from, only to see that Fluttershy inched forward and used a wingtip to wipe at the tears under blue eyes. The unicorn raised a hoof to her face and looked at the now matted fur, giving evidence to where the sound and wetness was coming from.

The numbness and fog began to slip away from the tailor, leaving an ocean of sadness in its place. Rarity and Fluttershy slowed even as the group began to split up to get ready for the trip. The fashion mare started to shake, tears dripping fast from her muzzle.

“I-I just worry that it’s something else, something worse that has happened.” She shifted on her hooves, unable to look into gentle teal eyes. Her words were punctured by quiet sobs. “What if we don’t find her in time? What if she never comes back? What if she doesn’t want to…?”

Fluttershy used her wing to embrace her friend in a hug. She nuzzled the other mare, both of them closing their eyes at the emotions that boiled inside them. The pegasus also started to tear up, reminded of a previous event in her past.

“I know, I know… It’s ok, it’s ok.” The pegasus continued to nuzzle the other mare, lowering her voice and adding soothing tones. “We’ll find out what happened and then you’ll feel better. We have to get all our things together and head for Canterlot.”

Rarity nodded, silent watery tracks on her cheeks, and returned the embrace. When she let go, the unicorn rubbed at her muzzle and tried to recover her appearance. Her hooves felt heavier than they ever had before. Heavier than after working them to nubs on very important requests and projects. There wasn’t very many ponies to witness her slow trot through town, since most had heard by now of Applejack’s disappearance and felt the need to discuss in tight groups behind closed doors.

Saddlebags were quickly filled with an assortment of clothing and accessories. No care or notice was given if they would match or work for a long trip. Rarity’s mind was focused solely on their goal, their mission of the day. Find Applejack, ask her why she didn’t come back home. Find Applejack, who is going to be perfectly healthy, and ask why she didn’t come back to her family. Find Applejack, no matter where she has gone to, find her in perfectly healthy condition, and ask why she didn’t come back... To me.

The unicorn quickly flung the bag onto her back and trotted out the door, locking it behind her with a flick of magic. I’ll find Applejack and ask her!

Author's Note:

Part 1 of the Rodeo competition. It's just too long to put all together in one go :pinkiehappy: I'm sure you guys have been waiting for this in excitement :raritywink:

Thanks to my editing staff for their work on making this readable and utterly enjoyable; good work Gwg and Shutup868!

Thanks to my two patreons for supporting my writing: Gwg and Shutup868. Want to support my writing? Want to see more time dedicated to writing and faster updates? Consider becoming a patreon! Thanks and see you guys in the next chapter!