• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 4,745 Views, 120 Comments

A 'Not So Simple' Simple Life - Wolfie 03

Applejack and Rarity live very different kind of lives and almost never see eye to eye; so when AJ finds herself curious about the unicorn, she tries to learn more about her while showing Rarity a much simpler way of life.

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Chapter 18 - Relationships of all kinds

Mid March, 1005 A.D. (After Discord)

“Applejack, darlin’, you didn’t have to invite me to brunch, lovely though it is.” Rarity tittered with a hoof daintily perched by her mouth.

She primly sat on the chair at the head of the table while Applejack took the opposing seat. The kitchen of the Apple Farm was pristine and the two mares were the sole occupants in the room.

“Oh... Are those sweet... carrot... pancakes I smell? Mmm, how divine.” The prissy unicorn smiled softly to the earth pony who was bathed in the honey glow of the midmorning light.

“Well, Ah gotta show how we ain’t just all about apples.” Applejack grinned back, adjusting the napkin that rested around her neck before reaching for the stack of pancakes. “Figured it was a good time tah show off old family recipes that had some different tastes.”

The two friends shared gentle smiles before setting to the meal before them. The unicorn lifted the metal pitcher in the middle of the table and lifted the lid. She took a sniff and her grin widened. She peered teasingly to the farmer.

“By the aroma, spiced warm apple cider.” Rarity watched a blush come over the other mare’s face at the mention of apples.

“Well shucks, it’s our best drink after all…” Applejack rubbed her hooves together before starting on her meal.

Rarity began to nibble at her own meal until the scent changed from apple and carrots to that of a darker kind. Musky and thick, it slowly invaded and overshadowed the rest of the meal’s smell.

“Ahh, and the aroma of … smoke…” The unicorn took another breath, her face slowly morphing into one of confusion as she sat up. “Smoke…?”

Applejack looked at her bewildered and opened her mouth to comment. Instead of the usual southern accent, a plume of condensed smoke spewed outwards. Rarity felt a spike of fright in her chest as the smell grew stronger. “Smoke?”

The farmhouse dissolved before her eyes as the unicorn turned to where the smell seemed to come from. Fear still clouding her mind, Rarity didn’t bother to try and discover why her eyes were still covered.

“Smoke!” Rarity tried to run towards the source but found her hind legs to be trapped by a strong but soft material. The mare wasted no time and pulled herself along the ground until she found the stairs at the end of the hallway. With no back legs to help her travels, she instead slid down the steps and crashed at the bottom. Finally remembering what covered her eyes, she lifted up the sleeping mask and stared at the kitchen.

“Rarity! You’ve ruined the surprise!” Sweetie Belle stomped her hoof in frustration as she shouted. “I was going to bring you breakfast in bed!”

Rarity sighed as her body lost the tension fear had instilled in her before gaining new stress in the form of the sibling annoyance. Tossing her sleeping mask and blanket aside, she stomped as lady-like as she could to her younger sister, preparing to scold her strongly for intruding into her home and making a mess.

Seconds before Rarity could start, another voice, its tone deeper than the mares’ but without being a deep sombre, called out in excitement. The designer’s head snapped to view her parents sitting at the table, chipper and pleased with the dark gray and black meal in front of them.

In a shocked state, Rarity tried to pay attention to what they spoke of and responded vaguely, her mind unsettled from her dream and the news that her sister was staying that particular week. She weakly asked for clarification about what had happened and why. Though after rediscovering Sweetie Belle’s inability to cook, Rarity’s mind took a backseat to being stunned.

Ohhh, how could I have forgotten that Sweetie Belle was staying THIS week… Honestly, what has been happening to me lately…? Rarity waved blandly as her parents’ taxi trotted off. Heading inside, the older unicorn took stock of the mess. I am just so distracted lately… The best way would be to start the day properly.

Barely glancing towards her sister, Rarity set about cleaning up the kitchen. She began to hum to herself as she worked. I wonder… if I could make that lovely brunch of Applejack’s…. Though it was in a dream, so I don’t know if it would actually come out as delicious as it smelled… But perhaps something a little easier to do.

Even with a few disruptions from her younger sister, the fashion designer was able to make a simple yet elegant breakfast for the duo. Until Sweetie Belle’s instability caused one of her usual clumsy moments. Rarity kept a tight control over her temper and set the apologetic filly to work helping to clean up.

Argh, already past noon. Most of the morning, gone! Of all the days they had to leave for their trip, this is the. Worst. Possible. Day! Sapphire’s latest design has to be finished by tomorrow morning and I have nothing designed for my fall line! Perhaps if I merely give Sweetie Belle simple tasks…

I take it back! I cannot give her anything to do that would not end in disaster! Rarity stomped her way out of the boutique with a heavy frown. She grit her teeth silently, unwilling to show such an unlady-like behavior even though her sister drove her to it. I’m concerned with leaving her alone but I simply don’t have anypony to watch her… And I cannot take her to the mountains. Those ruffians may have gotten better manners, but there’s just no way I could possibly take a little filly to see Diamond Dogs…

A heavily accented voice drifted through the crowds. Rarity snapped out of her thoughts and searched for the lilting sound. She looked past the light crowd and found her target pulling a cart with extra wood and tables. Applejack hummed to herself as she walked towards her family farm.

“We’re apples forever, apples together, we’re family, but so much mooore…” Applejack sang softly to herself. Though she stopped when she caught sight of the prim unicorn walking up with a slow smile growing on her face.

“Applejack, darlin’, what are you doing?” Rarity’s mood lightened as she questioned the earth pony. Applejack grinned back as she slowed down.

“Well, Ah was takin’ these extra supplies for our little competition we got going on down at Sweet Apple Acres.” The blonde mare waited for the oncoming scorn of competitions.

Hmmm, competitions? I wonder if she will be competing… Those strong, flexible muscles… Working their hardest to come in first place… I’m sure she would need some… cheering… I certainly wouldn’t mind watching from the crowds...

“Rares?” Sapphire blue orbs blinked in surprise at finding light green ones standing close by. Rarity took a tiny step back as she breathed deeply, finding herself distracted by the scent of apples and sweat.

“Oh, uhm, yes, a competition? What, uhm, what kind of events would there be?” Rarity batted at her mane as she tried to appear nonchalant. This failed as Applejack took a closer look at the light-gray unicorn in worry.

“Sugarcube, ya doin’ ok?”

“What? Of course darlin’. I just merely have to head out and gather some more baby blue sapphires for an order of mine.” Rarity frowned at the sudden reminder of her original task. Shaking her head loose from any remaining thoughts about strong orange flanks, she pasted on a soft grin and stood still.

“Oh, uh, alrighty then. Well, we’re havin’ a Sisterhooves Social, where sisters are supposed tah work together competin’ against the other pairs.” Applejack tipped her back as she tried to ignore a shiver of worry in her chest at the odd comments. “Did, uh, did ya need some help getting those gems?”

“Oh heavens no, I have the Diamond Dogs to help me as a matter of fact.” Rarity waved an assuring hoof, though her smile drooped at the growing anxiety in apple green eyes. “You needn’t worry darlin’, I assure you, I’ve been working with the Diamond Dogs ever since my first encounter with them. They’ve finally learned proper manners now as well.”

The two mares shared a laugh while remembering the first time they had ran into the Diamond Dogs and how easily Rarity took care of herself. With that reminder fresh in mind, the anxiety lessened in Applejack’s gaze.

“Well, if ya say so sugarcube. If ya do need help, ya know who to ask, right?” The farmer smirked before giving the prim mare a gentle nudge. “Have a nice day now, ya hear?”

Rarity blushed while her shoulder burned with a warmth that spread to her face from where they had made contact. She ran a hoof through her mane briefly as her eyes shifted away.

“Oh, uhm, yes, of course.” Rarity’s gaze took on a more sultry aspect. “If you do wish to come and rescue me, I’m sure we can work something out darlin’.”

Applejack stopped roughly as she looked to the unicorn. Seeing the warm gaze, she kept her mouth firmly shut and turned to leave with wide eyes. What an interesting face… Perhaps it was a touch too much? Rarity continued to watch the orange mare’s progress until the sound of the crowd brought her back to the rest of the world. She gave her head a brisk shake before trotting quickly towards the mountains to the east.

The route was well traveled and Rarity had no trouble with the now relaxing hike. In the several months she had been using the path the dainty unicorn no longer grew exhausted after the trip and could easily manage a bag of gems by herself. Though she’d invite either Spike or Applejack to help with larger loads.

Hmmm, I haven’t asked for help in a while. And I am running low on gems, I may need to request it soon… Applejack is so busy though, I’m sure there is a lot to do on the farm with spring time here…

The sound of gravel and dirt sliding down drew her attention back to the road. A tremor of fear ran through the unicorn before the scent of unwashed dog and dirt grew, causing her to relax with a frown. Ugh, they still haven’t washed properly… Oh well, the things we do for fashion!

“What does L-lady Rarity want now?” Rover, the middle sized dog of the group, growled from the center of the trio. The others flinched at the raised brow Rover’s tone got in response. “Errr, I mean, h-how could we help you today L-lady Rarity…?”

Rarity smiled at this improved question and tone of voice. She took a step closer and tried to reassure the three Diamond Dogs. “Thank you darlings, I do need some assistance today. I would gladly trade my usual gems for only baby blue sapphires instead. Do you happen to have a large amount I could take today?”

The dogs scowled at the request. They turned and formed a huddle as they spoke in gruff growling tones to one another. Every so often, one of the dogs would peek out at the unicorn and flinch before returning to the conversation. Just as Rarity began to frown at the prolonged talking, the trio of dogs turned back to the unicorn with neutral faces.

“O-of course we could find all these special sapphires, Miss Rarity.” Fido anxiously rubbed his paws together as they watched the prim mare’s face light back up.

“Yes, we can get these sapphires, but we want to make a new deal.” Rover stepped forward, trying to smile peacefully as he also rubbed his paws nervously. When he noticed the bewilderment and perturbed face of the dressmaker, he changed his tone to make it more ‘respected’. “Err, if we can, L-lady Rarity.”

“You don’t like how I would make new clothes and designs for you to become become fashionable?” Rarity held a hoof to her chest as though wounded. “You don’t like my work…?” Her tone shook as tears began to build in her eyes.

The trio of dogs desperately waved their paws while reassuring the unicorn of the quality of her work. Spot, the shortest of the trio, slapped his right paw over his face as he muttered to himself while his friends and brothers tried to talk with the now hysterical mare.

“I can see where that small unicorn got her ability to cry… Sheesh…”

Rarity paused mid-sob when this sentence reached her ears, even with the loud noises she had been making. Dropping her hoof from her eyes that continued to pour tears, she stared at Spot in surprise. The other dogs, when the noise suddenly dropped off, froze in place and watched the unicorn with wide eyes.

“What… did you… say…? What little unicorn?!” The alabaster unicorn took a shaky step towards the small dog.

“Oh, er, well, there was… a small unicorn with a pony with wings and pony with no wings who came… and got some gems…?” Spot hesitantly spoke, crouching lower as Rarity stood up straighter with shock in her eyes.

“My sister and her friends came here and took gems?! When did this happen?!?” The mare kept her voice low even as she fought the urge to shout. This controlled tone frightened the trio of dogs more than her tears.

“Errr, yes Miss Rarity. They came last summer time. But we were polite to them!” Fido hunched over, his height working against him as he tried to smile helpfully to the unicorn.

“Yes, we were very nice to them. But we can’t get gems for ourselves if all the ponies come and take our work.” Rover broke in, frowning briefly, as he tried to smooth over the situation.

“Hmm, I suppose I can understand. I suppose that we could change the deal considering…” Rarity tapped her chin while her tears slowed to a stop. “Perhaps we could reduce the times of trading…”

“Err, well, we don’t really need the suits…” Rover tried to keep his tone light while declining the clothing. The other Diamond Dogs nodded with his statement.

“Oh no no no, darlings! One must always stay up to date with the latest trends! Have no fear, I’m sure you will eventually find lovely dates and special someones.” Rarity smiled brightly as she sat down before the trio.

The dogs slumped in place as their faces dropped. Within seconds, they set out, trudging along to find the gems requested from the piles they had hidden all over. It wasn’t long before they had a large saddlebag full of the special sapphires. Rarity’s eyes lit up at the sight and she beamed towards the diggers.

“Thank you darlings! This should be just what I need.” With this happier note, the mare lifted the bag with magic and began her trip back towards town. “Ta-ta!”

The three dogs waved back until they were certain she was out of hearing. Feeling safer without her near, Rover dropped his pleasant pretense and frowned towards the others.

“Good. Maybe now we dig in peace.” The other two nodded with tired faces and all three jumped for the nearest tunnel, escaping the upper world and the crazy ponies that lived there.

Rarity, on the other hoof, was growing more annoyed with each step back to town. It had gotten closer to the middle of the day and the dirt had dried to the point of floating with the lightest of breezes. Much like the ones brought about by a pony trotting along the path back towards the small village. The prissy unicorn could practically feel each fleck of dirt land on her skin and stain her fur, causing her frown to deepen.

As she came within shouting distance of the town, Rarity noticed a distinct brown stetson on an orange mare, who was pacing across the road leading towards the mountains. The designer’s annoyed frown morphed into one of pension with every step. When she was at a lady-like distance to call out, Rarity raised a hoof while shouting politely.

“Darlin’? What are you doing here?”

Applejack stopped in her tracks and looked to the light-gray unicorn with a wide, relieved smile lighting up her face. Green eyes softened as a tender warmth entered them, making the alabaster muzzle grow pink.

“Well, Ah know ya can take care of yerself, but Ah still wanted tah make sure you got back ok.” The farm mare pressed down on her hat. Her eyes shifted away from the prim mare’s face while her orange face darkened with a blush. “Uhm, did ya need any help? Carryin’ that bag?”

Rarity paused, glancing back and forth between the bag and the earth pony. She pawed at her mane after a second with a tiny blush and grin.

“Thank you darlin’, but I have it. It’s not too heavy, merely the trip itself can be tiring at times.” The unicorn lost her smile as she thought about why she had to go to the mountains. “That and what has really been trying my patience is having Sweetie Belle over for the week.”

Applejack frowned, tipping her hat back once more. The sight of the confusion entering the green orbs prompted Rarity into explaining further while resuming her travels.

“Well, she is a little darling, but I have a lot of work to do and was unprepared for her staying the week.” Rarity’s gaze unfocused as she thought about all the things she had to change to account for the recent change. “She has been trying to help but it has meant I have more work to do on my own.”

Applejack scrunched her face in bemusement before chuckling. The light-hearted laughter attracted mesmerized blue eyes.

“Ya never change. Ya can’t change yer family, and Sweetie Belle just don’t know how tah help if you don’t tell her.” The apple farmer nudged the dressmaker with a blush. “Like how Ah wouldn’t know the first thin’ to help ya with yer dresses. Maybe if you show her how ya like things, she wouldn’t get on yer nerves as much. Well, ‘cept that you are family, so it’s bound tah happen sometimes.”

Rarity blushed before turning thoughtful.

“So, do you and your sister argue?”

“Well shucks, sure do! But we don’t let that stop us from bein’ the best family we can be. Why, no matter if we were fightin’ just minutes before, we’d take part in the Sisterhooves Social like a rodeo dog going for water after ah day of racin’!” Applejack smiled widely. The grin grew at the slightly confused gaze of sapphire orbs. “That’s what Ah was gettin’ them supplies for. The Sisterhooves Social.”

“I see…” Rarity’s gaze focused once more as she tried to understand. “So, this social, does it have any tea or special requirements?”

“Tea? Oh, like them fancy socials ya go to. Nah, it was jus’ a catchy name mah granny came up with.” Applejack waved a hoof with a chuckle. “We do all sorts of things. Like, eatin’ apple pies, tug o’ war, and of course, our big obstacle course.”

Rarity frowned at each mention of activities. Shaking her head at the world ‘obstacle course’, she lightly put a hoof to Applejack’s shoulder.

“Wait a moment darlin’... Obstacle course?”

“Eeyup! Starts as a race, gotta get a strong jump, jumping up over a big ol’ stack of boxes…”

It sounds as though it is truly a physical sport… A true lady like myself wouldn’t last more than a second in that event. But somepony like Applejack… I’m sure she’d do wonderfully. She is made for physical acts.... Like running at full speed, strong legs pounding against the ground… Or using her strong back muscles to help lift and move an extremely heavy bale of hay… Overpowering and leaving the other competitors in the dust…


I’m sure she can use those well toned legs for many other things… Applebucking seems to be a great exercise for her… Hmmm, those fine curves… Still vaguely feminine and yet… She could put any stallion to shame…

“Rarity? Ya ok there partner?”

Hmm, maybe we could do something together. Perhaps some kind of partnership… I’d get to see her everyday… See her excel at everything she sets her hoof to… Those hooves that, while rough and dirty, can be very gentle at times…

“Rarity! Everything alright girl?”

Feeling a strong but gentle hoof on her shoulder, Rarity looked up and found herself mesmerized by concerned green apple orbs. Applejack furrowed her brow and shook the unicorn with hooves on each shoulder. She stepped closer as she tried to gain the designer’s attention.


The dressmaker shook her head and blinked slowly, coming back to the real world and finding herself adrift as her mind tried to adjust. When she found her shoulders captured and their muzzles close, she found herself debating.

Is this the time…? The time for what though… Is… this… what… I … want… ? No, wait. Perhaps not in the middle of town. With a mental sigh, Rarity pulled her head back with a heavy red hue on her face. Something that was soon copied on the other mare’s visage.

“Oh, uh, darlin’, I’m sorry. I suppose I was a little more tired than I thought.” The two mares stayed in that position for a few seconds longer before the earth pony let go and took a step backwards.

“It’s ok sugarcube, Ah was just gettin’ mighty worried that somethin’ was wrong.” Applejack turned away, tugging at her hat anxiously. “Uh, did ya want to take ah break?”

“No no darlin’, I’ll be just fine.” Rarity picked up her pace, trying to gauge how her companion was doing. Is she anxious because of how close we were? Or because… it … didn’t happen? “Uhm, so you were saying about the social?”

“Oh, well shucks Rare, we’ve actually just got to the Boutique. Ah guess this is where we gottah go different ways.” Applejack tipped her hat towards the mare briefly. “Ah’ll see ya later Rarity. You have fun with yer sis’, she’s the only one you got.”

Rarity’s face twitched into a scowl at the sudden farewell. She chewed her lip briefly as it felt as though it was missing something. Deciding to go with her instincts, she rushed forward and gave the earth pony a brief hug with one hoof around her neck. She pulled back rapidly as the red hues on both their faces darkened.

“Oh, well, yes. I suppose I may find the time to stop by later on, if I ever get things back on track. Ha-have a nice day darlin’...” Rarity waited right outside her door, watching the orange mare walk back home with the dark hue over her ears and muzzle.

That was rather sweet of Applejack, to check that I arrived back safely… I suppose she is right, I only have one sister. Perhaps she would improve with more lessons… It would take even more time away from everything else I must do… Oh well, perhaps it shall prove useful in the end.

“Sweetie Belle? I’m back!”

Happy?! She thought this would make me happy!?! Honestly! It’s as if we aren’t related at all! How could messing up my entire room by cleaning it make me happy! Rarity fumed as she began to pull apart the neat stacks of fabrics. She held a few of the colors against one another in hopes of remembering what her latest inspiration was. Now I can’t even remember what my theme was going to be! I know I’ve been doing more based on Applejack and my visit during the winter did give me plenty of ideas, but… Ahhh, now I can’t even picture a single thing! How can this be?!

While levitating an orange sheet, she compared it to a apple green piece, squinting at the colors.

Yes, something like this. Those strong, firm eyes… They seem to sparkle as they look out at the world… Or is it just when they find something pleasant to look upon? Why can’t I ever seem to look away until the absolute last moment? Just what brings me to stare at her with such unlady-like thoughts and… desires… Her hooves, gentle and yet firm… The eyes that hold such honest and yet mysterious opinions...

Rarity’s mind was full of orange hooves and bright sparkling green eyes, leaving no room for new ideas of dress and fashion designs. The two pieces of fabric that brought about the original distraction were still levitating before her eyes. Though they were much closer than they started.

How could I possibly feel this way towards such a pony…? Am I really…?

The sound of a door slamming open shocked the unicorn from her thoughts. Excited hooves on the stairwell made the two fabrics drop from the magical grasp. Rarity held a hoof to her chest as wild hope soared inside.


The shrill non-accented tone was a douse of cold water to the fashion designer. The gray hoof lowered from its hopeful place as the unicorn’s face drooped. She sighed and moved the two fabrics without looking at them.

Great. It’s just Sweetie Belle, back already and not even - blue searching eyes found the closest clock and rolled at the time presented - not even five minutes from when I asked to be left alone. What a surprise.

“Rarity! Rarity! Look what I found!” Sweetie Belle raced into the inspiration room, her words muffled slightly around the paper in her mouth.

“Sweetie Belle, what have I told you about talking with your mouth full?” Rarity didn’t glance towards her younger sister. Was I really contemplating and even hoping that it was Applejack? What was I hoping would happen? She tried to wait for the heavy red hue to dissipate from her face. The mare tried vainly to wipe her previous thoughts from her mind.

The small filly spat the paper out of her mouth and looked towards her sister with shining eyes. She jumped in place as excitement filled her tiny form.

“I found something we could do as sisters!”

Rarity scrunched her muzzle in disbelief. No longer feeling the burn on her face, though her body still felt rather warm, she turned to face her sister and examined the paper she had.

“And… your idea is…?” The older unicorn tried to keep her annoyance from her face while she questioned the filly. If nothing else, Applejack was right… I should try to appreciate having a sister…

“The Sisterhooves Social! It’s the best contest to prove how we’re the best sisters ever!” Sweetie Belle hopped closer to her older sibling before heading back to the doorway.

Oh my, isn’t that the contest that Applejack was talking about…? The one where she would be proudly showcasing her strength and resolve for an avid crowd of fans? No no, wait, do not think along those lines with your impressionable younger sister near!

“Isn’t it a great idea?!” The small unicorn grinned widely as she picked up and held the flier in her hoof.

“What a ridiculous idea!” Rarity thrust her nose into the air and turned away, trying to desperately keep her mind from thinking about how a certain farmer would look as she competed. “A contest at Sweet Apple Acres doesn’t sound very… clean…” Applejack is always messy… Always… she… I… There are times when she is clean, but surely a competition about racing would be dirty... So dirty...

“So, what? Now you’re back to hating messes?” Sweetie Belle chased after her sister who tried to avoid looking at any one thing.

Well, I’m sure there are some kinds of messes that are- perfectly fine to deal with… Rarity! Must you be so distracted!? If only Sweetie Belle didn’t keep on about it! Oh, this is not helping my concentration at all!

“Sweetie Belle! Watch your tone! I’m still your big sister.” Rarity closed her eyes as she fought both her inner mind and her sister at the same time. Really, I’m going to chastise my little sister about tone when MY tone when it comes to A-a-... a certain somepony is far from being very proper…? Well, what am I to do about it then? This surely cannot be good for anypony to have such… lewd… thoughts about another mare… Not when we are merely friends… Though if we were more than friends…

The older unicorn grew a pleased smile at the new direction of her thoughts as she paced about her room. The sound of a younger and shrill voice continuing the argument stopped her hooves from taking the mare too far from her troubles and into daydreams however.

“Right! And any sister who cares about her sister goes!”

She has a point… And I’d see Applejack’s wondrous feats of strength…. Hold on, that is not something an older and responsible sister should think about when her younger sister wants to compete together!

“Sweetie Belle! Honestly, playing silly little games in the dirt is… just uncouth…” I-I’m sure it works fine for Applejack but surely I-er we shouldn’t… “With or without a sister.”

“Well then, maybe-maybe I’ll try the Sisterhooves Social without a sister!”

Yes, maybe it could be something that Sweetie could do by herself… I could always go and cheer her on… Though if I begin to cheer for other ponies, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind… We could always do something afterwards-

“In fact, I think I’ll try the rest of my LIFE without a sister!”

Oh. She. Did. Not.

Rarity turned with a gasp as all of her distracting thoughts disappeared momentarily, her stubbornness coming out in spades.

“Oh, I’m the one ruining YOUR life?” Rarity pointed before waving to her room, her temper finally getting the better of her. “Have you looked around this place? I’m the one who would be better off with no sister!”

Soon the two siblings were headbutting only as siblings could, lips being chewed as they fought the urge to show their anger physically.

“Well, it looks we finally agree on something! Neither of us needs a sister!”


“Deal! Goodbye, unsister!”

Sweetie Belle didn’t waste any time leaving the room, her tiny hooves barely making any sound as she stomped down the stairs. Rarity continued to bite her lip as she fought the need to scream.

I don’t care WHAT Applejack says! Perhaps they have a special family bond but my family is crazy! Honestly, I can’t believe her! Here I am, several days behind on my work all because of HER actions and she says that I’M the bad sister! The unicorn opened and shut various drawers roughly, venting her frustrations without damaging any of her things. I don’t understand why she would think I’d be interested in any way with playing in the dirt! I am not a rough uncultured mare…

Her movements slowed when an image of freckles set on an orange muzzle appeared before her eyes. Though there are some ponies… some mares… who are fine the way they are… Rarity slowly focused back on the fabrics in front of her, her mind waking up gradually.

“... Ideaaaa!” With an excited shout, the unicorn rushed forward and began to rapidly use her magic to make the new designs as the creativity flowed freely.

The streets were partially crowded as ponies enjoyed the sunshine and warmth after harsh and cold winter months. Their smiles froze and their hooves paused mid step when a blur of purple and light-gray passed them. There weren’t many ponies who had that particular colorization but they had never seen the prim unicorn in such a frazzled state of duress.

Every so often, one of the shocked ponies would be approached by the fashion designer. She would loudly and wildly ask if anypony had seen her younger sister.

How can nopony have seen her!? She’s a darling little filly with a rather nice mane, for something that she doesn’t actively care for, and probably in great distress. How could I ever have allowed this to happen?! Applejack would be so disappointed in me… Applejack! Surely she’d be able to help me!

Rarity paused in her run and took stock of her surroundings. Her eyes widened when she noticed how long she had been searching the town.

Evening!? Evening time?! How can this possibly be?! I cannot waste any more time, I must get to Applejack! The unicorn paused as she began to envision the earth pony but shook her head with a scowl. Now is not the time to be thinking about the mare.

Rarity took off once more towards the west, passing many surprised citizens of the town. By the time she arrived at the outskirts of the farm, it was well past sunset and the mare’s panic had gained full control of her mind. She dashed up to the farmhouse and knocked with more force than she normally would.

“Darlin’?! Applejack dear, are you in there?” Rarity shouted frantically. Her hoof stopped when an older and almost grouchy voice responded.

“Now who in th’ hay is makin’ all tha’ noise so late at night?” Granny Smith opened the door with a frown that lessened when she noticed who waited on the other side. “What are ya doin’ ya silly filly? My granddaughter ain’t here.”

Rarity sagged to her knees with an open mouth at this news. Shaking her head, she stood back up and stared imploringly towards the older mare. “Please Granny Smith, where has she gone? I absolutely need her help!”

The older earth pony smirked before nodding sagely with crossed hooves. She opened her eyes and pointed with her head towards the west orchard.

“Sure thin’ sweet pea. Applejack is havin’ one hootenanny of a campin’ time with Lil’ Bloom an’ one o’ her friends.” Granny Smith waved happily as Rarity turned around and took off for the forest. The unicorn gave a brief goodbye as she ran.

“Thank you Granny Smith!”

The designer didn’t pause to think of the dirt under her hooves, instead focusing on the sounds around her in an attempt to pinpoint the campers. When she found a light in the distance, the gray mare took a deep breath, trying to calm her beating heart that had picked up in excitement of seeing the blonde farmer.

Come now Rarity, this isn’t the time to be excited about seeing her… Though perhaps I should make sure my mane isn’t a complete mess. If I’m going to ask for assistance, I have better chances if I’m in peak form… The unicorn paused to reset her mane style before trotting up slowly towards the campfire. As her gaze swept over the ponies cooking marshmallows, her eyes focused in on a unicorn who had her back towards the older mare. Rarity gasped in delight of finding her sister with the greatest mare around and picked up her pace.

“Sweetie Belle! Oh, I have been galloping all over looking for you, I’m-” The tailor stopped talking suddenly as it was obvious that Sweetie Belle wasn’t nearly as happy to see her. Ooh, am I too late to fix this?

“Oh hello UN-sister, what are you doing here?” Sweetie Belle glared at the older unicorn before turning away once more. “Better be careful, you might get some dust on you.”

Well, ok, so maybe I have been a little too worried about dirt, but obviously Applejack has proven that a little dirt never hurt anypony… I merely wish it not to touch me as much as possible. Speaking of, perhaps being directly honest would be best at this time. It always seems to work for Applejack… Rarity took on a pleading expression as she lowered herself briefly to talk to the filly, a sad smile on her muzzle.

“Oh Sweetie Belle, I wanted to apologize. I am not better off without a sister.”

“I’m not better off without a sister either.” Sweetie Belle turned in place and frowned as she spoke.

Rarity’s heart lifted from it’s resting place against her stomach and shot up into her throat as hope soared. Maybe we can now be on the mend!

“Spending the day with Applejack and Apple Bloom made me realize that.”

“Oh-ho-ho-ho, Sweetie, you don’t happy I am to hear-”

“And that’s why I’m adopting Applejack as my biiig sister!”





The fire crackled and popped in the newly found silence. The two fillies had left for the clubhouse to the far west leaving the older mares to talk. And it had truly been a lesson for the fashion mare. Not wanting to give in to despair of losing her sister, she wracked her mind for a possible solution with the orange farmer looking on. Inspiration struck like lightning, making the unicorn gasp and stand firm.

“I know what I need to do!” Rarity posed in front of the fire, hoof held up in the air. “I just hope it isn’t too late…” The unicorn stayed like that for a few more seconds before a light chuckling broke her concentration.

“Oh, an’ what would that be?” Applejack took a seat a few paces away from where the alabaster mare posed. Her eyes held the usual warmth as they watched the more dramatic mare break from her striking moment.

“Why, I must take part in the Sisterhooves Social and prove to Sweetie Belle that we are sisters! And that I can indeed get, erhm, ‘rough and tumble’.” Rarity’s voice took on an unsure edge as she laid out her masterplan. The resourceful farm mare would be the final say about whether it was too much of a half-baked plan to work or not.

“And how were ya plannin’ that? Ah ain’t seen ya ever take part in our little event before, yer not ready.” Applejack stood and trotted over. She placed a comforting hoof around the distressed mare. “Ah’d be willin’ to help ya practice. You know Ah’d help any way Ah can.”

Rarity smiled at the assurances. She leaned into the embrace with a satisfied hum, closing her eyes as the scents of fire, spring and apples flooded her nose. “I know you would darlin’... But... If I do try and enter the race, Sweetie Belle would never willingly race with me.” Watery sapphire orbs gazed pitifully towards the farmer as realization sank further into the unicorn’s mind.

Rarity felt the tiny shards of her heart fall back against her stomach as the image of Sweetie Belle walking further and further away floated before her mind’s eye. Applejack sighed and rolled her head playfully at the drama before nuzzling the top of the purple mane.

“You just leave that tah me. But ya’ll have to get a little dirty though…” The earth pony braced herself for the loud exasperation. She even slackened her grip on the other mare for the inevitable tug away.

“If that’s what I must do for my sister, then I shall get… dirty…” The fact that Rarity hadn’t pulled away wasn’t nearly as surprising as how the last word of her sentence was said with a heavy and low tone of voice. Applejack’s ears tipped forward before laying flat in uncertainty. She stayed where she was however, something the light-gray mare was pleased to note. Especially as her train of thought continued on to the next issue.

“Darlin’, she may not want to stay at my place… Not until this is resolved at least…” The unicorn sagged in place, ears tipped back in anxiety as she murmured this particular fact.

“Alright you, Ah’ll tell ya once more. Ah’ll take care of it. Sweetie Belle can stay over here until the Sisterhooves Social is done.” The blonde mare tightened her embrace once more. “Ah’ll get Apple Bloom tah keep her away from the farm when ya come over to practice, ok?”

Applejack kept her voice soft, even as firmness crept into it. Rarity could feel her spirit rise for a second time that day, and because of the same mare no less. She smiled widely and leaned heavily into the other mare.

This, this is why I love her. Soft, firm, kind but stern, always honest… I’m surprised so few are chasing after her… Blue eyes widened while the now red muzzle burrowed deeper into the orange barrel. I love Applejack… Oh Rarity, what have you gotten yourself into?

The two mares sat by the fire for a while longer. It was easy and very tempting to merely stay there, enjoying one another’s company, but they both had a lot to do in order to get ready for the next few days. When the fire was but embers, they stood, trying to find the right words to say goodnight with.

Rarity hesitated only for a moment, deciding to merely give the apple farmer a gentle hug and whispered ‘goodnight’. She wasted no time getting back home and throwing herself into the orders that had been on backlog. They had begun piling up since just before Winter Wrap Up a few days ago. She also tried to prepare and plan ahead for the next five days, taking into account the hours she would have to spend at Sweet Apple Acres for training.

The competition is five days away. And it is The One Thing I shant fail! My family ties depend on it! And I can’t let Applejack down, after all the help she’ll be giving me! Those bright eyes, watching over me as I run… Her voice loud and boisterous, cheering me on… Rarity! I may have accepted these new feelings, but now is NOT the time. Being with my sister is on the line!

The fashion designer made as many lists as she could and left the papers on her desk in the inspiration room. When she glanced towards the clock, she found to her chagrin that it was almost midnight. Flaring her forehooves, Rarity ran to her bed and flung the covers over herself. She giggled like a little school filly with both hooves covering her muzzle.

Perhaps it is for Sweetie Belle’s benefit, but that does not mean I should not enjoy our new found time together!

Hooves, unevenly paced and no longer in pristine condition, pounded against the hard packed earth. Heavy panting echoed through the open field.

A little further, Rarity, you’re doing marvelously!

A stack of crates loomed closer. With a false start, a set of gray hooves reached ever upwards only to jump down and pause once they landed.

There we go! No problem!

A curled, purple mane was brushed aside as the rushing mare ran into a hen house, shocking the residents.

Careful darling, careful!

With a prideful smirk, the alabaster unicorn lightly trotted over the finish line. She stood, slightly winded, before another mare who wasn’t nearly as pleased.

“What in the hay was that Rarity?” Applejack scowled at the tailor. “Ah thought you were gonna compete.”

“Of course darlin’! Why do you suppose I came here so early?” Rarity didn’t lose her smile as she brushed off the trace amount of dirt her run had collected.

“Rarity, that wasn’t racin’. That was a walk through the park.” The farmer waved towards the track with a neutral face. “S-sugarcube, if ya can’t get dirty or serious, then Ah can’t really help. Ya may need tah find some other way to make up with yer sis’...”

The pale-gray mare lost most of her prideful joy and frowned worriedly instead. “What? No, I can race, honest!”

“Then ya need tah stop worryin’ about gettin’ dirty!”

“I-I can, really! Watch!” Rarity took off from the starting line once more.

She flinched at the first obstacle, but daintily trotted over top nonetheless. Another stopping point was when she arrived at the apple throwing station. When the earth pony shouted to the unicorn, “Without yer magic!”, Rarity paused a second before trying to throw the fruits. Anxious about hurting her foreleg, the unicorn daintily pitched them towards the bucket ten paces away.

Applejack watched with an open mouth and disbelieving stare. After another few seconds, filled with pathetic cries of effort, the blonde farmer strode over with a firm frown in place.

“Rarity, what are ya doin’...?”

“But, but… I don’t want to throw out my leg before the big race…” Rarity pouted before it changed into a whimper at the deadpan she received.

“Ah thought you trusted me tah help ya.” When Applejack’s words got rapid nodding, she sighed and plopped down beside the other mare. “Then trust me when Ah say that you won’t get hurt. Now come on, Ah may have an idea how tha help ya…”

Together, the two mares lined back up at the start of the race course. Applejack searched the area for a second before rejoining the unicorn. Rarity stared inquisitively towards the farmer before looking back toward the front with uncertainty.

“Now remember sugarcube, yer not to use magic. Do ya promise?” Green eyes searched blue and found resolve.

“I promise darlin’...” Rarity whispered the promise, straining against the urge to lean closer to the other mare.

“Good. So now you’ll have tah catch me tah save this.” With a flair, the earth pony showed her recent acquisition. The wide brimmed sun hat hung from her mouth, though Applejack made sure to hold it carefullly and kept it from touching the ground.

“Wh-what are you doing…?” Rarity stood up from her ‘ready’ stance. She almost stepped closer to the other mare but froze when Applejack took a stronger bite on the hat.

When the unicorn went back into her position, Applejack smiled and loosened her grip. “If ya can’t keep up, Ah may have tah let go of this very fancy hat. Maybe right into the dirt or mud.”

“Noooooooo! Please darlin’, you mustn’t!” The fashion mare couldn’t hold back at this threat and bolted for the farmer. The orange pony chuckled lightly and took off as well, starting her gauntlet.

Together, the two mares started to run, though Applejack was in the lead since she was the most experienced with the situation. Rarity kept close on her tail however, desperately trying to reach her hat. Her horn lit up briefly before going out at a muffled reprimand.

“No mafiph!”

Rarity whimpered but increased her pace accordingly. When they came to the stacks of hay, each mare pushed their own bundle, though Applejack was still in the lead. When they arrived at the grape section, the earth pony leaped into the tub and started to crush the fruits, though she made sure the hat stayed away from the staining juices. Rarity gave a strangled cry of fright. She quickly nosed open the nozzle and breathed a sigh of relief when the juices escaped, lessening the amount left that could ruin the accessory.

“Nphoff ba. But doun slouf doufn.”

The unicorn glanced up in confusion at the muffled shout only to growl to herself when the agile earth pony leaped down and away from that station. Applejack didn’t bother heading into the hen house and easily jumped over the last obstacle. Clearing it with plenty of room, she finished and checked on the mare following her only to be tackled to the ground, belly side up. The pale yellow hat floated down from where it was thrown by accident, though neither mare noticed as they stared into one another’s eyes. Rarity pressed her nose against the farmer’s and squinted her eyes threateningly.

“Darlin’. Don’t ever mess with a lady’s accessories.” Her tone grew lower after delivering the threat, the glare melting into one of heat and almost playfulness. “You wouldn’t want to make me angry…”

Applejack couldn’t move. Her mouth had dropped open and she stared up to the unicorn with dumbfounded expression.

Hmm, that one was definitely too much… Oooh, I wonder… what she tastes like… Maybe I can…? Well, I better not do that until I decide exactly what I am going to do about this. And I still must work to get my sister back.


Rarity blinked back into focus and looked back towards the earth pony.

“Ah-Ah was jus’ tryin’ tah get ya…. erhm… dirty…” Applejack’s voice was soft. Her eyes looked off to the side as a heavy red blush covered her muzzle.

Rarity raised a curious brow at this before standing up properly and checking her coat and mane. She frowned at what she found. Her coat, especially her hooves, were caked in mud and lines of sweat ran down her sides. Her mane was frayed and equally as dirty. The fashion mare sighed and swatted away a perspiration filled lock from the side of her face.

“Oh, well, I suppose you have indeed made me very ‘dirty’.” Rarity carefully stepped over the stunned mare below her. As she began walking away, she glanced back and batted her eyes. “I suppose there isn’t anything to stop me now… Care to find how fast I am now darlin’?”

“Uh- Eeyup!” Applejack quickly got up once more, barely giving the discarded hat a glance, and took her place in the middle of the race course once more. “A-are ya ready?! Get set! Goooo!”

The sound of two sets of hooves striking the ground resounded in the open field. They turned in perfect alignment, slowing only for a second as they climbed the stack of boxes. When they rushed up to the hay bales, both mares worked together to push and paused briefly at the pie eating table.

Applejack glanced to the unicorn beside her as they continued their run.

“Remember sugarcube, yer’ll need tah eat in one go; no manners, no napkins, an’ no waitin’.”

Rarity saved her breath and merely nodded at the sentence.

Together, they sped through the rest of the obstacles, Applejack taking the place of Sweetie Belle for when Rarity would race the next day. Both mares were covered in mud, with a small spell to keep it in place. Just before they entered the hen house, the farmer felt the need to shout one last reminder.

“Remember, no magic an’ work together!”

Rarity blushed at how closely they would be working together and nodded with a determined smile. They wasted no time getting into the small house and carefully removed one of the eggs laying under the nearest chicken. With mud covering every inch of fur, neither mare could see the raging fire on the other’s cheek.

Once the egg was placed into the basket outside, they continued their run, keeping even with one another. Passing the finish line, the spell automatically expired and the now loose mud began to slide off the mares. Applejack gave herself a hearty shake, smiling warmly to the unicorn who started to magic the dirt away.

“That should do ya just fine Rare. Ah think yer ready for tomorrow. Do ya feel ready?”

Since Rarity had closed her eyes to keep the moving mud from getting into them, she hadn’t noticed how sparkling green orbs rested briefly on the trim gray body. Though she managed to get an eyeful when Applejack gazed towards the barn.

“I feel more than ready… Though I still don’t know if your plan will work.” The unicorn smirked at the playful exasperation the other mare expressed.

“Honestly Rarity, ya gotta trust that Ah know what Ah’m doin’. She’ll race with me instead of Apple Bloom and then we’ll do the ol’ switcheroo.” Applejack stepped closer to the still impressively filthy tailor and patted her on her back. “Ya just have to get here real early and sneak into that there mud hole. And don’t forget that holdin’ mud spell ya have now.”

“Yes darlin’, I know my part and I’m sure I will perform admirably.” Rarity leaned into the encouraging limb and nuzzled the dirty orange cheek. Her eyes shot open when a sudden weight was placed on top of her head. “Wha-?”

“Hmm, eeyup. Ya’ll need something tah hide that horn of yours. Mah hat’s gone through a lot, so Ah want ya not to lose or try and ‘improve’ it, alright?” Applejack smirked briefly at the bewildered gaze before her eyes grew troubled and turned westward. “It was given to me by somepony real special… Please don’t lose it Rares…”

Rarity’s gaze flicked to the ground, shifting back and forth as she rapidly pondered the words softly stated. What does she mean, a special pony? A-a previous romantic interest? Some cowpony who was more her ‘type’? Now now Rarity, she could have also meant family… Yes, family, whom she gazes sadly into the west for and seems to have a hole in her heart and- wait, is she sad?! I must help her!

The unicorn looked back at the other mare and found the sadness she sensed before coming to the forefront of the green orbs. The designer checked for anypony else who could help before focusing on the hat on her head. With a tiny grin, she levitated the object and replaced it on the blonde mane.

“Well darlin’, I do believe that this does complete your ensemble, and you just don’t seem yourself without it. Besides, you’ll need this until we switch, would you not?” Rarity watched the dejected face slowly cheer up. “Though I will take absolute care of it for when I am am to wear it, to my great honor and pleasure… Thank you darlin’. Thank you for everything.”

Both mares wore blushes because of this earnest thanks and sat next to one another for a while longer. They then stood up silently and went their separate ways, each feeling the need to get away before they did something that could change their friendship forever.

That night, both had dreams of possibilities. Possibilities they found were almost too good to be true, and not worth risking what friendship they did have currently. When Rarity awoke the next morning, she pushed the images away, not willing to let them ruin her chances of fixing her relationship with Sweetie Belle. She made sure to not eat breakfast the next morning in preparation of the pie portion of her race as well.

Ooooh, I’m so nervous… But I must trust in Applejack. In her and her plan. I must, I must!

I must be crazy! Rarity paused from her dramatic hoof to head swoon. Ears twitched as they picked up happy whistling coming from downstairs, though the closed door prevented most of the sound. Pleased to note that her sister hadn’t come upstairs yet, the prim unicorn continued to berate herself.

“How could I have fallen for that-that brutish farmer? Surely, I have other things to worry about!” Rarity went back to pacing her room, face downcast, as she whispered furiously. “Yes, she was a key factor in making up with Sweetie Belle, but-but… She is so-so rough and an utter tomcolt.”

She levitated a piece of green fabric and wrapped it around a nearby ponnequin’s form. Squinting at the color, she then picked up an orange vest to go along with it.

“No sense in fashion. No desire or aspiration to be more than a simple… plain… honest…. hardworking… farmer…” With each word, the unicorn found herself drawn to imaginary green eyes that sparkled back with laughter.

“Certainly not something a pony of my focus would want… And yet…” Rarity leaned up against the dummy and sighed. She looked up with a fluttering of her long lashes.

“And yet I can’t help but hold on to her every word. Her every action. Her every move… Her every meaning.”

The unicorn stood once more, her imagination on full tilt, and grabbed ‘Applejack’s’ face in her hooves.

“Oh, Applejack, oh Applejack…. Could you ever grow to care for me, to fall in love with me, as I do for you…?” Rarity shifted her hooves further down the ponnequin and twirled around with it. She tipped it back and leaned even closer, a pleased smile growing on her face.

“But what if you do…? What if you do care for me as I now care for you? What romantic gestures would you try?” The mare continued her dance around the room, hooves securely gripping the dummy. “Even though you are a mare yourself, you sometimes lack knowledge of the most female things. You could be so rough, almost like a stallion…”

Rarity stopped, setting down the form as her daydream slowed, the mare in her mind growing a blush at the warm grin she was faced with.

“And yet… And yet, you have such delicate moments. Those times, when you suddenly show just how feminine you can be. Such a balance, but you keep it simple.” The unicorn slowly made her way closer to the dressed dummy. Hoof outstretched, she came ever closer, her muzzle aiming for the other, fake one. “A thing I am now coming to adore and… even love…”

“Rarity? What do you mean?” A shrill and curious voice called out from the doorway, ending the mental image of the farmland and one of it’s workers. “... Who do you love?”

The older mare swirled with wide eyes, shock running across her face, though she froze up entirely when her gaze confirmed that it was indeed her younger sister standing at the doorway. Sweetie Belle stood in the open archway with her mouth wide. By her hooves was a couple of ribbons and a comb.

“S-sweetie Belle! H-how long were you standing there?” Rarity pawed at her mane with a nervous titter. The young filly bit her lip anxiously and scuffed her hoof along the ground.

“Uhmmm, you… you won’t get mad?” Sweetie Belle whispered, inching backwards with a frown.

“I shall try not to be, but one shouldn’t be eavesdropping on others.” The fashion mare trotted forward. She rested a hoof on the thin shoulder. “Please tell me what you heard.”

“Oh. Ok. Well, I only heard you from… uhm...” Sweetie Belle tapped a hoof to her chin as she thought. “...’A thing I am now coming to adore and even love’.”

Rarity winced and looked aside. Her hoof stayed in place though, even when Sweetie Belle continued to talk.

“Are… are you in love with somepony?”

Curious green eyes stared up at the older mare. Their interest, innocent and naive, caused the older sibling to flinch and start pulling away.

“I am not in love with anypony. You just misheard me.” Rarity turned away and levitated the dropped ribbons. “I guess you wanted to do each other’s mane. I have been meaning to experiment…”

Sweetie Belle pouted as she followed her sister into the room. “But you said that you were in love with somepony.”

“I did not.”

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“You did too!” The young girl trotted around to stand defiantly in front of her older sister. “I bet you feel really warm inside whenever they are nearby.”

Rarity stopped, staring at the filly who looked off towards the side with furrowed brows.

“I bet, when they are next to you, you want to always give them a hug. And make sure they are smiling.” Sweetie Belle plopped down facing towards the left wall. The fashion designer walked to the girl and bent closer to inspect the youth.

“What… do you mean…?”

“And when they feel really sad, you do too. You want to help them, but they probably don’t want your help… And then you wonder if they care about you like you do for them…” Sweetie Belle glanced to the mare with a dejected smile. “Do you know what I mean?”

Rarity sat down and placed a timid hoof on the girl’s back. She bit her lip as her mind raced with questions. What does this mean? Has she… no, certainly not!

“Darling…? Did, uhm, would you like to talk?” Have our parents had the appropriate talk with her?

“Would YOU want to talk about who YOU love?” Sweetie Belle began to frown while pointing a hoof to her sister.

“Well, I, I mean, I am NOT in love with anypony.” Oh who am I fooling?

“Really?” Rarity couldn’t meet Sweetie Belle’s deadpan for long. The young unicorn twirled her eyes as she mulishly responded. “Well, I am NOT in love with anypony either.”

Rarity frowned as her gaze flicked around the room, trying desperately to find a way to gain the information. She bit her lip as an uncertain idea came to mind.

“Well, even if I’m not in love, maybe I can give you advice?” The tailor anxiously tapped her hooves together, though she made sure to keep her voice light.

“Oh. Like, uhm, what kind of advice?” Sweetie Belle looked to the mare with wide, unsure eyes.

“Well, did, uhm, have mom and dad talked to you about being in love? Or, uhm, about dating others?” Rarity whimpered mentally as she braced herself for bad news.

“Well, uh, they said that when two ponies or two beings love each other very very much, they’d give one another a great big hug. Then they’d have a baby arrive at the hospital.” Sweetie Belle recited with a confused stare to her sister. When Rarity facehoofed, the filly’s brows drew together with bewilderment.

“That’s… That’s not quite it. But, uhm, I can tell you more about that later. Uhm, for right now, how about the gender. For example, SOME ponies may find they like the same gender. Like, two mares liking one another.” The fashion designer blushed as she thought about her own mare of her heart.

“Oh. Is that… normal?” The timid and uncertain question drew the older pony’s attention.

“Yes. Some old fashioned beings may say that liking the same gender is not normal, but some merely cannot help who they like.”

“Well, I may not be in love with another filly.”

Rarity blinked for a moment before rubbing at her foreleg with her right hoof. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do…?

“... What, uhm, what are you going to do about the one you love?” Sweetie Belle grew anxious when she saw how nervous her sister was.

“Me? I, uh, I am not doing anything. There isn’t anything to do. I am not dating and will not be dating anytime soon.” Rarity twirled her mane and stood up. “If you want to have some suggestions however, I’d be more than willing to help.” She tried to smile winningly to the filly. It dropped away at the frustrated frown she found on her younger sister.

“Well, I’m not doing anything either.”

The fashionista’s brow twitched for a second. Recovering, she put on another hopeful grin, sliding closer to the filly.

“Are you sure darling? I could help with any questions, or if you want to talk about a potential special somepony…” Rarity tried to stay next to her sister but Sweetie kept moving further and further back, a deepening scowl on her face.

“Oh yeah? Well, if YOU need help, would you ask me?” A tiny gray hoof poked at the larger light-gray barrel. “Would you tell me about YOUR special somepony?”

Rarity froze, her back and neck stiff, as her mind stuttered incoherently.

“That’s what I thought.”

The young filly turned around and left the room. Rarity frowned at the silent child and was about to follow when she heard the door shut on the first floor. Her mouth dropped open at the rude exit and she rapidly turned about, gazing down at the street to watch for her sister. When the girl was about to leave her sight, Rarity dashed down the stairs with a frantic gleam in her eyes. Pulling open the door with a pinch of magic, she found a shy farmer waiting with stetson in hoof on the other side. The light-gray mare pulled up sharply with a heavy blush.

“A-a-applejack!? Why, uh, darlin’! What can I help you with today?”

The farmer smiled hesitantly as well. She reset the hat and kept her grin, though a blush started to grow as well.

“Well, Ah wanted tah check with ya. You an’ yer sister ran off pretty quick the other day.” Applejack shifted minutely. “Everythin' goin' ok? Ah just, well, Ah wanted to visit...”

Rarity grinned as she leaned towards the door frame. A warmth spread from her core to her face as she stared at the orange mare. As she was about to reply, the unicorn noticed her sister was turning a corner and frowned in thought. She explained herself with a hushed and excited voice.

“Well, I was finally making up to my sister when I found she might be interested in somepony.” Seeing the blank gaze, the dramatic mare continued with a blander tone. “Like a special somepony.”

“Oh.” Applejack turned around and eyed the young filly who had reached the other Crusaders and was giving them each a tight embrace. “Are ya sure? And why'd that be a problem?”

“I am... Or at least, I was. I was going to follow her and see if I could pick up on whom it may be.” Rarity began to try and brush past the earth pony, her mind and gaze back on her younger sibling. “Please darlin', let me pass.”

Applejack held a hoof to the other mare and shook her head. Spreading both hooves, she started to block the pathway.

“Ah don't think ya should worry.”

“Darlin', what if this was about Apple Bloom?” Rarity stared deeply into green orbs and tried to keep track of her train of thought.

“Well, Apple Bloom wouldn't be considerin’ of that kind of thin'.” Applejack started to push the frantic unicorn. “She won't be thinkin' about dating at least for another ten years.”

“So why is me worrying about my little sister any different than you worrying about your little sister?” Rarity stomped her hoof even as she allowed herself to be forcefully returned into the shop.

“Because Ah don't try an' stalk mah sister to find out every little bit. If she don’t want tah tell ya, then yer goin’ to have to wait.” Applejack shook her head and continued pushing the unicorn inwards. “Also, because she won’t be datin’ anypony till she’s older.”

“How in the world would you stop that?” The dressmaker exclaimed. Her body slowly untensed however, as warmth from the earth pony passed through the hooves touching her sides.

“Simple sugarcube. Ah can tell ya all about it. How about over tea…?”

Rarity barely suppressed a titter of laughter as she allowed herself to be pushed away from the door. She gave her mane a quick flick to straighten out any stray strands and smirked towards the farmer who took a seat at her kitchen table.

“I suppose if you insist darlin’...” I will just have to find out later. Right now, time to spend time with the mare who stole my heart without my notice. The magical pony set the teapot with a thought and flash of magic. While the tea cup set floated out from the nearby cabinet, she sat across from the blonde farmer and gave her a bright grin.

Author's Note:

:scootangel: :pinkiehappy:

At least I was able to get an update before heading to BronyCon. A big thanks to my editors Gwg and Shutup868. They also help in other ways by being Patreons for my writing, for which I'd like to give yet another thanks for.
If you'd like a faster update system or wish to show your appreciation in more than just a comment, please consider pledging.

Hopefully everyone else finds that this was a well done episode based chapter. I tried really hard not to just write out every bit of the episode in this chapter. :twilightsmile: If you'd like to leave a comment, I'd appreciate it. I'll see you guys on the net!