• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,695 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

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Guy's Night Out

It was Friday at Crystal Prep during lunch period. Spike and the Crystal Prep Cuties were sitting together while enjoying their lunch. Twilight who ever since deciding to let her hair down saw she started getting more attention from the boys than usual. Even the rest of her friends approved of her returning to letting her hair flow. Cadence was especially glad to see her closest young friend was going back to her old style. The only one who had distaste for it was Cinch, thinking Twilight trying to make herself look prettier would make her lose sight of her studies. But then again Cinch's ideals and beliefs were her own.

"I tell ya, girls. I was worried I bombed that math test. But I passed." Spike began.

"Well, it helped that you had Twilight to study with." Sugarcoat reminded him.

"I know. Thanks again for the lessons, Twi."

"No problem, Spike." Twilight smiled.

"Well good afternoon, everyone." Came a voice, as Fancypants and Trend walked to the table.

"Hi, guys. What's up?" Spike asked.

"Well, Spike, Trend and I were just looking for you." Fancy answered.

"I hope you ladies don't mind if we borrowed Spike for a bit. Do you?" Trend asked the girls.

"Why not at all," Sour began, "As long as you bring him back to us."

"Be back in a bit, girls," Spike promised, as he went with Fancy and Trend to another table, "So what's up, guys?"

"Well, Spike, we know how much you've spent time with the Cuties." Trend began.


"So we've decided it's time the three of us had a guys night out." Fancy added.

"A guys night out? And you include me?" Spike asked in disbelief.

"Why not? We're all friends here." Trend said.

"True." Spike admitted.

"Plus we finally got a weekend with little to no homework." Fancy added.

"Which makes it perfect to go out for the night." Trend put in.

"How about it, Spike. Care to join us for a night of gallivanting?" Fancy inquired.

"Well... Sure thing, guys. As long we don't have to dress so formally."

"Not to worry." Trend assured him.

"Splendid. Be ready around Six?" Fancy asked.

"Deal." The three put their hands in.

Spike returned to his seat at the table with the others, "So what did Fancy and Trend want to talk to you about?" Sunny asked.

"Actually, they invited me to spend the night out with them. A guys night if you will." Spike explained.

"Wow, sounds cool." Lemon said.

"I know. I've never been on a guys night before."

"Just think of it as hanging out with us, only you'll be with boys." Indigo explained.

"Yeah. I figured that much." Spike replied dryly.

"You should also feel grateful." Sugarcoat added.

"Fancypants and Trenderhoof are two of the more popular among the male student body." Twilight explained.

"So I've noticed from the many girls who look their way." Spike recalled.

"Just relax and don't make a fool of yourself." Sunny said.

"I'll keep that in mind."

After school, Spike hurried home to grab a quick shower and started to get ready for when his pals would pick him up.

He stood wearing the same outfit he picked out on his date with Sunny. He wore black boots, black pants, a purple short sleeved shirt with a green dragon face on front, and over it was a no sleeved black duster with a split going down the tail in back.

After applying his new cologne he looked at his reflection in the mirror, "Look out, everybody. Spike's coming out." he smirked.

When he heard a horn honk outside, he knew it was his ride, "Mom, dad, going out. Be back later." he walked outside seeing a red convertible. At the wheel was Trend wearing brown loafers, khaki pants, and a green sweater with orange cuffs and collar. In the passenger seat was Fancy wearing black dress shoes, black pants, and a white short sleeved buttoned up shirt.

"Well, good evening, Spike. Don't you look dashing tonight." Fancy noted.

"Thanks. You guys look good yourselves." Spike said.

"Well, hop in, Spike." Trend said.

Spike hopped into the back and buckled up, "All right, boys. Let's ride!"

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Fancy replied, as Trend drove off while playing music on the car radio.

As they drove around, Spike spoke up, "So what's plan number one on our list?"

"First up is dinner." Trend answered, as they pulled into a parking lot of a pizza cafe.

Spike looked at the eating establishment, " Little Spartacus' Pizza. Good call, guys."

"They make the best." Fancy said.

"Come on, you two." Trend said, as they got out of the car and went inside.

Inside the three were already sitting at the table having cola, and filling on bread sticks until their pizza arrived.

"This place wasn't around during the time before I left," Spike said, "I guess change is good."

"Some changes are for the better." Fancy agreed, as he ate a bread stick.

"Ok, boys. Here you go." a waitress said, as she placed a pizza on the table for them.

The pizza was half plain cheese and half tomato and green pepper. Trend spoke to the waitress, "Thank you kindly, ma'am."

"You're welcome." she left.

Spike ate a slice of the cheese, while Fancy and Trend each took a slice with the toppings on it. They each took a bite, as Fancy spoke, "Delectable."

"Fantastic." Trend said.

"It's... Holy snap!" Spike salivated.

"Glad that you decided to come with us tonight, my friend?" Fancy inquired.

"You bet I am."

"Well, you'll like in even more because the night is still young." Trend explained.

"Bring it on." Spike smirked.

After dinner, the three drove to the mall where they started walking around like they were the coolest trio around.

Fancy looked over at two girls and smiled, making them swoon. Trend winked at one girl who clutched onto a support beam to keep on her feet. Spike took a chance as he smiled and winked at three girls who hid their faces while giggling.

They went inside a fashion accessories shop and began trying on various fashionable accessories. Fancy tried on a monocle for his left eye.

"What do you think, gents?"

"Makes you look more distinguished then you already look." Spike answered.

"It does bring out a good side to me, doesn't it?" Fancy asked, while looking in a mirror.

"Indeed. But how about this?" Trend asked, as he was now wearing a badge on his chest with the symbol of a book.

"Not bad." Spike admitted.

"Definitely symbolizes your writing talent." Fancy added.

"Thank you, Fancy."

"Hey, guys. Check me out," Spike said, as they saw he was wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, "What do you think?"

"Now there's a good side to you." Fancy said.

"You look too cool now to be a Freshman." Trend put in.

"Thanks, guys. Though I still am surprised you guys consider me of all the other boys in the student body a close enough friend."

"And why wouldn't we?" Trend wondered.

"You, my boy, are a joy to be around. He have a good sense of humor, you know how to style, and you just have this irresistible charm about you." Fancy explained.

"You mean it?" Spike asked, as Fancy nodded, "Well, you guys are all right too. Not like a lot of the others who're too stuck up."

"Agreed. Hate to be like them." Trend chuckled.

"What's say we do a little more manly bonding?" Fancy suggested.

"Whatcha got in mind?" Spike inquired, as Fancy smirked.

The three were soon sitting in a karaoke cafe, while listening to someone else doing karaoke. When he finished and stepped off the stage, Fancy spoke to his comrades, "All right, boys. This is our time to shine."

The two nodded and followed Fancypants to the stage where they selected a song. When the music began playing, they followed along with the lyrics that appeared on the screen, with some taking a solo verse.

(Bohemian Rhapsody)

As they sang, many of the spectators applauded, cheered, and whistled. Spike looked onto the crowd and felt happy that not only was he actually having a good time with his two guy friends, but seeing many other people enjoy his performance as well.

'This is truly a great night out.'

Later that night Trend had parked his car in an abandoned lot, while the trio were looking up at the starlit sky. Every so often they'd each take a drink out of their mega slushees they got at the local 7/11.

"Nothing beats this right, boys?" Spike asked.

"Indeed." Fancy agreed.

"Clear skies, a blanket of stars, and sharing the moment with your closest friends." Trend said.

"Life is good." Spike relaxed, "Thanks again, guys. For bringing me on this guys night out."

"Any time, Spike." Fancy replied.

"We definitely have to do this again." Trend suggested.

"I'd be all for that." Spike agreed.

"So would I." Fancy nodded.

"Bring them on in, boys," Trend said, as the three held their drinks close, "To a great Guy's Night."

"Cheers!" the three announced, as they clicked their drinks together and took a sip. They regretted it as they groaned and clutched their heads.

"Brain Freeze!" they cried, before laughing it off.