• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

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A Show and Dinner

It was Study Hall hour for Spike, and the boy was sitting at a desk in the room looking over notes for his next class. He studied his notes, until he felt something nudge at his shoulder. He looked to the side seeing Sunny Flare who sat at the desk next to his.

"Sunny, what's up?" Spike whispered, while hoping that their teacher wouldn't catch them talking since study hall was for studying.

Sunny whispered back quietly, "I want to talk to you privately after school today. Ok, Spike?"

"Uh, ok." Spike answered in confusion.

"Great. Be sure to be there." she quickly faced front before the teacher could catch her, and Spike himself resumed looking over his notes like before.

As Spike checked his notes, he thought to himself, 'Wonder what Sunny wants me for? Then again given my past records with meeting up with my friends privately means there's something really important they want to share only with me.' he chuckled in his thoughts.

After school, Spike grabbed his things and left the building seeing Sunny waiting at the bottom of them steps. Spike walked down the stairs and met her, "Hey, Sunny. How's it going?"

"All's well, sweetie. How did your history test go after study hall?" she inquired.

"Piece of cake."

"Speaking of cake, let's go to that popular pastry shop for a bite."

"Sugarcube Corner?"

"The very same." she confirmed.

"Sure, I'm down with that." Spike admitted.

"Great. Come on!" She took Spike's hand and dragged him off.

Soon the two were at the top sweets shop in town called Sugarcube Corner. It was the perfect place to get something sugary and delicious. Inside, Spike and Sunny sat at a table waiting for their order. Soon a girl came over carrying their orders on a tray. The girl had poofy pink hair and blue eyes. Her attire consisted of a blue vest with a white shirt with purple lining and a pink heart in the middle of it, a big pink skirt with three balloons design on it with a purple bow that acted like a belt, blue boots with a pink bow above the laces, and blue bracelets on both arms. Her rack size was about a D-cup.

"Here ya go. One slice of cherry pie with whipped cream with a vanilla milkshake," she placed the order in front of Spike before turning to Sunny, "And one chocolate eclair with a strawberry milkshake here."

"Thank you, dearie." Sunny answered.

"Oh let's not be formal. Call me Pinkie Pie. Everyone does," she grinned, "And you must be Sunny Flare."

Sunny did a double take, "Wait a minute, how did you know my name?"

"Well, you look like someone my friend Rarity described."

Sunny spoke, "You're friends with Rarity?"

"Of course. She's so nice and generous. One of my bestest friends. But then all my friends are the bestest." she embraced Spike, much to the boys shock.

"Good to know." Spike said nervously, as he felt her rack rub into his shoulder. He got more nervous when he saw Sunny looking irked at Pinkie draping herself onto him.

Suddenly a voice called out from the counter, "Pinkie, table five needs their order taken!"

Pinkie sighed before removing herself from Spike, "Well, I gotta get back to work. You two have fun on your little date." she winked, making the two blush in embarrassment before she left.

"Well, she's a ball of energy, isn't she?" Spike asked Sunny, who was still shaking the embarrassment off.

"Yes. She certainly is, but she brings up a good point on the concept of a date." she answered.

"She does?"

"Yes. Which is why I asked to talk to you privately."

"Oh, if this was going to be treated like a date I would've cleaned myself up more for you." Spike said, feeling like an idiot.

"Don't worry about it. I actually have something better in mind for a date."

"You do?"

"Indeed. Take a look." she pulled out two tickets.

Spike eyed the tickets and saw what event they were for, "Whoa. Are those really tickets for the musical The City's Ours?"

"Oh, you've heard of this?" Sunny inquired.

"Of course. The drama romance about a street gang leader torn between looking to lead his gang into ruling the city from the shadows and remain with the love of his life."

"The very same."

"You actually scored ticks for that?"

"Well, I was lucky to have gotten them before they sold out."

"That is lucky." Spike agreed.

Sunny nodded, "So I was thinking we could see it on Saturday and possibly grab dinner afterward. If you're not busy that is."

"I've got no plans this weekend." Spike admitted.

"So you'll come?" Sunny asked with hope.


"Great. Oh, thanks, Spike." Sunny smiled with joy.

"No problem, Sunny." he replied, feeling glad to see how happy she looked.

When Saturday came, Spike was in his room putting on a nice shirt colored green, and slipping into jeans. He looked at his reflection with confidence and said to himself, "Looking good."

After grabbing his wallet and phone he left his house and went down to Sunny's home. Just as he was walking up he saw Sunny walking out all dressed up herself in a violet top, and blue skirt. She smiled, and spoke, "Spike, you made it in time." she embraced him.

"Like I'd miss this?" Spike asked, as he couldn't help but relax as the sweet smell of Sunny's perfume went up his nostrils, 'God, she smells so good.' he thought.

"So shall we get going?" Sunny asked.

"You know it." Spike answered, as he took her hand and they hurried off.

As they walked, Sunny couldn't help but blush as she looked down at Spike holding onto her hand, 'His hand feels so strong.' she blushed.

The two walked all the way to their town's theater and presented their tickets to the ticket master. Once they were admitted inside they went into the theater and found their seats. They sat down and got comfy, "This is supposed to be a great show according to the critics." Spike told Sunny.

"We'll see how accurate they are in their reviews." Sunny replied, as they waited for the curtain to open up.

When the show started, they and the rest of the audience watched the actors and actresses perform. Everyone was wowed by the dazzling performances by the cast members dance numbers and singing. Spike himself couldn't help but move his head to the upbeat musical numbers. When it started getting to the darker scenes involving the lead gang going into a shootout, Sunny would either move her hand into Spike's or hold onto his shoulder. When she did so, Spike couldn't help but smile seeing how sensitive Sunny really was when it came to something dark and scary. When one scene came where the gang leader's lady was accidentally shot by another from the opposing gang, Sunny gasped and hugged Spike while looking ready to break out into tears. Spike was also in shock at what happened, as they watched the actor drop to his knees and cried the lyrics to the final song to the heavens.

Spike watched feeling moved by the scene and for a brief moment envisioned himself and Sunny in place of the actor and actress. When thinking of them in that situation, he couldn't help but also shed a tear. When the curtain fell, the audience applauded and cheered as the cast took a bow.

As everyone cleared out, Spike and Sunny left the theater and headed someplace to have dinner. When they stopped at a quaint little cafe, they were seated. After ordering they waited until their dishes arrived. Sunny watched as Spike ate his order which was spicy foods, and looked in disbelief as he was eating it like it was nothing.

"Spike, how can you eat something so spicy without breaking a sweat?" she asked in shock.

"You know I've always had a fireproof stomach, Sunny. Even when we were kids." the boy replied.

"Right. Like that time you had ghost pepper sauce on a chicken wing. Watching you eat that made my throat feel sick." Sunny recalled.

"Yeah, and mom and dad were so worried about me getting heartburn, but I turned out ok."

"Which is still a mystery to this day." Sunny replied, and the two chuckled.

"I tell you that was some performance, huh?" Spike changed the focus of their conversation.

"I know. So much passion and drama between the lovers." Sunny sighed in joy.

"The guy was tempted to rule the streets of the city with his gang over settling down his lover. Such a dilemma." Spike added.

"And in the end he lost his love to the very thing he sought." Sunny finished.

"That was a big price." Spike agreed.

"And truth be told when I saw that scene went down I actually saw myself as the girl."

"You did?" Spike tilted his head.

"Yes. If you were in a line of fire or in some kind of danger, I would most certainly take a bullet for you, or anything like that."


"You're special to me and everyone, Spike. To all of us. If something were to ever happen to you, I'd..." Sunny trailed off, as she started getting sad at the possibility.

Spike suddenly reach over and took his hand into hers, making her gasp. Sunny looked over at Spike seeing his serious expression, "Don't be sad, Sunny. I'm not going anywhere, even if I did I'll always come back. I mean look at us. We haven't seen each other for years and I found my way back, right?"

"Yes." she answered.

"Exactly. You can't get rid of me forever. Because you and the others are my shining beacon," Spike continued, "Even if I'm lost or find myself losing sight of myself you girls will help me find my way back."

Sunny blushed at Spike's words, before smiling, "Thank you, Spike. Thank you so much." she shed tears of happiness.

Spike smiled in return, "You're welcome." And so the two continued their dinner peacefully.

Later on, the two returned their block, as Spike walked Sunny up to her door. Sunny smiled at Spike and spoke, "Goodnight, Spike. And thanks for the great time."

"Same to you, Sunny. You have a goodnight as well," Spike replied. The two looked deeply into each others eyes, before moving closer until finally their lips connected. They kissed passionately on the porch, as Spike's arms wrapped around Sunny's waist bringing her closer. Sunny feeling herself moving closer to Spike deepened the kiss, making her tongue slip into Spike's mouth. Spike taking the hint returned the gesture. Eventually they parted, and Spike spoke, "If only the play had an ending like this."

"We should consider ourselves lucky." Sunny giggled.

"Agreed." Spike nodded, as he watched Sunny go inside. He smiled before walking down the porch and headed off to his place feeling as happy as can be. He was so happy he hummed some of the more upbeat musical numbers to himself.

Author's Note:

Thanks to all of your support everyone. And I'll see you in 2017.