• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

Disco Night

Friday after school, Spike and the girls were heading back home, as the boy spoke, "Tomorrow's Disco Night, girls. Any of you feeling excited?" he smirked.

"You bet we are, bro!" Lemon pumped a fist with excitement.

"Good to hear."

"Question is, are you ready for tomorrow?" Sunny inquired.

"I'm always ready." Spike replied.

"So do you have an outfit selected for tomorrow?" Coco asked.

"You bet."

"Does it fit?" Rara wondered.

"Of course. Though I did have to roll up the cuffs of the sleeves and pants a bit, but it fits."

"Planning to blow away anyone with your disco moves?" Indigo nudged Spike's shoulder.

"Only if they issue a challenge. But I'll probably blow them away even if they don't. Well, catch you later." Spike hurried off.

Twilight turned to her friends, "Girls, tomorrow we dance the disco."

"All our training will be tested tomorrow." Sugarcoat noted.

"So let's get home and rest up," Sour began, "So that tomorrow we're gonna disco dance with Spike till he drops." she smirked.

"Right on!" Lemon cheered, as the group headed home.

The next day, the girls had started getting ready for when they'd meet up with Spike in the afternoon. After prepping themselves up and slipping into their seventies outfits, they met up together outside Twilight's and proceeded to head for the Electric Surge Club.

As they walked to the club, many pedestrians they passed took the occasional glances at them, while children were staring at them. Sour Sweet turned to some kids giving them a smile, before she gave them a scary frown which scared the children away.

Sour chuckled, until the girls gave her a disapproving look, "What? Don't tell my you were comfortable with the stares?"

"No, but what would Spike say if he saw you doing that?" Sunny asked, with her arms crossed.

"Well, he..." Sour tried to find an answer, only for Sugarcoat to cut her off.

"You did tell us you promised Spike you were going to break that nasty habit of being nasty."

"I know!" she snapped, before sighing in guilt, "I know."

The girls seeing her suddenly bummed, decided to perk her up with Lemon wrapping an arm around her, "Hey, come on. You've been doing great. You just didn't enjoy the stares. We get it."

"Just be glad Spike wasn't here to witness that." Twilight added.

"You're right. Sorry, girls."

"Hey, what's done is done," Indigo replied, "Come on, let's get a move on." they pressed on.

They walked a few more blocks before seeing the club up ahead, "There's the place." Coco said.

Rara looked ahead and gasped, "And look who's waiting for us."

They looked ahead and saw Spike up ahead leaning against a lamppost, "Spike!" the girls called, as they ran over.

Spike looked over and saw the girls go over to him, "Hey, girls. Glad ya made it," he eyed them up in their Disco clothes, "Wow. You girls really look like you're straight out of the 70s."

The girls felt sheepishly and flustered from his words, as they eyed up his attire as well. Spike was dressed in black platform shoes, a white disco suit, a gold chain medallion of a dragon head around his neck, and covering his eyes was a pair of sunglasses.

"Thanks, Spike. You look great yourself." Twilight complimented him.

"Totally funky fresh." Lemon gave him a thumb's up.

"If Elvis were alive, he'd definitely love your style." Rara said.

"Thanks, pretty mama." Spike spoke in his best Elvis voice, and the group laughed.

"Come on, let's go in." Indigo said, as the group went inside the club.

Inside the Electric Surge Club, they saw the whole club was given a 70s Disco motif for the event. There was 70s music playing, there were flashing colored lights all around, and everyone present was dressed like they were straight out of the 70s.

"Whoa. Now it really feels like we've time traveled." Lemon said in awe.

"Never knew so many people were into the 70s so much." Sunny noticed everyone.

"It was a good time, Sunny," Spike replied, "Come on, let's grab us a drink." they walked up to the bar and each sat on a rotating stool.

The barkeep spoke up, "What'll it be, groovy cats?"

"Nine Tab colas, man. On me." Spike placed some money on the counter.

"Coming up." the barkeep slid nine Tab colas to each of them.

The group opened their colas and drank them, "Delicious." Twilight said.

"Retro." Indigo stated.

"Drink of the 70s." Sugarcoat finished.

"Ah, bonjour mes ami (hello my friends)." came a familiar voice.

The group looked over and saw walking up to them was Fleur herself. The older girl was wearing white platform shoes, tan bell-bottom pants, a white mod knit shirt with pink lily designs.

"Fleur!" Spike smiled, while the cuties scowled.

"Ah, Spike. So good to see you. You look positively marvelous," Fleur began, before looking at the girls, "And same to you all."

"Thanks." Coco answered in politeness.

"You look amazing, Fleur." Spike admired her look.

"Oh, merci, Spike."

"What are you doing here?" Sour Sweet asked trying not to sound too rude.

"Why Spike invited me, of course," Fleur answered, "I do hope there is no problem, is there?"

Spike spoke up, "Not at all, Fleur. Please join us."

"Merci." Fleur took a seat next to Spike. The girls sighed to themselves, seeing Spike went ahead and invited Fleur regardless of them accepting his invite. Fleur ordered a drink like them, and Spoke spoke up.

"I really love your outfit, Fleur."

"Thank you. I keep an assortment of clothing styles from various eras."

"Does that include caveman times?" Sour muttered to Sunny, and the two giggled.

After their drinks, Spike spoke up, "Come on girls, let's get our disco on!"

So they left the bar and went out to the dance floor. Twilight stepped out onto it uneasy due to the ridiculous height of her shoes. The squares were flashing different neon colors as she passed the dancers, "I think I'm starting to have second thoughts about this." she said nervously.

Sugarcoat got behind Twilight and nudged her forward, "You can't get cold feet now, Twilight."

"Yeah. We've come this far." Indigo reminded her.

"Remember all we've studied." Coco reminded her.

"Ok. For Spike." Twilight said feeling more confident and joined them in dancing.

(Funky Town)

So Spike and the group started doing disco moves from the Disco Finger, the Robot, the Disco Duck, and other kinds of moves. The girls watched as Spike was truly dancing like a disco pro, and felt like their moves were nothing compared to his. They suddenly noticed Fleur was also dancing disco with no problem and getting closer to Spike.

"How do you know disco so well?" Rara asked Fleur.

"I watched plenty of movies set in the 70s."

"Well, I think all you girls are doing great." Spike said, as he kept on dancing. The girls hearing Spike's compliment felt glad and continued to dance with him, while impressing some of the other dancers as well.

Soon the DJ spoke into the mic, "All right, you disco ducks. It's time for a disco dance off. Any couples looking to shake your groove things should shake them like ya never shook 'em before!"

The girls were suddenly intrigued by this, as many other couples were getting together looking to compete. Before any of the girls could ask Spike, Twilight spoke up, "Spike. Dance with me." her friends and Fleur were surprised at Twilight's sudden boldness, as Spike himself asked.

"Really, Twilight?"

Twilight took off her glasses, undid her ponytail to let her hair flow, "Really."

Spike smirked before removing his sunglasses, "Then let's shake it." The two went out to the center of the dance floor and started disco dancing in perfect sync while shaking it.

(Shake your Groove Thing)

Fleur, Coco, Rara, and the rest of the cuties watched from the side as Spike, Twilight, and every other dancer was dancing it out to the beat.

"Look at Spike shake it." Coco gasped.

"Oui." Fleur answered, as the group stared at Spike's behind as it shook.

Indigo noticed Twilight was dancing better than they did during their practice sessions, "How's Twilight doing so much better all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, but I think all that 70s music we've been listening and dancing to has created a Disco maniac." Rara said, as the girls nodded.

As Spike and Twilight continued to dance it out, many of the other dancers started feeling outclasses and gave up. Some of the competitors held on a bit longer, but they eventually caved in. But Spike and Twilight were too caught in enjoying their time with each other to even realize who left the dance floor.

When the song ended, the two stopped dancing. Erupting from the crowd of people was cheers and applause. The two looked around realizing they had become the stars of 70s night. Walking over was the DJ carrying the trophy, "Bravo! Bravo! That was totally tubular," he presented them the trophy, "You cool cats have won the Disco Cup!"

The two accepted the trophy and held it up for everyone to see. A photographer came by and took their picture that would be forever hung in the club. Twilight turned to Spike and offered him the trophy, "Here you go, Spike. You deserve it."

Spike smiled, as he pushed it back to her, "No. You earned it. Besides I got plenty of dancing trophies. Use this one to stand out among the science awards you won."

Twilight smiled at his generosity, "Thank you, Spike." she threw her arms around Spike, holding him close. Spike taken aback by this eventually wrapped his arms around her. When they looked into each others eyes. Going on instincts the two leaned forward and kissed.

Their display made the crowd whoop and cheer, while their friends had their mouths hung open, and Coco clasped her hands together in awe. Fleur watched with a smile and thought, 'Good job, Twilight. And same to you, Spike.'

That night Twilight came back home, holding her trophy, "I'm home." she called.

"Welcome back, Twilight." her dad greeted her, as he was reading the paper in the arm chair.

"How was Disco Night?" her mom inquired.

"Better than I ever imagined." she answered dreamily.

"Sounds like someone had a great night." Shining Armor noted her tone.

"The best night. And look, Spike and I won first prize in Disco Dancing." she showed them the trophy.

The three seeing it looked amazed, "Amazing. A new trophy that isn't focused on scientific research." her dad joked.

"We're so proud of you, Twilight." her mom hugged her.

"Yeah. You and Spike must've really gone all out." Shining Armor said with a laugh.

Twilight smiled recalling how much fun she had when dancing with Spike as well as the kiss, "Yeah. We sure did."

Inside the Electric Surge club hung among the many pictures included the picture of Spike and Twilight holding the Disco Cup.