• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

B-Ball and Dance

Monday arrived, and Spike had just entered the academy. As he walked through the halls, he could several students giving him looks. Nothing like the looks of disdain or hate from before, but rather looks of amusement and some even smiling at him.

As Spike walked he thought to himself, 'Ok, I'm not sure if I like these looks they're giving me any more than the ones they used to give me.'

Suddenly he felt something rub his shoulder. He looked and saw one of the male student smirking at him, "Way to go, lucky man." he walked away much to Spike's confusion.

He suddenly received a playful punch by another male student, "You sure showed us who's got the charm." he walked on.

"Huh?" Spike asked, until he felt someone lean against him. He saw it was a female student who was a junior, and giving him flirtatious looks.

"I always knew there was a wild side to you, Spike." she winked.

"Uh, thank you?" Spike answered, while feeling unsure about the sudden change in the students.

Coming to his rescue was Fancy Pants, who came between him and the girl, "Sorry, my dear, but Spike and I have important matters to attend to before class." he escorted Spike off, and into an unoccupied room.

"Fancy, you're a lifesaver." Spike thanked him.

"Don't mention it, but I must say you're really attracting a crowd today."

"Yeah. The question is why?" Spike asked.

"Well, anyone who kissed one of the Cuties on stage of a concert televised in the city would stir up plenty of attention." The older boy explained.

Spike did a double take, "Wait what?"

"That performance you and Lemon Zest put on at the Psycho Drones concert, well played." he chuckled.

"What? Everyone in school saw what we did?" Spike asked in worry, until the door slammed open.

The boys looked seeing the Cuties holding a nervous Lemon Zest close, "There you are!" Sour Sweet pointed accusingly at Spike.

"Oh, crap." Spike paled, and saw Fancy walking out the door without a care.

"Good luck, Spike." he left.

"Fancy, don't leave me here with them!" Spike pleaded, but saw he was cornered, "Hey, girls. I take it you watch the concert that night?" he looked at Lemon who was just as nervous.

"You two had quite the nerve doing that on national television." Sunny began in disappointment.

"Come on, it was all clean fun. Besides Twilight kissed him and you aren't chewing her out." Lemon pointed out.

"Don't turn this around on me." Twilight replied.

"You know, I think the rest of you are jealous." Lemon accused them.

"Jealous?" Sour asked while gritting her teeth.

"Yeah. Twilight and I kissed him before any of you, dudes."

"That's ridiculous." Sugarcoat replied.

"Is it? Because why else would you be ganging up on us like this?" Lemon continued to accuse.

"She does have a point," Spike agreed, "No use acting like this, because all it'll do is turn us against each other. And do you all honestly want that?"

Spike's words stirred up their common sense and knew there was truth to his words. Feeling defeated, the cuties sighed, "Sorry, guys. Our bad." Indigo apologized.

"We really should've been more open minded about the situation." Sour Sweet said with a guilty tone.

"Can you forgive us?" Twilight asked.

Spike and Lemon Zest looked at each other knowing their friends felt guilty enough, decided to show mercy, "Hey, you know we can forgive our buds." Lemon answered.

"Just don't don't turn into a lynch mob on any of us." Spike warned them.

"Promise." the girls answered.

"Good. Now come on, let's get to class before we're tardy," Spike said, as they left the empty classroom, "I'm just glad Principal Cinch wouldn't watch the concert otherwise we'd both be in trouble."

"And that would be a major hell." Lemon added, as the group laughed.

After school the students were clearing out, but when Spike was ready to leave the classroom who else but Ms. Chrysalis called him, "Mr. Drake?"

"Shit," Spike muttered to himself, before turning to face his teacher, "Yes, Ms. Chrysalis?" he asked nervously, as the woman approached him.

"I was wondering Mr. Drake if you've given any additional thought on my offer about giving you private study lessons?" she leaned closer, allowing Spike a clear visual of her exposed cleavage.

Spike kept his eyes up to look at her face while thinking, 'Don't look down! Don't look down!' he finally spoke up, "Yes and they're the same as before, ma'am. I prefer studying with my friends. Thanks again for the offer."

Chrysalis pouted, before getting closer, "But I assure you I can help improve your grades better than anyone."

Spike could feel Chrysalis' rack brushing against his arm and desperately wanted to get out of there, but found no way of escaping.

Suddenly as if answering his prayers, Indigo came by, "Spike, there you are!" The appearance of Indigo forced Chrysalis to back away from Spike to maintain her appearance, "I've been looking for you. Come on there's something you need to check out."

"Right. Sure, Indigo. See you tomorrow, Ms. Chrysalis." Spike said, as the teens left the fuming teacher.

Indigo brought Spike outside, as the boy sighed in relief, "Thanks, Indigo. I owe ya one."

"Yeah ya do, and I have a way for you to pay me back." Indigo smirked.


"Let's go to the gymnasium after it's cleared out for some basket ball practice. I feel like brushing up on my moves." she explained.

"Well, sure ok." Spike agreed.

"Perfect." Indigo said, as they two headed over.

When the Crystal Prep gymnasium was cleared out, Spike and Indigo entered and looked around, "Gymnasium looks a lot bigger when not occupied by the whole school." Spike noted.

"That's for sure," Indigo agreed, before going to the gym storage room and brought out one of the basketballs, "Just a little one on one, ok?"

"I'm good with that." Spike agreed.

"Then game on." Indigo said, as she started dribbling the ball.

Spike started trying to block Indigo as she tried making her way to the left basket. But Indigo being the most athletic of the two got around Spike and made the shot scoring her a point, "Yes!" she cheered.

"Indigo, your skills never cease to impress me." Spike admitted.

"That's just how I am," Indigo answered, "You on the other hand could use some work."

"Don't count me out yet. I'm just getting started." Spike stood tough.

"Then let's see some walk to back up that talk."

"Gladly." Spike replied, as they went at another round with Spike managing to snatch the ball from Indigo and dribbled it to the other hoop.

Indigo herself was blocking Spike before snatching it from him and headed back to her hoop. Spike was determined to not let his talk be wasted so he ran after Indigo and snatched the ball back. Spike returned dribbled the ball back to his hoop and shot himself a score. Indigo crossed her arms and looked at Spike feeling impressed, "

The two continued shooting hoops for a half hour, and when Indigo was ready to go for another shot. Before she could shoot, Spike maneuvered around her with a spin dance and snatched the ball right out of her hand before making the shot himself.

"Point me." Spike declared.

Indigo was lost for words at what just happened, "Spike! You... How did you do that?"

"Dancing's not just for the dance floor. It can be used in all sorts of fields like self defense and even in a sport like this." Spike explained.

"You have got to teach me some moves, I could use them in another game or more." Indigo pleaded.

"Well I keep plenty of hip hop CDs in my backpack, though we'll need a boombox."

Indigo went back into the storage room and came out with what Spike needed, "Got it."

So Spike plugged the boombox in, and picked out a CD. He popped it in and the music began playing, "Ok, just watch what I do." Spike started doing some dance moves, as Indigo watched. When he finished he spoke, "Think you can do that?"

"Piece of cake." Indigo tried mimicking Spike's dance, and when finished Spike evaluated her.

"Not bad, though you needed more swing in the hips." Spike noted.

"You mean like this?" Indigo asked flirtatiously, as she gave her hips a better swing.

Spike watching her with wide eyes, answered, "Yes, much better."

"Show me some more, man."

"Delighted." Spike answered, as he continued showing Indigo more dance moves with each music number that played. Soon Indigo was following along perfectly with Spike. When the last beat ended the two posed together, "Well done, Indigo. Well done!"

'Thanks. I had a good teacher." Indigo playfully punched his shoulder, "Well, I'm gonna hit the shower. Be back in a bit." Indigo headed for the girls locker room.

Spike kicked back on the bleachers and waited for Indigo. He suddenly heard his phone ring, "A message?" Spike wondered as he opened it, and to his shock saw Indigo sent Spike a selfie of her standing before the locker room shower stall wearing only a towel wrapped tightly around her body. Spike gasped at Indigo's selfie while gazing at what cleavage of hers was exposed, "Holy shit. I have to transfer this to my computer when I get home." he closed his phone.

Soon enough, Indigo came out wearing a cleaner school uniform, "He, Spike. Get my text?"

"Of course. Though what made you wanna send me that?"

"So you could get a good shot of my bodacious bod covered only by a towel," Indigo answered, as she took a spot next to him, "But anyway, Spike. I'm glad you practiced with me and taught me some wicked dance moves."

"You're welcome. And besides I'd be crazy to deny joining one of my friends for something as fun as this." Spike turned and saw Indigo leaning in closer.

"Yeah, fun. And I know how to make it even more fun." She leaned in and captured Spike's lips.

Spike who wasn't expecting it was surprised, but eventually melted into it and enjoyed the feeling of Indigo's lips on his own. They kissed passionately before breaking off with a bit of saliva connecting their lips. Spike panted, "That was fun."

"I know." Indigo smirked, "Was that better than your kiss with Lemon or Twilight?"

"Let's not compare."

"Had to try. Come on, why don't we get a bite before we head home?" she offered.

"I'm down with that," the two collected their bags and left the gymnasium. As they left Spike looked at Indigo while recalling how good their kiss felt, and thought, 'First Twilight, then Lemon, and now Indigo. I'm really getting lucky as of late. Wonder if I'll have the same luck with the others?'