• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

Spring Plans

Saturday morning, and the Cuties had left Fleur's place before arriving at Spike's home. Fleur looked at the exterior of the house, before speaking, "So this is where Spike lives?"

"It looks nice." Coco admitted.

"May not be much but it is his home." Sugarcoat replied.

"I think it's great." Rara said.

"Come on, let's see how he is." Indigo said, as they went up to the door and rang the bell.

Answering the door was Jonathan Drake, "Hello? Girls? Well, this is a surprise."

"Morning, Mr. Drake. Is Spike in?" Sunny asked.

"Of course. Please come in." Mr. Drake showed the group of girls inside.

As they got comfy on the living room sofas, Bianca walked in, "Honey, who was at the door? Oh! Girls, how lovely to see you."

"Nice to see you too, Mrs. Drake." Twilight greeted.

"It certainly has been a long time since we saw all of you together here," Bianca said, before spotting the three new girls, "Oh, don't tell me let me guess. Coco Pommel. Coloratura. And Fleur de lis."

"Oui, that is correct." Fleur confirmed.

"But please, call me Rara." Rara insisted.

"It's nice to finally meet you two." Coco greeted.

"Likewise. Spike's told us so much about you." Mr. Drake replied.

"Speaking of Spike. Is he home?" Sour asked.

"He's still asleep. You know how he likes to sleep in on the weekends," Bianca answered, "Do you want us to wake him?"

"Don't worry, we can do that." Lemon replied.

"Still the same room before you guys moved years ago?" Sugarcoat asked.

"Of course." Jonathan answered.

"Then we'll wake him." Sunny said, as the girls walked through the house.

As they walked the six cuties looked around remembering the first time they were in Spike's home. And looking around it now brought back nostalgia like it hadn't changed. They stopped before a door, and Twilight shushed them before gently opening the door. They peeked in seeing their favorite boy still asleep in bed all peacefully.

They gently opened the door and tiptoed in making sure not to make a sound. They gently closed the door behind them and got closer to Spike's bed. Fleur looked down at his sleeping face and whispered to the girls, "Doesn't he look so adorable when he's sleeping?"

"Super cute." Coco agreed.

"He's always looked like that awake or asleep." Sugarcoat said.

"So how should we wake him up?" Twilight asked.

Indigo smirked, "Let's dog pile him."

"Too crash, Indigo." Sunny replied.

"And we might end up breaking his bed in the process." Sugarcoat stated.

"So what do you suggest?" Indigo asked.

Fleur gasped, "I got it. Why don't we each give him a gentle wake up kiss?"

"A kiss?" Sour asked.

"Yes. It'll be like the reverse gender role in a fairy tale setting. Imagine a couple of beautiful princesses like us waking a handsome prince from his slumber."

"Reverse gender role? Awesome." Lemon grinned.

"In that case, I'll take the first shot." Sunny said, as she leaned down and gently kissed Spike's lips. She saw Spike smile in response almost like he was dreaming it was happening.

"Hey, how come you got first pick?" Sour asked in jealousy.

"First come first serve." Sunny gave a smug look.

"Then I'll take next." Sour said, as she gave Spike a kiss as well.

"My turn." Indigo said, as she took the next one.

And so the rest of the girls took a turn with Twilight, Lemon, Sugarcoat, Rara, and Fleur. Coco walked up to Spike and looked at his lips while blushing, 'Ok, this is it.' she thought, before reaching down and gave him his final kiss.

When their lips parted, Spike groaned and looked ready to wake, as Rara whispered to them, "It took all of us just for him to wake up?"

"He's a heavy sleeper." Twilight replied.

Spike's eyes finally opened and what he saw were his girl friends standing before his bed, "Oh. Morning, girls."

"Morning, Spike."they greeted.

Spike's eyes flung opened wide and awake before sitting up, "Girls?! What're you doing here?"

"We came to see you, obviously." Sugarcoat answered.

"And you're in my room because..."

"We wanted to wake you up, darling." Fleur smiled.

Spike blushed, until he thought of something, "I didn't say anything in my sleep did I?"

Twilight was about to answer, only for Indigo to nudge her to remain silent. The sports girl answered, "Actually, you kinda mentioned each of us in your sleep."

"I what?" Spike blinked twice.

The others caught on, as Sour spoke up, "Yes, about how you wanted to take us back to your place for some special fun." she smirked.

"Fun as in couple of friends having a good time fun?" Spike asked while dripping with sweat.

"Not that kind of fun." Sunny shook her head while smiling.

"The very adult like fun." Fleur winked at him.

Spike's eyes widened, "I'm so sorry! I don't know why that would come out of my mouth as I slept!" the girls burst into laughter, leaving the boy confused, "What?"

"You should've seen the look on your face!" Lemon laughed.

Spike still looked confused, until Twilight answered, "You didn't say any of that while you were asleep, Spike."

"At least not with us around." Rara said.

"But if you did say something like that in your sleep, I wouldn't mind." Indigo added.

"Right, well thanks for this wake up. I'm gonna shower and change. So I'll be right with you." Spike got out of bed and grabbed some clean clothes before heading for the bathroom.

"Do you think he knows?" Coco asked the girls.

"Probably not." Sunny answered.

"Don't worry, we can tell him later." Twilight suggested, as they made themselves comfy in Spike's room.

Fleur looked around Spike's room seeing so many comics from superheroes to Japanese manga, "Spike certainly loves his comics."

"I know. He almost has enough to open his own shop." Coco added.

"I think he'll need a lot more than this if he wanted to open up shop." Sugarcoat replied.

"Getting more shouldn't be a problem with how much he spends on this stuff." Sour said, and the girls giggled.

Soon enough, Spike came back into his room fully clothed with his hair looking a little damp. He sighed in relaxation, "Nothing like a shower to start your day."

"You clean up nicely." Fleur smiled.

"Thanks." Spike replied, feeling sheepish.

"So now that you're all cleaned up let's go do something." Lemon said.

"Any ideas?" Spike asked all around.

"Why don't we go take a walk and clear our heads?" Twilight suggested.

"Works for me." Sour replied.

"Same here." Indigo agreed.

"Then let's go." Rara said, as the group left Spike's place.

So the group walked along the city before entering the park. They stopped for a breather by a gazebo, and Sunny spoke, "Spring weather is nice."

"I'll say." Spike agreed.

"This is the perfect weather for Spring Break coming up." Twilight said.

"No kidding." Indigo nodded.

"Though what'll we do for that week?" Coco asked.

"I got nothing dudes." Lemon replied.

The group pondered as well, until Fleur gasped, "My friends, I have an idea."

"We're listening." Sugarcoat replied.

"You know how I was talking about the idea of us vacationing in the family resort in the Tropics?" Fleur asked, and the girls nodded, "Well, why don't we do that?"

"A trip to your family resort?" Coco asked.

"Why not? It would be a perfect opportunity for all of us to have fun and make some memories." Fleur stated.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Indigo said with a smirk.

"Same here." Spike agreed.

"I've never been to a resort before." Twilight admitted.

"Sounds perfect." Sunny said.

"I'm all for it." Sour put in.

"So am I." Rara added.

"Well, why not?" Sugarcoat asked.

"Awesome, dude!" Lemon pumped a fist.

"Though would our parents approve?" Coco wondered.

"Not to worry, we'd have Randolph after all. And he is very responsible as I'm sure you girls know." the older girl reminded them.

"All true." Indigo replied.

"Well, that's a neat idea. Let's keep that option open." Spike said.

"Yeah some time away from this city and Crystal Prep is what we truly need." Rara stated.

"Uh-huh." they agreed.

As the day came to an end, the girls walked Spike back to his place, as the young man spoke, "Ok, girls. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Spike, wait," Twilight began, as Spike turned to them, "The girls and I want to give you something before we go."

"What's that?" Spike inquired.

Sour walked up to Spike and placed her hands on his cheeks, "This." she leaned forward and claimed Spike's lips.

After their kiss the rest of the girls each took a turn. After Coco gave him his last kiss, Spike looked surprised, before touching a finger to his lips. Before any of the girls could speak, Spike beat them to it, "I got to say girls, that was very forward of you... That was even better than this morning." he smirked.

Suddenly the girls were taken aback by his claim, as Coco asked, "You knew what we did before you woke up?"

"Oh, yeah. That was the best wake up call I could ever receive from you girls." he answered.

The group suddenly felt embarrassed, before Sour spoke, "Well, just don't go telling anyone at school about it." she blushed.

"Hadn't crossed my mind." Spike winked.

The girls smiled, as Sunny spoke, "Catch you later, Spike."

"Later, girls." Spike said, as he went inside and the girls returned to their own homes eager to tell their folks about their Spring Break plans.

Author's Note:

I know it's unexpected I'm already establishing it's Springtime for the group when I didn't cover Fall or Winter, but hey i figure it's best to put them during vacation holiday now. Particularly Spring Break vacation.