• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

A Shy Wallflower

It was Wednesday afternoon at Crystal Prep, Spike and Coco were on their way to the next class, "Can you believe how the teacher just dropped that pop quiz on us? It's like they want us to fail something so they can drop our grades." Spike grumbled.

"It is unexpected when they do that." Coco admitted.

"After today I seriously need some time to take school off my mind. How about you, Coco?" he wondered.

"Me?" she asked, "Well, I could use something to take my mind off today. Do you have something in mind?"

"Yeah. Why don't we grab a bite after school. Just us." he offered.

"Just us?" Coco blushed.

"Yeah. I hope that's not a problem."

"No! No problem at all." she shook her head frantically.

"Ok, then. After school let's go together."

"Sure," Coco answered, and blushed while she thought to herself, 'A date with Spike? This could finally be my big chance.' she squealed in her thoughts.

Hours later when school let out, Spike and Coco were exiting the school and saw the Cuties waiting on the stairs, "Spike, hey!" Indigo called.

"Hey, girls, what's up?" Spike greeted.

"We were just waiting for you." Sunny answered.

"You doing anything right now?" Sour asked.

"Actually, yes. Coco and I are going out to grab a bite." he explained.

"You two, together?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. Plus we have some stuff we have to look over for our English class." Coco added to cover up.

"So it's a study date?" Sugarcoat asked.

"A date?!" Coco gasped, "Now we just..."

"Yeah. Something like that." Spike answered.

Coco blushed at Spike's words, as Twilight spoke, "Well, you two have fun."

"Thanks, girls... And don't even think about shadowing us." Spike said sternly.

"We wouldn't think of it, bro." Lemon replied.

"Good. Come on, Coco." Spike said, as the two walked off.

Later on the two had stopped at a burger arcade place, where Spike and Coco were playing some games. Spike was playing a fighting game, while Coco was playing an old retro game. Spike watched Coco, and spoke, "Wow, Coco. Didn't know you were such a gamer."

Coco felt sheepish, and answered, "Well, I just like the old school kind. You know where they're easier and simpler."

"True." Spike admitted before hearing Game Over, "Round 2!" he inserted another quarter to play again.

Spike and Coco walked around the arcade, before Spike stopped before a claw machine, "Hey, want something from here?"

"Spike, these games are rigged."

"Not quite. Only to those who don't have the experience with it," Spike explained, "Trust me, anything can be acquired from here with the right concentration."

"You really think so?" Coco asked while crossing her arms.

"Is that doubt I sense in you?" Spike raised a brow, "Well, prepare to be proven wrong," he inserted a quarter and began moving the claw around making sure to get it just right above the prize he was gunning for. When he had the claw where he wanted he activated it, and the claw opened up and came down on a cartoon mouse plush. The claw grasped around it and lifted it up and dropped it in the prize retrieval slot, "Voila!"

Coco gasped, "Spike, that's amazing!"

"It's what I'm all about," he picked up the prize and offered it to her, "For you, Coco."

Coco accepted the prize, "Thank you so much, Spike. He's so cute."

"Yeah, just like you."

Coco did a double take, "What did you say?"

"I said it's cute just like you."

Coco blushed, "You think I'm cute?"

"How can I not? Have you even seen yourself lately?"

"Well, I..." Coco trailed off, as she started feeling embarrassed.

Spike seeing her state, replied, "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed."

Coco shook it off, "Oh, it's all right. I'm just not used to getting compliments like that. Especially from boys."

"I see. Well, come on. Let's grab a bite."

"Sure." Coco smiled.

Soon they were sitting down at a booth while having a burger, "Man this stuff is good." Spike said, as he finished chewing.

"Oh, yes. It's delicious." Coco agreed.

Spike looked at Coco curiously, "Say, Coco."


"I was wondering how did you get enrolled in Crystal Prep?"

Coco answered him, "Well, who wouldn't? Crystal Prep Academy is an institution after all."

"True, but were you aware that half the students there were nothing but snobs and posers?" Spike inquired.

"Not exactly. I thought with a reputation as renowned as theirs it would be a fitting place to attend. I had no idea the students there would be so strict. Well not all of them." she thought about Spike and the girls.

"So do you regret attending CPA?"

"No," she answered truthfully, "If I hadn't attended I never would've met you on the first day."

"Yeah. Plus if it weren't for you, I never would've found my way to the Principal's office. Everyone there didn't even bother to stop and give me directions at all." Spike noted.

"Well, I didn't want to be like them and pay no one any mind." Coco answered.

"I'm glad you didn't." Spike replied.

"Yeah. Me too," Coco agreed, "Thanks for inviting me out today, Spike."

"No sweat. After all, you looked like you could really use it."

"I know." the two smiled.

Later the two were walking around before passing by a fountain, until a voice called out, "You two!"

The two froze up, before turning around to see a man wearing a beret and carrying a camera, "Uh, yes?" Spike asked.

"Forgive me for startling you two, but my name's Quick Shot and I was wondering if you two could help me with a photography project I'm working on."

"Photography project?" Coco asked.

"Correct. I need two people to pose in a romantic setting like this fountain here. My theme has to be Romantic, and you two look like perfect choices. Won't you please help me? I really need the grade." Quick Shot pleaded.

Spike and Coco looked at each other before smiling. Spike answered, "Sure, we'll help you out."

"You will?" Quick Shot gasped, "Oh, thank you so much, Mr..."

"Spike Drake, and this is Coco Pommel."

"Thank you, Mr. Drake, and Ms. Pommel," just sit yourselves down by the fountain and I'll guide you.

So Spike and Coco sat down by the fountain, as they were being given directions. They included having to move in closer, wrap an arm around one another, Coco laying her head on Spike's shoulder, and Spike laying down with his head in her lap.

"Fabulous, you two! Absolutely fabulous!" Quick Shot applauded them, "Just a few more now."

Spike and Coco sat close with Coco feeling nervous from all the shots being taken of her. Spike seeing her discomfort decided to help her, "Coco."

"Spike?" she asked, before suddenly finding herself lip locked with Spike. At first she was in a state of shock, before she relaxed and melted into the sweet sensation.

"Yes! Yes! Fabulous!" Quick Shot cheered, as he took pictures of their kissing.

When the two parted, Coco looked lost for words after what she just did, "How was that?" Spike asked.

Coco remained silent but finally found the words, "That was great."


Quick Shot went up to them, "Thank you both so much. With these shots turned into a collage, I'll be sure to get an A."

"We hope you do." Coco said.

"Glad to have been of service, but we really should get going." Spike said.

"No problem. Thanks again." Quick shot said, as Spike and Coco left.

As Spike and Coco were walking back, Spike spoke, "That was fun, wasn't it?"

"Oh, yes. Especially that little photo project."

"Yeah. I sure hope he does get an A." Spike hoped.

"Me too."

"Coco, I really hope you weren't embarrassed by what I did back there."

"I wasn't," she admitted, "That felt amazing. And truth be told, that was my first."

"It was?" Spike looked at her.


"I hope I made it feel like a good first one for you."

"You did." she assured.

"Thanks." Spike smiled. As they continued walking home, Coco took the initiative and locked her arm with Spike's, which Spike had no objection too. Spike suddenly looked and saw a photo booth, "Coco, let's take some photos to commemorate our date."

"Sure." Coco replied, as they went into the booth and took some shots from being silly to acting like lovers.

They stepped out and waited for their shots to print. When they were done, Spike split them off and gave one half to Coco, "Here you go."

"Thanks, Spike. These really came out nice." she said, and the two smiled at each other.

When they arrived at Coco's place, the girl looked at Spike, "Thanks again for the date, Spike. And for winning me this." she held her new plush.

"No problem, Coco. We should do this again some time."

"That'd be nice. Goodnight." she said before giving Spike a kiss.

Spike stood in surprise, as he watched Coco go inside her house. He smiled before taking his leave while feeling absolutely good about himself.

As Coco was in her room laying on her bed, she was texting away with Rara, "My date with Spike was so great. No wonder the Cuties have been so happy as of late. Rara, you should take him out yourself. He's such a blast to be around, especially if it's just him and you."

She waited before getting a reply text from Rara, "I think I'll take that offer up. I have been wanting to get to know him better. And some alone time like a date could be just the way to do it."

It cut to Rara's place, as the girl was looking out her window thinking of Spike, 'A date with Spike. Sounds like a real good time.'