• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,724 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

The Rocker Cutie

One day after school, Spike was heading for the school's exit while thinking about today, 'I can't believe Ms. Chrysalis is still hitting on me the most than any other male student.' he shuddered, as he flashed back to an earlier class.

In English class, the teacher Ms. Chrysalis who was a voluptuous woman with long green hair and green eyes was teaching. She wore a black suit with a green shirt underneath and black necktie.

She was leaning over Spike's desk and spoke while motioning to his book, "You see, Spike you're meant to use the semicolon right here." she instructed, as she pointed out Spike's mistake.

"Yes, ma'am." he answered.

Spike who had been leaning back from Chrysalis who was too close for comfort. He saw she had the top parts of her blouse unbuttoned and could seeing right down into the canyon of cleavage.

'Must resist!' he thought while keeping his eyes from looking.

"You know, Spike, if you keep having trouble with this, I'd be more than happy to privately tutor you." Chrysalis smiled.

"You what?" Spike winced, as she got closer.

"Yes. After all if there's one thing this school doesn't tolerate it's poor grades. And what kind of teacher would I be if one of my students grades started plummeting?" the woman continued to flirt with him, ignoring all the stares from the other students. Unfortunately Spike wasn't able to ignore them so much.

Spike shivered at the memory, and continued to think, 'Thank God I don't have any of the girls in that class with me. If they saw that I'd never hear the end of it. And I should probably alert Principal Cinch or Dean Cadance of Ms. Chrysalis' behavior before the woman tries to literally get into my pants... What am I saying? Ms. Chrysalis would probably deny any of that, and the last thing I want right now to make a spectacle of myself. Just gotta hope she doesn't go any further what what she's doing.'

"Spike-o!" came a shout, as Spike felt something tackle him from behind.

Spike groaned as he fell to the ground face flat, "What the hell?" he looked up to his side seeing Lemon Zest dog piled him, "Lemon?"

"Hey, bro, where ya off to now?" Lemon asked with excitement.

"Well, nowhere in particular, why?" Spike inquired, while wanting to get up.

"Then let's hang out somewhere. Come on, Spike! Let's have some fun!" Lemon cheered, as she continued to pin Spike to the ground.

"Ok! Ok! But can you please get off me?" he pleaded.

Lemon realizing Spike's discomfort, got up, "Sorry about that, dude."

"One thing that hasn't changed about you is your enthusiasm," Spike noted, before thinking, 'Or rather you gained more enthusiasm than you had when we were younger.'

"Well, come on, Spike! Let's not beat around the bush standing here. Let's go!" she took him by the hand and dragged him off, with Spike trying to keep up with her.

Lemon Zest dragged Spike to a burger joint, where the two were sitting at a booth enjoying a burger, "Mm, I remember these." Spike said, as he took a bite.

"Yeah. We'd always come here on weekends for their pack meals when we were kids, but now that we're older we can enjoy the bigger meals to their fullest." Lemon chuckled.

"Cheers to puberty." Spike raised his drink.

"Puberty!" Lemon declared, as she and Spike clicked their drinks together.

"So how's classes been outside our shared music class?" Spike inquired.

"Not bad, of course to me it's the same old. What about you? Have you adjusted enough to Crystal Prep yet?"

"Well, I'm getting there. Course the only issue I have is with Ms. Chrysalis." Spike explained.

Lemon looked at Spike, "Has she made you her target?"

"Target?" Spike asked in worry.

Lemon noticing his scared reaction gasped, "OMG, dude. She totally has, hasn't she?"

"Then is she?"

"A Pedo? Totally. We all know it."

"Then why hasn't anyone ever told Principal Cinch or Dean Cadance?" Spike demanded.

"Because she doesn't ever do anything more than harmless flirting." Lemon answered.

"You call, a woman leaning over a students desk to make them look down her blouse harmless flirting?" Spike asked in disbelief.

"Would you rather have that or her reaching into your pants?" Lemon challenged.

Spike blushed, but brushed it off, "Well, I'd rather not have that either."

"Point is, dude. Don't fret about it. Chrysalis has never sexually harassed a student and I doubt she will now."

"Why'd she have to choose me?" Spike whined.

"Who wouldn't?" Lemon asked, as Spike looked at her, "I mean look at yourself. You used to be so small and weak."

Spike scowled, "Thanks, Lemon. I needed that."

"But look at you now. Taller, handsome, and no doubt stronger." she flattered him.

"Well, not strong per say." Spike replied feeling embarrassed.

Lemon finished her burger, and spoke, "Eat up, Spike. Cause there's more I want to do."

"Such as?" Spike asked.

"You'll find out." she smiled.

So after they ate, Spike and Lemon headed for the mall as the music loving girl brought Spike into her favorite music store.

Spike watched as the girl was checking out some CD's before adding them to her checklist, 'Her love of music is as strong as ever. Though her choice in rock music is definitely ear splitting.' he thought, until Lemon pulled him over to a music sampler.

"Dude, you've gotta hear this!" she placed some headphones on Spike, who listened to some sample rock music.

Though it wasn't too ear splitting it was still a bit too loud for Spike's taste. After Spike removed the headphones, Lemon spoke, "Well, wasn't that just sweet?"

"What?" Spike asked, as he dug a finger into his ear, "I didn't catch that!"

Lemon chuckled thinking he was playing with her, "Oh, Spike, you joker!" she patted his back.

Afterward Spike was following Lemon who was rocking out and jamming with her headphones on making obnoxious cheers and cries.

Spike who had finally got his hearing back rolled his eyes, "She really needs to cut back on the loud stuff."

Lemon Zest noticed a karaoke shop and gasped, "Spike, check it out! Karaoke! Let's try it out!" she dragged Spike along.

"I've never really done karaoke, Lemon!" Spike cried, but the girl didn't hear him due to her music.

Soon the two were sitting inside a booth, as Lemon was looking through the music selections on the karaoke machine.

"I'm telling ya, Spike. Once you've done karaoke you'll wanna keep on trying it."

"How many times have you done it?" Spike inquired.

"I never keep track, though Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat say I do it too much."

"You don't say?" Spike asked, while crossing his arms.

"Let me see, let me see. Oh, now this is my jam!" Lemon selected a song and took the mic, "Prepared to be wow, dude!" the music started playing and as the lyrics appeared on screen, Lemon began to sing.

Lemon sang as if she was born to do it, while Spike just sat back and enjoyed it, while thinking, 'Well, at least when she sings it sounds tolerable compared to her rants and cheers.'

When Lemon finished, Spike applauded, as Lemon spoke, "That's the only way to sing."

"I thought you were great, Lemon." Spike said.

"Thanks. Now it's your turn."

"Are you sure? I mean I don't think my voice is good enough."

"Only one way to find out." Lemon pulled him onto his feet and handed him the mic.

"Ok, I'll give it a shot," Spike looked through the song selections hoping to find something he knew. He stopped as he saw one, "Guess I'll go with this."

So he started the song and when the lyrics appeared he started singing to the best of his ability.

Lemon listened to Spike sing feeling impressed at his efforts while rocking her head back and forth to the rhythm.

Spike who started out nervous about how he'd do suddenly started relaxing as he sang until all sense of doubt faded.

When he finished his number, Lemon spoke, "Dude, you rocked my world!" she cheered.

"Was I really that good?"

"You were amazing. You sure you don't practice in your spare time?"

"Really, I merely say a few lyrics of songs to myself, never the full thing."

"Nevertheless, bro, that was wicked," Lemon said, as she fist bumped with Spike, "We totally have to do this again."

Spike smiled at the idea, "Yeah. I'd like that. We can even invite the others."

"Totally." Lemon agreed.

Later on the two were walking back home, as they stopped at the end of a block, "Well, this is where I go," Lemon began, "Thanks for awesome time, Spike."

"No problem, Lemon. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

"You know it, man." she ran off cheering and jumping around like the wold girl she was.

Spike watched her leave and chuckled to himself, "A little louder and wilder, but still the same old Lemon Zest." he walked off for home as well.

Author's Note:

If anyone has any ideas about how his dates with the other five should go I'm open to hear them. Thank you.