• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,724 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

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After everything that happened in the last hour or so from Spike and his friends protesting against Cinch, her being fired and Cadence appointed new Principal, and finally Spike being reinstated back into Crystal Prep, the entire student body was in a party mood with a good reason to celebrate. Inside the gymnasium that was makeshift decorated for a party, everyone was having fun and celebrating with music and dancing.

Currently Spike and his dad were doing a duo dance number with the older man showing off for his wife, and Spike was showing off for his girls.

"Shake, shake, shake, Senora, Shake your body line. Shake, shake, shake, Senora, Shake it all the time. Work, work, work, Senora!" the father and son sang as they danced before posing.

The students and parents cheered and applauded, as Mrs. Drake nudged some of the parents she was beside, "Those are my boys! I love them!"

Spike went over to his girls who were congratulating him, "Guess hip hop and disco isn't your only field of dance, is it?" Sunny nudged the boy.

"Well, I had to start with other styles and work my way up." Spike admitted.

"We're really proud of you, Spike." Twilight said smiling.

"Proud of me? I should be proud of all of you and everyone else," Spike replied, "You all stuck at my side even with the possibility of being expelled yourselves. And yet you and everyone were willing to drop out for me."

Sugarcoat answered, "If we were the same girls we were before you came back to us we probably would've done nothing. But you reminded us of our better selves." she smiled.

"And that was more than enough reason to see it through till the end." Indigo added.

"And look at the payoff." Lemon noted.

"It did work out well." Spike agreed, as they saw Cadence take the stage and speak into a mic.

"Once again I'd like to commend you all for courage and bravery you've displayed today. When one of your own was in trouble you all came together for their sake. That is what I always believed what being a student at Crystal Prep is all about," The parents and faculty cheered for the new principal, as she continued, "And as your new principal I promise you come next semester I will do all I can in my power to bring this school out of the dark age Cinch has put it through and pave a way for a bright and shiny new age. An age where students don't have to fear losing or be blackmailed. Where you can be who you want to be and not what the faculty forces you to be. Cinch believed friendship was a weakness but I think of it as strength. And the bonds of friendship I've seen today proved it can handle just about anything. And now let's continue to party!" she raised a fist and everyone cheered and partied on.

Spike went over to his girls as music began playing, "Shall we dance, ladies?"

"Let's shake it." Rara said, as the group followed him to the dance floor where they all danced together.

Spike was swinging and dancing with his nine closest lady friends while remembering how he first met or in the six cuties case re-met them when he first started at Crystal Prep. Every day he spent with them made him truly feel at home at the school even with Cinch's strict rules. In the midst of the dancing, Chrysalis made her way through to join in, much to Spike's irritation. But not even she could spoil his good mood and decided to let it be for this one time. Truly that was a proud day for everyone at Crystal Prep Academy. Well, everyone except Cinch.

As the weeks followed it was already time for finals, and without Cinch to crack down on them the students were able to study calmly and collectively without fear of her pressuring them. Because of this little to nobody got less than a B on their finals. The students were very proud of themselves and knew they would be attending the school once again next year and not be held back. While students like Fleur, Fancy, and Trend knew they would be leaving school on a high note.

Then it was two weeks after school let out and friends and family were gathered in the gym auditorium watching the seniors receive their diplomas for graduating. Spike smiled as he watched his two pals and Fleur receive their diplomas while knowing they were going to do great things in life upon moving on in the world.

Soon everyone was outside with Spike and his girls getting pictures taken with their three closest Senior friends who wouldn't be with them at school next year. Coco spoke to the three, "So how do you three feel?"

"Absolutely fabulous, Coco." Fancy admitted.

"Oui, it is as they say a new chapter has opened in our lives." Fleur added.

"But we'll always look back on our time here with fond memories," Trend put in, "Especially the memories of you guys."

"Same here." Lemon replied.

"But just because you guys will be going away come the fall doesn't mean you'll stop keeping in contact with us, right?" Spike asked hopefully.

"Spike, you could never get rid of us that easily." Fancy laughed.

"No matter how hard you try." Trend added, while patting Spike's back.

"And I would never stop keeping contact with you," Fleur finished, as she ruffled Spike's hair playfully, "Now then, what say tonight we have ourselves a little fun? Just us." she asked Spike and the girls.

"Sounds awesome." Indigo admitted.

"Oh yeah." Sour agreed.

"And we can all fulfill the promise I made to you, Spike." Fleur winked.

"Promise?" Spike asked, before remembering what she promised him after saving her life, "Riiiight." the girls caught on and felt excited.

"And Spike, if you're not to busy tomorrow why not join me and Trend for a guy's night?" Fancy offered.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Spike confirmed, as the three boys high fived, "Although what am I going to tell my parents to get away for the night. Especially late?"

As if on cue his mom and dad came over, "Spike, have you any plans for tonight?" his dad asked.

Spike did a double take fearing his parents were psychic, "Why do you ask?"

"Because Cadence invited us and several of the alumni to a meeting tonight to talk about what we can do to improve Crystal Prep come next semester." His mom explained.

"So if you have plans for tonight make sure you bring your key in case you get home earlier than us." his dad said.

Spike feeling relieved they didn't overhear what they were talking about answered, "Actually, I did make plans. The girls and I are going out to celebrate Fleur's graduation. And tomorrow me and the boys are going for a night on the town."

"Oh, Bianca, our boy is growing up so fast." Johnathan said, as he held Bianca close.

"Well, we'll leave you all to yourselves." Bianca said, as the Drake's left.

"Talk about a close call." Rara said.

"I'll say. If they knew what we had planned my mom would put me on house arrest." Spike said.

"Luckily Principal Cadence scheduled that meeting." Sunny added.

"But what're the odds she'd schedule one so close and on the day of graduation none the less?" Twilight inquired, until they looked and saw Cadence turning to them and gave them a wink.

That gesture got them confused, "You don't think she..." Sour trailed off.

"She's good." Spike said in shock.

And so that night out in the city, Spike and the girls partied from going out to a club where they danced the night away before going back to Fleur's place, where her parents gave her the house to herself while they stayed out later.

Upon entering Fleur's bedroom, Spike looked around, "So this is the full layout. Definitely better than from what I saw in the background of the selfie you kittens sent me." he playfully nudged Sour who smiled.

"You know you're actually the first boy I've ever let into my room." Fleur admitted.

"Seriously?" Spike gasped, as Fleur nodded, "Oh, now that is something. And don't worry I'm clean so don't think I'll contaminate it with my pheromones." he joked.

Fleur and the girls chuckled, as the oldest girl spoke, "Oh, Spike, you are so funny."

"So what's the deal?" Indigo asked, "Are we all gonna bang or what?"

"Well, let's not be hasty," Twilight began, "After all unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy."

"There is a chance it won't happen." Sunny noted.

"But that chance is slim." Twilight reminded her.

"Come on, Twilight," Lemon held her from behind, "In life ya just gotta take chances. Besides, you can't deny you want to do it with Spike here."

Twilight sighed, "I can't."

"What about you, Spike? Are you up for it?" Sour asked.

"You bet I am. I may not have shown it, but being around you girls so much makes me think about it countless times." he admitted.

"Really?" Rara asked, as the girls looked interested.

"Were you thinking about it recently?" Coco asked.

Spike's eyes darted around, "Maybe."

"Spike, you can be such a perv you know?" Sugarcoat asked.

"Yeah, but you girls bring that side out of me." he smirked.

"He's got a point." Rara admitted.

"So shall we get started?" Spike asked.

"Oui." Fleur agreed on behalf of the girls.

"So let's get started." Sunny said, as the girls and Spike started disrobing together while leaving their clothes piled on the floor.

When all ten of them were in their birthday suits, Spike looked at his nine girls seeing all their bits and pieces on display for him. He knew how voluptuous the older girls were, especially Fleur and Rara, while Coco didn't have much in the rack department, her petite figure made her look very entrancing in his eyes. While the girls themselves finally seeing Spike for the very first time all natural had blushes on their cheeks.

There was a moment of silence, until Sour spoke up, "Well, somebody say something."

"Girls... You all look so beautiful." Spike spoke up feeling entranced.

"Really?" Twilight asked.


"Thanks." Sunny answered.

"You look great yourself." Coco admitted.

"And you've been hiding all that from us?" Indigo asked, while motioning south.

"Hey, it wasn't easy." Spike replied.

"So are we going to get started or what?" Lemon asked getting impatient.

"I'm with Lemon," Rara agreed, "We're all here and bare. So let's make tonight memorable."

"What do you say, Spike?" Twilight inquired.

"What do I say?" Spike asked, before he climbed onto Fleur's bed and sat with his body spread, "Come and get some, ladies." And with that the girls crawled onto the bed and pounced him like tigers going after a piece of meat.

Awhile later, Spike and the girls were laying about Fleur's bed exhausted and panting, with each of the girls laying as close to Spike as possible. Spike turned to the girls and spoke, "I think we all just climbed up the ladder into adulthood with this."

"Felt great." Lemon panted.

"I can't believe you could last that long, Spike." Twilight said in disbelief.

"I surprised myself there. Then again, grandpa always told me we Drake men always had incredible stamina." Spike chuckled.

"He wasn't lying." Rara said, as she hugged her chest.

The group sat up, as Spike turned to Fleur, "Happy Graduation, Fleur."

"Thank you, darling," Fleur said as she took Spike's hand and planted it on her large breast, "You make my heart beat so beautifully and quickly. That's why I'll never forget this beautiful night." she leaned in and kissed Spike.

Spike returned the kiss while enjoying the feeling of Fleur's enormous soft breast in the palm of his hand. When they parted, Spike was suddenly brought over to the rest of the girls who were eager to get one last piece of action. Twilight took Spike's hands and placed them on her breasts, "I will never feel this good if anybody other than you did this to me, Spike."

Spike blushed at her compliment, before being pulled to Sour who made him grope her, "I would slug to death anybody who would are lay their hands on me here. But you are the only exception. Consider yourself lucky."

"Well, I feel lucky." Spike admitted.

Sugarcoat took Spikes hands and made him grope her next, "Your hands are just the right ones to feel me here."

"Right ones?" he asked, but was once again pulled over to Indigo and started groping her.

"Yeah. That's the spot there," Indigo moaned, "Next time we have a little workout you can massage me here afterward."

"Good to know." Spike blushed at the idea.

Coco took Spike's hands and placed them on her developing breasts, "They're not much now. But just you wait I'm going to blossom into a woman worthy of you."

"Personally, Coco. You already are worthy." Spike said, making Coco blush.

Sunny moved Spike's hands to her breasts, and spoke, "Sweetie, you've made tonight memorable for all of us."

"And you have made it memorable for me too." he replied.

Lemon went next as Spike groped her, "Dude, your hands are a national treasure to girls everywhere."

"Thanks, Lemon."

Finally Rara was the last girl for Spike to grope, as he laid his hands on her airbags, "I hope you can massage me here too, after any performance I do down at the cafes and such."

"It's a deal." Spike smiled.

Soon Spike and the rest of the girls got dressed while Fleur remained undressed and on her bed, "Thanks for the fun, Fleur." Twilight said.

"It's been a blast." Lemon added.

"You're welcome, everyone." Fleur replied.

"We'll talk tomorrow, Fleur." Spike pecked her cheek.

"Bonne nuit, everyone." she bid them a goodnight, as the group left her place and headed for their homes.

The first stop was Coco's home. As Spike walked the girl up to her house, Coco embraced him, "Goodnight, Spike. See you tomorrow." she kissed his lips.

Spike smiled and answered, "See you tomorrow, Coco." Coco went into her house as Spike took the rest of the girls home.

Next house they stopped at was Rara's where the inspiring pop star was walked up to her door by Spike, "Goodnight, Rara. I'll be thinking of your singing when I sleep tonight." the boy said.

Rara smiled, "You're so sweet, Spike," she planted a kiss on Spike, "You have a goodnight too." she went inside, as the group carried on.

They went to Lemon's place, as Lemon raised a fist to Spike, "Catch you later, Spike."

"You too, Lemon." Spike fist bumped with her, before Lemon kissed him. She parted and went inside.

They walked to Indigo's home, where Spike and her went to the front door, "See you around, Indigo." Spike said.

"Catch you later, Spike." the two kissed, as the sports girl turned in.

The next house they stopped at was Sugarcoat's. Spike walked her to her door, and spoke, "You have a goodnight, Sugarcoat."

"You too, Spike. Hope we have more nights like this." she smiled, before they kissed and parted ways.

When they arrived at Sunny's place, the girl spoke to Spike, "I hope next time we engage in love making, Spike, we do it twice as hard."

"You got it, Sunny." Spike promised, and the two kissed before going their separate ways.

Upon arriving at Sour's place, Spike took her to the door and spoke, "Next time we have sex, Sour, could you please not act like a dominatrix? You were a little too rough for the first time. Even though I enjoyed it."

"Are you kidding me?" Sour asked, "Being a dominatrix in the sack is my strong point. And since you like it I'm gonna make sure next time you enjoy it twice as much."

"Oh, boy." Spike said feeling aroused.

"Come here, boy." Sour said, as she threw her arms around him and they kissed. When they parted, Spike left with Twilight as they carried onto her place.

When they made it to Twilight's home, the two looked at each other, as Spike spoke, "We've had a wild and crazy year at Crystal Prep, haven't we?"

"No kidding. This has probably been my best year there so far." Twilight admitted.

"Yeah. Who knows what next year will really be like?" Spike asked.

"How exciting, isn't it?" Twilight asked.

Spike smiled, and the two leaned in and kissed. Upon parting, Spike spoke, "Goodnight, Twilight."

"Goodnight, Spike." Twilight smiled back, before going inside.

Spike sighed lovingly, before walking home himself, as he narrated, "Remember how I said 'Things do not change; we change' as told by Thoreau? Well, it's half right. We may change our looks and persona's in many ways. But still a part of us will always remain the same somewhere. Just as I knew the girls still had traces of their old selves somewhere within them. And I brought them back to the surface. And now I got a new saying on the mind told by John Lancaster Spalding, 'Each forward step we take we leave some phantom of ourselves behind'. I started Crystal Prep as a nobody who didn't feel like he had anyplace there. But with every passing day that part of me was left behind further and further until I became a new guy. A guy who knew whatever happened he wouldn't be alone no matter what. And I owe it all to my friends from Crystal Prep Academy... The Cuties."

Author's Note:

And this concludes the tale. I hope you guys enjoyed it and will be inspired to make your own Spike harem fics involving the Shadowbolts of Crystal Prep. All I can say now is you've been terrific readers and this concludes the fic. Thank you and see you next time.

Comments ( 26 )

I can't believe it's over already. :ajsleepy:

Oh well, it had a great run. :twilightsmile: And Spike had a great night. :raritywink:

another satisfying conclusion to another one of your Spike harem tales, Wildcard. :twilightsmile: What will u do next?

dude could you do an epilogue as it being the guy's night that fancy and trender wanted to do with spike, with spike telling them that is no longer a virgin and them being so shocked that they half faent.

i hope this story has a sequel

I hope you guys enjoyed it and will be inspired to make your own Spike harem fics involving the Shadowbolts of Crystal Prep

Needless to say Wild, I think some of us have already started on that.

Anyway, thanks again for this story!

Really, really good job. I check for new chapters of your stories everyday and am never disappointed. Are you going to start on a new one or finish up the ones that are still going?

8360856 i got to try and finish some of the ones I have

Awe! I was hoping it would be as long as "The Girls of My Life"! Oh, well! Great story though!

Maybe you should do another harem story of Spike, the CMC, and DT & SS.

And so another harem fic comes to close. Love this fic, and I'm surprised Chrysalis didn't try anything, seeing she was being very flirty with Spike.

doesn't mean she won't try later on. key word being try and fail miserably.

Amazing story 10/10 will read again:heart::moustache:

hope this means you'll be updating Master Thief Dragon, and hopefully making more like this, your work in writing these stories is an inspiration to alot of writers on fimfiction, not to mention you have made some other best stories i've ever seen. can't wait to see what you comebup with next.

This was awesom i loved it!

The story was wonderful. I remember i started reading it on my way to my dads house in another state, but this caught my eye. If you put up a sequel, im more than likely to enjoy it like i enjoyed this series. Thank you WildCard.

Well done.

This definitely has me inspired to make my own spike fic.

Spike...this is why we love your harem stories...but we envy you for having a harem life guys only dream of

I feel that someone gotten in art should make a closing scene with every girl holding a positive pregnancy test followed by spike sweating buckets. All in all another top notch fix by the harem master himself. Ty Wildcard

This took a few days to binge, but by God it was all worth it cuz once again Wild, you have another masterpiece that was completely GLORIOUS! I know you have another projects at the moment, so seeing a lemon version of the finale or a sequel is very unlikely at the moment, but still I hope to see that happen one day. Until then Wild, keeping up the amazing work & I can't wait to read the rest of your work! :twilightsmile:

Dude you should make a sequel it would be so amazing and maybe add an arch where canterlot academy is added into the mix

Such a long delayed response on my part. But the idea of going to crystal high isn’t about keeping the name sake. It’s more about experiencing new things. So maybe in the sequel we would be meeting the Equestrian Twilight, or even a matter of a fact seeing spike gaining some of the elemental powers? Who knows?

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