• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,696 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

Dating a Senior

Friday afternoon, Spike had just returned home from school. We walked into the living room, seeing his dad reading the paper, "Welcome home, Spike."

"Thanks, dad." Spike replied.

"How was today?"

"Same old, as usual." Spike sighed.

"That boring? Crystal Prep wasn't like that during my day." his dad boasted.

"Did your day have a principal who looks like the scariest human being to walk the planet?" Spike asked, as his father shrugged, "I didn't think so."

Spike left the living room, and walked into his bedroom. He dropped his backpack onto the floor and dropped his body onto his bed sighing in relief, "Nothing but rest and relaxation for this weekend," he heard his cellphone ring, and checked his text messages, "Message from Fleur?" he asked himself before opening it up, "Spike, if you're not too busy tomorrow, I was wondering if you'd like to join me on a date. I know it sounds sudden, but it's just we haven't had any real alone time since that day at school. Let me know when you have an answer."

Spike pondered on the text, and thought to himself, 'Well, she's right about that. We haven't had any time together since that day. And she has since then tried getting along with the girls. And they haven't been trying to start anything with her. Maybe I will take her up on her offer." he sent a reply text giving Fleur a yes. He waited before receiving another text from her.

"Thank you, so much, Spike. Let's meet tomorrow at noon by the fountain." Spike read the text and smiled. Suddenly he received another message in the form of a picture. The picture was a selfie of Fleur. The image was of her in a white camisole top with a large portion of cleavage sticking out and black short shorts revealing her long slender and sexy legs. The pose she was in was lying atop her bed on her left side facing the direction the camera of her phone. She had right right leg bended so her knee was sticking up. She was resting the left side of her face in her hand, while wrapping her right arm under breasts trying to push them together. Needless to say Spike was enticed by such a sexy display, leaving a blush on his face as proof. He saw another text come up from Fleur, "A little something for you, darling."

Spike spoke to himself, "I am definitely saving this." he saved it to his images archive.

Meanwhile in Fleur's bedroom, the girl was on her bed giggling to herself, "I hope Spike likes my little selfie," she got up and went to her closet of clothes, "Now what should I wear tomorrow for my dear Spike? Something casual but sexy." she blushed at the possibilities.

They very next day, Spike was walking to the rendezvous point to meet Fleur. His date attire included his sneakers, blue pants, short green shirt, and purple unzipped hoodie. He arrived at the fountain and looked around seeing no sign of her, 'Where could she be?' he continued to scope out the scenery seeing Fleur was nowhere to be found.

"Bonjour, Spike." Spike turned, and saw Fleur walking over to him. Her attire included sandals, a short pink skirt, and a white short sleeved top with a gold rectangular ring circling the shirt front and back.

Spike looked at Fleur, while feeling flustered at how gorgeous she looked. Especially wearing a top that almost seemed too small for her. Spike answered her greeting, "Good morning, Fleur. How're you today?"

"I'm doing well, Spike. You look wonderful today." Fleur eyed him up.

"Thanks. You look great yourself." Spike replied, with a blush.

"Merci. So shall we get going?" she offered.

"Sure, but where to?" Spike wondered.

Fleur waved a finger, "Ah-ah-ah. You just leave that to me, ok?"

"If you say so." Spike answered, feeling curious.

"Come on." Fleur linked her arm with Spike's and they headed out.

As they walked along, Spike was taking in all the glances being shot his way. From the older boys he was receiving looks of jealousy, and from older girls he received looks that said 'oh, isn't he adorable walking arm in arm with his big sister'. He let out a sigh, "It never ends. Any time I'm seen with an older girl who doesn't look to be related to me I get the stares."

Fleur looked down at him, "I take it this happens a lot when you're seen with the girls?"

"Obviously." he replied dryly.

Fleur smiled, "Well, don't think about feeling like a minority. Just relax and enjoy the day." she pulled Spike closer, allowing his elbow to rub up against the side of her breast.

Spike smiled with excitement to himself, and thought, 'I'm definitely enjoying this.'

The first place they stopped at was an ice cream shop, where the two were sitting at a table sharing a milkshake. As they drank from it, Fleur spoke, "Mm, delicious."

"I'll say," Spike agreed, "Just be careful you don't get brain freeze. I got it once, and my whole head felt like I was in a freezer."

Fleur giggled, "Oh, Spike, you're so funny."

"Thank you."

As Fleur took another sip of the milkshake, she spoke, "So, Spike, how have you and the girls been as of late?"

"Oh, we've been doing great. Why do you ask?"

"Well, after Disco Night with Twilight, and you and Lemon making that public display at the concert I was curious if you've been getting along well with the other girls."

"We've been getting along well actually," Spike admitted, "I've actually hung out with them on separate occasions. Even my friends Coco and Rara."

"Really? Doing what?" Fleur inquired.

"Oh, just random stuff. A date here, helping with my work there, the works."

"I see," Fleur began to grin, "Did it go anywhere else with them?"

"Anywhere else?" Spike asked in confusion, before it dawned on him, "Nothing explicit. I just got to kiss them all."

"On the lips?" she asked with interest.


"Congratulations. Now you can say you got a kiss from all your closest friends."

"Yeah. Great." Spike smiled sheepishly.

"Well, Spike. There's more places to go, and the day's still young." Fleur said, as they finished their shake.

"So let's bounce." Spike chuckled, as the two headed off.

Later the two were in a bookstore, with Spike hanging around the comic book shelves, particularly the manga section. The boy was currently checking out some of the newest issues of his favorite series featuring well endowed female ninjas. As he skimmed through the pages, he looked completely drawn into it. He was suddenly started by Fleur who looked over his shoulder and spoke, "Kunoichi Chop?"

"Gah!" Spike jumped, before looking back at her, "Just checking to see how it is." he said nervously.

"I can't blame you. A series about female ninjas looking to right the injustices of their land from a corrupted feudal lord. It's a masterpiece."

Spike looked flabbergasted, "You know about it?"

"Of course, and I can see why you'd be into it." She nudged Spike, while motioning to the cover art of the busty ninja girls.

Spike felt flustered, but shook it off, "Don't presume too much. I like the plot as well. The fact the characters are well endowed female ninjas is a bonus."

"Mm-hmm," Fleur smirked, "Well, ninjas are good, but I prefer something a little more magical. Like this." she held up a comic featuring magical girls dressed in sexy maid outfits.

Spike read the comic title, "Magical Maid Service. You're a fan of this series too?"

"Of course. Teenage girls who work at a maid cafe after school by day, but when the shop closes up they are the magical maid squad looking to stop crime and deliver their own brand of justice with service to those they help." Fleur explained with passion.

"I never would've taken you for a comic girl. Especially a manga one." Spike said in disbelief.

"Well, I just can't help it," Fleur admitted, "The ideas these writers come up with is pure gold. Plus I love the costume designs for these girls. I'd like to wear a maid outfit just like them."

"I'll bet you'd look lovely in it." Spike admitted, before suddenly finding himself pulled closer to Fleur.

"Yes. I would, wouldn't I?"

Spike started sweating at how close their bodies were, while noticing some other customers who were walking by noticed them, "Fleur, now's not the best time for this." he said nervously.

Fleur remembering the situation, released Spike, "You're right. There's other places for this."

"Yeah, other places," Spike agreed, before realizing what he said, "Other places?"

Fleur smirked, as she held up the comic she was looking at, "I think I'll get this volume. You getting that one?"

"Uh, yeah." he answered.

"Then let's go." Fleur said, as they purchased their comics and left the store.

Some time later, Spike and Fleur were sitting atop a hillside under the cooling shade of a tree, while admiring the view of the whole city, "It's beautiful up here." Fleur smiled.

"Yeah. You can see everything." Spike agreed, as he kicked back.

"I thank you again for joining me on this date, Spike." Fleur thanked him.

"Glad you asked me. I mean you and I haven't had any time outside school, unless you count Disco Night." Spike replied, as he found her snuggling up closer to him leaving him flustered.

"I know. I do wish I could be closer to you without invoking the wrath of the Cuties." Fleur sighed.

"Actually, they're coming along well. Maybe if you just ask nicely they might let you join us in any activities we got going on."

Fleur looked at him with hope, "You think so?" Spike nodded, and Fleur smiled, "Merci, Spike. It's so nice I met a boy at school outside Fancypants who doesn't look at me like a trophy girl."

"Well, you deserve better." Spike answered, until he found his hands held by Fleur's as she stared at him with love in her eyes.

"Why ask for better when I have you?" she asked with a bat of her eyes. Spike chuckled sheepishly, as she continued, "You've made this day so wonderful, Spike. I'd like to repay you."

"Repay me, how?" he wondered.

"By giving you some very special treatment." Fleur said, as she took Spike's right hand making him stick his index finger out. She then put Spike's finger into her mouth and began sucking on it.

Spike started moaning with enjoyment, as his index finger was being sucked on by an incredibly hot older girl. His finger was being coated with the saliva of Fleur's tongue, sending shivers throughout his body. He thought to himself, 'Oh, man. If any guy in school knew what was happening here I'd be hunted down like Van Hellsing catching a vampire. This is better than sitting in a vibrating chair!' he moaned some more, until Fleur pulled his finger out of her mouth for air.

She giggled at how he moaned, and spoke, "Honestly, the way you moan like that is just so adorably precious."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes, why if you could see the look on your face right now you'd totally understand," Fleur said, as she cupped her arms under her bust and lifted it up, "It even makes me feel so hot inside it makes me want to do more." as she dropped her arms her breasts bounced enticing Spike more.

"More?" Spike panted at the possibility, and suddenly found Fleur draping herself over him in an embrace.

Fleur whispered seductively into his ear, "I'm so lucky to have a crush on such an adorable, hot, younger guy."

"Good to know." Spike panted, as he could feel himself grow stiff below the belt.

Fleur giggled, "What's also perfect about this is no one will ever know what we do up here. That's why..." she puckered up and moved in planting her lips on Spike's.

Spike was taken aback, but succumbed to Fleur's charm and returned the kiss. They kissed passionately, as their tongues battled for supremacy. Fleur wrapped her hand around Spike's head making them go deeper, while she rubbed her breasts against his chest causing Spike to moan through their kiss.

When they parted, a strand of saliva connected from their lips. The two panted, as Spike spoke, "Wow. My make outs were never that passionate."

"You weren't so bad yourself, honey pie." Fleur giggled.

"I got to know what you practiced on or with to be that good." Spike said with shock.

"I didn't need the practice," she answered, "That was all natural."

"No way." Spike gasped.


"You are truly a wonder, Fleur." Spike said in disbelief.

Fleur smiled, "You are a marvel yourself, Spike." they embraced again, wanting to enjoy the sweet moment.

As nighttime hit, the two had walked back to Spike's place, as the boy spoke to the older girl, "Thanks, but are you sure you wanna walk back yourself?" Spike asked with concern.

"Don't worry about me, darling. I can take care of myself fine." she assured him.

"If you say so. I really had a great time, Fleur."

"So did I, Spike. I really hope we can do this again sometime."

"I'd love that." Spike admitted, and received another kiss from Fleur.

"Bonne nuit, Spike." she bid him farewell and left.

Spike watched Fleur leave before putting a finger to his lip and smiled to himself, "Merci." he went inside his house.

When Monday came, Spike and his friends were walking through the hall on their way to their classes, until Fleur called out, "Yoo-hoo!" the group stopped, as Spike greeted her.

"Morning, Fleur, how're you?"

"I'm doing well, Spike. And how're all of you this morning?" she asked.

"We're good." Rara answered.

"Couldn't be better." Twilight added.

"So what's up?" Lemon asked.

"Well, I was wondering if sometime this week if we could all spend the day together after school." she requested.

"All of us?" Coco asked.

"Oui, if that's ok with you." Fleur replied.

Spike looked at the girls hoping they wouldn't be rude to her, until Sugarcoat smiled and answered, "I think we can arrange that."

"Oh, thank you so much." Fleur smiled happily.

"And I thought you should know something, Fleur," Sour began, "If you think your moment with Spike in the music room puts you above us then you're mistaken."

"Quelle?" Fleur asked.

"You though Twilight and Lemon kissing Spike those two times was something?" Sunny asked, "Well, let me tell you each one of us here has had that privilege."

Spike started getting nervous about his friends trying to spite Fleur, as Indigo added, "What do you have to say to that?" she smirked with pride.

Spike looked at Fleur fearing she was gonna spill the beans about what happened with them before they barged into he music room that day. She smiled, as Spike waited for her to drop the 'Oh shit' bomb. Suddenly Fleur answered, "I'm very happy for all of you."

"Huh?" Spike asked in shock.

"You are?" Sour asked, as she and the girls were taken aback by her answer.

"I am. Guess you all beat me to that." Fleur replied.

"Well, ok then." Rara said, as they felt awkward.

"We should probably get to class now." Twilight suggested.

"Good idea," Spike agreed. As they walked, Spike looked up at Fleur who gave him a wink. Spike smiled to himself and thought, 'Willing to let them have that victory. Fleur, you really are kind hearted.'