• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

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The Athletic Cutie

During Phys Ed class at Crystal Prep Friday afternoon, Spike was with his fellow classmates running laps on the academy's track field.

The green spiked hair boy was panting while running and trying to keep up with the rest of his fellow students, 'I think I'm sweating up a whole bottles worth of sweat.'

"Hey, Spike!" a voice broke him out of his thoughts. He looked seeing Indigo running at his side, "If I were you I'd stay focus or you'll fall behind."

"And what about you? Aren't you faster than this?" Spike inquired.

"Yeah, but I just held back just give you some wisdom. Keep running no matter what. Catch ya up front." she took off like a shot and was in front of the whole class.

'She's as fast as ever,' Spike thought, as he watched her run ahead while her butt shook underneath her tight gym shorts while running, 'And this is a good view.' he felt flustered.

After a long workout the class returned to the locker rooms to shower off. As Spike showered off with the rest of the boys he was still panting, "I think I worked off about five pounds today."

"Well, you know what they say, Spike," came a voice, as Spike looked at this side seeing a blonde haired boy who was a senior and wore glasses, "Two things does a body good. Milk and Sweat."

"Whatever you say, Trend." Spike replied. Trenderhoof or Trend as he'd prefer was a senior like Fancypants and like him wasn't at all snobbish or cold like many of the other students, and was actually nice to Spike.

"I'm serious. I'm putting that in the next issue of the Crystal Prep Inquirer. It'll help convince more of our fellow students into working out and exercise more." Trend explained.

"No doubt, I mean everyone in the school reads your articles." Spike said.

"Writing is my passion of course." Trend smiled.


After school, Spike walked outside the building ready to head home, until Indigo ran up to him, "Spike-man, there you are!" she pulled him into a head lock.

"Indigo! Too tight!"

Indigo released him so he could catch his breath, "Sorry about that."

"No prob. So what's up?"

"I have something that's gonna make you flip." Indigo smirked, as she waved two sports tickets in front of his face.

Spike's eyes lit up at the sight of them, "Are those..."

"Tickets to tomorrow's big B-Ball game between the Southtown Minotaurs and the Westside Griffons." Indigo grinned.

"So why're you showing them to me?" he inquired.

"Well, I have an extra ticket and I was wondering if you'd like to join me tomorrow?" she smirked.

"Join you? You mean like a date?" Spike asked in surprise.

"If you wanna call it that," she teased leaving him embarrassed, "But seriously though. Would ya like to join me?"

"Not that I'm not grateful, but why ask me?"

"Because you're my old pal, Spike. I haven't seen you in years. I figured this is a great chance for you and I to truly get caught up again. Don't ya agree?"

"Well, ya got a point." he admitted.

"So you wanna come?"

"I'd be certifiably insane if I said no." Spike answered.

"Good answer. Tomorrow I'll meet up at your place." she offered.

"Done." Spike agreed.

"Then I'll catch ya tomorrow." Indigo said, as the two went their separate ways.

When Spike got home, he went inside seeing his father in the living room arm chair watching TV and his mother sitting on the couch reading a magazine.

"Hey." Spike greeted them.

"Hi, Spike, how was school today?" Bianca asked.

"Same lessons same work." Spike replied.

"Sounds just like Crystal Prep during our high school years." Johnathan chuckled.

"But on the upside Indigo and I got plans for tomorrow." Spike added.

"What kind of plans?" Bianca inquired.

"We're going to the Minotaurs Griffons game tomorrow."

Jonathon looked at his son, "No kidding? I'm actually jealous of you."

"I know, dad." Spike rolled his eyes.

"It's nice to see you're reconnecting with your old childhood friends, Spike." his mom said.

"Yeah, sure is," Spike admitted, as he walked for his room, and thought, 'Although it's a challenge since they've changed much.'

The next day around late afternoon, Spike was in his room getting ready. After dawning his purple jacket he stood all set and ready to go.

"Man, I'm good." he smirked.

"Spike, Indigo's here!" Johnathon's voice came.

"Coming!" Spike called.

In the Drake's living room, Indigo at on the couch waiting for Spike, as his parents were conversing with her, "It really is nice to see you again, Indigo." Bianca began.

"Hard to imagine you were that cute little sports girl that hung out with our son." Johnathon added.

"I know. And I'm glad to know you guys moved back here, this place just wasn't the same without you guys." Indigo noted.

"Indigo." Spike spoke, as he entered the living room.

"Hey, Spike, you all ready to go?"

"You betcha."

"Well, come on!" Indigo pumped her fist with excitement.

"I'll be back tonight." Spike told his parents, as he and Indigo went out the door.

Half an hour later at the city's Crystal Court, Spike and Indigo were in their seats with snacks while watching the two teams square off.

"Come on, pass it!" Indigo called, "Pass it! Yeah! Oh, those Minotaurs think they're all that, but the Griffons are always full of surprises!"

"Jeez, Indigo, don't draw all the attention over here. You wanna piss off all the Minotaurs fans here?" Spike asked feeling uncomfortable about her rants.

"Hey, can't help it if the Griffons are one upping them, right?" Indigo smirked.

Spike sighed, "I guess," he thought to himself, 'Whatever happened to respecting your opponent?' he remembered Indigo back then would always show respect to her opponents in any manner of game activity whenever they'd win or lose. Now it's like all she cared about was winning.

"Spike, check it out!" Indigo called.

Spike looked up at the video screen above the arena that was displaying couples in the stands caught on camera, and the current captured pair caught on screen was Spike and Indigo surrounded by a heart shaped outline.

Spike blushed with embarrassment, while Indigo smirked, "Looks like you and I are are a couple in the eyes of millions."

"Indigo, just because we were showed in screen doesn't mean we..." Spike was cut off, as Indigo pulled him into a headlock.

"Come on, don't you think we look cute together?" she grinned.

"Well, I." Spike wheezed.

"Admit it, you like being with me. You silly spiked hair son of a gun!" she kept his head locked tighter, and ended up getting his cheek to press up against her left breast.

'This is both comfy and painful.' Spike thought, while not enjoying the headlock was able to enjoy her breast brush up against his cheek.

Soon it was down to the last quarter with only twenty seconds remaining and all tied up. The Griffons and the Minotaurs players were handling the ball, until a Griffon intercepted it from a Minotaur player.

"This is it, this is it. Come on! Indigo pleaded.

"Don't go into overtime! Don't go into overtime!" Spike pleaded.

They watched as the Griffon player maneuvered around the Minotaurs while his teammates kept them off his back. With time running out he got as close as he could before shooting the ball that landed in the basket before the buzzer sounded.

"Griffons win!" the announcer called.

The Griffons fans jumped out of their seats roaring with cheers and applause. Spike and Indigo shot up from their seats cheering as well. They did a double high five before Indigo embraced Spike while filled with happiness for her favorite teams victory. Spike himself enjoyed the embrace remembering just how nice it felt when she hugged him when they were kids.

That night, Spike and Indigo got off the bus at the stop closest to Spike's place. The two of them were wearing Griffons jersey's with Spike's number being 07 and Indigo's being 01 which they bought at the gift shop.

"Boy, that was some game." Spike told his friend.

"Yeah, and now the Griffons will be the talk of the sports section in the papers tomorrow." Indigo added.

"For sure," Spike nodded, as the two laughed while walking, "Thanks again, Indigo, for giving me your extra ticket."

"No prob at all, Spike. I'm glad I could use this chance to reconnect with my old buddy."

"So am I." Spike smiled, as they reached his place, "So I guess I'll see you around."

"Yeah, see ya," Indigo said. Spike was about to walk up his porch, until Indigo spoke up, "Spike?"

"Yeah, what is..." Spike turned back around and suddenly got a peck on his cheek by Indigo leaving him flustered.

"Gotcha!" Indigo laughed, as she ran off.

"Hey, Indigo!" Spike called out, but the girl ran off into the night back to her place. He felt the cheek he received the kiss, and smiled remembering the last time they were together as kids. She was the one who made the first move back then. And she once again made the first move before any of the others did since he was reunited with them.

"Like old times." he said to himself before going inside.