• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

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Essay on Friends

One afternoon at Crystal Prep, the students had just left their final classes and were taking off. Spike was walking through the hall, and thought to himself, 'I can't believe I have to write an essay about one or a few people who're most special to me. But then again it seems like the kind of essay I can write, seeing as how I do have people to write about." he thinks about the Cuties, until he turned around a corner and saw in the hallway was Ms Chrysalis, "Dammit!" he cursed as he hid, "I don't have time to deal with her advances right now."

Spike looked around hoping to find some way of avoiding her, before spotting Sugarcoat coming down the hall. Forming an idea he went over to her, "Hey, Sugarcoat, where you off to?"

Sugarcoat was confused by Spike's question, but answered him, "Uh, the library?"

"Perfect. I was heading that way too. Let's go together!" Spike spoke in a rush. Before Sugarcoat could answered, Spike took her hand into his, "Just stay close and don't let go of my hand." he instructed.

Sugarcoat was lost for words at Spike's sudden move, and started gaining a blush on her face. So they started walking down the hall with neither one letting go of the other. Some students took notice of this and couldn't take their eyes off them. Despite the stares Spike and Sugarcoat ignored them, until they got closer to Ms. Chrysalis.

When Chrysalis noticed Spike and Sugarcoat, she spoke up in her Ms. Nice Lady voice, "Afternoon, Spike. Sugarcoat."

"Afternoon, Ms. Chrysalis." they answered, while kept walking.

"Spike, I was wondering if you'd..." But like before Spike cut her off.

"Sorry, Ms. Chrysalis, but Sugarcoat and I have something big to do. And we can't waste time. Sorry." Spike said, as they continued down the hall before exiting the school.

Once outside Spike sighed in relief, "Thanks, Sugarcoat. Dodging Chrysalis after school is no easy feat."

Sugarcoat seeing why he took her hand felt a bit disappointed in the reason, "So you just needed me to keep Ms. Chrysalis off your back?"

"Not just that. I felt real comfortable walking by your side through the hall." Spike replied.

Sugarcoat's disappointment subsided, upon hearing that, "You did?"

"Yeah. Didn't you?" he wondered.

Sugarcoat blushed, before answering, "Actually, I did too."

Spike smiled, "Great. And since we're both going to the library we can go together."

Sugarcoat raised a brow, "You mean you really do need to go there?"

"Yeah. I can work on my project there."

"What project?" Sugarcoat inquired.

"I'm supposed to write an essay about someone or a group of people who're close to me. And I've decided to write about you and the rest of the girls."

"About us?" Sugarcoat asked with interest.

"That's right. You girls are the best choice of people to write about."

"Can I be of help?" she offered.

"Really? But don't you have your own work to do there?" he asked.

"I was just gonna skim through some books I've already looked through. I can proofread your drafts."

Spike spoke, "You'd do that?"

Sugarcoat nodded, "Of course, Spike. What're friends for?" deep down she wanted to get a chance to see what Spike would write about her as well as everyone else.

"Thanks, Sugarcoat. I'll owe you for this."

"I'll hold you to it."

"Shall we go?" he offered his hand to her.

Sugarcoat looked down at his hand before asking with suspicion, "You still need me as cover from some other person who has it out for you?"

"Oh, no. I want us to walk together." Spike answered with sincerity.

The bespectacled girl feeling the honesty in his voice smiled, and took his hand into hers, "Let's go." she said, as the two walked off.

Later on at the Public Library, the two sat at a table in the far back feeling they'd get enough privacy. Remembering the library policy, the two talked in soft voices, "So, if you're going to write about me and the rest of the girls, you must be honest thorough," Sugarcoat began, "Don't hold back and don't candy coat it. Just write about them how you truly feel."

"Even about you?" Spike asked.

"Even me." she confirmed.

Spike thought, 'Well, she wants me to be honest, then I'll write it.'

So Spike started writing out his essay on his friends, while Sugarcoat supervised him and got in some reading herself. When Spike finished his first draft, he gave it to Sugarcoat, "Well, this is my first copy. Give it a read."

"Got it." Sugarcoat said, as she began reading the essay to herself.

Most people like to talk about one of their oldest closest friends to others they've just met. In fact most people may only have one friend in their whole lives. But there are some out there like me who have more than one special friend. And that's why I chose to talk about all six of them rather than one of them. My first friend like all of them I've known since we were little kids, and her name is Twilight Sparkle. Even at a young age she's always been the book smart type. When we were kids we constantly read volume after volume of of the latest trending book series, like The Dragon Guardians of Flamecano Mountain. Now these days our bonding has become much more than just book reading. She helps me out in certain classes like mathematics and science, when in return I help organize her books and supplies. She always does call me the greatest assistant anyone could ask for, and I'm glad she thinks that way because like her I also love helping friends in any way I can.

As Sugarcoat read the section, Spike was thinking about moments in his life with each of the girls starting with Twilight.

Spike and Twilight back when they were little kids were currently reading the latest volume of their fave book series, "Do you really think Flame Shard and his friends can recover all the stolen Fire stones in the next volume, Twilight?" Spike asked hopefully.

"I don't know, Spike. But if anyone can do it, it's Flame Shard."

"Then do you think he and the Dragon Princess will finally settle down after all this?"

"It's a possibility. You know how this book series tends to take strange twists and turns. Which is why I love it so much." Twilight smiled, while holding the book close.

"And I love it too. You know, Twi, sometimes I actually envision us as Flame Shard and Dragon Princess Cynder."

Twilight did a double take, "You do?" Spike nodded, "Well, what a coincidence. I do that to with us."

"Really?" Spike asked, as Twilight nodded, "Great minds do think alike, huh?"

"They sure do." Twilight agreed, as the two hugged.

After Spike's flashback about Twilight ended, Sugarcoat moved onto the next paragraph seeing it was all about Indigo.

You know how it's always a father's job to try and get his son into things like sports? Well, that's what my dad was like, but the one who really got me into sports was my friend Indigo Zap. Be it playing catch with a baseball, tossing around a football, shooting hoops, or breaking balls on a pool table, Indigo always enjoyed playing with me. Even if she's gotten a bit too competitive now, she still likes to have fun with it.

Spike started recalling a time when he and Indigo were in the park tossing around the old pigskin, "All right, Spike. I'm gonna throw it far, and I want to do your best to catch it." Indigo instructed.

"All right, Indigo. I'll try!" Spike answered, as he was getting ready to run.

"Go!" Indigo called, as Spike started running out into the field, "Here it comes!" she threw the football.

Spike turned and saw the ball was coming right towards him. He held his arms out hoping to catch it, but suddenly lost his footing and started falling as the ball landed on him. Indigo gasped seeing him roll across the field, "Spike, are you ok?" she asked. She suddenly saw Spike hold up the football signaling he caught it before he hit the grass. This sight put a look of excitement on Indigo's face, "Touchdown!" she called before running over to Spike, "You did it, Spike!" she helped him back on his feet.

"I wouldn't have been able to it you hadn't taught me, Indigo." Spike replied.

"Oh, come here you little winner!" Indigo pulled Spike in a headlock as the two kids laughed happily.

After the flashback, Sugarcoat saw the next paragraph of Spike's essay featured Sunny. She fixed her glasses and read it to herself.

I've always been a sucker for a girl with a pretty face. I mean granted all six of my closest friends have pretty faces. But out of all six of them, no face screams pretty like Sunny Flare's. Most boys under ten and such didn't want to be near girls who looked pretty because they though girls were gross. I didn't care about appearances, and neither did Sunny. In fact I know plenty of boys who regret treating Sunny as if she were diseased as a kid.

Sugarcoat felt flustered at the mention of Spike noting she and the rest of the girls also had pretty faces, and it wasn't just reserved for Sunny alone. Spike himself started recalling a moment in the past with him and Sunny.

As Spike and Sunny were walking close at school, they could hear some boys mocking them, "Look at them walking so close together."

"I'll bet Sunny's all covered in cooties."

"And she's probably transferred them to Spike."

"Let's not be near them, or we'll catch them ourselves."

Spike frowned, at their mocking words before calling them out, "All of you be quiet!" The boys including Sunny was taken aback at Spike's shout, "You're all just being jerks! So what if I'm close to Sunny? You think that's such a big deal? You're treating her as if she's a plague! Well, guess what? Sunny's not a plague!" The boys decided to shut and leave, while Sunny looked back at Spike.

"Spike, that was really brave of you."

Spike answered, "I hate it when jerks like them talk badly about my friends."

Sunny smiled, "You're my hero, Spike. I'll never forget this." Sunny embraced Spike, as he returned the gesture. He didn't even care who was watching or what they'd say.

As Sugarcoat read the section, she smiled knowing how brave Spike truly was and never let fear stop him from doing something that was right. Especially when it came to defending a friend. She went to the next paragraph seeing it was about Sour Sweet.

There's a saying that treat people with Kindness and you shall receive Kindness in return. Most people don't believe that, but I know it's real. I learned that by being kind to my most caring friend Sour Sweet. A girl who would show kindness and respect to all things be it people or animals.

Sugarcoat couldn't help but mentally laugh knowing that's how Sour Sweet was, until she developed an aggressive side should kindness not always come through. Spike however would always remember the mood swinger girl for the side he knew before. And with that began to flashback to a time when she was all kind.

Spike and Sour Sweet were in the park with their parents, and were currently enjoying some ice cream cones they got from a vendor. As Spike was enjoying his ice cream, his scoop ended up slipping off the cone and fell onto the pavement. Seeing this, Spike started sniffling and looked ready to cry. Fortunately, Sour Sweet had saw what happened, and not wanting her friend to miss out on a delicious treat slid the top of her double scooped ice cream cone onto Spike's.

Spike looked up at Sour who smiled sweetly at him, "There you go, Spike."

"Are you sure, Sour?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Of course. Besides I really wouldn't have been able to finish a double scoop anyway."

Spike smiled, "Thanks, Sour Sweet. You're the greatest." he hugged her.

"I know. I know. Now hurry and eat before it melts." Sour suggested, as the two enjoyed their ice cream together.

After reading the part about Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat smiled having remembered just how much a softy her mood swinging friend was when it came to Spike. She read the next half which featured Lemon.

Music has always been a favorite hobby of mine even at a young age. And there was no one better to share my love of music than my good friend Lemon Zest. We'd spend hours on end listening to the radio for good tunes. Even the golden oldies were a big thing to us even if they were from the past.

The section brought out a flashback involving Spike and Lemon in said girls room listening to the sound of Elvis Presley on the radio and dancing around to it.

"Oh, yeah! This is my jam!" Lemon cheered, as she was dancing.

Spike himself was dancing it out feeling as if the King himself was guiding him, "This guy really is the King."

Lemon smirked, "And the way you're going would make you the Prince." she chuckled.

Spike smiled, "In that case, would you like to be my Princess?" he offered.

Lemon became flustered at his offer, before smiling and answered, "Delighted, Prince Dude." the two continued to dance it out.

Sugarcoat finally came to the section focused on her, and was interested to see what her friend actually wrote about her.

Now if there was one friend of mine who would always come out and tell me the truth no matter how much it would hurt, it was my friend Sugarcoat. They say the truth hurts, but they also say the truth helps you improve. And if it weren't for her truth I never would've improved my dance moves which made me into the dancing machine that I am today.

Sugarcoat smiled and recalled that day herself. Spike was doing a bit of dancing to the radio, while Sugarcoat was watching him. When Spike finished he turned to her, "Well, Sugar, what'd ya think?"

The girl answered with blunt honesty, "You needed a bit more swing in your hips, and you could use some more foot steps. And your finishing move, it seriously needs improvement."

Spike looked downhearted at her words, "It was that bad, huh?"

"I never said it was bad." Sugarcoat corrected him.

"But you said..."

"I was simply stating on what you could do to improve your little act."

"Then..." Spike trailed off.

"Aside from the stuff I nitpicked at... It was still neat." she smiled.

Spike hearing that she still liked his performance despite it's flaws smiled, "Thanks, Sugarcoat. And I will make improvements, but could you still supervise?"

The girl smiled, "Sure thing." Spike smiled, as he started remaking his dance so it would be better.

Sugarcoat after reading her section smiled knowing despite how blunt and overly honest she's been to others, especially when telling the harsh truth, Spike still valued the honesty she shared with him. She started reading the last paragraph.

And those were six of my closest friends I knew since we were children. Even though years ago I moved away I never forgot about them. And here I am now, in high school and reunited with them. I'll admit things aren't exactly as they used to be back when we were kids, but nevertheless I am happy to have them. They are the most important girls in my life and I wouldn't have them any other way.

Sugarcoat put down Spike's essay and turned to him, who looked curious, "Well, what do you think?"

Sugarcoat was ready to lay down her honest opinion, "You did have multiple grammatical errors and run on sentences. Plus you could use some examples to back up your claims about everyone..." Spike waited knowing there was more, and saw a smile form on Sugarcoat's face, "But regardless, you still got the right idea."

"You mean it?" Spike asked, and Sugarcoat nodded, "Thanks, Sugarcoat. Your honesty is appreciated especially for this. Thing you can stick around and help me some more?"

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Great." Spike smiled, as he started revising his draft correcting the errors Sugarcoat pointed out. For examples he used each of the flashbacks he thought of when writing about each of the girls.

After another redo, Sugarcoat looked it over, as Spike waited for her answer. The girl turned her head to Spike and nodded, "Yes. This is much better."

"You really think so?" Spike asked hopefully.

"I do." she confirmed.

"Yes." Spike cheered softly, "Thanks again, Sugarcoat. I really appreciate this."

"Anytime, Spike. And now that I fulfilled my part of the deal, it's time you stayed true to yours."

Spike remembered, "Right. So what's say we go grab us a bite before heading home?"

"Works for me." she agreed. So the two got up and left.

Soon they were enjoying a burger at their favorite fast food place, "Mm, delicious." Spike said.

"As always." Sugarcoat added.

Spike was curious about something, "By the way, Sugarcoat, did you really like the section I wrote about you?"

"You really wanna know?"

"I do." he confirmed.

"I thought you had me down very well."

"I did?"

She nodded, "I'm glad to see despite how harsh I can be with my honesty you don't take it so hard as some do."

"Well, I know you're just trying to help me be the best I can be. So thank you for all the times you've been honest."

Sugarcoat noticed Spike's face was getting closer to hers. She suddenly found herself getting closer and closer until their lips met. They kissed passionately, with Sugarcoat wrapping her arms around Spike, and Spike doing the same to her. Soon they parted for air,and Sugarcoat spoke, "If you want me to really be honest now, I have to tell you that was perfect."

"I agree." Spike nodded, as the two smiled and continued to enjoy their meal before they headed home.