• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

The Blunt Cutie

Friday afternoon, all of Crystal Prep was clearing out for the day. Spike had walked down the steps of the building and was heading for the gate.

"Weekends. God's gift to hard working students." Spike said, as he started planning on what he could possibly do for the weekend, until a voice called out.


Spike turned around and saw Sugarcoat approaching, "Hey, Sugarcoat, what's going on?"

"Well, first of all do you have any plans?"

"Well, actually..." Spike stammered, only for Sugarcoat to finish for him.

"Your stammering says you really don't."

"Ok, you got me."

"So I was thinking if you're not too busy maybe we could catch a movie tonight?" she offered.

"Sugarcoat? Are you..."

"Asking you on a date? Yes. Yes I am." she confirmed.

"Well, I haven't made any plans for the rest of the day." Spike admitted.

"Of course you didn't. Your stammering when I asked before gave it away." she replied in her blunt tone.

"Right." Spike laughed sheepishly.

"So swing by my place at seven?" Sugarcoat inquired.

"I'll be there." Spike confirmed.

Sugarcoat smiled, "See you then." she took off.

Spike nodded, and started heading off as well. As he walked home he thought to himself, 'Now Sugarcoat's asked me out? Wow, I really am getting lucky since I enrolled at Crystal Prep. Although it's still harder to deal with some of the girls since they've changed, but I'm making an effort. And the fact they've been asking me out means they're making an effort as well.'

After Spike got home he changed out of his uniform and slipped into his sneakers, jeans, green shirt, and purple no sleeved unbuttoned shirt. When it was reaching seven, Spike left his place and walked for Sugarcoat's home.

On the porch of Sugarcoat's home, the blunt girl was standing around gazing off while waiting for Spike. She was also out of her school uniform and was not wearing black slip on shoes, a white skirt with the symbol of a purple and yellow colored stick of dynamite, and a blue tank top.

"Hey, there!" came Spike's voice. Sugarcoat snapped out of her thoughts and saw Spike walk up the porch.

Sugarcoat sighed in relief, "What a relief. I was worried you weren't going to make it."

"You were actually worried?" Spike teased.

Sugarcoat pouted, "I can worry too, you know?"

"Hey, easy. I was just joshing you." Spike calmed her.

Sugarcoat sighed at his quip, before speaking, "You look good."


"What about me? How do I look?" she asked.

Spike eyed her attire up and smiled, "You look real cute."

Sugarcoat felt a bit flustered and embarrassed before answering, "Thank you."

"Well, come on. We got us a movie to see." Spike took Sugarcoat's hand and dragged her off.

"Hey, easy! I can walk you know," Sugarcoat protested, but made no attempt to tug her hand out, 'Wow, his hand's so strong.' she thought, as she continued to feel flustered.

At the movie theater, both Spike and Sugarcoat were sitting down in the theater with two large drinks and a big bag of popcorn which they shared. Spike watched the movie with interest reacting with every scene. Sugarcoat watched with equal interest while also analyzing it in her mind.

When she reached into the bad to grab a bit of popcorn she realized her hand touched Spike's. When Spike realized their hands were touching they looked at each other in shock before their expressions softened up and smiled before continuing to watch the movie.

When the movie ended, the two walked outside the theater with Spike looking excited, "Oh, man. That was an awesome movie. The action, the excitement, and the special affects. My mind was blown," he gasped, "What did you think, Sugarcoat?"

Sugarcoat turned to him and explained her thought, "Well, the casting choice was logical and fitting, but I don't think the main protagonist lived up to his full acting potential. The villain's back story wasn't so motivating for him to become a villain. While the special affects were indeed impressive there a lot of cases where they weren't needed or weren't as good as other scenes. Over all, I'd give it a B-."

Spike blinked his eyes in amazement, "Wow. You could actually get work as a film critic."

"You think so?" she asked.

"Of course. You analyzed that movie right down to the core. Most critics would just say 'It's good' about movies they felt were worth seeing, and say 'It stinks!' about bad movies."

"That's sweet."

"Well, what say we grab a bite before heading home?" Spike offered.

Sugarcoat shrugged her shoulders, "Fine by me." So the two walked off to grab something to eat.

The two stopped at a Burger Hut, where the two were chowing down on some fast food. After Spike took a bite out of his burger, he spoke to his date, "I wanna thank you for once again inviting me to the movies, Sugarcoat."

"Anything for an old friend." she answered.

Spike smiled, "Honest and to the point. That's always been your strong suit. In fact it was your honest words who inspired me to do anything. Remember?"

Sugarcoat thought back to the time when they were kids and remembered she told him such words when he ever felt like he was incapable. She smiled and answered, "Yeah. I do remember."

"In fact when I first tried out for my junior high's dance club I remembered your words, and that's what helped me find the courage to try out and pull it off."

"And look at you now." Sugarcoat added.

"I know. I'm just hoping I can use that talent at school for something." spike sighed.

"The school has multiple competitions against other schools," Sugarcoat explained, "If you're lucky there may be a event that'll include dancing."

"But will it be in the style of hip hop?" Spike asked.

"Who knows." Sugarcoat shrugged.

"Just gotta hope for the best." Spike said, as he and Sugarcoat continued to enjoy their food.

Later on, both teens were walking home with Spike escorting Sugarcoat to her place. When they walked up the porch, they looked at each other as Sugarcoat spoke.

"I'll see you later, Spike."

"Likewise," Spike replied. Sugarcoat was about to turn and go inside, until Spike spoke up, "Sugarcoat."

"Yes, Spike? Oh!" she gasped, as Spike embraced her tightly, "Spike?"

Spike with his arms wrapped around her, and head almost buried into her chest spoke, "Thanks for being an honest friend. Even if you're too honest."

Sugarcoat taken aback by Spike's gesture and words couldn't help but smile and return the embrace. She leaned down and kissed his forehead before whispering, "You're welcome."

When they broke, Sugarcoat went inside, before Spike headed off back to his own place. As he walked down the street he smiled and thought, 'Even if her honesty's become a bit too honest I know deep down she means well.'