• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

Girls Day Out

It was Thursday at Crystal Prep after school hours, as the famed C.P Cuties were walking through the hall with Coco and Rara meeting up with them. As they walked through the hall, they appeared to be looking around for something, or rather someone.

Sunny spoke up, "Any idea where Spike could be?"

"I can't imagine he'd be gone already." Coco answered.

"He does like to take his time." Twilight admitted.

"Dudes, there he is!" Lemon called out while pointing up ahead.

Sour spoke in agitation, "Lemon, tone down the volume!"

They looked ahead seeing Spike, but what left them in shock was him talking to Fleur, "What's he talking with Fleur for?" Indigo asked suspiciously.

"Indigo, remember we promised Spike we wouldn't treat her with hostility especially around him." Twilight reminded her.

"Still, I can't help but wonder the stuff he talks about with her." Indigo replied.

"Well, you may have your chance to ask her," Sugarcoat began, "She's coming right for us."

They saw Fleur walking away from Spike and up to them, "Afternoon, girls." she greeted.

"Afternoon, Fleur." they replied.

"What were doing over there with Spike?" Rara inquired.

"Oh, Spike and I were just talking and I was asking him how I could improve on my newly established friendship with all of you." the older girl explained.

The girls were taken aback by this answer, as Sunny asked, "Is that all?"

"Oui. And Spike told me the best way is for us to have fun and hang out together," Fleur explained, "So I was wondering if you girls were free on Friday."

Twilight answered, "Well, I was planning on reorganizing my bookshelves, but I can do that any day."

"There's no games coming up so no need to practice." Indigo admitted.

"My schedule's free too." Coco added, as the rest of the girls confirmed their free Friday.

"Tres wonderful!" Fleur cheered, "In that case, let us all have a girls day out after school on Friday."

"Just us?" Lemon asked.

"Meaning no Spike?" Coco inquired.

"That's right. While it would be nice to have him along, this is a day just for us. We can have a day with Spike another time if this all works out. So what do you girls say?" Fleur asked with hope.

The girls looked at each other before smiling, as Twilight answered, "Ok, Fleur. We're in."

"Wonderful!" Fleur cheered, "Then I'll see you all later." she skipped along all happily.

"She's really excited about this." Indigo noted.

"Obviously." Sour agreed.

"Well, this could be a perfect opportunity for all of us." Rara admitted.

"I'm with Rara. Maybe having someone like her around our group could benefit us." Lemon said. The girls agreed and headed out.

That night Spike was currently in his room with his laptop on. He entered an online chatroom with all eight of the girls.

"So you're all joining Fleur tomorrow like I suggested to her?" Spike typed.

"Well, when we heard it was you that suggested it to her we felt it was the right thing to do." Sunny typed back.

"Yeah. Who knows what the most popular senior in school will consider a girls day out?" Lemon typed up.

"As long as we're not only doing the things she wants us to do." Sugarcoat typed in response.

"I'm sure Fleur wouldn't do that." Spike responded.

"I hope not." Indigo typed.

"Though promise me something, girls."

"What, Spike?" Coco typed.

"Don't be hostile with each other, please?"

"You have our word, Spike." Rara typed.

"We'll all put our best foot forward." Twilight put in.

"So no worries." Sour typed.

"Thanks, girls." Spike finished.

The very next day after school, Spike had already headed out, while the girls were waiting on the steps for Fleur to show. Soon the oldest girl walked outside and saw them, "Ah. Good afternoon, mon cheri's."

"Afternoon, Fleur." Twilight greeted.

"Sup?" Lemon asked.

"And are you girls ready for fun?" Fleur asked with hope.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Sugarcoat answered.

"Wonderful! Well, then let's be going now." Fleur said, as the girls got up and headed on their way.

The group suddenly went to their local mall, where their first stop was a clothing store. Each of the girls were checking out some outfits on display and on the racks. Sunny and Coco were checking out some tops on display. Fleur popped in and held up a light blue top, "Oh, Sunny, I think you would look absolutely lovely in this top."

Sunny looked at the top, "You think?"

"I know."

Sunny continued to analyze the top, before answering, "Well, it is a perfect shade. With the right mini skirt added it'll look just fine. Thanks for the suggestion, Fleur."

"You're quite welcome," Fleur turned to Coco, and held up a light yellow top, "And I think this one would may you look absolutely adorable, Coco."

"It would?" Coco asked, as Fleur nodded, "Well, I love the color. I'll consider it."

"You do have a nose for clothing options." Sunny admitted.

"Thank you, Sunny. As I said I do have a large variety of clothing choices."

"I'd like to see them sometime." Sunny said.

Fleur hearing that started pondering, and answered, "I think that can be arranged."

Sunny raised a brow, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you'll see." she grinned.

After their clothes shopping, the girls went to the mall's book shop checking out their usual choices in reading material. As Twilight and Sugarcoat were checking out a book titled Captain Dan and the Moonstone of Zaldovar, Fleur had to comment, "Oh, the new issue has just come out?"

"Uh, yes." Sugarcoat answered, feeling confused.

"Oh, magnificent. I was wondering when it would be released." Fleur said with excitement.

"Wait, you read the Captain Dan Space Hero series?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"Of course. Next to magical girl comics, space novels are one of my favorite types of literature." Fleur answered.

"Huh. I never would've guessed." Sugarcoat said.

"You ever wonder what it would feel like to see the farthest reaches of outer space?" Fleur asked Twilight.

"I think about it every night I look up at the stars." Twilight answered, feeling nostalgic

"When I read this book it's like I can see it for myself." Sugarcoat said, as the three girls sigh in awe.

"Well, I'm certainly buying myself a copy." Fleur picked a copy of the book out.

"Come on, let's go." Twilight said, as they went to purchase their books.

The girls continued to explore the mall, where the rest of the girls started bonding with Fleur in their own ways. Indigo bonded with Fleur in the arcade with them playing a tag team first person shooter game. If Indigo was in a bind Fleur had her back and vice versa. With Sour Sweet, Fleur boned with her over movies and the hottest actors and actresses of the year.

Finally, the girls had went to a karaoke shop where they were sitting in a booth, with Lemon picking up a mic, "All right, dudette's. Prepared to be wowed and amazed as I blow you all away with my rockin' voice." Lemon began, as she started the machine and selected her song before singing.

Lemon sang with passion like the rocker she was, as the music guided her the way. When the song ended, Lemon bowed her head as her friends applauded her. The rocker spoke up, "Thank you. Thank you very much. Rara, you wanna give it a go? You are the one with the angelic voice." she nudged the Junior.

"Oh, Lemon, you flatter me." Rara giggled.

"I would love to hear you sing." Fleur spoke up.

"Yeah. Come on, Ra's." Indigo pleaded.

"Ok-ok. I'll do it." Rara gave in, before taking the mic and selected a song.

As Rara sang, the girls were moved like before when she first sang for them. Fleur watched as well feeling just as moved as the others were. When Rara finished the girls applauded, as Fleur spoke, "Rara, tres bien. With a voice like that you could calm the most ferocious of beasts. And by beasts I mean men." she and Rara giggled.

"Thank you, Fleur. Would you like to give it a shot?" Rara offered.

"Me?" Fleur asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Let's see if you got the pipes for karaoke." Indigo challenged her.

"Well, if you girls insist." Fleur chuckled sheepishly, before selecting a song before singing into the mic.

The girls listened feeling impressed with Fleur's voice, while Rara could sense the passion and heart she put in while singing. When she finished, the girls applauded, as Sunny spoke, "That was very good, Fleur."

"Yes. That was marvelous." Sour added.

"Merci, girls. I sing only from time to time, and mostly it's to myself." Fleur admitted.

"Bet if Spike heard you, he'd love it." Indigo said.

"You think so?" Fleur asked hopefully.

"No doubt." Sugarcoat agreed.

Fleur smiled, "Thank you, girls. This has truly been a great way to spend a Friday. Spike was right about each of you being boat loads of fun in your own ways."

"Wait. Spike said that about us?" Twilight asked.

"Of course."

The girls were taken aback by this, as Sugarcoat spoke, "Well, we're glad you believed in what he said about us."

"Yeah, it's been loads of fun spending time with you too." Lemon said.

"Wish it didn't have to end so soon." Coco added.

"Actually, it can go on longer." Fleur spoke up.

"How?" Sour asked.

"Why don't you girls come stay the night at my place?" Fleur offered.

"Really?" Rara asked.

"It would mean so much to me."

"Well, sounds like a plan." Sunny admitted.

"Of course we'd have to check in with our folks." Twilight noted.

"I understand."

So the girls texted their parents and after getting replies, Twilight spoke, "My parents are ok with it."

"Mine too." Indigo added.

"And mine." Coco said, as the others voiced confirmation.

"Excellent. You'll really love my place." Fleur said confidently.

Later on as it hit nighttime, the girls were standing outside a mansion in the middle of the city. The eight girls looked up in shock, as Lemon spoke, "Dude, this is where you live?!"

"Oui, it is." Fleur confirmed.

"Whoa! I knew you were a rich girl, but this rich?" Indigo asked in disbelief.

"It's nothing fancy." Fleur said modestly.

"Nothing fancy?" Rara asked, "Looks like it comes with its own zip code."

"Come along, girls," Fleur walked up to the entrance and knocked on the door.

Opening the door and stepping out was a man with Light apple greenish gray hair, and was dressed in butler attire, "Ah, Madame Fleur. Welcome home."

"Evening, Randolph," Fleur greeted, "Come in, everyone." the rest of the girls followed Fleur inside while taking glances at the butler who stood ready for when his services were needed.

They looked around the foyer and all the halls seeing how enormous it looked from the inside, "Fleur, you really live here?" Twilight asked, while looking at all the portraits hanging on the walls.

"Yes, Twilight. Though it's mostly my parents home. Right now they're on vacation in the Tropics. We should all go there some time. A little sun and sand." Fleur giggled.

Indigo who was walking along side Randolph spoke, "So Jeeves, do you come with the place. Or does 'Madame Fleur' rent you out for parties?"

Randolph looked at the girl, and answered, "I've been in service here since before the young madame could walk."

"That long, huh?" Lemon asked, as Randolph kept his chin up and acted professional.

"Come on, girls. My room's up here." Fleur led them up the circular stairwell.

The older girl opened a door and brought them into her room. The room was bigger than a parlor, and painted pure white. There was a large white shag carpet in the center, a large flatscreen TV on the wall, a big walk in closet with a large variety of clothes on hangers, and a king sized bed made for more than one person.

"Oh, wow!" Indigo gasped.

"I've seen stadiums smaller than this place." Lemon joked.

Twilight looked out the window seeing the city in the distance, "Look at the view."

"It's beautiful." Sunny said in awe.

"I'm glad you, ladies love it," Fleur began, "Now let us get changed."

"In case you haven't realized, we came straight here without picking up any of our stuff." Sugarcoat reminded her.

"Yeah. We don't have anything to sleep in." Sour added.

"Not to worry, I am prepared," Fleur opened up her walk in closet, "And I have just the pajamas for us." The girls raised a brow feeling curious.

Soon enough all nine girls were dressed in cat footed pajamas complete with cat pawed gloves, little tails on the behinds, and the hoods had cat ears, eyes, and little whiskers. Fleur was in a white pair, Coco was in a black pair, Sour Sweet was in an orange pair like a tabby, Indigo's was designed like a calico, Sugarcoat's was a gray pair, Twilight was in a black pair, Lemon's was orange, Rara's was black, and Sunny's was white.

Sunny looked at her pajamas, "Fleur, you have unique tastes in sleep attire."

"I didn't even know they made pajamas like these." Indigo looked at her padded paw gloved hands.

"Oh, I can't help it, they're so adorable!" Fleur cheered, "And you all look so good in them!" she pulled Coco over seating her in her lap, while hugging her from behind.

"Hey! Fleur, what're you doing?" Coco gasped, while being held so close.

"Now behave, you're a little pussycat so you need to sit still here on my lap," Fleur laughed, "Can you girls just say 'meow' like good kitties?"

"Why would we do that?" Sugarcoat asked.

"Why?" Fleur asked, "Because it's so cute. Come on, girls. Say it with me. Meow!"

The girls seeing no other way around it, spoke in their best cute voice while blushing, "Meow!"

"Tres adorable!" Fleur cheered, while rubbing her cheek against Coco's. Fleur looked at Twilight and gasped, "Twilight!"

"What? What is it?" Twilight asked in worry.

"Hold still. I know how to make you look even cuter." Fleur instructed.

"Even cuter?" Twilight asked, before Fleur reached out and removed Twilight's glasses.

"There we go. So much better," Fleur said earning a blush from Twilight. The older girl turned to Sugarcoat, "You too, Sugarcoat." she removed Sugarcoat's glasses making her blush as well, "See how cuter the two of you look."

"Aren't we cute too?" Sour asked.

"The cutest!" Fleur squealed.

"I do look rather adorable." Rara admitted.

"Me too." Lemon agreed.

"Idea, girls!" Fleur announced, "Let's take a group selfie of us like this and send it to Spike."

"To Spike?" they asked.

"Why not? Don't you wanna know what he'd think of us in these outfits?"

This peaked the girls curiosity, as Twilight spoke, "Well, it would be nice to get another opinion." the others nodded in agreement.

"Then let's set it up." Fleur took her phone and put it on camera mode and set it on top of a dresser far enough so they could all get in the shot.

After the timer was set, Fleur got back on her bed, as they all gather together with some like Twilight, Lemon, and Coco laying on their stomachs while looking at the camera before it clicked. They looked at the picture seeing it got them all in it.

"It's perfect." Sour smiled.

"Now for a little message with it." Fleur left a text message with the picture reading 'Would you adopt this litter of kittens?', "And send." she sent the image and text.

"Wonder how he'll response?" Coco wondered.

"I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it." Rara replied.

"He might even drool from being aroused." Indigo laughed with Lemon.

When they heard Fleur's phone ring, they saw Spike responded. Fleur opened the text and read from it, "I'd adopt you all in a heartbeat. You're all so cute. You hear that, girls. He says we're cute!" Fleur giggled.

"Isn't that sweet?" Sunny asked them.

"It sure is." Twilight agreed.

"Thanks again for the fun day, Fleur." Rara said.

"Even letting us stay here the night." Sour added.

"You're welcome." Fleur smiled.

"And for letting us borrow these pajamas." Indigo put in.

"They're my gifts to you girls." the senior answered, "Next time we should invite Spike over. I have some dog themed pajamas he could wear." the girls giggled while envisioning Spike wearing dog footed pajamas.

"Well, we better get some sleep. It's been a long day." Lemon said.

The girls agreed, as they got comfortable on the bed and fell asleep. Fleur opened one eye and glanced at the girls all spread out on her bed. She thought to herself, 'Sleep tight, my friends.'

At Spike's place, the freshman boy was sitting on his bed looking at the picture the girls sent him. He spoke to himself, "I knew they'd learn to get along."

Author's Note:

The design for the girls cat pajamas came from the girls wearing these kinds so you know how they'd look


If anyone does artwork, I'd be grateful if someone could turn the selfie shot of them in their cat pajamas into an image.