• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

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Rockin' Out

As school was letting out at Crystal Prep, Spike was walking through the hall listening to rock music on his phone. He made sure it was toned down so he wouldn't disturb anybody with it. He rocked his head and arms around like a rock star, laughing and cheering, "Oh, yeah! Psycho Drones are the bomb!" he continued to rock out, until he saw Principal Cinch walking down the hall. Every student she crossed paths with straightened themselves up so she wouldn't call them out for any unjust reason. Spike feeling the same as his fellow students, turned his music off and walked casually.

As Cinch walked past him, she eyed the boy as if trying to find something wrong. Spike broke the silence and spoke, "Afternoon, Principal Cinch."

"Mr. Drake." she replied, before walking on. Once she was out of sight, Spike sighed in relief before carrying on.

As Spike was about to turn his music back on, someone grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into an empty classroom, "Hey! What the what?!" he called, as Lemon Zest closed the door, "Lemon? What's the deal?"

"Sorry, Spike. But I didn't want anyone out there to listen in on us. Especially Principal Cinch." the rocker apologized.

"Right. And why did you want to speak to me privately?"

"Well, you know the rock band Psycho Drones are coming to town?" Lemon inquired.

"Yeah. Those guys are the biggest rockers this turn of the century. Even better than Aerosmith and Kiss," both he and Lemon raised the arms high and announced, "Excellent!"

"And you know their concert is selling fast, right?"

"I know. Snap of a finger and they're sold out like that." Spike replied.

"That's right," Lemon smirked at him, "Makes me glad I'm one of the lucky ones."

Spike raised a brow, "Lucky ones? Wait a minute, Lemon. Did you..."

Lemon whipped out a concert ticket, "Ta-dah!"

"You scored a ticket to the Psycho Drones concert?!" Spike asked in disbelief.

"You better believe it, baby!"

"Oh, man. You are so lucky." Spike said with envy.

"And I'm not the only one."

"How so?"

Lemon revealed a second ticket hidden behind the first one, "Because you're joining me."

Spike's eyes widened, "NO WAY! You got me a ticket too?"

"You know it." Lemon winked at him.

"This is... Wow! Lemon, I don't know what to say. Thank you."

"No problem, bud." Lemon ruffled his head.

"Oh, this is gonna be so cool. My first rock concert!" Spike said with overwhelming excitement.

"First ones are always special." Lemon said.

"Well, the way to make it feel special to me is the fact I'll be spending it with you." he replied.

"Oh, come here you!" Lemon pulled Spike into a headlock and gave him a noogie.

Spike laughed, "Lemon! Stop it!"

Lemon released Spike's head, and spoke, "So this Saturday meet me at my place and we'll go together."

"Sounds like a plan." Spike admitted, as the two fist bumped.

So the two headed for home, and when Spike walked in his parents noted his excited behavior, "You seem really happy, Spike." Bianca said.

"Oh, I am. Because I have some awesome plans this Saturday." he kicked off his shoes.

"Oh, really? Like what?" Johnathon asked.

"Lemon Zest has invited me to join her at the Psycho Drones concert!" Spike announced.

"Really? I heard that's been sold out for awhile." his mom noted.

"I know. That's why I've been so grateful for this."

"Well, I remember my first concert. Me and my friends had a rocking good time." his dad said while feeling nostalgia.

Bianca spoke to Spike in an overprotective tone, "But remember, Spike. Concerts may be a place for fun and laughs, but it's also a place where illicit stuff can occur."

"Illicit how?"

"Some people drink a lot there and end up making complete idiots of themselves causing riots to break out," Bianca began, "But the worse of it is teenage girls going too wild they end up whipping their tops off."

Spike's eyes widened, "Really?!" he asked sounding too excited before clearing this throat, "I mean... Yikes."

"And your mom should know," Jonathon began, "Why at her first concert she ended up... Ow!" Bianca pinched his shoulder.

"What?" Spike asked.

"Nothing you need to know." Bianca replied.

"Ok, I think I'm going to be in my room now." Spike retreated to his room, before tossing his bag on his bed, "Oh, this is gonna be so awesome. My first concert ever. And with Lemon Zest too. Haven't had some alone time with her since our date when I got back. Hope we can make some more good memories from this too." he smiled.

When Saturday came, Spike headed over to Lemon Zests wearing a Psycho Drones shirt with the faces of all four band members on it. He waited until Lemon Zest came outside wearing the same kind of shirt as Spike, "Shirt looks good on you." Spike told her.

"Thanks. It looks good on you too." Lemon replied.

"Well, come on. We better hurry if we're gonna beat the lines." Spike suggested.

"Then let's rock, bud!" Lemon declared as the two ran off.

The two teens arrived at the park location where many other concert attendants were already piling in past the ticket punchers. Spike and Lemon presented their tickets and followed the others. They walked before realizing they were far from the stage, "Oh, man!" Spike complained, "There's no way we'll be able to see the band from all the way back here."

"Don't worry, Spike. I got this."

"What're you going to do?"

"We're gonna crowd surf."

"Crowd surf? How?" Spike wondered.

"Follow my lead!" Lemon grabbed Spike and threw him up above the crowd. Spike was being carried closer to the stage by the fans.

"This is the best!"

"Told ya!" Lemon called, as she crowd surfed next to him. The two ended up landing all the way up to the front of the stage.

"Now this is much better." Spike said, as the two raised their fists making rock and roll hand gestures.

Suddenly an announcer came on stage and spoke into a mic, "Ladies and gentlemen, rockstar lovers of all ages! Are you ready for a rockin' night?!" the crowd cheered, "Then give it up for your Psycho Drones!" The crowd cheered as the curtain opened up. They could see four figures in the shadows, "Mordo Flynn on drums!" a spotlight shined on the drummer who twirled his drum sticks, "Ivan Adler on Rickenbacker!" a second spotlight shined on another with a Rickenbacker guitar in hand, "Arson Glenn on keyboard!" another spotlight shined on the member standing behind an electronic keyboard, "And finally on Flying V and lead singer, Frankie McLagger!" the final spotlight shined on the final band member. Spike, Lemon, and the other rock fans cheered at the band.

Frankie McLagger spoke into the mic, "Hello, everyone! Nice to see ya'll came! So who's ready to rock?!" the crowd cheered, "What was that? I can't hear you!" the crowd cheered louder, "Now that's more like it! Let's rock this world, baby! Psycho Drones, rock out!" and so the band began to play, with everyone rocking out with them.

As Spike and Lemon started rocking, Spike shouted to Lemon, "If I lose my hearing from this it'll be worth it!"

"Same here!" Lemon shouted back.

With every song the band played, Frankie couldn't help but notice Spike and Lemon rocking out like an inseparable duo. He smiled and decided to do something special. After he and the band finished one of their songs spoke up, "Hey, there you two. What's your names?"

"Spike Drake."

"And I'm Lemon Zest."

"This your first concert, you two?"

"You bet it is." Lemon answered.

"And I can't think of any better way to spend it than with my friend here." Spike said, holding Lemon close, while the rocker blushed.

"Oh, yeah. I'm loving it. Looks like love is in the air here, boys." Frankie told the band who applauded, while the crowd followed along. Spike and Lemon felt flustered at Frankie's claim, until he continued, "Say, how would you lovebirds like to join us up here for a song?"

The two teens suddenly felt flabbergasted, as Lemon asked, "Us? Really?!"

"You betcha."

"Wow, this is... An honor." Spike gasped.

"Shall I take that as a yes?" he asked.

"Hell yes!" The two announced.

"Then come on up here!" Frankie and Ivan helped the two up to the stage.

The two looked around feeling the nostalgia, "Spike, we're on stage with Psycho Drones! This is so sweet!"

"I know. Feels almost like a dream, but it's real." Spike added.

"You bet it is, my boy," Frankie patted his back, "Now let's truly crank it up because we're gonna rock this world tonight!" the crowd cheered as the band played their next song.

As the band played, Spike and Lemon were rocking it out next to Frankie singing some of the verses with him. Spike looked over seeing Lemon rock out, and gasped seeing the spotlights and colored lights shined around her giving her a mystifying look. The sight of her made him stare in awe at her while blushing. He was snapped out of his gazing by Lemon who pulled him over making him dance with her some more.

Meanwhile the homes of the rest of Spike's lady friends, each one ended up flipping to the channel that was broadcasting the concert live. Twilight who was looking over some science notes happened upon the channel and saw Spike and Lemon rocking on stage with the band. The girl did a double take so hard her glasses almost slipped off her face, "Spike?"

At Sunny's place, the girl was doing her toe nails, until she saw he friends on stage, and smeared some nail polish on her toes, "Lemon?!"

Sour Sweet was at home having a snack in her room before seeing her friends on stage. She choked on some of her food before swallowing it, "What the hell?!"

Sugarcoat was in her room kicking back and flipping through channels, until she saw the concert. When she saw Spike and Lemon dancing, her eyes widened in shock, "Am I seeing things?" she took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, before putting her specs back on, "I'm not."

At Indigo's place, the girl was on an exercise bike before seeing her friends get pulled on stage to dance, "No way!"

As Rara was in her room enjoying the concert on TV, she saw the two performing with Psycho Drones, and suddenly became jealous, "They made it on the big stage before me."

Coco was in her room looking over some of her outfits, before looking at the TV and saw Lemon and Spike, "Oh, my goodness!" she had her hand to her mouth.

And at Fleur's home, the older girl had just got out of the shower and walked into her room wrapped in a towel. She turned on her TV to see what was on, and the first channel to appear on screen was the one broadcasting the concert. As soon as she saw Spike and Lemon she looked shocked, "Sacrebleu." she gasped.

When the song ended, Spike and Lemon thanked Frankie for the moment, before an idea came to Lemon. She turned to Spike, and spoke, "Hey, Spike."

"Yeah?" Spike asked.

"Let's give them a real good finale." Lemon said, as she pulled Spike closer to her. She wrapped her arms around Spike before pulling him into a kiss. The Psycho Drones hooted and howled at their affectionate display, and the crowds cheered louder than before.

At the homes of the girls, each of them suddenly became more shocked than ever. With Twilight and Sugarcoat each letting their glasses slide off their faces, Indigo almost dropping a dumbbell on her foot but moved out of the way in time, and even Fleur let go of her towel making it drop leaving her bare naked in her room.

"Zut alors! It looks like my move on Spike really has made the girls bolder." Fleur said recalling how Twilight kissed him during Disco Night. She quickly picked her towel up and wrapped it around her in case someone were to barge in.

Back at the concert, the two teens parted from their kiss with Lemon smiling with pride and Spike smiling in a daze, "Wow!" Spike cheered.

"Now that's a hell of a display," Frankie said, "Let's give another big hand for Spike Drake and Lemon Zest!" the crowd cheered once again, as the two were let back down to the audience to enjoy the rest of the concert.

Later on after the concert, Spike and Lemon returned home with Spike walking Lemon up her stairs, "Thanks again for inviting me to the concert, Lemon. That was cool of you."

"Not as cool as you being with me, Spike." Lemon replied.

"And that stunt you pulled on me there I did not see coming." Spike admitted.

"The look on your face after we did it said it all." Lemon laughed.

"But I did enjoy it."

"Really?" Lemon asked with hope, and received a nod, "I'm glad. Because I did too."

"I was that good?"

"You sure were." Lemon winked.

"Thanks," Spike suddenly cupped her chin, "Come here. Let's end this night on a high note." he pulled her into a kiss, which she accepted.

When they broke, Lemon spoke, "That was wicked, dude."

"I learned it from you, dudette." Spike replied, and the two laughed.

"Well, I'm going to catch me some Z's. Night, Spike." Lemon said as she went inside.

"Night, Lemon." Spike bid her farewell, before he headed for home cheering and jumping around with excitement.