• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

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When Spring Break ended, the students of Crystal Prep returned to school and were back to working and studying. And with three weeks away from finals, the students were focused on their studies with the intent to pass. But there's only so much a student to study, so on Wednesday afternoon, Spike and his group of girls were in the park relaxing under a tree's shade. Spike kicked back against the tree, "Oh, this break is just what we need."

"Yeah. With finals a few weeks away we've been studying for like ever." Lemon said.

"We've only been studying for three days now. It just feels like forever." Sugarcoat replied.

"I've already done my studying, but it never hurts to keep on doing a few times over." Twilight said.

"It's amazing, you haven't already graduated." Fleur told her.

"And go off to college with even older students who'd look down on my existence?" Twilight asked rhetorically.

"Yeah. It's better to stick in a grade with students of your own stature." Sunny added.

"And it's especially big for me, since this is my last year at Crystal Prep." Fleur reminded them.

"Along with Fancy and Trend." Spike put in, "I'm gonna miss those guys when they graduate. They were my first two guy friends at Crystal Prep. Won't feel the same without them around."

"And I'll be graduating next year." Rara added, making Spike sigh.

"You still got us." Indigo perked him up.

Spike smiled and responded, "You're right I do."

"But only until we graduate." Sugarcoat burst their bubble.

"Sugarcoat's right," Sour agreed, "When we graduate Spike and Coco will be the only ones left of this group still attending Crystal Prep."

Spike and Coco looked at each other, before Spike answered, "Well, when that happens at least we'll still have each other to keep company."

"Yeah, and by then we'll probably have made more friends as well." Coco added.

"Just promise me when you're all off at college you won't lose contact with any of us, all right?" Spike asked.

"We're not making that mistake again." Sour promised.

"This time we're keeping each other close." Sunny added.

"Till the end." Twilight smiled.

"Thanks, girls." Spike smiled, back, until they saw three juvenile punks wearing matching jackets that each had a dragon face emblem on back.

"Beat it, idiots. This spot is now property of the Dragon Claw gang." said one member who had orange hair, a red shirt, and black pants.

The group looked outrage, as Fleur asked, "Excuse em moi?"

Standing next to the leader was a big guy wearing brown pants, and a yellow shirt who answered, "Garble said you're supposed to beat it because we've claimed this spot now."

"Thank you, Clump." Garble replied.

"Well, we're not moving." Lemon answered with a scowl.

"That's right, we were here first." Indigo added.

"And first come first serve." Sour put in.

"Well, how about we serve you up with a beat down?" said a blonde haired member with a surfer-like voice. He wore a purple shirt, and blue jeans.

"Took the words right out of my mouth, Fume." Garble replied, as the three closed in getting ready to attack making Coco scared and Twilight shaky, while the other girls were ready to defend themselves.

Spike on the other hand stood up and spoke to the three juveniles, "You want to get rough with these girls? You're gonna have to go through me to do it."

"You?!" the three asked and laughed hysterically.

"That's right. Got a problem?" Spike challenged them.

"Spike, don't be foolish." Twilight warned him.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I know what I'm doing." Spike promised.

"Well, little runt, it looks like we'll use you as a warm up," Garble said, as he was about to grab Spike, only for the younger boy to slide to the side avoiding the grab, "Hey!" he tried to grab Spike again, only for the freshman boy to slide out of the way again.

"Can't touch this." Spike mocked.

Garble growled, as he continued to try and grab Spike, but the boy kept moving and sliding away avoiding Garble's grabs, "What the hell are you doing?" Garble demanded.

"Just a little dance." Spike answered.

"We got him!" Clump called, as he and Fume each grabbed Spike's arms.

"Spike!" Coco and Rara gasped.

"Hold him still, boys." Garble said, as he cracked his knuckles.

"Not happening." Spike answered, as he elbowed the two hard in their stomach and raised his own fists up to their jaws.

"Ooh, that'll hurt." Indigo chuckled.

The two recoiled while stumbling back from both painful blows. Garble shouted, "You little!" he tried to grab Spike again, but the boy kept sliding and dancing while making whooping sounds to distract Garble.

"Can't touch what you can't keep up with." Spike mocked Garble, before the older boy punched Spike in the shoulder knocking him to the ground.

"Spike!" Twilight shouted, wanting to go and help but Sunny and Sour held her back.

"No! He'll only hurt you too." Sunny warned her.

"Besides, Spike said he has this." Sour said believing in him.

Garble looked down at Spike and laughed, "Not so tough now, are ya, twerp?"

Spike smirked, "You know in Vegas a show girls best dance move is when they kick!" Spike lifted his leg up nailing Garble in the man jewels.

Upon contact, Garble let out a high pitched scream and dropped to his knees with his hand over his crotch. The girls groaned from the move, as Lemon laughed, "Right in the kiwis!"

"While that may be barbaric, that ruffian was asking for it." Fleur smirked while crossing her arms.

Spike smirked while looking down at Garble, "Biggest mistake was underestimating a guy who knows how to use dancing in self defense."

"Spike, behind you!" Rara called.

Spike feeling Clump and Fume rushing him from behind, jumped to the side resulting in the two lunkheads to crash right into their fallen leader hurting him more. The three laid on the ground feeling totally humiliated, as Spike spoke to them, "Unless you three want another beat down of my own, you'll take your asses and get out of here."

The three decided to retreat with whatever dignity they had left, while Garble was waddling away due to the damage he took South of the Border. Spike stood tall and proud of himself, until the girls surrounded him, "Way to go, Spike!" Lemon patted his back.

"That was wicked, Spike." Indigo added.

"Are you ok?" Coco asked in concern.

"Never better. Those losers didn't know what was coming." Spike answered.

"We were worried about you," Twilight began, "Those juveniles could've seriously hurt you."

"When it comes to my friends and even my family I'm an animal. That's just the way I am." he boasted with pride. As he did so he was unaware that several other teens in the park that were within the vicinity had recorded the footage and began streaming it.

That night at Spike's place, the boy was reading a comic book while thinking about what happened today, "I can't believe I really took on three hoodlums all by myself. I mean if they were armed I could've seriously gotten hurt. Sometimes I'm so impulsive I don't realize that until the deed is done. Well, the girls were safe and that's all that matters." He said to himself feeling glad it was over. At least he thought.

Somewhere else in the city, Abacus Cinch was at her computer going over school stuff, until she looked up the latest news articles online. She then noticed popping up was a video trending number one, "What is this?" she clicked on the video link and as the video played she bore a look a shock, "I don't believe this. On the other hand, I really should have seen this coming." she said grimly.

The very next day Spike and the girls had arrived at Crystal Prep and walked inside, "I'll see you girls in class." Spike said, as he went to his locker.

Spike opened his locker and took out the books he needed for his first period. He closed it and was about to head for first period, until Cinch's voice came on the intercom, "Mr. Spike Drake. Please report to my office immediately."

Spike looked up in concern, while several students were in equal concern. If there was one thing any student at Crystal Prep knew getting called to Cinch's office was never a good thing. Spike started walking up the stairs to the Principal's office, while thinking to himself, 'What could Principal Cinch want with me? I mean I can't be in trouble, right? I didn't do anything wrong or break any school rules. Well, guess I'll know soon enough.' he found himself standing outside the office, before knocking on the door.

"Come in." Cinch's voice came from inside.

Spike opened the door and saw Principal Cinch at her desk, "You asked to see me, ma'am?" he asked curiously.

"Ah, Mr. Drake. Yes. Come in," she called him in, as Spike walked inside and closed the door, "Have a seat please." she said, as the boy took a seat before her desk.

"So, what is you wanted to see me about? And I hope this can be quick I don't wanna miss first period."

Cinch raised a brow at him before speaking, "Spike, do you know what Crystal Prep is known for?" she inquired.

Spike was confused by the woman's question, but answered nonetheless, "It's reputation. I told you I knew about it since I first walked in here."

"Ah, yes. Last year when you first arrived. Truth be told when you first approached me I didn't think there was much to you." she said while looking at him with judgment.

"Gee thanks." Spike answered in sarcasm.

"But as the months passed I noticed you had gotten along fine with several of my students."

"Glad you noticed."

"I thought then perhaps there was more to you than I gave you credit for," Spike was curious if he was in trouble or not at this point, until the principal continued, "That is however, until I saw just the kind of boy you really are." she said sounding more strict.

"I don't follow." Spike said, feeling more confused.

"Perhaps this will enlighten you." she turned her computer screen to face Spike, as the boy saw his fight with the Dragon Claw Gang yesterday streamed at a video website, "That is you fighting there, do you deny it?"

"No. That is me, but I didn't realize anybody was filming it." Spike said in surprise.

"This video has shown me very clearly what you are, Spike." Cinch said.

"And that would be?"

"You're just a juvenile delinquent who can't resist picking fights with more juveniles." Cinch declared.

Spike hearing that accusation got out of his chair, "With all do respect, Principal Cinch, I was not fighting them just to pick a fight. I was protecting my friends. The girls you hold so highly above all others."

"By being equally rough with these scoundrels?" Cinch questioned him.

"He was the one who threw the first punch. I only struck when I had no other alternative." Spike argued.

"Nevertheless, Spike. This footage only shows how reckless and juvenile you can be, and that does not sit well with the school's reputation." The principal explained.

"So I was just supposed to sit back and let those jerks attack Twilight and the others?!" Spike raised his voice.

"Enough!" Cinch stopped him, "I'm afraid for the sake of the school's reputation Spike, I have no choice but to expel you from Crystal Prep Academy." she said with no concern.

The word expel echoed in Spike's head, as he answered, "Principal Cinch isn't that going too far? I wasn't doing this on school grounds. It was on my own time."

"Regardless, Mr. Drake. We can't have someone of your type bringing the school's good name down in the mud."

"I was protecting my friends from thugs and you can't even see that!" Spike shouted.

"Do not raise your voice to me." Cinch warned him.

"I'm trying to defend my rights and you seem to be acting like my side of things doesn't matter. Besides the school year's almost up. If you expel me now I'll have to repeat Freshman year at another school."

"I'm afraid that won't be my problem," Cinch answered, as Spike was getting angrier, "I already called your parents and informed them of your expulsion. You have this time now to clear out your locker and leave. Fail to do so and I will notify the authorities that you're trespassing."

"Principal Cinch, you're blowing this whole thing way out of proportion." Spike tried to reason, only to be hushed by her again.

"Tic Toc, Mr. Drake." she tapped her watch reminding him of his limited time.

Spike stood there in disbelief. The day had barely even started and he was getting expelled over something he had no control over. He looked at Cinch with anger in his eyes, "You know before I enrolled here my parents told me Crystal Prep was a noble institution that valued many things, courage, intellect, and determination. And that was before you were even in charge here. But now I see you took all that away from this school just to build up your own reputation and enhance your already big fat ego. And now you're expelling me for trying to defend my friends and classmates from a bunch of bullies who have no honor? You're the worst thing to ever happen to this school." he grabbed his books and walked to the door. Before he stepped out he looked back at her, "Since I'm expelled now, you can't punish me for doing this!" he pushed a bunch of pictures, trophies, and awards off a desk close to the door making them land on the floor, "Screw you, Abacus." he walked out and slammed the door, while Cinch sat at her desk like the cold-hearted woman she was.

As Spike left the office, Dean Cadence saw him and took notice of his anger, "Spike, is something wrong?"

"Fine. Peachy." Spike answered, as he walked past her.

"Did something happen?" she asked in concern.

Spike looked back at her, "You wanna know if something happened? Go ask your boss, she'll tell you everything!" he stormed off in a huff.

"Spike!" she called out, but he wasn't stopping. She looked at her bosses office and thought to herself, 'Cinch, what have you done now?'

When the bell rang, the students left their first period classrooms and were on their way to their second periods. The cuties, Rara, Coco, Fleur, Fancy, and Trend met up in the hall way, as Sour spoke, "Spike didn't show up for class."

"Did something happen?" Rara inquired.

"I hope not." Sunny said.

"Look there he is." Fancy motioned down the hall by his friends locker.

Spike was taking all his books out of his locker and putting them in his backpack while removing any decorations he added to the inside of his locker. The group walked over to him, as Twilight spoke, "Spike, are you ok?"

"Fine." he answered, not even looking at them.

"Why are you cleaning out your locker?" Trend asked.

"Principal's orders."

"Why would Principal Cinch have you clean out your locker?" Lemon wondered.

Spike turned to face them, "Because I don't go here anymore."

"What do you mean?" Fancy asked.

"In case you haven't heard the latest. I've been expelled."

"What?!" the group asked in shock.

"Yeah. My reaction too."

"You can't be serious." Sunny said.

"I am. Came straight from the horse's mouth." Spike replied.

"Why were you expelled?" Sour asked in confusion.

"Because I thought I was doing the right thing for my friends. But apparently to her your safety means nothing." he answered.

The group was confused, until it dawned on them, "She knows what happened yesterday?" Fleur asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. It's streaming all over the web. And she considers my being here now is a threat to the school's or rather 'her' reputation."

"This is preposterous." Twilight said with a scowl.

"She can't do this to you!" Indigo said.

"Technically she can." Sugarcoat answered, making everyone glare at her.

"Spike, there must be something we can do." Coco said trying to support him.

"There's nothing any of you can do. And I wouldn't bother. I don't want to get you girls in trouble like I already got myself in." he took his backpack filled with books and dropped it in the nearest trash bin.

"Spike, we can work this out..." Twilight tried to help him, until he snapped.

"There's nothing that can be worked out! Cinch won! I lost! And there's nothing that can change that!"

"But maybe we can..." Fleur tried to speak, only for Spike to cut her off.

"Just leave me alone!" he turned and ran down the hall for the exit.

"Spike!" they shouted, as he ran out the door.

"What do we do now?" Coco asked her friends while feeling worried.

"I don't know." Fancy said dismally.

"Well, one thing's for sure we better get to class before Cinch expels us." Sugarcoat said, trying to hide the fact she was sad for Spike just as much as they were. With nothing to do they reluctantly went onto their next classes.

Outside Spike had ran from Crystal Prep, as tears fell from his eyes. He ripped off his tie and threw it in the street, before pulling off his blazer and threw it onto a bush, but he didn't stop running. He ran all the way home, and upon entering his house he saw his parents in the living room as if they were waiting for him.

"Spike." they said in concern.

"Mom! Dad! I'm sorry!" he cried, as he broke down into tears.

His parents went to him and held him close to comfort him, "It's all right, son." his dad comforted him.

"We know it wasn't your fault sweetie." his mom soothed him, as they brought him to the couch to sit down with them. Spike had never been so sad before his whole life. And after the recent events felt as if his whole life just fell apart right before him.

Author's Note:

Talk about a turn for the worst. Spike expelled all because he was protecting his loved ones. But to Cinch it doesn't matter. What will become of him now? Tune into next time. I know it may sound like a ridiculous reason to expel someone, but let's face it this is Abacus Cinch we're dealing with. She'll expel anybody from Crystal Prep for the most petty and biased reasons.