• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

The Smart Cutie

Friday after class, Spike and Twilight were walking back to Twilight's place which wasn't too far from Spike's home.

"Thanks for offering to help me with this weeks homework, Twilight. I could use your brain for some of these problems."

"No trouble at all, Spike. Besides I'm sure my family's dying to see you again." Twilight replied.


"Of course. Among the boys I associated with back then and now, you were always my parents favorite choice."

Spike looked surprised, "I was? Well, that's good to know."

"Here we are." Twilight said, as they walked up her porch. Twilight opened the door and they entered, "I'm home!" Twilight called out.

Entering the living room was Twilight's parents Night Light and Twilight Velvet, "Welcome home, Twilight." her father greeted.

"How was your day, dear?" her mother inquired.

"It was all right. I hope you don't mind but I brought an old friend to study with."

The two adults looked and saw Spike next to their daughter, "Is that Spike Drake?" Twilight Velvet asked.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle. Good to see you two again."

"And it's great to see you too, Spike," Night Light greeted him, "You certainly grew while you were away."

Twilight's mom smirked and glanced towards Spike and her daughter, "But it's strange you didn't mention how much cuter he got, Twilight."

"Mother! Stop!" Twilight cried in embarrassment.

Spike himself was embarrassed by Velvet's compliment, but held it together. Twilight quickly took him by the arm, "We'll be in my room doing our homework." she dragged Spike off as he walked faster to keep up. She turned to Spike, "Sorry you had to hear that from my mom."

"It's ok, really. My parents embarrass me too. It's like it's their job."

"Or their nature." Twilight added.

Twilight opened the door to her bedroom, and the two entered. Spike looked around seeing Twilight's bedroom was designed just as he envisioned his brainy friend would've had. She had multiple posters on the wall displaying the solar system, star patterns, the periodic table of chemicals, and other stuff, She had shelves of books from mathematics, quantum physics, scientific research, and even fantasy novels. Every book was neatly organized and in a place where she could easily find them.

By her window was a desk containing a laptop computer, writing instruments, sticky note pads, and even a desk sign with her name labeled on it.

"Welcome to my room, Spike." Twilight welcomed him.

"Not bad. Definitely reflects your true self," Spike said, as he looked at her bed and saw an old gray handmade pony plush, "You still have that?" he asked in disbelief.

Twilight pouted, "Hey, Smartypants was a big part of my childhood," she then muttered to herself, "Plus it was the closest thing I could hold close when I was lonely after you left."

Spike hearing her mutter asked, "What was that?"

Twilight snapped out of it, "Oh, nothing."

Suddenly popping out from under Twilight's bed was a purple furred puppy dog with green floppy ears. He barked happily as he scampered to Twilight's feet, "There you are, boy," she picked the dog up and it licked her face, "Okay, okay." Twilight giggled.

"Oh, you got a puppy?" Spike asked, feeling captivated by the dog.

"That's right," she held him out to her friend, "Spike, meet... Spike." the dog barked at Spike.

Spike looked at the dog oddly before looking at Twilight, "Did you name your dog after me?"

Twilight looked sheepish before answering, "Kinda. Yes I did."

"But why?"

"Because he reminds me so much of you, Spike. I mean look at him. He looks just like you." she explained.

Spike looked at the dog before speaking, "Well, I kinda see a resemblance." the dog licked his nose and he laughed.

Twilight placed Dog Spike on the floor, as he scampered off, "Come on let's get to our homework." she said, as Spike nodded. The two reached into their bags and pulled their text books out.

For an hour the two worked on their homework, with Twilight helping Spike every so often with some equations he didn't quite understand.

"Just carry the three and there you go. Twenty seven with a remainder of one." Twilight showed him an equation.

"Thanks, Twilight, you made it look so clear now." Spike thanked her.

"No problem, Spike. Always glad to help." Twilight smiled, until she noticed Spike staring at her, "Is something wrong?"

"No, I was just thinking." Spike answered, realizing he was staring too closely.

"About what?" she wondered.

"I just remembered you always used to have your hair down when we were kids. Now you've put it up in that odd looking bun."

Twilight looked at her reflection, "You think it's odd?"

"I hate to be blunt about it, but yes. I always thought you looked cuter when you had your hair down."

Twilight suddenly blushed, "You thought I was cute?"

"Of course." he answered.

"I see." Twilight sheepishly twirled a finger through her hair.

Spike broke the ice and asked, "So now that we're done with our homework, what else is there?"

"Well, would you like to see my lab I told you about?" she offered.

Spike's interest perked up, "Sure."

So they left Twilight's room, and entered through a side door in the kitchen that connected to the garage.

Twilight turned on the light, and Spike looked at the interior of the garage. She had tables with empty beakers, vials containing chemicals, a bunsen burner, telescopes, and science notes. On a coat rack hanging up was a lab coat and safety goggles.

On another table were multiple computer monitors connected to a big keyboard, along with various machines for detecting wavelengths of anything. On the wall was a huge cork board with multiple images pinned to it connected by red thread linking them together.

Spike looked around in amaze, as Twilight asked, "What do you think?"

"It's like I stepped into the lair of Dr. Frankenstein of the 21st century." Spike answered.

"Is that a joke?" Twilight put her hands on her hips, while bearing a bit of a scowl.

"It's a compliment. Seriously, this is a nice set up."

Twilight settled down, "Thanks. This is where I go to conduct various experiments and do my research."

Spike noted the cork board, "No kidding. You still are a conspiracy theorist, aren't you?"

"I can't help it, Spike. There's so much out there I want to understand and uncover. Why just you wait, one day I'll make the biggest discovery of the universe and win the Nobel Peace Prize!" she declared.

"I'll be looking forward to that day." Spike smiled, as he looked around, "You know Indigo was right, you have enough room here to install a vat to contain test subjects."

"I would never experiment on living things. I'm not a mad scientist, Spike."

"I know. Though I got to ask did you raid Area 51 for some of this equipment?"

"You'd wish. I actually salvaged them from the junkyard and fixed them up."

"Wicked. Almost makes me worried what would happen if your intellect was used by the wrong people." Spike feared.

"Like I'd ever use my mind to bring about harm to the planet or my friends." Twilight smiled.

Spike suddenly embraced the girl, much to her surprise, "I know you'd never do a thing like that to us, Twilight. A mind like yours is better suited to make the world a better place. And I know one day you'll do just that."

Twilight smiled, as she wrapped her arms around him to return the hug. She pecked his cheek and whispered, "Thank you, Spike."

They stood there embracing for a minute or two, until they heard someone clear their throat. They looked at the doorway of the lab to the kitchen seeing a young man older than the two teens. He had hair in a mix of sapphire, cerulean, and dark phthalo streaks. He was Shining Armor, Twilight's older brother.

"Oh, please. Don't stop on my account." he smirked at the two.

"Shining Armor!" Twilight scolded him.

"Sorry, Twiley," he chuckled before looking at Spike, "Hey, Spike. How's my little buddy?" the two fist bumped.

"Doing great, Shining. How've you been doing?"

"I've been doing great too." Shining answered.

"Shining Armor now works at the police department." Twilight explained to Spike.

Spike did a double take at the older boy, "You're a cop?"

"That's right. But don't think because I'm a cop I crack down hard on even my closes friends who break all the rules. As long as they're not too illegal."

Spike spoke, "Even when we were younger you'd always deliver justice. Especially to school bullies."

"I just can't stand watching the innocent being tormented by others who abuse them." the older boy explained.

Twilight Velvet popped in, "Kids, dinner will be ready soon. Spike, would you like to stay and join us?"

"Uh, I'll have to check with my folks," he texted his parents and received a response in a matter of moments, "They said yes."

"Excellent. You all make sure to wash up first." the adult told her kids.

"Yes, mom." they answered.

As Twilight Velvet and Shining Armor left the garage, Spike was about to follow them only for Twilight to speak up.


Spike turned back to her, "Yeah, Twi?"

"I've been thinking, and I think it's time I went back to my classic look." Twilight explained, as she undid her bun making her hair come down until it reached her waist.

Spike looked at Twilight and became flustered, "Twilight, you look even cuter now."

Twilight blushed, "Thank you."

"Well, come on. Let's go wash up." Spike said. Twilight nodded, as the two left the lab together. With Twilight taking Spike's hand into her own.

Spike looked at Twilight and feeling her grip on his hand almost like she didn't want him to let go or she'd lose him again. And Spike decided to remain close to her, not wanting her to feel like she would lose him a second time.