• Published 2nd Jan 2016
  • 14,723 Views, 422 Comments

Crystal Prep Cuties - Wildcard25

Spike Drake reunites with six of his childhood friends, only to see they've changed a lot since they were children

  • ...

Inspiring Pop Star

At Crystal Prep's cafeteria, Spike was sitting with his friends who looked like they were watching the entire cafeteria like hawks.

"Girls, you know Fleur has a different lunch hour than us." Spike reminded them.

"You can never be too careful." Indigo said.

"And I told you before nothing happened between us." Spike told them.

"How is her making you lay your head on her rack considered nothing?" Sunny asked rhetorically.

"Ok, there's that. But it's not like we had unprotected sex in the room." Spike replied.

"Thank God." Twilight said in relief.

"Forgive me for saying this, but aren't you girls letting jealousy overtake you?"

"Jealous? What've we got to be jealous over Fleur?" Sour Sweet asked before mumbling, "Aside from the fact she's got a killer rack compared to the other girls and banging butt to go with it."

"You just confirmed my theory." Spike said dryly.

"Doh!" Sour Sweet groaned.

"She's issued a challenge to us, and we're not backing down." Lemon said.

"Challenge for what? Me? Girls, this is not like you to get jealous over others who come near me."

"Nevertheless, we're going to show Fleur we have no intention of looking second best to her." Sugarcoat said.

"Whatever you say," Spike rolled his eyes while thinking, 'I can't believe seeing me with Fleur got them so jealous. On the upside they are spending more time with me.'

"Hey, guys!" came Rara's voice as she walked over with Coco.

"Rara. Coco. What's going on?" Twilight asked.

"Answer me this, are you all doing anything after school today?" Rara inquired.

"Nothing other than homework." Indigo answered.

"Why do you ask?" Sugarcoat wondered.

"Because I want put on a little musical performance while showcasing an outfit Coco designed for me."

"We could both use some feedback from some faces we know well enough." Coco added.

Spike smiled, "Well, I'm interested. So count me in."

"Me too." Twilight automatically answered after Spike.

"I will too." Sunny answered.

"Count me in." Indigo said.

"Sounds wicked." Lemon added.

"I'll come." Sour nodded.

"And so will I." Sugarcoat finished.

"Great. We'll meet up after school at my place, ok?" Rara asked.

"Sounds good to us." Spike confirmed.

"Great. We'll see you then." Rara said, as she and Coco left.

"Wonder what her performance would be like?" Lemon wondered.

"I've heard her sing a few small tunes before," Spike answered, "So I'm sure it'll be quite the show."

"Good thing it's free so we don't have to pay to hear her." Sour said.

"Yeah. Though when she makes it big then we'll have too." Spike warned her.

"Not unless we get VIP passes." Sunny countered.

"Girls, Rara isn't even an international pop singer yet. So save it for when the day actually comes." Twilight told them.

So after school, Spike and the Cuties left the building and headed home to change. Afterward they walked to Rara's place where Coco was waiting outside.

"Hey, Coco!" Spike called.

"Hi, guys!" she greeted the group with a smile.

"Where's, Rara?" Indigo looked around.

"In her garage setting up." Coco answered.

They looked to the garage and saw the door lift up. It revealed a make shift stage curtain inside with fold out chairs set up for them.

They each took a seat, as Coco stood by the curtain and announced, "Welcome ladies and Spike. Today you will bare witness to Rara the Countess in her first ever performance for an audience!"

Some music began playing, as the curtain started opening up to reveal Rara wearing a beautiful dark blue v-neck dress that sparkled from the glittery touch to it. The girls were amazed at how beautiful the girl looked in the dress made by Coco. Spike was not only amazed by the beauty in the dress, but also that he was able to see plenty of cleavage peeking out due to her rack size being about the size of an E-cup.

'Oh, man. Those things may not be as big as Fleur's, but they look so inviting.' Spike thought.

Spike was broken out of his thoughts as Rara began singing the first song on her track.

(Shake it off)

As she sang the shaking part she couldn't help but shake her around for show off before also shaking her banging booty as well. Spike's eyes were glued to her as she did that, while the girls were a bit repulsed knowing she'd plan to do that more for a male audience.

After she finished, Spike and the girls applauded. Rara spoke up "So what did you think?"

"That was amazing, Rara." Spike said.

"Yeah, way to let loose and move it." Lemon added.

"Though why did you have to shake around so much?" Sunny inquired.

"It's part of the song. Why, you didn't like it?"

"Not that we didn't like it, but don't you think a move like that is more for hookers?" Indigo asked.

"Maybe, but I just felt like letting loose with that one." Rara giggled, while recalling Spike's dumbfounded face that couldn't look away from her.

"Aside from that, how do you like the outfit I designed for Rara?" Coco asked the girls.

"It is rather pretty." Twilight admitted.

"And it has a nice sparkle affect with the glitter." Sugarcoat added.

"It's so beautiful." Sour smiled.

"Thanks. I really had to make sure it was just right for Rara."

"Well, you outdid yourself, Coco." Rara hugged her.

"So is that it?" Indigo wondered.

"Not yet. I still have other songs I'd like to try." Rara answered.

"Well, then let's hear the next one." Spike said.

"Sure. Though this one may bring you to tears... Well, maybe some of you." Rara chuckled as the girls were curious.

Coco started the next song which played a slow ballad, and Rara started to sing with much emotion in her voice.


As she sang she was right, girls like Coco, Twilight, Sour, Sugarcoat, and even Sunny were getting moved by the passion in her voice. While Spike was also getting moved by it, and could also feel Rara was also singing from the heart with this song.

After she finished, the girls who were crying sniffled, while the others smiled having been able to suppress their own tears.

"That was, wow." Indigo zapped.

"Really gets ya, right here." Lemon laid a hand on her heart.

"Where'd you come up with a song like that?" Twilight wondered.

"Well, it's sort of been with me for a while now." Rara answered.

"It has?" Sunny asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Sour asked.

"Well, Countess may be my self declared stage name. But sometimes when I use it I wonder if it'll take over and become the only identity I have. Like what if the girl known as Rara no longer exists, but only Countess in the eyes of everyone?" Rara asked.

"I don't buy that." Spike answered, as he stood up much to the girls surprise.

"Spike?" Rara wondered.

"If the public starts recognizing you as Countess, to your closest friends you'll always be Rara to them. I mean look at us, we're all friends here. And we would never forget who you really are."

Indigo smirked, "Ya got that right."

"If it helps you can always look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself your real reflection is not that of Countess but of Rara." Twilight suggested.

The rest of the girls nodded feeling that would be a good way for Rara to deal with her identity problem should it ever become too much.

Rara smiled seeing all of their support and spoke, "Thank you everyone. I really appreciate this."

"No problem. Hey anyone hungry? Let's go grab a bite." Spike suggested.

"I'm down." Lemon answered.

"Me too." Twilight agreed along with the others, "Rara, do you and Coco wanna join us?"

"Sure thing." Coco confirmed.

"Let me just go and get changed." Rara said, as she went inside her house.

Once inside she removed the dress and picked out some street clothes from her drawers. Before she changed, she looked at her reflection in the mirror while wearing nothing but purple lacy lingerie.

She spoke to her reflection, "Rara is my real self," she nodded before crossing her arms under her impressive rack and lifted them up a bit. She smiled at them and thought to herself, 'Spike, you're such a perv,' she noticed where he was staring at her during her first performance for them, 'But you're a cute perv.' She then got dressed and left her house with the others.