• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,277 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Steven Magnet vs Bon Bon/The Sphinx vs Midnight Sparkle

Round 1 Bracket 2-D

“Now with that out of the way, the next combatants will be…Steven Magnet!”

“Oh! Is it me already?” The sea serpent said as he slowly made for the arena. The recent matches results were still taking there toll on every creature; Pharynx and Ocellus sat together with Autumn Blaze and Bon Bon, who have been trying to comfort them. Trixie, Sunburst and the rest of the students watched over them while they struggled with their own thoughts and emotions as Maud, Celaeno, and Skystar did their best to support them.

Spike sought solace with Twilight and the rest of his family while Big Mac, Applejack and Rainbow Dash joined them. Everyone else remained silent as the selector began to slow down.

Everyone, except Rutherford.

“Blue water dragon! Win match for great Grandmothers honour!” The yak shouted with a stomp, jarring everyone out of their somber funk.

“Yeah!” Bulk Biceps agreed as he took to the air with enthusiasm.

“Steven…” Aria muttered as she moved closer to the arena, which half of it took the form of a wide river with very little land mass.

“Oh, my dear, dear great grandmother…” Steven mused as his opponent was selected. “How I wish we had more time.” Looking towards the villains side he spotted Aria watching him. Before he could address her she had moved away, causing him to sadden further.

“And his challenger is…Bon Bon!”

The Earth pony didn’t even look up from comforting Pharynx as a smile appeared on her lips. “I forfeit the match.”

Discord appeared before her as Twilight turned to watch. “Are you sure? You could pull an upset and pull out a victory.” He winks at her with a knowing smile.

Bon Bon shot him a look before returning to a smile. “I am. I have no reason to be here without Lyra.”

“Very well. Bon Bon has forfeit the match. The winner is Steven Magnet.” As he made the announcement Twilight and Spike approached Bon Bon while Steven returned to the space, the arena returning to its base form.

“Give our best to Lyra.” Twilight said as she hugged the mare.

“And if its not too much trouble, could you check on Thorax?” Spike asked. “I know Fluttershy’s already with him, but…”

“Don’t worry, Spike.” She said as she broke the hug, giving him a smile before turning towards Pharynx and Ocellus. “We won’t leave his side until you all return.”

Ocellus gave her a cute smile while Pharynx nods solemnly. Just before Discord snapped his fingers, Steven Magnet picked up the Earth pony and hugged her tightly, surprising everyone around them along with her.

“Oh! Thank you, Bon Bon! Rest assured, I will use this time to bond with Aria!” His hug was so tight Bon Bon struggled to speak.


“Now go and be with you’re fiancee!” With that she disappeared with the sound of Discord’s snap, cueing the selector. As soon as he no longer felt the pony the sea serpent made his way to the back of their space, where Aria was waiting on her side of the barrier. “It’s just wonderful to finally speak with you, great aunt Aria!”

“I’m not your aunt. Great or otherwise.” She said dismissively. “The three of us just band together out of necessity.” Steven felt awkward, not knowing what to say. “Although…” She looked at him with a sad smile. “That doesn’t mean we don’t see each other as sisters.”

“Is it okay if I call you, aunty?” Steven asked with hopefully.

Aria sighed in annoyance as a shiver ran through her body before looking at Steven, who had a cute pout on his face. “Fine…”

“OH! Aunty Aria!” The sea serpent slammed into the barrier, his arms outstretched startling the siren.

As the two aquatic serpents spoke with each other, Autumn Blaze couldn’t keep the excited grin off her face as the next creature was selected.

“Ladies and Gents! The next match up is between…The Sphinx!”

The creatures eyes flew open as everyone watch her rise to her full height once again. Daring Do shared a look with Ahuizotl and Rainbow Dash as the The Sphinx left her space and entered the arena, the contact triggering it to change into a desert with a single pyramid that barely exceed her height.

The selector began to slow down as Celestia and Daydream looked over on the villains side, curious as to who the two remaining unknown fighters were. Who they say shock them to their core.

“Oh no…” Daydream expressed in dread.

“Is that…Twilight?” Celestia questioned as Midnight Sparkle stood, watching the arena.

“WHAT?” Many of the creatures around them shouted together before spotting their friends human counterpart. This got her attention as Midnight spotted Daydream, surprised to see her again.

“You! I don’t know why you’re here, but you won’t stop me from getting as much magic as I can!”

“Twilight, listen to me! Forfeit the tournament and let me help you regain who you really are!” Daydream pleaded as she moved closer.

“What are you talking about? This IS who I really am!”

“No, it isn’t! You’re so much more without magic!”

“On the contrary.” King Sombra interjected with a grin, earning confused looks from the other villains “The more magic she obtains, the greater she with be!” The dark unicorn laughed manically along with Midnight just as the selector choose The Sphinx’s opponent.

“Up against The Sphinx is…Midnight Sparkle!”

Sombra turned to Midnight. “Remember what I told you and don’t hold back!” His eyes burned with purple flames while flashing her a toothy grin.

With a nod she proceeded to the arena as Daydream called out to her. Celestia stood beside her, glaring at Sombra along with Twilight.

“What have you done, Sombra?” The princess of the sun said darkly.

“Nothing that is of any concern to you, Celestia.” He relied while facing them.

“She’s my friend!” Twilight shouted as she took to the air. “I demand you tell me what you’ve done!”

The dark King simple chuckled as Midnight’s half of the arena changed into a dark forest with a pond. “You can demand all you want, ‘Princess’ Twilight. The only thing you will get from me is the reassurance that she will become a valued ally once this tournament concludes.” His grin grew wider before looking behind him. “They both will.”

Both Celestia and Twilight followed his gaze and gasped once they spotted Stygian lying in the corner, his back to them.

“Stygian?” Twilight said aloud, getting the remaining Pillars attention as Sombra laughed manically.


The smell grew stronger as Sombra made his way behind The Sphinx; the sound of voices reached his ear as he stood beside the creatures head, unaware that she had swivelled her ear towards him.

“Who are you to lecture me on magic?” The female voice said angrily. “You couldn’t comprehend the power I wield right now!”

“That is where you are mistaken, ma’am. My knowledge on magic dwarves yours substantially.” The male voice replied in a stern voice. “Heed my warnings or your magic will consume you!”

“Or empower you further.” The unicorn King said in response as he came into view. He remained composed as he bore witness to the two figures before him; the female was a similar creature to Daydream but held a familiar aura to her that Sombra could not place, while the unicorn behind her was scrawny beneath the cloak he wore.

“What?” The unicorn said in surprise towards Sombra as the female gave him a wicked smile.

“I knew it! Tell me how I can achieve this!” She demanded passionately, a trait the King could respect.

“With study, ambition, and the right teacher…” The dark unicorn grinned at that. “…you can control any amount of power you gain.”

The female biped chuckled in excitement as the scrawny unicorn stared at Sombra. Suddenly, his eyes widened as a small gasp escaped his muzzle. “You…your power is similar to my own. Who are you?”

“I am King Sombra. Ruler of the Crystal Empire.” He held his head high as he introduced himself. “And you are?”

“You can call me…Midnight Sparkle!” She said with pride.

“Sparkle? Would that mean you were once ‘Twilight Sparkle’?” Sombra inquired.

“Yes. Before I obtained my power! Now, that weakling is gone forever!”

“I am most glad to hear that.” He chucked before turning to the unicorn. “And what of you, my unicorn friend?”

“…I am Stygian. Though, most know me better as…The Pony of Shadows.”

The dark Kings eyes widened in realization. “You? You are the fabled Pony of Shadows?”

“Indeed.” He said as he moved to stand beside Midnight. “We must be separated by a great stretch of time. To my knowledge, the Crystal Princess rules over the Empire.”

Recovering from his shock at discovering the true identity of The Pony of Shadows, Sombra regarded the unicorn with a greater deal of respect. “She had, before I over threw her.”

“For what purpose? If I recall correctly, her rule was perfect.”

“The purpose I champion above all others; achieving greater power and control!” He rose onto his hind legs, stretching out his fore hooves in an epic display of grandeur. This excited Midnight but caused Stygian to worry.

“Yes! That’s what I want! Show me! Show me how to get more power!” Midnight practically pleaded as she drew closer to Sombra.

“The thought of obtaining more power does not appeal to me…” Stygian admitted before facing the taller unicorn with resolve. “…I do, however greatly desire knowledge and the means to better control The Shadows.”

Sombra chuckled low as he approached the two. “Wise decision, my friends. Fate has brought us together for a reason.” Reaching his two pupils Sombra placed a hoof on both of their shoulders. “Together, none shall stand in our way!”

The dark King laughed softly as The Sphinx’s ear twitched.


The Sphinx watched as Midnight regain her powers as she entered the arena, never taking her eyes off her as her half of the arena morphed into the forest and pond. The two stared at one another until Midnight grew annoyed.

“What are you staring at?” She asked but the creature continued to stare, her face showing nothing. “This is why I’m a dog person. At least their easy to read!”

The Sphinx smiled. “So, you prefer easy solutions over a challenge. I figured as much.”

“HA! I’d hardly call you a challenge. You probably don’t have any worthwhile magic anyway.”

The Sphinx towered over the winged human as she leaned towards her; Midnight, for her part didn’t even flinch. “The value of power is in the eye of the beholder. The power I wield is enough for my needs. Why trouble myself with anymore?”

“Power is its own reward!” Midnight replied confidently, much to Daydream’s horror. “The more I wield, the more I’ll understand, the greater I’ll become!”

The Sphinx closed her eyes and took a long sniff before releasing a sigh, opening her eyes as a smile appeared on her face. “Ah yes. The scent of knowledge plagues your spirit.” Leaning back, the creature returns to her full height. “As does loneliness.”

Before Midnight could refute The Sphinx, Discord appeared between them. “Once again, I must interrupt another pre battle banter. I was beginning to enjoy not having to do that.”

“Why, Discord. I am surprised at you. Were you not the one to say my voice was akin to honeyed silk?” The Sphinx teased as a sultry look came upon her face, making the draconequus blush that caused Trixie to gag in responce.

“Wait, you two know each other?” Spike asked, puzzled. “How come you never mentioned it?”

“Yeah.” Big Mac added, earning him a look from Bulk Biceps.

“Oh, Dissie dear. To keep me a secret from your friends?” The creature said in faux shock, her smile never leaving. “Bad form, Discord.”

“Ahem, well our paths crossed centuries ago when I ruled over Equestria. But that’s neither here nor there! We have a match to get too!”

“Hmm very well. But I expect a visit from you after this little ‘contest’ is over, understand?” The creature strongly suggested as she got into position.

“Very well, my feline fatale.” He responded before taking his position.

“That was the strangest thing I have ever seen.” Tirek said aloud in disgust.

“No kidding.” Cozy Glow added in disbelief.

“Are you ready, my dear?” Discord asked, turning towards Midnight, still processing what just happened before her.

“What did I just witness?” She said absentmindedly as Discord cleared his throat, getting her attention. “Yes! I’m ready!”

“Then let the battle…begin!” Discord vanished as Midnight flew at The Sphinx, only to fall flat on her face when her wings were forcible closed mid flight.

“What the…?” Midnight asked as a shadow covered her. The Sphinx’s paw came down on her, pinning her to the ground. “Grah! Get off me!”

The creature place her other paw over her ‘prey’ and laid down, a content smile on her face. “I rather prefer you right where you are, child. Where every dog lover belongs!” She laughed after that, earning her a dark look from the Apple siblings, Twilight, and Spike

Midnight struggled angrily until she conjured a portal beneath her, reappearing behind The Sphinx, much to her annoyance. Enraged at the humiliation, Midnight launched a blast at the large creature only for her to swat it away with her tail, like it were a pesky fly.

Sombra and Stygian watched in awe at The Sphinx complete disregard for Midnight. “How strange…” Stygian said aloud, perplexed.

“What is?” Sombra asked through his teeth as Midnight continued to attack The Sphinx from different angles, only for her to brush them aside.

“Somnambula never mentioned The Sphinx had this level of power, nor has it been written in any of the books I read.”

“That’s because very few have seen her at her best.” Discord said, startling Stygian as he appeared above the two unicorns.

“And I suppose YOU are one of those few?” Sombra said without addressing the draconequus.

“Why, yes I am! If you must know, the two of us…”

“Finish that sentence and you’ll see how dangerous I can be without magic!” The dark King threatened while giving Discord a sideways glance.

“Hmph! You do know ‘I’ was the one that resurrected you, right? I can just as easily send you back where you came from.”

King Sombra looked Discord in the eyes as a small smile came to his face. “If you did, you would be defeating the very purpose of this tournament. Not to mention miss out on some entertaining matches.”

The two stared each other down as Stygian looked between the two, their discussion earning the attention of the other villains. Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy remembered the day the four of them were summoned by Discord, disguised as Grogar. Despite what he had heard of Grogar, King Sombra defied him and struck out on his own. While he ultimately failed he had impressed the three with how easily he had conquered both the Crystal Empire and Canterlot within a matter of hours.

The Storm King was indifferent to his fellow King as he didn’t much care about the ponies or their politics. Nightmare Moon, Sunset and Lightning watched on as the three all knew of his ability and tyranny.

Finally, Discord released a sigh in defeat. “I despise that you’re right.” With that he vanished as Sombra returned his attention to the match, his smile growing bigger after his victory over Discord.

“GAH! Why is my magic not working?” Midnight shouted in frustration.

“Maybe you should consult your ‘teacher’.” The Sphinx advised stretching in the middle of the arena. Midnight looked to Sombra, who was at a loss. He had no useful knowledge regarding this creature and feared he would lose his alliance before it even has a chance to get started.

“Challenge her to a riddle!” The two looked at Stygian, confused. “Somnambula spoke of her encounter with this beast! After overcoming a riddle and a challenge, The Sphinx flew away, defeated!”

The Sphinx chuckled as she eyed the unicorn. “The former friend of Somnambula…how quickly you ally with strangers.”

Stygian flinched as the Pillars stood beside Twilight at the barrier.

“Steal yourself from the Shadows influence, Stygian!” Rockhoof said with a saddened expression, earning Stygian’s attention.

He grew angry. “Why would I do to the Shadows what you all did to me?”

“We were wrong, Stygian.” Mage answered as she placed a hoof on the barrier. “We know now, the reason you took our artifacts.”

“You do?” Stygian asked in disbelief.

“We do, my friend.” Flash Magnus replied as he flew over the others. “We are all deeply ashamed for thinking ill of you and believing you had betrayed us.”

The unicorn struggled to understand what was happening. The last he had seen his former friends was at the Hollow Shades, where they were attempting to banish him alone to Limbo. A chuckle filled the air as Sombra stood behind Stygian.

“And yet, despite calling him a friend, you all doubted him.” His words relit the dark feelings in Stygian as he glared at the Pillars. “Casting him out, straight into the welcoming embrace of the Shadows.”

“Hold your tongue, usurper!” Rockhoof demand, anger radiating off him in waves.

“A fitting response from one such as you!” Stygian challenged causing the three of them to flinch in painful shock. “Mistaking truth for what you wish to believe! The Shadows offered me power and Friendship that leaves little room for doubt! And I will do what I must to protect it, and my allies!” Turning towards the arena, Stygian shouts. “Midnight! Ask for a riddle! Should you solve it, the match is yours!”
 King Sombra smiled with pride as the Pillars sank into despair, all the while The Sphinx was laughing deeply. Midnight looked unsure until she saw the conviction on Stygian’s face. With a nod she turned to The Sphinx.

“What do you say, Sphinx? I solve any riddle you ask and you forfeit the match!” The creature ceased her laughter to regard the human for a moment before smiling at her.

“Very well. However, I shall do more then just forfeit.” She began to circle the grounded human, talking all the while. “I will forfeit should you solve my riddle. But I shall also bequeath you ALL my magic.”

“What?” The girl turned to The Sphinx in surprise as both Sombra and Stygian grew wide eyed. “Why would you do that?”

“Why, indeed?” The Sphinx stood before the forest on Midnight’s side of the arena. “I will give you three chances to answer correctly. Should you fail to do so or you receive any help from your friends, the match is mine.”

“What about the villains?” Spike offered, earning him glares from said group.

“Allow me.” Discord said as he snapped his fingers, covering the barrier separating the spaces from the arena in a soundproof spell that allowed the onlookers to listen but not be heard.

“Why thank you, Discord. Such a thoughtful draconequus you are.” The Sphinx said seductively, causing him to blush as Trixie visible made a gagging face, silent to all in the arena. She faces Midnight, her smile becoming more predatory. “Are we in agreement?”

Midnight regarded the creature before turning to see Sombra and Stygian. As she did, she noticed Daydream still watching her with a sad expression. Glaring at her before facing The Sphinx, Midnight replied. “Agreed. Ask your riddle.”

The Sphinx began to retreat into the trees as she spoke her riddle.

“To have me is to be strong

To lose me is to be restricted.

I shelter you from great hardships

But separate you from strong connections.

With me, you fear nothing

Without me, you fear everything.

What am I?”

“Heh! This one is obvious. It’s power!” Midnight answered confidently as Sombra and Stygian looked on, sure that was the answer.

The Sphinx chuckled. “A very good guess…”

“YES! That means I…”

“…but you're wrong.” The creature finished, interrupting Midnight’s celebration.

“You’re lying! That has to be the answer! It fits perfectly within the context of the riddle.”

“Perhaps…but it is not the answer I am looking for.” She said in a sing-song way.

Midnight Sparkle grew nervous and fidgety as she racked her brain, trying to think of something that would satisfy the Sphinx. Sombra began to realize how foolish he was to have believed this creature was of no threat to them while Stygian was deep in thought, trying to solve the riddle himself.

“So what’s the answer Twily?” Shining Armor asked as Midnight held her head in frustration.

“It should have been ‘power’ but who knows what that Sphinx is thinking.” The Princess replied.

“Discord..?” Spike asked with some hesitation.

“Nice try, Spike.” Discord appeared above them reading a big book of riddles. “You are all aware I am not the kind of creature to ruin a good surprise.”

“And how often has that come back ta kick ya in the flank?” Applejack shot out, making the Lord of Chaos chuckle nervously.

“I bet even HE doesn’t know the answer.” Trixie jabbed as Sunburst pondered the riddle.

“Of course I know it. But where's the fun in just telling you?” He replied as Luna joined Daydream and Tempest at the barrier.

“You two know the answer, don’t you?” Daydream asked, keeping her attention on Midnight.

“Indeed.” Luna said as she glanced at her counterpart.

“Given the context of the situation, it wasn’t too hard to figure out.” Tempest said as she pressed herself against her friend.

“Have I already lost her?” The pony turned human asked as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“GAH! What could it be besides power?” Midnight shouted as portals appeared around her.

“He lies to you.” The Sphinx voice came from the trees. “You know this, do you not?”

“Huh?” Midnight looked towards the trees as Sombra grew angry.

“King Sombra. He lies to you in order to gain from you.”

“Are you saying he can’t give me more power?” Midnight said with a sideways glance at Sombra.

The creature laughs out loud. “Of course he can. I have little doubt in his ability to do so. After all, gaining power is easy.” She sticks her head out beside Midnight, starting her. “The riddle becomes, how much?”

“There’s no riddle about it!” The human shouted as The Sphinx returned to the trees. “I won’t stop until I have as much magic as I can get!”

“Of that, I have little doubt as well.”

A thought came to Midnight, putting a smile on her face. “It’s confidence, isn’t it?”

“Another worthy answer. But you’re wrong again.”


“One last chance, child.” The Sphinx reappeared before Midnight, looking down on the distraught girl. “Think carefully before you answer again.”

“Grr! Curse that beast! To dare humiliate me like this!” Sombra said in frustration.

“What is the meaning of her riddle?” Stygian said aloud.

“Is that not the reason Midnight is struggling to answer?”

“Yes. But why ‘that’ riddle?”

Sombra looked to the smaller unicorn with a questioning look. “Why should the nature of the riddle matter?”

“It may lead to the answer Midnight seeks.” he said as he faced Sombra. “The riddle The Sphinx gave Somnambula had to do with what she represented, Hope.” The two looked back to Midnight, who was nearing the end of her will to continue.

“Then what does Midnight represent, if not power?” The dark King pondered that question as he looked at his ally. Many words came to his mind when he did; strong, intimidating, driven, passionate…then it hit him. The word that brought up unwanted memories as he ran forward, slamming the barrier with his hoof. “YOU DARE? YOU WILL PAY FOR SUCH AN INSULT! YOU WILL KNOW MY…”

Both The Sphinx and Midnight watched as Sombra raged silently behind the barrier, a toothy smile spreading across her face. “It appears your teacher has figured it out.” Turning back to Midnight, she continued. “Has what little time with him taught you enough?”

Midnight Sparkle looked at the raging Sombra, thinking him….she gasped in understanding and dread.

“…Madness.” She looks up at the creature. “That’s the answer your looking for, isn’t it? Madness…”

The Sphinx let out a mighty laugh of joy before addressing her foe. “That is correct, Midnight Sparkle. It would appear you have learned a thing or two from him.” She began circling around her once more. “Those with too much power often fall prey to it. Overwhelmed by the possibilities it has to offer. You, him, the princesses, the villains, Discord, myself included. We all are at risk of falling…” She brought her face right to Midnight’s, who was to overcome with mixed feelings to flinch. “…into Madness.”

Luna closed her eyes and bowed her head in shame as Daydream and Tempest gave her sympathetic looks.

“But alas, my time is up.” This snapped Midnight out of her funk enough to address The Sphinx. “You solved my riddle, thus winning the match.” The creature sat down before Midnight. “As we agreed, I bequeath to you, all my magic.” Her wings speed out as her eyes began to glow as a stream of magic floated out from The Sphinx and into Midnight. She could feel her power growing within her all throughout the process. The transfer took place in a matter of seconds as Midnight opened her eyes to see a site she was not expecting.

In place of the large Sphinx stood a normal purple Earth Pony, a lion, and an eagle, all of whom remained close to one another. The pony gave Midnight a knowing smile upon seeing her disbelief.

“What? You thought I was created naturally?” The eagle landed on her back as she pet the lion beside her. “I forfeit the match. I clearly cannot continue.”

“Very well, then.” Discord said as he appeared beside the three creatures. “The lovely Sphinx has forfeit the match. Midnight Sparkle wins.” With a snap of his claws Midnight Sparkle appeared beside Sombra and Stygian, who had joined the dark King at the barrier, while the three creatures flouted beside Discord.

“If you would be so kind, Discord?” The purple pony said in a flirtatious way.

“With pleasure, my dear.” Still gazing into each other’s eyes, Discord snapped his tail, returning The Sphinx to her previous stat.

She flew beside him as she caressed his face. “You always were good to me, Dissy.”

“Only because you were so much fun to be around.” Discord said as he did the same.

“SPHINX!” Sombra shouted, getting their attention. Discord, annoyed, snapped his fingers, taking away the unicorns muzzle.

“I believe that’s quite enough out of you, Sombra.” He said as Chrysalis and the others laughed while Midnight and Stygian looked at their ally, stunned.

Sombra had not reacted in the slightest.

“Mark my words, Sphinx!” The muzzle hovering beside Discord said, startling everyone. It floated back to Sombra in a mist as he continued. “Should our paths cross again, you will suffer for that insult.” His muzzle returned, Sombra turned his back to them with a flap of his cape before leading the other two to the corner of their space.

“How was he able to do that?!” Cozy shouted in annoyance and disgust.

“Discord, your rules are as random as you are!” Tirek criticized.

“Hmm. Perhaps his shadow form is a natural trait to him and not a magical ability at all?” Sunburst theorized. "Like Rainbow’s wings or Aria’s ability to float?’”

“Or maybe Discord’s magic can’t suppress magic that stems from one’s strongest emotions.” Daring Do suggested, thinking back to what Cadence did earlier.

“Whatever the case, it is your problem now.” The Sphinx said as she rubbed her cheek against Discords. “I look forward to our reunion after this is all over.”

“As do I, my lovely Sphinx.” And with that Discord snapped his fingers, returning the creature to her point in time.

“Discord. I tolerate a lot when it comes to you…” Twilight said as Discord turned to her. A look of absolute horror appeared on his face as he was met with the terrifying leers of Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Spike, and Cadence. “…but fair warning.”

“If ya do anything ta brake Fluttershy’s heart…” Applejack added, her hat doing nothing to hide her intense glare.

“There will be no place in or out of Equestria…” Spike continued, a lick of fire emanating from his mouth.

“Where we will not find you and hunt you down…” Cadence said while her pink mane gave off a more crimson glow.

“And inflict a hundred times the pain you cause her, onto you!” Rainbow finished with a violent bang to the barrier, currently protecting the draconequus. Twilight flew above them to the point where Discord was looking up at her, as she utilized her Royal Canterlot Voice.


The deep connection she had for the pegasus allowed Twilight to prove Daring Do’s theory correct as she pierced through the barrier to grasp onto Discord and slam him against the barrier, where she held his eyes mere inches from hers. She spoke in a calm, steady voice that held all the power her Royal Canterlot Voice held.

“Is that understood?” The Lord of Chaos nodded vigorously. “Good.” She released him as they all returned to their friends to await the next match as Discord floated up to the selector.

“It..it’s not like it would’ve worked out, anyway.” In realization, Discord said aloud, as if the threat on his life never happened. “Listen up, everyone! The second bracket has reached its conclusion!” Snapping his fingers, Discord brought the display board to the barrier, revealing the winners in the second bracket. “The match up’s for round two are Soarin vs Sunset Shimmer!” The stallion and unicorn shared a look as Soarin began to mock stretch, making Sunset roll her eyes. “Princess Celestia vs Cozy Glow!” The eldest Alicorn gave the younger Alicorn a stern, motherly look as Cozy simply gave her a raspberry. “Queen Chrysalis vs Pharynx!” The former Queen chuckled as Pharynx and Ocellus had retreated to the furthest side of the space. “And finally, Steven Magnet vs Midnight Sparkle!” Steven looked worried as Aria glared at Midnight, who simple looked away, still thinking over the riddle’s meaning.

“Congratulations to the winners. Now then, onto the next bracket!” Discord snapped his fingers, assigning the winners on the board while also signalling the selector to do its thing.