• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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The Storm King vs Silverstream/Princess Skystar vs Dragon Lord Ember

Round 1 Bracket 4-A

“Wow! We’re finally at the last eight matches!” Autumn said. She looked around the two spaces and realized how many of their friends were gone.

“I know!” Skystar said as she sat down beside the Kirin. “So much has happened, I’ve lost track of who’s left to fight.”

“Well, there’s you, Silverstream, Applejack…uh.” She tried to remember the other creatures names as Tempest joined them.

“All the dragons have yet to fight.” She said as she sat beside Autumn.

“That’s right! Spike and Smoulder.” Silverstream chimed in as she hovered above them. “And her brother, Garble and Ember!”

“Don’t forget Yona!” The yak said as she and Gallus joined them. “Yona been waiting forever to compete.”

“You and me both.” Gallus added. “That makes nine so far. Who else is there?”

“My friend Daydream Shimmer hasn’t fought yet or that strange creature with a claw at the end of his tail.” Tempest tilted her head in confusion.

“Ahuizotl. That’s eleven.” Gallus did the math in his head. “Were still missing five…” Suddenly Bulk Biceps grabbed Gallus and held him in one fore leg.

“Hey! What about ME? I haven’t gone yet!” He whined while crushing Gallus.

“F…four! We’re missing…four more!”

“They…would be from the villain side.” Tempest said as she turned towards them. “The Pony of Shadows, Stygian.

“I don’t see what the big deal is.” Garble commented, having been listening in since he heard his name. “He’s just a scrawny pony.”

“Do not let his diminutive appearance fool you, lad.” Rockhoof said from beside Rutherford. “Within his frail body lies an evil power that could cover the world in darkness.”

“Yeah, whatever.” The red dragon said as he crossed his arms.

Tempest looked beside him at the three headed creature laying near Stygian. “That creature, The Chimera. Seeing as The Sirens, that Sphinx and Steven had been selected, it stands to reason it will be too.”

“Ah reckon yer right, Tempest.” Applejack sat beside Autumn, who gave the Earth pony a quick hug. “Ah’ve tanged with her more then ah few times, making pie delvers near her territory.”

“Three head creature trouble for farm ponies?” Rutherford asked, anger coming from his voice.

“Settle down, Yer Majesty. She’s hardly any trouble, if ya know how to handle her.”

“Perhaps you better explain to those that remain how best combat her…while you still can.” Applejack gave the unicorn a firm nod in agreement. Returning the nod Tempest glares at the villain space. “The Storm King. My old leader.”

“Can you tell us anything about him?” Ember asked, standing beside Garble.

“He’s not too challenging an opponent. Strong, agile, and admittedly a quick thinker.” Her eyes become harden. “The real threat is the Staff of Sacanas. It holds the combined power of the four Alicorn Princesses.”

The creatures all exchanged looks with each other until Pharynx joined them. “How did he get their power?”

“He didn’t. I did.” This earned her worried looks from the group as Applejack stood beside her, placing a supportive hoof on her shoulder. The unicorn smiled before continuing. “We had a deal. I provide him with the power to rule Equestria. In return, he would restore my horn.” She took a moment to take a deep breath. “I…I was so desperate to get my horn back, I ignored all the signs that said he would betray me.”

“In the end, she saved us from his last attack, that ended up destroying himself.” Applejack continued the story. “She also showed us how ta return the princesses magic.”

“Heh. So. you’re a ‘reformed’ villain, too?” The two of them shared a short laugh that put everyone at ease.

“I am. And I’m better off for it.” A wave of agreement went through the group as she looked back at the villains. “The last of them left to fight is…”

“Lord Tirek!” Rockhoof said bitterly as he glared at the centaur.

“Ah’ve tangled with him plenty of times. And ah can honestly say, he is the most dangerous one of them all.” The mare said as she tilt her hat, giving her a somber look.

“You can’t be serious?” Garble challenged. “How is that clumsy looking guy more dangerous then a dragon?”

“He may be odd looking, but he can drain all the magic from any creature he comes across.” She stood to speak firmly. “If ya give him an inch, he’ll take everything!”

“Applejack speaks true.” Rockhoof stepped forward. “I have felt that monsters power, first hoof. He is not to be taken lightly.”

“Argh! So you ponies say!” Garble approached Rockhoof. “But just because you ‘ponies’ are afraid of someone, doesn’t mean a dragon should be!”

“They might have a point, Garble!” Smoulder spoke up as she stood beside Rockhoof and Applejack. “You were there when those three jerks were attacking. They brushed you guys all aside without braking a sweat! And two of them are moving on to the next round!”

Garble threw his arms up and walked away. “You all can be afraid of them if you want. But until he beats me one on one, I’m not gonna let your stupid fear effect me!”

Ember watched him walk away to the back of the space before addressing the group. “He’s got a point.”

“What? You too, Dragon Lord Ember?” Smoulder asked in disbelief.

“Sorry kiddo. But I’m with Garble on this one. I’ll admit, their dangerous and probably not to be taken lightly. But until I fight them myself, I just don’t see what the big deal is.”

“Listen up, every creature! The next match is about to begin!” Discord’s voice caused the group of creatures to look towards the selector. “The first match up will be…The Storm King!”

“It’s about time!” The satyr shouted as he dashed out of the space and into the arena, causing half of It to quickly morph into an oasis, surrounded by sand and cacti.

A miniature sun and moon floated above, causing Nightmare Moon and Sunset to jump to their hooves in outrage. “What is the meaning of this? Why does My Moon shine above that BUFFOON?”

“And the Sun too?” Sunset said as she turned towards Celestia and Luna, who are just as surprised. “What is going on here?”

“Now, to show you all what ‘I’ can do!” Slamming the end of the staff into the sand, a large tornado quickly appeared and picked up every grain of sand. A thin but powerful magical barrier surrounded the satyr, surprising him for a moment before he laughed manically as he ignited the sand storm. It transformed into a blazing fire storm that set ever tree and cacti ablaze as he used the staff to manipulate its shape. Satisfied, he pointed the staff at the water, using its power to manipulate the fluid to rapidly cool the fire storm.

The result was a finely crafted glass statue of himself, standing above the remaining creatures in the tournament. He turned around, a crazed smile on his face as he addressed the other villains. “Still think I’m not threatening?”

Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis stared in awe at the statue before looking at the staff. “That was…Alicorn magic!” Tirek growled as he cast a dark look at the Princesses. “When did he steal their magic?!”

“It happened before Twilight opened her school.” Cozy explained as she stared daggers at The Storm King. “His army invaded Equestria and that Tempest pony captured all four of them.”

“Why did you not mention this in your letters?” He demanded as he faced her.

“Because it didn’t matter!” She shot back. “Literally ten minutes later, he was destroyed and they got their magic back.”

“So he’s both powerful AND incompetent?” Chrysalis asked, fear dripping from her words.

“This does not bold well for any of us.” King Sombra added as he, Stygian and Midnight joined the three.

“What’s the big deal? If the magic is in the staff, all we gotta do is take it from him.” Midnight gestured to Cozy with a hand. “She said it herself, he was destroyed minutes after getting it.”

“A sensible course of action. One, I imagine he himself has considered.” Stygian theorized, looking grim. “If anything, it will make him MORE dangerous.”

“Say, Twilight?” Spike asked nervously, fully aware he had yet to participate. “What are the chances of winning against a guy like that?”

“Honestly, Spike…there not good.” The Princess admitted sadly, causing Spike to face her in surprise as the second panel began to slow.

“But…but you managed to beat him, didn’t you?” The creatures around them listened in to her explanation.

“Yes. But I didn’t do it alone. Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack, all my friends helped get the staff away from him. And really…” She cast a look at Tempest. “It was Tempest that ultimately beat him.”

“No. It was his own dark desire for power that really destroyed him.” She added as Tempest glared at the crazed King. “I don’t know if anyone here has the power to stand against him alone.”

“Yes…” Daydream said as she clutched her fist tightly. “You do.” Tempest looked at Daydream in surprised awe as the selector made its choice.

“And the lucky creature facing him is…Silverstream!”

“WHAT?” The young hippogryph shouted, launching herself at the selector. “THIS HAD BETTER BE A JOKE!” The selector shrunk away from the angry Silverstream.

“Hey, kid!” The Storm King called out. The young hippogryph lost her fury as soon as she saw him. “Are we doing this or not?” He flashed her a sinister grin. “Cause I ‘Really’ want to do this!”

Silverstream hovered for a moment before throwing her claws up. “NOPE! NOT HAPPENING! I FORFEIT!” The Storm King laughed out loud as she landed beside her friends in a hmph.

“Good choice, Kid!” He called out as he made for the villain space. “Though, if you HAD decide to fight, I wasn’t gonna use this Staff thingamaboop.”

“That’s ah blatant lie if ah ever heard one!” Applejack stomped a hoof, calling him out.

“What’s your point?” The Storm King was twirling the staff as he entered the space, a cocksure smile on his face. This enraged the Earth Pony as Skystar and the other students gathered around Silverstream.

“That was a good call, Silverstream.” Smoulder said with a smile. “A guy like that, just isn’t worth it.”

“I know…but I really wanted to compete!” Silverstream whined as she sat down. "Especially after singing that song we all sung like, twenty matches ago.”

“Jeez, has it really been that long ago?” Gallus looked up at the board, getting a better idea of what the next round will be like.

“Time flies when your waiting to be picked for a match!” Yona complained, sitting down hard.

“Tell me about it.” Both Smoulder and Gallus said at the same time.

“OH! I have an idea!” Princess Skystar declared, getting the students attention. “How about, after this tournament, we’ll have another one on the beaches of Mount Aris?”

“Hey, Yeah!” Smoulder agreed in excitement. “And this time, its volunteer matches. So those that WANT TO FIGHT, don’t have to wait so long!” The creatures around her laughed as Silverstream brightened up.

“OKAY! When I get back, I’ll get things started!” Giving a nod to Discord, Silverstream waved to her friends as Discord snapped his claws. “Bye, guys! See you all later!” Her friends waved back as Silverstream vanished and the selector, having recovered from the hippogryphs shouting, began spinning its two panels.

“Well, that was an interesting start to the bracket.” Ember stood beside Steven at the barrier with Aria on the other side. “What do you guys think?”

“Personally, I could care less about this silly thing.” Steven said as he flipped his mane. “The only thing I care about, is spending as much time as I can with my Aunt Aria!”

The Siren smacked herself with a hoof. “Okay, Steven. Stop with the Aunt thing! It was fine at first and in moderation! But you are pushing it!” The sea monster looked at Ember with a shrug of his shoulders.

“I don’t see what the big deal is.”

“Some creatures are more ‘sensitive’ about that sort of thing.” Ember offered as she flew up to their eye level. “My uncle Flint had flat out forbade me never to call him that when I was growing up.”

“You have an uncle?” Steven flashed Ember with an excited smile as Aria gave a small smile. “What’s he like?”

“He's like any dragon you see. Big, green, mean. Last I heard he was staying in a cave in the Everfree Forest.”

Steven gasped. “That big gem hoarder is your uncle?”

“Yeah. Apparently, Spike found his cave and tired to take one of his gems.” She explained with a shake of her head. “Wait, how do you know my uncle Flint?”

“Oh, we would have our spats ever so often.” He gestured with his claws. “Usually about a gem of two that manage to float down my stream.” He sighs dramatically. “That guy will not take no for an answer.”

The Dragon Lord chuckled as the first panel began to slow down. “Yeah, that sounds like him.”

“So, not to be rude…” Steven began as Aria chuckles.

“Cause you have no problem being just that.”

“Oh hush, you.” He responded before looking at Ember. “Why have you paid us a visit?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about what my friend, Thorax said before his match. As King, he was responsible for all the Changelings. So, even though you two are distant cousins to dragons, I thought I’d offer you, and the other sirens to live in the Dragon Lands.”

“What?” Aria was shocked at the offer.

“Oh, Ember! That is such a wonderful offer!” Steven expressed before giving her a sad smile. “But the thing is, my very good friend Cranky and his lovely wife Matilda live in Ponyville. And I just ‘cannot’ part ways with him so soon after we reunited!”

“And the three of us were about to be banished to another dimension when we ended up here.” The Siren added dryly.

“O…kay?” Ember said with a confused expression on her face as the first panel finished spinning.

“Don’t ask.” Aria responded as Discord made the announcement.

“After a let down like that, lets have an actual battle this time? Please, make your way to the ring…Princess Skystar!”

“Yay! I’m next! I’m next!” The Royal Hippogryph flew out onto the area landing on it. It quickly took the form of a cove with a high rock face and a deep lagoon, prompting Skystar to change into a sea pony and dive into the water.

“OH! She is so beautiful!” Steven Magnet held his claws together under his chin as he spoke with a longing voice. “In all my travels, I’ve never came across a sea pony before!”

“Really?” Aria asked as the second panel slowed. “We couldn’t go a day without one jumping out of the ocean, singing.”

“Huh. Smoulder did mention that the sea ponies were hippogryphs before.” She turns to Steven with a shrug. “Maybe that’s why you never saw them.”

“It doesn’t matter now.” The second panel stopped spinning as Steven sighed with content. “This tournament was given me more to remember then I could ever hope.”

Ember crossed her arms and gave the sea serpent a confident smile as Discord spoke. “And her opponent for the match is…Dragon Lord Ember!” Surprised, the Dragon Lord looked up to see her face on the panel.

“Alright!” Excited, Ember punched her own open claw. “Time for some fun!” She began flying towards the arena when Steven called out to her.

“Good luck, Ember!” The Dragon Lord stopped and hovered a moment before turning to Steven and Aria.

“Thanks, Steven. And if either of you change your minds, you're always welcome in the Dragon Lands!” With a gesture of her claw the dragon flew away, entering the arena and triggering its transformation into a spot from the Dragon Lands. Ember nodded with approval. “Okay, I can use this!” She got into a battle stance and faced the partially submerged sea pony. “You ready to do this?”

“Almost! I just have one question.”


“Would you like to have a duet with me, instead of fighting?” The sea mare asked in a joyful voice.

Ember stumbled a bit in surprise. “A..a what?”

“A duet. You know? Where two creatures sing together? Like what Pinkie Pie and Autumn Blaze did earlier.”

“That’s a great idea! You should totally do that!” The Kirin shout out in joyful agreement, Princess Cadence nodding her head in agreement with a huge smile on her face.

“Uh….no.” Ember responded plainly. “I’m here to fight, not sing.”

“Aww. That’s lame!” Skystar leaped out of the water, transforming again while a frown remained on her face. “I give up.”

“Wait, what?” Ember questioned as she watched the Princess fly past her. “You’re just gonna forfeit the match, just like that?”

“Well, duh! I didn’t want to fight in the first place. I was hoping to be paired up with someone like Pinkie, and have a singing duet instead!” She entered the space as an idea came to her. “OH! I’ll make that a rule for MY tournament!” She jumped into the air excited, her wings kept her aloft as she address Discord. “Hey! Send me back right away, will ya? I have some rules to implement!”

The Lord of Chaos sighed heavily. “Sure. Why not? It’s not like this is tournament or anything, where fights take place.” He gestured his claw weakly, his voice monotone. “Princess Skystar has forfeit the match. The winner is Dragon Lord Ember.” With a snap of his claws, Ember was teleport back into the space as the waving Skystar vanished. The selector began anew as Discord appeared before it, his face a clear indication of is angry mood. “Listen here, you sentient, inanimate object! There are only twelve competitors left. So you had better come up with better match-ups or so help me, I’ll turn you into a lamp in the shape of me and give you to Rainbow Dash, for her to do with as she pleases!”

The selector shifted to the side as if to look at the pony, who had heard Discord’s threat and flashed a conniving, sinister grin towards them. Terrified for its existence the selector began to speed up the panels as sweat began to drip from it.