• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Best of the Best

Round 2 Bracket 1-A

“Let’s Get This Thing Started, Lightning!”

Rainbow Dash leaped into the air as her face held a fierce, determined expression. Lightning Dust matched Rainbow’s movements to a tee while meeting her hard gaze.

“Ready When You Are, Dash!” The two flew for the arena entrance.

Only to slam into an invisible barrier blocking it, the impact earning the two pegasi groans from the two spaces as Discord appeared before them, hovering above the arena with the Speaker floating beside him.

“I like your enthusiasm ladies, but you might want to tone it down a notch while I prepare the ‘new’ arena.” With that he turned and snapped his fingers causing the gelatinous mass to ripple erratically.

“‘New’ arena?” Luna asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, new! Learn to listen, toots.” The Selector replied, earning it a steely glare from the Princess as the arena began to expand while the two spaces they occupied floated high into the sky.

“Why the improvements?” Celestia asked as she placed a hoof on the upset Luna’s shoulder. “Was the previous arena not designed properly?” She playfully jabbed with a smile, earring her a look from Discord.

The look quickly changed to a grin. “Change is a constant part of life, Celestia. I’m simply adhering to that. After all…” He gestured to the towards Spike and Pharynx. “…with creatures that can change their size at will, it seems only appropriate to accommodate them.” Just then the gelatinous mass grew to the size of a large island as a small platform hovered above it.

Suddenly, Rainbow and Lightning, who had been rubbing their muzzles as they watched, vanished only to instantly appear on the platform.

“What the?” Rainbow expressed before hovering above the platform.

“For this round, fighters will have Much more room to fight in.” Discord explained as he hovered around the two pegasi.

“That means you two overgrown pigeons don’t have to worry about ring outs!” The Selector commented.

“Pigeons?” Rainbow shouted in annoyance.

“Say that to our faces, you useless toaster!” Lightning shouted as she hovered beside Rainbow.

“You’re right. You two aren’t pigeons.” The Selector admitted as it hover before them, slowly floating away. “You’re more like Dodos!”

“Why YOU!” Both pegasi shouted before charging the Selector, only to slam into another barrier that the Selector easily floated through. Its laughter was joined with Discord’s as well as a few of the villains while Dash and Dust rubbed their muzzles again, their faces beet red in embarrassment.

“As I was saying.” Discord spoke as he wipe a tear from his eye. “At the start of every match, the competitors will instantly appear on the platform, which triggers the arena.” He directed everyones attention to the mass below as it morphed the entire arena into a rapid river of boiling water, tall trees with branches that swat at anything that comes close, rocky hills that launch boulders, and only a limited number of clouds.

The site made the two pegasi recoil slightly.

“What happened to not meddling with the matches?” Tirek called out to Discord.

“I thought you doing so would defeat the purpose of this tournament?” Chrysalis added with a suspicious look.

“Gees. Have you two need to get with the times. I know you two are Super Old, but this is just ridiculous.” The Selector called down to them, causing the two villains to growl at the offensive object.

“That was true for the first round. After all, what better way to see a creature at their best then to put them in their element.” Discord explained as Lightning and Rainbow found themselves teleported to the arena surface. “The second round, however, will be how well you can adapted while in the heat of battle.”

The two pegasi exchange a look as the rest of the competitors look on from above, the memory of their promise fresh in their minds.

“No holding back. No giving up.” Rainbow repeated as she took her stance.

“All or nothing. To see which of us is the Best of the Best.” Lightning Dust vowed again as she took her stance, the arenas obstacles the only noise until Discord appeared between them.

“If you two are ready…” They both nod. “Then let the match…” Discord raised his claw as a smirk appeared on Lightning’s face.

“Rivals for life.”

Rainbow mirrored the smirk. “If you say so.”

“…Begin!” Discord’s claw drops, teleporting away as Lightning flew at Dash with a hoof cocked back. Her reflexes sharp Rainbow simple tilt her head to the left, avoiding the blow as her opponent continued on and exposing her body. With her wings flapping in opposite directions Dash twisted her body to deliver a left kick to Lightning’s stomach only to miss as Lightning rolled away seconds before.

One of Lightning Dust hind hooves touched the ground as she looked up at Dash, who was in the middle of her flip when their eyes met. Planting her other hind hoof on the ground, the leader of The Washouts kicked off the ground with a powerful beat of her wings, launching herself right at Dash. The Wonderbolt threw her fore hooves out last as Lightning collided with her, forcing the two into the sky.

Using her opponents quick forward momentum, Rainbow Dash beat her wings up while swinging her hind legs forward. The maneuver allowed her to kick once again at Dust’s middle only to miss once again with a roll to the side. Anticipating their opponents moves, Lightning Dust pulled back her left fore hoof as Rainbow brought in her right hind leg. At the same time, Rainbow kicked Lightning in the stomach as Lightning punched Rainbow in the face, sending each other hurdling in opposite directions a good meter before recovering, meeting the others cocky grin.

That whole exchange took place within the blink of an eye.

“Nice to see you haven’t slacked on your combat training.” Lightning remarked as she did some stretches.

“I’m more impressed you’re able to keep up with me.” Rainbow jabbed as she flexed her wings.

“Hah! If that’s your fastest, you had best give up now.”

“You kidding? I’m just waiting for you to get serious.” Rainbow crosses her hooves with a grin. “That first attack was so slow I thought I was playing tag with my pet tortoise.”

That touched a nerve; with an angered expression Lightning flapped her wings and seemed to have vanished. Suddenly, Rainbow was sent flying through the air towards a swatting branch. Recovering right before reaching it the Wonderbolt hovered right out of the branches reach as she glared at Lightning Dust.

“2 to 1.” She smirks a toothy grin. “I’m winning.”

Rainbow flapped her wings zig-zagging through the air, confusing Lightning before hammer fisting her towards the ground, chasing her down for a another blow. A soon as Lightning touched the ground she jumped back at Rainbow, clashing with her before separating, landing back at where they started.

“5 all now, Dust.” Rainbow stated as she jogged in place.

“Not for much longer, Dash.” She replied as she stretched.

“Then stop playing around and start fighting serious.” Rainbow returned to her battle stance.

“Don’t fall behind, then.” Lightning followed suit, ready to continue.

The two pegasi seemed to have vanished right before a series of grunts echoed throughout the air as Gilda struggled to keep up with them, a look of disbelief on her face. “Heh. How do you do it, Dash?”

“Do what?” The griffin turned to see Soarin standing beside her, his eyes moving all around the arena, not once losing site of the two within.

Gilda looked back to the arena. “Keep surprising me. There was once a time where I left her in my dust.” She blinked, unsure if that was a pun or not. “Now, I can’t imagine giving her much of a challenge.”

“I know the feeling.” The stallion replied as Lightning Dust flew through the air before crashing into an airborne boulder, kicking off it long before the boulder landed. “I’ve been a Wonderbolt for years, training everyday to become a commander. I’ve seen pegasi come and go with various levels of skill and drive.” A smile crossed his muzzle as Rainbow was sent hurdling towards the scolding hot river. With quick thinking she turned around and spread her wings out, mimicking Flash by catching the rising heat to keep her away from the water. However, by doing so Rainbow was forced to head straight for the swatting trees. Gilda, along with the other creatures all gasped as she neared them.

All except for Soarin, who had the same smirk on his face that Rainbow had. With a flap of her wings Rainbow shot forward, expertly dodging and maneuvering around the branches and trunks. Shortly after entering the Wonderbolt flew out of the forest and shot towards Lightning, reaching speeds that nearly caused a Sonic Rainboom.

Gilda stood slack jawed as Soarin continued. “Out of all those ponies, those two have been the most skilled and passionate I have ever seen.” The griffin looked at Soarin, meeting his eyes that spoke volumes of the confidence he has for Rainbow. Flashing the pony a smile Gilda returns to the action, focusing harder to keep up with their ridicules speeds.

Rainbow neared Lightning who held her hooves up in defence of her attack. Her grin never leaving her face Rainbow turned in mid air, wrapping her tail around Lightning’s hoof, her momentum forcing it out of the way for a direct kick to Dust’s face. Her tail still wrapped around the hoof, Rainbow spun around many times before sending the dazed pony crashing into the ground.

Lightning clutched her head as she attempted to get up, only for her instincts to kick in by rolling away as Rainbow slammed down on the spot she had laid. The roll allowed Lightning to return to her hooves as the two met each others gaze. A second later they lunged at each other exchanging quick blows in hoof to hoof combat.

Their movements were so fast it looked as though the onlookers where seeing multiple Rainbow Dash’s and Lightning Dust’s occupying the same space. Their attacks were precise and skillful ponies like Flash, Rockhoof, Shining Armor, and even King Sombra and Tirek were awestruck.

Cozy Glow grew pale as the Storm King grinned at the little pony. “I’d give anything to see you and that yellow maned pony face off.” Cozy turned her shock expression towards the Storm King. “Just to see her put you in your place.” Cozy Glow shook the shock off her face before glaring at the satyr.

“Yeah, well…I can’t wait to see that dragon burn you to a crisp!” As the two continued to squabble Tirek and Chrysalis tried their hardest to follow the two fighting mares as they shot from one spot in the arena to the next, never letting up their exchange of blows.

“This is getting ridicules!” The former queen fumed.

“Indeed. How is it that these ponies are capable of such feats now?” Tirek mused as he stroked his beard. “Up until this point, I only believed Twilight Sparkle to be the largest threat to contend with.” He narrowed his eyes as Lightning maneuvered their battle towards the swatting trees. The two continued to exchange blows while also dodging the swinging branches. Dust made it look easy; her disregard for safety giving her the edge in such a place while Rainbow showed signs of struggling. Just then, a branch struck Rainbow in the hind leg, making her lose her balance. Lightning capitalized the mares situation with a swift buck to the chest sending her soaring towards the boiling stream with a cry of pain.

Rainbow managed to recover before reaching the river but as the water rushed past, it splashed against the shore sending drops of boiling water on Rainbow’s hind leg. “ARGH!” She cried while leaping into the air, taking a moment to examine the burns. Mage Meadowbrook looked on with concern as Lightning flashed a toothy grin at Rainbow like a predator spotting a wounded prey.

“But this tournament…” Tirek continued as Lightning began to chase Rainbow around the arena, a wicked grin crossing his face. “…is proving to be most informative.”

“That injury will hinder Rainbow.” Mage said aloud as the two combatants flew around; Rainbow focused on evading Lightning, while said pony poured everything she could into catching Dash. “I can only guess at how painful it is.”

“Knowing Rainbow Dash, she probably thinks its more annoying then hindering.” Twilight said as she joined the Pillar beside Cadence and Shining Armor.

“How do you think she’ll handle Lightning?” Cadence asked as they watched Rainbow dodge an attack before using the swatting branches to drive Lightning away.

“By playing to her strengths, flying and speed. An injured hoof won’t slow her down.”

“That also plays into Lightning’s strengths as well, Twilie.” Shining reminded as Lightning quickly closed the gap between herself and Dash.

“I know.” Twilight flashes a confident smile. “And so does she.”

“I’m not following.” Mage asked, seeing the smile.

“They swore to each other only the best will win.” Twilight explained as Rainbow made a sharp turn, shooting past Lightning and heading towards the flinging boulders. “And Rainbow’s at her best when she’s fighting for her friends.”

“I got one chance at this!” Rainbow said to herself as she flew directly at an oncoming boulder with Lightning right on her tail. Her injured leg forced Rainbow on the defensive, avoiding Lightning Dust by whatever means. However, it also provided her with a more thorough look at the arena and its obstacles. How hot and fast the boiling river is, how many clouds and their density, how long the branches take to react and how strong. But most importantly…

“NOW!” That shout having startled Lightning for a second Rainbow flapped her wings hard, clearing the thrown boulder and landing on top of it. Recovering from the sudden shouting Lightning braced herself to follow Rainbow Dash, beat for beat.

The Wonderbolt grinned as Lightning played into her trap. Simultaneously, Rainbow kicked off the boulder with her good hooves and beat her wings hard, altering the speed of the boulder just enough to catch the other pegasus before she could follow.

“OOPH!” The boulder slammed into Lightning sending her crashing on the other side of the arena. The other combatants gasped in surprise by the daring maneuver as well as the impact as the whole thing took place within a matter of seconds. Still in the air Rainbow made a quick u-turn and rocketed towards the swatting trees, causing Soarin and Gilda to call out.

“PULL UP, DASH! PULL UP!” Soarin shouted as he took to the air.

“YOU’LL GET SWATED!” The griffin shouted, hovering beside Soarin.

“Oh, this is gonna be good!” The Speaker said while rubbing its hands together.

The smirk never left her face as the Wonderbolt flew straight at a branch that was pulling back to smack her. Her flight around the arena showed her how fast the boulders flew and there trajectory, fitting it into her plan of attack. The swatting branch moved towards her as she turned around and aimed her uninjured hind hoof at the thickest part of the branch.

“What is she doing?” Rockhoof said aloud has he scratched his head. “Does she plan on breaking the branch off to use as a weapon?”

That’s when Twilight figured out her friends plan. She leapt into the air, startling those around her as she cheered. “BRILLIANT, DASH! GO FOR IT!”

“What is?” Gallus asked as he, Smoulder and Autumn Blaze look between the two airborne ponies.

“Just watch! You’ll see!” Twilight said as they all watch Rainbow meet the swatting branch, but instead of getting swatted away Rainbow’s momentum pushed the branch backwards as far as it could go without braking. She positioned herself like a cat ready to pounce as the branch snapped forward, the pegasus using all her strength to launch herself off the branch at the height of the recoil. Lightning Dust finally crawled out from under the boulder just in time to watch Rainbow rocket straight up into the sky.

Moments later, a Sonic Rainboom exploded above the arena startling the musicians as they were knocked out of their seats. The rest of the combatants looked up in awe as the wave of colours spread out from the pegasus as she soar through the air with a rainbow trail behind her.

“What in Equestria just happened?” Chrysalis shouted as Rainbow flew towards Lightning Dust. “Since when can ponies explode?”

“That’s the Sonic Rainboom!” Cozy Glow replied in frustration, getting Nightmare Moon and Sunset’s attention.

“THAT’S the Sonic Rainboom?” Sunset asked in disbelief. “I thought it was just a legend the pegasi spread.” Lightning Dust took to the air only for Rainbow Dash to zoom past and hit her across the muzzle, sending her back to the ground.

“What form of Rainbow Magic is this?” Tirek asked as Sombra lead Midnight and Stygian to the barrier beside the others. “It is unlike the magic they used on me the first time we battled.”

“It does not appear to be a kind of magic, per say.” Stygian offered as he examined Rainbow knocking Lightning Dust around the arena. Try as she might, Lightning Dust couldn’t escape Rainbow by air. With a growl of frustration she raced towards the swatting trees as Sombra turned to the smaller unicorn.

“What makes you say that?” He asked, his mind at work utilizing the new information about his dark ally.

“From what I gather, Rainbow simply flew so extremely fast she broke through the sound barrier.” He rubbed his chin as Lightning dodged rolled another of Rainbow’s passes, rolling into the forest of swatting trees. She pressed herself tightly against the trunk as the branches kept Rainbow at bay for the moment. “The resulting action caused the Sonic Rainboom, propelling her forward so fast her naturally pegasi magic bleeds out via that rainbow trail, sustaining her speed.”

“So, she can’t keep up that speed for very long?” Cozy asked as she lands on Tirek’s shoulder, watching Rainbow blast through the trees, destroying them. This forced Lightning to launch herself towards the boulders.

“That depends on Rainbow’s magic reserves.” This prompted Cozy and Chrysalis to look at Tirek, who had absorbed it once before. The centaur continued to watch the match as The Storm King lend on his Staff.

“Ponies have the weirdest magic.” Chrysalis, Tirek, and Midnight all nodded in agreement as Cozy, Stygian and Sunset gave them dirty looks while Sombra and Nightmare Moon watched Lightning avoid another attack before launching herself back into the air.

“You were holding out on me, Dash!” Lightning shouted as she gauged the area. Another boulder was about to be tossed as Rainbow made another quick turn, heading straight for her. She knew Rainbow wouldn’t fall for the same trick she had previously used, which was exactly what she wanted. The boulder flew through the air as Rainbow sped straight for Lightning who mirrored the maneuver from before except this time the green pegasus used the boulder to flip over Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow had been anticipating a stunt like that so she had been focusing on the boulder itself, ready to fly around it and catch Lightning off guard. What she didn’t plan for was a yellow tail slapping her in the muzzle. The distraction forced Rainbow to scrape her previous plan and to just barrel through the boulder, smashing it to pieces while slowing her down slightly.

“Rainbow! Stop dragging the match out! End this!” Soarin advised as he hovered beside Gilda and Twilight. The rainbow mane Wonderbolt shook her head clear before maneuvering back around. She nodded at Soarin and shot towards Lightning, who was hovering over the boiling stream with her hooves crossed over her chest and a smirk on her muzzle.

“What is she planning?” Rainbow mused as she approached, a grin appearing on her face. “I’ll just have to come in from the side!” With that, she flapped her wings pouring everything she had into her assault. Gallus looked from Rainbow to Lightning as his beak formed a frown.

“Something’s not right.” He said, catching Shining and Smoulders attention. The three look back at Lightning and noticed her tail was bunched up behind her. Almost like… “RAINBOW! IT’S A TRAP!” The young griffin shouted too late, as Rainbow made a sharp turn to come in at Lightning’s side.

“It’s been a splash, Dash!” Just as Rainbow made the turn Lightning flipped forward while uncurling her tail, revealing a big piece of the boulder Dash destroyed. Much like Fluttershy when she plays Buckball, Lightning whipped the boulder straight into the stream with her tail. In that moment, the boulder splashed into the water causing a spout to splash up towards Lightning…only for Rainbow Dash to punch her out of the way in time to receive the boiling water right into her face.

Rainbow Dash let out a blood curdling scream of pain as she crashed into the ground, her hooves to her face as her friends pressed against the barrier just as Lightning slammed into it with a cry of pain and a snap. She slammed into the ground hard as her broken wing laid uselessly to the side with her jaw dislocated as Rainbow rolled on the ground in agony.

“Discord, get her out of there before she goes blind!” Mage shouted as she and the others watched Rainbow suffer horribly. The shouting had drawn Spike’s attention, who had been discussing ways to control his new rage based form with Ember, Tempest, Pharynx, and Daydream.

“DASH!” The baby dragon shouted, his face a mask of anger as he took to the air, only to be stopped by Daydream. The two locked eyes, Rainbow’s screams echoed around them as Daydream pleaded with her eyes for Spike to control his anger. Spike seethed at Daydream for a moment before taking a few deep breaths, allowing his friend to guide him back to the other three as Discord appeared above Mage Meadowbrook, sorrowful.

“I can’t.” He replied as Lightning slowly rose to her hooves, grunting in pain as she eyed the downed Dash.

“Rainbow can’t continue!” The healer pony declared. “End the match, NOW!”

“No can do, Beehive Head!” The Selector said as he floated beside Discord before pointing at the two mares in the arena. “Those two aren’t done yet.” Everyone watched in amazed horror as Rainbow Dash stood on her two uninjured hooves before Lightning Dust, breathing heavily as her face, save for her right eye and ear were severely burned.

The two beaten mares, unable to speak with words, spoke volumes with their gazes. The fire of determination still blazed within the two of them as Lightning galloped forward while Rainbow hovered over the ground and met her rival head on. Lightning rose to her hind hooves and threw a right hoof at her opponent’s blinded side only to have it deflected by Rainbow’s left wing. She used her uninjured rear leg to support her while her right wing kept her vertical, allowing her to catch Lightning in the muzzle with a right jab.

Dazed but still standing Lightning continued to exchange skillful blows with Rainbow, as even the villains couldn’t help but admire the two ponies who had earned a small degree of respect from them. Finally, the final blow was delivered as Rainbow Dash blinked Lightning Dust turned around and delivered a buck right into the Wonderbolt's chin, lifting her into the air before crashing into the ground, defeated.

“That was brutal.” Lightning looked up to see Discord and the Selector hovering over the two of them. “You dodo’s really know how to settle a score!” The Selector hovered around Lightning. “Rivals to the bitter end, eh?” Lightning smacked the sentient object away as Discord picked Rainbow off the ground.

“Rainbow Dash has been knocked out. The winner is Lightning Dust!” Discord declared. He looks down to meet Lightning’s harden gaze that showed sighs of moister before snapping his tail. Lightning felt her injuries fade away as she watched Discord carry the now restored Rainbow back to the heroes space. Unsure how she should feel, Lightning made her way back to her space.

“Wait, Lightning.” The mare stopped and looked to see Mage Meadowbrook standing at the entrance to the arena, having examined the unconscious Rainbow Dash and finding her burns to be completely healed. “Might I take a look at your wing and jaw? It must have been excruciating fighting like that.”

Lightning blinked in confusion. “It was.” She shook her head before replying harshly. “Besides, Discord took care of them.” To prove it she flapped her wing, only to flinch at a sudden jolt of pain. “AH! Discord! You lying jerk!”

The draconequus simply shrugged as Mage interject. “While he may have mended the brakes, the nerve damage can’t be easily repaired with magic.” The healer pulled out a bottle. “This here pulp will fix you up right as rain in no time.” As a moment of hesitation passed the leader of the Washouts trotted over and extended her wing for the healer.

“I truly believed she would make it the finals.” Gilda said as she sat beside the unconscious Dash. “I guess that was just wishful thinking.” Gallus sat beside her and placed a claw on her shoulder.

“She certainly had the drive to make it!” Flash Magnus commented as he stood beside Soarin and Shining Armor before the three gave their fellow soldier a salute.

“I’m impressed she kept fighting after she got burned like that.” Smoulder said as memories of the burned Applejack came to her, until Autumn Blaze sat beside her with a smile.

“I know, right?” Smoulder looked at the Kirin. “Just goes to show that ponies can be really tough!” The two share a smile as the four princesses looked over the creatures.

“That Lightning Dust is quite the rival.” Cadence said as she looks at Mage tending to the pegasus. “I never thought I’d see a pegasus outdo her like that.”

“Indeed.” Luna said as a small smile appeared on her face. “I understand now why Gilda referred to Lightning Dust as Rainbow’s evil counterpart. Although…” She too looks towards Lightning and Mage. “I would hesitate to call her ‘evil’.” Cadence nodded in agreement as Celestia looked down at Twilight.

“Are you alright, Twilight?” The eldest Alicorn worried for her friend, fully aware that Rainbow, the last of her best friends was now eliminated.

“I’m sad to have had to see Rainbow so beat up like that.” Twilight faced her mentor and shone a proud smile. “But that’s Rainbow Dash. Always rushing in head first and getting hurt.” The two share an understanding smile before Twilight turned back to face Rainbow. “I’m proud of her for giving it her all.” With that, Discord snapped his lion paw and returned Rainbow to her point in time.

“There you go. If it still bothers you by the end of the bracket, let me know. I’m sure Discord will let me apply more.”

Lightning Dust lighting flapped her wing and found the pain had dimmed. Looking back at Mage she gives the earth pony a kind smile. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“No need for thanks, hun. It’s my duty to heal anyone in need.” Mage explained as she returned the bottle to her bag.

“Even those that hurt your friends?” Lightning said that more to herself then Mage, who had heard the question.

“Yep. Even then.” The two mares exchange looks as Mage continued. “No one blames you for what happened.”

“That’s a first.” Lightning turned to head for her space.

“Tell me.” Mage said aloud, stopping Lightning. “If Discord had said he wouldn’t heal you after the match, would you have still fought like you did?” Lightning stood there a moment before looking over her shoulder.

“I guess we’ll never know.” With that she returned to the villain space, allowing the arena to return to its original state. Just as she entered the space she stood face to face with King Sombra who stood in her path. The two glared at each other for a moment before Lightning decided to simply fly over him.

Just then, he spoke. “Congratulations, Lightning Dust. You fought valiantly.” This took the mare by surprised as Sombra stepped aside for her to pass. She walked past him with a shocked expression before casting her gaze to the other villains. Stygian politely nodded his head as Midnight looked away. The Storm King and Cozy Glow begrudgingly acknowledged her victory while Chrysalis and Tirek were more civil about it.

Finally, she stood before Nightmare Moon and Sunset Shimmer. They met her bewildered expression with a smug grin from Sunset and a almost motherly smile from Nightmare Moon. “Well fought, Lightning Dust. You showed admiral skill and quick thinking.”

“I’m surprised you managed to use her Sonic Rainboom against her, if at a great cost to yourself.” Sunset said teasingly.

“I’m confused.” Lightning Dust finally admitted before looking back at the other villains. “Why are all of you praising me all of a sudden?” She turns back to the two mares. “All I did was beat Rainbow Dash. Not exactly in the same league as Celestia.”

“I didn’t take you for the modest type, Dust.” Sunset said.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m proud that I beat Dash and showed her who was the Best!” The two ponies locked eyes for a moment before Lightning looked to Nightmare Moon. “I just don’t get why you all care.”

“Lightning Dust, while we all have our own plans and desires, we are not so blind to those around us and their character.” Nightmare Moon lowered her helmet less head to meet the mares eyes. “You are a strong pony. And we acknowledge that.”

Lightning Dust stood their amazed at the alicorns words. As Nightmare Moon waked away Lightning noticed a slight nod from Sunset as she followed. For the longest time Lightning Dust thought no one would ever see her as she did, the greatest flyer in all the world that deserved respect and recognition. She turned to join her peers as the next match began, confident in the knowledge that there were creatures in Equestria that counted her amounts their rank.