• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,277 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Pinkie Pie vs Autumn Blaze/Somnambula vs Aria Blaze

Round 1 Bracket 1-B

The sound of Trouble Shoes crashing into things and the on lookers groaning from ever hit rang out in the background as Maud sat pondering the piles of crumbled rock at the opposite end of the arena. She had stopped paying attention to the match since Lightning’s delirious induced question about the pillars composition.

“I don’t believe it. There’s a small fragment of Lapis Lazuli in that rumble.” The Geologist stats as Fluttershy looks for it. “That’s strange. They wouldn’t naturally form within a pillar like those.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Discord is the last creature to do things ‘naturally’.” Fluttershy offer with a giggle.

“And I’m very proud of that, I’ll have you know.” Looking behind them the two mares see a tiny Discord knitting together coals to create pearls. With a giggle from Fluttershy and an amused Maud noise, Discord winked at Fluttershy and disappeared.

To reveal Autumn Blaze trotting straight for them.

“Fluttershy! I thought that was you! How’ve you been? I feel so bad not having the time to chat with you and Applejack after that ‘epic battle’!” The Kirin continued to talk until she reached the pegasus.

“Autumn Blaze? Have you been here this whole time? Why didn’t you join us sooner?”

“Oh, I wanted to! Thing is, there’s like a Bunch of creatures hanging out back there and I was trying to convance them, no. Convulse? Get them, to come over here and copulate with everyone!”

“WHAT!” Fluttershy shouted just as Lightning Dust was celebrating her victory, while Maud eyes opened wide. Both mares turning beet red in the face.

“OH. Oh no. Did I use the wrong word this whole time? Gah. What’s that c word that means talking with new ponies for the first time?”

The two blushing mares looked at each other before Maud answers. “Communicate?”

“THAT’s the word! Oh boy! I really need to get these words down. What does that other word mean?” Fluttershy looks left to right, making sure the younger creatures didn’t overhear her before whispering it to Autumn’s ear.

In a realization that made her blush as red as the others, Autumn Blaze couldn’t help from giggling nervously. “You know, that would explain all the shocked expressions they all gave me. I just thought they didn’t like talking to ponies.” She gave a nervous laugh before looking at Maud with renewed excitement. “OH what am I doing? How rude of me. I meet a new pony and the first thing I say makes me look like a weirdo.“ She says through her teeth nervously before offering Maud her hoof. “Hi! I’m Autumn Blaze. Really good friends with Fluttershy and Applejack and, hopefully, really good friends with you too!” She finishes with a smiling squee.

“Maud Pie. Nice to meet you.” Maud replies while shaking her hoof. “You seem familiar. Have we met before?”

Autumn gasps. “Have we? I’m not sure. I’ve never left my village, except to help Fluttershy and every creature fight the bug lady, the red guy, and the horned pegasus. And the only creatures to come to my village are Applejack, Fluttershy and that one creature that got us for the fight, I forget their name…”

“Autumn Blaze is a Kirin.” Fluttershy offers Maud once she turned to her. “Her village is within the Peaks of Peril.”

“Is it? I went there on a research trip. I didn’t see any Kirin village. But I do remember some cave drawings that look like you. Along with other creatures.”

“Those must have been the Nirik.” Fluttershy speculated.


“OH yeah! That’s me too.” There was an awkward pause between them until Fluttershy coughed. She waved her hoof, encouraging her to continue. “Oh right! Explain.” The pegasus shook her head with an understanding smile. “See, when my people get really, really mad, our bodies burst into blue flame. And that’s when were called Niriks.” She laughs as Maud looks from Fluttershy to her. “Get it? Because, Nirik is Kirin backwards. Just like I’m fun and happy but my backwards self is mean and destructive?” Maud stayed her neutral self while Fluttershy gave a nervous haha. “Boy, I need to work on my material. I used to be funnier when I did stand up.”

“You did stand up?” Maud asks.

Just as Autumn Blaze was about to answer, Discord announced from the panel that has just selected the next creature. “Okay, everyone! The next match up will be between…Pinkie Pie!”

An explosion of party noises filled the air as Pinkie bounced around with excitement, landing between Maud and Fluttershy. “I’m Next! I’m Next! Can you believe it, Maud? I wonder who I’ll be up against. What do you think, Fluttershy?” Pinkie gasps. “What if I’m up against one of you!? What will we do then?!”

“Well, I could always forfeit?” Fluttershy suggests as Maud nods in agreement.

“No way! I won’t settle for a win like that!” Pinkie thinks for a second. “Unless I’m the one doing the forfeiting. Then neither of us will move on! Hmmmmmmm….what do YOU think?” She asks Autumn.

“OH. Well, I mean. That is to say, does the match ‘have’ to be a fight?”

Pinkie eyes slowly grow, accompanied by a slow intake of air until her eyes are at their widest, inspired. “That’s it.” She says just above a whisper, barely containing her excitement. “I’ll challenge them to a DUET!”

Autumn gasps with excitement. “A duet? Like a singing duet?” Her eyes shining.

“Exactly like a singing duet!” Pinkie proclaims. Rainbow tilting her head in confusion.

“How would a duet decide a winner?”

“Let them have this, Rainbow. Ah always wondered what those two would do if they ever met.” Applejack said with a smile.

“OH I would just love to sing a duet! Ever since everyone from my village got their voices back, I have been singing and performing with them for days on end!”

“Hey! Me too! The first part.” Pinkie gives Autumn a critical eye. “Hmmm. Say, maybe that panel will choose you! Then we can have that duet!”

“OH! Wouldn’t that be amazing…” The panel selects Pinkie’s opponent.

“And the panel says…Autumn Blaze!” Discord announced.

“…ly convenient!” Autumn shouts with joy as she and Pinkie both hop towards the arena. Every creature there looks to Discord with suspicion causing the draconequus to look concerned. “What?”

“Whatever happened to random, Discord?” Rainbow asked accusingly.

“That seemed too convenient ta be random.” Applejack added.

“Yep.” Big Mac concurred.

“Who’s to say that wasn’t random?” Discord challenged.

“Come on, Discord.” Spike called up as he gestures his claw towards the two creatures touching the arena. “Are you saying you had No influence on that pairing?” The arena then morphed one side into a party with tables, rides, and the like while the other side into Autumn’s cliff home when she was exiled.

“I promise on my friendships with Fluttershy and the others…” Discord placed his right claw on his chest and raised his left one up. “…I have had no influence over the choices the select panel makes.”

The creatures gathered exchanged looks with each other, eventually resting on Fluttershy, Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, Spike and Big Mac. The six of them exchanged their own looks until Fluttershy nods with certainty. That alone convinces everyone.

Suddenly music begins to play, drawing everyone’s attention to the arena. Pinkie and Autumn were bouncing around their respected sides of the arena as the music continued. Jumping to the middle of the ring together Pinkie started.

“This tournament so far has, put on quite a show.

The ponies till now have clashed together, blow for blow!”

Autumn Blaze continues by spinning behind Pinkie towards the party side of the arena.

“But now it’s our time to change the formula,

By singing together like great friends, you know?”

Pinkie leaps over Autumn to land on a picnic table.

“I like to throw parties, making ponies laugh is so much fun!

I get to see them smile, spreading joyful good times for everyone!”

As Pinkie sang Autumn ran up to her cliff house and continued.

“When I’m calm, cool, collected, I smile brighter then the sun.

But when I lose my temper…”

As she held the last note her voice started to resonate anger until, in a burst of flame, she transforms into a Nirik. With her voice reverberating, Autumn continues.


With that final word a pillar of flames erupts straight up, causing Autumn to return to her Kirin side. Everyone watching, including a few villains, were stunned by the vicious transformations she went through.

Pinkie looked as stunned as the rest. “…got it!” Followed by a squee sounding smile from Autumn.

The two sang together as they hopped and jumped their way to the arena centre.

"It is our time

Autumn and Pinkie time

It is our time

Blaze'n Pie time

It is that time

That we were waiting for

To sing out loud

It is our time!”

The two mares let out laughs of pure joy as the music continued playing. As the music played Pharynx scratched his head. “How are they doing that?”

“Doing what?” Bon Bon asked. “Having music come out of no where? Come up with lyrics on the fly? Knowing exactly what the other is gonna say without having met before?”

“Uh, all of it. Yeah.” The changeling answered simply.

“Couldn’t tell ya. It happens so many times in Ponyville, I’ve just stopped wondering.”

Autumn Blaze took the instrumental solo to lead Pinkie to her house.

“Every creature, the arena, the choosy box and the sign

Are all amazing sights to see, some are even friends of mine!”

“Hey boys! How’ve you been?” Autumn said as she waved to a row of inanimate objects and laundry with drawn on faces.

“No way! You too!” Turning towards her half of the arena the pink pony waves to a bucket of radishes, a pile of rocks, a ball of lint and a bag of flour, all wearing party hats.

Twilight, Spike and the others all shivers in unison at the a shared memory as Pinkie carries on the song.

“You are a great singer, the best there ever was

I’m so glad I got to sing with you just because!”

Autumn wraps her hoof around Pinkie, taking the lead.

"And you have been so much fun, I can’t wait until next time

Together we will shake the ground, with a huge party that’ll bring the house down!"

As she sang the last part the two of them jumped, shaking the ground and causing Autumn’s house to crash down behind them. Turning to look at it Pinkie takes the lead.

“Well then if that’s the case, you’d better hold on tight!

Cause I’ll bring this party to the sky, and we’ll party so hardy all night!”

While she sang the last verse the two jumped off the cliff edge right onto a picnic table with balloons attached, causing it to float as the other party furniture floated around them. While in the air the two mares sang together.

“The time we spent together was so great

This pony and Kirin team are the best…DUET!”

“Wait. That doesn’t rhyme.” Autumn pointed out.

Pinkie snorted. “I know! It was funny though, right?”

They shared a fun filled laugh.

“It is our time

The pony and Kirin time

It is our time

The laughing duet time

It is our time

To sing together (Autumn)

Have a laugh (Pinkie)

And a blast! (Nirik Autumn)

Become great friends (Pinkie)

End the match

It is……!



But now our time is up!”

The two of them collapse on the picnic table laughing so hard from pure joy and fun.

“That was annoyingly pointless.” Tirek said while crossing his arms.

“Do they not intend to fight?” Sombra questions. “This is suppose to be a tournament, not a concert!”

“GRrr! Pinkie Pie has always been the most irritating pony I’ve ever met!” Cozy Glow complained as the two mares settled down.

“Phew. Autumn Blaze, you are my kind of Kirin! After the tournament, I’m heading straight for your village so we can throw that party in the sky!”

“Yes, please! My leader, Rain Shine, would love to join in the singing. She has the most beautiful voice you will ever hear.”

“We’ll that settles it! I forfeit!” Pinkie announces.

“Wait, what? Just like that?” Autumn asks with concern.

“Yep. Just like that!”

“THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF YOU TWO WASTING TIME SINGING?” Tirek fumed, having to subject to Pinkie’s antics a second time.

“Silly Tirek.” Pinkie began as she hopped towards her friends with Autumn Blaze following. “Singing isn’t a waste of time! Besides, I made a new friend!” Stopping she gave Autumn a hug when they reached the edge of the arena.

Pulling away Autumn gave the pink pony a confused look. “I don’t understand. I thought you wanted to move on in the tournament.”

“I only wanted to stay so I could cheer on my friends! But with you here, I don’t have to worry about it.” Pinkie smiled as she pushed Autumn into the holding space as Discord appeared behind her. “Ready when you are, Discord!” Discord ready his claw as Pinkie waved to her friends. “Bye everyone! Have fun with the tournament!” With a resounding snap, Pinkie returned home just as the select panel began to spin.

Autumn Blaze turned around to come face to face with Maud. Feeling bad for her sisters elimination, the talkative Kirin didn’t know what to say.

“You did stand up?” Maud repeated her question startling Autumn.

“What? Well, yeah. A long time ago. But…aren’t you upset about Pinkie leaving?”

“Why would I be upset? She forfeited. It’s not like I won’t see her when this is over.” Relieved her new friend was not angry with her, Autumn Blaze smiled.

“You’re right! She’s coming to my village to throw a party, which you should totally come too, by the way. Oh, maybe you can help me with my stand up and then we can try out a routine together at the party…” The two continued to talk as they made their way away from everyone else.

“It always amazes me how well Maud handles herself around high energy creatures like Pinkie and Autumn.” Rarity mused, earning her a few nods of agreement from her friends. Just then, Cheese Sandwich walks towards them, yawning. “Cheese Sandwich? Have you been asleep this whole time?”

“Yeah.” He replied, trying to stifle another yawn. “What did I miss?”

“Short answer, we’re taking part in a tournament.” Shining answered.

“Gotcha. Does that mean we can’t leave?”



“Well then, who’s next?” The party pony asked as he followed everyone’s gaze up towards the panels as the first one began to slow down.

“Hold up!” Smoulder said as she hovered over the ponies. “I have a better question, how many other mystery creatures are hiding from us?”

Lighting up their horns, Celestia, Luna and Cadence illuminated the shaded areas, including the villains side. A collective gasp filled the air as Steven Magnet and Ahuizotl were revealed on their side while The Sphinx and The Chimera was shown sleeping on the villains side.

As well as…

“WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT, DISCORD?” Princess Luna shouted as Nightmare Moon stood before them, illuminated. Lightning Dust and Cozy Glow both flew back from the dark Alicorn as Chrysalis and Sombra stood their ground. Tirek looked confused.

“Who is this suppose to be?” He asked nonchalant.

“I am The Princess of the Night. Ruler of Equestria, and over thrower of my sister.” Both alicorn sisters are started by her words. “I am Nightmare Moon!”

“Discord! I want an explanation!” Luna demanded, going so far as to fly up to him and meeting his eyes with her cold, angry ones.

“Oh, no time for that, my dear. The next creature is about to be selected!”

“I will not be brushed aside, Discord! I want an mmph!” With a snap of his claws, Luna’s muzzle was taken from her.

“HA!” Chrysalis shouted out of spite.

“Would anybody else like to interrupt?” The gathered creatures, including Nightmare Moon, wisely remained silent as the next creature was chosen. “The next match will be between…Somnambula!”

Startled from her shocked state after seeing the sleeping form of The Sphinx, the pegasi looked up at Discord. “Pardon?”

“You’re up now, my dear.” Discord gestured with a claw. As Somnambula made her way to the arena, The Sphinx awoke.

“Well, we meet again Pegasus.” The creature spoke with a deep, feminine voice as she rose to her full height, towering over even Tirek. Rising to her paws revealed three more creatures that remained hidden within her shadow.

King Sombra’s nose twitched as he caught a whiff of a familiar scent. “Hmm. Interesting.”

“It has been some time since our last encounter.” Somnambula replied as she stood at the edge of the arena.

“Has it?” The Sphinx lend in closer to the mare and took a deep sniff. Her eyes twitched in discovery. “It has. Your spirit has a hint of age to it.” Somnambula turned around to enter the arena which morphed into an Egyptian style temple grounds. As she returned to her resting position, Celestia notice the mystery creatures behind The Sphinx. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw a quick flash of an orange and yellow tail.

“I will be watching your battle with great enjoyment, little Pegasus.” The Sphinx said to herself.

Luna continued to fume at Discord, who still had her muzzle, until Celestia gathered her and brought her back down. Just as they landed the second creature was chosen.

“And your challenger is…Aria Blaze!”

“Aria? What are the Dazzlings doing here?” Daydream asked aloud. She had chosen to hide behind Steven Magnet in order to avoid meeting Celestia.

“You know that siren?” Tempest asked walking up beside Daydream. Ever since Autumn Blaze started talking about wanting to copulate with the others, she had decided to stay here with Daydream.

Upon hearing her name the purple serpentine siren’s eyes fixed on Somnambula as she and the rest of the Pillars gasp. She eagerly floated into the ring which morphed into a lake with sharp rocks spearing out of it.

“I was certain we had seen the last of you, fowl creature.” Somnambula declared.

“Can’t get rid of us that easily. And THIS time, you don’t have old beardy to save you!” Aria taunted with a harsh laugh.

“Even so, I shall not yield to you!” With that, the pegasus landed on one of the temples structures, ready for battle.

Aria gives a throaty laugh as she prepares for the fight. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

“Are you two ready?” Discord asked as he takes his spot between them, readying his claw as the two enemies nod to him. “Then let the match…Begin!”

With a chop of his claw, Aria launched a blast from her mouth at Somnambula. The Pillar jumped into the air leading Aria in a aerial chase around the arena. She dodged the sirens blasts while weaving around the temples stone pillars and archways, with every few quick turns causing Aria to crash into the structure.

As the two combatants continued to fly around, drawing everyone’s attention, Celestia glanced at Luna to find she had not looked away from Nightmare Moon. “Discord.”

“Yes?” He said as the draconequus appeared before her, upside down.

“Why is Nightmare Moon here?” This drew the other three alicorns attention to them, finally making Luna turn away from ‘herself’.

“Come now, Celestia. There’s a match between two enemies happening right now!” To emphasize, he conjures a screen that shows Somnambula flying under a crumbling archway. As Aria chased her a chunk of it landed on the siren’s tail, stopping her.

Celestia just looked at Discord with a almost pleading look. “Please, Discord.”

This made Discord pause. Throughout their lives, never once has ‘Princess’ Celestia ever said please to him. With a sigh he banished the screen and looked at the four Alicorns.

“Very well. But only because you asked nicely.” With a snap, he returns Luna’s muzzle. “As you all know, I’ve gathered you all here from varies moments in history. One of those moments was in a time where Nightmare Moon returned and Twilight and her friends were not there to stop her.”

“That’s impossible. In what moment of history did that happen?” Luna asked in frustration.

“When Starlight trapped me and Spike in time.” Twilight answered before looking at Discord. “That Nightmare Moon is from one of the timelines my actions created, isn’t she?”

“Indeed.” The dark alicorn replied before Discord could, having been listening the whole time. “You may have escaped me before, Twilight Sparkle. But I promise you all, I will win this tournament and prove once and for all that I am the most powerful creature of all time!”

“Ahem.” Discord gave her a look.

“I stand by what I said.” Before anyone could respond a loud musical note rang throughout the area as Aria unleashed a shockwave that toppled a portion of the temple.

Having barely zoomed away from the destruction Somnambula landed at the top of the temples highest structure to catch her breath. “Any slower, and I would have been finished.” She watched as Aria searched the debris certain she had hit her target. “There has to be a way to turn her power against her.” Looking out towards the other half of the arena, an idea comes to her.

“YOU MISSED! She’s up there, you idiot!” Adagio shouted out as Somnambula flew away with Aria following again. As the pegasus prepared to execute her plan, Daydream Shimmer finally understood.

“These Dazzling must be from a time before we met, when they still lived in Equestria.” She concluded as she watched Somnambula fly over the rock filled waters of the arena.

“Does it matter if they are? From what I’ve heard their still dangerous creatures.” Tempest added. “Give them a chance and they’ll ensnare you in their entrancing voices.”

“Oh, aren’t they? Is it any wonder I’m so fabulous?” The two look up to see Steven Magnet gushing over the siren before facing them. “Their relatives of mine. The blue one is my distant great grandmother that disappeared a long time ago.”

Daydream Shimmer began to shiver as the realization of that statement sank in.

“I won’t miss this time!” With a roar, Aria blasted another magical blast, but just before it hit her Somnambula shot straight up. The beam hit the water dowsing Aria, blinding her long enough to crash into the rocks with one of them cutting a deep gash down her body. In a roar of pain Aria crashes into the water and sinks as blood floated to the surface.

Too deep to see her Somnambula flies back to the other half of the arena, catching her breath after that quick maneuver. “Forgive me. I saw no other way.” Looking towards Discord the pegasus catches Adagio glaring at her while Sonata is on the verge of tears. “Hurry, Discord. Before she…”

Suddenly, Aria springs from the water right at the mare, her mouth wide open, ready to eat her. On pure instinct Somnambula side steps the surprise attack only to be caught in the sirens constricting tail. The other Pillars cry out in horror as Aria floated over the body of water, her gash dripping blood while Somnambula struggled in vain.

The siren gave a menacing chuckle. “I’ve got you now.” She relished in the look of fear the mare gave her as she began to sing a note.

“Somnambula!” Flash Magnus called out, unable to help his friend.

“Oh dear. Not like this.” Mistmane said as she brought her hoof to cover her mouth.

“Oh my. Who could have seen this coming?” The Sphinx said with a chuckle.

As Aria’s song reached her ear, Somnambula began to grow angry as the siren fed off her negativity. The gash she had began to heal as the trapped pegasus tried to angrily forfeit and put a stop to the match but Aria was squeezing to tightly for her to speak up and so continued to feed.

“Discord, Stop her!” Cadence cried. “It’s obvious Somnambula has lost!”

With a nod Discord teleports to the singing siren. “Somnambula is unable to continue.” Snapping his claw the pegasus vanished from Aria’s grip and into Discord’s arms. Aria turned to challenge the ruling, not finished draining Somnambula, only to met Discord’s hard eyes. Quitting while she was ahead Aria flew back to the villain space. “The winner is Aria Blaze.” Discord teleported to Flash and the other Pillars as the select box spun again.

The Pillars gathered around their unconscious friend. “You fought valiantly, Somnambula. Rest well, my friend.” Rockhoof spoke through tears.

“You sure gave that siren a real hurtin’.” Mage Meadowbrook added.

“A truly admiral display of tactics, my friend. Well done.” Starswirl praised.

“And your flying was superb. You should be proud.” Flash Magnus said with a wing salute.

“Rest now, Somnambula. You’ve earned it.” Mistmane finished as she touched the sleeping pegasus' head. With a snap of his tail, Discord restored the mare to her full strength and returned her to where she came from.

“Those villains don’t seem very keen about holding back.” Thorax commented as they all looked over at them.

“No. They don’t.” Autumn Blaze said as she and Maud watched Aria rejoin the other sirens. She turned to meet the Kirin's eyes who were now filled with resolve. “And neither will I.”

That resolve grew until her eyes became pure white.

Author's Note:

The song in this chapter are all I’ve come up with. I have not, nor ever will create music to accompany it. That said, if anyone reading feels they can do something with them, go for it! All I ask is that you credit me the lyrics and send me a link to it.
Thanks for reading.