• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Mage Meadowbrook vs Maud Pie/Sandbar vs Princess Cadence

Round 1 Bracket 3-C

“That was a fine battle. Applejack’s brother was a surprising combatant.” Flash Magnus commented as he, Rockhoof and Mage looked over the remaining competitors. Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash were speaking with Applejack along with Sunburst, Maud, and Autumn Blaze. The three Alicorns and Shining remained together as they congratulated Prince Rutherford over his victory. Yona and Sandbar remained at his side while Smoulder, Ember, and Garble joined Steven Magnet and Aria. Silverstream and Gallus were conversing as Princess Skystar and Gilda did the same. Closest to them was Daring Do, Ahuizotl, Soarin and Bulk Biceps speculating on future matches as Daydream Shimmer and Tempest sat together, patiently watching the selector.

“Aye, Flash. Their match was greatly inspiring.” The large stallion tensed up in anticipation. “It has me greatly looking forward to my battle with Rutherford. More so then before!”

The pegasus chuckled as he slapped Rockhoof’s shoulder. “I know that feeling well. My match with that Tempest Shadow will be a glorious one!”

Their healer friend giggled as she stood behind the two stallions. “Even a thousand years later, ya’ll still haven’t change.”

“Aye, Mage! My time in the Mighty Helm is etched deep in my spirit.”

“And my battle with Spitfire reinvigorated my warriors fire!”

“Well, ah am sure as sugar glad to see you two so passionate.” She said as the selector’s first panel began to slow.

“Will you forfeit the match when your time comes, Mage Meadowbrook?” Flash asked as he landed before her. The mighty Earth pony turned to face her full on.

“Yes, Flash. That ah will. Ah have no business competing in this here tournament. Ah only seek to heal folks, like that poor King Thorax from before.” A sad expression befell the mare as she recalled that tence moment in the tournament.

“Aye, lass. That would be wise. After all, our friends will want to know of our progress!” Rockhoof said as the panel came to a stop.

“Ladies and Gentle creatures! The next match will be…Mage Meadowbrook!”

“Oh really, now?” The mare said, looking up to the panel, showing her face. “Well then, I forfeit.”

“I am sorry, my dear.” Discord said as he appeared above the three. “But you must wait until your opponent is select before forfeiting.

“I don’t understand why that is.” Princess Luna inquires. “The selecting process could not be alter too much, should she forfeit now, would it?”

“Why yes, Luna. It would.” He replied with a cheeky smile.

“How so?” Mage asked.

“Because, I wouldn’t be able to see the wonderful expressions you all make when you discover who you’re up against!” Everyone of the competitors, including the villains, gave him deadpan looks as the second panel stopped. “With that in mind, the next creature to compete is…” He turns to see the panel. “…Maud Pie!”

“I forfeit.” The mare said just before Autumn could cheer for her new friend.

“Wait…what?” The Kirin said in confusion.

“Oh for crying out loud!” This time, Discord was the one that got frustrated, turning towards the selector. “Can’t you setup a match that doesn’t end with a immediate forfeit?” The selector blew a raspberry in response.

“But, Maud…we haven’t figured out our stand-up routine yet. Plus, you’re my new friend and I like spending time with you!” Autumn explained in an attempt to change the mares mind, with little success.

“This doesn’t mean we’ll never see each other again. I’ll keep my promise and come see you.” The mare gazed at the ground. “But I really miss Mudbriar and Pinkie and all our friends.” A small smile appeared on her face as she looks to Sunburst. “Plus, I have something to tell Starlight when I see her.” The unicorn chuckled as Mage approached them.

“Are ya sure, Dr. Pie? Ah am more then willing ta let ya win the match?”

“That last match made me realize how much I miss the ponies that aren’t here. I want to see them more then I want to compete. Besides, you would be more helpful to those that get hurt here.”

The healer gave Maud a sadden look. “Hmm, that is true.”

Maud turns to Discord. “I forfeit the match, Discord. Send me home, please.”

“Very well, Dr. Pie. I suppose the more creatures forfeit, the quicker we can get to the next round.” Discord rose higher into the air. “Maud Pie has forfeit the match. Mage Meadowbrook moves on to the next round.”

As Discord spoke, Maud gave Sunburst and Autumn Blaze a hug. “Good luck with your matches. I’ll be sure to route for the both of you along with Starlight and Trixie.”

“Thanks Maud. Give them our best.” Sunburst said with a nod.

Maud looked to Autumn, who avoided her eyes. “Hey, Autumn.” The Kirin reluctantly met the pony’s eyes. “Why are Nirik’s always angry?” The mare blinked before shrugging. “Because they're always burning up.” There was a moment of silence until Autumn slowly began to laugh until she was full on cracking up.

“Seriously? How was that funny?” Rainbow said as she heard Applejack chuckling near her. “Seriously! How is that funny?”

Autumn wiped a tear from her eye as she smiled brightly. “Oh, Maud! I can’t wait to do our stand up together!” The two waved at each other as Discord returned her to her point in time, the selector spinning again.

“Discord, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” Daydream said aloud, the draconequus appearing above her in a flash.

“Oh, really? No. Wait, let me guess. You want to know why you and Midnight are here don’t you?”

“Well, yeah. Now that you mentioned it. But that’s not what I wanted to ask.” Daydream rose to her feet along with Tempest, turning to face the Lord of Chaos. “If you don’t like all the forfeits, why involve so many creatures to begin with?” This question caused many of the competitors to listening in.

“Finally! I sensible question!” Tirek called out in relief.

“Indeed.” Sombra chimed in as he approached the barrier. “What kind of a fool includes Children in a fighting competition?” Discord gave the dark unicorn a deadpan look as Smoulder and Yona rushed to the barrier.

“You have a problem with children, gloomy?” The dragon challenged.

“Yona can take on any one of you!” She said, causing Sombra, as well as the rest of the villains to laugh mockingly.

“I can’t believe I'm saying this, but…Sombra has a point.” Twilight admitted, earning her more then a few looks of shock, and even a look of intrigue by Sombra himself. She glares at the King. “Just because I agree with you on one point, doesn’t make us friends!”

“But of course…Princess of Friendship.” A wicked grin appeared on his muzzle as Twilight turned to Discord, red with anger.

“Well, Discord?” Tempest asked, prompting an answer.

“Why repeat myself when I’ve already explained the purpose of the tournament?” He said as he teleported to the board over the arena, pointing to the F.a.S.T. banner. “I wanted to see what you all would do when faced with a ‘supposedly random’…” He said drawn out, glaring at the selector; its first panel beginning to slow. “…selected opponent. And, aside from a few disappointing forfeits before the battle even begun, I’m quite impressed with the results so far.”

The many creatures spoke at once in various degree of agreement.

“Talk about a non-answer.” Gilda said with annoyance as Discord looked confused.

“That still doesn’t explain why Spike, Sandbar or the others are here as well.” Twilight said as she took to the air, fed up with his dodgy answer.

“Because, they too have achieved great things in their young lives.” He vanished before appear beside Spike. “Spike here not only saved the Crystal Empire multiple times, but has also befriended the leaders of the Dragon Lands And the Changeling Hive!” He disappeared again leaving a blushing Spike as Ember, Pharynx, Shining Armor and Cadence all nodded in agreement. “As for the students.” He said as he appeared beside Gallus and Silverstream, beside Sandbar, and between Smoulder and Yona at the same time. “Not only have they done amazing things on their own…” The Discord with Smoulder and Yona said before the one with Gallus and Silverstream continued. “…But they managed to save Equestria and rebuild the Tree of Harmony!”

“They did WHAT?” Sombra said, enraged at hearing his efforts where thwarted by children.

The Discord with Sandbar ignored the unicorn as he continued. “Why wouldn’t I include such a ‘loving’ group of friends?” As he said loving, the Discord copy wiggled his eyebrows at the earth pony, making him blush as the selector stopped. A Discord copy appeared beside it before addressing everyone. “And what a coincidence that the next match will include one of them. Sandbar!”

The Discord beside him lifted the pony into the air, his nerves causing him to go bright red. “Me, already?”

“What do you mean, already?” Gallus said as the three Discords disappeared, making Sandbar drop to the ground as his friends gathered around him. “Over half the first round has happened.”

“I know that! I wouldn’t have minded waiting until the last match to compete.”

“Wait, you aren’t SCARED are you?” Silverstream teased as she landed beside him.

“Of course not.” He said confidently.

“Great! Then get going!” Smoulder encouraged as she and Silverstream escorted the pony to the arena.

“Hey! Stop dragging me!” He complained as Yona and Gallus followed, laughing at their friends antics when the second panel revealed his opponent.

Discord laughed so loud the five of them turned to see what was so funny. This just made Sandbar’s pupils dilate in abstract terror.

“And the pony facing Sandbar is…Princess Cadence!” Discord announced through his laughing fit as Shining looked at his wife in disbelief, Cadence meanwhile let out a squee as she smiled brightly. Her smile disappeared as she watched Sandbar about to speak. Fearing he might try to forfeit, the Princess of Love pointed a hoof at him and commanded.

“Don’t even think about it, Sandbar! I want a word with you!” The little pony froze in place, silent as his friends, except Yona, backed away real quick. Cadence gave Shining a knowing smile and a wink as she made her way to the young colt. As she past him, her horn lit up, a light blue aura covered Sandbar, carrying him behind the Alicorn as they entered the arena.

As soon as Cadence used her magic again Discord couldn’t help but glare at the Alicorn before teleporting beside Shining. “Alright, Mr. Husband. Spill it! How is she able to use her magic in my no magic space?”

“How should I know? I don’t use it.” Shining said with a grin as the arena attempted to morph. Suddenly, a light blue wave of magic covered the mass, before it took the shape of a hot pink and yellow flower surrounded by crystal roses and tulips and lilies, causing Discord to nearly gag at the display.

“What has she done to my arena?”

“Anything she wants, apparently.” The stallion said with a chuckle. As the two continued to talk Cadence placed Sandbar on one side of the large flower.

“Wait here.” She said in a kind way, suppressing her excitement. The young colt was fearing for his life at this point, wondering what the Alicorn of Love wanted with him. He cast a nervous look towards Yona, who waved at him in ignorant support. Cadence stood opposite of him before looking at Discord. “If you would be so kind?” Discord appeared before her, meeting her kind eyes with a glare.

“Listen here, missy. I tolerated Starswirl messing with my arena because he used Chaos magic to do it, which I can respect. But if you continue to disrupted my magic with yours, I’ll eliminate you from the tournament on principle alone!”

“But, Discord…” She began, utilizing a innocent expression she had seen Flurry Heart use many times, using a voice as sweet as honey. “…I didn’t think you would give much thought to the concept of ‘principle'.”

“Ah….” Discord was speechless; the notion of principle went against his very existence and he had just used it to defend himself. He floated there perplexed by this contradiction for a moment before glaring at Cadence once more. “…Well played, madam…” He finally said through clinched teeth before giving a lazy wave of his claw. “Start the match.” With that he disappeared as Cadence laughed at the complete defeat expression on his face.

Throughout this whole exchange Sandbar had managed to relax and enjoy Cadence’s reverse phycology until she focused on him. She made her way to the centre of the flower and used her wing to wave him over. Finally being allowed to move on his own the young colt joined the Alicorn, who smiled down at him.

“How about some privacy.” She suggested. Before Sandbar could respond her horn shone a bright blue as the pink petals closed around them. A series of groans echoed from the other competitors as Discord smiled wickedly. Teleporting behind the tournament board above the arena he conjured a view screen for himself. On it showed Cadence and Sandbar standing in the closed off flower.

Suddenly Cadence looked directly at Discord, through the screen startling him. “I said privacy, Discord!” She said in a raised voice as she shot the screen with magic, causing a blooming crystal flower to take over the screen. Discord snapped his claws to change the view point, even conjuring multiple screens. All of which ended in failure as the crystal flower remained.

The supposed Master of all Reality crossed his arms and pouted. “I really don’t like that pony…”

Inside the brightly lit flower Cadence gave a satisfy nod before turning to Sandbar and laying down. “Now then, Sandbar.” She lifted her hooves up to her chin, leaning on them with a knowing smile on her muzzle. “Tell me about Yona.”

“What? I..I don’t know…what do you…? She’s just a…” The little pony stubbled with his words, trying to say anything regarding Yona. But under the knowing expression on her face Sandbar realized it was no use trying to convince her it was nothing. Taking a deep breath Sandbar laid down, avoiding the Princess’ eyes. “I like her. A lot. But it just wouldn’t work out!”

Cadence tilted her head. “Why’s that? Do you think she doesn’t feel the same about you?”

“Why would she? I’m just a pony. A weak one, at that.” He closes his eyes. “She likes strong creatures like Yaks or ponies like Rockhoof and Big Mac.”

“Didn’t you hear what Rockhoof said about true strength? How do you know she doesn’t like you for that?” The princess challenged.

“Well…I don’t.” He admitted before looking at her. “But even if she did, we’re completely different creatures.”

“What’s wrong about that?” She asked with a gentle seriousness. “Does her appearance bother you?”

“Of Course, Not!” He jumped to his hooves in offence. “Her appearance doesn’t matter to me! I like Yona because she’s Yona!”

A warm smile appeared on the Alicorn’s face. “As I thought. And how would you feel if Yona said the same thing about you?”

Sandbar calmed down as he thought over the question. He had always admired her for her strength of character and fearlessness when faced with whatever challenge they faced. This train of thought caused butterflies to flutter in his stomach as a goofy smile crossed his muzzle.

“So…happy!” he said as Sandbar sat down. Cadence giggled at the colts expression of joy as she stood up and sat beside him, draping a wing over his back.

“If that’s the case…why do you hesitate?”

The colt sat there quiet for a moment before leaning against Cadence. “I had never heard of two different creatures getting together before. What if we get ridiculed or shamed for…loving each other?”

The Princess of Love looked down at Sandbar, feeling the fear radiating off him. She nuzzled his head as she drew him closer with her wing. “Your fear is understandable, Sandbar. Creatures are often hesitant to except a change in the status quo. But I know for a fact, yours would not be the only interspecies couple in Equestria.”

The colts eyes widen as he shifted his eyes up towards her. “What?”

She removed her head off of his before meeting his surprised eyes with a smile. “Discord and Fluttershy.” He blinked, remembering what had happened after Discord sent The Sphinx back. “It’s no secret those two are getting together.” She said with a wink. Sandbar began to feel better about his feelings when more doubt started to rise.

“Sure, but compared to him…” He began.

Cadence rolled her eyes in mild annoyance. “Him, her, she, he, they, it does no one any good comparing yourself to others.”

Outside the orchestral players were lazing about as DJ Pon3 listened to her own music. Suddenly, the entire orchestra were captured in a similar flower that held Cadence and Sandbar. The DJ finally turned and was started by the sudden appearance, she had to lift up her shades.

The musicians looked around the well lit flower and found a note on the flower bud. Octavia picked it up and read it a loud.

“I apologize for the inconvenience, but could you play this song for me?” Suddenly, multiple copies of a song appeared on their stands. She returns to the letter. “Play it as normal, thank you. Princess Cadence.” She looked back at the group who all shrugged before preparing to play.

Back with Cadence and Sandbar music began to fill the space as a small smile came to the Alicorn’s muzzle. “Instead, try embracing what you're feeling and go for it!” Sandbar looked up at Cadence as she began to sing.

“Love, is not hard to understand

it leaves a mark within your heart

Time, will make it grow grand

As long as you allow it to start”

Cadence lit up her horn as the flower grew dark, besides them. An image of Equestria floated before them as many creatures covered it.

“Creatures the world over posses this precious gift.”

A soft red glow emanated from each creature.

“It doesn’t matter if their weak, or strong, or fair.”

A bunny, elephant, and a phoenix floated before them.

“The only strength they need to show

is the strength to embrace the love of those they care.”

The three creatures were paired up as they show their affections. The images disappear as Cadence continues.

“Love has the power to break through walls

Love has the patience to outlast hate

Love has the fortitude to bare it all

As it guides you to a wondrous fate!”

The Princess used a hoof to guide Sandbar’s eyes to hers.

“Embrace love

Greatness comes to those that do.”

Rising to her hooves she steps forward.

“Embrace love!

The world gets brighter when you do.”

Her horn shown and lit up the room, blinding Sandbar for a moment.

“Allow the radiance to spread from you

To every creature through and through.”

She turns to Sandbar as he regains his sight, seeing her smiling at him.

“Embrace you.”

She points to him.

“Embrace her.”

An image of Yona appears beside her causing Sandbar to take a step forward.

“Embrace them.”

Imagines of all their friends and families appeared behind her as Sandbar smiles brightly.

“Embrace love.”

The music continued as Sandbar approached Yona. He reached out to her only to freeze just short of her muzzle, still fearful. As Cadence walks past him she resumes her song.

“Fear, is a powerful force

It can cripple those who hesitate.”

Sandbar looked from the image of Yona, back to Cadence, then back to Yona.

“Doubt, can distance you

And lead you down to despair."

The image of Yona, as well as the others started to glow red, that emitted from their chests. But a black glow was emanating from Sandbar’s chest, keeping him from reaching his friends.

“Creatures the world over fall prey to these traps

Allowing them to take their love away.”

The dark glow began to draw a red glow from him and into the air. The young colt reached desperately for it only for the red glow to remain out of reach. He stopped running and was starting to lose hope when Cadence place a wing over him.

“But as long as you have courage to stand up for love

Its burning flame will keep those fears and doubts at bay!”

As she sings the last verse Sandbar stood up and claimed his love, drawing it back into his heart and casting away the dark glow. He slowly walked to Yona’s image as Cadence sang.

“Love has the might to dispel fear

Love has the wisdom to drive away doubt

Love has the clarity to make things clear

As you journey down your chosen route.”

The Earth Pony colt reached out to touch the image of Yona. As soon as he was close enough, Yona booped his hoof with her nose causing the image to fade and for the red glow to enter his heart as well. Turning around, Sandbar faced Cadence, a hoof to his chest, as he joined her in the song.

“Embrace love

Greatness comes to those that do

Embrace love

The world gets brighter when you do.”

Their surroundings returned to that of the flower as the two laid down, still singing.

“Allow the radiance to spread from you

To every creature through and through

Embrace you (Cadence)

Embrace her (Sandbar)

Embrace them

Embrace love.”

Her magic began to glow as the flower pedals began to slowly open.

“Embrace you

Embrace her

Embrace them.”

As she sang that the flower opened up enough to reveal their friends.

“Embrace Love.”

Sandbar looked at her with a bright smile before leaping forward hugging her neck. ”Thank you, Princess Cadence.”

“Your welcome, Sandbar.” Releasing each other the colt turned to Discord.

“I forfeit the match.” With that, he headed straight for Yona.

Discord just blinked in surprise. “Okay…Sandbar forfeits the match. The winner is…” He gives the Alicorn a look as she walks towards the arena edge. “…Princess Cadence.” He announced in a low voice.

Cadence turned her head towards him and stuck out her tongue as Sandbar entered the space and immediately approached Yona. “Yona, I have to talk to you.”

“Okay. But, what happened inside that flower?”

“And why were the musicians in a flower, too?” Silverstream asked.

“Listen, Yona. For awhile now, I’ve…had very strong feelings for you…” Yona blinked before blushing as Gallus, Silverstream and Smoulder caught on to what their friend was about to do. Out of respect the three of them turned around and spread out their wings, giving the two as much privacy as they could manage.

“Really?” The yak asked as she looked away. “Even though your a pony and Yona a Yak?”

“That never mattered to me. I like you for you.” Sandbar took hold of Yona’s hoof. “Yona…will you be my…special someone?”

The yak couldn’t help but tear up. “Yes, Sandbar! Yona be best special someone for you!” She hugged him tightly as he held her.

“You already are.” They stayed like that until Cadence walked past. Catching Yona’s eyes, the Alicorn gave the Yak a wink as she moved on. The two separated as Discord snapped his finger, but before Sandbar vanished the colt stole a kiss from Yona. She was pleasantly surprised as he disappeared with a smile on his face.

“Those Alicorns…are more formidable then you have led me to believe.” Stygian sat with Sombra and Midnight having witnessed the influence she had over Sandbar. “That Cadence alone could prove difficult.”

“And that Sunset Shimmer with them…she’s just as strong as me!” Midnight admitted as she cast a menacing look over her shoulder. “If only just.”

“They will prove to be difficult, that much is clear.” King Sombra admitted as he examined the spinning panel. “But, we mustn’t forget our advantage over them.”

“To what advantage are you referring?” The smaller unicorn asked as Midnight shared a similar confused expression he wore. The King turned to them and smiled.

“We three have faced our enemies on our own, while they required aid from their friends.” He stands up and walks around them. “This tournament; it will provide us with wonderful insight to the individual workings of our foes.” He took a position so his back was to the other combatants. “And once we return to our points in time, we shall seek each other out, take what we have learned, and crush ALL of them!” Sombra chuckled low with Midnight joining in as Stygian flashed a smirk, all of them excited for what comes next.