• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Starlight Glimmer vs Soarin/Sunset Shimmer vs Rarity

Round 1 Bracket 2-A

Earlier, while Discord was explaining the tournament.

“Discord has some nerve pulling us here.” Tempest said, annoyed. She had just aided Twilight and the rest of Equestria in defeating Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis when she found herself here behind a sea monster with a unusually large stallion, a sleeping stallion, a Kirin she recognized from the battle, and a bipedal creature that resembles an alicorn.

“Just my luck. As soon as ah get accepted into the rodeo, ah’m snatched up and brought ta this tournament.” Trouble Shoes groaned, turning around to spare the others his bad luck.

“Are you kidding? This is gonna be so much fun! I mean, I’ve never ‘been’ at a tournament, let alone competed in one, but if it means meeting new friends, then I am all for it!” Autumn Blaze expression with excitement as she wondered closer to Trouble Shoes, leaving Tempest alone with the sea creature, who currently had his attention away from the two, the still sleeping stallion she believed to be Cheese Sandwich and the bipedal creature.

“First the Battle of the Bands, then the Friendship Games, now a multi-creature tournament where my opponents are from Equestria. And one of them wants to know who the strongest one of us is.” Daydream listed off before releasing a deep sigh, a smile on her face. “Only in Equestria.”

“You seem to know a lot about our world, yet I’ve never seen a creature like you before.” Daydream turned to see Tempest, giving the slightest flinch at seeing her horn. A flinch which Tempest saw. “Who are you? Or should I be asking ‘what’ are you?”

Daydream chuckled, it was rather surreal to speak to a pony while still in her human appearance. “I’m Sunset Shimmer. As for ‘what’ I am…that’s gonna take some explaining.”

Just then, Discord announced Lyra as Rainbow’s opponent.

“It seems we have some free time, for the moment. Care to start at the beginning?” Nodding in agreement Daydream knelt down as Tempest too, got comfortable and conversed, all while the soft snores of Cheese Sandwich filled the air.


“After we introduced each other, we started talking. Next thing you know, we had both made a new friend.” Daydream concluded. As soon as the selector began to spin, Twilight and Starlight began bombarding them with questions, primary how they knew each other.

“Well, it’s great to see you again, Sunset. We have a lot to talk about since the last time I visited.” Starlight stated with a smile, only to be met with a confused expression from Daydream.

“I’m sorry, but…I don’t believe we’ve met just yet.” Daydream answered with guilt.

“Wait, wha…” Something clicked in the mare’s mind. “Oh, you must be from the ‘Friendship Games”.

“That’s right. It’s nice to meet you, all the same.” Daydream reached out her hand with a smile. “Plus, now I have something to look forward too after the tournament.”

“Exactly.” Starlight place her hoof in Daydream’s hand as they shook, Twilight and Tempest standing together beside them as Spike explained her appearance to the rest of their friends.

Finally, the selector choice the next creature.

“Fillies and gentle colts, creatures of all ages, the next match will be between…Starlight Glimmer!”

“About time! Was getting restless watching that first bracket.” The unicorn said as she waved to the three before heading for the arena. All her friends had lined up along her path.

“You got this, Starlight!” Trixie expressed.

“You know it, Trix!”

“Fight smart, Starlight.” Sunburst cautioned.

“When haven’t I?” Starlight gives them both a hug before moving on.

“Hit like a rock, float like a kite.” Maud advised in her monotone way, getting a short laugh from the unicorn.

“No matter who it is, show them no mercy!” Pharynx emphasized with a stomp.

“Just don’t hurt them too badly.” Thorax added, causing Pharynx to start an argument with him as Starlight walked into the arena with a good natured shake of her head. The arena morphed into a snow cap surrounded by rocky walls and an oasis in the middle. Starlight blinked before casting a look at Discord, who could only shrug.

“How is any of that to her advantage?” Ember asked while scratching her head.

“It isn’t!” Chrysalis called out from above the other villains. A devilish grin on her face. “She will fail miserably. Much to my amusement!” The former queen laughed aloud as Starlight simple flicked her tail at her.

“She’s capable of adapting to her surroundings.” Twilight mused aloud as she tapped her chin. “Perhaps, and I can’t believe I’m suggesting this, the arena figured this kind of environment would give her the best chances of winning.”

“An excellent theory, Twilight.” Starswirl said as he walked up to Tempest causing her to stand at attention out of respect.

“Indeed. After all, Starlight is, as you say, a rather capable unicorn.” Princess Celestia added as she stood beside Daydream, causing her to look away, ashamed. Twilight looked between the four of them and realized she had better step away.

“Tempest Shadow, is it not?” Starswirl asked, stroking his beard.

“That is correct, sir. It is…surprising to meet you.”

“No need for formality, Tempest. I have wanted to meet you after seeing your match against that siren. What took six of us to banish three of them, you managed to defeat one of them with skill and impressive tactics.” Tempest was flustered by the elder unicorns complements, to the point where she didn’t notice him stand beside her. “Come. Walk with me. I wish to learn more about your tale and how you were able to overcome your injury.”

Daydream smiled as Tempest walked away with Starswirl while Starlight examined the arena as the selector was close to picking her opponent. All the while very aware of Celestia’s presence.

“You must have been brought from before…” Celestia realized. Her words managed to draw the pony turned human attentions she rose to meet the Alicorn face to face, that surreal feeling returning greatly.

“Before what?” She asked suspecting the answer.

Celestia gave her a sad smile. “Sometime after your battle, you return to Equestria, seeking guidance.”

“…oh.” Daydream replies weakly as Celestia pulls her into a gentle hug, jarring her.

“It’s wonderful to see you again, Sunset. No matter what form you take.” As if a huge weight lifted off her shoulders, Daydream relaxes into the hug throwing her arms around Celestia’s neck, tears running free.

It was then that the selector chose Starlight’s opponent. “Facing off against Starlight is…Soarin!”

“Alright! Let’s do this!” The pegasus cried out as he jumped into the air, making his way to the arena.

“Don’t hold back, Soarin! She’s trickier then she looks!” Rainbow warned as she hovered beside Daring Do, Bulk Biceps and the rest of her remaining friends.

“Read ya loud and clear, Dash!” Soarin landed on the other half of the arena triggering its transformation. The malleable mass twisted around and around, quickly taking the shape of the Wonderbolts Academy training yard that included various obstacles.

“Anyone else noticed how most of the matches so far have been pony versus pony?” Smoulder said aloud causing everyone to think about it before giving Discord another dirty look, making him a little squeamish.

“Why do you always look at me? I don’t control this thing!” Discord pointed at the selector which began to spun until one panel showed an eye looking up and to the side with a strange u underneath, with the other showing the same image.

Together, they form a guilty looking face.

The two ponies exchanged looks of excitement; a steady wind blew through the arena causing their manes and tails to wave about.

“Rainbow’s spoke quite highly of you Wonderbolts. Personally, I’ve never even heard of you before meeting her.” Starlight stated in a smug tone.

Soarin just gave a little chuckle in response. “I can say the same about you. Rainbow is very insistent that we come up with a contingence should you go rogue again.”

“Oh, has she now?” Starlight glances at Rainbow.

“You know I’m right, Starlight! I don’t wanna hear it!” Memories of that day in the castle coming to mind.

The mare chuckles nervously. “She might have a point.”

The stallion laughs a loud before jumping into the air, ready to start. “Come on! Let’s make this match as epic as the last one!”

“That’ll be tough. But it works for me!” Starlight’s horn began to glow as she took her position as Discord appears before them.

“Good luck, both of you!” He raises his claw. “Let the match….begin!” As his claw reaches its lowest point Discord disappears just as a light blue aura surrounds Soarin, holding him in place.

“What the?” The confused stallion says as he is brought closer to Starlight.

“WHAT DID I SAY?” Rainbow held her head, worried.

“You might as well forfeit, Soarin. There’s no way you can break my magic.” Starlight stats confidently. Soarin just smiles, concentrating on his wings as they begin to vibrate, much to Starlight’s confusion. “Whatever it is you’re doing, it’s not going to work.” She says as she increases the strength of her aura, making it brighter.

“We’ll. See. About. THAT!” His wings were vibrating so fast they began to disrupt the magic around them, surprising Starlight and forcing her to focus more on them.

But it was too late, his vibrating wings broke through the magic aura and began to create a tornado right above them. Its sudden appearance caused Starlight to break the spell around Soarin, freeing him while also giving him an opening. With a simple tilt of his body the Wonderbolt sent the tornado straight at Starlight. Caught in the pull of the tornado Starlight was sucked into it, screaming as it spun her around, knocking her into any loose debris that got sucked up as well.

Meanwhile, Soarin had dashed to the snow cap and grabbed as much snow as he could then flew into one of the clouds that floated above his side of the arena. Leaving the snow inside the cloud Soarin flew out and landed on it while at the same time, thinking of all the saddest things he could think of.

“What is he doing now?” Cozy Glow asked aloud. Just then she spots a tear falling down his check. “Is he crying?” She began laugh along with the Storm King and Tirek.

“How pathetic can ponies get?”

“You guys are so slow.” Lightning said as she hovered above them, blind to the looks they gave her. “That’s not pathetic. That’s brilliant.”

Satisfied with how upset he is Soarin landed on the cloud, his negative mood transforming it into a storm cloud. Inside the tornado Starlight had been able to cast a shield spell around herself, giving her a chance to get her bearings.

“Clever, Soarin. But this tornado has gotta go!” Channeling more magic into her shield Starlight made the shield explode, the force of it pushing the tornado apart from the inside, collapsing it. Free from the tornados grip Starlight fell before wrapping an aura around herself. Hovering in the air the unicorn looked around the near empty arena for the pegasus.

“It’s cute that you’re still fighting, Soarin! But even with all you’re training, you can’t overpower me!”

“Maybe not!” Starlight fired in the direction his voice came from, only for it to head for a cloud. Just then, Soarin kick the white cloud, destroying it before the beam hit. Instead the beam of magic struck the storm cloud, charging it with magic, much to Starlight’s dismay. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll give up.” He flashed her a cocky smile as the storm cloud began to grow twice its original size. Still airborne Starlight lit up her horn, preparing to shoot at the cloud in hopes of dispelling it, but as Soarin flew past he struck her in the horn, disrupting her spell.

“Not this time, Starlight!” In that moment of hesitation the storm cloud grew some more until it began raining down huge chucks of hail. Unable to bare the barrage of hail Starlight returned to the ground and summoned a dome shield, strong enough to withstand the weather but forcing her to stay in one spot.

“Okay. ‘Maybe’ I was a tad too overconfident!” She admitted as the storm cloud continued to pelt her with hail, each new one getting bigger then an old one. Meanwhile, Soarin had flown above the cloud overlooking his unfolding strategy as Mage marvelled at the display.

“Now that’s a mighty fine bit of work there.” Mage Meadowbrook commented before turning towards Flash Magnus. “Whatcha thinking, Flash?”

“Quite an impressive battle strategy. Playing to his strengths against a more powerful adversary. Maybe I judged them to harshly.”

As the wind picked up Soarin flew to another plain cloud and brought it to the stream that ran through the Academy and placed it in the water. Starlight watched as the cloud soaked up the water while keeping her shield strong. “What’s he doing now? Grr! Ever since the match started he’s hardly laid a hoof on me. It’s almost as if…oh no…!”

“Heh! Looks like Starlight finally caught on.” Rainbow had a smirk on her face as Twilight, Trixie, Rarity, and Sunburst stood around her watching Starlight.

“Caught onto what?” Rarity asked.

“Soarin’s strategy. I’m kinda surprised it took her this long. She’s usually smarter then that.”

“Wait, he has a strategy? I just thought he was creating those storms to annoy Starlight.” Trixie replied. The three ponies gave Trixie a look while Rainbow just smiled at them, making the performer nervous. “What did I say this time?”

“Soarin means to force Starlight to use up ALL her magic!” Sunburst explained.

“After that, she will be at a severe disadvantage against him.” Twilight added.

“Unless I can figure out something soon…” Starlight spoke aloud as she used a hoof to wipe sweat from her brow. “…he’s gonna beat me!”

The hails were starting to lessen prompting Starlight to switch her shield into a more portable one, allowing her to head towards the now air borne Soarin. As she drew closer the pegasus began to fly around the new storm cloud he had made. As he spun faster and faster thunder boomed from it as small bolts of lightning peeked out of it.

“Oh no you don’t!” Her horn aglow she drops the shield as she teleports to the cloud. When she appeared above the two Starlight formed a wavy aura of magic before unleashing another powerful explosion, knocking Soarin towards the still falling hail and destroying the thundercloud. As Soarin corrected himself a chunk of hail struck him at his wing joint. With a cry of pain the pegasus dove down before gliding to a landing as Starlight teleported before him.

“Darn. Thought I had you there for a second.” He was checking his wing joint as he spoke, his smile never leaving his face. “Guess I wasn’t being as subtle as I could’ve been.”

“…You’re still up to something, aren’t you?” Starlight accused as her horn lit up. “I’m ending this match, right now!” With a jerk of her head a blast of magic headed straight for Soarin who rose his front hooves to shield himself. Getting hit full on the stallion cried out as he was sent flying back until he landed harshly at the foot of the snow cap.

Starlight was confused. “I didn’t hit him that hard…”

“Starlight! Above you!” Sunburst called out too late. Looking up Starlight watched as a thick blanket of snow crashed on top of her. Soarin picked himself up and made his way to Starlight, who managed to blast away the snow that covered her. The unicorn was breathing heavily as the wounded Soarin approached.

“Have you cooled off yet?” He chuckled as Starlight shot a weak beam of magic at him. The stallion didn’t even try dodging, it was so weak. “Probably not. But it seems your magic’s burnt out.”

“You jumped, didn’t you?” The mare asked, earning her a knowing smile from her foe. “That last attack. You jumped just before it hit, using it to knock yourself clear of the snow.”

“If there’s one thing we Wonderbolts need to know, is how to use the surroundings to our advantage.” Soarin glanced at Flash Magnus. “Say what you will about as, Flash. We managed to implement what you pioneered!”

Taking advantage of his lowered guard, Starlight throws herself at Soarin sending the two tumbling backwards before ending up on top of him. Charging all the magic she had Starlight began to cast her Cutie Mark spell in hopes of turning the tides in her favour.

Soarin, however had other ideas. Using his good wing as leverage the stallion trips her, breaking her concentration long enough for him to smack her horn with a fore hoof. In the confusion, Soarin managed to switch positions with Starlight. All the while never once losing the smile that Starlight was growing to hate.

“You know, you could give up. I’d rather not resort to rougher means.” Soarin suggested.

“Thanks, but no thanks!” In desperation, Starlight threw her head up to slam her forehead into Soarin’s muzzle, careful enough to avoid poking his eye out with her horn. Dazed, Starlight kicked the pegasus away from her before recasting her spell. Soarin landed with a thud before struggling to stand, watching as Starlight was about to cast her spell. Unsure of what was coming the Wonderbolt made a mad dash towards the stone walls surrounding the snow caps just as Starlight shouted, casting her spell. An orb of magic grew from her chasing her foe as he ran for cover, but just as he neared the edge of the arena, Starlight’s magic burnt out.

With a pop the spell disappeared, leaving a frightened Wonderbolt and an exhausted unicorn. Keeping his distance the pegasus watched as Starlight gave a heavy sigh before collapsing. “I give up.” She announced with a tone of finality. Gasps were heard from her friends as Chrysalis and Cozy Glow laughs echo throughout the area.

“Oh! What a delicious moment this is! Seeing Starlight Glimmer defeated is such a glorious site to behold!” Chrysalis continued her taunting laughter as Soarin approached Starlight. The two exchanged looks until Soarin offer her his hoof with a smile.

“That was an amazing match, Starlight!” She smiles up at him while accepting his help up.

“Not as epic as the last one, huh?” Soarin let the mare lean on him as they slowly made their way off the arena

“I don’t know about the musical part, but…” That got a chuckle out of Starlight. “…I think we made up for it with my storms and your spells.”

“We could always sing a duet right now? Discord hasn’t called the match yet.” She replied causing them both to laugh aloud, nearing their space.

“I’ll have to pass on that. I’m not much of a singer.” He replied as Discord appeared above them, announcing the results while restoring the two with a snap of his claws.

“Starlight has thrown in the towel. Soarin wins the match!”

“Alright, Soarin! I knew you could do it!” Rainbow said rushing to his side before giving a look to Starlight. “You were great too, by the way.”

“Gee thanks.” The unicorn replied with annoyance. Turning towards Trixie, Sunburst, Maud, and Twilight she gives them a smile and hugs. “Good luck all of you. I expect to hear what happens when I see you next.”

“The Great and Powerful, Trixie will leave nothing out!”

“Except your embarrassing moments.” Sunburst teased. Trixie glared at him as Maud spoke.

“Could you let Pinkie and Cheese know what’s going on?”

“I will.” With a final wave to them Discord snaps his fingers, sending her back while prompting the selector to spin again.

“No offence to ya, Soarin…but ah thought Starlight was gonna win that match for awhile there.” Applejack said as she joined them.

“None taken, Applejack. From what I’ve heard of her, I thought the same.”

“How did you break through her telekinesis?” Twilight inquired, knowing how strong Starlight’s grip could be.

“Sorry Princess, that’s a trade secret.” He said with a chuckle. “I will say this, everything has a weak point. You just gotta know where to look.” He said with a wink.

“That goes without saying!” Rainbow boasted.

“Yeah!” Bulk concludes while grabbing the two into a hug. Finally, the next opponent is selected.

“Up next we have…Sunset Shimmer!”

Daydream Shimmer looked up to see her pony form on the panel. “I guess I’m up next.” Exchanging a smile with Celestia, Daydream turns for the arena only to meet Discord’s claw before her.

“I’m sorry, my dear. You’re registered as ‘Daydream Shimmer’.”

“What? Then who…”

“He’s taking about me!” The voice came from behind The Sphinx, who had not moved since Somnambula’s match. Everyone from both spaces watched as a pony Sunset Shimmer stepped from her hidden spot and made her way to the arena.

Nightmare Moon eyed her intently.

“OH COME ON! There’s an evil version of Sunset over there, too?" Rainbow complained. “Is there an evil ME over there as well?”

“Yeah. Her names Lightning Dust.” Gilda told her.

“Hey!” They both shouted at the same time.

“Sunset…when are you…” Celestia carefully asked, dreading the answer.

“You know full well ‘When’ I came from. Or have you already forgotten that day?” Sunset said over her shoulder, as hate and anger filled her eyes. “Because I certainly haven’t!” Stepping onto the arena it began to transform as Daydream and Celestia stood together, shocked to see the pony.

“She’s from…” Daydream began, unable to finish.

“The day I expelled you as my pupil and you fled through the mirror.” Celestia finished instead, a tear running down her cheek.

“Wow. You were a jerk.” Rainbow said as the arena became Canterlot Castle’s courtyard.

“Rainbow!” Twilight shouted disapprovingly.

“HA! Finally!” Trixie said in excitement, earning her a sideways glance from Sunburst and an eye roll from Applejack.

“What? It’s true!” Just as Twilight was going to get into it with Rainbow, Discord announced Sunset’s opponent.

“And facing off against her will be…Rarity!”

“Oh! Oh, dear.” The unicorn looked out towards her adversary, a mistake as she saw the dark feelings behind them. Before she knew it, Celestia was right beside her.

“She is a formidable unicorn, Rarity. No one will think less of you should you forfeit.” The princess placed a hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder easing the nervous pony. Taking a breath she looks to Soarin, who had been watching Sunset since she revealed herself.

“Soarin, will you be alright?” That drew his attention to her, a confused look on his face. “I could face her and try to reveal her abilities for you.” The stallion’s eyes widen in surprise before becoming a thankful smile.

“That’s awfully brave of you to do, Rarity. But that won’t be necessary.” Shooting a cold look at Sunset, Soarin continues. “Whatever she throws at me, I’ll be ready!”

“Well, in that case. I forfeit the match.” She announced with dignity.

“Are you sure, Rarity?” Discord asks as he appears before her. “I can heal whatever injuries you sustain.”

“Discord…” Spike said in a low, threatening voice.

“I am sure. I have no desire to ruin my mane, anyway.”

“It’s just as well. You wouldn’t last a minute against me.” Sunset jabbed as she headed for her space.

“We shall never know as you are not worth the time.” Rarity rebutted, earning her a few cheers.

“It’s clear to see you prefer style over substance little Miss Prima Donna.”

“Uh! Why you…!” Rarity began but was interrupted by Discord.

“Rarity has forfeited the match. The winner is Sunset Shimmer!”

“As if there was any doubt.” Sunset flicked her tail as she walked away from them.

“Most impressive, Sunset Shimmer.” The unicorn looked to see Nightmare Moon walking beside her, helmet less. Despite hearing the tale of The Mare on the Moon, Sunset managed to keep the deep seeded fear she held from her voice.

“I’d…hardly call a victory by forfeit impressive.”

“Truly. Though I was referring to Celestia’s actions…” She turned her snake like eyes towards Sunset. “…and the influence you had in them.”

“I…I don’t understand.” The alicorn place a wing over Sunset as they walked towards the edge of their space.

“Worry not, Sunset Shimmer. You will soon understand everything you need, to become…an Alicorn.” Sunset looked up at Nightmare Moon, a smile on her face as the two mares stepped around The Sphinx. All the while, Celestia, Luna, and Daydream were watching, all fearful of what their union will bring.