• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,277 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Gallus vs The Chimera/Bulk Biceps vs Stygian, The Pony of Shadows

Round 1 Bracket 4-D

“This. Is. It!”

Discord announced with excitement, gathering everyone’s attention. “Bulk Biceps!” The buff pegasus flexed as he called out his standard ‘Yeah’, causing Octavia to giggle from the performers platform as the DJ pointed to her muzzle and pretended to gag. “The Chimera!” The three headed creature finally rose to her feet as the snake hissed, the goat head bahed, and the tiger head roared. “Gallus!” The griffon crossed his arms and looked smug until Smoulder punched him lightly on the shoulder while Gilda ruffled his head. “And finally, Stygian. The Pony of Shadows!” The unicorn rose his head high as he stood beside the cocky Midnight Sparkle and the intimidating King Sombra, both of which had a smug smile on their faces.

“You four are the finally competitors of round one! As such, when the selector picks the next two creatures, we will also know who will battle in the final match of the round!” Gallus and Bulk shared a look before looking over at the other two, all of whom have hard looks. “With that said, lets find out who faces who in the final matches of round one!” A resounding yeah filled the air as Discord snapped his claws prompting the selector to begin. Everyone watched as the first panel ran through the four creatures pictures right until it began to slow down. “Here we go. The final matches will be…” The selector’s panel came to a stop. “Gallus!”

“Heh. That’s a shame.” The griffon said as he bumped claws with Smoulder. “I was hoping to be in the last match. It’ll be less epic now.”

“Only in your head would a match with you be epic.” Gilda jabbed as Gallus reached the arena entrance. Shooting a look at her the young griffin entered the arena, flicking his tail at her as the arena morphed into a part of Griffonstone.

“And his opponent is…” Discord watched as the second panel slowly flipped through Bulk, The Chimera, and The Pony of Shadows until it rested on one of them. “The Chimera!” The creature stood on her hind hooves as she let out another loud roar before making her way to the arena. “Which means…” The two images on the selector quickly flipped to the remaining two creatures. “The final match of round one will be between…” He gestured a claw towards both creatures. “Bulk Biceps versus The Pony of Shadows!”

“YEAH!” The stallion shouted in excitement as the creatures around gave him concerned looks.

“Bulk…” Rainbow said as she reached out towards him only for a laugh to draw everyones attention. The Chimera had reached the arena, transforming it into her home, the Flame Geyser Swamp.

“How wonderful that our first match would be against a tasty looking griffon child.” The tiger said as she circled Gallus, who never lost track of her movements.

“Yes.” The goat replied with a throaty voice. “It's been a long time since we’ve had griffon.”

“He seems to be on the scrawny side, though.” The snake added as she past Gallus. The snake lashed out and bit at him mere inches from his beak, but he didn’t flinch.

A smile appeared on his beak. “If you’re trying to scare me, you three need to up your game. I don’t even have goosebumps.”

The three heads glared at Gallus, each making their own sounds. “Brave words.” The tiger said as they stood before a Flame Geyser as it erupted, silhouetting the creature. “Lets see how brave you really are!”

“Bring it on, ladies!” The two stood ready as Discord appeared, giving the two a round of applause.

“I like you guys. You make pre-battle banter fun!” He readied his claw. “Let’s get this match…started!” He vanished as the two creatures slowly circled each other. The tigers eyes were locked with Gallus’ while the goat’s eyes constantly shifted, watching their surroundings and attempting to distract the griffon and the snake would sway side to side.

“A creature like that is dangerously tricky.” Mage Meadowbrook said as she watched The Chimera swat a claw at Gallus. He easily avoided it while spreading out his wings to intimidate the creature. “Three minds against one? That hardly seems fair.”

“Normally.” Soarin responded as he hovered beside the Pillars. “But I’ve heard that the Chimera is prone to arguing amongst itself. So long as Gallus can use that to his advantage, he should have a chance.”

“I thought you were gonna see how brave I was.” Gallus said, a smirk on his beak. “Seems to me that ‘you’re’ the scared one.”

“Shut your beak, griffon!” The tiger head shouted.

“He’s right! We should attack now!” The goat head said impatiently.

“We’ll attack when ‘I’ decide to!” The tiger shouted at the goat. Right then Gallus lunged at the two heads, pushing them down as he leaped over them. The snake struck out at him as he came towards her, but missed as Gallus expertly tilted his head to the side avoiding the snakes fangs. Gallus then grabbed the snake and flapped his wings, battering the goat head as he flew around it, tying the snake around the goats neck. He lands with satisfaction as the tiger head looks at her two tangled sisters in disbelief, anger filling her face as she turns to Gallus before lunging at him.

Surprising everyone the young griffon met the Chimera head on, locking his claws with hers as she roars at him. He roared back while beating his wings, managing to push her back. The two struggled for a moment along with the two ‘sisters’ until the tiger head grins at Gallus. Caught off guard with the gesture Gallus stumbled forward as The Chimera side stepped, utilizing the momentum to turn and bulk the griffon away, crashing near a geyser triggering it as one of his wings laid over it.

“ARGH!” Gallus cried as he held the burned wing close to him. Mage, Smoulder, and Gilda pressed against the barrier, as they called out to him in worry. Meanwhile, The Chimera’s tiger head was working to untangle her ‘sisters’, succeeding as Gallus painfully folded his wings to his body.

The beast chuckled. “That must have been painful.” The tiger head said with a grin.

“But the smell is quite lovely.” The snake spoke with a hiss. “Cooked Griffon Wing is such a rarity.” The three laughed before lunging at Gallus, forcing him on the defensive. He weaved around the geysers to maintain distance from his foe as the others watch on, hopelessly worried.

“Come on, Gallus…” Gilda said through a clinched beak.

“He’s got this. I can’t be the only one of us to make it through.” Smoulder added as she thought of her friends.

“That wing…if this match doesn’t end soon, I don’t think even Discord’s magic can fix it.” Mage had been eyeing the injured wing the entire time, studying the injury from afar as Gallus swatted at the tiger head.

“Don’t worry!” Autumn Blaze said as she hopped towards them, a smile on her face. “Gallus will show that Bad Band of Baddies a thing or two.”

“How can you be so sure?” The young dragon asked in a panic as Gallus ducked under a lunge. As soon as The Chimera was directly above him, he stood up, knocking the creature over and landing on a geyser. With a look of terror on all their faces, the ‘sister’s’ rolled off just as the geyser erupted.

“Because, I was there when Applejack told him.” This earned her a look from the three creatures as The Chimera’s three glares met the confident smile of Gallus.

“Told him what?” Gilda asked impatiently.

“How to beat The Chimera.” She replied as she looked out at Gallus taunting the creature.

“But why him? How did she know Gallus would end up facing her?” The Chimera charged Gallus, attacking him with claws and teeth as he danced around her while giving her quick strikes to her three faces as Smoulder asked.

“Now That would’ve been amazing!” The Kirin smiled widely. “But she didn’t. It was Gallus who asked her.” She turned to watch Gallus land on The Chimera’s back, holding onto the snake as the creature tried to shake him off. “It sounded like he wanted to know as much as he could about the creature.” She reached a hoof to her chin. “He even asked how much she thought the Chimera weighed.”

Just then the Chimera rose to her hide hooves in anger as Gallus smirked. “Gotcha!” Kicking the snakes head with a paw freed his claw, using them both to grab under the chins of the goat and tiger heads. With a loud roar he kicked off The Chimera’s rump giving him the momentum to flip the larger creature over his back and slamming her through one of Griffonstone’s buildings, making the three heads if the creature gasp in pain. Gilda, Smoulder, and Mage where stunned with disbelief as Autumn smiled and applauded.

The tiger and goat head rose groggily as they tried to recover from the blow, only to both be knocked on the head by Gallus’ hammer fists. The two lay knocked out as the snake managed to recover long enough to see what had happened to her sisters. Fearful, she looked at Gallus who smiled back.

“Boo.” The snake let out a hiss before turning around quickly, slamming hard into a beam of wood that got knocked loose. The snake collapse onto the Chimera as Discord appeared, examining the griffons work.

“Very nicely done, Gallus. I approve.” The draconequus winked at the young griffon before looking out towards the onlookers. “The Chimera is unable to continue. Gallus wins the match!”

“Yes! I’m not the only one!” Smoulder shouted as Gallus made his way back, Discord having returned the unconscious Chimera back to her moment in time.

“As if there was any doubt.” Gallus remarked as he entered the space, his burned wing flashing as it returned to normal. Mage took the time to examine it as he continued. “Remind me to thank Applejack for the dirt on those three.”

“Don’t you worry, Gallus! I’ll be sure to let her know when I see her!” Autumn expressed. Mage forced open the griffons injured wing, causing him to grunt in pain before glaring at her.

“It’s just as I thought.” The healer expressed as she reached into her pouch, bringing out a bottle before applying the substance to his wing. “Even though Discord healed your wing, the nerves and muscle were damaged beyond magical repair.”

“What?” The two griffons looked at each other before looking back at the healer. “Does that mean…his wing is useless?” Gilda asked as Gallus looked pale.

Mage Meadowbrook gigged softly. “Not at all. Magic may not be able to help, but my brew will fix it right up long before your next match.” Gallus released the breath he was holding. Just than Discord appeared over everyone in a flash.

“Fillies and Gentle colts! Creatures of all ages! The time has come. The Final match of Round one!” Discord declared as he spread out his arms. “Bulk Biceps! Pony of Shadows! Please, make your way to the arena.”

“YEAH!” The stallion shouted as he hovered above the ground. “I’m so pumped!”

“My friend, listen to me.” The pegasus looked at Rockhoof as he approached. “I can see in you the fire of a warrior and the drive to win.” Bulk smiled at the larger stallion as he place a hoof on his shoulder. “But I must insist you forfeit this match.”

HIs smile flipped into a frown. “Huh?”

“I’m with the big guy on this one, Bulk.” Rainbow said as she hovered beside him.

“Rainbow? You don’t think I can win?” Bulk whimpered.

“Well…” The mare began until Flash Magnus cut her off.

“Nothing against your ability, Bulk Biceps.” He turned to see Stygian conversing with Sombra and Midnight. “But The Pony of Shadows is no ordinary opponent.” The pegasus looked back at Bulk. “It took six of us to contain him in Limbo and fourteen of us to save Stygian and banish The Shadows away.”

The larger pegasus looked between the three ponies before looking out at everyone else. Everyone was giving him a look that said he should not fight, that to do so would be a mistake. His eyes drifted to Stygian as he returned his gaze, a dark glare meeting his uncertain look. With a heavy sigh he turns to Discord, ready to forfeit the match until he catches sight of the musicians on their balcony. He spotted Octavia as she looked at him, her smile bringing up memories of their date and how much courage it took for him to ask her out.

Bulk had met Octavia years before after Ponyville was chosen to supply water to Cloudsdale. Ever since then he had a crush on the sophisticated mare but felt she would not want to be seen with a pony like him. One day, when he was selling cinnamon nuts, she had just finished practicing when she came over to purchase some. In a moment of nervous excitement he had asked her out on a date and to his surprise, she accepted.

While the date itself was nothing special, the time he spent with the mare meant so much to him. So much so, it rejuvenated his drive to fight, no matter what his opponent was like. “Don’t worry, everypony!” He hovered above them, a genuine smile on his face. “I GOT THIS! YEAH!” He flew over to the arena entrance just as Stygian had, landing beside him in his side of the barrier. He flashed the unicorn was a bright smile. “Good luck, Mr. Shadow Guy!”

Stygian blinked in confusion. “Huh..thank you..” The two ponies faced forward as they both entered the arena at the same time. As they crossed the entranceway into the arena Bulk watched Stygian, his gaze slowly rising as the pony was engulfed in darkness. HIs shape began to take form before Bulk who wore a surprised expression, until the creature towered above him at the centre of the arena. He smiled down at the pegasus as his side of the arena took the form of darkness; no ground to stand on or air to fly in, no landmarks whatsoever.

Bulk Biceps was overwhelmed by the black before him as his side shifted into a lake by a hill with a lone tree at the top with clouds floating overhead. HIs breathing became shallow as the endless void of dark started to take its toll on the pony.

“Heavy, is it not?” The Pony of Shadows spoke as he slowly approached the stallion. “The weight of Shadows pressing down upon you. Revealing who you truly are; a weak, lonely pony.” The dark entity stood before the stallion with a dark grin in his face. “Afraid, with no where to run.” The pony stood frozen, a stark reflection of Sunburst had been when King Sombra stood before him.

“BULK! You are not weak or alone!” The pegasus snapped out of his daze flinching away from the Pony of Shadows as the two looked up at Octavia, who was currently leaning over the balcony. “You have strength far greater then the physical!” Bulk smiled at her before facing the dark figure with a smirk, getting into a combat stance.

“YEAH!” He shouted as Cadence sensed a flicker of love spring from his heart before vanishing.

The Pony of Shadows growls in frustration at the mare. “Is that so?” He shifts his gaze back at Bulk before slowly returning to his side of the arena. “Come then, little pony!” The Shadows horn lit up in black magic. “Show me this inner strength of yours!”

Discord appeared before them giving the Pony of Shadows a weary look, and the stallion a sadden one. “Let the final match of the first round of the F.a.S.T…” His claw at the ready. “…BEGIN!” The claw came down before Discord vanished, The Shadow launching a powerful blast at Bulk. Despite his tiny wings Bulk managed to avoid the attack with quick flaps while jumping to the side. With a clear shot the pegasus dove at the dark pony, cocking his hoof back before landing a solid blow to his face.

“Alright!” Smoulder shouted beside an excited Gallus.

“That one had to of hurt, right?” As he asked he looked to Rainbow and the Pillars, who all had a serious look on their faces.

“Look closer, young ones.” Rockhoof said, his eyes never leaving the battle before them.

The Pony of Shadows had not flinched from the blow. “Fool.” He spoke as Bulk noticed his hoof was stuck within the figures murky face, struggling to free himself as a tendril extended from his neck. With a swing the tendril smacked the stallion away, splashing into the lake. “How long must I wait for this inner strength of yours?” With a grunt of frustration he blasts the lake with a magic. The stallions friends cheer as Bulk launched from the water and flew straight for a cloud, his cheeks full of water. The Pony of Shadows watched in disgusted fascination as the stallion spilled the water into the cloud before punching it.

The Shadow pony caught on to the pegasus’ plan and blasted at the cloud, but missed as Bulk grabbed the cloud and flew it around in a circle. Suddenly a tornado sprang from the cloud as it touched down into the lake. As the warm water of the cloud met the cool water of the lake, a mighty storm began to form, covering the tornado in a dark cloud with strikes of lightning flashing out along it.

Lightning Dust and Sunset Shimmer watched in awe as the Lightex, a lightning covered vortex headed straight for the Pony of Shadows. “I don’t believe it! How did that meat head pegasus managed to create a Lightex?” Sunset asked.

“He’s a meat head that trained with the Wonderbolts!” Lightning replied as the Lightex quickly approached the dark figure as he struggled against the force of natures pull.

“Impressive!” He launched a beam of magic directly in the Lightex’s path, allowing the darkness to be swept up into the vortex. Once inside that dark magic began to expand until it completely destroyed the Lightex. As the lightning clouds began to dissipate Bulk flew through it, grabbing two small clouds that still had a charge within them. Catching the Pony of Shadows by surprise, Bulk drove the two clouds into the creatures face, triggering the charge to shock the Pony of Shadows. As he screams in pain two dark tendrils reach out from his shoulders and grabbing hold of Bulk’s fore hooves, pulling him away.

“Uh oh.” The pegasus said as The Pony of Shadows flashes him an evil smile. As quick as a whip Bulk was sent slamming into the ground beneath him, then sent crashing into the hill before being dragged across the water. Endlessly, the dark creature slammed, dragged, and whipped through the arena, making the onlookers cringe and recoil from the mistreatment. Finally Bulk was suspended before the dark pony who released him with a chuckle, his heavy body landing hard on the ground.

“Bulk…” Octavia whispered as a bandmate placed a supportive hoof on her shoulder.

The Pony of Shadows laughed aloud. “What a pathetic simpleton. Discord!” The Lord of Chaos appeared with a sour look on his face. “He is beaten. End this sad excuse for a match.” The draconequus sighed with annoyance as he turned towards the two spaces.

“Wait…” The two creatures, along with every one else looked in surprise as Bulk slowly rose from the ground, bruised and beaten until his determined eyes met the Pony of Shadows. “I’m not…done yet…”

“Imbecile! You are clearly no match for me. Stay down and except your defeat!” The Pony of Shadows black figure sparked like flame at the ponies refusal to lose.

“I…don’t care.” The stallion replied as he slowly rose to his hooves. “I don’t care that you use dark magic. I don’t care that you think I’m stupid.” He stood with his head held high, a smile on his muzzle. “As long as I have my friends, I won’t give up!”

The Pony of Shadows’ eyes widen at the proclamation as memories of his time with the other Pillars came rushing to Stygian’s mind. Reading about their feats, traveling Equestria to gather them together, leading them with determination and respect. These thoughts made the dark figure take a quick glance towards the remaining Pillars, lingering on Rockhoof, the first legendary hero he recruited and befriended.

“You know, it’s great to have friends!” Bulk said, drawing the Pony of Shadows attention back to him. “Why don’t the two of us become friends?” He asked as he held out a hoof. From within the Shadow, Stygian lingered on his memories of being with the Pillars. The creatures they faced as he was forced to stay on the sidelines, forced to let others battle while he observed from a ‘safe’ distance. Being cast out for wanting to help them; the Shadows eyes narrowed in anger as those words rang in his head. “Believe me, having great friends is like nothing you’ve ever felt before!”

Rainbow, Soarin, and the other creatures listened as the pegasi swelled with pride for the big stallion, for they knew that his true strength came from his unyielding spirit and kind heart that beat within his intimidating physique.

“You’re right.” The Pony of Shadows replied as his eyes were closed, startling the stallion. “Having wonderful, close friends was the greatest time of my life…” Rockhoof, Mage, and Flash all had pleasant smiles on their faces until the Shadows eyes fly open, revealing the rage he held within them. “UNTIL THEY THREW IT AWAY!” Tendrils shot out as he shouted, forcing Bulk to take to the air to avoid them. Rockhoof and the other two Pillars felt as though they had been struck as his words rang through the air. “All that time spent together! Adventuring, exploring, helping the ponies of Equestria! It meant nothing to them!” The tendrils grabbed hold of the tree on Bulk's side of the arena, ripping it out of the ground and using it to bat at the pegasus.

“That’s not true, Stygian!” Mage Meadowbrook shouted as tears fell from her eyes. “We didn’t know you were trying to…”

“SILENCE!” The dark pony shouted, turning towards her. “I will not suffer your lies again!”

“Stygian…” The mare spoke softly, her voice full of pain and regret as Flash landed beside her. He draped a wing over the healer as both Flash and Rockhoof glared at the Pony of Shadows.

“That creature is not Stygian.” Rockhoof said before stepping towards the barrier. “Mark my words, fowl creature! We will have our friend back, freed from your dark grips!”

The two ponies met each others glare as Bulk Biceps grabbed the Pony of Shadows neck from behind. “I don’t get it! If you know what it’s like to have friends, why are we still fighting?” Suddenly The Shadow shouted causing the shockwave to erupt from his body, sending the pegasus stumbling into the darkness.

“Of course you don’t understand, you brainless brute!” The Shadow blasted at Bulk, hitting him and sending him deeper into the dark arena. “You have never experienced building something you believed would last, only to be ripped apart in an instant!” He sent out a tendril, wrapping around Bulk before throwing him into the hillside. “To have your closets ‘friends’ assume the worst and not bother to learn the truth!” The dark stallion grabbed the dazed pony with his magic and threw him into the ground before the Pillars stood. “To be betrayed by friendship!”

“Bulk!” Rainbow shouted as she and Soarin rushed to the Pillars side, frightful of their friend. Twilight looked between her friends and Stygian as his words cut her deep, a tear threatening to spill from her eye as the three elder Alicorns gathered around her.

“I make this claim now, before each and every one of you!” The Pony of Shadows announced as Bulk slowly rose to his hooves once again. “Whatever I must do, however long it takes, I will use all my power to destroy friendship and those that champion it!” He stared at Twilight as some of the villains cheered.

“Fine…” Bulk said weakly as he wobbled on his hooves as he struggled to keep his eyes open. “Then…I’ll use…every last…bit…of my…strength…to stop you!” The stallion stood with his head held high as he tensed his body. “Yeah…!” A moment past until the Pony of Shadows humphed, watching as the stallion fell to his side, unconscious. His friends looked on in sad relief as Discord appeared over the downed pony.

“Bulk Biceps is unable to continue. The winner is the Pony of Shadows!” With a snap Bulk returns to his space among his friends as the Pony of Shadows returns to his, his eyes never leaving Rockhoof’s, sparking a memory of the two conversing about beards in a forest. As he entered the space the Shadow dissipated revealing Stygian, who quickly wiped away a tear as he walked past Sombra.

The dark unicorn followed his smaller ally with his eyes until he reached the vacant corner of the space. “Stygian…and the Pony of Shadows…are two separate entities?” A sinister smile crossed his muzzle. “Interesting.”

“Bulk Biceps, you stubborn stallion!” Rainbow said as she leaned over the downed pegasus, Soarin and Twilight were with her. “Why did you have to be…so awesome?”

“Looks to me he embodied what makes you and your friends so great.” Soarin added as he lightly shoved the mare.

“If only it didn’t cost him so much.” The princess said in a saddened voice. The other two shared her grief as Discord swivelled his ear before snapping his fingers, teleporting a surprised Octavia before them.

“What just…?” The mare began to say until she spotted Bulk. “Oh no…” She went to his side as she smiled sadly. “You were truly magnificent out there, Mr. Biceps.” She placed a hoof on his shoulder. “I look forward to speaking to you about it.” Discord snapped his claws as she stepped away, returning the smiling stallion to his place in time.

Twilight turned to Octavia. “How long have you two been seeing each other?”

“Only recently.” She giggled. “He was so nervous when he asked me to a date he fumbled with his words. We’ve only been on one date so far so, who knows.” She finished with a kind smile that she shared with Twilight before Discord snapped his claws, sending her back to the musician balcony.

“May I have everyone’s attention please!” Discord floated above the remaining competitors head, drawing their attention. “With the end of the match, not only does it conclude the final bracket…” He directed the creatures attention to the board and the list of names within the fourth bracket. “It also marks the end of the first round!” Fireworks and streamers and party noises exploded from the board as a banner pop up with an embolden ‘ROUND 2’ on it. “But, as this is the end of a bracket first, lets recap.” He reappeared before the forth bracket on the board. “The next rounds matches will be The Storm King vs Dragon Lord Ember!” Ember glared at her opponent as flames licked out of her jaws while the Storm King scoffed at her while polishing his staff with his arm. “Smoulder vs Daydream Shimmer!” The young dragon cast a nervous look at Daydream, who simply gave her a good natured smirk. This put Smoulder at ease as she flashed the pony turned human a smirk of her own. “Lord Tirek vs Spike!” The baby dragon stood determined beside Pharynx and Tempest as he exchanged looks with the centaur. The red creature simple smiled a menacing grin at him while crossing his arms. “And finally, Gallus vs The Pony of Shadows!” Gallus stood beside Gilda, exchanging a look of concern with her before looking out to see the huddled Stygian.

“So, with that out of the way…” Discord snapped his claws as the board moved the names of the victors over, pairing them up with their next challengers.

Rainbow Dash shot a fierce look at Lighting Dust, who simple smirked at her.

Autumn Blaze gave Aria Blaze a worried look seeing her with Steven, until the siren looked at her with a mean glare, as Autumn matched it with her own.

Princess Luna gave a sad sigh as she looked from the board to Nightmare Moon, who gave her a dark smile as her eyes were aglow.

Flash Magnus smirked as he exchanged a friendly but confidant grin at Tempest Shadow, who simple smiled back with a humph.

Soarin hovered high in the air, catching the eyes of Sunset Shimmer. The two exchanging a look until Soarin flashed the unicorn a carefree smile, making her look away in annoyance.

Princess Celestia met Cozy Glow’s deranged smile with a calm stare as the two faced each other.

The former Queen Chrysalis approached the barrier, a smug grin in her face as Pharynx shot her an angry glare.

Steven Magnet looked away from Aria to Midnight Sparkle, who cast a insane look over her shoulder at him, making him shiver in fear.

Princess Twilight Sparkle cast a neutral look at Gilda, who simple shrugged.

The exchange between Rockhoof and Prince Rutherford was a stark contrast to their earlier exchanged. The two creatures flashed each other a smile full of promise and respect.

The Pillar Mage Meadowbrook approached Princess Cadence, the two sharing a kind hug.

The white coat stallion stood beside his wife as Prince Shining Armor looked across the barrier at his rival. The black coat stallion gave his opponent a respectful nod as King Sombra flash him a toothy smile.

The Storm King finished polishing the Staff of Sacanas before pointing it threateningly at Dragon Lord Ember, who simply met the challenge by punching her own palm.

Smoulder flew towards Daydream, the two maintaining their confidant looks, until she hovered before her opponent. The little dragon held up her claw between them, prompting Daydream to high five her, grasping their hands together in mutual respect.

Lord Tirek never stopped grinning at Spike as he tilted his head back and pointed at the baby dragon, mimicking the posture of the Tirek from their shard memory. Spike recoiled before launching into the air to hover at his foes eye level, glaring at him as angry flames erupted from his mouth.

Finally, Gallus watched as Stygian stood and turned towards him. The two exchanged odd looks with each other as Gallus wondered how the unicorn became the Pony of Shadows.

Discord smiled as the competitors confronted their next challengers. “…let the next round of The F.a.S.T. be…”

“HOLD IT!” The Lord of Chaos was startled as he looked at the selector, who had a pair of vertical eyes in the first panel and a vertical mouth in the second one. “What about me?” The now sentient object asked in a airy, mechanical voice.

Discord blinked. “What about you?”

“What am I suppose to do now that the matches are set up?”

“Hm. I never gave it much thought.” He replied while stroking his beard. “I figured you’d just disappear.”

“Shows what you know!” Discord gave him a deadpan look as the Selector sprouted a pair of arms and legs, using them to ‘free’ himself. The Selector righted himself in the air before floating towards Discord, hovering beside him. “I’m sticking around till the end, providing commentary!”

“Now, hold on!” Discord spoke in offence. “I’m not about to be upstaged by you!”

“Too bad! Deal with it.” The Selector responded before addressing the confused looks of the creatures before them. “Let’s get the second round of the tournament started!” The two of them began to bicker as the creatures turned there gaze to the board, their names lit up and ready to begin.