• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Queen Chrysalis vs King Thorax/Pharynx vs Fluttershy

Round 1 Bracket 2-C

The space lay bare where Starswirl the Bearded once laid. Tempest sat beside Twilight as the two allowed small tears to fall from their eyes, their heads bent low. A pair of white wings startled them as Celestia sat between them, wrapping her wings around them in a motherly gesture. The two grateful ponies gave her a smile as the three sat in silence for their eliminated mentor.

“Old Mr. The Bearded sure has come ah long way since we met him.” Applejack said as she removed her hat in respect as she sat with her brother. The larger pony nodded in agreement.


“But still…wanting us to help Cozy Glow of all ponies?” Smoulder commented with an edge to her voice.

“Nasty pony deserved to be sent to Tartarus and trapped in stone!” Yona emphasizes with a stomp of her fore hooves.

“Aren’t we being a bit harsh?” Sunburst challenged as he adjusted his glasses. “After all, she’s still a young filly. Surly there’s a chance we can reform her.”

The creatures around him fell silent. While the young pegasus turned Alicorn had done things that threaten the stability and security of not only their country but members of neighbouring races, attempting to bring an end to their way of life multiply times…no one really understood why she wanted to in the first place.

Instead, they just assumed she was evil to the core.

“Sunburst is correct.” Celestia spoke as she rose her head to address the group, the selector just about to reveal the first creature. “If creatures like Discord, the Changelings, Starlight, and even Starswirl himself can learn to value Friendship, then Cozy Glow, Sunset Shimmer, and Nightmare Moon can as well.” The three mares rose to their hooves, each of them more determined then ever to honour the old stallion’s requests. As Discord made his announcement Twilight looked towards the villains, Cozy’s words echoing in her mind, filling her with doubt.

“Listen up, everyone! The next match is about to begin. First up, we have…Chrysalis!”

“That’s QUEEN Chrysalis you snake!” The former queen corrected as Aria, Steven and the dragons glared at her, the Chimeras snake tail waking up with a hiss at the insult, while the selector began to slow down.

“Leave me out of your spat!” She called out before returning to sleep.

“Heh. Still think she can be convinced to except ‘friendship’?” Garble asked Thorax as Chrysalis made her way to the arena.

“Like Celestia said, if we were able to learn about it’s value, then she can as well.”

“Whatever you say, buddy.” He said in a dismissive tone.

“Garble…” Ember growled threateningly.

“What? From what I can tell, she doesn’t care about anything other then power and control. Heh. A creature like that would make one heck of a dragon.”

“WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?” Both Ember and Smoulder shouted, terrifying Garble.

Pharynx gave Thorax a look who held a determined expression as he watched the arena morph into what their hive looked like when she was in charge.

“Thorax…” Pharynx began as Discord gasped in surprise at who the selector selected.

“Discord? What is it? Who’s fighting Chrysalis?” Spike asked as he instinctively looked at Fluttershy, fearing it was her.

“Chrysalis’s opponent is…” The Lord of Chaos faced the group with a sad expression. “…King Thorax.”

Thorax and Pharynx’s eyes widen as they look at the selector, seeing the Changeling Kings face on the panel beside Chrysalis.

The former queen began to chuckle softly before slowly growing louder until she was cackling like a mad mare. “How deliciously ironic! My first opponent happens to be my usurper!”

“Thorax…” Trixie said in a worried tone as Maud and Sunburst stood beside her while Twilight wrapped a hoof around Spike

“I forfeit!” The changeling declared, causing his friends to all sigh in relief.

“WHAT?” Chrysalis shouted as she flew at them, her hooves slamming into the barrier, scaring those closest. “How DARE YOU deny me my opportunity to exact revenge!”

Discord hovered over his friend, concerned. “Are you sure you want to do this, Thorax?”

“I have no desire to fight Chrysalis. I only want to help her return to the Hive by convincing her to accept the new Changeling way.”

“Never!” Chrysalis replied with a slam of her hoof. “I shall return to the Hive, but only as its Queen! I will destroy what you have built and return the Changeling race to its former glory! And once I have, I shall lead them in conquest of all Equestria and beyond!” She laughed manically as many of his friends looked at him, sceptically.

“Would you rather she remain as she is?” Thorax challenged.

“Of course, not! But you’ll need more then just positive thinking to reach her.” Pharynx advised.

“What do you mean?” The King asked as they faced each other, Discord lazily hovering above them, waiting.

“Forfeit if you want. Heck, dedicate your entire life to this…impossible task!” The elder brother pointed at the former queen, who was still laughing.

“Pharynx…” Thorax began before Pharynx continued.

“But, if you want to have any hope of success, do so armed with something more useful.”

Thorax gave his brother an annoyed look. “Such as?”

“Knowledge.” Thorax blinked at him. “You didn’t give up on me because you knew I cared about you and the Hive. Face her, and use this chance to find out why she’s like this.”

Thorax stared at his brother for a moment before shifting his gaze to Twilight and Celestia. The two princesses nodded in agreement.

“Well, Thorax?” Discord finally asked. “Do you still wish to forfeit?”

The Changeling King shared another look with his brother, who held a confident expression, before making his decision. “No. I will face Chrysalis.” His mind made up Thorax made his way to the arena.

Ocellus watched him go, torn between pride for his desire to reform Chrysalis and terrified that he could get hurt in his attempt. “Thorax, wait!” She shouted while catching up to him.

“Ocellus?” He said as he turned to meet her, only for her to fly up and hug his neck.

“Please, don’t fight her! I can’t bare to watch you get hurt!” She said as tears ran down her face, hugging him tightly.

“Everything will be okay, Ocellus. Even if I get hurt, Discord will heal me up right away.” Thorax said while patting her back, trying to reassure the young changeling.

“That’s not the point and you know it! She’s relentless, and cruel, and mean, and…”

“A Changeling?” This made Ocellus stop and look at Thorax. With a smile he wrapped her in his magic and placed her with her friends. “Whether I like it or not, as King of the Changelings, I am responsible for ALL Changelings. Including Chrysalis. It is my duty to guide them into the future, so I can’t just stand by and abandon her to her fate.”

Giving his charge a kind smile Thorax heads for the arena, receiving prideful smiles and bows of respect from his friends before leaving the space.

“Remember what you taught us, Thorax.” Twilight said as his side of the arena changed into a brighter version of the Hive, Shining Armor reaching her side with a smile as Spike flies to his back.

“Even a Changeling can change.” The stallion said as he looked at Spike with a smile.

“Heh. Decided to finally face me, have you?” Chrysalis mocked as Thorax stood before her, tall and confident. “I’ll give you this, Thorax. You’ve learned to hide your fear well. I remember a time where you would shirk away from a fight.”

“My refusal to fight you has nothing to do with fear, Chrysalis. I’ve stopped fearing you a long time ago.” He rebutted back firmly.

“So you say. I’ll bet you’re still a passive weakling, too afraid to fight!”

“The only thing I’m afraid of right now, is failing to help you rejoin the Hive." Thorax admitted as he took his battle stance.

“Then you are a cowardly failure.” Chrysalis shot back, getting into her stance. “And you always will be.”

The two stared at each other. The past and present rulers of the changeling Hive ready to battle as Discord appears between them. Casting a saddened look towards Thorax the tournament host prepared his claw.

“Both combatants are ready. Let the match…begin!”

As soon as Discord vanished Chrysalis flew at Thorax at top speed, catching him off guard with her frontal assault. She collided with him as they tumbled into the brighter hive, the former queen slamming him with her hooves as she tries to bite him.

“Well, that was unexpected.” Gallus commented. “I didn’t take her for a brawler.”

“She hates Thorax for taking her throne.” Pharynx said as he reached the barrier along with Ocellus. “I imagine its more satisfy to pummel him then simply blasting him.”

Catching her fore hooves with his own Thorax struggled to keep her back. She lunged her head towards him with a raging hiss, snapping her jaws mere inches from his muzzle. Lighting up his mandibles, a light turquoise glow covered Chrysalis’ tail distracting her long enough for him to plant his hind legs to the ground. With a heave Thorax thrust his head back while pushing into the ground, lifting Chrysalis off of him by her tail and sending her into a wall.

Thorax rose to his hooves, his mandibles still alight as he took to the air, dragging Chrysalis up with him. Still gripping her tail Thorax began to spin around causing her to spin as well. After a few full spins the Changeling King threw his predecessor hurdling towards her side of the hive, crashing into her throne, the impact causing it to fall backward with more then a few cracks upon it.

“That’s it, Thorax! Keep it up!” Spike shouted from the air.

“Show her why you’re in charge now!” Ember called out from beside the younger dragon.

Laughter floated from behind the throne as Thorax hovered at the centre of the ring. “Well done, Thorax. You’re more capable then I thought.” The wicked changeling appeared with an evil grin as she leaned on the overturn throne. “Its almost as if you grew into a competent leader.”

“I have my friends to thank for that.” He said with pride. “They showed me how to stand up against those who say I’m wrong.” Spike couldn’t help but rub his head. “They taught me to believe in myself and stand firm with my decisions.” Ember crossed her arms and smirked at that. “They accept us for who we have become and teach us to live and improve our way of life, for the better.” Ocellus blushed as Fluttershy placed a hoof around the young changeling.

“Enough!” Chrysalis demanded as she rose to meet him. “I will not stomach anymore of you praising that disease! You’ve allowed it to poison and corrupt our once proud race and turned them into abominations!” Ocellus gasped in pain as Pharynx seethed with anger.

“Say what you want about Friendship and what we’ve become.” Thorax replied calmly, unaffected by her words. “We accept it, and are happier because of it!”

“You don’t get it, do you? Happiness does not beget power!”

“There is more to life then just power, Chrysalis! YOU, of all creatures, should know that!”

His words caused the former queen to inhale sharply.

“What does he mean by that?” Cozy asked aloud.

“Perhaps he refers to a time in their past.” Tirek offers.

“As if. All she’s ever talked about is revenge and power.”

“Maybe so, but we’ve only known her for a short time compared to him.” Tirek caress his beard in thought. “This could be a chance to learn more about our Changeling ally.” The centaur chuckles. “This could be interesting.”

“What in Equestria could you be…?”

“You are our mother, Chrysalis. You gave birth to most of us in the Hive.” Thorax expression softened. “Does that mean nothing to you?”

Chrysalis clinched her jaw in rage. “It means EVERYTHING to me!” Her horn aglow she fires a blast at Thorax, who barely dodges it. She continues to fire upon him, forcing Thorax to avoid them. “I brought life to the Hive! I lead you all through the worst life threw at us!” Wrapping the fallen throne in her magic the former queen hurled it at Thorax, catching him within its seat and slamming him into the ground.

“I was the one that found the love we needed to survive!” Chrysalis blasted at the destroyed throne just as Thorax tossed aside the piece covering him. Seeing the blast coming the Changeling King grabbed the piece with his magic and used it as a shield against the attack. “I gave everything to ensure you all grew strong and thrive!” She charged him once again as the throne piece crumbled away. With amazing timing, Thorax caught Chrysalis’ horn with his mandibles, locking their heads together. “And what do I get for all my hard work and sacrifice?”

Using brute strength that surprised Thorax the former queen of the Changelings lifted him up and threw him against the wall on her side of the arena. As soon as he landed she spat her green webbing, trapping him as Chrysalis lands before him. “A worthless, cowardly grub decides to betray us for ponies, usurp MY throne by infecting our Hive with that poison, Friendship, and turn our race into a ponified atrocity!”

Music begins to play as Chrysalis pushes her foreleg against Thorax’s throat, slamming his head against the wall. “You will not infect me with your disease, you will not stop me from reclaiming my throne, and most importantly, you will not prevent me from reclaiming my rightful place, as QUEEN!” Hovering above the trapped Thorax, Chrysalis began to sing.

“In the past, I ruled with grace

Over a proud and powerful race

Then you stole my throne from me

Cast me out and made to flee…”

Thorax used his magic to free himself of the webbing just in time to avoid a beam aimed for his head. He hovered in the air, defiant as Chrysalis continued singing.

“I was a model for young changelings”

She sang as she looked towards Ocellus as she mirrors Thorax’s expression.

“The perfect example for might makes right!”

She switches her gave to Pharynx, who was watching the orchestra playing along with Chrysalis before giving his former queen a challenging glare.

“You didn’t just steal my title from me

You took away what a Changeling could be!”

She flies at him, colliding as they lock horns and hooves together, Thorax struggling to match her.

“I was a ruler, my reign was grand!”

Using his weight against him Chrysalis spun around and threw him to the ground. Landing on his hooves he meets her condescending eyes with his faltering ones.

“You’re not a ruler, you just grandstand!”

She hovers above everyone.

“I will rise again, it is my destiny.”

She thrusts a hoof at Thorax, angrily.

“You will kneel again, begging for my mercy!”

She begins to dance through the air.

“I am the Queen

Powerful and regal

I am the Queen

You shall know me!

You are not a King

Weak and frighten”

Thorax looks away contemplating her words as Ocellus shares a look with Pharynx, worried.

“I am your Queen


Her face was mean and vicious before quickly become benevolent.

“I am the Queen.”

Her laughter fills the air as the music continues to play alone. Spike was shaking with fear for his friend as Ember landed beside Shining Armor. The three of them, along with the three princesses, stood close together determined to show their kingly friend their support.

“You lead our kind with love and trust

When you don’t realize it’s all a bust!”

Chrysalis blasted a huge magical beam at Thorax. Reacting quickly, he summons a shield while dodging, saving himself from the brunt of the attack. The impact caused him to tumble away into his half of the arena.

“Changelings have never given love

Doing so is an act against nature, sort of.”

That last part she mumbled softly, but Thorax had managed to catch it. Those two words revigorated him, giving his legs strength to stand.

“Our kind thrives by preying on love

I’ve proven myself by pioneering that!”

Chrysalis blasted at him again while charging. Ready for her The Changeling King leaped into the sky attempting to kick his foe, only for her to dodge it, the two hovering over the other’s ‘Hive’.

“But you destroy everything I create

Now is the time to set things straight!”

The two flew around each other as Thorax began to sing his own verse.

“I am the ruler, my reign shall last

(You were the ruler, your time has past)

You are no ruler, you’re just a grub!

(I am the ruler, I will endure)

I will rise again, it is my destiny

(Please return to us, your one true family)

You will bow before me, as it was meant to be!

(Chrysalis, please! Don’t you see?)”

The two ended up above their side of the arena before they landed, singing the rest of the song.

“I am the Queen

(You were our Queen)

None shall oppose me

(There is no need to fight)

I am the Queen

(You were once our Queen)

You will not stop me!

(I’m trying to help you!)

You are no King

(I am the King)

Just a frighten grub!

(I am not afraid)

I am your Queen

(You are not my Queen)

You belong too me!”

She laughs manically as the music ends.

“…mother…” Thorax mutters softly as thoughts of failure began to resurface. Suddenly, he was struck by a blast of magic, sending him crashing into his throne.

“Thorax!” Spike and Ocellus cried out as looks of concern spread among the rest.

“A good child wouldn’t have taken what wasn’t his.” Chrysalis landed on him, her hoof on his throat.

“Fight back, Thorax!” Pharynx shouted as he slammed the barrier. “You can’t help anyone unless you fight!”

“You disappoint me most of all, Pharynx.” The former queen turned to the elder brother. “You were among my most loyal and fierce subjects. To see you reduced to THIS…” She pressed down harder on his neck, causing him to choke. “…pathetic grubs lackey, just proves how far my Hive has fallen.”

Pharynx laughs, surprising Chrysalis. “You believe my loyalty was to you?” She growled as Thorax stranded to look at Pharynx. “I have, and always will be there for my brother, the one creature I care about more then anything!”

His confidence restored once more, Thorax transformed into a bear. He roars at Chrysalis making her fly back as he swung a massive paw, smacking her hoof.

“Thanks, Pharynx.” He said as Chrysalis recovered.

“Thank me by winning the match!” HIs brother called out as he charged his opponent. Ready to meet his challenge Chrysalis transformed into a Manticore, the two roaring as they collided. They tumbled around battering at each other until Chrysalis ended up standing over him. The Manticore grinned as she prepared her tail to strike, causing Ocellus to grip onto Smoulder in fear.

Her tail came down at his head with a shout, but using sheer brute strength Thorax managed to shift himself to the side, just enough for the stinger to impale the ground instead. With a chomp of his jaws Thorax bit down on the tail, making Chrysalis recoil in reflex, allowing him to toss her off. Back on his paws the bear kept his grip on her tail as he charged towards the closest wall, dragging her with him before slamming her into it.

“You got her now, Thorax! Keep it up!” Ember shouted out as Spike hovered above his family with excitement.

Shaking the dizziness away Chrysalis lunged at Thorax with jaws wide open, The attack startled him, causing his grip on her tail to loosen as he stepped away. Using her wings, the Manticore flew over the bear freeing her tail completely as she hovered above him.

“Yak hate winged lion!” Rutherford proclaim with a stomp of his hoof. “How bear King gonna fight her now?”

“Heh. ‘Bear’ King still has a few moves up his sleeve.” Pharynx replied with a confident grin.

Rutherford looks at Thorax then back at Pharynx. “What sleeves Changeling talking about?”

Pharynx couldn’t keep an annoyed expression from covering his face.

Chrysalis flew at the bear swinging a claw at him. He ducked under that then rolled away from her stinger before transforming into a giant, monstrous beetle Pharynx often uses, but more green then purple. He roars as Thorax flew at the Manticore, swiping at her with his legs. Using the momentum Chrysalis goes into a back flip, kicking his face while striking with her tail, only to find his exoskeleton was to strong to pierce through.

“Grrrr. Since when have you been a competent fighter?” The Manticore said with Chrysalis’ voice, frustrated.

“When Pharynx made me realize that force was sometimes needed to protect the Hive, I asked him to train me as well as the new guard.” He replied before charging her again, wrapping all six of his legs around her and slamming her into the ground. “Give up, Chrysalis! After this tournament, we can return to the Hive, together.”

“NEVER!” She shouted as she transformed into a large dark cerulean dragon, similar to the one that slept outside of Ponyville. Thorax gasped in terror as Chrysalis knocked him of her with a massive claw, sending him crashing into his throne, toppling it over. “I will do the same to the real thing once I return!”

“HOW DARE YOU!” Ember shouted, enraged. “Attacking my friend as a dragon? I’ll flattening you for this you…copycat!”

“Heh. Told you she’d make a heck of a dragon.” Gargle said, earning him a fist to the head by Ember.

With a great breath Chrysalis unleashed a torrent of flame upon Thorax’s side of the arena, burning everything within.

“Thorax!” Spike called out along with Twilight and Trixie. The three rushed to the barrier as the flames raged on, tears threatening to spill from their eyes.

“Relax, everyone.” They all turn to see Pharynx smiling confidently as a burst of green flame briefly appeared among the fire. A light green dragon, the same one Chrysalis became, rose from the burning arena, unharmed by its rampaging fury.

“That’s it, Thorax!” Ember shouted. “Show that copycat what a real dragon can do!”

“Wait, what makes him a ‘real’ dragon and her a copycat?” Gilda asked in confusion.

“Me, that’s what!” Ember crossed her arms, confident. “As Dragon Lord, I can say who is and who isn’t a dragon.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works.” Sunburst whispered.

“Why don’t you tell her that?” Daring Do commented as she thought back to her last encounter with the Dragon Lord.

The two dragons stood on all fours glaring at one another. The darker Chrysalis radiating hatred to see the once ridiculed Changeling able to match her throughout the entire fight. The brighter Thorax, while having a determined expression upon his draconic features, wanted nothing more then to show his mother that one could be powerful and happy without taking from others.

“Such potential, wasted on a pathetic belief. Had you been more like this when you were born, Canterlot would’ve fallen and Equestria would be ours!” Chrysalis emphasized with a slam of her tail, causing a quack that stumbled the grounded audience.

“Those beliefs are what showed me my potential. It can do the same for you if you just give it a chance.” His expression soften some as he spoke.

Chrysalis response with a throaty chuckle. “Ever persistent. You do see we are at an impasse, right? Have I not made myself crystal clear about your ‘Friendship’?”

“The thing about impasses…” Thorax began as he spread his wings out, preparing to fight. “…the only way to brake it, is for one side to give in first!” With a mighty lunge Thorax collided into Chrysalis with a head butt, pushing her into the far wall of her Hive. Spreading out her own wings, she threw her head up, braking the two apart before unleashing another torrent of flame at Thorax. With a beat of his wings he rose into the air dodging the attack and launching his own blast of fire down at his mother.

On instinct, the former Queen Changeling met his attack with her own, trapping the two in a power struggle of fire, much to everyone’s amazement besides the other dragons.

“Oh, please. Dragons do that all the time back home.” Garble said aloud, finally getting an agreement from Ember and his young sister.

Nightmare Moon, Sunset Shimmer, and Lightning Dust all were stunned in amazement at the show of power between the changeling-turn-dragons before them.

“Have you seen anything like this before?” Sunset asked aloud, unwilling to turn from the struggle.

“I have not. Only heard tales of such from my scouts, or second hoof accounts from travellers arriving into my kingdom.” The dark Alicorn couldn’t help but feel a small degree of pride towards the two changelings before her, very glad to have had the foresight to destroy them when she came into power.

“I did a performance recently just before the Dragon Migration.” Lightning said as she landed beside them. “While it was happening, I saw dragons fighting with each other. But none of them were THIS intense.”

Due to his position, Thorax was gaining in the struggle forcing Chrysalis to change tactics. Beating her wings she ceased her attack and took to the air, dodging her foes attack. Flying straight for him, Chrysalis racked her claws along his side after avoiding her head on collision. As she continued past him, Thorax lashed his tail out hitting her on the head. Despite the injury Thorax circled around but was met with a blast of smoke, disorienting him enough for Chrysalis to fly above him. In position she relaxed her wings dropping straight onto Thorax, bring the two of them crashing into the ground.

A resounding sound of cringe came from the villains side as Thorax roared in pain. His neck was exposed when he cried out giving Chrysalis the chance to wrap her tail around his neck, biting down on his wing in the meantime, adding to his pain.

“Hang in there, Thorax!” Ocellus called out in tearful fear, Smoulder right beside her, adding to her call.

“You’re a dragon! Use it to your advantage!”

The Changeling King’s serpentine eyes flew open at hearing that; using his great strength Thorax stood up, carrying his opponents full weight. Channeling his sadness and pain induced rage, Thorax unleashed a flame that grew so hot it forced Chrysalis to release his neck. Now free he aimed his fire at the ground while flapping his one free wing and wrapping his tail around the base of her neck, he gave a mighty heave, pushing off the ground and falling backwards right onto the startled former Queen.

Tirek and Cozy Glow gave a noticeable flinched at the impact while Sombra chuckled with delight as the Storm King laughed out loud.

Freed from each other Thorax righted himself before standing over the downed Chrysalis, concerned. “I won’t give up on you, Chrysalis. No matter what you do.”

A weak chuckle came from her maw. “At long last…” She looks up at him, her eyes aglow in a dark green. “…we are in total agreement!” Her green flame covered her body, causing her to grow, until she forced Thorax to take to the air and hover on his side of the arena. The giant figure of green flame rose up before she revealed her new form, forcing every creature watching to crane their necks up in terror.

“Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Yes, Spike?”

“Is that what I think it is?”

“It is, Spike…” Twilight had read about this creature but had never seen one until now. “She’s an Ursa Major.”

“Wait, THAT”S an Ursa Major?” Trixie asked in a panic, thankful for the barrier separating them.

The giant creature unleashed a great roar that shook the entire known space around them. “With my new power, I will never retreat again! Equestria! The Hive! The entire world! Will! Be! MINE!”

“As long as you continue to make Friendship your enemy, you will never win.” The dragon’s eyes glowed a bright green as his body was engulfed in hie own green flame, expanding in sizes until he too took up the bulk of his side if the arena.

“Him, too?” Soarin called out in surprise. “At this rate, they will be too big to fit in the arena!” His warning was proven true when the flames disappeared to reveal a four headed creature that match the Ursa Major in size.

“Well if that ain’t a kick to the flank! I haven’t seen a Hydra since we save Fluttershy from one at Froggy Bottom Bog!” Applejack revealed as she craned her head to see.

“I had no idea he could become such a creature.” The yellow pegasus expressed in awe.

“Awe, Yeah! There’s no way he can lose now!” Rainbow added as his great tail slammed against the barrier so hard, it visibly cracked from the blow.

“Discord…!” Spike called out as the two creatures roared at each other, causing the cracks to spread. With a snap of his fingers Discord changed the layout of the arena. The spaces the two groups of creatures were floating above a large stretched of land the two giants stood upon. The musicians were hovering in their own platform near their friends space.

“Better?” The draconequus asked as the Chrysalis and Thorax lumber at each other, colliding with a massive boom filling the air.

“…much.” Spike replied weakly.

The Ursa Major grasped onto two of the Hydra’s heads while he stared her down with one head and chomped down on her shoulder with his final head. Using her greater bulk Chrysalis dragged Thorax backwards, trying to make him lose his footing. Catching on to her ploy the free Hydra head roared at her face before shooting down between them to bite onto her lower paw making her cry out in pain. Gaining the advantage for the moment he whipped his tail around to grab her other paw.

In desperation, the humungous bear brought her jaws to the neck that held her shoulder, causing a muffled cry from all four heads. The two behemoths remained this way, trapped in a stale mate as the on lookers watched in complete amazement.

“In all my years of ruling Equestria, I have seen a great many things.” Celestia began, Twilight, Luna, Daydream and Cadence having joined her at the edge of their space. “However, they all pale in comparison to this unbelievable encounter.”

“Indeed. The strength and ferocity of an Ursa Major against the quick and deviousness of a Hydra. Truly a match of legendary proportion.” Luna had viewed many dreams throughout her life, but very few have ever amazed her to this extent.

“It almost makes you wonder how we ever managed to beat them before, knowing the extent of their transformative capabilities.” Twilight said aloud, wondering how different their battles would have turned out had they shown this level of power.

“Let’s not forget that the two of them were never this powerful during our earlier encounters. Making comparisons like that will only cause you unwanted worry.” Cadence wrapped a hoof around Twilight, bringing her into a hug.

“Cadence is correct. This battle, there feud, is what I was referring.” Celestia spoke as Thorax released Chrysalis’ paw from his tail to instead trap her paw that held one of his heads. “Her refusal to accept friendship, his unwillingness to abandon hope of her reformation.” A small, sad smile crossed her face. “For someone so much younger then me, to have so little experience in ruling then I, show such unyielding determination to save his family…”

It finally dawned on the four of them, how much regret and painful memories this tournament has forced Celestia to relive.

“Sister…” Luna said softly, unaware of how to comfort her.

“Wow. I never thought I’d see the day Princess Celestia would compare herself to others.” The four Alicorns looked to Daydream, startled at the comment.

“Sunset! That was…” Twilight began before Daydream continued.

“Did you have somepony to turn to when you became ruler of Equestria? Examples to draw from when problems arose where you had mere moments to decide on what to do?” The former student held Celestia’s gaze with a passion she had not seen since the day she took the unicorn under her wing. “Unlike you, Thorax, Candace, Twilight. Every creature here has you to look to for an example of what to do, the consequences of what could happen should they don’t think about other solutions.”

“Sunset…” Celestia said warmly.

“I don’t expect you to not regret your past chooses. Just…keep in mind how great future generation of leaders will be thanks to them.”

Princess Celestia began to feel a large weight lift of her shoulders as she leaned toward Daydream and nuzzled her gently, prompting the pony turned human to hug her tightly.

“Thank you, Sunset Shimmer.”

Suddenly, a loud crash filled the air as Thorax managed to topple Chrysalis over after grasping her fore paws with two heads each and wrapping his tail around both of her hind paws. Thorax climbed onto of the fallen Ursa, sitting on her chest while pinning her down with his feet.

“Give up, Chrysalis.” One of his heads said.

“You can come back to the Hive.” Another said.

“Power isn’t everything!” And another.

“The Hive means family. Family means no one gets left behind.”

On and on Thorax spoke while forcing Chrysalis to listen, preventing her for arguing back. His words were making her angrier and angrier as they invaded her mind, bringing up memories from a better time in their lives. The admiration her children showered her with, the comfort of having those you care about support you, seeing how happy and accepting her children looked when they began to give love.

“ENOUGH!” The Ursa Major roared as she rose up, pushing the Hydra off her. He stumbled back as she returned to her paws before charging him. With a mighty leap the large creature aimed to body slam her most hated opponent, only for Thorax to simultaneously grab her with three of his heads and sidestep away, slamming her back to the ground.

The two behemoths were breathing heavily. “…this is becoming pointless.“ Thorax said aloud. “I don’t understand why you continue to fight. Mother…”

Chrysalis flinched at that before releasing a heavy sigh.

“I’m begging you. Stop fighting and give Friendship a chance!” The Changeling King pleaded as all four of his heads began to weep. Suddenly, the Ursa Major was engulfed in green flames, returning to her Changeling self, startling Thorax.


All four sets of his eyes blinked before returning to his true self. As if it was aware of the situation, the arena quickly returned to its previous stat. The two spaces returned to the side of the ring as Pharynx eyed Chrysalis suspiciously.

“What…?” Thorax ventured, unsure whether he heard her right.

“You’ve made your point, Thorax.” His mother said before looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “Latching onto my old ways of thinking have gotten me no where.”

Tirek and Cozy looked on, wide eyed and slack jawed in shock.

“You mean…you’ll give Friendship a chance?” He said was hopeful joy.

“…yes…King Thorax.” She reached out a hoof as Thorax smiled widely, ready to take her hoof.

“Thorax, wait!”

The younger brother turned to look at the eldest, inches away from grasping there mothers outstretched hoof. “Pharynx?”

“Don’t be so gullible! After everything she said and did, do you really believe she had such a change of heart?”

“You did. Why can’t she?”

“I never stopped caring about the Hive or you! I stayed while she fled! You can’t keep comparing the two of us!”

The two shared a look before Thorax turned to Chrysalis, who hadn’t move at all. “I believe you, Chrysalis. But Pharynx is right.” Pharynx sighed in relief. “Before I welcome you back to the Hive, you must forfeit the match and apologize for everything you’ve done against the Hive and Equestria.”

The former Queen lowered her head along with her hoof. “I don’t know if I can apologize. What would be the point?”

“Don’t underestimate the power of apologizing. If you truly mean it, then you can begin to start over.” He took a step closer to her. “Give it a try.”

Everyone watched in disbelief and hope as Ocellus held onto Smoulder.

“Very well. I’ll try.” A faint glow emanated from her horn. “I truly am sorry, Thorax…” She looked up at him, her horn aiming right at his head. Noticing the glow, Thorax is surprised by the sinister grin she wore. “…that you’re such a sentimental fool!”

Thorax leans back on instinct as her horn grew brighter before firing a thin, concentrated beam of magic, piercing through his chest, straight through his heart.

His friends and family fall silent as Thorax gasped in pain and surprise that echoed around the arena. He remained standing until Chrysalis stopped her attack, collapsing to the ground hard.

“THORAX!” Ocellus screamed as she and others slammed against the barrier. TIrek and Cozy gave surprised sighs as Chrysalis rose to her hooves, her sinister smile never leaving her face.

“Such a pity. To have grown so powerful, yet failing to grow smarter.” She laughed as she approached her fallen foe, aiming to feast on his love.

“Discord, PLEASE! Save him!” Trixie pleaded as Sunburst held her. With a snap, Discord appeared in the ring with Thorax in his claws. He met Chrysalis’ predatory glare with a pain filled angry one of his own.

“KING Thorax is unable to continue. Chrysalis wins the match.” With another snap the draconequus restored the two to full strength while returning him to his friends. Placing him down on a couch he summoned, Ocellus rushed to his side, only to be pushed aside my Mage Meadowbrook.

“Make room! Make room!” The healer demanded as she examined her patient. Trusting Discord had already saved him Mage could not stop herself from confirming for herself of his well being. A problem arose when she quickly discovered she was unfamiliar with the Changeling body. “Swamp gas! I can’t tell his heart from his lungs.”

Meanwhile, Pharynx had kept his attention on his brother. Feelings of guilt and sadness swelled within him as he watched his brother slow breaths until Mage thrust her face before his.

“Pharynx! Pharynx! Snap out of it!” She slapped him across the face, getting his attention. “I need to examine your body! Right now!”

“What? What about Thorax?”

“I’m not familiar with your anatomy. By examine your body, I can figure out what’s suppose to be where with his.”

“…fine, just make it quick.” Mage proceeded to examine him; listening to his heart, asking him to take deep breaths, etc.

“Such fuss over an incompetent leader. Friendship truly is a disease.” Chrysalis spoke as she entered her space with a flick of her tail. Spike, Twilight, and Shining all glared at her, ready to rebuttal.

“Thorax is TEN TIMES the leader you’ll ever be!” Chrysalis stopped in her tracks before turning to see Trixie glaring at her, angry breathes escaping her muzzle as Sunburst, Maud, and Autumn Blaze stood around her, all glaring at the Changeling. “You’d know that if you weren’t a power hungry parasite!”

This enraged Chrysalis as she slammed against the barrier. “How dare you address ME like that!”

“How dare YOU for threatening my friends LIFE like that!” The unicorn shouted as she met the former queen at the barrier.

As the two continued to bicker, Mage Meadowbrook finished examining Pharynx and proceeded to do the same to Thorax. After a few minutes of careful examining, she turned to everyone with a relieved smile.

“He’s gonna be just fine, everyone.” Cheers and sighs rang out as she stepped aside for Ocellus and his friends to gather around him.

“I knew this would happen. I just knew it.” Ocellus said as tears streamed down her face as Fluttershy sat beside her, placing a wing over the young Changeling.

“We all did.” Pharynx replied in a somber tone as Spike, Trixie and the rest of their friends joined them. “But I was the one who pushed him to fight.” He looks sadly at his sleeping brother. “This is my fault.” Resting his head to Thorax’s, Pharynx, for the first time in his life, shed a tear. “I’m sorry, Thorax. I’m so sorry.”

After giving the two this moment Discord reluctantly snapped his fingers, returning the fallen King to his point in time and restarting the selector.

“Ah never got the chance ta properly meet Thorax. Spike and Discord always said good things about him.” Big Mac stood apart from the Changelings and their friends as they took a moment to remember their friend and leader.

“I feel really bad for them. Pharynx seems like he really cared for Thorax.” Bon Bon added while giving the elder Changeling a soft look. “I can understand not being able to help someone you love…” Her thoughts going to back to the first match.

“Yeah…” Bulk said as he, Soarin, and Daring Do joined them. “It was hard watching Spitfire lose, even though we aren’t family.”

Flash Magnus flew beside him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Friendship and respect are often stronger bonds then family.” He looks out to Pharynx. “Although…in their case.”

“Aye! There bond was greater then even their very nature!” Rockhoof declared with a slam of his hoof as the selector was close stopping. “Defying ones own tyrannical mother to stand by ones brood brother is no less a feat of courage and strength then facing down a active volcano.”

“Thorax is a lucky King to have such a connection with his Hive.” Daring Do added just as the selector made its decision.

“Creatures of all ages. The next match will be between…OH now you’re just doing this on purpose!” Discord accused the selector, causing it to sweat nervously.

“Who is it, Discord?” Cadence asked.

“It’s Pharynx.” He declared while moving away to reveal his face.

“Pharynx?” Chrysalis looked up from her spot at the barrier just as the Changeling in question flew open his eyes. At once the two looked at each other; Chrysalis smiling in pleasure as Pharynx seethed with anger before turning to face her head on. The creatures around him stepped out of his way as his opponent was reveal.

“And his opponent is…GASP!” He was too shocked to even snap at the selector.

“Oh, for the love of…Out with it!” Sombra demanded angrily.

“…Fluttershy.” He said with a whisper.

The mare looked up from her spot with Ocellus, the two sharing a look of horror before facing Pharynx, who hadn’t taken his eyes off of Chrysalis. Rising to her hooves, Fluttershy moved towards her chosen opponent.

“Fluttershy… Pharynx…” Ocellus said quietly as she braced herself along with everyone else. The pegasus stood before Pharynx until he regarded her, a small worry beginning to build within him.

“I’ll make sure Thorax is alright, Pharynx.” She gave him her most sincere smile. “You just focus on your next match.” Turning away from the wide eyed Changeling Fluttershy held her head high. “I forfeit. Please, send me to Thorax.”

Both Discord and Pharynx blinked at her before Discord nodded and prepared his fingers.

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” Pharynx said, causing the mare to smile at him once more.

“Just remember what Thorax was fighting for when you face her.” She told him. He responded with a nod before returning his gaze to Chrysalis. Turning towards her friends she said aloud. “Good luck in your matches, everyone.”

With a snap of his fingers Discord returned Fluttershy home as she waved goodbye to everyone. The selector began anew as Chrysalis began to laugh, only for Pharynx to slam hoof first into the barrier, starting her. No words were exchanged. All that need to be said was with their eyes alone. A single promise to one another regarding their inevitable clash.

Their's will be a fight to the bitter end,

Author's Note:

The song in this chapter has to be my favourite one to write. Before writing this chapter I had finished watching both Bride of Discord and Daughter of Discord audio dramas and I greatly enjoyed Queen Chrysalis' song 'Hearts Are Made For Breaking' by DisneyFanatic2364. It inspired me to write this song for Chrysalis. As usual, have fun crating a track if you feel like, credit and send me a link. Thanks for reading.