• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Lord Tirek vs Garble/Yona vs Spike

Round 1 Bracket 4-C

“Up next we have…” The Lord of Chaos sighed in disappointment. “…Lord Tirek.”

With a great shout the centaur flexes his muscles as a wicked grin appears on his face. “At last!” Chrysalis and the Storm King stepped aside as Cozy hovered away from his path towards the arena. “I’ve had to suffer through these ridiculous match ups for too long.” The ground shook as the Pillars, along with Rainbow, Spike, Shining and the four princesses all watched with harden looks.

“So what’’s his story?” Daydream asked as the arena morphed into a valley with towers of stone.

“He’s a centaur that can absorb the magic from any living creature.” Celestia answered as the second panel began to slow down. “He has managed to absorb all of Equestria’s magic once before and currently allies himself with Chrysalis and Cozy Glow to conquer Equestria.”

“Until we gathered our people together and put a stop to them.” Gallus adds as he stood beside Gilda.

“He won’t be an easy opponent to defeat alone.” Luna cautioned as Spike, Gallus, and Yona exchanged looks, realizing they may end up facing him.

“Speak for yourself.” Garble announced as he watched the selector. “I bet he’s never faced a dragon from the Dragon Lands before.” He said over his shoulder, causing Smoulder to give him a concerned look.

“If you keep underestimating him, you’re gonna lose.” Spike said as he stepped towards him. The larger dragon turned on him and got in his face.

“You can keep your advice to yourself, Spike. I’ll fight my match my way.” He pokes the baby dragon. “So you better hope we aren’t paired up.” The two lock their eyes together as Discord announced Tirek’s challenger. “Up against the muscle bound cretin…” Tirek flared his magic in anger as he glared at Discord. “…is Garble!”

Towering over Spike the red dragon laughed aloud. “You lucked out, Spike. Not only from me…” He turns and heads for the arena entrance. “But also from the big bad creep.” Garble took to the air, flying away as Spike, Ember, and Smoulder gathered together at the barrier, watching with concern as Garble landed on his side, triggering the arenas change. Small pools of lava littered the ground as a large boulder laid on the corner of the arena.

“I have no quarrel with you, dragon. Take this chance to forfeit, while you can.” Tirek offered with a grin, cracking his knuckles.

“As if. I’m not scared of you.” The dragon tilted his head from side to side, cracking his neck on both sides before preparing for the match. “I’m here to fight and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do!”

“Very well.” The large red centaur held his arms out, ready to battle. “Then let us not waste anymore time.” Discord appeared as he spared a look at the two of them.

“You know, I’m both disappointed and excited for this match.” He brought his claw up. “Let the match…Begin!” The claw comes down as Garble dashes towards Tirek, electing gasps from the other dragons as he cocked his fist back. A orb of magic appears between his two horns as Tirek thrusts a hand out towards Garble, casting his magic around the dragons wings. Garble struggled for a moment before unleashing a torrent of fire, forcing the chuckling Tirek to erect a shield. While still trapped by magic Garble used this window to drag his tail upon the ground, gathering up a clod of dirt. Another field of magic cover his jaws, forcing his flame to stop and allowing Tirek to lower his shield as he brought the trapped Garble closer.

“The only dragon magic I’ve had is that child’s.” He said as he nodded his head in Spikes direction. “Taking yours will be a much more satisfying meal.” As the centaur prepared to take Garble’s magic he flung his tail, throwing the dirt down his throat. Tirek’s eyes bulged in surprise as he released his hold on Garble, coughing up the dirt while he grabbed his throat. Freed from his grip Garble used his wings to lung himself up, delivering an uppercut into Tirek’s jaws. The centaur stagger back a few steps before shooting a glare at the dragon as he lands on the ground. A brief moment passes as the two shout in rage they lunge at each other.

Looming over Garble, Tirek grabbed onto the dragons claws locking the two in a power struggle in the middle of the ring. The two pushed against one another as Spike, Smoulder, and Ember cheered on the dragon. An orb of magic appeared above Tirek’s head while flames licked out of Garble’s jaws as their glares grew more intense. In a single movement that mirrored each other the two creatures leaned their heads back before unleashing their attacks. The two streams, one of magic, the other of fire, collided with an impact that sent a shockwave throughout the arena that barely fazed the two.

Cozy and Chrysalis watched in awe as the two poured more into their attacks, the two mares wore shocked expressions when they noticed the sweat trickling down Tirek’s head. The epicentre of their beam struggle began to glow a deep crimson just before it grew, surprising the two warriors until it finally exploded in a flash of burning magic. Tirek and Garble were sent flying in opposite directions with only a few scratches and burns as the centaur crashed through a stone tower while Garble slide across the ground until he settled beside a lava pool, his claw splashing into it.

“Get up, Bro! You got him on the ropes!” Smoulder shouted as she hovered in the air along side Ember and Spike. The red dragon rose with a shake of his head, looking at his lava covered claw as an idea came to him. Tirek threw aside a piece of the tower off him as he rose, angry.

“An adolescent dragon rivals my power? I will not stand for this insult!” Tirek shouted as a clod of lava flew past his head, singeing his mane. He looks in horror as Garble hovers above him with another clod of lava in his claw.

“Then go take a nap, gramps!” The dragon throws the clod forcing Tirek to catch it with his magic before sending it back, splattering it in Garble’s face. He groans in frustration as he turns to fly back to the nearest pool of lava.

“You blew your only chance!” His orb of magic intensifies as Garble lands beside the pool. Suddenly a shadow appeared and starts to quickly grow as a large piece of the tower crashes over the pool, sealing it away from Garble. The dragon recoiled as he watch the same happen to the other pools, blocking him for using any more lava. Angered he turns to face the slowly approaching tyrant.

“You think I need lava to beat you?” Garble hovered in the air as the smiling Tirek approached, his orb still present. “It doesn’t matter what you do! I can take whatever you…” As he spoke, focusing his attention on his opponent, Garble failed to notice the large shadow growing around him. The other dragons gasped as the large boulder on Garble’s side slammed into him from above, smashing him into the ground with a loud crash.

“Simpleton.” Tirek said as he lifted the boulder only to slam it back down on Garble. He repeated this three more times, each time causing one of dragons to cringe before tossing the boulder aside upon arriving at the edge of the tiny crater the boulder created. He chuckled as he reached down and grabbed Garble by the wrist, holding the dragon before him. “All that power, wasted on you. It should go to someone more deserving.” Spike and his pony friends all watched in horror as Tirek opened his mouth, inhaling, activating his draining ability only to find it wasn’t working.

Garble had no magic to take. “What is the meaning of this?” He roars at Garble enraged. “You’re a dragon! How do you NOT have magic?” Spike turned to Ember who simply smirked back at him.

“Didn’t you…know?” Garble said weakly as a grin appeared on his jaws. “Dragons…don’t…need…magic!” He spoke as flames emanated form his maw. “But if it’s…my power…you want?” Tirek’s eyes widen as a stream of flames shot out of Garble’s jaws, blasting the tyrant in the face, dropping the dragon as he cries out in pain.

“ARRRGH! You wretched dragon!” He called out as he backed away, covering his face with his hands as Garble slowly rose to his feet. The onlookers cheered on as Garble struggled to remain standing while Tirek reveals his burnt face, his anger radiating off him in waves. “Magic or no magic…I will enjoy squeezing what power you posses out of you, all the same!” He lumbered towards Garble as his head was leaning down.

“Garble…?” Spike asks in concern.

“Garble…” The red dragon rose his head up meeting Tirek’s confused eyes. “…WANT!” His eyelids blink like a lizards before lungeing at Tirek’s head. The centaur, caught off guard by the assault, dodge the dragon as he soared past him. The two turn and face each other as Garble growls deeply. “Garble want…NOSE RING!” Tirek blinks at the dragon before looking at the ring in his nose.

“Wait, what?” Rainbow asked as Twilight and Spike share a look. Garble roars as his body begins to grow instantly, forcing Tirek to step back as the dragon grew big enough to take up half the arena. Cozy, Chrysalis, and the Storm King watched in amazement as Smoulder shot up into the air in celebration.
 ‘GREED INDUCED BIGNESS! That’s using your head, big bro!”

The giant Garble roared out a large stream of fire at Tirek who threw his arms in front of his head, creating a shield that protected him as the flames pushed him back towards the edge of the arena. The flames stopped, allowing Tirek to look at the creature, his shield still surrounding him. “I. Hate. Dragons!” Suddenly a large claw slammed into his shield creating cracks as another slammed beside it. Tirek dropped the shield as Garble drew his claws back before roaring, lunging a claw at Tirek’s nose ring. Catching the large claw Tirek had to use both his hands just to keep the one away. The second claw quickly came at him from the side, forcing the centaur to use his magic to keep it at bay.

“That’s it, Garble!” Ember shouted. “Show everyone what happens when you mess with dragons!" As the two creatures struggled in the arena, The Storm King looked over at Ember, his opponent in the second round as he realized what it was he may face.

The greed fuelled dragon slowly pushed Tirek closer and closer to the edge, threatening to knocking him out of the ring. “I…won’t….lose…to….A…DRAGON!” As Garble prepared to launch another stream of fire Tirek lifted one of his fore hooves and with a shout slammed it down, sending a surge of magic into the ground. Just as Garble launched his attack a column of rock shot out of the ground, socking the dragon in the jaw and causing the attack to back fire within his maw. Smoulder and Spike gasped when smoke came from the sides of his jaws, the blow having stunned the dragon enough to give Tirek the upper hand. With a grin, he releases the one claw from his magic as he grabs hold of the same boulder from earlier. With a mighty yell he tosses the rock right into the back of Garble’s head, dazing him even more.

“Garble!” Smoulder shouted, pressed against the barrier.

Taking hold of the large dragons wrist Tirek turned around and, using his magic to grab Garble’s tail, shouted as he used his mighty physical and magical strength to lift the dragon off the ground and over his shoulder, resulting in him slamming outside the ring.

“No!” Spike called out as Discord appeared over the semiconscious Garble while Tirek, battered, burned and bruised, breathed heavily.

“Hmm. I guess even brutes can prove to be impressive at times.”

“Spare me your wit, Discord.” The tyrant said.

Discord sighs. “Why are all the powerful creatures so boring? Garble has been knocked out of the arena. ‘Lord’ Tirek wins the match.” The centaur glares at Discord before returning to his space. Discord snaps his claws restoring Tirek to his full health while returning Garble to his normal size as he appeared before the other dragons.

“You put up one heck of a fight, bro.” Smoulder said as Gallus and Yona sat beside her.

“I swear, you’ll be remembered for this battle when this tournament ends.” Ember promised as Pharynx and Rutherford appeared beside the Dragon Lord. Twilight and Rainbow hovered beside Spike as the three looked down at him.

“He was an arrogant jerk…but that was cool, how he stood up to Tirek like that.” Rainbow said. Twilight gave the mare a look before looking at Spike, who hadn’t said a word since the end of the match.


Spike looked down at Garble as tears threatened to spill from his eyes, seeing his ‘frenemy’ semiconscious had brought back images of Thorax when he battled Chrysalis. Seeing his friend injured that severely had hurt the baby dragon more then anything ever had before. As the image of his dying friend fixed itself to Spike’s forethought a strange image flashed within his mind.

“Spike!” Hearing his name shouted snapped him out of his thoughts, a gentle hoof resting on shoulder. “Are you okay?” He looked from Twilight back to Garble as Discord snapped his claws.

“…No. I’m not…” He said softly as Garble returned to his place in time. “Ever since Somnambula lost her match, I’ve been so scared for everyone that was matched up with a villain.” His nerves getting to him Spike slowly landed were Garble had laid with Twilight. “Mistmane, Tempest, Rarity, Starswirl, Sunburst…” A small tear rolled down his cheek. “Thorax…” The creatures around the two reacted to the Changeling Kings name from painful sadness to mournful respect. Twilight sat down beside her younger brother and pulled him into a tight hug. “Seeing Garble go through the same…I just want to go home.” He finished as he pressed his face into Twilight’s chest.

“I know it’s hard to bare, Spike. But as soon as your selected, you’ll be able to leave.” A thought came to her as the selector began to slow down. “If you’d like, I could use a lullaby spell to put you to sleep until you're picked.”

Spike looks up at her. “I thought the space stopped you from using magic.”


“I can help with that.” The two turn to see Daydream knelling beside them, a calming smile on her face. “I can use my magic to cancel the spaces effects, letting Twilight cast the spell.”

“I have a tonic that helps ponies to sleep, if you prefer?” Meadowbrook offered as she approached.

“I could just knock you out?” Ember offered as she punched her palm causing Spike to chuckle.

“Thanks everyone. But, I’m fine now.” He said as he stepped away from Twilight, the first panel coming to a stop. “I’ve made it this far, I can handle a few more matches.”

Discord appeared behind Spike, startling him. “Well said, Spike. Cause the next one is between…” The draconequus gestured with his lion paw toward the selector. “Yona!”

“OKAY!” The Yak shouted as she leaped to her hooves, causing the ground to shake as well as her two friends. “Yona been waiting for her turn since start!” She said as she ran through the arena entrance causing it to transform into a snowy tundra with a rocky hill at the far edge of the arena.

Rutherford slammed a hoof into the ground. “Yona make Yaks proud!”

“YES! Prince Rutherford!” She replied with a stomp of her own.

“I like these two. So direct.” Ember said to Spike with a smirk.

“Thank you for the compliment, Dragon Lord, Ember!” Rutherford said as he addressed her.

“Anytime, Rutherford.” The mood quickly livened up as the second panel started to slow down. Spike watched it nervously as Discord remained behind him.

“You’re not thinking of quitting, are you?” His friend asked in his usual way.

“Of course I am. I don’t want to see any more of our friends get hurt.”

“Even though they’ll feel just fine afterwards?”

“Doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change the fact that it happened and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.” Despite the maturity he’s displayed on multiple occasions, others tend to forget that Spike was still very young. Even after his molt Spike had not seen violence like the kind the tournament has shown.

It was getting to the little guy and Discord was starting to feel bad about that. Just then, the selector picked Yona’s opponent, causing the dragons eyes to widen. As soon as he saw who it was, an idea came to Discord as well as a mischievous smile. “Well then, now’s your chance. Yona’s challenger is…Spike!”

Spike was so taken aback at being picked he couldn’t speak right away, allowing Twilight to share a look with the creatures around them. All together, they moved away towards the barrier as Twilight looked to Spike. “Go ahead, Spike.” Twilight said as she touch his shoulder. “No one will think any less of you.” The two shared a smile as Spike took a deep breath.

“It’s a shame about Yona though.” Discord whispered to Spike as he was about to speak, causing Twilight to glare at Discord.

“Discord, don’t even try to change his mind!”

“But, Twilight. We both know that Yona doesn’t stand a chance against Tirek.” Spike’s eyes widened as he turned to Yona, who was speaking to her friends.

“She’s not going to. I know…”

“She’s a Yak. They're not exactly known for turning down a challenge.”

As the two argued Spike began to imaging what will happen in the second round should Yona compete against the centaur. Even if he were to hold back Spike knew Tirek would take every ounce of magic she had. Spike’s nature would not let him allow that to happen. His eyes fixed with determination he took to the air and flew out into the arena, surprising everyone.

“Spike, wait!” Twilight called out before shooting a dark glare at Discord. “What have you done?”

The Lord of Chaos met her glare. “Nothing. Just giving him a little push.”

“Towards what?”

He flashed a grin at her. “Growing up.” Turning away from the startled expression of Twilight, Discord watched Spike land opposite of Yona and causing the arena to morph into a cavern with many stalactites hanging above him and stalagmites surrounding him as the walls were decorated with gems.

“Are you sure about this, Spike?” Yona asked. “Yona understands if you forfeit fight.”

“I’m sure, Yona.” Spike replied as he hovered in the air. “I’m not about to let you face Tirek!” The centaur gave a deep chuckle at the realization his next opponent would be a child.

“Yona not scared!” The yak got into a fighting stance. “Yona won’t let YOU face Tirek!” Discord appeared between them giving his friend a quick gentle look.

“Good luck.” He said quietly to himself before readying his claw. “Let the match…begin!” Yona charged forward as Discord disappeared, causing Spike to respond with a stream of fire directed in her path. She avoided the first blast before running in a zig zag pattern, dodging Spike’s aerial assault until she reached a stalagmite. Running at full speed Yona crashed through the rock, which flipped over her. As it came down the yak quickly turned around and head butted it straight at Spike, who narrowly avoided it before having to dodge another one.

“This is starting to remind me of my match.” Smoulder commented as the two continued to throw and dodge stalagmites.

“To be fair, there's not much Yona can do against an airborne opponent.” Gallus added as one of the stalagmites clipped one of the dragons wings, forcing him to hover closer to the ground. Yona capitalized by bucking and head butting two more standing rocks before rushing him. Spike flapped his one good wing enough to avoid the first one but was forced to launch a blast of fire as the second stalagmite that quickly approached, destroying it into a cloud of dust. He let out a sigh as the dust cloud concealed the charging Yona before she burst out of it and slamming into the baby dragon. Caught off guard Spike was sent flying across the arena, crashing into the cliff face on Yona’s side. The impact caused a blanket of snow to fall on top of him, burying him in a thick layer as Yona climbed up the cliff.

“That’s it, Yona! Show dragon wings won’t win him battle!” Rutherford shouted as Yona reached the top of the cliff. A stream of fire erupted from the snow pile as Spike emerged, shivering.

“I sh..sh..should’ve kn…kn…known she wouldn’t g..g…go down wi..wi…without a f…f…fight.” The dragon spoke before blowing fire at his hands, rubbing them over his body to warm up while searching for Yona. “Hey. Where did she…?” As he searched Spike failed to notice a shadow growing around him.

“Spike! Look out!” Twilight yelled. The baby dragon looked up to see a boulder falling towards him. He took to the air to catch it, not having enough time to jump away. Barely able to hold it up with his injured wing, Spike took a breath in order to toss it away until Yona shouted.

“YONA SMASH SPIKE!” The heavy Yak had leaped off the cliff and landed on the boulder, forcing it and Spike crashing to the ground. The force of the impact blew away the snow, revealing a struggling Spike standing in a tiny crater. Yona began to repeatedly stomp her fore hooves into the boulder forcing it down onto Spike, not giving him a chance to toss it aside.

“Hold on, Spike!” Ember shouted as Twilight appeared beside her.

“No! Forfeit, Spike! You don’t have to do this!” She called out in scared concern.

“Twilight, don’t! He needs to see this through to the end!” Ember challenged.

“He has nothing to prove by doing so!” She shot back. “Spike has shown who he is time and time again!”

“Exactly! Would you have him tarnish that now?” The two were inches from each other as Spike was forced closer and closer to the ground.

“I….Can’t….” Spike said as images of Somnambula and Mistmane and Starswirl flashed in his mind, the injured and defeated state they were in. “Let…Her…” Garble’s beaten body and Ocellus’ tearful face. “Face….That….” Thorax as he was shot through by Chrysalis, the pained and shocked expression in his face as he collapses to the arena floor. “MONSTER!” He said through his clinched jaw as an imagined image of Tirek holding Yona before him, getting ready to absorb her magic appears. “NO!”

Suddenly, an image of Tirek flashed in his mind before it shifted into the previous image he saw earlier. Able to focus on it he saw a strange scene he had never seen before; a different version of Tirek with blue fur and a bag hanging around his neck standing before a bipedal creature with brown fur while Spike was being held by another creature as Tirek pointed at him. He spoke with a deep voice that echoed around the room as his words filled him with dread.

“…A head will roll. HIS!”

The image remained in his mind as he blinked, his eyelids coming from the sides of his eyes like a lizards. Flames emerged from his jaws as he lifted the boulder above his head, startling Yona and his friends.

“Look!” Rainbow shouted, pointing her hoof. Twilight and Ember stopped arguing to witness Spike tilt his head back and, with a deep, mighty roar, the likes he has never done before, unleashing a stream of purple fire at the boulder, heating it up.

“Why Yona’s hooves warm?” The Yak looked down to notice the boulder beginning to turn red as Spike’s fire rapidly heat it up. In realization, Yona leapt off the boulder and landed on the ground before Spike, facing him as he ended his flames. With a grunt Spike managed to split the boulder in two as molten rock rain down on him and with a furious shout, slammed the two pieces down on both sides of the Yak.

“YONA!” Smoulder and Rockhoof shouted together as Rutherford stood in shock, all of them believing she was crushed.

Gallus cringed with a hiss. “Sandbar is not gonna be happy about this.”

“Spike…what did you…?” Twilight asked softly as Shining and Cadence appeared beside her, horrified. The little dragon’s shoulders heaved as his breathing grew shallow, licks of purple flames escaping his maw with every exhale.

“Oh no.” Ember said loud enough for Twilight and the others to hear.

“What’s ‘Oh no’?” Daydream asked as she stood behind Twilight.

“Spike….” The little dragon threw his head back as his arms shot up into the air and shouted. “MAD!” As the word echoed throughout the arena Spike’s body began to grow, reaching a height equal to Celestia with wings that could carry such a body. His bulk was greater then Garbles as his tail grew out by only a few hooves.

“Rage Induced Bulk.” Ember said with a whisper.

“Rage induced? You mean dragons have more then one emotion based transformation?” Daydream asked.

“At least he’s not as big as Garble was.” Rainbow offered weakly.

“Trust me, compared to this, I’d rather deal with a dragon with Greed Induced Bigness.” Ember replied as Yona crawled into view, backing away from the enraged Spike.

“Yona! You’re alright!” Rockhoof shouted, snapping Rutherford out of his shock.

“Yona! Forfeit match! NOW!” This caused a number of the creatures around to stare at the Yak prince in surprise.

“Y…y…Yona not sacred.” She said as she rose to her hooves. “Yona can still…” The enrage Spike fixed his now purple eyes on Yona, making her gasp in fear. “Yak…no…surrender!”

“Yona! It okay for Yak to surrender to angered friend!” He shouted as he slammed a hoof against the barrier. This causes Spike to throw his head back a roar as purple flames gathered within his jaws.



“STOP!” Twilight, Shining and Cadence shouted at once as the dragon unleashed a large blast of purple fire directly at Yona.

“YONA FORFEIT! YONA FORFEIT!” Suddenly Yona vanished as the river of fire continued onward, blasting through the cavern wall and straight on into the distance. Discord hovered before the barrier where Smoulder, Rockhoof and Rutherford had gathered with Yona quivering in his arms.

“Spike! The match is over! Calm down!” Twilight pleaded as Spike ended his attack and jumped between what was left of the boulder, tossing them aside in a blind rage. “Spike, please! Stop!” Discord used his tail, snapping its fingers.

“Spike, Please!” Both Twilight and Spike were surprised when Rarity’s voice came out of Twilight’s muzzle. She glared at Discord who only tilted his head towards Spike. She sighed, which also sounded like Rarity, before addressing Spike. “Spike, listen to me.” Spike froze in place blinking as his pupils shifted from purple to green. “It’s okay. The match is over. You can calm down now.” Spike turned towards Twilight, but to him, it was Rarity standing there speaking to him. “Please, Spike. Come back to us.”

Spike blink some more as his green eyes remained, shaking his head until finally he returned to his normal self. “Wh…what…?”

“Yona has forfeit the match.” Discord announced as he place the Yak on the ground. “The winner is Spike!” The little dragon looked at everyone confused.

“I am? But how? I don’t…” Just then his eyes widen as he remembers what he almost did. “Yona…” He turns to meet her still frightened eyes as tears start to well up in his. “Yona, I’m so, so sorry! I was just so full of anger and…” As he spoke Yona approach Spike and hugged him, surprising him further.

“Yona forgive you, Spike.” After a moment Spike returned the hug, Discord snapped his claws and teleported them within the space among their friends, where Gallus and Smoulder joined them as well as Rutherford. Finally they separated as Twilight sat beside Spike but to him, she still looked and sounded like Rarity.

“Rarity? Is that really…?” Discord snapped his claw again as the guise melted away, startling Spike. “Twilight?”

“Sorry, Spike.” She shot a look at Discord. “That was Discord’s doing.” The Lord of Chaos just shrugged it off as Yona stepped forward.

“Congratulations on winning match.” She gave him a serious face. “Now, show no mercy against nasty centaur!” The two looked at each other until he gives her a firm nod. The Yak smiles before turning to her friends. “Good luck, Gallus. Good luck everyone in the second round.” With a snap of his claws Discord returned the waving Yak back to her moment in time.

As she disappeared Spike turned his gaze towards Tirek who hadn’t taken his eyes off the dragon since his transformation. Meeting his eyes Spike began to grow angry, alerting Twilight to her little brothers actions. “Spike…”

Suddenly, Ember smacks the dragon in the head making Twilight blink in confusion.

“Ouch! What was that for?” Spike rubbed the spot as he leered at Ember who just smiled.

“To keep you from losing your cool again.” This calmed him down as a sad expression appeared on his face.

“Thanks. But what should I do now? What if I lose control again?”

“That’s easy.” She took him by the claw and lead him away. “Now, I teach you how to control it.”

“Wait. I can control this?” He asked as they head for the back of the space.

“Of course. You think you're the ‘only’ dragon to trigger a Rage Induced Bulk?”

“But, what about Greed Induced Bigness?”

“What about it?” She asked as they stop to talk.

“Can I learn to control it, too?”

“Spike, you can control anything with enough time and effort.”

The little dragon hesitates. “I don’t know, Ember. I’ve never been that angry before. How can I control something that intense?”

“By putting in that much effort.” The two turn to see Pharynx, Tempest, and Daydream approach them. “I may know a thing or two about handling great amounts of power.” The Changeling said with a smugness.

“I’ve learned to keep my emotions in check my whole life.” Tempest said with a smile smile. “I can assist if you like.”

“And you’ve seen what I’ve become.” Daydream added. “If anyone can understand what it's like to have your emotions run wild, it’s me.” The two of them shared a smile before the five of them huddled together, discussing ways for Spike to get a handle on his new transformation.

“These heroes are proving to be more powerful then we thought.” Chrysalis spoke as Discord announced the winner of the match. Cozy Glow and the Storm King both nodded in agreement.

“Who knew that Spike was capable of that kind of feat? We may need to look into dragons more closely when we get back.” Cozy said as Chrysalis nodded in agreement.

“And I have to fight that blue one next.” The Storm King said as he stared at Ember before looking at his Staff. “You had better pack a punch too, stupid stick!” The former queen rolled her eyes at his antics before turning to Tirek.

“You’ve been rather quiet.” She grins. “Don’t tell me that puny dragon has left you speechless?” The three villains laugh as Tirek watches Spike speak with Yona. A strange memory flashes in his mind of himself, his brother Scorpan, and Spike in the same room together. But Scorpan was holding Spike in a protective way. Then Spike and he met each others eyes and a feeling of power and control filled him. The baby dragon was stuck by Ember, forcing them to break their connection, but leaving the feeling.

“Hey, Tirek? You still in there?” Cozy asked as she landed on his shoulder, waving a hoof in his face. A grin began to grow on his face as he spoke, starting the tiny Alicorn.

“That dragon and I share a history.” Cozy and Chrysalis look at each other.

“How can that be? He’s still just a child.” Chrysalis pointed out.

“Not a current history. A previous one.” HIs eyes flash yellow. “A previous generation.” The centaur crossed his arms as he chuckles. “Our match may prove to be very interesting.” His two allies looked between him and Spike and suddenly, faded images appeared beside the two creatures; a smaller, older, blue furred Tirek stood beside the centaur as a slightly bigger, version of Spike stood beside the baby dragon.