• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Past Sins

Round 2 Bracket 1-C

“The winner is…Autumn Blaze!”

Nightmare Moon barely heard the announcement, as her current focus was the Princess of the Night that stood beside their sister. She could not fathom why any version of herself could stomach the eldest Alicorns presence, let alone want to stand so close to her. All her life Celestia had been a burden, an obstacle, a self obsessive monarch that revels in the admiration of their subjects, who desired their attention all for herself. She grit her teeth as the hatred she held for Celestia spread to her subservient counterpart, who clearly relented in their battle for dominance. So intense was her anger, Nightmare Moon barely registered the approach of Sunset Shimmer.

“Back when I was Celestia’s student, I learned about you. Both you and Luna.” She said, looking between the two Alicorns. “They referenced your…the power you command…is it true?”

“Yes.” The Alicorn replies, her expression softening to melancholy. “My power is greater then Celestia’s. She, after all, required the Elements of Harmony to banish me.” A small, sinister smile grows on her muzzle. “I did not.”

“Then…it’s possible that…Princess Luna is…”

“Just as powerful as I? Yes, the probability is…rather high.” Nightmare Moon finally removes her sights from her opponent and looks over her shoulder at her discarded armor that lay at the edge of their space, briefly considering donning them once again. “Our battle will come down to tactics and strategy.”

“I hate to be the one to say it, but Luna might have the advantage over you.” Lightning Dust said, hovering on the Alicorns other side. Her words earning her a condescending glare from Sunset as Nightmare Moon closes her eyes and faces forward.

“Oh? And how did you come to that conclusion?”

“Ever since she returned, Luna has been watching over ponies dreams, learning and teaching.” The pegasus explains, giving the two mares a serious look. “She’s changed. Where’s you…” She hesitates; her muzzle unable or unwilling to finish her statement.

“Have remained the same. Predictable.” The three of them fall silent; the two smaller mares unable to think of anything to say. Finally, Nightmare Moon opens her eyes, her serpentine pupils thin and focused. “Sunset Shimmer.”

The mare jerk her head to attention. “Yes?”

“Remember what I have taught you. Do not let your moment slip by.”

Sunset widens her eyes for a second, then snaps into a confidant gaze. “I won’t, Nightmare Moon.” The Alicorn gives the mare a small nod in acknowledgement.

“Lightning Dust.”

“Yeah?” The pegasus was guarded, unsure of how the Ruler of the Night would respond to her brazen statement.

“You are the best flyer in Equestria. Understand?”

The winged mare releases the tension within her body and looks at Nightmare Moon with surprise. A moment later, the surprise vanishes and is replaced with a cocky grin. “Yeah. I understand.”

“Good.” She said, watching the two serpentine creatures break away from their hug, her hard eyes soften. “I am…glad I met you two.” The two mares are taken aback by the sudden complement. But before they could respond, Discord snaps his bird claw, returning Aria to her place in time and teleporting Nightmare Moon to the hovering platform above the arena. Her eyes harden once again upon seeing Princess Luna with her back towards her. Finally, the Princess of the Night turns around to face the darker Alicorn.

As the two held each others gaze the arena began to take shape, starting with launching a chunk of its substance into the air, taking the form of the Moon, bathing everything in its nightly glow. The main arena swashed around until in took the form of a mountain peak with a great Oak tree rooted to the edge. More of the substance floats above the mountain, forming into storm clouds that boom with thunder as thick pillars of dark crystal erupted from the mountain, their positions looking similar to that of a dragons claw ready to grab anything foolish enough to fly near.

Still meeting her counterparts menacing glare Luna allows a smile to form on her muzzle. “I owe Twilight Sparkle and her friends much; sparing me from suffering the same fate you find yourself in.”

Nightmare Moon scoffs at her. “You would prefer to stand beneath our sister? Living in her shadow, for evermore a subject to her whims?” She said in growing frustration.

“This, coming from a mare who associates with tyrants and would-be conquerors.” Luna counters, a smirk upon her muzzle. “Your time as a lonely ruler has made you quite desperate for companions.”

“Ha! You believe ‘them’ to be MY equals?” Nightmare Moon replies, gesturing a hoof to Sombra, Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, the Storm King, and Midnight Sparkle, all of which give the Alicorn dirty looks in return. “Those pitiful fools are beneath my contempt.”

“How dare you!” Chrysalis shouts while slamming a hoof on the barrier. “You may be an Alicorn, but I have bested both you AND Celestia multiple times! You are not as great as you cl…” The Changeling froze mid sentence as Nightmare Moon had turned her gaze upon them.

“Your boasting means nothing to me, ‘bug’.” She calls down, making the Changeling return to the ground, frighten along with those who grew up hearing stories of The Mare in the Moon. Sombra, Stygian, Tirek, and Midnight all held their ground, meeting Nightmare Moon’s threatening eyes.

“As entertaining as that was…” The two mares vanish within a blinding light and reappear on the mountain top, Nightmare Moon stood closest to the overhanging Oak tree while Luna stood near the crystal claw. Discord appears between them with an amused smile. “…you still have a match to compete in.”

“Very well.” Luna said, getting into a combative stance. “To move forward or remain in the past. Let us see which of us made the better choice!” A thunderclap accompanies a bolt of lightning the struck the side of the mountain.

“By all means, Lets!” Nightmare Moon leaps into the air and hovers over Luna, her horn aglow. “LET THIS BATTLE DECIDE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, WHO DESERVES TO RULE OVER THE NIGHT!” she said, utilizing the Royal Canterlot Voice that boomed louder then the raging storm.

Discord rubs his claws together with excitement. “I’ve been looking forward to this.” He raises his lion paw. “Let the most anticipated match of this round…” Some of the combatants give the draconequus a blank look. “…BEGIN!”

The Lord of Chaos barely completes his teleportation away when Nightmare Moon unleashes a large stream of black and blue magic down on Luna. The mare propels herself forward with powerful beats of her wings, avoiding the beam and positioning herself underneath her foe. Charging her own horn while turning in mid motion, she blasts the airborne mare, catching her off guard and sending her high into the air. The new elevation results in a bolt of lightning striking the Alicorn; she let out an ear shattering scream of pain that forces Twilight to dive for Gallus and Smoulder on instinct, attempting to shield them from the scene. Likewise, Daydream held Spike close to her in order to cover his ears from the soul shattering scream of pain that rang out. Even Tirek had enough respect for the filly to wrap his giant hand around Cozy Glows head, covering her eyes and ears from the display.

“This isn’t right. That lightning is way too charged.” Soarin said, unable to keep the horror from his voice.

“Well spotted, Mr. Wonderbolt.” Discord said as he appears beside the pegasus. “It packs quite a bit more ‘oomph’ then lightning from Equestria.”

“But why, Discord!” Twilight shouts just as the bolt recedes, allowing Nightmare Moon to crash hard upon the ground. “Why include such deadly hazards?” Her distress radiates from her voice as she reluctantly releases the two children, both giving the Headmare concern looks.

“That lightning is no more dangerous then lava pits and flame geysers.” He responds, causing Smoulder and Gallus to exchange a look before focusing on his recovering wing. “And let’s not forget the pegasi, Alicorn, and griffon’s ability to manipulate the weather, the many dark magic users, transformative capabilities, and so on.” Discord meets the young Alicorn’s soften eyes. “Whether or not the environment is dangerous is a moot point when you consider the creatures that are fighting.”

“That’s rather disappointing.” Tirek comments as Nightmare Moon continues to scream out in pain.

“Do you feel bad for that arrogant pony?” Chrysalis asks venomously.

“Hardly. From what I’ve heard, this ‘Nightmare Moon’ was suppose to be ruthless and powerful.” Just then the lightning bolt recedes, allowing the Alicorn to crash to the mountain top, hard. The centaur releases his hold on Cozy’s head, freeing her. “To watch her felled by a stray bolt of lightning is…rather pathetic.”

“Especially…after all her…boasting.” The filly adds, still shaken from the mares cries.

“You’re all fools if you believe that!” The three of them turn to see Sunset Shimmer and Lightning Dust glare at them. “She’s not done yet!”

“Watch your tone, little pony!” Chrysalis threatens, stepping closer to them. “You no longer have that Alicorn to protect you!” Sunset and Lightning held their ground as Chrysalis approaches.

“Look!” Cozy shouts, pointing out to the arena. The three mares break their gazes away from each other to see what was happening. the site brought a confident smile to Sunset and Lightning’s faces.

The downed Nightmare Moon’s horn was aglow as Luna slowly approaches, halting her movement, unsure of her opponents intentions. The Princess of the Night felt something through her connection to the Moon and looks up to it, understanding dawning her face. Nightmare Moon was drawing power from the Moon to revitalize herself.

“We think NOT!” She cries while charging her horn, slamming the ground with her hooves as she fires at her fallen foe. But just before the beam struck its target, Nightmare Moon’s serpentine eyes fly open, having recovered some strength, and morphs into her cloud form. The beam flies through the cloud, striking the ground and leaving a small crater.

Luna eyes the cloud darkly as it floats closer to the Moon, drawing its power much quicker. “How ignorant you are, believing us to be equivalent to fool, petty creatures such as them!” The cloud said, earning her the hateful looks of Chrysalis, the Storm King, Midnight and Cozy Glow. Sombra, Stygian, and Tirek held more dignified scowls as Sunset and Lightning cheer for their friend. “I am far above them by nature!” As she spoke this, Nightmare Moon reforms into her pony shape.

“Your lonely rule has made you delusional, sister!” Luna calls out, taking to the sky. “No race is above another. No one creature is more important then another.”

“You call me delusional speaking like that?” Nightmare Moon retorts, her collection of Moon energy strengthen her as she points a hoof at the villains. “Those would-be conquers gained their power leeching off of others, taking what is not theirs, and surrendering to forces beyond their understanding or control!” The Storm King, Midnight, Cozy and Stygian all look away, either nervously laughing or sink in shame as Sombra and Tirek scowl at the airborne pony.

Chrysalis was absolutely livid. “HOW DARE YOU! A hypocrite like you has no grounds to say such things!” She thrust her own hoof at the Moon that floats above them all. “You leech power from the Moon itself!”

“I draw MY power from MY BIRTHRIGHT!” Nightmare Moon shouts back as power radiates from her, forcing Luna to descend slightly. “That is what separates me from you all! I alone hold dominion over the Moon and its power! That grants me dominion over ALL!” Throwing her head back, Nightmare Moon laughs manically as thunder booms and a bolt of lightning flashes behind her.

“You are wrong on all points, Nightmare!” Luna shouts over the laughter, drawing her foes attention. “More so on one point.” The two mares lock eyes as Luna rises to Nightmare Moons level. “You are not the only one who holds command over the Moon!” Raising her horn up to the celestial orb she begins to draw in large amounts of the Moons power into herself, causing her to glow a dark blue that envelopes her entire body.

Nightmare Moon humphs before mirroring her counterparts actions; her body producing a black aura that engulfs her body as she drew from the Moon. Everyone watches in awe as the two dark orbs grow brighter for a few moments then begin to take shape; Nightmare Moon simply regained her armor, returning to her more familiar visage. Luna however, her mane and tail became solid and silvery white, yet still managing to flow with ethereal grace. Her coat was a very light azure as if personifying the phrase ‘once in a blue moon’, adorn with a violet chest piece and boots as her crown, now larger, remained atop her head. The last physical change she underwent was her height and wings; the younger sister stood at the same height as Celestia with large wings to match.

Prince Rutherford, Ember and Pharynx were beside themselves; having heard tales of the Two Sisters all their lives, to finally witness the power of what they spoke of first hoof. “Moon ponies…are…far stronger then Yaks believed.”

“You said it, Rutherford.” Ember said in response.

Pharynx blinks. “But if those two are this incredibly powerful using the moons power…” The Changeling shares a look with the Yak and Dragon. “What about Celestia?” The three of them turn their gaze to the Alicorn as she watches her two sisters hovering in the arena. Others had come to that conclusion and had followed suit, eventually prompting Spike to step forward and approach her.

“Um, Celestia?” He asks.

“Yes, Spike?” she replies while meeting the young dragons eyes, a kind smile on her muzzle.

“Uh…just…” he begins, sparing a glance towards the arena. “…how powerful are you?”

Princess Celestia gives a light chuckle, drawing everyone’s attention. Including Luna and Nightmare Moon. “It’s about time someone outright asks me that. Honestly, I’m surprised it took so long.”

“Drop the facade, Celestia!” Chrysalis shouts with a stomp. “Your power is no greater then my own! Or have you forgotten when last we traded blows.”

“And lets not forget when I absorbed all the magic in Equestria.” Tirek added. “Even with all the Alicorn magic at her disposal, Twilight Sparkle was only capable of fighting me to a stalemate.” The young Alicorn snorted at the centaur.

“AND all the other times you FAILED to protect Equestria!” Cozy Glow jabs while hovering beside Tirek. “Needing to rely on Twilight and her friends to save the day!” The creatures in the heroes space were nearly fuming at the insults the three were flinging at the Alicorn, until Celestia began to laugh earnestly.

“Hearing all that, it sounds like I was a horrible leader. Completely incapable of protecting my home and subjects.” Just as Daydream was about to protest her friends words, gone was the gentle, motherly expression she wore, replaced with a menacing scowl with hard eyes that burn as hot as the sun itself. Turning them towards the villains space, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow back-pedal away as the Storm King tries to hide behind his Staff. Midnight Sparkle instinctually wraps her wings around herself as Sombra and Stygian wore expressions of worry and surprise while Lightning Dust, not use to seeing Celestia like this, quickly hid behind Sunset Shimmer, who stood her ground as a familiar feeling returns, causing her to grit her teeth.

“There you are.”

“You all fail to consider the thousand years I ruled over Equestria, alone.” Celestia turns to face them, utilizing her Royal Canterlot Voice as she continues. “PROTECTING ITS CITIZENS FROM EVERY THREAT TO APPROACH OUR BORDERS, SUCCESSFULLY. YOU ALSO FAIL TO CONSIDER THAT I WAS HOLDING BACK. HAVING ADOPTED CADENCE, CHOSEN MY SUCCESSOR TWILIGHT, AND REUNTE WITH MY SISTER LUNA, I CHOSE TO HOLD BACK AND ALLOW TWILIGHT TO COME INTO HER OWN, KNOWING SHE WOULD SUCCEED.” Taking a deep breath, her hard features melt away, returning to her more gentle expression as she looks out to Luna and Nightmare Moon. “With all that said, to answer your question Spike…” The young dragon blinks, having heard his name spoken. “…watch Luna’s battle to get a glimpse of what I wield.” The young dragon stares at Celestia for a moment then follows her gaze towards the upcoming battle.

Princess Luna flashes a smile at her sister then returns her gaze to her foe, her horn lighting up; with a mighty cry she unleashes a large blast of magic towards Nightmare Moon. Unnerved by the approaching wave the darker Alicorn summons a bright cyan barrier, easily withstanding the force of the attack while providing her a chance to counterattack. Utilizing a rather large amount of the Moons power both Princesses of the Night have greatly enhanced their natural abilities besides their magic; they are stronger with sharper reflexes, and are now much, much faster. In the blink of an eye, Nightmare Moon vanishes from behind her barrier and suddenly reappears behind Luna, taking everyone watching, Discord included, by surprise. Except for Luna.

Ceasing her attack as Nightmare cocks her hoof back, Luna, in a flash, turns to meet her attacker and catches the hoof with her own. Faster then that, she turns her back to the mare, grabbing the outstretched hoof with both of hers and, what appears to be wth little effort, throws Nightmare Moon over her shoulder and straight down towards the mountain top. What followed blew everyone away as Nightmare Moon crashes into the surface with a monstrous boom, ripping the mountain in half with a force that did not match what was seen exerting it.

The two spaces shook from the impact making Rockhoof drop his shovel. “By the Mighty Helm!” He said once he found his voice. “The power they draw from…to split a mountain so casually…” He turns his disbelieving eyes to Celestia. “Is there no limit to the power those celestial orbs possess?”

Prince Rutherford, who was forced to the ground by the impact slowly picks himself up, his aghast expression speaking volumes. Ember and Pharynx took to the air before the shockwave hit as they mirrored the Yaks expression.

“That…definitely explains it.” The Dragon Lord said.

“Explains what, how pointless its become to continue the tournament?” The Changeling replies.

“Heh! Are you kidding? I still want to get a few good shots in on that Storm King guy.” She said, a cocky grin appearing on her maw before vanishing just as quickly. “No. I meant why my father commanded all dragons to never go near Canterlot or the two Royal Sisters.”

Pharynx gave a light chuckle. “Could he have been speaking from personal experience?” Ember blinks a few times then looks at Pharynx with a look that suggested she was contemplating it.

“I didn’t even see her move…” Lightning Dust said softly as she hovers in the air, holding Sunset Shimmer in her hooves. Being a Wonderbolt drop out hadn’t removed the rescue training she had went through, especially when it came to ponies she considered friends.

“All that power…from the moon…” Sunset slowly looks at Celestia. “The power I could gain…from the sun…”

“If I were you, Sunset…I’d reconsider your strategy.” The unicorn looks up at Lightning, who held a serious expression. “Power like that…well…” She nods her head, prompting Sunset to look, spotting Midnight Sparkle, practically drooling as she stares out into the arena. “Too much power can change a creature.”

Sunset Shimmer stares at Midnight as her friends words bounce around her head until she realizes Lightning’s hooves that were wrapped around her body. A light blush appears on her muzzle. “L…let me down…please.”

“YES! THAT’S IT! THAT”S THE KIND OF MAGIC I WANT!” Midnight shouts, pressing against the barrier as Sombra and Stygian stand beside Tirek, the Storm King and Chrysalis, with Cozy Glow sitting on Tirek’s shoulder.

“That thing is mad. No self control whatsoever.” The Storm King comments while leaning on his staff. Tirek, out of spite, kicks the staff out from under him, causing the satyr to fall. An amused smile appears on the centaurs face.

“If those two are that powerful from using the Moons power…” Cozy began, drawing Tirek and Chrysalis’ attention.

“Then there is no doubt Celestia will utilize the same tactic against you.” The former queen finishes.

“Do be a dear and provide the two of use with some useful insight before you lose.” Tirek said with a devious smile, ignoring the death glare the Storm King was giving him.

Suddenly, Cozy Glow begins to laugh softly. “Unless…’I’ use it, too!” She continues to laugh as the three creatures look at her with worry.

Luna slowly descends to the ground nearest the overhanging Great Oak, never taking her sight from the rift before her.

As soon as she lands Nightmare Moon pops before her using a teleportation spell, a sinister grin on her face as her horn remains aglow.

Luna spreads her wings, charging her own horn to repel her opponent when suddenly, another Nightmare Moon appears behind her, mirroring the first copy in expression, with her great speed, catching the mare off guard.

In that moment, both Nightmare Moons swung a hoof at Luna. The dual punch connects with a clap so loud it drowns out the lightning storm above them. The blows launch Luna flying, crashing through one of the dark crystal pillars that stood opposite of the two spaces, and clear out of the arena and out of view.

Lightning Dust, having placed Sunset down, launches into the air in celebration. “That was Great! That blow set the princess flying!”

“Not only that, she also won the match by sending her out of bounds!” Sunset adds as Lightning returns to the ground, sharing a smile with the unicorn, causing a light blush to appear again.

“I’d hold off on celebrating if I were you!” The two mares look up to see Discord floating above them with binoculars. “Princess Luna isn’t eliminated yet.”

“What? Why!” Lightning shouts, her anger making her hover off the ground some.

“It has to do with those ‘factors’ you mentioned before, doesn’t it?” Gallus calls out, the binoculars he received earlier in the tournament.

“You are one, sharp griffin, Gallus.” Discord replies. Gallus beams with pride until Smoulder and Gilda surround him, playfully punching him. “The area around the arena is not entirely an empty void. As Tirek can attest to…” The centaur looks at Discord with a humph. “…the part that surrounds the main arena is solid.” He removes his binoculars and looks at the two mares. “I’ll only call a ring out when an competitor touches that surface.” Angry and worried, Sunset and Lightning turn back to the arena just in time.

The second Nightmare Moon stares past the first copy in surprise as Luna teleports behind her, a hard look in her eyes accompanying her smirk. Delivering a kick too fast for anyone to see coming, the mare sends the first Nightmare Moon slamming into her copy and crashing against the Great Oak, showing some restraint as the tree topples over the edge some more with half of its roots ripping out of the ground.

The two copies of Nightmare Moon glare at Luna as she hovers above the mountains rift, completely unharmed, as if their blow had as little effect as an insect bite. Finally, one of them morphs into a cloud and merges back into the original mare, kicking off the Oak so hard it rips free the rest of its roots, sending it plummeting away. The two Alicorns maintain their staring contest for a few seconds, circling each other in the air while lightning flashes and thunder continues to boom above them, The Moon ever present above it all.

Finally, they vanish from view; their disappearance was followed by powerful booms that fill the air from their high speed combat, leaving everyone watching only capable of catching quick glimpses of them trading blows. Even Discord, with all his power over reality, struggles to follow the two Alicorns. “This is getting ridicules!” He complains. "First Cadence overpowers my ‘No Magic’ rule, then Twilight completely ignores it, now these two are making me look bad!” He crosses his arms and pouts. “I really dislike Alicorns.”

Autumn Blaze tries to follow the action as she made her way to Spike, who is hovering beside Twilight, Cadence and Shining Armor, a really nervous expression on her face. “They’re uh…getting a little intense, aren’t they?” She said once she stood beside the group.

“I’ll say!” The stallion responds, amazement in his voice. “Ever since I met Celestia and Luna, I’ve always wondered what they were capable of if they ever went all out like this.”

“Hey! What about us?” Twilight asks, gesturing her wing to Cadence, who also gave her husband a questioning look.

“We’ve all seen what you two can do from your past victories.” He blinks then flashes them a smirk. “That’s not even mentioning what you two did during this tournament." At hearing this, Discord glares at the group before sticking his tongue out at them.

The ponies share a laugh along with Spike; until he turns to face the Kirin, who was not joining in. The entire time she had been focus on the many booms and crashes the two combatants where causing, growing more nervous and fearful with every passing second. “Autumn…” The three ponies cease their laughter at the sound of her name and turn to the nearly distraught creature, understanding flashing on their faces as Spike hovers closer to her and places a claw on her shoulder. “Don’t forget what we’ve learned so far, about the tournament and our power.”

Autumn blinks away the tears that had appeared and turns to Spike, recalling the few tips and lessons her new friends gave her after her match. With a smile she nods at the dragon then turns back to the battle, more determined then before as a smirk appears. “Thanks for the reminder, Spike.” She turns to look at Lightning Dust. "My next match can’t come soon enough!”

Steven Magnet smiles towards the Kirin as she happily chats with the royal family regarding the match. Regardless of the match she had with his Aunt Aria he felt no negative feelings towards the Kirin, rather enjoying her upbeat personality.

“I must give Starswirl his due respect; mentoring the two sisters must have been a monumental task, given the power they posses.” The sea serpent turns towards the remaining Pillars at the sound of Flash’s words. He was standing along side Mage Meadowbrook and Rockhoof, his shield fasten to his back. The pegasus gave a short laugh. “It does explain his more serious way of thinking before our return!”

“Raising regular fowls is challenging enough. But Alicorns?” Mage said with a giggle. “Its a wonder he wasn’t called ‘Starswirl the ‘Grey’ Bearded’ from all the stress they put him through.”

“Indeed, my friends! His teachings and wisdom he has past on to them have shaped those two into just and capable ponies. No doubt about it!” Rockhoof adds with a slam of his shovel.

“Oh, I would just LOVE to hear more about him! And all of you, as well!” Steven said as he reaches them. The three ponies turn in surprise, then grow sadden upon seeing the great grandson of the creature they had banished all those years ago.

“Oh uh…we’d be happy to answer any questions you might have.” Mage answers.

“Steven Magnet.” Flash Magnus hovers to the sea serpents eye level. “Allow me to apologize for our actions against your family.”

“Aye lad. Knowing we played a role in separating you from your great grandmother…leaves a sour taste in my mouth.”

“Oh, please, please, PLEASE don’t worry about it!” Steven protests while giving them a smile. “From what Aunty Aria told me, NO ONE knew about great granny Sonata’s relationship with my great grandpa Phil! Plus, they weren’t being the nicest of creatures when you all met!” He leans down to ground level, prompting Flash to do the same. “Now, what can you tell me about that BEAUTIFUL unicorn mare that Rarity was so fond of? Mistmane, was it?”

As the Pillars converse with Steven, Daydream and Tempest made their way to Celestia, who was currently laying down with her eyes closed, almost like she was meditating. The pony turned human hesitates for a moment upon reaching her old teacher until Tempest elbows her leg, sharing a look before she takes a breath. “So…got tired of standing around, eh Celestia?” She says with a weak smile, attempting humour.

A small smile appears on Celestia’s muzzle. “Not quite. I am focusing on Luna’s battle.”

“Are you able to follow their movements?” Tempest asks.

“Yes. Though, not as clearly as I would like.”

“Can you tell us whats happening?” Daydream asks with a hint of excitement. Celestia catches it and looks up at her friend.

“I could. Though, I’m confident you will have a better time following them then I, currently.” Daydream blankly stares at the pony, who uses her wing to invite her to sit down. She shares a look with Tempest, who lays down where she stood and smiles up at Daydream, gesturing for her to join them. Sighing, she follows suit and kneels in between the two ponies.

“Close your eyes. Recall the lessons from our time together and use your power to detect theirs.” Listening to her words carefully, Daydream drew upon the Elements power, enhancing all her senses and focusing them on the arena. Seconds past until her magical sense ripples as her ears pick up the sounds of Luna shouting and Nightmare Moon growling.

“I can hear them…and sense them. But just barely.”

“As can I.” Tempest said, mimicking her friend and following the Alicorns instruction. “Though, it is difficult for me to do so.”

“Sadly, Tempest, your reserves of magic are not enough to follow them with great clarity.” Celestia explains with a sad smile before turning to Daydream. “You, Sunset, however command the full power of the Elements of Harmony.” The human opens her eyes to meet her teachers, smiles, then closes them and focuses more of the Elements power into her task. Suddenly, the battle before them came into perfect clarity; Nightmare Moon with glowing hooves, connects a punch into Luna’s stomach, making her gasp in pain. From this position Luna aims her horn at Nightmare and blinds her with a bright sudden flash, forcing her to back-pedal enough for Luna to swing a kick into the pony’s head. She spins like a top for a few rotations then rights herself, charging Luna with a glowing horn and a snarl.

“They’re battered and bruised, but still going strong against each other.” Daydream describes, showing no strain whatsoever. Tempest ceases her attempt and looks to Daydream.

“Can you describe their movements? How they fight?” She asks, quite aware she might end up facing one of them in the next round, should she best Flash in the next match.

“It might be easier just to show us.” Celestia suggests. Daydream’s smile grows a little more as the ethereal horn on her head glows, firing a beam at the barrier, crating a window showing the battle. Creatures from both spaces shuffle around to get a better view as Sunset and Lightning press themselves against the barrier separating the spaces. Able to maintain the screen with ease Daydream opens her eyes and looks to Celestia, beaming with pride and warmth.

“Just like old times…” She said as a tear flows down her cheek. The eldest Alicorn leans in and nuzzles her cheek.

“You are a natural, Sunset. Even after all that time away from Equestria. I’m so proud of you.” The two friends sat together in comfortable silence as they watch Luna sliding across the mountain top, towards the claw shaped crystal pillars.

As she drew closer the crystal pillars twitch before crashing down in an attempt to grab the Night Princess. On the window-screen, Luna’s look hardens as she pushes off the ground and slips past the gaps in the pillars before the crash together, resembling a fist. She hovers above them as an idea comes to mind.

“Yield, Luna! Though we match in terms of power, you PALE in comparison to my combat prowess!” To emphasis, Nightmare rushes Luna, teleporting behind her and roundhouse kicking her clear across the gap and crashing into the other half of the mountain, the impact sending large chunks of rubble flying through the air. Moments later Luna bursts through the rock and, with her horn and hooves glowing, thrusts them before her in an wide arc, sending two razor sharp waves hurdling towards her rival. Nightmare simply manipulates her dark mane to swat them away as if they were flies; the mare deflects a blow from her attack after she rushes her, following her first attack. Even with Daydream projecting the fight in a easier way for the rest to follow, the two Alicorns power and speed just kept increasing the longer the match went on. The blows were dispersing the thunderstorm, their magic tore up the mountain face, their speed grew faster and faster making even Daydream struggle to keep up.

Finally, Luna cracks Nightmare across the jaw, stunning her for a moment and allowing her to fly off beyond the arena, making her counterpart rush in pursuit. Daydream continues to broadcast the chase as Nightmare drew closer to Luna. “You speak true, Nightmare! We are on equal footing, power wise.” She calls out as Nightmare charges her horn, drawing closer, unaware of the smirk on Luna’s muzzle as she maneuvers them back towards the arena. “So let us decide this match from within!” Her words take Nightmare by surprise, confusing her long enough for Luna to charge her horn and, as they drew closer to the arena, twist herself around to face her pursuer and cast a spell.

This spell was vastly different from the previous ones she had cast throughout the match; they consisted of beams, waves, and auras. This, however was a ball of mist the size of a ponies head that hovers in place, waiting for its target to fly into it. On reflex alone Nightmare conjures a barrier in between her and the ball of mist, elating cheers of praise from Lightning and Sunset who, like Twilight, recognized the spell Luna had cast; a dense, concentrated version of the Lullaby Spell. Luna’s smirk still remain as did the glow from her horn; nearing the arena just as the ball of mist is about to crash harmlessly against the barrier, The Princess of the Night surrounds the ball in her magic, teleporting it from its collision course and right in front of Nightmare Moons muzzle. The spell connects, exploding in a cloud of mist and musical notes that float into the mares ears, their tune powerful enough to make Nightmare Moon herself drowsy enough to drop her barrier and cause her to fly right into the hooves of her opponent.

Catching her directly over the mountain arena Luna turns in the air like a dancer and throws her foe hurdling straight for the crystal claw; sensing an approaching prey the crystal pillars reaches out and catches the dazed Alicorn.

“Nightmare!” Lightning shouts as she and Sunset press against the barrier. With the battle stalled for the moment Daydream cancels her projection and joins her friends in watching Nightmare Moon struggling against the crystals grasp, having quickly recovered from the effects of the previous spell.

“These won’t hold me! Nothing will keep me fro…” Nightmare began until Luna appears beside her and slams her hoof across the trapped mares head, knocking her out.

Twilight, Spike, Smoulder, and Gallus all take to the air in celebration as Daydream and Tempest give Celestia a bright smile, who eagerly returns with her own. Meanwhile, Lightning Dust slams the barrier, her face twisted into an anger scowl as Sunset stood below her, seething. Chrysalis wares a menacing smile while staring at the mares as Tirek, Cozy and the Storm King give a satisfied hmph. Midnight Sparkle cackles with delight having witnessed the power displayed before her while Stygian lowers his head in respect for the loss his old friend has suffered. Sombra, however had his eyes on Sunset and Lightning as something deep within him stirs.

“What a spectacle of a battle! Truly, one that will be difficult to match going forward!” Discord appears over the ground Luna as she watches over Nightmare Moon. “I say that only because Daydream was able to provide us with a means TO watch it. But, I digress.” He continues with a shrug before facing the two spaces. “Nightmare Moon is…”

“The match is not over, Discord.” Luna said sombrely.

“I beg your pardon?”

“See for yourself.” Luna gestures with a nod towards the faint moonlight shining upon Nightmare’s prone form, as her eyelids begin to twitch, flying open in a rage, startling everyone except Luna. Discord floats higher in surprise as Luna clunks her opponent, once again knocking her out. “The Moon constantly rejuvenates the two of us, making victory through normal means impossible.”

“If that’s the case, would that mean the match is effectively a stalemate, resulting in a draw?” Shining addresses, making everyone look to Discord for an explanation.

“No.” Luna replies. Her horn aglow casting the Lullaby Spell to constantly float through Nightmares ears, keeping her asleep as she kneels down beside her ‘sister’. “Nightmare Moon and I have…personal matters to attain to.” A bright string of magic swirls around her horn before snaking towards Nightmare Moon. “The victor shall be decided in the Dream Realm.” With that, Princess Luna closes her eyes as a dome surrenders her and Nightmare Moon as she easily enters her dark counterparts dream.

Moonlight easily shone through the stain glass windows of the Castle of the Two Sisters just above the throne, tapestries baring Nightmare Moon’s image hung all along the walls of the throne room as guards stood watch within. The moonlight upon the ground begins to glow as an orb sprouts from it, growing until it bursts, revealing Princess Luna. The guards, startled and confused, stay in place while Luna observes her surroundings as a look of horror appears on her face. Underneath the tapestries were creatures locked within cages or chained to the walls, creatures she recognized and called friends. Twilight Sparkle and all her friends were miserably restrained and muzzled while all the magic users are forced to wear magic dampening rings, the Yaks and Earth Ponies holding up great statues of the mare as the griffins and pegasi struggle to hold the roof above everyone.

The villains didn’t fare any better; Tirek was drained of all his magic and hung chained up on the wall along with the Storm King. Cozy Glow, returned to her pegasus form was dusting the throne as Chrysalis, Thorax, and Pharynx are chained to the ground surrounding the throne with guards stationed by them, forcing them to change into various creatures as a means of entertainment. All the while, the Pony of Shadows and Sombra’s ghostly form circle around the room chuckling, their eyes serpentine, much like their masters.

“How DARE you enter our Queens throne room, Imposter!” Luna, snapping out of her shock turns around to see two mares brazenly approach her, both donning night themed armor that manages to complement their bright coats and manes. “I’ll enjoy watching our Queen make an example out of you!” Lightning Dust said with a smirk.

“I’d come quietly if I were you, unless you want to suffer greatly!” Sunset Shimmer threatens as she lights up her horn.

“I don’t believe it…” Luna said softly as a single tear appears in her eye.

“Welcome home, ‘Sister’!” Hoof steps echo across the room as Nightmare Moon enters from a door beside her throne, a predatory grin on her face. “Do you like what I’ve done with the place?” She takes to the air and lands on her throne as Chrysalis is forced to change into a platypus. “The new additions add character to the overall feel of the castle, if I do say so myself.” A teacup appears before Nightmare Moon; drinking it, she points her head up, gesturing for Luna to look. She does and finds Discord mummified in chains of darkness, hanging above the throne.

“I think you’ve gone far too extreme.” Luna said, approaching the throne as Sunset and Lightning escort her. “Is your hatred so deep you would subject creatures to this fate, even within a dream?”

“All who oppose me deserve such a fate!” Nightmare Moon replies, throwing the cup to the ground near Thorax, who is forced to change into a puckwudgie. “You felt just the same, once upon a time ago. Don’t try to deny it!”

Luna turns her gaze once again around the room, taking in the suffering, the dark looks, everything before returning her gaze to the Alicorn before her. “I won’t deny it then. In the past, I too have harboured such a vindictive mind. Wanting nothing more then to see all who have wronged me suffer and pay for it.” She narrows her eyes. “However, It is due to that part of my life…that I am greatly disappointed in you.” Suddenly, the dark Alicorn sprang from her throne and charges Luna, locking horns together as the impact was so great it pushes Luna backwards while shattering the throne room into pieces, along with everyone within. Except for Sunset Shimmer and Lightning Dust, as a powerful shield surrounds them, protecting them from the conflict.

“YOU DARE TALK DOWN TO ME?” Nightmare Moon cries, horn still aglow, her face mere inches from Luna's with rage filled eyes. “You! The pony who once called herself Nightmare Moon?” With a jerk of her head, Nightmare disengages from Luna and wraps her mane around her foes hoof tossing her through structures that suddenly appear in the mare’s path. “What right do you have to judge me?”

Spreading her wings out to slow herself down enough to land against the side of a stone tower, Luna looks out to meet Nightmare's cold, hard glare. “You and I share the same past, but our destinies diverged upon our release from the Moon. You remained the same hateful creature of spite, while I was fortunate enough to have been saved from it.” She pushes off the tower and rockets into her opponent, sending her crashing into a large forest of cacti. “My saviours dispelled those negative emotions and gave me a second chance at becoming something greater.”

A beam of magic shot from the forest, forcing Luna to dodge to the side as Nightmare flew out of the forest, flinging a piece of cacti at Luna. “Greater then what you had before? Impossible! There is nothing greater then that of Queen of the Night!” She declares, charging after the cacti, bracing herself as Luna effortlessly brushes it aside before meeting her in a clash of hooves and magic, all the while, her horn remained alight.

“Wrong!” Luna said during their exchange. “I became that which is greater then a ruler!” The two lock hooves and horns together, a large magical orb of black and blue grew above them. “I became a friend!” Nightmare Moon flinches just before the orb of magic explodes, sending the Alicorns in opposite directions. Luna quickly conjures a large cushion to catch her as Nightmare Moon crash lands against a bed of clouds; dazed from the blast but her horn never once fading out, the sounds of Sunset and Lightning cheering for her reaches the pony’s ears, causing her eyes to fly open. Casting a teleportation spell and taking Luna by surprise, she appears above her and captures the mare in her magical grip.

Yelling out a cry of anger she swings her head, dragging Luna across a conjured ground of gravel. “Look at you now, Luna! Your title of ‘Friend’ has lead you to this! Your face getting dragged through the dirt!” She releases Luna with a heavy grunt, sending her crashing into a statue of Celestia, destroying it. “What good is friendship if it fails you when you need it most?”

Luna releases a sigh as she picks herself up, catching the remains of the statue. She focuses on the Celestia face as more tears well up in her eyes, certain of what she saw. “You truly haven’t noticed.”

“Noticed what? Those tears in your eyes?” She taunts while approaching her foe, her horn remains surrounded in a blue aura. "Even at our lowest, we never…”

“The friendships you’ve already made.”

The dark Alicorn pauses in her approach. “…you lie.”

“Then what do you make of them?” With her wing, Luna gestures to Sunset and Lightning as the two mares, still within the powerful shield, float at the very edge of the bed of clouds. “Ever since the battle resumed here in the Dream Realm, your horn has remained active.” The dark mare looks up to see her horn aglow with the same color as the shield that protects the two ponies. “Even though they are figments of your dream, you still protect them.” Luna raises to her hooves to meet her counterparts troubled eyes. “Why?”

“They…th..they are my subjects! Of course I would protect them!” The mare responds far too quickly.

“What of the ponies you imprisoned, were they not also your subjects?” Luna argues as she slowly approaches Nightmare Moon.

“They were—are! My enemies! They deserved it!”

“And what makes Sunset Shimmer and Lightning Dust different from those you imprisoned?” She presses, the bed of cloud vanishing as the shield that held the two mares floats closer to the Alicorns.

“They respect me! Cheered for me!” Nightmare cries out, too frustrated to keep her own tears from flowing freely. “They are…are my…”


The dark Alicorn looks up shifting her tearful eyes from Luna to Sunset and Lightning, seeing their supportive expressions through her shield before resting on Luna, her sadden eyes shifting into angry hatred. “NO!” She slams her hooves against the ground creating a magical wave that flings Luna and the shield away. “I DON’T NEED FRIENDS! I DON’T WANT FRIENDS!” She quickly approaches the rising Luna. “All I need is power! All I want is obedience!” Suddenly, dark, thorny roots ensnare Luna and holds her in place as Nightmare Moon thrusts her face in front of the other mares. “That will never change!”

“…if that is true…if you desire no more then simply power…” The Princess of the Night looks at her foe with a hard, tearful look. “Why are you still protecting those two?” Nightmare Moon hesitates, losing her fierceness before turning to look at Sunset and Lightning. Though dream figments, looking upon those two brought a wave of joy and pride she had not felt before as memories of their short time together plays out before her; mentoring Sunset, encouraging Lightning, defending them from Chrysalis, sharing a moment of joy after Lightning’s victory…

“ENOUGH!” She shouts out in pure rage, causing bolts of lightning to crackle around her horn, aiming it at the two mares and unleashing the strongest attack she could muster.

Luna watches in horror as the massive attack overtakes the floating shield, easily demolishing it before vaporizing the unicorn and pegasus within. As the attack ebbed away her tears flowed freely like rivers, as her guilt and regret and sorrow grew to an astonishing height.

Breathing heavily, Nightmare Moon faces Luna, charging her horn once again. “Enough of this. We are still competing in a tournament.” She aims her horn at Luna, tears of her own flowing freely. “And this match has gone on long enough.”

“At long last…” Luna said, in a shaky voice. “…we agree on something!”

Suddenly, a creature emerges from the ensnared Princess, lunging at Nightmare Moon, forcing her to retreat. "What the...!" The creature, composed of a midnight black body with blue, starlike flacks contained within a violet outline, began to grow larger and larger, forcing Nightmare Moon to fly back further and blast at it. The attack struck the creature, but as powerful as it was, the blast had no effect against it. “By the Moons glow! What is this monstrosity you’ve unleashed, Luna?” The mare shouts out.

“This is the Tantabus, a creature of my creation.” She explains while her horn lights up, slicing away the roots, freeing herself as the Tantabus continues to grow. “its purpose was to punish me, night after night, for all the wrongs I committed as Nightmare Moon.” The dark Alicorn aims a blast at Luna only for the Tantabus to casually move its 'hoof' to intercept the attack, absorbing the magical blast into it and transfer the magic to the creatures ‘horn’ and sending the attack back at Nightmare Moon. The mare barely avoided the rebound attack as the Tantabus lifts its ‘hooves’ and extends them towards the dark Alicorn, chasing her as Luna continues. “But, thanks to the efforts of my wonderful friends, I have reconciled with the Tantabus. Now, instead of using my guilt to cause me harm…” Her horn aglow Luna cast a teleportation spell, appearing in Nightmare Moon’s flight path, forcing the mare to crash into her. Luna quickly grabs her opponent and holds her still as the ‘hooves’ of the Tantabus rapidly approaches. “…the Tantabus uses it to aid me within the Dream Realm!”

Nightmare Moon struggles against Luna’s grasp as the Tantabus overtakes them, forcing the mare to experience her deepest, darkest, nightmare. “No. No! NO…!”

“…keep your cool with deep breaths. Remember, the clearer your mind, the better control you have.”

Spike and Autumn nods with understanding as Tempest and Ember instructs them on getting a handle on their emotion fuelled powers, as Pharynx and Daydream argue what situations would justify cutting loose; Pharynx was adamant there was while Daydream disagreed.

“Hmph. Clearly you haven’t been in many fights.” Pharynx said aggressively. “If you had, we wouldn’t be having this argument.”

“Violent solutions only leads to more violence. How is that so hard to understand?” Daydream counters in barely contained frustration. “There are ways of winning a fight without beating down your opponent.”

Ever since Luna and Nightmare Moon took their battle into the Dream Realm, the other combatants settled into separate groups to past the time; Spike and Autumn regrouped with Tempest, Ember, Pharynx and Daydream to continue their training. Steven and the remaining Pillars told each other stories of their travels and adventures as Rutherford converses with Shining Armor and Soarin about their previous battles and who they thought would make it to the finals of the tournament. Gilda, Gallus, and Smoulder joke and rough house a bit to blow off some energy while Twilight, Cadence and Celestia sat together and converse about their upcoming matches.

“Well, at least this time she doesn’t have Grogar’s Bell to use against you.” Twilight states while tapping her chin. “Aside from that, Cozy shouldn’t be that much of a challenge…right?”

“She managed to defeat Starswirl, don’t forget.” Cadence chimes in. “Experience and power are meaningless if you underestimate your opponent.”

“True enough, Cadence. However, I don’t intend to just defeat Cozy Glow. But to also try and reach her…” Celestia said, her head dipping in mild shame. “…as we should have done before sentencing her to Tartarus.” The three Alicorns fall silent for a few seconds, then Celestia flashes a warm smile at the two young mares. “All this time, we’ve only spoke of my match. Have you two thought about yours?”

The two ponies blink before looking out towards their respected opponents. “From what I gather, Gilda’s not much different from Rainbow Dash when it comes to fighting; fast, up close, aggressive.” She smiles as Gilda holds both Gallus and Smoulder in a head lock. “If I had to guess, my biggest threat comes from her quick thinking and ability to adapt and her weather manipulation.”

“A sound deduction, Twilight.” Celestia turns to Cadence. “And what of your opponent?”

Cadence giggles. “Honestly, I’m not too sure. On the one hoof, Mage is more suited to healing the competitors after the match but will most likely forfeit in the next round, no matter who her opponent is.” She shifts her gaze to her husband, currently laughing along with Soarin and Rutherford. “On the other hoof, if I move on I’ll end up fighting against either Shining…” All three mares turn to face across the barrier separating the spaces. “…or Sombra.”

“This is so infuriating! When are those Pegacornakisses gonna wake up?” The Storm King shouts while waving his Staff around.

“It’s pronounced ‘Alicorn’, and they’ll wake up when their good and ready, freak!” Lightning retorts as she presses her nose against the Storm Kings, causing the two to start a glaring contest.

“Why do you care about them? Its not like Nightmare Moon actually cares about you.” Cozy mocks before laughing.

“Little fillies like you should learn to keep their mouth shut on things they know nothing about.” Sunset said with a smug look, causing the tiny Alicorn to glare daggers at the unicorn.

“You’re one to talk, little pony.” Chrysalis saids as she approaches Sunset. “After all, your precious Nightmare Moon isn’t here to protect you!” The unicorn braces herself as Chrysalis steps closer, stopping when Lightning Dust appears before her.

“Back off, bug face! Unless you think you can take us both on!” The pegasus held the Changeling’s gaze as she smiles. Turning to leave, Chrysalis quickly turns back while bring her hoof up to knock Lightning out of the air and crash into Sunset, sending them both sliding against the opposite wall with a grunt off pain.

This causes the three Alicorns to quickly rise to their hooves in horror. “Chrysalis! Leave them be!” Celestia commands.

“Stay out of this, Celestia!” Chrysalis calls back over her shoulder. “This has nothing to do with you!” She continues her approach as Twilight calls out to Discord to stop her. The two mares glare up at their assailant as she draws closer, until an unexpected pony stood between them and Chrysalis.

“Cease this aggressive action, Chrysalis!” Stygian demands as he stood his ground, earning him confused looks from all.

“Step aside, Pony!” She hisses. “Your Shadow magic is useless in this space!”

“Perhaps.” Sombra said as he walks behind Stygian to stand by his side, while Midnight hovers on his other side. “But MY power is not.” His eyes ignite with purple flames. “And I’d wager ‘hers’ are not as well.” To prove his point, Midnight conjures orbs of magic around her hands, flashing the Changeling a mad smirk.

“What part of ‘NO MAGIC SPACES’ do you creatures not understand?” All the villains look up to see a fuming Discord hovering over them; he glares intensely at Midnight Sparkle until she dispels her magical orbs. “This is your LAST warning! The next creature that manages to use magic in these spaces again…” He turns his hard stare at Chrysalis. “…or any fighting outside of the arena with be sent into a dimension where you will be frozen in time until your match. AM I CLEAR?” Every creature there, even the musicians, all nodded in understanding. “Good. Glad that’s settled.” With that, he snaps his fingers and returns to the arena to observe the two Alicorns.

Chrysalis leers at the creatures before her and stomps her hoof in frustration before turning away, returning to stand beside Tirek and Cozy.

“Not that we’re ungrateful, but…” Lightning began, causing the three dark themed creatures to address them. “…why help us?”

“I wasn’t helping you. In fact…” Midnight said as she glares at Sunset. “I’d love nothing more then to see you crushed into the ground!” Sunset met the humans glare with her own as Lightning steps closer to the unicorn. “I only jumped in so I could size up the bug.” She turns and floats away.

“My apologies. She is a rather…unique creature.” Stygian offers with a nod.

“You don’t say?” The pegasus replies as she watches Midnight leave, returning her gaze to him. “So, what’s your excuse?”

“I knew Princess Luna before she became this ‘Nightmare Moon’. I felt compelled to come to your aid out of my respect for her, as you are her friends.” This causes the two mares to recoil slightly at the reality of those words.

“And you?” Sunset asks. turning towards Sombra.

“As intriguing as you two have become, I only stepped in to assist Stygian. Nothing more.” With that, he turns towards the barrier and silently awaits for the two mares to awaken.


A great explosion of power rocked the arena, causing every creature to lose their balance as Discord was knocked up into the sky. Discord, Celestia, Lightning Dust and everyone else watches the arena as the dust slowly settles, revealing Nightmare Moon standing among the remains of the crystal pillars while Luna stood barely two hooves away from her. The dark mare was shaking, her eyes wide and fearful, quickly shifting from side to side while taking deep breathes. “I yield.”

She spoke so quick and quiet, Discord had to hover closer. “I’m sorry, what was that?”


“…Nope.” He said while sticking an eagle claw in his ear to dislodge it. “Read you loud and clear.” He address the other competitors. “Nightmare Moon has forfeit the match. The winner is Princess Luna!”

At that moment, both Alicorns cease their draw of the Moon’s power, causing them to revert back to their previous forms, only this time Nightmare Moon not only lost her armor, she shrunk down to the size of a stallion, keeping her coat its dark color, her wings their shape just smaller, but her mane and tail lost their wave, becoming more solid. 'Almost similar to what I looked like after I was freed by Twilight and her friends.’ Luna thought as her mane and tail recovers there wave after she returns to her original height. Her sad, somber eyes never leaving the distraught pony as she collapses to the floor with tears streaming down her face.

Discord snaps his eagle claws, returning them to their respected spaces as Luna appears surrounded by her fellow Alicorns while Nightmare Moon appears between Sunset and Lightning. Stygian and Sombra join the mares in their disbelief as the Alicorn shoulders shake with each breath as she cries.

“Nightmare Moon…?” Sunset asks, slowly moving to see the mares face.

“A…apologizes…Sunset. Lightning.” She said through her emotional breakdown. “I must appear pathetic…as I am now…”

“Hey! D…don’t sweat it! Everyone hits rock bottom sooner or later!” Lightning Dust hovers around to join Sunset before her. “Its not something you should put yourself down for!” Nightmare Moon slowly looks up to gaze at the two ponies before her, an expression of shock on her face.

“You still…stand by my side? Even…as I am now?”

“Of course! That's what…” Lightning hesitates, until an amber hoof appears on her own as another appears on Nightmare’s.

“That is what friends do.” Sunset declares, flashing the Alicorn a smile. With a smile of her own, Lightning places her free hoof on Nightmare’s, causing her to look between the two. A smile quickly grows on her muzzle before throwing her hooves around her friends; Nightmare Moon draws them into a great hug, prompting them to grab hold of her.

“Thank you. Both of you. Fight well, moving forward…my friends.”

“We will…Princess Luna.” Lightning replies as Discord appears above them, ready to send Nightmare Moon to her time. The three of them pull back, allowing them to look into each others eyes.

“Thank you for that.” Nightmare releases the two mares and wipes away her tears as Discord prepares his snap. “I’m happy to have met you both. Sunset Shimmer. Lightning Dust. Farewell…” She steps away from them as her smile changes into a confident smirk. “…for now.”

“Until we meet again, Princess Luna.” Sunset said with a wave, a similar smirk appearing on both hers and the pegasus. After giving them one final moment, Discord flashes them a small smile and snaps his fingers, returning Nightmare Moon to her timeline.

Princess Celestia fails to keep her tears from flowing as Nightmare Moon vanishes, unintentionally bringing back memories of the day she banished her to the Moon, but before she could dwell on it Princess Luna presses herself against the elder Alicorn, drawing her attention to a peaceful smile that shines on the younger sisters muzzle. “Cast your pain aside, dear sister.” Luna gazes a warm look towards her counterparts newly made friends. “Replace it with joy, knowing she has conquered herself. At long last.” Closing her eyes the younger sister rests her head against Celestia, who uses a wing to wipe away her tears before placing her head against the smaller Alicorn.