• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Emotionally Blaze

Round 2 Bracket 1-B

The boiling river evaporated as the trees and rocky hills melted away, the arena returned to its original state just as a transparent platform appeared above it. In a flash, Autumn Blaze appeared within, blinking in confusion at the absence of the adolescent dragon she was comforting, replaced by a creature with a dark purple serpentine tail. The Kirin lifted her gaze, following the body up until she met Aria’s just as confused eyes for a moment.

The two gave a startling cry as they leapt away from each other, crashing against the platforms walls. “What just happened? What are you doing here? Where are we?” Autumn asked in rapid succession.

“What are you asking me for?” The siren asked in a frustrated tone. “I can barely keep up with this stupid tournaments rules.”

“It’s a miracle you haven’t given up yet.” The Selector commented from outside the platform, earning it a passive ‘hmph’ from Aria before Discord appeared beside it.

“Change is in my nature, my dear. As for why you two are here. Well…” With a gesture of his claw, Discord directs the two’s attention to the shifting arena below as it begins morphing into a large body of freezing water with carriage size chunks of icy platforms. On one side of the arena a forest of large mushrooms sprang up, clouds of poisonous spores puffed out of them at random moments. On the other side, a large stone structure rose up as a brick wall constructed itself along the shore.

“…your match is next, remember?” The draconequus then directed their attention to the overhead board, as their slot was lit up.

Autumn slowly looked at the siren. “So…up for a friendly duet?” She was met with Aria’s blank expression, dashing any hope she had to avoid fighting. “Yeah. Didn’t think so.” With a flash of light the two creatures appear on separate platforms as Steven, Smoulder, Gallus, and Twilight stood at the barrier, concern written on their faces.

“Any chance your aunt will go easy on Autumn?” Gallus asked Steven.

“I certainly hope so.” Steven Magnet replied. “That Autumn Blaze is such a delight! I was hoping to chat with her after that last song we all sung, but she didn’t seem to want to come near me.”

“Could it have been because you were talking with her eventual opponent?” Smoulder suggested sarcastically. Steven blink in thought before looking at Twilight, who simple gave him a uncertain smile and a shrug.

Meanwhile, Aria floated over her platform with a bored expression on her face. She took this time to watch Autumn bounce on her platform before looking up towards the other creatures. Her expression grew sadder upon seeing Steven, speaking with the other creatures before meeting her eyes and waving. She looked on for a moment longer then looked down, releasing a tired sigh. “What am I still doing here?”

The Kirin’s ear twitched. “What was that?”

“…Nothing.” Aria held out her hooves and coiled her tail. “Let’s just get this over with.” Autumn Blaze blinked at her opponent before looking at the other creatures watching. She rested her concerned expression on Aria as Discord and The Selector appeared between them.

“Are you two ready?” Discord said, receiving a nod from the both of them. “Then let the next match…”

“BEGIN!” The Speaker shouts, earning a glare from Discord as Aria sucks in a some air, giving the draconequus the chance to teleport away along with the Speaker. They appear above the other competitors just as the siren unleashes a sultry note. Suddenly, Discord snatches the Speaker from the air, bringing it to his annoyed expression. “What? What’d I do?”

“You’re hogging my limelight.” he said, snapping his fingers.

“Attention hog!” The Speaker shouts as it vanishes. Discord, along with Chrysalis, Tirek, Lightning Dust and Luna all gave a satisfied smirk. Celestia could only bring her hoof to her face, a small smile on her face as Twilight looks at Discord.

“What was even the point of keeping that thing around?” She asks, prompting Discord to look at her, a smile and a raised eyebrow on his face. Twilight blinks and throws her hooves into the air. “You know what? Don’t answer that! I don’t want to know!” She said before returning to the siren slowly approaching Autumn Blaze.

The Kirin held her hooves to her ears, attempting to block out the musical note, managing to crack open an eye to see the creature drawing closer. Lighting up her horn Autumn captures a sizeable amount of the freezing water and, using what strength she had drove the water right into the siren’s mouth and down her throat. Aria's eyes widen as her hooves go to her throat, trying to cough out the ice cold water, giving Autumn a breather from the music.

“I would’ve preferred a duet, personally.” Autumn said as she hops over to another platform, making her way to shore. “But if you’re going to be selfish about it…” The Kirin continues as she jumps to another platform. Just then Aria managed to inhale a breath, allowing the siren to launch a magical blast at her opponent. The beam grazes her and strikes the platform, damaging it while pushing it away causing Autumn to splash into the chilling water. Gallus, Smoulder, and Twilight all gasp when she sunk beneath the surface of the water, joining Steven nervous state as Aria coughs up the last of the water, shivering with anger and cold.

Autumn Blaze broke through the water with a heavy gasp, shivering while trying to swim to the displaced ice platform. The angry siren opens her mouth to blast her opponent again, only to find her throat was too cold to attack that way. Gritting her teeth Aria floats towards the struggling creature, readying her tail to snatch her up.

“Autumn!” Smoulder shouts as she leans against the barrier, concern on her face as the Kirin slowly turns to meet the oncoming threat. She shivers violently as the cold water soaks her to her core. However, something deep within her starts to heat up. Her anger and frustration fuelling that heat, pushing away the cold as it reaches her head, her Nirik side showing through her eyes. Her golden orbs vanish into a hot white void, her eyebrows engulfed by two light purplish-blue flames as they depict a very angry Autumn. This site made Aria pause in her approach; a mistake as it allowed her opponent the opportunity to strike.

Autumn opens her fang filled mouth and unleashes a stream of flames; the blue, purple, and red fire shot straight for the startled Aria, striking her right in the face. She let out a pained cry as a smoke trial follows her into the water. Back at the competitors space, Steven joins Smoulder at the barrier with a horrified expression as Aria sinks into the water. Smoulder and Gallus watch the sea serpent claw at the barrier slowly while Autumn climbs back onto the ice platform; the attack had warmed her up enough to move. Still shivering and wet though, Autumn went full Nirik, encasing her body in flames that causes the ice beneath her to begin melting, forcing her to make her way to the shoreline.

“Okay! Since when can ponies breath fire?” Smoulder said, frustration radiating off her demeanour.

“Uh, technically, she’s a Kirin not a pony.” Gallus corrects matter-of-factly.

“Semantics! Point is, she’s stealing our shtick!”

The Nirik lands on the shoreline near a stone ramp that leads into the fortress, turning to face the water as Aria emerges from it with an angry screech. The two lock eyes as the siren wraps her hooves around herself, shivering heavily while her teeth chatter. A cocky grin appears on Autumn’s muzzle.

“What’s the matter? You were more ferocious in your first match!” She said, her voice a booming, reverberated parody to her light, bubbly one. Looking around her she spots a chunk of wall lying on the shore; realizing her flames could warm up the siren, Autumn grabs the fallen wall with her magic, causing licks of red flame to dance around it, and hurls it at Aria. The flames vanish once she released her magical grip as it flies straight for the shivering siren.

Her movements slow, Aria floats to the side while raising her tail up to protect her. The chunk of wall reaches her, grazing her coiled tail as it passes her, making her grunt in pain as it splashes behind her.

The sounds of the battle did not go unnoticed by the group that were helping Spike; Daydream spares a glance as Pharynx explains to Spike the benefits of using anger to intimidate others. Daydream, from her standing position, barely caught the site of the struggling siren, causing a look of sadness to appear on her face. While her own encounter with the sirens future self was painful, it was a brief affair; hardly the amount to want to witness the creature in such a state. Her gaze turns towards Steven as he nervously chews his claws while Gallus, Smoulder, and Twilight hover around him, trying to keep him together.

“Gotta say, I was expecting much more out of you then this.” Autumn said as she climbs the stone ramp, ascending higher within the fortress. Aria watches her as her body continues to shiver, struggling to keep her eyes open. “Heh. It seems we’ve switched roles, hasn’t it? I was the reluctant one while you were relentless!” The Nirik reaches the top of the structure with a flaming grin on her face and another chunk of wall hovering beside her. “NOW look at us! I’m literally looking down at you, while you look like you don’t even want to be here!” With a swing of her head Autumn slings the chunk of wall at the siren.

Her expression hardened, Aria flung herself away from the fortress side and towards the forest of poisonous mushrooms on the opposite side of the lake, causing all who were watching to react in surprise.

“She’s mad! No living creature can survive those poisonous fumes.” Tirek said as he watches Aria enter the forest just as the chunk of wall splashes into the lake.

“I’m not so certain. Very little is known about Sirens, including their immune systems.” Stygian argues while tapping a hoof to his chin.

“Those mushrooms are rather strange looking.” Rockhoof said from his spot among Mage and Magnus. He looks to Mage. “Have you come across them before, Meadowbrook?”

“Why, yes I have. They are called Agony Fungus. So named because the fumes can cause paralysis as soon as you breath them in before breaking down your organs shortly afterward.” She explains, looking mournful at the forest. “It’s certainly not a pleasant way to go…”

“Discord! Why did the arena include such a dangerous obstacle?” Twilight shouts as she hovers closer to him, an angry scowl on her face. The draconequus simple looks at her with a reassuring smile.

“Isn’t it obvious, my dear, ‘brilliant’ Twilight?” He said with emphasis on brilliant. She blinks at him as everyone looks back towards Aria, seeing her coiling around one of the stumps. “Despite being an obstacle, the area provides the combatants the best chance of winning.” He juster his lion paw towards the siren. “As you can see, she is completely immune to the fumes.”

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME! GET OUT HERE AND FACE ME!” The Nirik shouts as her flames grow bigger and hotter, slowly melting the stone she stood on.

Aria, meanwhile remains wrapped around the large stem, allowing it to warm her body. The words the Nirik spoke rattled within her mind as she turns her gaze towards Steven. “She’s right. Adagio and Sonata are gone, Steven plans to forfeit his match. What reason do I have to stay any longer?”

“THAT”S IT! IF YOU”RE NOT COMING OUT WILLINGLY…” Autumn shouts, flames licking out of her fang filled muzzle, causing Smoulder to lose it again, Twilight and Gallus to exchange a look and both Steven and Aria to look at the Nirik in fear. “…THEN I”LL SMOKE YOU OUT!” With a large breath, Autumn causes the flame within her muzzle to grow, lighting up the entire area, illuminating the various expressions on the creatures watching. With a roar akin to a volcanic eruption the flaming Nirik launches a river of bluish-purple fire streaking over the ice cold lake, warming it up so fast it began to evaporate into steam, and crash into the mushroom forest like a tidal wave. Aria flung herself away from the fire as it washes over the forest, quickly covering the entire area in flames.

“AUNTY ARIA!” Steven shouts as Autumn ends her assault, forming a sinister smirk as she watches the mushroom forest burn. Everyone watches in awe as the flames quickly reduce the fungal forest to ash. His cry causing even Spike, Ember, and the others to pause and watch the assault that was the match. Lightning Dust hovers near the barrier with a terrified expression, as the realization sunk in. A light chuckling drew her attention; The Storm King gave the pegasus an evil look.

“Fried Pegasi wings, anyone?” He said, bellowing afterwords while slapping his leg. The mare shot him an angry glare until Nightmare Moon walks before her, blocking her view of the mad king.

“Pay him no mind.” She said, calming the Washout leader. She took a deep breath before turning to look at the flaming Nirik, unable to keep from breaking a sweat from more then just the increased temperature.

“Wow. Who knew she had it in her?” Discord said as the fire began to die down, revealing nothing untouched by them. This causes him to grow concern over the condition of Aria, having no idea if she survived the attack or not.

“Aria! Aria, please! You couldn’t have died!” Steven pleads as Smoulder lightly pats the sea serpents shoulder, Spike and Ember having joined them as Tempest, Daydream, and Pharynx stood with Twilight and Gallus. The Alicorns and Shining Armor along with Soarin and Gilda were stunned by the tiny creatures destructive capabilities, while the Pillars and Prince Rutherford stood in somber silence over the probable loss of life.

Suddenly, the pile of ash erupts upward and hovering above the flaming pile floats Aria, breathing heavily with surprisingly few burns on her body.

“Aunty Aria! You’re alive!” The sea serpent shouts, bringing everyones mood up.

“How in Equestria did you manage that?” Gallus asks, scratching his head in confusion.

“My Siren Wail. It shielded me from the worst of the flames.” Aria explain, breathing heavily as Twilight, Daydream and Spike thought back to their final battle with the Sirens, who nearly won using that wail against them.

“Have you finally warmed up enough to fight? Cause I certainly am!” The Nirik said gleefully as her eyes grew brighter.

“No. I’m done. I forfeit the match.”

“What?” Autumn said, snapping her out of her angry haze and transforming back into a Kirin. No longer blind by her fiery rage Autumn took in the site of the arena; the once ice cold lake with ice platforms was now a boiling hot spring with steam rising up in large columns, the mushroom forest now a burning pile of ash. Her face stricken with disbelief Autumn Blaze hind legs collapse, bringing her romp splashing down. Confused, the Kirin examines the spot to find she was sitting in a pile of molten rock, her body naturally resistant to its harmful burn.

Discord appears beside Aria. “Are you sure you wish to forfeit? You could still be victorious.” He said, trying to persuade her.

“I’m sure. Aside from Steven and Ember, there’s no one here I want to hang around with.” She said, turning her head to look at the two, giving them a cocky smile. “After all, I can barely tolerate those two.” After hearing that, Ember smirks back at her, cracking her knuckles while Steven cries tears of joy.

“Very well. Aria Blaze has forfeit the match! The winner is…” He announces, gesturing to the still distracted Kirin. “…Autumn Blaze!”

“Huh?” Autumn looks up to see Discord and Aria floating over the ash pile, barely registering what was happening until Smoulder and Gallus started cheering for her.

“That was AWESOME! That fire breath was even hotter then my brothers!” The young dragon said, as she hovers behind the barrier.

“I can’t believe you had so much power hidden away! How did you transform like that?” Gallus added.

Autumn Blaze found it hard to join their celebration after what she had done. She was so lost in her own thoughts she hadn’t even realize Discord had returned her to the space until Spike places his claw on her shoulder. The Kirin looks up at the dragon and sees his understanding, the two having a silent conversation with that one look, ending with the two sharing a hug.

“Autumn Blaze.” The Kirin broke the hug and looks at Tempest, who smiles at her as Pharynx and Daydream join them. “If you want, you are more then welcome to join Spike in learning to control that great power of yours.” The mare allows a smile to form on her face as she nods.

“Thank you.” She said, wiping away her tears before standing up. “I’m glad Applejack, Fluttershy, and Maud weren’t here to see that. I don’t know if I’d be able to look at them, let alone speak with them.”

Daydream places her hand on the Kirin’s shoulder. “I’m sure they would’ve understood.”

“Regardless, after we’re through with you, you’ll have no problem using that level of power whenever you want.” Pharynx said confidently, earning a laugh from Spike and Autumn while Daydream gives him a look.

“The goal is to teach them control so they DON’T use that level of power.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” The two bicker as Tempest leads the group to the corner of the space as Ember watches, hovering beside Smoulder, Steven and Aria. The Dragon Lord turns to look at Aria, her smirk never leaving her maw.

“Whenever you four get the chance, stop by the Dragon Lands. I’ll make sure you all are welcomed there.” With that, Ember turns and joins Tempest’s group, ready to teach. Aria, having been healed by Discord and refusing help from Mage, floats beside Steven who catches her off guard with a hug.

“I’m so glad to have met you and Great Grandma Sonata! You’ll let her know that, won’t you?” he asks.

“…yeah. I will.” The siren replies, returning the hug as Twilight watches along with the remaining Pillars.

“Now, I feel bad.” Magnus said, dipping his head as Mage touches his shoulder, gently.

“Perhaps we had acted too hasty during that battle.” Rockhoof adds while leaning on his shovel, a sad expression on his face.

“Is there any chance they could return to Equestria?” Mage asks, looking at Twilight hopefully.

The Alicorn smiles at the three. “If they have some memory of this tournament afterwards, I’m sure Sunset will make the offer.” She shifts her gaze to her human friend. “Whenever the chance arises.”

The two serpentine creatures broke away from the hug, the two of them having moist eyes as Aria Blaze floats away from Steven. He waves goodbye as Discord snaps his bird claw, returning her to her point in time.

“The winner is…Autumn Blaze!”

Discord’s announcement drew everyones attention to him. All except two. Princess Luna held her eyes close as she takes a deep breath, calming her mind and heart, which threatens to jump out of her chest it was beating so hard. Her emotions would have gotten the best of her were it not for a large wing that was draped over her. Her eyes slowly open as a smile appears, looking up to meet the reassuring smile of Celestia.

“How are you faring, Sister?” Celestia asks, with Cadence and Shining Armor gathering around them.

“Troubled, but undeterred.” Luna replies, raising her head up confidently.

“I’ll bet. How many ponies can say they literally faced their past selves?” Shining said in a upbeat way to ease the tension.

“I will be one of the few, Shining Armor.” She flashes the stallion with a thankful smile, receiving one in return.

“Its possible you two are evenly matched in terms of power, what with access to the Moon and all.” Cadence said, sparring a look at Celestia before continuing. “So it’ll come down to strategy. Have you got a few in mind?”

“A sound deduction, Cadence. And yes, I have a few in mind.” The two mares share a hug just as Steven and Aria share theirs. Braking away, Luna faces Celestia who touches her forehead to Luna’s, careful of their horns.

“I believe in you, Luna. I know you’ll succeed where I failed.” The two sisters separate, meeting each others eyes just as Discord snaps his bird claw, returning Aria to her place in time and teleporting Luna to the platform. Her expression turns determined before turning around to stand face to face with Nightmare Moon, her alter ego from another time line and a reminder of her fall from grace.