• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,277 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Spitfire vs Flash Magnus/Tempest Shadow vs Adagio Dazzle

Round 1 Bracket 1-D

Nightmare Moon returned to the opposite space, leaving her helmet back on the field. Her look was hardened after she composed herself while Discord presented the fallen Mistmane to the other Pillars with Rarity and Luna among them. The Princess of the Sun stood with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, watching over the aftermath of the emotionally tense match.

“Wow. Hearing her view of the story, its easier to understand why she become Nightmare Moon in the first place.” Shining spoke in a low sad tone. Cadence leans into him for comfort.

“Poor Luna. There is no love in her heart what so ever. She’s completely…cold.”

Just then Celestia caught Luna glaring towards the villains space. Following it, she found her alter ego meeting the glare with an equally fierce one of her own.

‘Why…? Why didn’t I listen to you? Why didn’t I reach out to you before you resorted to this?” Shining looked up at Celestia, only to give the eldest Alicorn a sympathetic look upon seeing the streams of tears running down her face, devastated. “Was I too enamoured by the praise and love? Too blinded to the idea that Luna felt differently then I? Too young to understand what was happening?”

“Celestia…” Shining said causing Cadence to look at her aunt. Turning her back to them in an effort to spare them the site, she allowed herself this moment of reignited guilt.

Unaware that she was giving Daydream Shimmer the full view, braking her heart.

“I…I had never seen Celestia cry before.” She spoke as her own tears began to flow.

Tempest stepped around the human to see for herself. “It seems even princesses are not immune to the pain of their past mistakes.”

Meanwhile, Discord was hovering by the selecting panel as it picked the next competitor. “Listen up, everyone. The next match will be between…Spitfire!”

Gazing at the panel Spitfire began trotting in place, pumping herself up for the match. “It’s about time! All this drama was starting to get to me.”

“You got this Spitfire!” Rainbow said as she hovered over her. “Who ever it is, show them why YOU’RE Captain of the Wonderbolts!”

“Just don’t get too cocky out there.” Soarin warned as she trotted out of the space.

“I got this, guys.” She said. Just before entering the arena, she turned around to see Lightning Dust hovering in her space, a cocky grin on her face. From what she had seen of her during her match, Spitfire decided to make amends. “For what its worth, I always thought you were a fantastic flyer. If a little reckless for my tastes.”

“Ha! Obviously, you’ve never really flown before then. If you did, I would be a Wonderbolt by now.”

“Please. Just because I appreciate your talent, doesn’t mean you're Wonderbolt material. I can still fly circles around you without even trying.” She walked onto the arena as it transformed her side into cloud columns. “I’d prove it, but you don’t stand a chance against Rainbow Dash.” With a flick of her tail she flew onto one of the columns, leaving a fuming Lightning Dust.

Rainbow shared a laugh with Soarin as they stood at the space bordering the arena as Daring Do joined them. “I’ve seen you guys perform a few times, but never in a battle. What’s she like?”

“No mercy!” Soarin replied with a chuckle. “During training, she’d have us practice maneuvers so hard and so many times, we’d couldn’t even lift our wings the rest of the day!”

“Totally! She’s also the best hoof to hoof fighter we got.” Rainbow gushed as the second panel was slowing down. “To this day, no one has ever managed to beat her!”

“And her opponent will be…Flash Magnus!” Discord announced prompting the three pegasi to look up at him.

“Heh. If what you say is true…” He said as he took to the air, getting their attention. “Then I’ll be the one who brakes that streak.” He takes off, his shield in hoof, leaving Rainbow and Soarin to exchange a look with each other.

Landing on his side of the arena began its transformation as large jagged towers of rock with geysers of lava littered the ground where he stood, Flash hadn't even giving it a second thought.

“Gotta say, growing up hearing about you? It’s a real honour that my first match would be with you.” Spitfire said, landing before Magnus to shake his hoof.

Magnus smilies, taking the offered hoof. “I’m flattered. I’ve heard tales of you and your Wonderbolts. I’m glad to hear this future world has a team similar to my Legion.”

“I’m willing to bet my team would impress your Legion, without a doubt.” She bragged as Soarin and Rainbow cheer, along with an enthusiastic ‘Yeah’ from Bulk Biceps.

“I’m afraid you’re wrong about that.” Magnus replied after the hoof shake, earning him a offended look from Spitfire.

“Why not?” She asked with a challenging tone.

“To be frank, you and your team are pathetic.”

Along with the look of utter shock on Spitfire and Soarin’s faces, Rainbow shouted out in offended protests, startling Daring Do and a roaring bellow of laughter from Lightning Dust and the other villains.

“Oh no…” Mage said in a worried tone as Rockhoof and Starswirl wore similar expressions.

“What?” Rarity asked.

“Flash Magnus is a soldier. And soldiers…” Starswirl began as he turned to face Rarity and her friends. “…don’t tolerate failure when it comes to protecting their homeland and its populace.”

Before Spitfire composed herself Discord appeared. “Oh. The pre-battle banter is starting out strong.” He turns to Spitfire. “Do you have a response?”

“Yeah. I’ll show you who’s pathetic!” With that she jumped back to her side of the arena to await the start of the match.

“By all means. Give me everything you got.” Magnus challenged as he threw aside his shield to the edge of the arena before taking to the air, waiting. The action confused Spitfire but was too late to question it as Discord readied his claw.

“Then by all means, let’s get this match….started!” As soon as he vanished Magnus flew at Spitfire, connecting with a right hook that sent her into a cloud column.

“Cheap Shot! He didn’t start the match on the ground!” Rainbow shouted.

“Hmmm. I don’t recall saying you had to start on the ground.” Discord answered matter of factly.

“But…the arena…”

“Would take the form that best gives the competitors an advantage. I never said you had to start the match on the ground, just as long as both were ready.”

Rainbow fumed over that technicality as Spitfire shot out of the cloud column, straight for Flash Magnus. With a flap of his wings, the stallion dodged the blew that was aimed for his head. Correcting herself Spitfire chased after Flash, missing every punch she threw at him. The chase took them around the arena; maneuvering around the sharp rock towers and geysers until one of them singed the tips of one of Spitfire’s wings.

Flash Magnus capitalized on her at that moment, grabbing her and tossing her over his shoulder towards a rock tower. However, during the ark Spitfire angled her wings and grabbed onto his hoof. Instead of being thrown away she had used the momentum to twist around and deliver a kick to the stallion’s head. The blow knock him out of the sky and towards a geyser. Using quick thinking and instincts Flash twisted himself in order to kick off a tower. His wings flared out to catch the rising heat, the former Legionnaire glided over the geyser just as it went off. Flapping his wings he meets the pegasus mare at the top of the towers, a smug expression on her face.

“Still think we’re pathetic, hotshot?” Her teams cheers could be heard as she stood confidently.

“Even more so, after seeing a move like that.” He replied while brushing soot of his shoulder guard.

“Oh, Come ON!” Spitfire shouted.

“How many successful missions have you had in the last ten years?”

Spitfire was about to reply but hesitated. “Well…we haven’t had that many missions lately.”

“Then it should be an easy question to answer.” Spitfire remained silent. “Allow me, then. Your team failed to save a falling unicorn, who proceeded to knock you all out, single hoofed.” Rarity gave a nervous chuckle as Soarin’s head sunk. “You failed to stop a rampaging dragon from terrorizing a town full of ponies.” Smoulder glances at Spike, who also chuckled nervously. “Failed to act when Nightmare Moon returned, during Chrysalis’s invasion, Discord’s return, need I continue?”

As Flash listed off their poor track record, Soarin and Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but acknowledge them. Spitfire, however was growing furious.

“You think you could’ve done better? I’d like to you take on Chrysalis or Nightmare Moon. With or without a team!”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends seemed to have managed it.” His eyes grew harder as he stared down the frustrated Captain. “And they’re civilians!” Fed up with being talked down to, Spitfire attacked Flash, missing him as he sidestepped the assault. She chased him was he continued to talk. “My Legion was vigilant. Always ready for anything. Natural disaster, enemy invasion, dragon assault. We handled them all with efficiency and success.”

Grabbing the hoof Spitfire had used to attack with Flash Magnus countered her attack, twisting her leg behind her back, and slamming her on top of a tower.

“Impressive. He performed that move flawlessly…” Bon Bon mused to herself. Pharynx looked back at her with a raised eyebrow. Looking away, she began to whistle innocently.

“The Wonderbolts are no special task team. You’re just a bunch of performers in way over your head.”

“I’ll show you…what this…performer…can DO!” Using her free legs and wings, the Captain of the Wonderbolts pushed off the tower and into the air. She then twisted around to grab the stallion, only for him to catch on to her plan and release her hoof, hoping to get distance.

He just didn’t take her tail into consideration.

Skillfully, Spitfire lassoed his hind leg with her tail. Without hesitation she flew around the rocky arena slamming Magnus into the rock towers. After two passes of this, Flash managed to grab onto a tower, halting Spitfires momentum. Using her confusion and sheer strength Flash pulled her towards him while bringing his hoof back. Seeing it coming but unable to avoid it, Spitfire suffered the stallions uppercut.

The force of the punch sent her flying into the air, having undone her tail from his leg in the process. Pushing off the tower Flash rocketed passed the stunned mare, then kicked her towards the ground when she reached him. He kicked her towards the cloud columns on her side of the arena, cushioning her fall while crashing through three and landing within a fourth one.

The three cloud columns floated in the air as the stallion landed on the top of an intact one, watching as Spitfire severed the column she was in with a shouted. “I’ll be the first to acknowledge your skills as a fighter. But as a leader, your abilities are sorely lacking.”

“That’s going too far!” Rainbow shouted ready to lay into him, until Soarin stopped her with a hoof on her shoulder. Looking back at him, Rainbow could see in his eyes. He agrees with Flash.

But he’s not the only one.

“…You’re right.” Spitfire said, her head down as she shook with anger. Flash gave a small startled reaction as Soarin and Rainbow looked at their Captain, shocked. Even Lightning Dust was stunned with surprise. “For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a Wonderbolt. I trained and practiced and met every challenge that got in my way. When the opportunity to become Captain came, I took it without hesitation. I didn’t care about the details of the job, only the best parts.”

Flash was stone faced when Spitfire revealed her tear stained face, causing an eruption of laughter from the more petty villains. Lightning Dust remained silent.

“Leading the Wonderbolts! I had finally gotten what I had dreamed of my whole life. But I let it get to my head. I focused more on the performance aspect of the job then its true purpose. Training them to best protect and serve Equestria.” Spitfire allowed her wings to drop to the cloud she stood on as she blinked away her tears. “I allowed my own ego and pride to dictate my decisions; overlooking Lightning Dust’s recklessness and expelling her from the academy, rather then train it out of her. Abandoning Soarin for Rainbow Dash during the Equestria Games training. Going in head first against major threats instead of making a plan of attack…” Unable to stay standing Spitfire sits down as the weight of her failures comes to light. “I’m a poor excuse for a Captain. Maybe, it’s time for me to step down.”

“WHAT?” Soarin, Rainbow, and Bulk Biceps shouted in horror.

“You Can’t!” Rainbow continued, jumping into the air. “That’s all in the past! We know you’re a great Captain!”

“Whatever mistakes you’ve made, we can learn from them moving forward!” Soarin added hovering beside Rainbow.

“YEAH!” Bulk finished off, joining the others in the air. Celestia and Luna admired the conviction they share with each other, while Shining Armor couldn’t keep the prideful smile off his face at their display of military brotherhood.

“There’s no need for such extremes.” Flash said with a smile as he flew before the saddened mare. “My intention was to have you recognize your errors, so that you can learn and become a greater leader. Not to make you step down as one.”

Spitfire looked up at him with moist eyes. “How can I continue to be the Captain after so many failures under my belt? It’s a wonder I haven’t already been demoted.”

“It’s no wonder at all. I’m willing to bet it’s because of your team.” Spitfire looked from him to the others. Seeing Soarin and Rainbow cheer for her; even Bulk Biceps, who didn’t make the cut, rooted for her with great enthusiasm. She noticed Lightning Dust in the corner of her eye, giving her the slightest nod of approval. “The greatest leaders inspire those who follow them. Despite your failures, you excel at that most important task.”

Spitfire turned to Flash who held out a hoof for her. Taking it, the stallion lifts her into the air, a determined smile on his face. “Your team is behind you. And I want to help you as well. Together, we’ll turn the Wonderbolts into a true force to be reckoned with!”

A smile grows on Spitfire’s face. “I think I’ll take you up on that. After the tournament.” The smile turns into a grin as she puts some distance between them. “But right now, we have a match to finish!”

“Now we’re talking!” Magnus calls out as he gets into his fightin stance. “Let’s do this!”

The two charge at each other with a powerful flap of their wings, trading blows with one another with such skill everyone watching became enamoured by their dance of combat.

“Her defence is solid. I’m impressed she’s able to knock away his powerful blows.” Pharynx commented as the fight went on.

“It looks like his attacks are fast too. For every three blows she blocks against, one manages to slip past it.” Shining added just before Spitfire counters Magnus’ blow with a backflip kick. The attack sent him back aways, giving her a moment to breathe. Catching a geyser gushing out lava the Wonderbolt Captain beat her wings, carrying her towards them.

Cautious, Flash Magnus remains in the sky above the rock towers, trying to find his opponent. Meanwhile, Spitfire flew low, searching for what she needed for her plan.

“I’m already impressed with your skills as a fighter. Is this you showing me your strategy skills?”

“Ever heard the saying…” Spitfire shouted, drawing his attention towards the edge of the arena. “…seeing is believing?”

Giving the area a wide berth Flash Magnus tries to make out what she was doing. “Rather difficult to prove when your hidden!”

“Not for long!” The ground rumbled as a geyser exploded violently, launching a boulder straight at the airborne pegasus. His training kicked in as his perception of time slowed, allowing him to easily move around the boulder.

Only to be directly in line with the fast approaching Spitfire. Time slowed to a crawl for the two pegasi once again as they neared collision. Spitfire had her right hoof drawn back, ready to deliver a devastating blow to his muzzle while Flash Magnus was in a compromised position, as she had planned.

Or so she thought.

With the tiniest flap of his wings in opposite directions Flash Magnus manages to tilt his body backwards. Not enough to dodge the inevitable blow but more then enough to position one of his own.

This all took place within a single second to those untrained enough to see. But it was enough as they finally collided with a force so great, a tiny shockwave emanated from it, knocking over the towers closest to them.

The two remained in the air together; Spitfire’s hoof imbedded into his right cheek and his lower right hoof drove deep into her stomach. The pain was evident on their faces as both their wings stopped flapping, resulting in the two of them plummeting towards a geyser.

“Discord, Save them!” Fluttershy called out in horror. But just before he snapped his fingers Flash Magnus dove towards Spitfire. The mare in his hooves Flash Magnus opened his wings and, once again, used the rising heat to lift the two into the air again. They cleared the rest of the geysers and crashed into the other half of the arena, where they both lay still.

“Flash!” Rockhoof called out in worry.

“Oh my! Please be alright.” Mage Meadowbrook said aloud.

“Come on, Spitfire! You can still win this!” Rainbow cheered on.

“Just stand up! You can do it!” Soarin cheered along.


As the cheers and cries went on the two pegasi slowly rose to their hooves. Battered, bruised and exhausted Spitfire and Flash Magnus stood face to face with each other determined to win.

“That was…an amazing…move…” Spitfire complemented weakly.

“That…was a brilliant…plan…” Flash responded just as weak.

“I…look forward…to…working together.”

“As do I…Captain.”

Having endured much throughout the match Spitfire flashed the stallion with a content smile before collapsing to the ground, unconscious. Rainbow, Soarin, and Bulk Biceps slowly lowered to the ground as Discord appeared above the two combatants.

“Spitfire is unable to continue.” He announced, picking up the fallen mare. “The winner is Flash Magnus!” Many of the creatures cheered as Discord teleported them to the space entrance. The two were completely restored to full health while Flash’s shield appeared before him. The other Pillars gathered around their friend to celebrate as Celestia and Shining Armor approached the downed Wonderbolt, worrying Rainbow and Soarin.

“Princess Celestia, please wait. She can do better. Just give her another chance!” Rainbow pleaded as the two came to a stop before them.

“At ease, Rainbow Dash. We have no intention of demoting her.” Shining Armor explained with a smile.

“We merely wish to offer our praise to her valiant efforts.” The Alicorn turned her gaze towards Spitfire, still unconscious in Discord’s claws. “In and out of the arena.”

After one final moment Discord snap his tail, sending Spitfire back to when she came from as well as starting up the selector.

“Hey!” The ponies turned to see Lightning hovering beside them in her space. Much to Rainbow’s annoyance.

“What do you want, Dust?”

“…next time you see her, can you let her know…I thought her match was awesome.” She asked with a hint of remorse. Rainbow was about to speak when Soarin held out a hoof in front of her. Meeting Lightning’s eyes, the stallion smiled and gave her a nod. She nods in response before turning to leave when Rainbow flew past Soarin and right to the edge of their space.

“Fair warning, Lightning Dust!” The mare looks back at Rainbow. “In the next round, I WILL prove Spitfire right. So you better not hold back!” Slamming her hooves against the invisible barrier, Rainbow fails to keep a tear from falling. “Because I WON’T be!”

Lightning Dust faces Rainbow, matching the Wonderbolts intense glare with her own. “All or nothing. To see which of us is the Best of the Best!”

“Listen up, every creature! It’s time to see who will compete in the last match of the bracket!”

“So, the tournament does have a bracket system.” Starlight said aloud.

“Of course there is. Didn’t I mention it?”

“No.” she answered plainly.

“I’m surprised at you, Discord.” Luna began with a teasing smile on her face. “I thought a tournament hosted by you would be more…ambitious then an average one.”

Discord gives an exaggerated sigh. “I know! Believe me, If I was sure any of my improvements wasn’t going to affect a match outcome, I would have made this tournament much more interesting.” Teleporting to the selector Discord just shrugs his shoulders. “Sadly, you ponies and your ‘simple ways’ have rubbed off on me.” Some of the creatures chuckled as the first creature was selected. “The final match of the bracket will be…Tempest Shadow!”

“TEMPEST?” Ponies repeated the name, but The Storm King’s voice rose above them all. “That sorry excuse for a unicorn is here? Where? She’s certainly not on this side.”

“Tempest no longer works for you.” Twilight told him confidently. Creatures began looking around as Daydream turned towards her new friend.

“Looks like you’re up, Tempest.” She said with a smile.

“So it seems.” She turned to walk around Steven in the opposite direction.

“Why are you going that way? Isn’t it faster to go this way?”

“It is. But I wouldn’t want to draw attention to you.” The unicorn flashed a smile over her shoulder before walking away.

A thankful smile appeared on Daydream. “Good luck, my friend.”

“Oh, Tempest?” Discord mock calls out. “Where are…ah! There you are.” The unicorn slowly made her way towards the group of creatures when Twilight spots her.

“Tempest!” The Princess called out as she went to meet her.

“Oh, SHE’S Tempest.” Autumn called out as Twilight embraces her friend.

“It’s good to see you again, Twilight.”

“Why were you hiding this whole time?” Twilight asked as Smoulder jumped into the air.

“And who else is hiding back there?” The dragon shouted in announce. Twilight, along with a number of the creatures all looked behind Tempest at Steven and Ahuizotl. Ahuizotl just looked at the sea monster, who just posed for everyone.

“It doesn’t matter.” Tempest announced as she walked towards the arena with Twilight. “They’ll join you when they decide to.”

As she approached the arena, a creature stepped in front of her, forcing her to stop and meet their eyes.

It was Captain Celaeno. “You still owe me a ship.” She said with her claw on her sword.

“I owe a lot to many creatures. I haven’t seen you since the celebration concert.”

“He grabbed you after that night and you still haven’t gotten me a new ship?” Tempest said nothing; only held the pirates gaze with a sorrowful one. Stepping away, Celaeno crossed her arms while turning her back to the unicorn. “It’s nice to know where I stand in regards to your priorities.”

“Captain…” Twilight said as Tempest continued on as creatures stepped out of her path. Stepping out into the arena, which morphed into wooden structures with airships tethered to them, the Storm King spoke out.

“Hey, Tempest. Come across any decent horns lately?” The Storm King laughed aloud as his words earned him a glare from Tempest, her anger causing magic to spark from her broken horn. “Oooh. How scary! With your sparks and glare and blah.”

Taking a moment to calm herself down she turned and walked away. “I hope you are my opponent. I never did get the chance to show you what I can do.” At that moment, the selector made its choice.

Discord floated before the selector. “And she will be facing…Adagio Dazzle!”

“Not her!” Daydream said aloud, causing Celestia’s ear to flick.

“Oh, how wondrous.” Adagio floated out into the ring, ignoring the glares the Pillars and Twilight were giving her. Touching her tail to the arena triggered its change, turning the rest of the arena into a lightning storm over open water.

“What does an arena like that say about her?” Thorax asked aloud.

“That she’s unpredictable and dangerous and Not to be taken lightly.” Starswirl replied with unconcealed disdain.

“You’re aware of what I am, right?” The siren asked as she floated around Tempest.

“I am.” Tempest never lost track of the creature, ready for anything.

“Then you must realize how delicious your negativity is to me. You have so much, it could make my voice so powerful it could even effect Discord!”

“Ahem. I’m right here, you know?” The draconequus said while floating above them. With a glare, Adagio returned to her side of the arena.

“Interesting.” Tempest replied all the while. “But ultimately pointless.”

“Oh? And why’s that?” Adagio asked as Discord readied his claw.

“You would have to take that negativity from me.” Tempest got into a stance. “And that’s just not happening.”

“Oooo. I’m excited for this one!” Discord announced. “So let the match….begin!” Immediately, Adagio began to sing only for Tempest to blast her with a firework spell. The explosions battered her around, preventing her from holding a note for the spell to work. Frustrated the siren slithered under the explosions straight for Tempest, her hooves grazing the deck floor as she went. Anticipating the attack Tempest began to cartwheel, dodging it. But once past the unicorn Adagio twisted around to swipe at her with a hoof while simultaneously bringing her tail in to grab her.

Still on her fore hooves Tempest twists her hind legs. Just before Adagio’s attack could connect, the unicorn spun her legs while pushing off the ground. The siren looked up in surprise just as Tempest launched a powerful blast of magic straight down at her. The attack connected, cracking the wood where Adagio slammed into as the momentum of the attack sent Tempest flying into one of the docked ships.

The Storm King’s jaw hung open after witnessing that display.

“Whoa! Where was she when those three attacked Canterlot?” Starlight asked as she pointed at the three offenders.

“While still sore about her imprisoning us…” Luna said begrudgingly. “…I must admit, she is a very skilled fighter.”

“Indeed. Training herself to utilize her disability to her advantage. This is a pony I should like to speak with.” Starswirl admitted before a thought came to him. “Wait, what?” He turned to face the Princesses, all three of which avoided his eyes.

Tempest stood her ground as Adagio’s enraged face comes into view, floating up to meet her. The two stared at each other as Tempest readied her horn until she was caught off guard when a menacing smile appeared on the creatures muzzle.

“Isn’t this just precious. To find a pony, no less…” She began while circling around the airship, Tempest never letting the siren out of her sight.

“Spare me your mind games; I know how you sirens operate. Drawing the negativity from the ponies you bewitch.” Tempest kept rotating on board as Adagio circled. “Your song will not work on me.”

“Perhaps.” Adagio replies slowly. “Or maybe, your caution stems from how similar we are.” This takes Tempest by surprise. “Never have I met a pony so consumed with negative energy.” Tempest had stood in place allowing Adagio to circle behind the unicorn. “An energy you draw strength from. Just. Like. Me.” She had moved closer to Tempest with each word. Suddenly, a slow, dark music fills the air. as she slowing circles her prey.

“You carry such a burden everywhere you go

Effecting every creature, allowing it to grow”

“Okay, seriously! Where does that music come from?” Pharynx asked in frustration. A tap to his head made the changeling look up to see Discord pointing to a platform at the opposite side if the arena. There, everyone saw an orchestral group lead by Octavia and a mix table with DJ Pon3 at it. The DJ gave everyone a wave of her hoof.

“Oh, for crying out loud…” Pharynx sighed in defeat as Thorax patted his back.

“This burden that you carry is not easily relieved

Unless you’re willing

To listen



The sirens expression turns excited as Aria and Sonata joining in with their voices as the music picks up into a hypnotic rhythm. Grabbing Tempest in her hooves, Adagio lifts her into the air, muzzle to muzzle.

“So that I can Take it and set you free!”

Dropping Tempest back on the ship Adagio laughs as the unicorn prepared her horn.

“Give in to my voice! I swear you won’t feel a thing

Allow my soothing notes to let your dreams take wing”

As she sung she smack the ship with her tail, causing Tempest to misfire, hitting the ballon that kept the ship afloat.

“I’ll take away your anger, sadness, pain

And leave you empty, and just as plain”

Aria and Sonata chimed in with their simple vocals. Tempest jumped off the falling ship allowing Adagio to blast her, sending the uncorn crashing into one of the structures. Adagio continued to sing while searching for her prey.

“Tearing you down

Building walls around you

Separating you from those you care about

This Negativity, energy

Is just the greatest meal, for me!”

She laughs as Tempest picks herself up from the rubble, shaking away the bits stuck to her mane. She caught her breath while gathering her thoughts as the sirens sang the chorus.

“You’re filled to the brim with

Negativity! (Aria and Sonata)

How can you have so much


Stop fighting and give me that


There’s no way you can stop me from taking all that


Who better to have it, then me?”

They began to laugh before blasting the spot Tempest had crashed through. Just as she thought she had won, the music turns back to a dark tone, but this time it had orchestral music mixed in.

“This burden I carry everywhere I go

Reminds me of my past mistakes so I’ll bear it alone”

Adagio looks up to the roof where Tempest stood proud as a small smile crossed her face. Twilight, Autumn, and Skystar watched intently, the former listening as the later two shook with anticipation.

“There is nothing you can do, sing, or say

To convince me to part with it..”

She lights up her horn and leaps towards her opponent.

“…So get out!




She unleashes her attack as Adagio avoids the brunt of it, staggering away as Tempest continues her assault, singing all the while.

“Giving me strength

Hardening my iron will

Pushing me to, protect those I care about

This Negativity, energy

Will only ever serve me!”

Dodging a magic blast Tempest lands on another roof, creating a shield to block Adagio from biting down on her. With a hard jerk of her head the shield explodes, knocking her opponent away. Once done Tempest resumed her song as Autumn and Skystar joined her.

“You will never have my

Negativity! (Autumn and Skystar)

I will fight you using my


You can never have enough


But you will fail trying to get my


It’s just so plain to see.”

Having been knock back towards her raging storm, Adagio floated over the water glaring at Tempest as the unicorn leaped down to the docks of her arena. The music shifted into a harmonizing mix of dark orchestral music and fast moving pop as the two sang off.

“I draw my power from it, this I can’t deny

It courses through my veins, until the day I die”

Adagio floated higher into the storm, singing over the booming thunder.

“I’ll devour it all in a single verse!”

Tempest thrusts her head to the sky, her horn sparking with magic.

“My magic will do so much worse!”

Nearing the end the two sing simultaneously as the music builds to its highest point.


The music stops

“I’ll win this match with ease!”

Launching a magic blast towards the water Adagio used the wave to block Tempest’s attack before bursting through it to capture the unicorn with her tail. “Ha! I told you it would be easy.”

“No! Tempest!” Twilight called out as Daydream clinched her fist angrily. Tempest struggle to launch a spell but as Adagio sang her spell, her tail constricted so strong the mare couldn’t concentrate.

“Relax, Tempest. I’ll make this quick.” Resuming her spell Adagio began to draw the green negative energy from her prey. As it left Tempest noticed the frightened looks the creatures were giving her, even managing to spot Daydream’s helpless, angry expression. Suddenly, the sirens spell took affect, causing Tempest to become enraged.

More then Adagio expected.

With a furious shout Tempest pushed against Adagio’s grasp surprising her enough that she stopped her spell. But it was far to late as Tempest fired a large blast of magic into her face. Freed, Tempest fell from the sky only to bite onto the stunned sirens tail. With her enraged strength she flipped forward, bringing Adagio slamming into the wooden deck, braking it in half. Hauling her around in a circle the rage filled mare smashed Adagio through many of the structures before tossing her back out to her water filled side with a mighty heave.

The display caused the entire place to fall silent. Lightning Dust caught the Storm Kings petrified expression in her peripheral. Leaning towards him she whispers. “Tartarus hath no fury then a mare scorn, am I right?”

With another furious shout Tempest charged her horn, calling a bolt of lightning down into it. With it electrified the mare launched a stream of magic into the water, electrocuting it in its entirety. Quick flashes within the water showed the siren getting electrocuted as Tempest continued her assault.

“Discord, PLEASE!” Sonata shouted. “Stop her before she kills Adagio!”

Just then, Daydream Shimmer appeared among the ponies slamming her hands against the invisible barrier. “That’s enough, Tempest! You’ve won! Stop this, NOW!”

“Sunset? Where did you..?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“Sunset?” Starlight asked as she looked from Spike to Twilight. As they questioned Daydream’s appearance, she had managed to get through to the mare in the arena. Once Daydream spoke out Tempest began to calm herself down; looking towards her friend she had ended her assault and began to breath deeply. Discord floated above the arena trying to spot the hidden siren, with no success.

“Is she…?” Sonata was unable to hide the fear in her voice. As Discord turned back to reply Adagio’s head burst out of the water and launched a blast at Tempest.

“Tempest!” Daydream called out. The unicorn faced the oncoming attack, calm and unafraid. Just before impact, Tempest effortlessly side step away, leaving a curved shield in her place. The shield redirected the attack right back at Adagio, receiving its full might. She floated in the water, unconscious as the storm above her began to calm down, prompting Discord to retrieve her as he made the match official.

“Adagio is unable to continue. The winner is Tempest!”

“Way to go, Tempest!” Daydream shouted as the unicorn walked over, a smile on her face. As she approached, Discord had restored Adagio before allowing Aria and Sonata a moment with her.

“Finally decided to join the group, huh?” Tempest said teasingly as Daydream bent down to hug her.

“Some things are more important then my comfort.”

“May I have every creatures attention!” Before anyone could say anything Discord drew everyone’s attention after returning Adagio to her point in time. “This victory marks the end of the matches for the first bracket.” Snapping his claws a display board appeared under the F.a.S.T banner, showing the winners of bracket one and three empty brackets.

“How about a round of applause for our winners. Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust will start out the second round!” The two pegasi exchanged determined looks as the creatures stomped the ground in celebration. “Afterwards, it will be the battle of the Blaze’s! Autumn Blaze vs Aria Blaze!” Autumn blushed a bit as her new friends applaud her before looking at Aria and Sonata, keeping to themselves.

The Kirin couldn’t help but feel a ping of sadness as her eyes began to glow in angry focus.

“Followed up by the grudge match of all time! Two sides of the same coin. One benevolent. One tyrannical. Both hold command over the Moon, itself! Princess Luna vs Nightmare Moon!” Discord’s romanticizing the match caused most of the creatures to hoot and haller in anticipation while Luna sadly exchanged a look with Nightmare Moon’s cold stare. “And finally, while not as exciting, we have Flash Magnus vs Tempest Shadow!” The two ponies and their friends gave Discord a displeased look.

“Well done to you winners! We all look forward to the next round. But for now…” Discord snapped his fingers as a light highlighted a spot from the second bracket, while the selector began to spin. “Shall we continue?”

Author's Note:

I surprised myself with how many songs I've included into this story. Again, have fun to anyone willing to make a track for my lyrics, just as long as you credit and link the finished piece. Thanks for reading.