• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Princess Celestia vs Sonata Dusk/Cozy Glow vs Starswirl the Bearded

Round 1 Bracket 2-B

“Farewell, everyone. Stay safe. And Soarin, Rainbow…?” Rarity was in the middle of a hug involving Spike, Yona, and Sandbar when she addressed the two pegasi. They watched as she was released from said hug while Discord hovered above her, her expression going intense. “Give. Them. Tartarus!”

A moment of confusion crossed both of them before giving her a cocky smirk with a confidant nod. Her expression melting into a saddened one, Rarity turns to face Luna.

“Princess Luna…” The Alicorn addressed the unicorn. “Don’t forget, there are more important things to lose then a match.” The Princess of the Night was taken aback by the comment before replying.

“Understood, Rarity.” With a brief nod Rarity waves her hoof with flare.

“Best of luck to you all, my friends!” With a smile on her face Discord snapped his claws, sending her back.

The selector began to spin.

“That Rarity is as a worthy successor to Mistmane.” Rockhoof had leaned his shovel against his shoulder as he wipes a tear form his eye. “Even in defeat her radiant beauty shines bright with elegant grace.”

“Oh, absolutely!” Steven Magnet added as he drew closer. “She truly is a gem of a pony. And so giving!” He had flicked his regrown moustache.

“Yona glad Rarity forfeit.” The yak sat down as Sandbar place a hoof on her shoulder. “It would be so terrible if one single hair on her ever got hurt.” She spoke properly, like Rarity taught her.

“Aye, lass. Some creatures are just not meant for battle.”

“Hear, hear.” Shining Armor, Soarin, and Flash Magnus cheered together.

“Yeah.” Bulk added with a less excited, more serious mood. Just then, the next combatant was chosen.

“May I have your attention please!” Discord called out enthusiastically more then usual.

“You seem chipper then usual, Discord.” Applejack pointed out, suspicious.

“I’m so glad you noticed, AJ! Because the next combatant is a dozy…” With a show of eccentricity the Lord of Chaos gestures towards the chosen creature. “…Princess Celestia!”

All the creatures were silently staring at the regal Alicorn.

“OH, COME ON!” Sunset Shimmer screamed a loud, drawing the Sphinx’s attention.

“Oh. How exciting!” Celestia surprised everyone, except Luna, with her response before heading for the arena.

“Wait, you’re seriously going to compete?” Daydream asked as she followed the Princess of the Sun.

“Why wouldn’t I? I’m a combatant as well, aren’t I?” Celestia replied as she stepped onto the arena, unfazed as it morphed into a field of flowers with a miniature sun glowing above her.

Suddenly, ponies grew worried.

“Since when has Celestia done ANYTHING beside teach and rule over Equestria?” Daydream asked as she stood at the edge of the space, unaware that her counterpart had done the same.

As well as Luna and Nightmare Moon.

“A lot has happened since we last met, Sunset Shimmer.” Luna informed her once they stood together.

“Like what?”

“Well…” Twilight said as she hovered towards them, a guilty look on her face.

“WHAT?” Daydream’s surprise could be heard from Sunset and Nightmare Moon’s position. The unicorn held a angry scowl on her face as Nightmare Moon kept her eyes on Celestia.

“Where was THIS Celestia when I was her student? She wouldn’t have held me back if she were more like this!”

“Hmm. She certainly has…changed. The Celestia I banished to the Moon was more stiff and rigid. This Celestia is a far cry from her counterpart in my time.”

This got Sunset’s attention. “You do understand then? What she was like before?”

The Mare of the Moon gave a subtle predatory smile. “Oh yes. I understand perfectly what you had to endure under her tutelage.” Sunset looked from Nightmare Moon to Celestia, who was going through some stretches.

“Alright. I’ll hear you out.” The Alicorn’s smile grew as Sunset looked her in the eyes. “Tell me how to use the sun to become an Alicorn.”

The tiny Alicorn’s ears perked up as a smile slowly grew on Cozy Glow’s face while Celestia’s challenger was revealed.

“And her opponent is…Sonata Dusk?”

“YAY! It’s my turn!” The youngest siren cheered as she floated to the arena. “Wish me luck, Aria!”

“Focus on the match, Sonata! PLEASE!” The other siren instructed before giving a heavy sigh. “Thanks, Adagio. Leave me alone with Sonata, why don’t cha?”

“Oh! Sonata!” Steven Magnet called out, trying to get her attention. When she did the siren caught sight of Tempest. Locking eyes with the pony caused her to become enraged, prompting Tempest to brace herself. “Oh, I’m so glad I got your attention!” Steven placed himself between the two snapping Sonata out of her rage.

Sonata blinked. “Who are you?” She blinked twice. “And why do you look familiar?”

“I’m Steven Magnet! Your great grandson!”

“HER WHAT?” Twilight and Spike shouted aloud looking from Steven to Sonata, a horrified expression on their faces.

“You are?” Sonata asked as she thought back, scratching her head with a hoof.

“That red sea serpent we ran into on our way to Equestria!” Aria called out. “You took off to meet him, didn’t you?” She accused, causing Sonata to look away with a guilty blush on her face.

“I liked his moustache…” She argued weakly.

Steven Magnet was thrilled to have finally met with his great grandmother, the Pillars were all manner of confused hearing about personal details regarding creatures they had banished, everyone else were ether disgusted, embarrassed, or excited to the news, while Twilight and Spike exchanged looks with each other before sharing one with Daydream.

The three shivered in the realization of this fact.

“Why are you three acting so weird?” Silverstream asked, noticing their reactions.

“Let’s just say… appearances can be deceiving.” Spike replied as he sat down.

“Oh, is that another friendship lesson?”

“Sure. Why not.”

“Oh, this is wonderful! I have so many questions!” Steven said with excitement.

“Me, too! How is…” Sonata began before Discord appeared between them.

“I hate to come between a family reunion…”

“No, you don’t!” Trixie called out.

“…but you are about to start a match, remember?” The two looked back at Celestia, lying down playing with the flowers, bored.

“Oh! Right. Sorry.” She turns to Steven. “We’ll talk later, kay?”

“Sure thing, grandma.” Daydream, Twilight, and Spike shivered again as Sonata made her way to the arena.

“Okay, spill! What is so weird about those two being related?” Ember asked with Smoulder beside her, ready to defend a cousin race of dragons. The three took turns explaining the human world, high school, and the thought of one of them being a great grandmother while looking like a high schooler.

“Sorry to keep you waiting!” Sonata said as she reached her side of the arena which was morphing into a lake shore that merged seamlessly with the flower field. “I just found out I have a great grandson!”

“That’s wonderful. Not to long ago, I got to meet my grandniece, Flurry Heart.” Celestia sighs happily. “It’s a wonderful feeling when your family gets a new member to it.”

“Right? It’s too bad Adagio isn’t here.” She blinks then puts a hoof to her muzzle. “On second thought, she would just yell at me again.”

“Why would she?” The Alicorn asked as she stood up.

“She told me to leave the sea serpent alone, and not get involved with him.” As she spoke, she lowered to the beach while holding herself.

“Why did you, knowing she disapproved?”

“He was funny whenever he played with his moustache. He didn’t talk down to me or tell me what I was doing was wrong…” Aria pelt a ping of guilt from hearing that. “… I was happy when I was with him…”

Celestia had a knowing smile on her face. “Sounds to me like you were in love.” A cute blush appeared on the sirens face along with a cute smile.

“Awe! That’s so adorable!” Skystar commented as she flew around Steven’s head, elated. Silverstream, Ocellus, and Fluttershy were making cute faces at Sonata, enthralled with the unexpected tragic love story as Mage Meadowbrook couldn’t help but feel both guilty and joyful towards the creature.

“Am I going to have to put a time limit to these pre-battle conversations?” Discord said with a not so sudden hint of annoyance. A resounding yes followed from many creatures at both spaces.

“Alright, Discord. We’re ready.” She gave the siren a sincere smile. “Shall we?”

Sonata looked at Celestia and gave a determined nod. She rose into the air ready for battle. Satisfied, Discord readied his claw. “Combatants ready…Begin!” Discord flashed away before Sonata lunged at Celestia. Her horn aglow Celestia summoned a metal muzzle with a large chain attached. Before Sonata could react the muzzle clamped over her jaws as the large chain snaked around her libs and body, constricting her into a ball with a confused expression on her face.

Many creatures watching were stunted speechless. Celestia calmly lifted the trapped siren to her eye level. “Do you wish to continue?” Sonata could only blink before struggling against the chain. After a full minute she stopped, looked at the Alicorn and shook her head no. Aria smacked herself on the head in disappointment while Lightning Dust and Pharynx laughed aloud at the ease Celestia had won the match. All the while, Skystar, Silverstream, Ocellus, and Fluttershy hovered around Steven, trying to comfort the sea serpent.

“Sonata has forfeit the match. The winner is Princess Celestia!” As Discord made the announcement Celestia made her way to Steven, freeing Sonata when she got to him.

“I apologize for trapping you like that, Sonata. I didn’t want to harm you just as you had discovered your great grandson.”

“Oh No! That means you’ll be sent back! We’ll never get this chance to talk again!” Steven was on the verge of truly crying just as Sonata was. Turning back towards Discord, Celestia shared a soft, pleading look with the draconequus. With a sigh of understanding he snaps his claws. The invisible barrier separating the two, vanish. Once she understood what had happened Sonata dove onto Steven, wrapping her hooves and tail around the sea serpent, who returned the embrace.

Touched by their display of love, Cadence’s magic began to glow within her horn, despite still being in the magic blocking space. Much to Discord’s surprise.

“What is the meaning of this, Discord?” Chrysalis shouted as she took to the air, angry while also growing very hungry. “You said these spaces block ALL magic!”

“It does.” Discord said softly, unable to comprehend a magic that could override his.


“For a creature that lives off love, you don’t know anything about it.” Shining Armor said as he stood beside Cadence, allowing her to lean on him as her spell covers their space. The effects of her spell was felt by all of them as Twilight and Spike joined the two, along with Luna and Celestia. King Thorax, brought Pharynx and Ocellus to the dragons as the two races joined in a group hug, much to the embarrassment of Garble and Pharynx.

Silverstream brought Gallus to Celaeno while Skystar brought Gilda. The two griffins hesitated for a moment until the three others brought them into the hug. Prince Rutherford grabbed both Yona and Sandbar into a yak hug. Bulk Biceps got hold of Soarin, Rainbow Dash, and Daring Do for their own hug before Ahuizotl joined in, as Autumn Blaze snatched up Fluttershy, Maud, Trixie, and Sunburst into a hug as well. The Pillars stood together as the magic washed over them, bring forth wondrous memories the seven of them shared since coming together. Big Mac sat beside Applejack as she watched Rainbow try to squirm away from the hulking pegasus, the bigger pony placing a fore leg around his sister.

Tempest watched all this transpire unsure of joining in or not.

“You look like you could use some company.” The unicorn turned to see Daydream sit beside her, a gentle smile upon her face.

She flashed her a smile in return. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”

“Mind if I join you?” The two looked at Bon Bon, who was rubbing her hoof nervously. “I seemed to have misplaced my fiancee.”

The three share a laugh as Bon Bon sat beside Daydream once she gestured her to sit. “Lyra’s gonna be jealous of me when I tell her about you.”

“Why’s that?” Daydream asks as Tempest leaned over to listen.

“She studies anthropology.”

Discord had been unusually still throughout this entire event, still puzzled by Cadence’s magic. He watched as her horn began to fade and with it, the effects of her spell. But before it dissipated entirely he looked over to his most treasured friend, Fluttershy and saw something in her eyes that wasn’t there before. A twinkle or spark.

Suddenly, an air horn went off.

“AH! DISCORD!” The Sphinx roared as she rose to her paws. The two figures behind her had their ears covered, still hidden by her shadow. Sombra took a whiff once more, catching the scent again but stronger, causing a grin to spread across his muzzle. The Sphinx returned to her resting position as Sombra ventured towards the two hidden figures.

“That was not me!” The sound of scratching discs filled the air, prompting everyone to look at the musicians. Octavia was yelling at the DJ unicorn who had an air horn hovering beside her. “It would appear our ‘audience’ is growing impatient.” Turning towards Sonata and Steven, both of which were lowering their limbs from their ears. “Care to wrap things up?”

Sonata nodded before looking at Steven once more. “Goodbye, Steven. You don’t know how happy I am to have met you.”

“Oh, granny! After the stories Grandpa Phil told of you, I’m just so happy to have met you in person.” The barrier reforms while the two wave to each other as Sonata made her way to Aria.

“Phil?” Spike said aloud confused, earning a giggle from Twilight and their family.

Aria avoided Sonata’s eyes when she approached. “Listen, Sonata…”

“I know what you’re gonna say. I blew it with the match and I was stupid for loving Phil. I..I just wish you two could understand.” Sonata said in frustration.

“Well, we don’t!” Aria snapped, making the younger siren flinch. “…but maybe…I’m starting too.” The two sirens shard a look before Sonata hugged Aria, a smile on her muzzle.

“Talk to him. For me?” Sonata asked as she held Aria. Figuring it was time Discord snapped his claws, sending Sonata back and finally allowing the selector to do its thing.


“Yes, Ember?”

“Let. Go.”

The Changeling King released the five of the them with a nervous smile. “Sorry! I was…enjoying the moment.”

“It's fine. I’m starting to like hugs. In moderation.” The Dragon Lord replied with a grin.

“Yeah, speak for yourself.” Garble and Pharynx mumbled at the same time, earning a look from the two changelings and a glare from the two dragons. Garble flinched while Pharynx rolled his eyes.

“What was that just now?” The older changeling asked looking at Cadence. “That felt like love but I didn’t feel the hunger.”

“Don’t you remember? That’s Princess Cadence, the Alicorn of Love. She has the power to amplify the love in creatures hearts, allowing them to express it more easily.”

“I know who she is, Thorax. I’m asking why it doesn’t affect us like it would have.”

“Because we give love rather then take it. Because of that, we are no longer burdened with that kind of hunger.”

“What about Chrysalis?” Ocellus asked as she pointed at the hovering former queen, hatred and hunger clouding her eyes.

“Hmph! What about her?” Pharynx wouldn’t even glance at her, but Thorax watched her return to the ground, directing her hatred at him.

“Shouldn’t we ‘try’ to reach out to her?” The young changeling recalled her time with the Tree of Harmony as Smoulder landed beside her.

“I wouldn’t bother!” Pharynx turned on Ocellus. “She’d just as likely knock your hoof away then accept it.” He began to walk away. “She made her choice. We should accept it and move on.”

“I recall hearing changelings saying similar things about you, not too long ago.” Pharynx stopped in his tracks as Thorax continued to watch Chrysalis. The silence lingered between the two brothers as the selector began to slow down. At once, the two turned to look at one another sharing a moment until Pharynx sighed.

“I know.”

“I didn’t give up on you.”

“I know!”

So, how can you ask me to give up on her?”

“Because she’s WORST then me!”

Rising to his hooves Thorax asserted himself over everyone, causing Ocellus and the dragons to flinch back some. “That’s no reason to abandon our mother!”

“Some mother! All she cared about was conquest and keeping us under her hoof.” Pharynx walked straight for Thorax as he spoke, his younger brother remained firm.

“Yet you wanted us to return to that way of living!” While he didn’t shout them, his words were enough to stop Pharynx in his tracks as Ocellus gasped. Whatever righteous fury he had, left as Pharynx conceded the argument. Taking a deep breath, Thorax calmed himself down before looking back at Chrysalis. “After this tournament, I will speak with Princess Celestia regarding Chrysalis’s punishment.”

The Selector had made its decision when Pharynx spoke. “Fine. But I’m gonna be there when you do.”

Thorax quickly turned on Pharynx, just as surprised as the others. “What? But you just…”

“I don’t agree with you!” The Head of the Guard approached Thorax and poked him in the chest as he spoke. “Not! One! Bit!” He placed his hoof down. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to stand by and do nothing.”

The two brothers shared a smile as Discord made his announcement.

“Alright, every creature! The next match will be between…Cozy Glow!”

“HA! Finally!” The little Alicorn flew away from the other villains as Tirek and the Storm King pouted. “Told you I’d be the first of us to go first.”

“Ah, hello?” Lightning Dust said in annoyance above the two guys.

“First of us THREE!” Cozy clarified before flying away. “Nosy pegasus.”

“Bratty filly.” Dust said in response, making Tirek and the Storm King chuckle.

“I can’t believe she’s here.” Gallus commented as the arena changed into a swamp with a cloud structure above it. “Did she really give you guys that much trouble back at the castle?” He asked Applejack.

“While she may be ah filly, she’s ah scheming little varmint.”

“That’s true. But we did manage to stop her before Tirek and Chrysalis arrived.” Fluttershy added.

“Yeah! She’s just a brat in need of a good ole disciplinary slap to the behind!” Rainbow said, with emphasis on the smacking.

“If Yona her opponent, Yona not going to smack nasty pony.” This earned her a few looks from her friends as the selector revealed her opponent. “Yona gonna SMASH nasty pony!” A round of laughter followed as Discord spoke.

“And the creature facing the pint-size powerhouse is…Starswirl the Bearded!”

The elder unicorn stood tall as he made his way to the arena.

“Stay vigilant, old friend.” Rockhoof warned in a low tone. “You are wise, but she is cunning, despite her age.”

“While unlike him, she is allied with Lord Tirek. Keep that in mind, Starswirl.” Flash Magnus added, just as concern.

“Remember, she was a pegasus. Which means she only has the barest understanding of spells and magic.” Mage advised as Starswirl addressed his friends.

“Thank you all for your counsel and concern. Rest assured, I shall not underestimate this child.” With a bow of respect Starswirl turned with a flap of his cape, making Twilight sigh with joy and Sunburst excited with fascination. Just before leaving the space the old unicorn approached Tempest.

“Starswirl.” Tempest addressed as he approached. Daydream remained silent; while aware of his achievements she never was as infatuated with him as Twilight is.

“Tempest. And you are…Sunset Shimmer, correct?” The two unicorns looked at Daydream.

“That’s right, sir. It’s an honour to make your acquaintance, Starswirl.”

“Likewise, Sunset. Now, Tempest. Have you thought over my proposal?”

The mare looked away for a moment before answering. “While I don’t understand your reasoning, I’d be foolish to turn down your tutelage.” This got Daydream’s attention.

“Excellent! Once the tournament concludes, seek me out and we shall begin at once.” With a bow to the two of them, Starswirl walks out onto the arena.

“Are you gonna tell me what that was about?” Daydream asked once he left.

“Later. I want to see what he’s capable off.” With a groan the two make their way to the edge of their space.

“Took you long enough, gramps.” Cozy mocked as Starswirl entered the arena while it morphs into Ponehenge. “I know you old ponies need to take things slow, but come on! Any longer and you should’ve just forfeit!”

“SHOW SOME RESPECT, YOU BRAT!” Her family all took a step back as Twilight shouted, causing more then a few surprised looks cast her way.

“Huh. Your number one fan girl seems more upset then you are, you old goat!”

“Unlike you, she respects other ponies.” Starswirl replied as he cast a spell around his half of the arena. “As for your pitiful attempts to ‘upset’ me. You would do well to cease them, least you continue to make a fool of yourself.”

That struck a cord in the small Alicorn. “Who are you calling a fool, beardy? You’re the one wasting time, delaying our match.” Cozy eyed the unicorn as he continued to ignore Cozy, analyzing the results of his spell. “Oh, I get it. You’re too chicken to face me, so you’re stalling!” Cozy tried to see what it was he was doing. “Whatever! It’ll be your own fault when Discord disqualifies you for holding up the match!”

“Ah! Fascinating, indeed!” Starswirl said aloud as he covered his body with his grey aura to levitate above the arena.

Fed up with waiting Cozy cried out. “DISCORD! He’s Stalling!”

“Ugh. Kids these days.” Discord said before appearing beside Starswirl. “No patience. Am I right?”

“Indeed.” The unicorn replied with a chuckle.

Cozy was on the verge of popping a vain.

“So, what is the hold up?” Discord asked.

“How can I be ‘holding up’ the match when said match will not begin until both combatants are ready?” He said as he charged his horn.

“So, what? You’re not ready to start yet?” Discord asked outright.

“Precisely!” Throwing his head forward Starswirl cast a spell on the arena. Immediately, it began to return to its previous state, much to Discord’s surprise.

“Ah…how did you…when did you…what did you…?” For once, Discord was speechless.

“Twilight, how’s he doing that?” Fluttershy asked in amazement, being one of the very few ponies to ever attempt to manipulate anything Discord has created outside of Equestria.

“He’s Starswirl, that’s how!”

“Agh! Of course, that’s her answer.” Rainbow commented while smacking her hoof to her face.

“Were you really expecting anything else from her?” Trixie asked in a smug manner, earning an annoyed look from Twilight herself.

“I am well verse in all manner of magic.” Starswirl explained as he fired a magic beam at the base arena. “Including Chaos magic.”

Discord stared at the unicorn, slack jawed and wide eyed as the arena morphed into a castle courtyard with a teachers desk and black board on the far end of the arena.

Many levels of shock and awe were expressed among the combatants.

Cozy Glow was so stunned by the display of magical expertise she hadn’t realized she had landed until Starswirl returned to the ground and faced her.

“Prepare yourself, Cozy Glow.” Knocked out of her trance she returned to the air, as a little sweet trickled down her head as Starswirl stood ready with smirk on his face. “The time has come for me to teach you a lesson in magic.”

“Grr! Bring it on, wrinkles!” Cozy hovered above Starswirl, both their horns aglow as Discord, coming back to his senses, floated between them to start the match.

“Let the match…Begin!”

With a flash he was gone and Cozy Glow unleashed a large blast of magic upon Starswirl. Without flinching Starswirl conjured the same curved shield Tempest had utilized before to redirect the blast back at the tiny Alicorn. She easily dodges the blast but at the cost of losing site of her rival.

“HA! I thought you were suppose to be…” Turning back to mock him, only to find Starswirl had vanished. “…original?”

“I am.” Suddenly, magical tendrils wrapped around the fillies limbs and the base of her wings while a triple reenforced dome shield was placed over Cozy’s horn. “Although…” Starswirl hovered before Cozy, the grey tendrils stretching out from his horn. “…It is most beneficial to learn from others, rather then dismiss them out of hoof.”

Daydream playfully nudged Tempest, knowing smiles on their faces.

“A few young ponies taught me that.” He said as he looks at Twilight, who beamed with pride while wishing Starlight was here.

Cozy Glow laughs mockingly. “You think you know friendship?” As Starswirl braced himself, Cozy positioned her wings forward. “News flash! I went to school for it!” With a mighty flap backwards Cozy was propelled forward, slamming her domed horn into the surprised stallion. The impact broke his concentration on his spells, releasing Cozy from the tendrils while also making him crash into the courtyard.

“Starswirl!” Sunburst called out as the Pillars pressed against the barrier, forced to watch their friend get injured.

“COZY GLOW!” Twilight shouted, finally utilizing the Royal Canterlot Voice, much to Celestia and Luna’s amazement.

“Hey, don’t blame me because old beardy decide to go through with the match.” With a deranged smile on her face Cozy summoned two portals above and below Starswirl, trapping him in an endless freefall.

Twilight was about to shout again but was stopped by Celestia’s hoof on her shoulder. Looking up at her former mentor Twilight saw that both her and Luna where not worried in the less.

“Starswirl’s just fine, Twilight. Watch.”

Cozy laughed as Starswirl appeared and disappeared within the portals. “Not so great now, are you? Tirek told me about how EASILY he brushed you all aside when you tried to stop him.” She started to float around the portals as she spoke. “Face it, Starswirl. You’re all talk, and no substance!” She started to laugh once again, unaware of the grey glow coming from the portal. In a flash, another portal appeared above the teachers chair as a grey glowing Starswirl landed gently in it.

“Are you quite certain about that, Ms. Glow?”

“Huh?” Cozy turned to see Starswirl seated at the desk. “How did you…?” Checking the portals, Cozy noticed a third portal had appeared between her two. She glares at him in frustration.

“Have you forgotten already? I understand many, many forms of magic. Including those that ‘others’ would deem impossible.” At once, Cozy and Chrysalis gave Tirek a look, who just pouted while looking away. “However…” he continued before sending a beam at the multiple portals, banishing them as Aria gave an involuntary sigh. “I must concede to one point you have made.”

This got everyone’s attention, even the princesses.

“While I possess a vast knowledge on the subject, my own reserves of magic are sorely lacking.”

“HA! So you admit, you’re weak!” Cozy taunted.

“You misunderstand. I am, by no means, weak.” To enforce his point a dark grey aura poured out of his horn, surrounding Starswirl’s body and causing his eyes to glow white. This show of power caused the area around him to shake and distort the arena, causing Cozy to back away in fear. Satisfied, Starswirl recalled the aura as he returned to his seat, a firm expression in his face.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy watched in amazement along with Trixie, Maud and Autumn Blaze. They silently exchanged looks of disbelief before looking at Sunburst who, with a smug smile, simply nodded. With some hesitation, they turned to look at Twilight, who mirrored his smugness but with a far greater smile. All at once they concede to that one answer whenever the old stallion does something unexplainable.

“It’s Starswirl. He can do anything.”

“I am not weak. But I am limited.” The old unicorn admitted, surprising everyone. The four Alicorns exchanged looks of confusion while Daydream shared one with Tempest. The only ponies that weren’t surprised were the other Pillars. “That is why I have taken an interest in Tempest Shadow.” The mentioned unicorn looks at Starswirl, beginning to understand his reason for his offer to be her teacher.

Cozy laughs again. “We obviously have different meanings for what ‘weak’ means. If a creature is limited in anyway, that makes them weak!” This earned her quite a few glares. “That’s what friendship is for! Many creatures coming together to cover up their weaknesses and compensate for their limitations! After all, a pony is strongest when they have friends behind them. Isn’t that right…” She turned her gaze towards the combatants. “…Princess of Friendship?”

Twilight stood frozen, her confidents shaken.

“That’s not how friendship works!” Smoulder shouted as she took to the air, so angry that flames were licking from her jaws.

“Friends stand with you, not behind you!” Gallus added flying beside her.

“They support you when you’re down and help you to get back up again!” Ocellus joined in.

“Working together to meet every challenge that comes.” Sandbar said as he stood beside Yona underneath the flyers.

“And celebrating your strengths AND weaknesses!” Yona added.

“That’s what friendship really is, not your twisted version!” Silverstream finished off while they all come together on the ground. Looks of pride and joy spread across the faces of everyone around them.

“EXACTLY!” Cozy Glow shouted, confusion rippled though the students. “Friendship comes in many versions, not just yours. But they all mean the same thing.” Cozy flew up until she floated in front of the F.a.S.T banner. “The more friends you have, the more POWERFUL YOU BECOME!”

Chrysalis, while having a very different view on what Friendship is, could agree with Cozy as well as the Storm King. A few of the others were sceptical about the friendship part as well, but could see the deeper meaning beneath her words, which was her point against Starswirl.

The more you have, the stronger you are.

“Your argument is sound. You learned well at Twilight’s school.” Everyone gasped when Starswirl said that, further disheartening Twilight. “However…you seem to be missing a vital component where Friendship is involved.” Everyone listened intently as Cozy flew down to him.

“Oh… And what’s that?”

“Respect.” Twilight perked up at that as Celestia and Cadence pressed themselves against the young Alicorn, reenforcing their love for her. “Twilight Sparkle has earned her title as Princess of Friendship because her actions held respect for those around her in mind.”

“Who cares about respect?” The tiny pony said nonchalant.

“You should. Or have you forgotten what that felt like?” Starswirl rose from his chair and circled the desk as he spoke while Cozy began to waver. “Think back to your time at the School of Friendship. Think back to the joy and respect you had when you aided your fellow students. When you aided Twilight with her duties and the admiration she had for you.”

Cozy tried not to think back, to remember what she felt when she met the Cutie Mark Crusaders, witnessed the six creatures become unlikely friends, the warmth she felt when one of the teachers complimented her for going above and beyond for them. But she did.

Including the sadness and jealousy.

“You remember, do you not?” The older stallion asked as he stood behind her.

“Oh…” Cozy said, her voice low and sweet. “I remember alright.”

Suddenly, Cozy spun around slapping Starswirl with her wing, distracting him from the magic blast she fired. Hit point blank with no shield, a resounding gasp from the audience accompanied the old pony’s cry of pain as he flew through the air, landing in the swamp with a crash.

“I remember my family abandoning me!” She shouted as Cozy floated towards him, struggling to get to his hooves. “I remember my friends betraying me!” Using her magic Cozy lifted Starswirl into the air before her. “I remember hearing about Twilight’s School of Friendship and being infuriated!” Cozy sent Starswirl crashing through a thick tree, making Tempest and Twilight slam their hooves against the barrier once she got to it.

“That’s enough, Cozy!” Twilight called out, pleading.

“There’s no need for such brutality!” Tempest said firmly.

“SAYS YOU!” Cozy glared at the two, her eyes were wet while in a blind fury before turning back to Starswirl, struggling in her magical grasp, Tirek and Chrysalis smirking with pride for their companions ferocity while Lightning gave an audible gulp.

“I remember coming up with my plan, contacting Tirek, and doing everything in my power to rid Equestria of magic and finally taking control of the one thing that hurt me!” Starswirl watched as the tears broke free from the fillies eyes. “Respect?” She slammed the unicorn against another tree causing him to slowly lose consciousness. “Respect has no place in Friendship!”

Violently, Cozy threw Starswirl against the barrier where Twilight and Tempest were. The filly’s stare was full of rage as Twilight began to not only fear for Starswirl, but sorry for Cozy, while Tempest matched the tiny Alicorn’s fury with her own.

“Call it, Discord!” Cozy commanded. The Lord of Chaos appeared before the child barring her fury until he gave her a look that caused her to calm down.

“…Starswirl is unable to continue. The winner is Cozy Glow.”

Cozy flew back to the villains space as Twilight carefully floated Starswirl into theirs. The Pillars and Tempest gathered around the unicorn along side the princess as everyone else watched from a distance as Starswirl awoke with a start.

“Agh…By my beard! That filly packs a punch.”

“She was merciless! I can’t believe a filly would be capable of such callous behaviour.” Mage said in concern for her friend.

“I can! Especially with the company she keeps.” Magnus countered while watching the filly converse with Chrysalis, Tirek, and The Storm King.

“Please, my friends. Do not judge her too harshly…” Starswirl spoke as Twilight carefully rose his head up while Mage dabbed a cloth she carried over his forehead. “…least we repeat our…past actions.” Mage exchanged a look with Flash, while Rockhoof hung his head in sadness.

“Starswirl…” Tempest said as he reached a hoof out to her, grasping onto it.

“Listen to me, all of you. No creature is beyond rescue.” Hearing this Pharynx looks away, ashamed until Thorax elbowed his side as they shared a smile. “Had I thought like that over a thousand years ago, we could have save Stygian much sooner.” The ponies around him began to tear up as he turned his gaze toward Celestia. “Reach her, Celestia.”

“I will do my best, Starswirl.”

He replies with a nod before lookin to Tempest. “A pity we must wait until the tournament concludes before conversing again.” He says with a smile.

“I look forward to that time, my teacher.” Tempest, for the first time since returning to Equestria, began to shed tears.

“Come now, Tempest. This is not goodbye, only farewell, for now.” Sharing a smile with his new student, Starswirl finally turns to Twilight. “Do not lose heart, Twilight. Continue to let Friendship guide you.”

Twilight gave him sad smile. “I will, Starswirl.”

With a nod of satisfaction he closes his eyes with a smile. “I am ready. If you would be so kind, Discord.”

The draconequus smiled at the old stallion before snapping his claws, returning him to his point in time while signalling the selector to begin.

The Sphinx laid quietly as Cozy was showered in praise by the other villains, with the Chimera dozing beside her. Lightning had retreated away from them to join Nightmare Moon and Sunset, somehow feeling safer with them. The Sphinx ear flicked as a silent chuckle grew into a menacing laughter as Sombra walked out from behind her. A wicked grin accompanied the purple flame emanating from his evil green eyes.