• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Round 2 Bracket 2-A

Sunset Shimmer, blinded by the platforms teleportation, finds herself standing over the gelatines blob that was the arena. Once her site returns she cast a look towards her friend Lightning Dust, who was hovering over Stygian and King Sombra. The pegasus gave her a gesture of salute along with a wink, making her lightly blush while turning away. A mistake, as she quickly locks eyes with her former teacher. She narrows them as Celestia meets her hard gaze with a softness she had not seen in the Alicorn. In her peripheral vision she caught site of Princess Luna, causing the fresh memories of Nightmare Moon to return, adding more emotions into her hyper charged mind. Joy, sadness, anger, frustration, excitement, and grief all wrestle within her, forcing the mare to shut her eyes tightly trying to regain control of them.

“Good luck out there, Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset opens her eyes and turns around; Soarin was hovering before her with the same smile on his face and his hoof extended between them, waiting for her to return the courtesy. This helps give the mare a point to focus her thoughts, reminding her of their impending match. “…you as well, Soarin.” She replies, bumping his hoof with her own.

As the two ponies prepare for the match, Pharynx turns from the platform to Daydream, rising an eyebrow. “You’re not gonna watch the match? That is you, right?”

Daydream Shimmer remains kneeling beside Tempest and Ember as Spike gives her a look of understanding. “She is.” She turns her head to see Sunset, a small smile on her face. “But so what? Helping Spike and Autumn is more important right now. That said…” She looks at Pharynx. “…I already know whats gonna happen.” She returns her attention to Spike and Autumn as Pharynx exchanges looks with Tempest and Ember.

The arena, meanwhile shifts around before taking the shape of a beach with a large body of water beside it as many tall water spouts crisscross its surface, some even along the beach, picking up sand along the way before returning to the water. Opposite the water stood a tall mirror forest that reflect in a variety of ways, from a simple reflection to a funhouse style exaggeration along with random clouds that appear over them that unleash bolts of lightning straight down before the cloud vanishes. Finally, some spots on the beach suddenly collapse into a sink hole before refilling with more sand seconds later.

Sunset and Soarin look down through the platform at their battleground, both slowly looking up at each other horrified. “This IS a tournament, right?” The stallion asks, his voice close to cracking. “You know? Where two creatures fight each other to win. Since when did it turn into a battle for survival?”

An almost menacing chuckle drew the two ponies attention; Discord was hovering over the arena, a dark smile on his muzzle while he rubs his claws together. “Have fun you two!”

“DISCORD! Don’t you DARE—!” The two ponies disappear in another flash, reappearing on the beach. “—send us into this…!” The wind from the water spouts batter Sunset's mane and tail around as the sound of lightning reaches her ears. Her wide eyes take in the area as she slowly looks around. “…Death trap.”

“Come now, Sunny.” Discord said, floating around the unicorn. “Don’t tell me one of Celestia’s proteges is afraid of a little challenge?” Sunset ignites her horn, glaring at he Lord of Chaos while baring her teeth in anger.

“I fear NOTHING!” Getting into a stance, Sunset turns her hard look at the Wonderbolt. He met her glare with a sober one as Discord appears behind him.

“Oops. Seems I touched a nerve there. Sorry bout that.”

“You have that effect on ponies.” The stallion replies, leaping into the sky until he reaches a height he felt her magic could not reach. “I’m ready when you are, Sunset!” He shouts down.

“That’s not fair!” Lightning Dust shouts from the barrier. “Get down so she can have a chance to…”

“Forget it, Lightning!” The unicorn replies, cutting her friend off. “Let him do what he wants. I’m ready!” The pegasus mare looks at her friend, surprised for a moment until a smirk appears on her face.

Discord floats between the two, raising his claw. “Very well then. Let the first match of the second bracket…BEGIN!” His arm falls before vanishing in a flash of light, prompting Sunset to fire multiple beams of magic at once, moving with incredible speed. Soarin flaps his wings quickly, easily avoiding there initial run before making a brake for the water spouts. Sunset continues to fire upon him as he flew, getting closer to them until a beam shot past him, grazing his foreleg.

“Gah!” He cries. More in surprise then pain, then glances back to see every single magical blast homing in on him. Lightning Dust and Stygian look on in amazement as King Sombra raises an eyebrow, mildly impressed with the level of skill Sunset displayed. Two more beams flew at the stallion, forcing him to maneuver away from the spout he was aiming for and directly into the raging storm. The Commander of the Wonderbolts put his training to use, gliding with the currents as the spouts intercept the beams, eliminating them quickly from their pursuit.

Sunset stood at the edge of the beach, her horn aglow before letting out a cry of defiance, aiming her magic directly into the body of water, breaking through it and continuing down until it struck the ground below. Ending her spell the mare looks up at the stallion flying around the spouts, the last of her humming spells gone as a confidant smile grows on her muzzle. Soarin manages to catch the gesture, spurring him on to get what he was aiming for now. Using the spouts own pull he effortlessly enters the closest spout and takes control of it. The ground begins to shake, disturbing the body of water as Soarin aims the spout directly at the unicorn; adding more power to its spin the Wonderbolt launches out of it at an angle that propels the water twister on a direct course to Sunset.

Suddenly, large sea flora burst from the waters surface and get entangled with the spouts. Soarin looks around in surprise as large kelp and seaweed grew around him before taking evasive maneuvers when a large glob of algae shot out of the water and aimed for him.

As he avoids the mess of seaweed and spouts Sunset stands her ground as the water spout quickly drew closer, having avoided the sea plants. Her confident grin never leaving her muzzle as she cast her spell, conjuring a thick shield that hugs her entire body and waited until the spout was close enough. With a leap she dove at the spout and allows the current to suck her in, much to her friend’s horror.

“What are you doing, Sunset!” Lightning Dust slams against the barrier in frustration. “I thought you were smart! Jumping into a water spout IS NOT SMART!”

“Perhaps she’s more of a fool then I thought.” Chrysalis said wickedly as Cozy snickers beside her, causing Lightning to glare at the two.

“Your faith in Sunset is well placed, Lightning Dust.” The three of them all turn to Celestia. “Look.” With a tip of her head she directs their attention to the spout and the faint glow within, rising with every turn. Moments later, Sunset shot out of the top of the spout just as Soarin manages to escape the sea flora forest and headed right for the airborne unicorn. She kept her shield up while launching more homing beams at the pegasus who quickly maneuvers around them and right to Sunset, landing a punch on her shielded jaw.

“Tell me that wasn’t your best.” She mocks.

“Not even close.” With a beat of his wings Soarin shot straight up just in time for the homing beams to hit Sunset, knocking her away from the body of water and to the middle of the beach. While unharmed, Sunset grew annoyed that he had turned her attack against her so easily until an idea came to her. Angling herself down Sunset nosedives towards the ground, moving faster then the last homing beam. This caught the pegasus by surprise while triggering his Wonderbolt training to kick in; dive bombing after her while flapping his wings to reach her faster. For five seconds they fell, creatures from both spaces watch in horrified awe as the two drew closer to the ground, even making Daydream turn, fearing what would happen if her counterpart died.

Just as Sunset neared the ground, she turns around to face the homing beam and her opponent, launching more beams before vanishing. Her shots fly past the first homing beam and quickly approach Soarin, too committed to the dive to pull up. Thinking quickly, he flaps his wings in opposite directions spinning out of the way in time to avoid the first beam and slowing down enough to brake his dive, only for one of the beams to strike him in the chest.

“Soarin!” Shining Armor shouts as the pegasus is struck with the remaining beams before falling to the ground. Drawing closer, a flash of magic signals Sunset’s appearance right beside him, her horn a glow as the last homing beam closes in. Gritting his teeth Soarin flaps his wings once, with all his might sending a powerful gust of wind at the ground. The force of the impact sends a cloud of sand rushing towards them, distracting the unicorn and allowing him to bank away right before the homing beam shoots past, hitting a large concentration of sand, causing it to explode. The explosion pushes the two ponies further away from each other and directly to the beach. He lands easily enough, sliding along the sand until he comes to a stop, finally able to catch his breath. He looks up to see Sunset landing on a conjured platform with a scowl as the beach beneath her opens into a sinkhole.

“You’re tougher then I thought.”

“You have our new endurance training to thank for that!” Soarin replies, grinning while stretching out his sore body.

“It’d had to be. From what Lightning has told me—“ A smirk slowly replaces her scowl. “—your whole team was knocked out by that fashionista, who was smart enough to forfeit from our match.”

“Yeah…that’s never going away.” He hangs his head forward and releases an irritated sigh. “That was years ago. And despite what Flash Magnus said earlier…” He shoots Sunset a hard look before lifting into the air. “The Wonderbolts are still Equestria’s Elite Flyers!” Soarin twists his body then spins around like a top, creating another tornado of sand and sending it right at the unicorn.

“Seriously?” She said, lighting her horn even brighter as the tornado of sand approaches. With a yell she aims her horn forward casting a fire spell that extended from it, hitting the tornado and twisting around it, heating it up so quickly it becomes liquid glass.

“HAH! Learn a new trick, Pony!” The Storm King shouts twirling his staff around. “I already did that in my debut match!”

“Shut this guy up, Sunset! Show him what you can do!” Lightning Dust calls out, causing a smirk to grow on the unicorns muzzle. Narrowing her eyes Sunset takes control of the tornado of molten glass and drags it along the beach. Its rampage causing more sand to join it, making the tornado grow until it eventually covered the entire beach with its substance. With a shout Sunset lifts the large tornado into the air and throws it into the water with enough force that a giant wave rises up and threatens to crash down on her.

Lightning watches in near horror as the wave crashes onto her friend along with what used to be the beach, causing a thick steam to rise from the arena. “Come on, Sunset. I can’t be the only one of us moving on!” She said, low enough so others would not hear. Just then, enough of the steam clears away to reveal Sunset standing on her platform with a shield spell around her. “Yes!” She cheers, rising to the air and spotting the Storm Kings look of wounded pride “I knew no wimpy wave could beat her!”

“Perhaps not. But her hubris will.”

The pegasus turns on Sombra. “That’s rich, coming from you!"

“Look closely at your friend, Lightning.” The dark stallion advised, drawing her attention to Sunset, who was currently breathing heavily. “She has fallen into the same trap the last unicorn he faced did.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh no…”

Suddenly, a blue streak shot out of the forest of mirrors and flew right at Sunset, shattering her weakened shield and crashing into her. Lightning watches in fear as Soarin lands on top of Sunset and places two small dark clouds on her body; a powerful current shot through the unicorn making her body clinch up.

“What? Where…did you…?” Sunset struggles to say.

“The old misdirection trick never fails.” Soarin said standing over her. “While you were focused on the tornado, I flew high above you and made my way to the mirror forest thing.” He looks around at the glass field they now stood on. “I like what you’ve done with the place. It gave me the time I needed to catch those two clouds, which was harder then you’d think it would be.” Discord appears before them in a flash, a pleased look on his face.

“Of course it was. It was by my design after all.”

Soarin gives him an unamused look. “I thought you didn’t have any influence with the arena.”

“I created the arena. Therefore, whatever it makes, I make.”

“Sunset! Get Up! You can’t lose like this!” Lightning Dust shouts while pushing against the barrier. The unicorn grit her teeth as she struggles to use her magic, move her hoof, even flick her tail. But nothing worked. She was completely immobilized.

“Well, Sunset?” Discord floats closer to her. “Are you able to continue?”

Sunset Shimmer lay there, paralyzed as her thoughts and emotions race around in her head. Bitter to have fell for the same tactics that Starlight unicorn fell for, embarrassed that Lightning had to see her in such a state and angry to have failed so completely in front of Celestia. Just as the name appears in her head, memories of their last meeting, which was only hours ago for her, came rushing back.

“You are not ready.”

“We will get to the mirror and many other lessons…when you’re ready.”

“Sunset Shimmer. I am removing you from the position of my pupil.”

Her rage grew as those memories led to recalling the first round of the tournament, witnessing the many powerful creatures that dwarf her level of magic and skill; Chrysalis’s deception, Tirek’s strength, the Storm Kings stolen power, King Sombra’s intimidation, even Lightning’s incredible flying skills. Tempest’s combative prowess, Cadence’s unassuming magical power, the dragons ferocity, and the Pillars ability to live up to their legends. But what infuriated her the most was her counterpart; claiming to be from her future and able to wield the full power of the Elements of Harmony by herself…by adhering to Celestia’s teachings.

Proving that ultimately, her choice to abandon them…

Her face twists into an infuriated scowl as the thought made the unicorn grow angrier; so angry her eyes turn bright red as a lick of flame appears on her mane. “I. WON’T. LOSE!” The pony explodes as her mane and tail bursts into flames. The force of the transformation knocks Soarin and Discord away while burning away the lightning clouds that kept her immobilized.

Soarin picks himself up as he watches with disbelief at Sunset Shimmer, who also rose to her hooves as her body was covered in flames. “Sweet Celestia! What just happened to her?” The explosion drew the many creatures attention, including Spike’s group. As the creatures stood before the barrier, Spike couldn’t help exchanging looks with Twilight as the two recall the time they witnessed a similar burst of anger.

Daydream watches in awe at her counterparts explosive display. She had heard of ponies experiencing great magical feats when in high stressful moments, but this was much too different. “Somethings not right. Soarin needs to forfeit, right now!”

“Isn’t that a bit hasty?” Ember asks, raising an eyebrow at the human. “This could just be her second wind.”

“It’s more then just that.” She clinches her fist tightly. “She’s entering uncharted territory!”

“What makes you say that?” Pharynx asks as Sunset’s flaming aura grew so hot, the glass beneath her began to melt, triggering a pulse to ripple through the arena.

Discord stares in amazed shock; having felt the pulse he began to grow concern for the stallion. “The last time a pony effected the arena like this was Starswirl.” As he spoke a puff of steam, a rope of water, and a chunk of earth floated into the air from what remains of the body of water and merge together into a ball. Moments later, its outer crust crumbles away to reveal a miniature sun, causing both Discord and Soarin’s pupils to dilate into tiny dots.

“SOARIN! FORFEIT THE MATCH! NOW!” Princess Celestia commands, standing before the barrier with a look of abstract horror on her face. Smoulder, Gilda and Gallus all step away from the Alicorn, overwhelmed by the air of urgency that surround her. The outburst even drew the attention of the villains; waking up Tirek, scaring Cozy, and intriguing Chrysalis. Stygian and Sombra exchange a look before returning them to Sunset and the miniature sun behind her as Lightning Dust hovers above them, a large smile growing on her face.

“So she was right about her!”

“What do you mean?” Stygian asks, not taking his eyes of the arena.

“Nightmare Moon. She saw in Sunset the same thing Celestia did.” Just then, a thin trail of magic drifts from the miniature sun directly into Sunset’s horn, causing the mare to grow while the flaming aura around her fanned out to resemble burning wings. “Her potential to become an Alicorn!” Slowly the pony began to grow, using the sun’s power to trigger her accession into Alicornhood but just as the transformation reaches its middle, Soarin found his voice.

“I forfeit the match!” The stallion had been forced to step further and further away from the mare as the heat she radiated grew more intense then he could withstand. With a snap of his claws, Discord eliminates the miniature sun, halting Sunset’s transformation as well as the anger that had consumed her along with the flames.

Lifting her out of the molten glass to spare the pony any permeant damage Discord made the call. “Soarin has forfeit the match.” Discord announces as Sunset Shimmer places a hoof to her head, blinking away the haze that had covered her eyes. “The winner is Sunset Shimmer!” He snaps his fingers again and returns the two combatants to their respected spaces.

Sunset blinks for a second before getting grabbed and lifted into the air by an excited Lightning Dust. “That was AWESOME, Sunset! You were literally ON FIRE out there!” This level of affection causes a deep blush to appear on the unicorns face, having had no time to collect her thoughts.

“Th-thanks, Lightning. I’m glad you weren’t…disappointed.”

“Never gonna happen, Sunset!” The pegasus pulls away and meets the unicorns eyes. “A pony as awesome as you could never disappoint me.” The sincerity in her voice soften Sunset’s eyes as a light blush appears on Lightning’s face.

“Would you two like some privacy?” The two mares blink before looking down at Sombra and Stygian. The smaller stallion was averting his eyes trying to give the two this moment while the taller stallion had a smirk on his muzzle. “If so, I’d be happy to oblige. So long as Discord does not eliminate me for it.” Lightning returns the unicorn to the ground before turning her back on them, trying to hide the much deeper blush on her face. He gives Sunset a cryptic smile. “It’s quite apparent how foolish Celestia was, dismissing you. If you require advise on handling…”

“That won’t be necessary. Nightmare Moon provided more then enough for me to get by.” Sunset quickly responds, making the dark King’s eye twitch with annoyance.

“Very well.” With that he turns his attention to the arena as Stygian gives the mare a kind smile.

“Congratulations, Sunset Shimmer. I look forward to seeing what other feats you achieve.” With a respectful nod he moves to sit beside Sombra. Just as Lightning turns back to talk to Sunset some more, Midnight Sparkle hovers before them.

“Don’t let this victory get to your head.” She warns with a crazed look. “I’m winning this tournament. And if we meet in the arena, I’ll be taking that power!” She crackles with laughter before moving beside Sombra. It was then that the two mares noticed all the villains standing before the barrier, prompting the two of them to join in. Reaching the line of creatures, it became quite apparent what drew their attention. Standing on the platform was Cozy Glow and her much taller opponent, Princess Celestia.

Sunset narrows her eyes on her former teacher, a flicker of flame jumps before her eyes as Lightning turns to her. “Mark my words, Lightning. I’ll show her how big a mistake she made and prove to everyone that I deserve to be an Alicorn Princess.” The pegasus flashes her a confident smile before turning back to the platform, only for that smile to waver ever so slightly.