• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,283 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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Rockhoof vs Ocellus/Prince Rutherford vs Big Macintosh

Round 1 Bracket 3-B

“This is getting ridiculous!”

The Storm King threw his arms into the air, his Staff of Sacanas clutched in his hand, pointing it at the selector. “How much longer is that stupid thing gonna keep me waiting?”

“Obviously you’re not threatening enough to be considered.” Tirek jabbed at the creature, sharing a laugh with Cozy Glow, until the Staff of Sacanas was thrust ins face.

“Don’t make me use this twig on your big, red butt!” The Storm King threaten as Tirek met his challenging stare.

“It is unwise for a wannabe king to threaten me.” He pushed the staff aside as he got in the Storm King’s face. “Especially one with no actual magic.”

“This Staff has all the magic I need! It can move the Sun and Moon, after all.” He said in a smug manner before glaring at the centaur. “Besides, I can still beat you over the head with it!”

Tirek and the Storm King grappled with the staff as Cozy Glow and Chrysalis stood back, watching. “This is just getting sad now.” The former Queen stated.

“Tell me about it.” The tiny Alicorn said hovering in the air. “Having to wait to be selected seems to be taking its toll on them.”

“Heh! Sure is nice; moving on and not still waiting to be picked.” Lightning Dust leaned against the barrier furthest away from the hero space with Nightmare Moon and Sunset Shimmer, having there unspoken permission to remain among them.

“Indeed. It is easier to remove oneself from needless bickering such as that.” The dark Alicorn gave the two arguing creatures a disdainful sideways glance before closing her eyes.

“I just wish the second round would start already!” The bright unicorn had been growing impatient ever since Nightmare had taught her how to become an Alicorn. “I’ve waited so long to reach my destiny!”

Nightmare chuckled. “Be patient, young one. Your time will come.”

“Yeah. It's not like Soarin’s gonna be that much of a challenge.” The pegasus said as she grinned at the unicorn. “In fact, from what I can tell, there doesn’t seem to be that many ‘heavy hitters’ on their side left.”

“True. All that remains for them is Shining Armor…” Nightmare gave a mocking chuckle at the name. “…and Princess Cadence.” The Alicorn looked towards the group along with the other two ponies, as they stare at Daydream.

“What about your weird looking counterpart?” Lightning asked Sunset.

“Hmm. She does seem to posses some kind of powerful magic.”

A sinister laughter reaches them from the back of their space. “Its not just ANY form of magic. She’s imbued with the Elements of Harmony themselves!” The three ponies turned sharply towards Midnight Sparkle, as did Chrysalis and her group. A few surprised what's filled the air as Midnight laughed.

“That is not possible! No one creature can harness the Elements full power!” Nightmare rose to her hooves, a twinge of fear in her voice.

“Come now, Luna.” Sombra stood beside Midnight as a wicked smile crossed his muzzle. “You and I have both experienced the power of the Elements. Surely you can recognize them.” The two ponies shared a look before she faced Daydream, barely able to control her composure.

“We have also yet to see any of the dragons in combat.” Stygian added from his spot behind Midnight and Sombra. “From what knowledge I could find, they could prove to be more formidable then expected.”

“Heh. Got that right!” Stygian and his two allies looked over at Aria who had been speaking with Steven, as she looked over her shoulder to grin at them. “You're in for a tough time if you end up going against a dragon!”

“Please.” Tirek rolled his eyes as he spoke in a arrogant way. “Spare us your boasting. Twilight’s little dragon friend has never posed a threat.”

“Considering he’s a child raised by ponies, I’m not surprised.” The siren turns to face them all, a confidant grin on her face. “Have any of you ever fought a dragon, born and raised in the Dragon Lands?”

The entire space remained quiet as The Chimera’s three heads all yawned.

“Alright, every creature!” Discord announced. “The next match is about to begin! It will be between…Rockhoof!”

“HAHA! At last!” The large Earth pony stomped a mighty hoof to the ground causing a tiny tremor; the mighty pony pointed his shovel at the selector. “Selector! Do me a kindness and pair me with that red tyrant over yonder!” He shot the centaur a vengeful look, meeting his smirk. “He has much to answer for from our last encounter!”

“If you think you’re ‘Big enough’ to deliver.” Tirek called out, chuckling.

“Big, red, horn, creature not worth it!” Prince Rutherford said as he too stomped the ground, drawing a friendly grin from Rockhoof. “Yak much better match for bigger pony!”

“Aye! You speak true, my Yak friend!” The two approached each other before butting heads together, smiling all the while.

Mage approached them with a small smile, before lightly smacking her friends hind leg. “Will you get going, you big lug? You’re not having your match in here!”

Rockhoof separated from Rutherford, giving a hearty laugh. “Aye, aye, Mage. I will be off then!” Flinging his shovel over his shoulder the Pillar of Strength made his way to the arena, Bulk Biceps gave a flexing ‘yeah’ as he past as the next creature was chosen.

This made Discord gasp loud enough for Rockhoof to hear. “Ah! Come now, Discord. Who is the creature I am to…battle with?” Rockhoof had looked up to see, for himself his opponent and was stricken with shame at who he saw. “…Ocellus?” He said as he turned to the young Changeling sitting with their friends. The two of them looked each other in the eyes as Rockhoof’s expression sadden.

Ocellus grew nervous as every creature looked at her, a variety of expressions on their faces. She couldn’t bare to face any of them and instead looks to the ground, wishing for Thorax or Fluttershy were with her. She felt a creature sit down in front of her, patiently waiting until Ocellus got the courage to look up. It was Pharynx.

“Ocellus.” He said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

“Pharynx…I…” She didn’t know what to do, what to say to the most aggressive Changeling in their Hive.

“Whatever you decide to do, Thorax, myself, the Hive…” He place his hoof on her shoulder. “…We’ll all be proud of you.”

The younger Changeling beams with happiness as she hugged him. “Thank you, Pharynx.” After the hug, she turned towards Rockhoof. “I’m sorry Mr. Rockhoof. But I don’t want to fight you.”

“HA! No need for apologies, lass. Not all creatures are meant to fight.” He approached her and held out a hoof to her. “The measure of a creatures true strength is recognizing who they are, accepting it, and not letting others decide for them.”

Ocellus flew past his hoof and hugs the big pony, who returned it happily before she addresses Discord. “I forfeit the match, Discord. Please, send me to Thorax and Fluttershy.”

“Certainly, Ocellus. Please give them my regards.” He prepared his claws.

“I will.” Ocellus took to the air, having the courage to face her friends. “Goodbye, for now everyone! And good luck with the rest of the tournament!” Cheers and goodbyes went out as Discord snapped his claws sending Ocellus away, the selector beginning its tasked.

“Rockhoof strong. Prince Rutherford strong. Yona want to know who strongest.” The young yak said as she watched the two talking with each other again, threatening to fight at any moment.

“Now that would be an interesting fight.” Smoulder chimed in. “Although, I’d like to see my brother take on that Pharynx guy. That would be something.”

“I can’t wait to see what Applejack does. I’ve heard stories of her taking on a whole pack of Timberwolves!” Sandbar spread put his hooves to emphasize.

“Ah, have you guys forgotten that WE could be chosen to fight those guys?” Gallus looked past his friends at the villains. “Don’t forget that Sombra, Stygian, Tirek, and that Storm King guy haven’t fought yet.”

Silverstream shivers in dread. “I do NOT want to be paired up against HIM!”

“Yona not worried. Yona smash nasty creatures!”

“Now that’s something I’d love to see!” Sandbar said as he leaned against the yak, making her blush as their friends snickered at them. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor watched as realization came to him.

“Ooooh. I see what you’re doing.” Shining said as he looks at his wife with a knowing smile.

She giggles while leaning against him. “I think they’d make a wonderful couple.”

“If you say so. But what are the chances that you’ll be paired up with either of them?”

Cadence turns to him and kisses his cheek. “Don’t underestimate love, Shining. It brought us together, after all.”

“Did it?” He says teasingly. “And all this time I thought it was Twiliy.”

The two laugh together as Discord announced the next match.

“The next combatant has been chosen. And this ones a doozy!” Discord gestured his claw at the creature. “Prince Rutherford!”

The yak Royal let out a mighty laugh as he jumped in excitement, causing most of the creatures to lose their balance. All except those who could fly, Rockhoof and Yona.

“Yaks time has come! Yak SMASH opponent!” He proclaimed as he stomped his way to the arena, Yona cheering for him as he passes.

“Yaks the greatest!” Her friends cheered along with her as Sandbar gave a shy smile to her.

“How can a creature with no magical abilities be so confident?” Daydream asked aloud, Tempest standing right beside her.

“You don’t need magic to be confident.” The unicorn said as the arena turned into a snowy mountain peak with trees. “You of all creatures should know that.”

“Heh. Fair enough. What I meant was, in a tournament with Alicorns, magic stealing centaurs, and ponies with dark magic, what chances does a Yak’s brute strength have against any of that?”

Tempest dipped her head in thought. “Probably a better chance then those students. But if I’ve learned anything throughout my life, it’s this…” The unicorn looks towards Rutherford. “It’s not about what you have, it’s about how you use it.” Daydream looked from her friend to the Yak Prince, a smile on her face as the selector revealed his match up.

“Going up against Rutherford is Ponyville’s own….Big Macintosh!”

“YEAH!!!” Bulk Biceps shouted as he turned to Big Mac. The elder Apple rose to his hooves sharing a silent nod with Applejack and Spike before heading for the arena.

“Ya got this, big brother!” His sister called out.

“Don’t hold back!” The young dragon said as he took to the air.

“Yep!” He called back as the stallion made it to the arena entrance.

“Go get him, my brony!” Discord cheered out, causing Big Mac to stop and look at his friend with a puzzled look.

“Your wait?” Spike asked, just as puzzled.

“You know? Bro pony? Brony!” Big Mac responded with a heavy sigh as he entered the arena. His half of the arena morphed into an apple orchard with a tiny hill at the edge of it. The two creatures met the others eyes as they took their spots in the middle of the arena.

“Greetings, Red Pony! I am Prince Rutherford and I am happy to meet you!”

“Big Macintosh. Most just call me Big Mac.”

“Then Yak will, too! Are you ready, Big Mac?” Rutherford asked as he got into his stance.

“Yep!” The stallion replied as he too got into a fighting stance. The two of them stood ready until Discord appeared, looking between them in perplexed disappointment.

“Oh, Mac. I like short pre-battle banter as much as the next draconequus, but you two really need to work on yours.”

“What did you expect?” Maud called out in her deadpan fashion, causing Rainbow and Autumn to snicker.

“Hmm. Good point.” He said before readying his claw. “Then let the match…begin!” He vanished as the two earthbound creatures charged at each other, a battle cry emanating from their muzzles. Everyone watch in anticipation at what the two of them would do.

Loud grunts of pain filled the air along with a resounding knock as Rutherford and Big Mac collided with each others skulls in the dead setter of the ring. The two struggled as groans of mild disappointment came from their friends while Sombra laughed aloud.

“Big Mac…Strong…Pony! The yak Prince admitted.

“Y…yep!” Big Mac replied through his clinched teeth.

Sandbar and Yona stood beside Applejack and Spike at the barrier, cheering. “Come on, Prince Rutherford!” The young Yak cried out along with Sandbar, as Spike and Applejack cheered for the stallion.

“BUT…” Rutherford continued. “Not…As…Strong…As…YAK!” Through brute strength alone, Rutherford took a step forward, pushing the stallion backwards. Struggling to push back Big Mac opened an eye as an idea came to him.

“Hang in there, Mac! You can figure this out!” Spike called out.

Big Mac smiled in response confusing the Yak as he lift his hoof for another step. Suddenly, Big Mac stopped pushing against Rutherford. Swinging his romp to the side Big Mac allowed the Yak to stubble forward. In that moment the stallion grabbed his opponents hoof, positioned himself beside Rutherford and with a mighty show of strength, lifted him off the ground and over his back before slamming the Yak, back first, onto the arena floor.

The onlookers were still stunned as the ground began to settle after the impact. Applejack and Spike hoof bumped in celebration as both Sandbar and Yona looked on in disbelief.

“I had no idea Big Mac was THAT strong!” Sandbar said out loud, wonder emanating from his voice.

Applejack looked at them and winked. “Ya’ll ain’t seen nothing, yet!”

Big Mac stood over Rutherford catching his breath, unused to exerting so much strength all at once like that. He took a step back in surprise when the Prince began to laugh in excitement.

“Big Mac is Strong AND Clever!” The Yak rolled back onto his hooves, a smile shining through his wooly mane. “You good opponent for me!” The Prince began jumping on the ground causing apples to fall from the trees while a blanket of snow revealed a large boulder sitting on top of the mountain peek. Big Mac struggled to keep his balance as Rutherford hopped closer to the stallion, then stopped. Before the stallion could see what was about to happen Rutherford swung his head, connecting with Big Mac and sending him crashing into the mountain side. The impact caused the boulder to shift.

“That’s using your Yak Head, Prince!” Yona cried out in joy as Rutherford pawed at the ground, preparing to charge the pony.

“Big Mac!” Applejack called out in worry.

The ground shook as Big Mac stood up to see the oncoming Yak, panic starting to take hold. As strong as he was the farmer knew he couldn’t stop a Yak at top speed. Looking around he came to the conclusion that the only way to avoid the attack…Taking a deep breath Big Mac waited a few more seconds until Rutherford was close enough before turning around, jumping onto the mountain side, and using it to leap into the air, land on the Yaks back, and jumping behind him as Rutherford continued forward, crashing head first into the mountain.

The force of the impacted knocked the boulder loose.

Twilight gasped. “Prince Rutherford! Look out!”

The Yak Prince shook his head before looking up, smiling as the boulder came down toward him. Turning around to face Big Mac, Prince Rutherford slammed a hoof into the ground, bracing himself.

“NOW YOU SEE YAK STRENGTH!” He declared as the boulder crashed onto the Yak’s back, the impact making him grunt in effort as his hooves dug into the ground. The boulder was twice the Yaks size and weight, earning him many surprised looks from the other competitors.

“As dim witted and simple as he is…he certainly makes up for it in brute strength.” Chrysalis looked at the struggling Yak with a mild impress.

“Hmph. I’d hardly call THAT impressive.” Tirek said with disdain.

“You should. Unlike him, your strength is stolen.” King Sombra pointed out, earning a glare from Tirek as Cozy and Lightning laughed aloud.

“THIS…TINY…BOULDER…IS…NOTHING…TO…PRINCE…RUTHERFORD!” With a powerful heave Rutherford throws the boulder off his back and right for Big Mac.

“Big Mac!” Spike called out as Discord appeared beside him, worried as well.

“Relax, you two.” Applejack said with a smile.

“What do you mean, ‘relax’?” Discord said almost angrily.

Applejack just grins at them. “Ya’ll know how strong ah am from bucking apples?” She looks back to Big Mac, who hadn’t moved from his spot as a small smile crossed his muzzle. Realization flashed between the two friends as they watched the boulder get closer to the farmer.

In one swift motion Big Mac turned his back to the boulder then buckled his front legs. As soon as the boulder was within striking distance the stallion lifted his hind legs off the ground and kicked the boulder.

It shattered into pieces, two of which that had his hoof prints slammed into the impressed Yak. Discord, Spike, Sandbar, and Yona had their jaws open in shock as Maud’s eyes widened, recognizing the boulder was made up of granite.

Rutherford rubbed his head as Big Mac stretched his hind legs. The Yak smiled wide as he gave the stallion an approving nod. “You smash boulder good! You must have fought many battles!”

Big Mac shakes his head. “Nope. Farmer. Been bucking apple trees my entire life.”

“HA! Farming good for eating! Farmers feed fighters so they can fight longer!” He stomps his hoof for emphasis before tilting his head in confusion. “If you farmer, why battle in tournament?”

The stallion shrugs. “Ah don’t rightly know. My best guess, Discord’s ah friend of mine. He musta thought ah’d want to compete.”

“I see. But, what does Big Mac want to do?”

The farmer blinks at Rutherford before thinking about it. “Well…I’d rather be on the farm, doing my job and spending time with my wife, Sugar Belle.”

“Then Go!” The Yak Prince shouted. “Do what you want! Be farmer! See Sugar Belle! Leave fighting to those that want to fight! No shame in not fighting when not a fighter.”

Big Mac looked at Rutherford before turning to Applejack and Spike. They both gave him a kind nod in agreement with Rutherford. He turns back to the Yak, a smile on his face.

“Yer right, Prince Rutherford. Thank ya fer the advice. If ya ever find yourself in Ponyville, stop by Sweet Apple Acres.”

“I will, Big Mac. Thank you for the invitation.”

Big Mac looks at Discord. “Ah forfeit, Discord. Ya mind sending me back home?”

“Are you sure, Big Mac?” Discord teleported between the two with a down face. “You have this guy on the ropes!”

“Ah’m sure. Ah wanna see Sugar Belle.”

“Argh, romance. Very well, my friend.” He address the competitors. “Big Mac has forfeit the match. Prince Rutherford wins!”

“Way to go, Prince Rutherford!” Yona cheered as she held Sandbar. “I knew he would win!”

The two creatures reached the space as Applejack and Spike hugged Big Mac. “You were awesome out there, Big Mac!” Spike let him go and hovered beside the siblings.

“Ah’m proud of ya, Mac. Ah know how much ya wish ya could…” She began to say until her brother shook his head.

“Not anymore.” The two ponies shared a look. “Not since meeting Sugar Belle.” The stallion gave his sister one last hug before taking a step back, waving. “Good luck in the tournament.” With a snap Big Mac vanished, returned to his home on the farm where his wife waited.

The selector began once more as Rutherford celebrated his victory by hugging both Yona and Sandbar, laughing with joy.

“Yaks greatest in all the world!” Yona proclaimed. Unaware to her Sandbar had become dishearten by it, the sudden shift in his feelings catching the attention of Cadence once more.