• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,277 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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In a flash, an entire group of creatures appear in two separated spaces. The many occupants looked around in surprised, recognizing many familiar faces. “Twilight? What in tarnation is going on?” Applejack spoke up with hope for answers.

“Yeah. One minute, we’re celebrating our awesome win and the next we appear in the middle of no where.” Gallus added in a annoyed tone.

“Hmm. It would appear we have all been gathered together by ‘some creature’ very powerful.” Starswirl offered.

“ARGH!! I grow tired of these surprised summonings!” King Sombra proclaimed from the other space.

“I as well. Especially after we had succeeded in capturing Twilight Sparkle’s friends!” Chrysalis screech out in frustration.

“We…well this is new! Hehehe It’s fine, really. Not ‘too’ bad really. Except that hehe I DON’T LIKE IT!” The Storm King ranted.

His sudden outburst startled Princess Skystar and Silverstream, causing them to embrace each other. Recognizing their fears Gallus and Captain Celaeno surrounded them in support.

“Why is HE here? He was shattered into pieces!” SIlverstream stuttered out in fear.

“Probably the same reason those three aren’t imprisoned in stone and Sombra’s, ONCE AGAIN back!” Rainbow Dash stated from above.

“Does that mean, whoever is responsible, can get creatures from in the past?” King Thorax asked aloud.

“And not just the recent past. Look past them!” Mage Meadowbrook said with a point of her hoof. Floating behind Chrysalis and the Storm King were the three Sirens the Pillars had banished.

“This place is boring! Why would those ponies send us here?” Sonata Dusk whined.

“I’m not sure they did.” Mused Adagio as she eyed Starswirl. “Unless they decided to follow us through.

“Great.” Aria groaned. “If they didn’t bring us here, then who did?”

Tirek stroked his beard, deep in thought. “Don’t either of you recognize how ‘familiar’ it felt? Like something we’ve experienced before?” Adding emphasis at the end.

“It couldn’t be. We took ALL his magic!” Cozy Glow replied.

“We’re all thinking the same thing.” Twilight announced as she stepped forward, catch the eyes of Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy. Together, Twilight and Chrysalis shouted out in frustration.


“You bellowed?” In a flash, Discord appeared above them in a relaxed manner.

“Discord? Why would you…” Fluttershy began.

“What is the meaning of this?” Chrysalis interrupted. “You were powerless and imprisoned! We had won! ‘I’ had won! Equestria was mihmph!” She reached up with her hooves to notice her mouth had vanished.

“I know you’re used to have things ‘your’ way Chrysalis, but that was very rude. Interrupting sweet Fluttershy like that.” Discord floated before the former queen to show her her muzzle, undamaged. “I’m keeping this until you’ve learned to allow others to say their piece.” He vanished, leaving a fuming Chrysalis shaking with anger.

“Well said. It’s about time someone taught her proper conversation skills.” Sombra chuckled as Tirek and Cozy joined in. All of them earning a menacing glare from Chrysalis.

Discord appeared around Fluttershy. “You were saying, Fluttershy?”

“Um. Right.” Shifting her sights from Chrysalis to Discord, Fluttershy cleared her throat. “Discord, why would you bring us all here? Especially those we…um…defeated for good?”

“You mean shattered into millions of pieces and Friendship blast back to the aether?” Pinkie Pie proclaimed as she appeared beside the two. A huge grin covering her entire lower face. Both of which gave her a surprised look. “What? Am I wrong?”

“Er, technically no. But…” Applejack replied.

“Another awkward moment brought to you by Pinkie Pie, the tactless.” Gilda announced. A few creatures laughed to this while Maud simple released a heavy sigh as Starlight patted her on the back.

Discord appeared above them and coughed into his claw. “Well then, to answer your question, Fluttershy. I have gathered you all together, from across time, to help me answer a question I’ve had bouncing around my head ever since those three…” He glared at Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy as venom dripped from his words. “…stole my magic. Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered you would target me when ever you tried to conquer Equestria.”

“We didn’t.” Tirek and Cozy said together with Chrysalis, though unable to actually say it, her matching expression with the others spoke volumes.

Discord gave them a surprised expression.

“I used you to get what I wanted because you sought ‘me’ out.” Tirek explained. “Had you let me be I ‘might’ have sought you out. If I had learned you were freed, that is.”

“I didn’t give you much thought, really.” Cozy Glow admitted. This caused Discord’s jaw to drop to the ground beside Twilight, startling her. “My plan would have taken your magic just as easily as everypony else. All I had to do was act my sweet and innocent self until the first day passed.

Retracing his jaw Discord looked at Chrysalis. She raised an eyebrow and pointed at where her muzzle should be. With a sigh Discord snapped his claws, returning her muzzle. She worked her jaw to make sure nothing was wrong before she spoke.

“Because you became ‘friends’ with these ponies, you’ve become soft and gullible. I was confident you wouldn’t give a thought to any differences my changelings might have made. And even if you did, in order to rescue them you would’ve had to come to my hive. Which, as you know, my throne would suck up ALL non changeling magic.”

Listening to Chrysalis’ explanation caused Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence to give Discord a look that said ‘We know she’s right.’. Discord chuckled nervously as he avoided those looks while Trixie, Starlight, and Spike giggled at his expense.

“As for Grogar’s Bell, our first priority was Grogar himself.” Tirek continued.

“We had planned to take your magic at some point.” Cozy said, taking over. “After all, we can’t exactly conquer Equestria with you around.”

“Hah! You see? I was right! You DO see me as a threat.” Discord struck a victory pose to celebrate himself.

“We did, until you foolishly allowed us to take your magic when you posed as Grogar.” Chrysalis finished. All three laughed at that, with Sombra, the Storm King, and the rest of the villains joining in.

Discord deflated at that realization, but as the laughter continued he grew so annoyed he snapped his fingers to create a sound proof window to silence there laughter.

“Regardless, the important thing to remember is that ‘I’ am the most powerful creature in all reality!” Discord spoke, turning his back on the still laughing villains.

“Uh, can they still hear you?” Smoulder asked.

“Who cares? All I want to know is how do we get back?” Ember shouted as flames spews from her jaws.

“What is the question you need answered, Discord?” Celestia asked out right.

“It’s simple, really.”

“I highly doubt that.” Trixie commented, earning a glare from the Princesses and Starlight. With a nervous smile she pulls her magicians hat over her face.

“My question is…” Discord began with a voice that dared anyone else to interrupt. “…besides me, who holds the greatest potential to be the most powerful creature among you?”

After a moment of exchanging looks with each other as well as the villains, a majority of them all declared at once. “TWILIGHT SPARKLE.”

Hearing this Twilight grew beet red and tried to hide it with her wings. Spike, Celestia, and others all gathered around her in support and friendship.

“Ugh. Of course you would all pick the obvious choice.” Discord expressed rudely.

“It’s not much of a question, really.” Rarity replied. “She has been at the centre of almost every battle we fought and has led us through them each and every time.”

A banging came from the window as the villains glared and shouted at them in very apparent disagreement. “Looks like they disagree with you there.” Pharynx commented with a smirk.

“Let them!” Starlight said with pride. “Every time they tried to take over, Twilight and her friends have been there to stop them.”

“YEAH!” Bulk Biceps shouted in agreement.

“Plus, she’s going to rule over Equestria!” Pinkie pointed out. “That’s like reeeeeally hard to do.” With a blink, she turns to Celestia and Luna. “Right?”

The two nod with a chuckle before Discord continues. “Yes, yes, destiny and friendship and all that.” Snapping his fingers to appear outside the space and over a gelatinous substance right beside them. “But it is as you said, Starlight. Twilight AND her friends.”

A confused murmur spreads among them.

“What if she were by herself?” Discord presented, causing many of them to glare at him. “Not just her. What if Rarity encountered Ahuizotl, all alone? What would Trixie do if Nightmare Moon returned and she was all that stood to oppose her? What would dear sweet Fluttershy do without ME to protect her?”

“Those scenarios will Never occur!” Luna expressed, frustration in her voice. Both Celestia and Cadence draped a wing over her.

“Exactly! Which is way I brought you all here.” Swirling in the air, a piece of the substance stretched out behind Discord and morphed into a large sign. “I’m hosting the first ever F.a.S.T!”.

“F.a.S.T?”. Sandbar repeats.

“What does F.a.S.T stand for?!” Rainbow asked excitingly.

“Fantastic, Amazing, Spectacular, Talented?” Trixie held a smug expression as she spoke. When she looked at the others, they had a wide range of expressions that all said ‘Really?’. She groans in annoyance. “Why does everypony keep giving me mean looks?”.

“Maybe if you kept your comments a little less…mean spirited?”. Sunburst offered. Trixie humphed at that.

“So, what does F.a.S.T stand for?”. Yona asks.

“Fantasy and Speculation Tournament!”. Discord announced with pride. Everyone murmured among themselves for a few moments over the name. “Twilight, surly You’ve speculated similar scenarios yourself?” Twilight responded by avoiding his knowing look. “And Rainbow, you can appreciate a friendly tournament, can’t you?’.

“Well, yeah.” She then thrust a hoof towards the villains. “But not when the competition is them!”

“Ah, but it’s not just ‘them’ you might end up facing against.” Snapping his fingers, Discord reappeared above the two space, opposite the substance, with a box that has two windows on it that currently show his face on both. “This wondrous panel will decide the match up.”

“What is it? A scoreboard? Like in Buckball?” Pinkie asked.

“Not quite. Its a panel that randomly selects two creatures to face off with one another. Think of it as a simple slot machine.”

“What’s a slot machine?” Yona asks innocents.

“That’s not important right now.” Starlight replies, trying to stop that line of questioning.

“NO! Floating mixed up creature said that like slot machine!” Prince Rutherford speaks up. “What is slot machine?”

Starlight and the ponies were hesitant about telling the students what gambling is when Gilda stepped in. “There machines that give you bits if you’re lucky.”

“GILDA!” The ponies shouted in outrage.

“What? They were gonna find out eventually.”

“Thank you, Gilda the Griffin.” Rutherford looks at Discord. “Continue explaining tournament, please.”

“Alright. But only because you said please. Once the panel selects two if any of you, just make your way to the arena there.” He points a claw at the shifting substance beside their space.

“What manner of madness is that?” Rockhoof asked aloud. “It is not fit to be an arena of battle!”

“Yep.” Big Macintosh agreed.

“Come on, Big Mac.” Discord deflated before his farmer friend. “You should know by now what I’m about. The moment anyone steps onto it, the substances morphs into the perfect arena that best complaints them. For example…” In a flash, Discord appears behind Skystar, Silverstream, Celaeno, and Gallus. “If say Princess Change Your Species here is chosen, the field will provide mountain ranges and a deep lagoon for you to utilize."

Another murmur spread among everyone, including the villains, who had been listening intently.

“But keep in mind, should you be paired up with someone like…King Sombra…” The four creatures look towards the dark king as he flashes a maniacal smile their way. “…the arena will provide him with crystal pillars and snowy weather.

“Now, wait just a minute!” Spitfire flew between the four and Sombra eyeing Discord. “That hardly seems like a fair fight! Why would you give someone so powerful any kind of advantage?”

“So, you’re okay with having no wings if you were paired up with Big Mac?” The Wonderbolt blinked before looking at the mentioned stallion and the clear advantage he would have should that happen. “If I were to take away anything from any of you, that would defeat the point of this tournament. Besides.” Discord disappears and reappears beside the selector. “You all have a choice whether to fight or not.”

“You mean we can forfeit a match?” Somnambula clarified.

“Of course, but only after you are selected.” With another snap the sound poof window shatters allowing the villains to be heard.

“You lie!” Tirek shouted, drawing everyones attention.

“Oh? Whatever do you mean?”. Discord relied.

“You claimed not to have taken anything of ours away. So why can’t I absorb magic?”.

“Now that you mentioned it, I can’t…use…uhg…my…mmmmmagic!”. Cozy said as she tried to use her magic.

“They speak true. I too, am unable to use my magic.” Starswirl concerned.

“Well, Discord?” Twilight asked.

“Obviously I want to keep the fighting in the arena, so I constructed those spaces you’re all in to restrict your magical abilities. Don’t worry. You will have full access to your magic every time you enter the arena.”

“What about the dragons?” Daring Do asked causing Ember to turn on her.

“What About the dragons?” She challenged as flames licked out her jaws.

“That.” Daring Do, unfazed by Ember’s display, pointed to the dragons flames. “I thought dragon fire is magical in nature. How is she’s able to use her fire if the area restricts their magical ability?”

“Because, our fire isn’t magic based.” Ember explained. “Its as natural to us as wings are to a pegasus.”

“Oh, does that mean Spike can still breathe fire?” Rarity inquired.

“Let’s see.” Stepping away from everyone, the little dragon let out a stream of orange fire.

“Orange? Wasn’t your fire always green?” Rarity asked.

“It should. At least, that’s what its always been.” Shining Armor adds.

Rubbing her chin, Ember approaches Spike. “Spike, how were you hatched?”

“Well, Twilight hatched me. With her magic.”

“That’s right. It was thanks to that I became Celestia’s student.”

Ember ponders this as Celestia joins them. “Is that a problem, Ember?”

“He hatched. As far as I’m concerned that’s not a problem.” Twilight and Spike share a hug with Shining Armor. “The only thing that makes sense is that Twilight imbued Spike with pony magic as a result. It could explain why he’s the only dragon that can send letters through magic fire.”

“So, other dragons can’t do that?” Ocellus asked.

“We’ve never had a need to.” Garble speaks up drawing everyones attention. “Before dragons and ponies became…friends, all we’ve ever used our fire for is fighting and intimidation.”

“As fascinatingly boring as that is…” Chrysalis spoke up, getting everyone’s attention. “…can we get this ‘tournament’ started? I have some pent up rage I need to unleash!” The other villains behind her cheered with agreement. Twilight and the other ponies exchanged looks, undecided.

“I’m In!” Pharynx faced the villains with a confident grin.

“Pharynx…” Thorax stood behind his older brother as Ocellus joined him.

“So am I. I’m not about to run away from a competition!” Garble stood beside Pharynx with Ember and Smoulder joining him.

“Even at the risk of fighting one of us?” Sandbar asked them before Rutherford and Yona joined the front line.

“Yaks not run from battle!” Rutherford proclaimed.

“Yaks smash anyone in our way!” Yona added.

Even as more creatures accept the challenge, the ponies were still not sure about joining. Seeing their hesitation Discord spoke. “Did I forget to mention that after ever match, both combatants will be fully restored and returned to the point I took them, with just the slightest memory of this place?”

Everyone gave him a large variety of looks.

“WHY DIDN”T YOU START WITH THAT, FIRST?” Rainbow shouted once she had reached his face.

“Can you blame me? I often forget things like pain, being the evolved being that I am.”

“I seem to recall a lot of whining on the way to the Changeling Hive, Klutzy Draconequus!" Trixie called out, causing others to laugh at the name.

“Like I said, I forget things. So. What do you all say?”

Twilight slowly turned her gaze around her friends. With this new information the many ponies around finally made their choice.

“Alright, Discord. We’re in!”