• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 1,277 Views, 22 Comments

The F.a.S.T (Fantasy and Speculation Tournament) - VentesDemon

Discord pits heroes and villains from across time to battle in The Tournament….mostly for his amusement.

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True Warriors

Round 2 Bracket 1-D

In a flash, Nightmare Moon returns to her point in time, prompting Tempest Shadow to rise to her hooves, giving Spike and Autumn a kind smile while Ember stood beside her. “Be sure to watch my match carefully. Look for the techniques I described to you as well as my mistakes.”

“You, making a mistake? I don’t believe it.” Ember said with a smirk, earning her a look from the unicorn, also waring a smirk.

“Flash Magnus is no pushover. I suspect he’ll manage to provide an excellent challenge.” Looking back to the two creatures before her. “In times like those, mistakes are sure to happen. Take note of them; they will provide valuable insight for you.”

“Got it!” Spike replies.

“Good luck out there, Tempest!” Autumn said with an excited smile. The unicorn nods to them then turns to Ember who was holding out her fist to her.

“If by some miracle we make it to the finals, I’m gonna enjoy taking you on!” She said as she spreads her wings in a pseudo-intimidating fashion.

Tempest hoof bumps the fist, meeting the Dragon Lords eyes. “If not, I’ll stop by the Dragon Lands afterward.”

“That works too.” Placing her hoof down Tempest turns to see Pharynx and Daydream standing there, waiting.

“By the looks of it, we’ll both have to get past an Alicorn before we have our match.” Pharynx states. Tempest nods in agreement. “Whatever. Even if its after this thing, you and I will have a fight. And soon.” He turns towards Ember. “Same goes for you too, Dragon Lord.” Said dragon punches her claw as Pharynx lifts his hoof up to the unicorn, who promptly bumps it. Stepping aside, Tempest turns to look at the first friend she made since the tournament began.

“If you want to fight me, you gotta give me some time to get back in shape when I return to Equestria.” Daydream said, kneeling down to Tempest’s level as the two of them share a hug for a moment or two.

“If you do return to Equestria, a simple tea party will suffice.” The two pull back, looking at each other. “I rather enjoy our conversations.”

“Sounds like a plan. We’ll invite Twilight, Starlight, and Starswirl. The conversations we’ll have with those three…” the two share a laugh as Tempest steps away. Giving the pony turned human one more smile, the unicorn with the broken horn takes a deep breath then turns to face her next opponent.

“That was an excellent match! I will have to give it more then I have ever before to even come close to that level!” Flash Magnus concluded as he turns towards his friends, an easy-going smile on his face while his eyes shine bright with excitement. “And with an opponent like Tempest Shadow, that might just be possible!”

“HA! Aye, my friend! That mare will not be easy to contend with.” Rockhoof adds while glancing towards her and her group of friends. “Ya best not underestimate her, even for a moment or she’ll make you pay for it.”

“Of that, there is no doubt!” The two stallions hoof bump before Flash turns to address Mage, throwing her hooves around him for a hug.

“Try to show some restraint? Just because Discord can heal ya—” She releases him to give the pegasus a stern look. “—doesn’t mean I enjoy seeing creatures hurt themselves.”

“I understand, Meadowbrook. But even so…” He leaps into the air and hovers before his friends, his smirk never fading. “Even you can appreciate a good fight!” The two soldiers cheer as Mage rolls her eyes, an expression of ‘why do I bother?’ plain on her face.

Suddenly, Flash Magnus is snatched from the air. “Do be careful out there! You pull off the ‘battle damage’ look better then most, but too much will make you look just ghastly!” Steven said as he crushes the pegasus in a tight hug. Rockhoof and Mage snicker as Flash Magnus struggles to get freed.

“I’ll…(grr)…keep that…(huff)…in mind…(Come on)…Steven Magnet!” He said. One final squeeze and Steven releases the pony. In the air he turns to see Shining Armor and Soarin, who simply give the fellow solider a serious look as they salute him. He mirrors their expressions, returning the salute before landing by his friends, meeting the hard look of his opponent.

Tempest Shadow and Flash Magnus meet the others eyes as the flames of competition ignite within them, unfazed when the two of them began to glow for a second, teleporting to the floating platform above the arena. The magical pulse set the mass into motion as the arenas liquid form quickly took shape. Many chunks separated from the main body, hovering over it while taking the shape of large boulders suspended in thick rope attached to a propeller, that drop to the ground at any given time. Meanwhile, the main arena shifted into a colosseum that resembled what hosted the most recent Equestria Games, only more brown and worn, along with several pools of tar littering half the field that held various degrees of temperature while the other half houses statues of Windigos that randomly fire icicles.

“Greetings, Tempest Shadow. I have been looking forward to our match ever since your victory over the siren.” The stallion dips his head, his expression never faltering.

“As have I, Flash Magnus.” She flashes him a smile. “I have not had a good scrap since leaving the Storm Kings rule.” Her horn sparks as his wings flap, a solid indication of their excitement to get started.

With a chuckle Discord teleports to the arena just as the platform had done the same for the two ponies. Upon appearing in the middle of the colosseum Flash stood before the tar pools with Tempest standing before the statues, just as one of the tar pits, a boiling hot one, has a bubble pop, flinging a glob of it into the air and landing inches away from the pegasus’ hind hoof; close enough for him to feel the heat, yet he paid it no mind, keeping his focus on his opponent. A moment later one of the Windigo statues spits out an icicle, shooting right for the unicorns head. Twilight and Daydream are about to shout a warning, only to stop themselves as Tempest’s head shifts just enough to the side, the icicle grazes the fur of her cheek while her eyes never broke away from Flash. Even as the icicle continues on towards the pony, causing Steven to let out an exaggerated gasp as it quickly approaches.

True to his name, the stallion reaches behind him, grabbing his shield and swinging it before him, brushing the projectile away without a thought and stands ready to fight as he unconsciously avoids the tar. Following his lead Tempest lights up the base of her horn, causing sparks of magic to flutter around it while taking her own fighting stance. The onlookers marvel at the two before them as two true warriors stood ready to do battle that promises to be a different kind of excitement from any match seen before.

“I have to admit, after that last match it will be nice to actually SEE the action!” He readies his claw. “Don’t disappoint, you two. Let the final match of the first bracket…BEGIN!” Disappearing after bringing his claw down, Tempest's horn starts to glow brighter. Recognizing the threat, Flash Magnus hurls his shield at the unicorn, making her focus on dodging and not the spell long enough for the pegasus to move in quickly, lightly dragging his hind hoof along the ground before bringing it up to deliver a kick to her head. On instinct, Tempest raises her hoof, blocking the kick and resuming her spell only for the dirt to sprinkle over her face, distracting her even further.

Meanwhile, the shield cut through the cloud statues before hitting the wall behind them, bouncing off it, ricocheting back towards the battle and landing just behind Tempest. Flapping his wings Flash remains in the air, allowing him to attempt to front kick the unicorn; though partially blind, Tempest saw the attack coming, quickly using her free hoof to catch the second kick. The two smirk at each other as the unicorn’s horn stops glowing and sparkling, taking the stallion by surprise. In that moment, she pushes aside his hind legs and thrusts forward, head butting him in the stomach. This was strong enough to push him back aways while making him land, a hoof at his stomach. The tide turned, Tempest charges at Flash and leaps at him with her hoof cocked back.

Flash stands on his hind legs with his wings spread out for balance in time to deflect the blow down as she lands before him. He jabs, aiming for her head, missing as she ducks under it, rising up to deliver an uppercut to his jaw.

He leans back, narrowly avoiding the attack, his wings keeping him from hitting the ground, allowing him another attempt at a straight kick to her stomach, connecting with enough force to wind the unicorn while pushing her away a hoof. With this brief break Flash beats his wings, facing forward before shooting at Tempest, catching her by surprise as he tackles her, carrying them both closer to the statues.

They struggle on the ground as Spike, Autumn, Smoulder and Gallus are pressed against the barrier, enamoured with the battle. “Look at those two go! Now I want to learn how to fight like that!” Smoulder said, her eyes practically sparkling.

“After his match with Spitfire, I was sure Flash was the best hoof-to-hoof fighter in the tournament.” Gallus comments as Tempest knocks the stallions hind leg from under him, allowing her to throw him off her. “Tempest is making me question that though.”

“Wow! Look at her go, Spike!” Autumn Blaze said, a large smile on her face. “She’s stopped trying to use magic and just use her hooves to fight! That’s so cool!” As she spoke, Tempest returns to her hooves, calmly deflecting Flash’s attacks as he pushes her towards the Windigo statues, triggering them to fire icicles at the two. With a smile of satisfaction Flash leaps into the air allowing Tempest to turn and address them. The pegasus dives back down towards the cloud statues, looking to utilize them, as more icicles are shot at him, he prepares to dodge them when an icicle shots past him from behind. Chancing a look back he spots Tempest using her magic to catch the airborne projectiles and redirect them at his flank. Attacked from two sides Magnus abandons the clouds and gains more altitude, hovering just below the swinging boulders.

“Hmph. Where do you think you’re going?.” Tempest gallops away from the statues charging her horn, with a thrust of her head she launches a firework spell that splits into for separate ones. Flash Magnus beats his wings hard, narrowly avoiding both the explosive spells and the swing boulders they were forcing him to fly up towards. Reluctantly, the Legionnaire descends closer to the ground, just as Tempest drew closer to him. With a smirk on her muzzle the unicorn leaps into a front flip, casting a energy blast spell at just the right angle to propel her even higher and faster, aiming a kick at the descending stallion.

Catching her approach the pegasus flaps his wings in opposite directions, resulting in him twisting around, barely avoiding the kick and allowing her to continue on over him.

Her attempt failed the unicorn quickly tucks in her out stretched hind hoof while preparing her other one, twisting her hips and forelegs together to turn in midair, delivering another swift kick to Flash. The kick causes him to stop flapping his wings, making him plummet towards the ground along with Tempest.

“Come on, Lad! Where’s that fire you were boasting about?” Rockhoof calls out as the two fall out of the sky. The large Pillars words spark his warrior spirit, Flash Magnus’ eyes spring open spotting his shield laying on the ground, making him beat his wings hard towards it. As she fell Tempest cast more fireworks at the rapidly fleeing stallion, knocking him about upon his approach, slowing him down just enough for a overhanging boulder to crash on top of his shield. Flash hovers before the boulder gritting his teeth in frustration before turning to face Tempest, just as she made a graceful landing.

“Not yet, Flash Magnus!” The mare calls out with a smirk while giving her neck a crack. “I’m not done warming up!”

The pegasus faces her while still in the air, rotating his foreleg and matching her smirk. “You really know how to drag things out, huh? Very well!” Flash said, getting ready to continue. “One more bout should do it!” With that the two of them charge at each other, their movements causing the boulders to drop around them, making Flash weave around in the air and Tempest jump, roll, and slide, nether slowing down in their approach until they finally meet as Flash circles around a boulder and catches Tempest across the jaw with a punch. The unicorn uses the momentum to slap Flash with her tail before connecting with a kick, narrowly missing as he ducks it and moves in with a jab. She catches the jab while placing her hoof back on the ground behind her, grabs the hoof with her free one and throws him over her shoulder in one fluid motion. Just then a boulder comes crashing down over her, forcing Tempest to follow the thrown stallion, who had recovered enough to land against a boulder and push himself to reengage her.

“Why must we suffer through this underwhelming match?” Tirek said, yawning as he lays down with his arm supporting his head, uninterested. “Wake me when a more interesting one starts.” And just like that, he falls asleep as Cozy and Chrysalis look at the centaur in contempt.

“What does he think I am, an alarm clock?” The tiny Alicorn remarks.

“Forget him. If he wish to sleep, let him.” Chrysalis said, turning back to Tempest and Flash dancing around the falling boulders while continuing to trade blows. “I, however will take every opportunity to observe our enemies for weaknesses.”

“Yeah but, Tirek brushed aside those Pillars before this tournament began. And that unicorn maybe a good fighter…” She looks to see Tempest getting punched towards a falling boulder, backflipping onto it before launching herself at Magnus. He kicks at her, but the unicorn skillfully slides underneath it, tripping him in the progress; as he falls he aims a punch at her that she catches, holding their position for a few seconds before pushing against each other to avoid a falling boulder. “…okay, a REALLY good fighter. But she doesn’t have our level of power.” She turns and crosses her hooves. “She’s hardly worth considering.”

“Think for a moment, Cozy.” The Changeling’s series tone drew not only Cozy’s attention but also Tirek, who swivels an ear towards them. “Discord brought us here from a time where we had won. Equestria is ours! Those fools over there—” She tilts her head towards the other space. “—are imprisoned along with him, with Twilight Sparkle on the run! And yet…” She turns her dark eyes on the filly. “They act as if they beaten us!” This causes Cozy’s eyes to widen and Tirek to open slightly.

“But…but we beat them! Pit the ponies against each other! Took away their friendship! How could they have beaten us?”

“A mystery I intend to solve with each match.” She returns her gaze to the match, her eyes focus. “Somehow, they will manage to free themselves and pull victory from our grasp. I will not let that happen!” As Cozy nods to Chrysalis and watches the match, The Storm King grips the Staff of Sacanas tightly as he watches Tempest punch a boulder, having missed Flash, and cracking it.

“WOW! Did you see that! She cracked that boulder with her bare hoof!” Autumn said, pointing at it.

“Yeah! And she doesn’t even look all that angry.” Spike replies. Ember, Pharynx, and Daydream had joined them at the barrier and were also amazed by the feat.

“That’s exactly what she was teaching you two to do.” Ember said, getting their attention. “I didn’t understand what she was going on about at first, but now that I see her in action, I get it.”

“But…where’s the emotional outburst? The complete disregard for other’s safety?” Spike said.

“She’s keeping it in check and focussing its effect into her attacks.” Daydream adds as Spike and Autumn give her a look of confusion, making her chuckle. “Basically, she’s channeling her emotions rather then letting them overwhelm her and explode.”

“OH….!” The two of them express before turning back to the action.

“Though…” Pharynx says while eyeing the battlefield. “…if she did cut loose, those boulders would be history, making it easier to get at the pegasus.”

“You don’t appreciate subtlety, do you?” Daydream asks, giving him an unamused look.

“I’m a Changeling. I’m all about subtlety.” The two stare at each other until Daydream raises an eyebrow. “…when I want to be.”

As the group converse about the battle Twilight stands beside her brother, watching Flash buck her friend into a boulder as it returns to the sky. “Watching her fight…it’s scary to think what she would’ve done had she not had those crystals.”

“Indeed.” Luna said as she joins the siblings. “Perhaps then, we might’ve prevented much of the attack.”

“I don’t know, Luna. She seems capable of out maneuvering all of us, even with out magic.” Celestia said while stand behind them.

Shining Armor lets out a heavy sigh. “The one day I volunteer to stay behind and watch the Empire and Flurry, Equestria gets invaded.” He flashes them a sad smile. “Did I cross one too many black cats throughout my life?” Twilight giggles as Cadence stands beside her husband. As the two of them comfort the stallion Celestia shifts her gaze to Luna, who is watching the match intensely.

“Your thoughts, sister?”

“Flash Magnus is a tenacious fighter and his use of his shield at the start was clever. I look forward to when he retrieves it, what other tactics he with employ with it.” She brings a hoof to her chin. “Tempest Shadow is quite clearly the more skilled of the two in terms of combat skill and taking advantage of the terrain. How she will fare against Flash Magnus wielding his shield will be a factor on who wins, I believe.”

“I see.” The Alicorn stood silent for a moment before a smirk appears. “You really want to face Tempest in the next round, don’t you?”

“Yes. Our last encounter still vexes me.” Luna scowls. “More so due to Starswirl’s lecture once he found out!” The eldest sister let out a hearty laugh as Tempest cast a firework spell that struck Flash’s front leg, making him cry out a bit before noticing the boulder falling towards him. He flies to the side, avoiding it as the dust cloud that had been building grew thicker, causing the stallion to grin.

“That should do it!” Ignoring the pain in his shoulder Flash lands and furiously beats his wings, creating a mini tornado that picks up the dust and sand around them and directs it at the stunned unicorn, the wind strong enough to disrupt the boulders while forcing Tempest back towards the tar pits; maintaining the tornado Flash looks around the field until he spots the boulder that had been covering his shield get caught in the tornados grip and lift up, revealing his shield. “Netitus!” Without a second thought, Flash abandons the tornado and beelines for his trusted shield, snatching it up and hovering high above the dust storm below, marvelling at the undamaged item while brushing dust off it. “Ha! Legionnaire crafting at its finest, right Netitus?”

Tempest Shadow continues to backpedal towards a bubbling pool of tar as dust and sand batters against her. Hoof steps from the pit she finally manages to cast a shield spell, cutting off the tornadoes forceful winds and giving the unicorn the chance to recover and take stock; the tornado began to die down but had already flung the boulders to the sides of the field, effectively eliminating them as threats. The tornado disappears, dropping the sand and dirt that remains in the air as Tempest drops her shield and spots her foe hovering over the Windigo cloud statues holding his shield.

“That was an excellent warm up, Flash Magnus.” Tempest calls out while she approaches. “And now that you have retrieved your shield—“ She crouches low, ready to attack. “—let’s stop playing around…and get serious!”

“That was them playing?” Spike, Autumn, Smoulder, Gallus and Steven call out at the exact same time in amazement, causing those around them to laugh.

“Aye, my friends! To them, battle is not simply a means to an end, but a way of life!” Rockhoof flashes a grin at the awed creatures. “For warriors as true as them, this battle as akin to a conversation or a debate. And what would be the point of any of that if you got serious at the very beginning?” The five creatures, along with everyone else return their gazes to the two ponies in the arena as Flash slowly descends to the ground.

“She’s baiting me.” Flash said quietly, seeing through the unicorns ploy. “Even with Netitus, continuing fighting her hoof to hoof…” He shifts his gaze to the cloud statues below him. “If a frontal assault won’t work…” Quick as he could the stallion dashes down, making Tempest’s confident expression harden, casting multiple firework spells at him as the statues fire their icicles. The stallion twists around, using his shield to deflect both attacks until he reaches the statues. Flying around one of them quickly, he grabs it and returns to the air working the cloud until it becomes an icy gauntlet with a dense icicle protruding from it.

Tempest looks up in stern worry as Flash Magnus brandishes his ice gauntlet and shield along with a confident grin. “Clever.”

“Brace yourself, Tempest Shadow!” He calls, smacking both weapons together for show. “You won’t fare so well this time around!”

“Glad to hear it!” She flashes him a smile. “I thrive when the odds are stacked against me!”

“It’ll be an honour to put that theory to the test!” With a mighty cry Flash Magnus charges at the unicorn, his Icicle Gauntlet posed to strike. As she ran, Tempest casts multiple firework spells, only for them to get deflected once again by Netitus until the two were in striking distance. She slides into a fighting pose to better counter his attack, but at the last second, Flash thrust his shield forward, bashing the unicorn on the snout, dazing her. In that moment, Flash swings his icicle blade; the dazed Tempest barely notices the oncoming slash and leans back just enough for the blade to scratch across her chest armor

“Come on, Tempest…” Spike said from the barrier as Flash manages to push Tempest closer to the tar pits with his armed assault. Her hoof scraps the edge of the nearest boiling tar pit, quickly realizing what his plan entails. Just then Flash lifts Netitus, resting the icicle blade on the top of it and flew forward with a powerful beat of his wings.

“Tempest!” Daydream shouts as the unicorn braces against her attacker, her horn alight. The force of his push forces her back and onto an newly conjured magical shield platform, sparing her the fate of getting stuck in the tar, much to the stallions frustration. Beating his wings, Flash thrust his gauntlet forward aiming for her horn. Anticipating the strike Tempest jerks her head away, dodging the initial attack, then quickly bites onto the icicle, locking them together over the boiling tar pit with only her platform keeping them from falling in.

“Nicely done…Tempest!” The pegasus strains to say, pushing with all his strength while beating his wings. “You’ve proven to be…resourceful!” The mare kept her teeth clamped as sweat began to flow down her cheek; it was taking everything she had to maintain the platform while keeping Flash from overpowering her. She spares a glance towards the onlookers, spotting both Spike and Autumn cheering for her to win. “I commend you…Tempest Shadow. But this match…IS…MINE!” With a great heave Flash pushes his gauntlet forward enough for his hoof to touch Netitus while also leaning his head into the shield, adding more of his strength to the task.

Her eyes widen in surprise as the stallion manages to push the two of them closer the the platform’s edge. She eyed the menacing tar bubbling by her hoof, fearing her magic will cease at any moment.


Both combatants look up to see Pharynx hovering above the others with a menacing expression. His words stirring something within, Tempest’s eyes harden, her jaw began to clamp down hard enough to crack the icicle as her horn flared up, illuminating her angry expression. Everyone, especially the Storm King watches in horrific fascination as the unicorn smashes the icicle. Placing her hoof over the shield’s top she manipulates the platform below her, creating a bump beneath her hooves, giving her the momentum to flip over the stunned stallion, making the platform vanish as she twisted in the air, ready to land.

“GAH!” Flash cries, hovering over the pit low enough for a large splash of tar to land on his fore hoof, quickly melting the rest of the gauntlet and burning his fur and skin. Mage and Rockhoof press against the barrier as he lands away from the pit while they gasp at their friend in pain.

“Hang in there, Flash! You can still win this!” Rockhoof calls out as Steven lowers to their level, just as worried as Mage is.

“That could NOT have been pleasant.”

“He has to give up!” The healer cries. “That tar could burn right through his leg!” Just then, Flash takes his shield and runs it down his fore hoof, clearing the tar off him enough to avoid losing it as Tempest caught her breath after exerting herself like that. The mare watches the pegasus for a moment, quickly realizing that he was not gonna give up. She leaps into the air causing him to look up as she twists multiple times before stretching out her rear leg, ready to deliver the finishing blow.

“It’s over. There’s no way he can come back from that wound.” Smoulder said hovering beside Gallus.

The griffin smiles. “Don’t count him out just yet.” He flaps his recovered wing just as Tempest neared Flash. Suddenly, the Legionnaire throws his shield up to meet the kick. Her hoof collides with Netitus with a loud bang as the force of the kick causes cracks to spread from Magnus’s spot on the ground. The adolescent dragon’s jaw hangs open as Flash meets Tempest’s eyes, both burning with rage and excitement, a clear indication that neither of them will settle for anything less then the complete defeat of their opponent. Tempest’s other hoof was preparing to land when from out of no where the stallion rose to his hind legs, pushing her other hoof away and bringing his injured hoof up to deliver a surprise right hook.

Both Rockhoof and Mage flinch at the impact of his punch along with him as Tempest falls backward, seemingly knocked out while Spike, Autumn, Ember, and Daydream look on with dread on their faces. However, on instinct alone the unicorn shot her front hooves downward, catching herself from collapsing and using what strength she had push off the ground with her hind leg stretched out, connecting a swift kick to Flash’s snout that sent him reeling back towards the tar pits.

Everyone watching is pressed against the barriers drawn in by the incredible display of combat these two have demonstrated throughout the match, as they slowly pick themselves up from the dirt battered and bruised. “Truly remarkable.” Princess Celestia marvels. “Never have I seen two ponies show this level of desire to win.”

“Only in the most wildest of dreams have I.” Luna comments as a smile grows on her muzzle. “Truly, my next match will be a challenge.” Shining shares a look with Cadence as his smile grows as well.

“That settles it! First chance I get, I’m challenging Tempest to a match!”

“What about Flash Magnus?’ His wife asks.

“Already did. When Celestia asked me to make improvements to the Castles defences, I got to meet Starswirl, who introduced me to Flash.”

“Oh.” She leans into her husband. “Did you win?”

Before Shining could answer mighty yells rang out as Flash Magnus flew at the charging Tempest Shadow. The air was thick with a tension that held over them all that, once broken, would end the match. The two ponies draw closer, ready to deliver the finishing blow and win the match; Rockhoof, Mage and Steven huddle close together as Flash pulls back Netitus. Spike, Autumn, Daydream and Ember stand together while Pharynx hovers over them as Tempest leaps up, her horn glowing while cocking her hoof back, a firework spell coating her hoof.

The combatants held their breath as the two met in the air, both throwing their hooves forward until they connected, resulting in an explosion so great and spectacle the two ponies were blasted away from each other; Tempest soars over the torn up battlefield and crashes through the Windigo statues, blowing them apart before slamming into the far wall as Flash hurdles over the many tar pits and crashes into the wall so hard he gets embedded into it. The tension hangs in the air as Discord appears over both combatants, genuine excitement and concern on both their faces.

“You two are AMAZING! This has been a truly wondrous match!” He cheers as the two ponies remain motionless. “Don’t get me wrong, its not on the same level as the last match, but still…”

“DISCORD! ARE THEY OKAY?” Mage Meadowbrook shouts while slamming against the barrier so hard, it cracks, making both Rockhoof and Steven back away from her.

“Do relax, my dear. Both ponies are fine. In fact…” The two Discord’s merge together in the middle of the arena. “The winner of the final match of the first bracket is…Tempest Shadow!” The draconequus gestures to the unicorn, prompting everyone to look as she slowly lifts herself up, her hoof covered in scars as a weak smile crosses her face.

“That was…an amazing fight…my friend.”

“What about…? Gallus said before everyone turns to look at the stallion still embedded in the wall, unconscious. Mage covers her mouth with a gasp as Discord snaps his claws, returning the two of them to the space, fully healed. Flash Magnus lay between Mage and Rockhoof with Steven looming over the three as Tempest appears behind Spike and their group. Smoulder gazes at the young griffin, his shoulders slump as she pats them.

“I told you cutting loose works.” Pharynx said, landing beside the tired unicorn and Daydream. She rests a hand on Tempest’s shoulder before giving the changeling a cross look.

“She didn’t cut loose. She channeled her emotions!”

“I don’t see the difference; you’re utilizing your rage and anger to overcome your opponent.” He challenges, raising an eyebrow. “Is that ‘not’ what cutting loose is?”

“Well…technically, yes. But…” The two continue their argument as Autumn suddenly clung to Tempest with a joyful hug, making the unicorn cringe.

“You were incredible out there, Tempest!” She cheers, loosening her grip to look her friend right in the eyes, glowing with excitement. “Teach me how to do that flip thing you did at the end!”

“Yeah! And how you cut loose with out losing control!” Spike said as he hovers beside the two mares.

“SHE DIDN’T CUT LOOSE!” Daydream shouts in annoyance as Pharynx stands before her, weathering her outburst.

“I will, you two.” Tempest calmly replies, freeing herself from Autumn’s grip. “But first…” She walks past the two creatures and heads straight for the Pillars. As she went, Luna trains her eyes on the unicorn as a mix of excitement and bruised ego struggles to dominate her muzzle.

“I can’t wait to harp into my dad and uncle after the tournament!” Ember said with a mischievous grin.

“About what?” Smoulder asks, still attending to Gallus, sad that his prediction was wrong.

“That the pony that gave them trouble back in the day, was beaten by a hornless unicorn.” She crosses her arms and gives a hearty ha as Rockhoof looks down on Mage checking over their friend.

“Rest easy, lad. You’ve truly earned it.” He said as Mage finishes her examination, relieved at the results.

“I’m thankful he scrapped that tar off when he did.” She wipes a tear from her eye. “Any longer and that tar would’ve burned his hoof right off. Even if Discord reattached it, he would’ve suffered permanent damage.”

Rockhoof wraps a hoof around the mare, holding her close. “Then let us be thankful he was quick to action.” This brought a smile to the them both.

“I, for one look forward to speaking with him once this tournament is over.” Steven said as he coils around the three in a kind gesture.

“As do I.” The three of them look up from their friend to see Tempest standing beside them, bowing her head. “I hope I’m not intruding. I wish to say a few words in his honour.”

“Not at all.” Mage said with a nod, prompting Steven to allow the unicorn to approach Flash, sitting down among them.

“Flash Magnus, you are the only pony to ever push me to my limits and beyond them. You are…a true rival and a great warrior.”

Suddenly, Flash slowly lifts up his hoof weakly, startling everyone around him as a smile beams from his muzzle. “Thank you…Tempest. I…expect a…rematch…soon.”

The unicorn returns his smile, lifting her hoof up to give the stallion a solemn hoof bump. A moment passes until a snap is heard, as Flash Magnus returns to his point in time with a look of satisfaction on his face.

“And with that, the first bracket of Round 2 comes to an end!” Discord hovers over the combatants and gestures towards the board floating above the arena as Flash’s name disappears, shifting Tempest’s name to its new position. “Which means, the next rounds bracket lineup is Lightning Dust vs Autumn Blaze!” Lightning Dust hovers into the air until she overlooks the other villains and locks eyes with her opponent. Autumn stands her ground, matching the pegasus look with her own until, almost simultaneously, they flash each other a confident grin. “And Princess Luna vs Tempest Shadow!” All eyes shift to them as Princess Luna steps forward, slowly walking towards her fated foe. Tempest returns to her hooves and meets the princess’s eyes before starting her own approach. The creatures around them stood frozen in anticipation; Celestia casting her worrisome eyes on her sister, Daydream clutching her fist to calm her excited heart as Twilight looks between the two of them so fast it appeared like she had three heads.

With a final step each the two mares stand before each other; Luna notes that Tempest, a unicorn matches her height and chilling hard looks. “I congratulate you on your victory, Tempest Shadow. I look forward to our match. An encounter I guarantee…will not be as similar as our last one.” Her voice held an edge to it, still bitter about her capture.

“Thank you, Princess Luna. I, too look forward to seeing you action again…” A small smirk appears on her muzzle. “…rather then flee.” Creatures around them all gasp, quickly shifting their eyes to Luna.

The Princess of the Night simple smiles back at the unicorn. “Indeed. This time around…” She inches forward a hair, her smile growing. “…you do not have my royal duties to protect you.”

“Well then…” Tempest inches forward just enough to keep from grazing their muzzles together. “…may the best pony win.”

“A glimpse of things to come? I like it!” Discord said. “But that will have to wait until the next round, ladies. For now!” He strikes a dramatic pose. “We have a new bracket to begin!” He gesture with one claw. “Soarin!” He gestures with the other claw. “Sunset Shimmer! The next bracket starts with you two!” The pegasus jumps to the air and flashes his opponent with an easy going smile, which is met with a crude gesture from Lightning Dust and another eye roll from Sunset. “Now! Onward, to the next match!”