• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,957 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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As he climbed the never ending stare way, the haunting images of the empire continued to flash in Sunny Knight's mind. All his neighbors and friends, the ponie's he's known all his life of growing up in the crystal empire were now in chains, forced into hard labor of excavating more crystals from the now dead ground that surrounded the empire.

"What happened to my home?" Sunny asked himself as he continued the endless climb.

He could see the lush, green, grassy fields that surrounded the glimmering empire. Foals played while the adults worked and enjoyed the peace that the Crystal empire brought. As the sun shines down on the castle, the entire empire shines with the power of the crystal heart. It was the most beautiful sight in all of Equeatria. It was his home. But now... Something evil has taken hold of it.

"Where is the king?!" He worried what might have happened. King Sombra was a great and benevolent ruler, loved by all. He was a strong and skilled unicorn, with a wide knowlage of spells to tackle any challange. He could not have been defeated so easily.

"Whoever did this, is going to pay" Sunny vowed as he had almost reached the top. He was not prepared for what was waiting for him at the top of the tower.

Prepared for the worst, Sunny emerged at the top of the tower, ready for battle. Donning his silver crystal armor that he received when he graduated from the academy. He carefully looked around for the cause of this atrocity.

"There you are, Sunny" a horrid and heavy voice slithered into Sunny's ears. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up...." There, with his back still to Sunny, stood a stallion. His body covered in a red red royal cloak, his midnight black mane covered his head, flowing like black fire.

"Who are you?! What have you done with the king?" Sunny called out to the stallion.

"Why, I'm hurt, you don't recognize me?" As the stallion turned around, Sunny's heart sank. Even though his entire look had changed, Sunny couldn't see, nor, could he feel this was the King he had vowed his loyalty to. The same king he had always looked up to since he was but a young colt.the king who was loved and respected by every pony in the Empire!

"King... Sombra?...." Sunny slowly forced out the words, his stomach began to turn.

"Come here" he called out, a smile made of razor sharp teeth on the dark stallion's face as he looked down on the empire. "Look at my beautiful empire."

Sunny walked over, dropping his armor as he went, his body too weighed down by his heavy heart. As he looked down at the empire from the tower, he felt utterly sick. It was as if somepony had poisoned the land, his home, it was nothing but a corpse of its former glory. Even the inhabitants, the citizens looked of sickness and death.

"What... What have you done?" Sunny asked, unable to look away.

"I have taken what is mine!" Sombra called out, purple flames emerging from his glowing green eyes. "This is the way my empire is to be run! With my loyal guards by my side, and my slaves working day and night to serve me!"

Sunny stumbled away from the platform and shook his head. "No! No! This isn't right!"

Sombra's eyes weighed heavily on Sunny. "I want you by my side. Your potential and skill in the unicorn arts could help to expand the empire! Think of it!" His words tried to sway Sunny. "All of Equestria could bow before us! No pony could stop us!"

That struck a nerve with Sunny, and his sickness quickly burned into rage. "And what of the princesses in Canterlot?"

Sombra chuckled. "I have a special spot in the Dungeons just for them. I thought about turning them to stone, but I want them to see me in all my glory when I rule all of Equeatria!"

As the dark tyrant began to chuckle at his premature victory. Sunny cast his summoning spell, brining forth his life sized pony puppets from his vault. The pony sized weapons that were as skilled and battle ready as any royal guard. Maybe more so under Sunny's control. They were his signature weapon of choice. Three pony puppets; one earth pony, one pegusi, and one unicorn. All armed with secret weapons that Sunny could work with just a simple puppet manipulation spell. Not entirely difficult to do. As Sunny stretched out threads of his magic to attach themselves to the limbs of his puppets from his horn, they shook, trembled, then stood at attention, ready to attack or defend.

Sombra looked down at them, the fire in his eyes growing. "What is this?"

Sunny slowly turning around, to face the shadow of his king. "I'm not going to let you do that. This is your one and only chance, Sombra. Stop this madness. Change things back to the way they were. Free the 'citizens' and the royal guards. If you end this now, we can go back to the way thing were." Sunny swallowed his rage then turned back and looked into the tyrant king's eyes's one last time, pleading for him to stop.

For a moment, it seemed like King Sombra was considering the idea. But he quickly stood on his hind legs and slammed his front ones down, materializing dark rigged crystals from the ground. They shot up like flames themselves and struck at Sunny.

Thinking fast, Sunny used the manipulation spell on the puppets to move I front of him. One of the trio was badly damaged. The other two seemed mostly fine, give or take a few scratches.

"You think a few 'toys' can stop me?! ME!!!" The mad king cried.

With a quick flair of his magic, Sunny sent the two remaining puppets, the unicorn and the pegasus, to attack from opposite sides. The pegusi locked it's wings, the feathers acting like knives, ready to slice its opponent. While the unicorn's hooves began to stretch to fifty times their length, prepared to hold the foe in place, or if need be, strangle them.

As they approached the King, Sombra only smiled, closed his eyes for a moment, then when he opened his eyes again, everything ended in a bright flash.

Sunny was blasted back several feet, still standing on his hooves, but slightly blinded. As his eyes readjusted, he could see the horror that ended the battle in a mere moment. His remaining puppets had been impaled to the walls, they were struck countless times with dark crystals that cracked and destroyed their wooden bodies.

"Play time is over" the king spoke again as he calmly walked closer to Sunny.

As Sunny looked at the dark king, he could feel the fear in his heart growing. Not fear for himself, but fear that he had failed all the citizens of the empire, and quite possibly, all of Equeatria.

"I think you need to be taught a lesson!" The king declared. Before Sunny could cast a protective spell over himself, the king blasted a curse that blinded the young unicorn. It was a curse that the king had become quite fond of. One that showed a pony their worst fears. "Maybe after you break, you'll see my logic, that my rule is-"

"Sire! Pardon the intrusion!" A crystal empire guard entered from the stairway, out of breath. He kneeled with his red and green hazed eyes falling to the floor.

The king glared at the guard, the flames from his eyes grew. "What is it?!"

The guard gulped. "W-well your highness, it seems that the royal army from Canrerlot has been spotted at the empire's boarder." The guard reported, trembling still.

"Hmmmm" the king thought, then tuned to Sunny, who was shaking in a fetal position on the floor. "I'll have to deal with you later. I'll put you away for a while. So Celestia or Luna won't be able to find you. You will be my secret weapon incase something happens..."

King Sombra's horn bubbled with black and purple magic as his eyes glowed bright green. A large bolder that remained from the fight then began to levitate over to Sunny, as the unicorn's body began to glow. The bolder took Sunny's body into itself, in-prisoning him in the stone. And with one final flick of his horn, Sombra sent the bolder with Sunny locked inside into the sky, and to the stars.

He then turned to his servant. "Now, let's go deal with the Princesses..."

Author's Note:

A special thanks to my good friend, Marceline Queen for editing and support. As well as to my countless friends who already knew of Sunny and could see this coming. I hope you all enjoy his tale....

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