• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,944 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Melody of the Heart

‘Tonight’s the big night’ Ca’Pony thought to himself as he watched from behind the stage’s curtains. Melody the siren, or the head singer of the infamous band known as ‘Equestrian Melody’, was playing her part magnificently. Thanks to her magical influencing songs, ponies from all over Equestria have sacrificed their jobs, friends, and even family to ‘stand for the cause’ of overthrowing the ‘corrupt princesses’. “Tonight, Manehatten, my old turf. Tomorrow, Canterlot! The final phase!”

“You’re talkin’ to yourself again, boss” a thin stallion in a similar suit told Ca’Pony who was standing just a few feet away, a small smile on his own muzzle.

Annoyed, Ca’Pony shut the curtain and glared at the thin stallion. “Didn’t I tell you to watch the brief case?! What are you doing just standing there like the brainless coatrack you are?! Do I have to replace you with Somepony who can follow simple instructions?!”

Panicking, the thin stallion waved his hooves frantically. “N-No b-b-boss! See! I got it right here!”

Pulling said brief case out from behind him, the thin stallion tried to show that he was competent at his job, afraid of what Ca’Pony would do to him if the mob boss ever did feel the need to ‘replace’ him. When Ca’Pony saw the case, he began to relax.

‘I’m too close for screw ups now! Everything has to go perfectly tonight. After tonight, Equestria will be under ‘my’ control, even if most ponies won’t know it!’ Ca’Pony smiles to himself as he began to think of which politicians he had under his hoof who he could use as puppets to run Equestria in his name, when a pair stallions in suits and fedoras ran up to him.

“We got a problem, boss!” the shorter grey stallion said, his eyes hidden underneath his hat.

“Ey’yep” the larger of the two added as he caught up with his faster cohort, his eyes also hidden beneath his fedora.

“What do you mean by, ‘problem’?!” Ca’Pony’s tone turned heavy as his heart rate began to kick up.

“We just saw ‘princess Twilight Sparkle’ and her ‘friends’ in the crowd, snooping around.” The small grey stallion answered.

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HERE?! NOW?!” In a fit of blind rage, Ca’Pony turned and bucked one of his own goons, sending him flying across the back stage area, landing and smashing a crate. A moment later, Ca’Pony turned to the two henchponies of his who came to report him the news. “I want you two to get at least ‘one’ of her ‘friends’, bring them to me, and after you do, go and tell little miss princess that we have her ‘friend’ in our hooves. She won’t do anything stupid so long as we have her friend as leverage.”

“No need to wait, boss” another stallion answered as he and a mare, both dressed similarly to the other duo, appeared from back stage, with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy tied up. As they threw the two hog tied mares at Ca’Pony’s hooves, one of the two, a yellow smooth dressed stallion continued. “Found these two snooping back stage. Thought we’d wrap them up for ya as ah Hearth’s warming gift.”

Looking at the two mares in the ground before him, Ca’Pony instantly began to relax. He recognized one of the two as the mare who saved the Wonderbolts at an event in Cloudsdale not long ago. ‘She’ at least was one of the princess’s friends. Turning to the yellow stallion and grey mare accompanying him, Ca’Pony offered a hoof. “Good work, kid. I had my worries about hiring some farm pony a while back, but you really showed what some down home pony can do. When I rule this joint, I’ll make sure you get a decent plot of land for your effort.

“Now go let Princess Sparkle know that her friends want to have a word with her back stage” Ca’Pony snapped at the large red stallion and smaller grey stallion, who both nodded and slunk off into the crowd, heading in the princess’s direction.

About at that time, Melody appeared on stage and began to sing her opening song, one to rile up the ponies in the crowd and make them turn against the princesses even more....


🎶Say hey, all!🎶

Hey! (Crowd)

🎶See the sight of the rising sun?!
Another day has just begun
To blind
Ponies of Equestria from the truth behind🎶

🎶The truth that will set you free,
From a corrupt monarchy, (Hey!)🎶

🎶And see, they call the moon to end your day!🎶

🎶I fail to see the difference between,
The Sun and Moon,
They make and enforce the rules,
Are we the fools?!🎶

🎶In Equestria?!🎶

🎶Hear the ponies working trough the day?
Another bit in yer hoof, (Hey!)
Then poof!
Two go to the sun and moon!
Can I get another buck yeah! (Buck yeah!)
Time to put an end, to their rain, and oppression!🎶

🎶I fail to see the difference between,
The Sun and Moon,
They make and enforce the rules,
Are we the fools?!🎶

🎶In Equestria?!🎶

🎶The representative from Manehatten has the floor🎶

🎶Look up to their castle home now,
So the gold and marbal pillars?
Payed with your hard earned bits!🎶

🎶Pant pant, go our heavy breaths from
our hard work days!
Endless work days, being their slaves, that just doesn’t sit with me!🎶

🎶Just cause (Hey, Hey), just cause
Because I’m a little pony!🎶

🎶I fail to see the difference between,
The Sun and Moon,
They make and enforce the rules,
Are we the fools?!🎶

🎶In Equestria?!🎶

By the end of her song, everypony began to cheer and thrash about, feeling repressed and used by the princesses who have ruled over them
For over 1000 years. The outraged crowd wanted nothing more then to bust down the doors to Canterlot castle, tear the princesses from their beds, and throw them in chains in their own dungeons! With almost perfect timing, the two stallions from before, the large red and medium size grey stallion returned with Princess Twilight and the rest of her friends.

The girls were smart enough to come in disguise, hiding their wings and horns, redoing their manes, and wearing cloths that complexity clashed with their personalities, in order to remain completely hidden. The yellow farm pony and the silent grey mare Ca’Pony hires kept a firm grip on the two captive friends of Twilight back stage, while the other two new hires collected the princess and the rest of her friends.

After the princess was back behind the curtain with her friends, Ca’Pony emerged from the shadows and greeted them. “Well well we’ll, what do we have here? A couple of do-gooders in our midsts?”

“The gangster Al Ca’Pony” Princess Twilight sneered and narrowed her eyes on the stallion. “I thought you were sentenced to life in prison.”

“Yeah? And goober here thought the moon was made of cheese! Guess you both are pretty dumb!” Ca’Pony motioned to the thin stallion with the brief case that he held onto tightly. All of Ca’Pony’s henchmen laughed at his joke, even Goober, who looked hurt by the comment.

“Only, ‘your’ mistake” Ca’Pony started up again as he took a few steps closer towards the princess. “Will be your last.”

“What’s your game here? Why go through all the trouble of tricking a siren into-“ Twilight started to ask when the grey mare who remained silent up until then jumped between her and Ca’Pony. The mare swiftly pulled a microphone out from underneath the princess’s outfit, and cut the line, tossing the no longer functioning piece of equipment at Ca’Pony’s hooves.

“Well well, looks like I really did well on hiring this lot!” Ca’Pony’s smile grew wider, his eyes going from the grey silent mare back to Princess Twilight. “Trying to get me to spill my plan for everypony to hear, eh? Almost worked princess. But I think I’ll keep that to myself. Lock these fools up under the stage! After the show, we’ll let the crowds ‘deal’ with their ‘princess of friendship’!”

As the large red stallion and grey stallion began to move Twilight and her group down under the stage, the yellow stallion approached Ca’Pony who appeared to be relaxed now that the princess of friendship was in their custody. “Sir, Ah know Ah’m new here, but Ah’m mighty curious, how do ya keep the siren under your hood so well? A spell or something?”

The gangster chuckled as he patted the back of the yellow stallion. “Boy, if you hadn’t just delivered me those two girls and assured my victory over Equestria, I’d send you flying like that dolt over there! But since you proved yourself and it’s pretty much end game, I’m gunna-“

Ca’Pony then flipped Sunny’s hat off his head, exposing his bright orange mop of a mane. “Call this charade off! Bring them back, boys!”

At his call, Ca’Pony’s real henchmen brought back Twilight, her friends, and now Big Mac and Thunderlane, who’s hats were also flipped off to reveal their identities. The goon closest to the silent mare, grabbed her, and flipped her fedora off as well, revealing that it was Octavia.

“Your little plan might have worked if I hadn’t seen this paper a while ago...” Ca’Pony held up a copy of the Ponyville paper that had the Elements and Guardians of Harmony on the front page! “Good try, though. And I’m sure your father would love to see you, Sunny! Or should I call you, Prince Soleggiato? You may want to stick with Sunny, because after tonight, once all those stupid, rioting ponies out there under Melody’s spell really get going, I’m gunna let them lose and watch them tear Equestria apart, like the stupid, mindless animals they are!

“Once the princesses and other royals are overthrown, the ponies will elect new officials to govern them! And if there’s one thing I can do, it’s manipulate politicians. I’ll have Equestria under my hoof in no time! ‘I’ will be it’s new king! And there’s nothing ‘you’, ‘princess Twilight’ over there, or any of your friends can do to stop me! I win! I WIN!”

Though his fiendish chuckle, drunk on power, Ca’Pony could still hear the faint voice as a small filly spoke up.

“Can I have my sisters back now?” Melody had retreated back stage to rest her voice for the finale and the ‘speech’ she promised to read that Ca’Pony had written for her.

“You promised to return her sisters and ‘my’ dance crew once this was over” Sapphire Shores appeared beside Melody, putting a hoof around her as if to try and shield her from the chaos out in the crowd that she was forced to make.

Cutting his gloating short, Ca’Pony casually walked over to the two entertainers with a greasy smile plastered across his muzzle. “I did promise that, didn’t I?”

With a stomp of his hoof, Ca’Pony gave his thin henchmen with the brief case the signal to hand it over. Once Ca’Pony had the case containing the glass viles, he gladly gave it to Sapphire shores. “A deal’s a deal.”

“You need to change them back” Sapphire started to say. “I can’t-“

“I can’t either” Ca’Pony interrupted her and flipped the brief case open. Sapphire noticed something off about the glass vials that were supposed to contain her dance crew members. The vials were empty?! “See, here’s the thing. King Sombra told me exactly what to do to get you two to obey me, so I could bring Equestria to it’s knees and be top dog.

“But he also told me that it would be a waste, and a foolish move, to just have the leverage sitting out for anypony to double cross me!” Ca’Pony smiles as he picked up an empty vial. “So, along with keeping the older sirens locked up in his new castle, he took those dancers off my hooves.”

“WHAT?!” Sapphire’s eyes were burning with rage as she lunged at Ca’Pony, only to be caught in mid air by his tough looking goons. This didn’t stop her from still trying to tackle him, as she spat out “WHERE ARE THEY?! YOU MISERABLE ROACH!”

“What a temper” Ca’Pony simply commented, pleased he still had all the control. “I’m sure Sombra would love to arrange a meeting for you, once he turns you into a brainless solider just like he did them!”

“My sisters too?” Melody asked, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. “Please, mister, I just want to go home with my sisters... I did everything you asked!”

While Ca’Pony’s goons bound and gagged Sapphire Shores, the mob boss himself closed the space between him and the Siren, draping a hoof over her shoulder. “I would love nothing more then to do that for you, Melody. You’ve been such a good little pawn in my game. I really couldn’t have turned the tides without you. But... I don’t really care. You want your sisters? Talk to Sombra! Maybe you can catch him on a good day!”

Before Ca’Pony could go into any further gloating, a loud ‘whooshing’ and scrapping noise filled the air as a large Blue Box, with a bright light on top of it, came into view, appearing almost out of nowhere. Everypony watched in amazement as a door to the box flung open, revealing a bright light and the silhouette of an earth pony with a spunky mane style and tie appeared.

“Hope I’m not too late” Doctor Hooves asked as he stepped out of the TARDIS. As he did, he looked up to the stage railings above everypony. “Did you get all of that Derpy?”

Everypony looked up to see a microphone hanging just above them, kept in place by a grey mare with eyes staring in opposite directions. She smiled as she replied “Got everything, Doctor! And boy! Those ponies out in the crowd sure do look mad!”

Ca’Pony was baffled, his muzzle turning several shades lighter as he started from the microphone, to the yelling and screaming crowd, then back to Princess Twilight, Sunny, and their friends. ‘They-they tricked me! They really tricked me! How?! How is this possible?!?? I’m the greatest mob boss to ever live! I had cities under my Hooves! All the bits I could ever need! I was going to be king! KING OF ALL EQUESTRIA!!! How did these foals get the jump on me?!’

“Boss! BOSS! We got to go!” The thin henchmen tried to shake Ca’Pony free from his dazed state, but gave up and just signaled for one of the two larger goons to pick him up. Without a second word, the mob ponies made a quick exit, trying desperately to put as much space between them and the angry mob.

As the mobsters disappeared into the night, and the restraints on everypony were removed, everypony exchanged hugs and high hooves for their excellent team work. It wasn’t until Sapphire Shores was fully free from her bonds that she tackled Sunny, still seeing red as she pinned him down.

“You little worm! Don’t think I didn’t hear Ca’Pony say you were Sombra’s son! You are going to take me to him and I’m going to-“ the angry performer started to say when she was met by the gently hoof of the siren Melody.

“I think we have a problem...” she stated, able to douse Sapphire’s rage a little.

Everypony pauses and listened. The chanting was still going on in the crowds, but... but it was still about overthrowing the princesses!

Turning to Derpy, Everypony noticed the mic she used was still in her hooves, and traced the cable all around the stage back to an outlet that fed into one of the large speakers. But it appeared the cord was pulled out and lay just a few inches from it’s outlet!

“Ugh oh...” Derpy said what everypony was thinking. No pony in the crowd had heard any of Ca’Pony’s confession! And Ca’Pony was so shocked that he had been tricked that he didn’t bother to pay close attention to what exactly the crowd was changing.

“We have to do something! Quick!” Rainbow Dash zoomed to the corner of the curtain where she gazed out to a rather rage filled sea of ponies.

“I wrote a song, just in case I needed to break the previous spell” Melody told Twilight. “But I need to rest my voice for a few more moments.”

“Well Somepony needs to get up there and quick!” Thunderlane peaked out of the curtains, witnessing the crowd as they began to rally. Mass producing make shift torches and building bonfires.

“If only I had my cello” Octavia knew the ‘one time’ she didn’t travel with it that she would regret it. ‘From now on, everywhere I go, it goes.’

Looking around, Big Mac got an idea. He leaned over and whispered into Pinky’s ear. The party pony’s smile stretched from one side of her muzzle to the next as she nodded vigorously, reached into her fluffy mane, and pulled out several instruments, including a harmonica, banjo, washboard, and violin. Grabbing the harmonica, Big Mac placed it in Sunny’s hooves.

“What am Ah supposed to-“ Sunny started to say, but stopped when Big Mac gave his a signaling ‘wink’. Mimicking Ca’Pony, all the color started to drain from Sunny’s face. “I CANT DO THAT! Not here and now! I haven’t even practiced in weeks!”

Realizing what Big Mac was talking about when he say the harmonica in his hooves, Thunderlane jumped to Sunny’s side. “It’s now or never, Bro! Equestria is counting on us! Besides, it’s no secret you like her anymore!”

Looking from his friends, as Big Mac passed the instruments out to Thunderlane and Octavia, Sunny’s emerald colored eyes fell on Applejack, who smiled back at him and mouthed ‘you can do it, Sugar cube’.

That was all Sunny needed. “Come on guys, let’s stall them for a bit. Just follow my lead.”

As Sunny lead Big Mac, Thunderlane, and Octavia o to the stage, each of them respectively carrying the harmonica, Banjo, washboard, and violin (with Octavia sighing at her instrument, wishing she had her faithful cello instead), Twilight and the others just watched, wondering what they had up their sleeves.

Once Sunny and his make shift band took center stage, Sunny spoke into the mic, catching the violent crowd’s attention. “Howdy everypony! It’s good ta see such ah lively bunch here tonight! Miss Melody’s taking ah short breather and is letting me do somethin’ ah never thought ah ever would have th’ courage ya do.

“See, Ah come from ah little town called Ponyville. Ah work on an Apple farm with a very, very special mare. Ah couldn’t tell her till just ah little bit ago just how much she meant to me, so ah write her ah song. Ah know she’s listening right now. They say music helps us speak from th’ heart, and, well, Ah hope she likes what she hears...”

Looking back to his friends, Sunny gave them a nod as he was tossed his signature Stetson hat by Derpy. Once it was in his head, Sunny began to keep a beat with his hoof and lead the group into the song he wrote...


🎶 I'm not the sort to fall easily in love
They are few and far between that catch my eye
But when she walked up with that smile and "howdy do"
My tongue tied knots I didn't know that it could tie 🎶

🎶She's gorgeous, pragmatic, industrious and kind
She down-right radiates agrarian allure
If there was a contest for winsome country class
There'd be a bright blue ribbon headed straight to her 🎶

🎶Blonde, freckled, and green-eyed
My heart is hogtied
That twang is knockin' me out 🎶

🎶Take me on down to your farm, girl
Turn on your charm, girl
That countrified charisma is what I am all about 🎶

🎶My, oh, my, yeah she's a down home southern saint
She tells it like it is and won't go sayin' things that ain't
Sweet as apple cider and with spice enough to spare
And I won't ever want no other, I do declare
There is none who holds a candle on this side of anywhere 🎶

🎶She's not afraid of a little sweat and mud
She's got my heart beating a steady pitter pat
No fuss, no pretense, and nary a complaint
I swear she hides a halo 'neath that stetson hat 🎶

🎶Caring, devoted, and level-headed, and
Good lord, her baking is a gift from the divine
Oh tell me that she feels the same way that I do
I'll be her sugarcube; she'll be my valentine 🎶

Once the song had come to an end, Sunny and the others noticed the violence in the crowd seemed to die down a bit, with some mares tearing up and some stallions cheering for him. At that moment, Applejack couldn’t hold herself back and ran up to Sunny, tackle hugged him, and planted a big kiss in his cheek, turning the yellow stallion slightly red. The cheering and ‘whooping’ grew louder as Sunny returned the hug and shared a kiss with Applejack in front of everypony there!

After the couple broke the hug, Melody, the pop star everypony came to grow to love as felt inspired by, had returned to the stage, a determined look in her eye as she was followed by Sapphire Shores.

“Everypony, I need you to hear me out!” Melody spoke, a new seriousness in her tone. “You all have been tricked!...’I’ don’t believe anything in what I’ve said before! I was being used myself by a mobster to overthrow the princesses so ‘he’ could rule Equestria! I know it sounds fishy, me coming out and saying all of this now, but it’s the truth...”

As the crowed began to mutter in disbelief, Sapphire Shores walked up onto the stage and spoke up as well. “I was forced into helping choreograph all of Melody’s shows as well as teach her to sing and dance like a pop star. And if I refused, Ca’Pony was going to hurt my dance crew, who he ponynapped!”

“Ca’Pony’s in prison!” A stallion called out from the crowd, starting a rippling effect, spreading disbelief thought the crowd.

“I wish that were the case” Sapphire said as a tear fell from her eye.

“I need you all to listen to me, just for one more song...” Melody pleaded, turning the attention of everypony there, as she cleared her voice and began to channel her siren’s magic trough her voice, with Octavia feeling the magic and assisting in the violin, and Applejack hopping on a piano just behind the main curtain...

( https://youtu.be/AAJ9o-r9af4)

🎶 When we are scared and all our hearts are fearful;
When darkness comes, and our lives ruined seem;
Then you are there and shining through the despair,
And you will come and save the land's ponies.🎶

🎶You raise the sun, so light shines through the mountains.
You raise the sun, so darkness will not be.
We are strong, with you as our great princess.
You raise the sun, to fill our hearts with glee.🎶

🎶There is no mare, no mare without her troubles.
Each single life runs on imperfectly
But as you rule Equestr'a with your greatness.
Sometimes I think, your love is all I need.🎶

🎶You raise the sun, so light shines through the mountains.
You raise the sun, so darkness will not be.
We are strong, with you as our great princess.
You raise the sun, to fill our hearts with glee.🎶

🎶You raise the sun, so light shines through the mountains.
You raise the sun, so darkness will not be.
We are strong, with you as our great princess.
You raise the sun, to fill our hearts with glee.🎶

🎶You raise the sun, so light shines through the mountains.
You raise the sun, so darkness will not be.
We are strong, with you as our great princess.
You raise the sun, to fill our hearts with glee.🎶

🎶You raise the sun, to fill our hearts with glee.🎶

As Melody sang, the anger and hate the little siren was forced to plant in the hearts of everypony began to dissipate, and a newly rejuvenated love for Celestia grew. As that love grew, so did their appreciation for princess Luna and the majestic and restful night she brought. Following soon after were feelings that the crowd began to remember they had, inspired by love showed to them by Princess Cadence, and the appreciation for friendship that Princess Twilight taught them. By the end of the song, everypony forgot what exactly they had been so angry about in the first place.

Once the song had ended, tears filled the crowd’s eyes as they cheered, not just for Melody, but for Sunny and his friends. Everypony took a bow and left the stage.

“What do we do now?” Sapphire asked in a weak tone. “I can’t perform without my crew... not knowing they’re bing imprisoned and forced to do evil things...”

Sighing, Sunny approached the entertainer and spoke with great commanding authority, with a subtle hint of understanding and concern. “We’ll get your crew back, safe and sound. As well as Melody’s sisters.”

Glaring back at Sombra’s son, Sapphire snapped “What do ‘you’ plan to do? Just go up there and ask your daddy for them back.”

“That and then some” Sunny stated without hesitation or weakness. “I don’t know what my father’s planning, but I will not let the innocent fall victim to his ‘plans’.”

“You can put your faith in Sunny, Darling” Rarity approaches her client and friend. “When he says he’s going to do something, he does it.”

“And he won’t be alone” Twilight stepped forward as well. “He’ll have us all there to help him.”

“...You all are going to attack his castle? Defeat all those soldiers he has?” Sapphire’s tone sounded highly skeptical.

“I hope my father will see eye to eye and just talk” Sunny admitted. “If not, I myself have brought an entire country to it’s knees over 1000 years ago.”

“Are you talking about the Dalek city on Scaro?” Doctor asked with a half smile.

“Actually, I was taking about the Stable Empire” Sunny commented.

“I’ve never heard of them” Twilight notes, putting a hoof to her chin.

“That’s because it no longer exists” Sunny cleared his throat. “Well... the rulers refused to work with us so... the country became the Saddle Arabian desert.”

“YOU TURNED AN ENTIRE CONTRY INTO A DESERT?!” Twilight and the rest of the ponies were flabbergasted.

“Not the point, and I made sure everypony got out there ok” Sunny cleared his throat again. “But what Ah’m sayin,’ is that we’ll get yer friends back. No worries.”

“And my sisters?” Melody poked Sunny’s side.

The yellow stallion radiated his Stetson hat and smiled at the little filly. “You betcha!”

“But where will she go in the mean time?” Sapphire’s temper subsiding. “I should disappear too, probably stay with some of my friends from dance school. But as much as it pains me, I can’t take her with me.”

“I think I know Somepony who might just be perfect company for her...” Sunny padded his hoof against his chin as he thought back to a certain Somepony back home...

Back in Ponyville, Sunny walked with his friends just outside the Everfree forest, taking the path that was recently made to allow new campers to stay safe and reach the lake without getting lost. Melody could hardly wait to meet this ‘new friend’ she might get along with.

As they reached the edge of the lake, Somepony stuck her head out of the water. Her green mane and fish like fins shocked and amazed Melody. The young siren had never known anypony else to be like her except her sisters.

“Well well, if it isn’t my best friends! To what do I owe the pleasure? Come for another lecture on aquatic life? The wild life of the forest?” Ipsy asked with glee, happy to share her knowledge with ponies over and over again.

“Actually, Ipsy, I have a favor” Sunny started as he pushed Melody slightly closer towards the Kelpie, the little siren nervous to move her hooves on her own. “See, this little filly’s sister’s are out of town for ah while, long story, an’ while we work on gettin’ ‘em reunited, would ya mind lookin’ after her. She’s-“

Before Sunny could elaborate any further, Melody’s body began to glow as she returned to her true Siren form, ditching her fur for scales, hind hooves for flippers, gaining the ability to float as well as breath under water. Everypony watched in amazement as Melody did a triple flip, landing in the water with a big splash.

When the former pop star resurfaced, she squirted out a mouth full of water like a fountain and began swimming around happily.

“Who am I to deny such a sweet little filly. Besides, I do get pretty lonely after everypony leaves. I’d love to watch after her” Ipsy smiles from Sunny to the small siren.

“Thanks a lot Ipsy” Sunny tipped his hat then waved at Melody. “No worries! We’ll bring yer sisters back safe an’ sound!”

“You better!” Melody waved. “Or I’ll tell Miss Sapphire on you!”

With a nervous laugh, Sunny and the others left Ipsy and Melody, making their way back to Ponyville to begin preparations for the attack on the Foal Mountians, and the IronLock castle prison.

Author's Note:

I’d like to thank Lindy Paul for her use of her oc, Melody the siren, as well as Alister James and his Kelpy oc Ipsy. They will return later in the future.

Also, I need to say that he song sung at the beginning is a parody of ‘American Idiot’ by Greenday, with the same melody and tone but different words to fit the situation. I’ve looked for Brony and non-Brony related song for something to use for the situation, but had to write one of my own in the end. I think it didn’t turn out half bad and I plan on doing similar songs like that in the future.

Also, I used the songs and lyrics ‘Applejack’ by Ponyphonic and ‘you raise the sun’ by DreamHuk were used but do not belong to me. However, I knew from wen I heard those songs long ago that I knew I would be using them.

Thank you all for your patients and for your support. I hope you enjoy these next few chapters

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