• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,956 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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GoGoGo berry with whipped cream and a cherry on top

A picture of the GoGoGo berry was illustrated on the scroll next to the description. The odd fruit was purple, small, with odd swirls all over it, and could only be found near the bace of the mountain at the edge of the Everfree. Apple Bloom was a little scared to venture there alone, but she did it. Proving that she could tackle any hard job like a big pony! Just like Applejack and Big Mac!

Skipping down the road back to Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom quickly found herself back inside the barn where a sleeping Sunny was left in a comfortable pile of hay. Apple Bloom bounced up to the napping stallion and nudged him lightly.

"Suuuunnnyyy... Suuuunnnnyyyyy.... Waaaake uuuuup..." The little yellow filly tried to be subtle and gentle about waking up the out cold unicorn. But Sunny didn't even respond to her in the slightest.

"Sunny..." Apple Bloom began to raise her voice a little more. "Ah've got somethin' for ya..."

But still, the yellow unicorn remained deep in sleep, grumbling something about berries of some sort and pancakes. Appel Bloom's gusto she had earned from completing her little quest of obtaining the GoGoGo berry, was begining to dwindle thanks to the deep sleepy state of the orange haired unicorn.

Frustrated now, Apple Bloom began screaming at the stallion. "SUNNY! TIME TA WAKE UUUUUUP!"

Apple Bloom was sure that ponies in town could hear her, so surely it should wake the slumbering yellow unicorn. But still, Sunny remained deep in sleep.

Apple Bloom huffed in frustration, then looked from Sunny asleep with his mouth half open to her saddle bag, filled with the GoGoGo berries. After a moment of going back and forth with herself, she decided it might be easier to just help him eat the berries while he's asleep. Popping a few in his mouth, the little red haired farm filly began to move Sunny's jaws up and down before massaging his throat to help him swallow the now chewed up berries. After they slid down his throat, Apple Bloom stood back and waited, wondering if the effects were immediate or if it would take some time.

She didn't have to wait long. No soon after she stepped back from the slumbering Sunny, did the yellow unicorn's eyes pop wide open. Suddenly filled with energy of unknown origin, Sunny hopped off the pile of hay, grabbed his Stetson hat, looked around, and dashed out of the barn. Apple Bloom smiled as she watched the now fully awake stallion dash trough the field over to her older brother. Big Mac was gradually plowing the field by himself, thinking how in a bit he would break for lunch, when a sudden yellow bluer zoomed around him. Just as fast as Sunny reappeared beside Big Mac, he soon took the big red pony's place at the head of the plow, kicking Big Mac aside, and began plowing the field all on his own, making five times the progress Big Macintosh had!

Big Mac watched wide eyed with his jaw dropped as Sunny began plowing the whole field by himself with no sign of exhaustion what so ever. Apple Bloom happily bounced over to Big Mac, a wide grin on her face as she sat down next to him and joined in watching the yellow unicorn perform the work of a whole team of earth ponies!

"Ugh... What just happened?" Big Mac asked, unable to take his eyes from the sight before him.

"Looks like somepony's awake now" Apple Bloom chimed, not wanting to boast.

"Eh'yep" was all Big Mac said as he watched Sunny finish up his entire afternoon's work in a matter of moments. As the yellow unicorn zoomed off to his next chore, Big Mac decided now was a good time to get some lunch.

Apple Bloom could help but follow the speeding yellow stallion as he dashed all around the Apple farm performing all different kind of chores. In the course of an hour and a half Sunny was able to plow the entire field, harvest 25 barrels of apples, repaint the barn and the farm house, prepare the cart for deliveries into town, and then began pulling it into town. By then yellow unicorn was travailing down the dirt road into town that twisted and turned. The constant maneuvering of the cart allowed Apple Bloom to catch up to him, even in his super speedy mode.

"Howdy, Sunny" the little filly said as she ran up beside the stallion bursting with energy.

"HeyAppleBloom! Wow! Nicedayisn'tit? Theskyissoblue! Thegrassissogreen! AndWOW! IFEELGREAT!" Sunny's words all just seemed to run into each other as he spoke them extremely fast.

Only understanding half of what he was saying, Appel Bloom just forced a smile and pushed out a light chuckle. "He he... Ugh, ah guess?"

"Welli'dlovetostayandchat, butihavealottodo, andevenmoretodolater! SeeyoulaterAppleBloom!" Sunny rambled on right before he reared up in his hind legs, then booked into an even faster sprint, the Apple Cart shaking behind him as the wooden wheels bounced in the dirt road.

Back in town, Applejack and Twilight had arrived at Sugar Cube Corner to place an order for a couple dozen bags of flour, a couple more dozen bags of sugar, and some bottles of Vanilla extract.

"Ah'll be by later ta' pick it all up" Applejack said as Pinkie took down the rest of the order while mixing up two milk shakes.

"Not a problem! I'll have it all ready to go in two shakes of a pinkie tail!" Pinkie Pie said as she stuck two straws in her friends's now finished milk shakes, passing them over to the two visiting mares.

Twilight and Applejack took their respective drinks and enjoyed a nice, refreshing sip as Pinkie Pie walked into the back room to give Mr. Cake the Apple Family's order. Taking a seat at a table on the far side of the dinning area, Twilight and Applejack decided to relax their hooves a bit. After several moments of silence, Applejack swallowed her nervousness and pushed to open up to Twilight.

"Say Twi..." The farm pony started to say, catching the purple alicorn's attention. "Ugh, well... What do ya think of Sunny?"

Twilight was slightly confused by the question, but thought for a long moment about how to answer as she swallowed one more gulp of milk shake. "Well... He seems very bright, a hard worker, a little goofy-"

"Do ya think he's nice?" Applejack was playing around the subject now, which is something she never did.

"Yeah" Twilight said with a simple smile before taking another sip.

"Well, er, what ah mean is... Do ya think... Hmmm" Appjack began readjusting her hat and rubbing the back of her neck. The words se wanted to say we're in her mind, but sending them out of her lips was proving difficult.

Twilight looked to her orange friend, feeling slightly confused. Applejack was a pony who always was right to the point, never one to dodge the actual question. But as the princess of friendship examined her friend, she couldn't help but think she was hiding something. "Applejack, is there something on your mind?"

"Well, ugh, th' thing is..." Applejack started to say until a certain pink pony appeared right between her and Twilight, causing the orange earth pony to slightly jump. "Pinkie pie?! What are ya' doin' here?!"

"Oh! I'm on break! See!" Pinkie then presented a milk shake of her own and began sipping it down happily.

"Did ya get our order ready?" Applejack asked, some slight annoyance in her tone. Partly from her waning to get her errands done as soon as possible, and partly from Pinkie's sudden interjection when Applejack was trying to speak to Twilight on a private and delicate topic.

Pinkie finished slurping down her milk shake, and began scooping out the last little bit of whipped topping from the bottom of her glass while she answered. "Everything's okie dokie lokie! All loaded up in your cart and everything!"

"Really? That fast?" Twilight sounded half surprised. Twilight knew Pinkie could do things that made the purple alicorn question the concepts of reality, so it wouldn't sound too farfetched that she would have everything done in that short of time.

"Yep!" the pink party pony replied, now sticking her whole head inside her milkshake glass to get the last bit of chocolaty goodness lingering at the bottom. After now licking the entire glass clean, Pinkie pulled her head out of it and continued. "Sunny already picked it all up just a sec ago. Payed for it and everything. I tried to offer him a milk shake, but he said he still had so much left to do, so I let him go."

There was a brief lingering pause as both Twilight and Applejack looked from Pinkie to each other, questioning what they both heard.

"Wait just an apple puckin' minute there" Applejack said after a brief moment of hesitation. "Did ya'll say 'Sunny' picked up the supplies already?"

"Yeperdoodle!" Pinkie replied after pulling another milkshake out of no where and began digging into that one.

"But we just left him back at the farm not long ago. He was out cold." Twilight said, still not able to picture the yellow stallion up and about.

"Well he must be feeling super-d-dooper awake now! See!" Pinkie said, now half way done with her second milk shake.

Twilight and Applejack looked out the window and saw a yellow bluer bouncing from one end of Ponyville to the next. Sunny was making all the stops Applejack was needing to make that day, but in 1/10 the time! He was dropping off deliveries as well as picking up the supplies. The two mares could hardly believe their eyes.

"Well... He looks like he's caught his second wind" Twilight commented, her words trickling out with slight concern.

"'Second wind' mah flank!" Applejack commented. "Somethin' don't seem right. C'mon. Ah don't know what Sunny's been read in' up on, but if it has anythin' ta do with how he's actin', ah aim ta find out. We need ta see what Sunny's been read in' up on." Applejack said to Twilight, already half out the door.

"Something does seem off" Twilight commented as she got up out of her dead and began to follow after her farming friend. "If it's magical in anyway, he might be in real danger."

"Good luck!" Pinkie said, her head once again emerged in the milk shake glass. As pinkie finished off her second milk shake, she paused as looked out to the reader. She smiled and began so whisper to them "don't worry, they don't need me to help in this chapter. Or the next. Hey! You guys want a milk shake? They are super yummy!"

It didn't take Applejack and Twilight long to reach the Apple farm, not with Applejack's worry for Sunny fueling the orange farm pony. After arriving back at the farm, the two girls ran right up the stairs, hoping to find some answer as to why Sunny was more active then a short tailed cow trying to swat flies. Applejack hesitated for a moment before barging into the unicorn stallion's room, but was able to push herself, saying how it was for his own safety.

Upon entering the stallion's room, the two friends immediately began looking around for something, anything that might help them figure out why Sunny was acting this way. The room looked almost no different then when Sunny moved in, say for a few trinkets here and there, a small pile of books, and oddly enough, a Crystal Empire snow globe that he set on the night stand right next to a family photo of Applejack, Big Mac, Granny and Apple Bloom. Noticing this, Applejack paused and picked up the picture.

'He really does care 'bout us...' Applejack thought as she ran a hoof over the family photo, wishing that they had one with Sunny in it. 'Maybe we ah'll can take one together one oh' these days.'

"I doubt these books have anything that would make Sunny act like this..." Twilight commented as she levitated several books in the air, pulling Applejack back to reality.

"Are ya' sure?" Applejack asked looking at the pile of books Twilight had pulled from.

"Very. These are all the ones I've lent him. They're just very basic spell's and instructions. Spell's even a goal could do. I've read them over several times when I was a filly. There's nothing in here that would make Sunny act like..."Twilight replied, then noticed a small pile of books pushed off in the corner. "Wait, what are these..."

Twilight carefully put the last of her lent out books back onto a pile on Sunny's desk while Applejack picked up one of the books in question. As the two friends cracked the book open, they were both amazed and shocked by the contents inside. At first it appeared to be written in some foreign language, but there were still parts of it that were readable. But barley.

"Wait a minuet! I've seen this writing before!" Twilight said as she snagged the book out of Applejack's hooves. The purple alicorn sped read the book as fast as she could, then paused abruptly. "Applejack, did Sunny ever say where he got these books?"

"No, ah had no idea he even had books other then the ones you let him barrow" the freckles farm pony answered honestly. "What are they?"

"I think Sunny's been keeping secrets from us..."Twilight then passed the book over to show Applejack the contents of the book.

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