• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,956 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Staring at the overgrown toy that mimicked his former image, King Sombra felt a tug at the back of his mind that something was wrong. Half of him felt enraged and insulted by his wooden doppelganger, wanting to smash it to bits, and the other half felt… was it remorse? Like he had done something terrible. He quickly shook it off, refocusing on the task at hoof. He had done nothing wrong. There was nothing he should feel guilty about… and yet, what was this feeling he had when he tore his attention from the puppet to its user. The look in those eyes. He had seen it before when he faced Celestia 1000 years ago, right before she sealed him in the arctic tundra. That look of pain, of duty, of heart ache, and responsibility. While Sombra appeared lost in thought, the cloaked mare appeared slightly nervous by the sudden appearance of all these blue boxes that came to Sunny's aid. She had not planned for this, but she did have a back up plan should that prove problematic. She ALWAYS had a back up plan.

No pony knew what to make of the twelve blue boxes appearing out of nowhere at first. But after one delivered that vital gift to Sunny, everypony hoped that THEY were the reinforcments Sunny spoke of. They weren't, of course, but Sunny focused more on the enemies before him and pushed all quesgions aside for later.

The first Doctor to have appeared was known as 9, who delivered the Sombrapuppet to Sunny, but that wasn't all he brought with him. Emerging out of his TARDIS was a familiar face. A unicorn stallion almost identical to Sunny in everyway, say for the overalls he sported, a pitch fork he kept swung over his shoulder, and his ruby red eyes. He was accompanied by a mare who looked almost like Applejack, but she wore a straw hat rather then a stetson, and had a rather calm and reserved feel to her rather then a bright outgoing one. Accompanying them, where two dozen or so scarecrows that seemed to walk on their own, each made of old cloths stuffed with straw, burlap sacks for heads, buttons for eyes, and at their core wooden posts for skeletons to help them stand up strait.

The ruby eyed Sunny and the straw hat Applejack walked up and stood beside the emerald eyed Sunny. The two Sunnys eyes met, and the stallions shared a nod, with the emerald eyed Sunny cracking a confident smile.


From a distance away, the Doctor known as 1 emerged from his TARDIS, a rather older looking fellow with a light grey coat and snowy white hair, wearing a vest over a button up shirt. She smiled as he stepped aside and let his guests out of HIS TARDIS. Ponies from another world who knew Sunny, 10 and Derpy from long ago, but not so long ago. Just long enough for a certain filly to grow up big and strong. A fierce looking earth pony mare, or as they would call themselves, Thal, emerged from the TARDIS, wearing half organic, half metal armor, holding a spear that was made of a special metal that could cause loud sound vibrations. She marched forward and brought with her a herd of two dozen more Thals as well as a dozen Kaleds, all who were dressed in similar armor. Once her herd had fallen in line, a slightly older looking warrior emerged last, bringing up the rear.

"You ready for the battle of the century, my daughter?" The slightly aged Prim Rose turned to Rose Bud, who was the first to emerge from the TARDIS.

"I've been training ever since the three great ones saved our world when I was a foal" Rose Bud beamed as she spoke, but quickly hid her enthusiasm. A wise leader doesn't lead her herd into battle to enjoy a fight. Over the years, Rose Bud had trained hard to become a warrior, all the while helping to mend the gap between thr Thols and the Kaleds. Slowly over time, she had brought the two tribes togeather, and working as one, the two tribes used their knowlage of science and organic life to rebuild their once beautiful home to its former glory before the great War.

Facing the Crystal Empire, Rose Bud knew this would be her finest moment. A chance for her herd to pay back the kindness of the three great ones, as well as etch into history a battle that was out of this world.


From another TARDIS not far from one, an odd looking stallion emerged, playing a little tune on his recorder. He had a black bowl cut, a light blue coat that was mostly hidden under a black and white patterned jacket. He seemed really cheery as he stepped aside and allowed his guests to emerge from HIS TARDIS.

"Ugh! Can you PLEASE STOP PLAYING THAT THING!" Midnight Blossom flew out, her hooves covering her sensitive bat like ears. The batpony guard was hovering just above the ground, wearing her purple, nightmarish armor she had from her time as a night guard. On her hooves were retractable blades that turned her front hooves into cat like claws when she flipped her legs a certain way in battle.

"Yes, please, the first song was… alright" Cloud Skipper was trying to agree with his marefriend and fellow guard while also trying to appear greatful to their odd transporter. The white pegasus guard wore his golden armor he was awarded when he became a special missions guard. By his side was a special blade enchanted with a spell to help him deflect and break through magical spells, a handy tool for a non unicorn guard. "But really, some of us have sensitive hearing."

"Shame, I was going to ask him to play 'Hot Cross Hooves'" the third guest emerged, a half smile on his muzzle. Allister, er, Charming Knight, emerged, wearing his new yellow Cloak and guard shoulder pads, carrying a new spear he had purchased just last week and had grown rather fond of. The grey unicorn was eager to test out his new abilities on the battle feild, rather then in a training practice. He had gained quite a bit of control over the dark side within him and was ready to test it.

"You know, I think I prefer you being quiet alot more then you having a terrible since of humor" Midnight hissed as she removed her hooves from her ears, glaring at Charming Knight. All three of them stepping forward to aid a certain acquaintance of theirs in the upcoming battle.

"You kids go have fun!" The Doctor Whooves known as 2 smiled and waved his recorder, waiting for the young mare with the sensitive ears to step just far enough away that he can begin playing his annoying instrument again.


Stepping out of another TARDIS was a thinner stallion with a curley white mane dressed in a tight, velvet suite, appearing like he might join the fight himself if anypony steps too far out of line. There was an edict to these kinds of things and he thought the enemy should behave professionally. But for the moment, he would let the allies of the party have their fun. Moving aside, he let his company emerge.

Several ponies, all dressed in spandex and dawning masks emerged. To anypony who never picked up a comic book, these individuals might look like they missed the train for the circus. But to anyone who even walked by a comic book store would recognize them immediatly. In a white, skin tight suite with purple arrows streached all along it, was a green earth pony known to her friends as Fili-Second. Following behind her was a unicorn mare named Radiance, carrying herself with elegant poise, who's outfit was covered in blue, pink and yellow diamonds. After her was a loud and proud pegasus who's power matched her personality, the thunderous Zapp. Following her much bolder allie was a rather timid and quiet mare, in a skin tight green outfit decorated with flowers to help keep her calm, who went by the name of the Saddle Ranger. Preparing her lasso for battle after the Saddle Ranger stepped aside, was a mare in a black and red suit who was deemed Mistress Mare-velous. Following up after her was a duo of a small green colt named Hum Drum, the team's former sidekick and new personal relationships advisor, dressed in his signature black mask and red cape, and the team's leader, the Masked Matter-horn. The Masked Matterhorn readjusted her goggles and narrowed her eyes on the scene infront of her, calculating a plan for action.

"Well well well, quite an interesting scene we have here" a stallion's voice spoke up from behind the Masked Matter-Horn, nearly causing her to jump out of her suite.

"W-what are you doing here!?" The Masked Matter-Horn snapped, a hoof holding her chest as she breathed heavily, neither she nor her other power pony companions expecting somepony else to show up with them, much less the Phantom member of their team, the Dark Detective.

The stallion who had got the jump on the power pony leader wore all black; his signature garments were a black cloak over a black skin tight suite, a black Renaissance style fedora hat ontop of his head, and a simple black mask to cover his eyes similar in style to Hum Drum. He cracked a smile at the Masked Matter-Horn as he flipped his cape out in a heroic fashion. "Out there is another me, from another world, facing the forces of evil, how could I not come to his aid?"

"Besides, I asked him to come, reeeaaally nicely" Sunday Speinkles, a mare who was mutated in a horrible lab axident indirectly caused by the Dark Detectice, popped up behind the caped crime fighter, even more stelthfully then he had snuck up on the Masked Matter-horn. Sunday had upgraded her refrigeration suite a few times to include a thicker material to withstands the constant fights she keeps getting caught up in, a utility belt that had patches to repair the suite, as well as various tools for crime fighting, her goggles upgraded to also include night vision and infer red. She also upgraded her suit's material to look like it was made of strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice cream with her upper body being whipped cream with sprinkles. "It was thanks to THAT Dark Detective that things started changing for the better for me. I kinda want to repay him."

The leader of the Power Ponies straitened herself up, cleared her throat and did her best to ignore the presence of the only pony to ever leave her super hero team. The Masked Matter-Horn knew the Dark Detective had every right to be there as they did, maybe more so. This Sunny Knight WAS an alternate universe version of himself, after all.

"Tea miss?" The Dark Detective's butler Penny Worth appeared out of the blue as well, but by this time, the Masked Matter-Horn had grown used to the sudden appearances from the Dark Detective's allies.

The leader of the Power Ponies sighed, took the cup, sipped it down a little then handed it back to the butler who offered some to the Doctor known as 3. 3 was delighted at the offer.


Out of another TARDIS, a rather nervous looking, brown earth pony, known as 4, stumbled out, almost tripping over his long, multi colored scarf. He repositioned his battered green and brown fedora that he nestled back ontop of his thick, curley brown mane, then scrambled out of the way allowing his guests through.

The Pie family consisting of the old English speaking stallion, Igneous Rock, the stern but loving mare Cryatal Quartz, the shy and timid Marble Pie, the ever monotone Maude Pie, and the aggressive new boss of the rock farm, Limestone Pie, emerged and looked down at the Crystal Empire.

"Looks like that dummy got himself in a jam" Limestone snorted.

"Mm-hm" Marble stated, looking more then a little nervous at the sight of all the opposing enemies.

"Provinance will smile upon us. Our motives most true, to aid family and save thine world" Ignious put a hoof on his younger daughter's shoulder, wanting to reasure her.

"Regret will fill the hearts of those who stand against the Pie family" Crystal Quarts stated firmly.

Despite her lack of expression, Maud was in complete awe over the whole situation. She never expected to be picked up in a magical box that could travel through space and time, much less being picked up and told they needed her help to save Equestria. Looking out at Sombra's dark army, all the ponies and monsters they'd have to face, Maud was terrified. But she knew that if this Sombra guy was involved with Sunny at all, Applejack wouldn't be too far from the trouble. And if Applejack is in trouble, Maud knew Pinkie wouldn't be far behind. The expressionless mare said the bravest, coolest thing she could think of, "Let's rock their world."


A little ways away from the Pie family and the Doctor known as 4 who brought them in HIS TARDIS, a smooth looking stallion opened the door to his own TARDIS, and stepped aside with a half smile on his muzzle. His guest was shocked and amazed at the situation and in awe at the TARDISthat brought them there. This Doctor Whooves was known as 5, and happened to be a younger stallion who's golden smooth, but angled, mane that was just a few shades darker then his body's yellow coat. He dressed in a slick cream colored coat, that almost seemed to glow white. Most of the other Doctor Whooves wore coats of some form or another, but he was one of the few who wore a light colored one. His tone was casual, as if this sort of thing happened everyday, which it almost did for HIM, but wanted to appear relaxed to put his guests at ease. "Ladies, we have arrived at our destination. Please, watch your step as you exit the TARDIS."

The first to step out of the TARDIS was none other then the famous dancer/singer/ choreographer, Sapphire Shores. She nearly tripped when 5 stuck out his front hoof and caught her. She smiled and chuckled nervously. "Thanks, hot stuff. Guess I don't quite have my space ship legs yet."

"No worries" 5 smiled as he helped steady her and got her back to her hooves.

As Saphrire Shores brushed herself off and moved aside, she was taken back first by the sight of the Crystal Empire. She had never been there before, but was hired by Shinning Armor to perform at Princess Cadence's birthday in a few moons. It was an amazing sight, Sapphire Shores had a weakness for diamonds and crystals. After the initial shock, Sapphire Shores noticed that the buildings, the landscape and even the castle was much duller then the pictures she had seen. It all seemed as if the Empire itself was sick. Then her eyes fell upon the black armored army that surrounded the castle. Fear began to fill the super star as she wondered what she was even doing there.

All of Sapphire's dancing crew mimicked their leader's reactions as thet exited the TARDIS, excitement and awe followed by a quick moment of worry and even fear at the sight of the enemy. Sapphire wanted to tell her crew to run back into the ship with the cute stud and fly them out of here, but she remembered what the stud had told them.

'I believe you owe this particular stallion a big favor. He would never cash it in, but if you can find it in yourself, maybe you can come to his aid. He needs all the help he can get.'

She had to help Sunny. He had saved her and her crew from the hooves of that monster, Al Ca'pony. Taking a deep breath, Saphrire Shores steadied her nerves, gathered up her courage, and turned to adress her crew as if this were any other gig. "You ladies are the best dancers in all of Equestria, and I ain't just sayin' that becouse I taught ya'll. To be a good dancer, you need conviction and determination. You build a strong body and a sharp mind. I know this is scary as Tartarus, ah'm scared too. But those ponies who saved ya'll from that nasty Ca'pony jerk are down there and need our help. We owe them this. Besides, if those creeps win, I seriously doubt we'd dance in Equestria again. Let's get out there and show them what we got!"

Her speech made sence and motivated her dancing crew enough to earn their hoof stomps and cheers.

'Girl really knows how to get a crowd going' 5 smirked at the show pony.


A rather annoyed looking stallion stepped out of his TARDIS, nearly being knocked over by a Gust of feathers that flew out the front door. The Doctor Whooves known as 6 was a maroon colored stallion with a dark crimson colored mane, who's body was mostly covered by a coat that looked like it was thrown togeather using parts of 10 different coats and oddly enough, had a stick of celery pinned to the right part of the chest. He was a little reluctant to go and pick up these… creatures.

Bodies covered in various brown, white, grey, and black feathers and fur, claws that clenched swords and shields, wings that carried them and cut through the air, their battle cries escaping their beaks. These were the proud warrior allies Sunny had made in Griffonstone many years ago, lead by their brave leader and prince, Razor Claw. All the griffins wore armor to protect their sides, chest and heads, but otherwise gave them free motion to move around. All prepared for battle thanks to their combat training with their swords and spears. And all ready to aid their allie who aided them in their time of need.

Razor Claw himself turned to face his mighty warriors, his signature weapons being blade like claws strapped to his own front claws, slicing the ground as he walked on it and addressed his team. "Warriors of Griffonstone! Today, we return the favor and aid the Black Knight, Prince Soleggiato! Let's show this dark army what real warriors can do!"

This earned powerful screeches that 6 was sure all the Empire could hear. Personally, he was rather annoyed at the screeching, but deep down appreciated their assistance. Deep, deep, deep down he appreciated it.


Hearing the echo of the griffins screeches, The Doctor Whooves known as 7, figured they must have either arrived at the right time and place or they made a wrong turn in the space time continuum and ended up at a Bird Brains concert. This Doctor Whooves stepped out of his TARDIS, appeared to be a shorter, portly stallion dressed in a egg white colored suite with a number of red quesgion marks all over it, carrying a cane with a red quesgion mark on the top of it, as well as a fedora that matched the suite. His body was a butter yellow and had a short black mane. 7 smirked as he looked around saw his cohorts all gathering for the good fight. He mimicked them in releasing his guests from his big, blue time machine.

"Gentle colts, we have arrived" he said as he motioned to the battle feild with his cane as if presenting a side show at a carnival. "Step lightly, the ground is rather… unpleasant at the moment."

Stepping onto the fields of the Crystal Empire out of 7's TARDIS was an army consisting of half an entire town, all in dark grey armor, weilding dark grey swords, spears and shields. Only one soilder differed. He wore armor black as coal, and a sword he had forged from a very large black scale, generously donated from a very odd dragon that passed through their town.

Turning and facing his solders, Hot Iron, the second pony to dawn the Black Knight armor in the last 1000 years, addressed his fellow townsfolk. He knew they were all more then a little skeptical to join him in this call to arms. Seeing the Crystal Empire in its current state didn't make them feel any better. But something deep inside gave Hot Iron the words to sooth their worried hearts. "My fellow townsfolk, my friends, we came here to aid Prince Sunny. He faces impossible odds alone. The enemy is formidable, but we answered the call to arm becouse deep down, our loyalty, our honor is what burns. Let the fire inside you grow, and never let the enemy douse it! We! Are! Iron Town!"

The nervous ponies shook off their fear and tossed it in their inner fire to feed the flames. Their hearts now ablaze, they were ready to take on the enemy that stood before them and aid the Prince Sunny.


Landing a little further away from the area where one could actually see Sunny, Sombra and the rest of the stilled action, the Doctor Whooves, known to his cohorts and friends as 8, opened the door to his TARDIS and peeked out, a little disappointed in his landing.

"Looks like we arrived at the right place and time," he called back to his guest who still remained hidden in his TARDIS. After pulling his head back out and taking a step forward onto the grassy feild, 8 muttered to himself "I just wish I had been given a better location to land. My guests and I are just as important as the others. Have we gone on as many adventures, well no, but we are still important."

"Is everything OK, Mr. Whooves?" Ipsy asked as she poked her head out of 8's TARDIS.

Ipsy was the kelpy Sunny and some of the Katherine met while camping near the lake between Ponyville and the Everfree forest. The group of ponies had been telling scary stories before bed, and unfortunatly for them and Ipsy, the kelpy had been wandering around near the lake, using her transforming powers in combination with telepathy to move freely in the air in her aquatic form. She had been training her mind and body so she could one day make the journey back to the sea and hopefully rejoin her family. While a powerful creature, having the ability to transform from a aquatic creature appearing half fish half horsez to a creature that was more horse with fish like characteristics, as well as some telepathy allowing her to lift objects with unicorn like magic, the poor creature hasn't quite met her true potential yet. She had alot of growing to do, but worked hard with her telepathy when not working at her job as forest Ranger and teacher. She loved interacting with ponies, who were amazed not only by her uniqueness as a creature few of them have ever heard of, but also by all the facts about the forest, the creature's who live there, and the basic survival techniques she shared. She had made many friends while living in the lake so close to Ponyville, both with the ponies in town as well as the creatures of the Everfree. She was suprised to see a big blue box appear out of thin air and an odd stallion sticking his head out of it to issue her a call to arms. But when she heard it would be to aid Sunny, she hopped out of her lake so fast, you would have thought she teleported.

"Don't worry about it, miss" 8 said as he cleared his throat and straitended up, puffing out his chest. "But prepare yourself for the worst. It's hard to tell which way this will turn."

Focusing her magic on her body, Ipsy transformed her aquadic serpent like body into a more equine one. Taking a few steps forward, the transformed kelpy dug her hooves into the ground, ready to charge at any moment.


Celestia and Luna could hardly believe their eyes as they looked around at the inside contents of what, from the outside, appeared to be a large blue box, with windows, a light on top, and the sign above the door saying 'Police Call Box' in white letters. A strange stallion in a brown tweed jacket with elbow patches, a red bow tie, and a fez ontop of his head, appeared just appeared not far from the cave the Princesses just left. Luna and Celestia only just took off for the Empire when they saw the stallion waving his hooves above his head on yhe ground, next to his call box. The odd stallion's body seeming wiggly in nature as it flowed with the kind of sugar rush and carefree energy you only found in foals on a sugar high after nightmare night. He simply stated that he knew Sunny, that Sunny was in a bit of trouble, and that he could take all three of them to Sunny in a split second with his big blue box. Sencing the odd stallion was speaking the truth, Celestia and Luna agreed to his help and walked inside his odd blue box. Celestia barely ducked to stick her horn through. Once inside, though, they were amazed at the room.

"Its… its…" Celestia started to say the phrase that the Doctor Whooves, also known as 11, loved to hear.

"…bigger on the inside…" Luna finished her sister's sentence, which made 11 chuckle like a little school colt, but he knew now was not the time to laugh, although he technically had all the time in the world, and then some.

"Its about time you two got here" a familiar voice arose from behind Celestia and Luna, causing both mare's to turn around, both shocked by the elderly mare's sudden appearance. The elderly princess Amore streached, cracking her back as she hobbled over to Luna and Celestia, offering them a bow. " I'm here too. I this odd colt says all hooves are needed on deck. He was nice enough to let me sleep here for about, oh, 8 hours or so."

"What!? But, HOW is that possible?" Luna gasped.

"We literally left you a few moments ago!" Celestia stated, appearing just as confused as her sister.

"Welcome to the TARDIS, ladies!" The wiggly stallion chuckled once more, showing off possibly the creates machine that has or ever will be invented. "This beauty can take you any place in time and space. See, that's how she got her name. Time And Relivant Distance In Space! TARDIS!"

"Basically, he took me once around to let me sleep before picking you two up" Amore explained, cracking a small smile. "He's an odd one. But very sweet."

Rushing over to a circular control board at the center of his ship that had a tower spiraling to the ceiling, 11 went right to work, punching in a long code of numbers that he had written down, flipped a few switches, pushed a button or two, then flipped his head over to the princesses, smiled and told them "your majasties, you may want to hold onto something."

Celestia and Luna looked worried for a second, while princess Amore simply walked over to a chair that was nailed to the ground and sat down. Her old body was hard to get used to and it tired easily. Before Celestia and Luna could think to crab onto something or even cast a heavy hooves spell that would anchor their hooves to the ground, 11 hit one final button, causing the entire ship to shake, rattle and roll. Celestia and Luna were tossed in the air and all around as the area around them seemed to be shaken up, knocked this way and that, and then finnaly landed with a thud. Luna ended up hanging from one of the rafters on the ceiling, her mane covering her face, while on the opposite side of the room, Celestia had managed to grab hold of a pillar opposite her sister and held on for dear life just before thet landed. Meanwhile the elderly princess Amore had fallen asleep in her chair, the rocking seeming to relax her enough to where she could fell asleep, despite the screaming from the other princesses. The sudden stop caused her to stir, streach and let out a yawn.

"We're here, ladies" 11 said as he ran up to the entrance door and peaked outside. "Ah, just a little ahead of schedule. Looks like Sunny's giving his father the 'I forgive you' speech to try and win him over. A kind pony, your son, Princess Celestia."

Letting go of her pillar, Celestia rushed up to the door and looked outside. Fear struck her as she saw the terrible army Sombra had gathered, and her poor son was caught in the middle of it. It looked like he wasn't alone, but from where she was, Celestia thought she saw ponies made of bushes standing behind him. It honestly wouldn't supruse her if they were just that, Sunny's made a habit of making odd friends. Luna had teleported herself down from the rafter and joined her sister and 11 in looking out the window.

"Let me out of here" Celestia ordered, her voice becoming firm without needing to turn to 11. "He needs me."

"He does, but there are steps we need to take" 11's face still seemed very colt like, but his tone was more serious then even Celestia's as he locked eyes with her for a second then turned to Luna's as well. "There's an order that we need to do this in. If we mess up the order, we will lose not just this reality, but others as well. Darkness will spread to all."

"My son needs me" Celestia's hard tone melted to that of a caring and concerned mother.

"And you will go to him, but give him a chance" 11 explained further. "This is the hardest part of being a parent; letting your child face dangerous situations alone. But that's what shapes them. You have to admit, Sunny's changed from 1000 years ago, and not just with his stylish head wear. He goes out of his way to make friends and he's more open about how he feels. That's only becouse he's been given room to grow."

Tearing her eyes off 11 and looking back at her son, Celestia wondered if he even needed her.

"Its thanks to your love that he turned out half as good as he did" 11 saw the questioning expression on Celestia's muzzle and knew what she was thinking. "Everypony grows up and eventually doesn't need their parents looking out for them. But that doesn't mean they don't want them there when things get tough. Just be patient and wait for the right time. It's coming. In the mean time, do you think you two can fix the sky? It would be about 4:23 pm, but I was thinking of something special, you know, to help Sunny."

Just then, 11 remembered he needed something, something very specific that somepony asked of him and he rushed over to one of the floor panels and began rummaging through a bunch of odds and ends nick nacks and tressures, until he found a very heavy box. The princesses watched him, both equally confused, as he lifting it up and gently setting it down, before turning back to look for something else. Taking a closer look at it, Luna and Celestia realized the heavy box was a loud speaker of some sort. They both remained equally confused as 11 returned to the box with a utility dolly and a microphone with an extremely long cord.

"Sorry, sorry, a pal of mine requested this, said he couldn't conjure one up at the moment, but will need one shortly." 11 apologized, as if the princesses themselves were expecting him to have it prepared already.


Another blue box floated in the air just above the Crystal castle. As the door swung open, an elderly stallion with a short, curley grey mane in a thin dark blue suit nearly fell out, grabbing onto the other door to HIS TARDIS and holding on with all his strength. He managed to pull himself back inside and mumbled about it being ridiculous that HE was the one who had to collect the bird ponies.

"Let's roll, team!" Spitfire called out as she and the other Wonderbolts ran into a take off, flying out of 12's TARDIS and into the air above the Crystal Empire. They quickly got into formation and waited for a signal.

Once the Wonderbolts had all left, 1w was about to take a breather and enjoy a cup of tea before the action started, but noticed about a good two dozen pegasi still lingering in his TARDIS. These ones had purple and black suits that almost mirrored the blue ones.

"What are you lot waiting for?!" 12 spat out, appearing annoyed as he approached the leader of this group of flyers. 12 then turned his attention to the supposed leader of the group, a light green mare with a golden mane and tail. "This is your time to shine! Go! What's keeping you!?"

Lightning Dust turned her head slightly away from 12, something deep inside still bothering her. "I… I don't know if we can do this."

"Let me talk to her" an elderly stallions in a flight jacket with a white scarf around his neck put a hoof on 12's shoulder, shooting him a sincere smile.

"Fine! Just hurry! We don't have time to dilly-dally!" 12 stated as he walked away and stood by the front door of his TARDIS, thinking he actually had all the time in existence and then some, but he really wanted to get that cup of tea to steady his nerves.

Putting a hoof on his grand daughter's shouoder, Wind Rider spoke in a gentle, concerned tone. "What's the matter, little spark?"

Hearing his nick name for her, Lightning Dust couldn't help but open up a little to her grandfather who always supported her. "Grandpa… I've done alot of bad things, and I know I need to make up for it, but…"

Seeing the look on her muzzle, Wind knew exactly what was going though her mind. "You're scared."

Hearing that, Lighting felt like she needed to justify her fear. "You don't know what those things are like! We faught one! Not even a full fledged one! And it took out my whole team and then some! Those things, those Umbrum, are real monsters!"

Wind pulled Lightning into a hug and held her tight for a moment. He could see 12 impatiently glaring at him, but ignored the old timer. When Wind Rider spoke again, it was honest and full of understanding. "I understand, I've seen what those things can do. But it's becouse you and I know what they can do that we need to go and help. If we don't, those things might take over all of Equestria! Maybe even the entire world!"

Lighting pulled her muzzle away from her grandfather's chest and looked nervously at the ground. "… can't princess Twilight and the others just deal with it? They deal with this kind of stuff all the time."

"Everypony helps" Wind stated as he used his hoof to raise Lighting's head by her chin so she was meeting his gaze. "YOU could be the one pony to tip the scale in our favor if things get tough. But, only if YOU choose to."

Taking a few deep breaths, Lighting gathered the courage and boldness she had hidden away, stood up and faced her team of Shadowbolts who were all seeming more then hesitant to join the fight. "Listen up, Everypony! I know you all remember what happened last time an umbrum went on the rampage! We can't let that happen again! Not only that, but we owe one to Sombra! He used us like pawns, then threw us away! Let's get out there and show him he can't mess with us and get away with it!"

This raised the spirits of the Shadowbolts enough to where they began chanting their team's name. "Shadowbolts! Shadowbolts! Shadowbolts!"

Before 12 could complain more about them needing to leave, the Shadowbolts lived up to their name, shooting out of the TARDIS even faster then the Wonderbolts had, knocking 12 on his backside. Wind Rider moved and helped pick him up before putting on his flight goggles and doing a somewhat swan dive out of the TARDIS himself. When everypony was gone, 12's hard expression cracked into an enthusiastic smile. Things were about to get epic. With his heart racing, 12 decided he didn't need any tea.


If Crackers knew that everypony else had hitched a ride with scifi mad men in blue boxes that could bend all of time and space, he would have snuck aboard. He, however, didn't even remember what he ate for lunch that day. So for all he knew, a Doctor could have invited him aboard his TARDIS, but Crackers could have just let out a wide yawn and fallen asleep. Ferrets weren't well known for their attention span.And yet, Sunny's pet was able to hotwire what he called a 'Bull-doze-R', and drive it all the way from Manehatten to the Crystal Empire. The machine amazingly made it all the way, through rugged terrain, rain and snow, just in the nick of time. Crackers was feeling good about himself for making it that far all on his own. That is, until he heard a loud and annoyed screech. Looking back over his shoulder, Crackers remembered how he had gotten that far on his own now. Becouse he didn't make it all on his own.

The pet ferret had been operating the steering wheel, gas, and gear of the Bull-doze-R, but the one that told him the direction at which to turn the wheel, when to pump the gas, or when change gears, was a monstrous thing to him. A large, musty eagle owl, who had one eye larger then the other, a slight Crack in his beak from something that happened long ago, the same could be said about two of his missing claws on one leg. It's feathers on its head made it look like it had stuck its tounge in a light socket and never recovered. This unfortunate creature struck fear in the hearts of all of Fluttersky's other animal friends, even the large and often friendly bear. This beast of an owl was know simply as the one word it seamed to speak. Toast.

It screamed once more at Crackers and pointed forward with its Claw that was missing two talons. Crackers nervously nodded and pressed on the gas while keeping the steering wheel strait, silently praying Toast wasn't getting hungry.


It had been a long flight from the dragon lands to the Crystal Empire, But Tourch, the former Dragon Lord, had received a letter from Sunny asking for his help with security. Tourch would have arrived sooner, but a storm was raging in the tundra, and he hated the cold. When the former Dragon Lord finally arrived, he was shocked to see that Sunny had barely been in charge for a few days and already it looked like a war was going to break out!

'Well, this looks like it could be fun!' Touch thought to himself. Retiremenr was boring. Nothing further to do but lay around on one's hoard and look over their treasures all day. But he was still a well embodied dragon! He needed action! And what better action then helping out a friend!? He didn't think Sunny of all ponies would get into trouble this fast, but Tourch was more then ok for a good fights! Full of bravado, Tourch dove down, performed a forward flip and landed in a brave pose with one fist hitting the ground, landing on one knee. 'Nailed it!'

He then let out a loud roar as he blew a blast of his dragon fire into the air with one of his mighty roars, catching the attention of two dark looking ponies near Sunny. "Any enemy of Sunny's is an enemy of mine!"

No pony saw him enter the Crystal Empire, or see how he had gotten to the top of the Crystal Empire castle. What everypony and creature below did see, however, was a pony dressed in red and blue spandex decorated with a spider web like design, swinging down from the top of the castle, hanging by a white rope, as he bounced off the sides of the castle and performed unique acrobatic movements in the air. When he leaned on the ground maybe ten yard from Sunny, he made sure to land on the tips of his hooves as if he were some wall crawling, web slinging spider pony.

"You aren't going to start with out me, are you?" Another familiar voice spoke up, one that only Sunny or Spike could recognize.

"Comic Stan?" Sunny asked, more then a little suprised.

Pulling off his red mask with white eyes and a spider web design, the grandfather of comics shot everypony a half smile, his mustache raised on his right side. "Yep! Your friendly, neighbor hood, comic guy! Web slinging in as one of my favorite heros to fight for what's right."

Standing up strait, the comic book master pulled out two odd looking hoof held devices that he strapped to his front hooves, flipping switches to activate them, then he loaded some small cartridges into them. His eyes narrowed as he put on his signature sunglasses. "Alright! Excelsior!"


Looking around at all the ponies and miscellaneous creatures who had gathered at the call, Sombra was actually impressed. This army Sunny had gathered actually met his own in terms of numbers, maybe eclipsed it. Others were still pouring in from all sides, even from the sky above.

Sombra blew a held breath through his nostrils as he tore his gaze from the opposing forces around him back to Sunny, narrowing his eyes that were turning a solid green. "You've gathered a fine army. But they won't stop us."

"First off, they ain't just an army" a familiar voice caused Sunny's heart to nearly jump out of his chest, filled with a mixture of relief and worry. Turning his head slightly to look behind him while keeping his father and the cloaked mare in his vision, Sunny saw Applejack, her friends, as well as his fellow Guardians of Harmony, all emerging out of the TARDIS he was most familiar with. The one owned by his fellow Guardian, Doctor Whooves, also known as 10. "We're his friends and family. And second, yes, you can bet the farm we'll stop you."

"Your rein of terror ends now, Sombra" Twilight Sparkle stated as she and her friends stepped forward, a fierce look in their eyes, all burning at Sombra.

"I couldn't have said it better myself" another spoke up, finally emerging from 11's TARDIS. Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, followed by the elderly princess Amore who kept herself hidden in the back, emerged and took their place behind the Elements and Guardians of Harmony.

Shock spread across Sombra's muzzle, his hard expression cracked. The hooded mare hesitated a little, but kept her cool. She still had a few tricks up her own sleeve.

"I believe a change of scenery is I order, don't you sister?" Luna turned to her sister and shot her a confident half smile.

"Let's do it, Sister, togeather" Celestia mirrored her sister's confidence, but held back most of her bravado, her horn now glowing gold with her magical aura.

"Togeather" Luna agreed, her horn now glowing with her blue magical aura.

The two sisters lowered their heads, eyes closed, their minds focused one one specific spell. Slowly, their horns began to glow brighter and brighter as they slowly raised their heads perfectly synchronized. In the distance, the moon began to raise from the west, and the Sun from the east. The two masses seemed to wipe clear the sickening brown sky that coated Equestria, replacing it with a mixture of blue daylight and purple starry night. Everypony watched, amazed at what was happening and feeling relieved now that the sky was a more natural color. Few guessed what the princesses were doing until both the sun and moon met, the moon being cast infront of the sun, causing a solar eclipse. A strong magical energy began to flow down from the eclipse and cast a large rainbow ring in the sky. The creatures who faught along Sunny in the past, they knew this was both a symbol of his warning, and a show of his might. To the rest of Equestria who knew the two sisters created the eclipse themselves twice a year to show unity. Either way, the eclipse brought much needed hope and vigar to Sunny's allies. Only the few ponies who were still hidding behind the shield saw the effect of the world around had on the Crystal Heart. Not only did it begin to shimmer and glow like never before, it seemed to catch fire! The Heart was set ablaze with bravado and courage. It was full of light from all who had come to the Empire to aid Sunny and save Equestria. The light and heat from the burning crystal heart spread through all the Crystal ponies and pedal ponies who had stayed to be protected by Starlight and Sunburst's magical barrier. Starlight herself was shocked when she felt a small hoof tap her shoulder. Looking back she saw a Crystal mare who had been very eager to stay behind and protect her foal, looking back at her with a battle ready glare. Her young foal was clenching to her back in a sling, a spoon for a weapon in his mouth and a small pot on his head acting as a helmet. Tapping Sunburst on his shoulder, Starlight pointed out what she was trying to show him. He too, was amazed at the sudden change in the atmosphere. All the Crystal ponies who were nervous and wanting to hide before, appeared ready for a fight. Turning to eachother, Starlight and Sunburst read eachother's expressions, nodded, then lowered the barrier they made. As the Crystal ponies and the rest of the petal ponies repositioned themselves for battle, a wave of warrior like spirit swept across the area and spread all across the Empire, filling those who sided with the cryatal ponies with determination like they never felt before!

Sunny himself felt the energy flowing back into him, a mixture of the eclipse's energy and the burning fire from the Crystal Heart. Turning his attention back to his father, Sunny spoke in a tone that almost matched Sombra's own. Somehow, when Sunny spoke, every creature who had gathered there could hear him. His emerald eyes locked with Sombra's now green eyes. "Stand down. You can't hope to win in a fight against us. Father, stop this madness before anycreature gets hurt."

Sombra remained silent for a moment, his eyes locked on Sunny's. For a moment, his heart wavered, not from fear of possibly losing this fight, but from something about Sunny. There was something he felt for the son of Celestia. Something one shouldn't feel for the child of an enemy. Pride. Looking at Sunny now, seeing all who he helped, all he had done, how much he seemed to have grown, Sombra felt proud. Somepony else senced this feeling within him. The cloaked mare who up until now had remained in Sombra's shadow and watched, wanting to continue to work through Sombra. Manipulating him as both a puppet and working him to be the face of her new Empire, she kept her distance and allowed him to do most of the talking. But somehow, he was breaking free of her dark influance. She sneered as she looked at Sunny. She wouldn't allow some disgusting mutt to ruin her perfect future.

The cloaked mare stepped forward, her cloak unraveling, revealing it not to be made of cloth of any kind, but of smoky moth like wings. Unfolding from her body, a pair of large, sickening brown and black wings spread wide, presenting the creature underneath. She was similar to an alicorn form or more closer, to Queen Chrysalis. Long legs attached to a thin body with ribs showing from her base, a long neck with a rounded horse head at the top. The now unfolded wings which streached nearly double her body's size, reveiled horrid shifting face designs on them, faces that seemed to be weeping and crying out in pain. Her body's outline seemed to be flowing and moving, almost like the shadow of smog. Following up her muzzle from two rows of sharp teeth, were a pair of glowing green and red eyes with purple flames flaring from the far corners of those haunting eyes. A horn sat atop her head, like a spire of smoke, which was now glowing a sickening brown and green.

"I'm sick and tired of you getting in my way, you mongral!" As the mare spoke through her teeth, her voice raspy, like a snake with a bad cold, the green that had covered Sombra's eyes flashed brighter. He pulled his lips back further to flash his sharp preditor like teeth.

Sunny recognized her voice almost immediately. "You! You through me through that mirror!"

"Very good, for an abomination" the mare hissed and turned her nose up. "But now it's time you join your, oh, what did you call that traitor. Oh, yes, 'Pappy'."

Sunny's heart skipped a beat as his breathing paused as the world once again went silent. "… what did you say?"

"I said" the mare felt more smug knowing the spell she was secretly casting was working, and her other reinforcments grew closer. She just needed to distract these foals for a little while longer. Playing at one's heart strings normally kept sentimental creatures busy, if you played them at just the right tune. "You're 'Pappy', my traitor of a husband, got what he deserved. To think, he not only betrayed his kind, leaving us to rot in prison for over 1000 years, but he also played grandfather to a creature like you! That's worse then any betrayal-"

"Don't you talk to my son that way, you witch!" Celestia could no longer hold herself back and stepped forward next to her son, taking his side opposite of the side where the Sombra puppet stood.

The image of seeing Celestia standing with Sunny and the image of his former self caused the dark magic influence in Sombra's mind to waver, the spell on his kind began to crack.

Mourning Cloak knew she couldn't waste more time, and pushed the spell to summon her reinforments sooner. In the sky, a new figure materialized, one who appeared more machine then pony. From his waste down, it looked like he was sitting inside some kind of construction of black steel decorated with metal balls. But from his waste up, the stallion kept one hoof on a joystick to control his chair, the other, hidden beneath a control pad. He wore a black leather suite that clung to his shriveled body. The stallion's wrinkled muzzle that housed two closed and darkened eye sockets and a third large unblinking, artifical, blue eye, was covered by a mask just like every creature in the dark army.

"Davros!" Every one of the Doctor Whooves spoke out at once, including 10, who had only dealt with him once, but knew what kind of a monster he was.

"Do it, slave" Mourning Cloak ordered, not turning to face her summoning. "Call your 'children'."

"I obey…" Daveos spoke weakly, then moved his visible hand over and hit a few buttons on the control panel infront of him.

Small creeses in the air appeared, as if time and space itself were bunching up, then pressing something through. Following a small flash, a metal being appeared, then another, and another. One after another, after another, after another, until there were just as many of these creatures in the sky as there had been pegasi. They all had a similar bases as Davros, made of metal with silver balls decorating it. But from what could be defined as its waste up was more metal rather then any sign of life. The creatures looked to be entirely of metal, almost appearing like a giant trash can with one appendage infront of it looking like a toilet plundger and the other some odd whisk. The top of their heads were a dome shape, with one long rod sticking out of it with a mechanical eye at the end. The mechanical eye had a glowing blue light for a pupil. The glowing blue eyes looked all around, lacking all emotion as they survayed the scene before them. Sunny had not seen in over 1000 years.

"Unlike the others" Davros spoke into a microphone so the Doctors and their companions could hear him. "These Daleks are creatures born from me, in my lab. Not ponies gifted with my mark 2 travel devices. You will not persuade them to aid you like before. These are MY children, Doctor!"

'Awefully talkative for a mind controlled servent' Mourning Cloak glared at the floating pony from another world, thinking he was merely putting up an act. 'It doesn't matter. He brought his army, and is willing to take on my enemies.' "Now for another suprise, I'm sure you remember this one. He tried very heard to prevent this day, and out all his faith in you. Now he'll see how wrong he was to do so…"

With another wave of her Phantom horn, Mourning Cloak cast another spell. Nothing immediatly seemed to happen, everything was silent, then the mountains surounding the tundra began to shake! The mountains themselves began to raise to the heavens, followed by a large pair of leathery wings that shifted, pulsed ,then fully extended, clearing the storm around the Crystal Empire completly! A mighty head arose from the ground, a pair of red eyes glowing behind a black and grey mask that was the size of a castle. The creature was as big as Canterlot mountain. The creature first marched towards the Crystal Empire years ago, when he wanted to obliterate the Crystal Empire completly to prevent the return of the Umbrum. The very same dragon who gave Sunny Knight his Black Knight armor, that was forged from his own scales. The largest dragon in all of Equestrian history, the legendary black dragon Garganda!

"Oh? And what is that I hear?" Mourning Cloak snickered as she motioned a hoof to her ear.

Ignoring the giant dragon moving towards the Crystal Empire, most creatures turned their gaze to the open tunned that fed into the prison of the umbrum. A hiddious sound came howling out of the tunnel, echoing off the walls which increased the volume, making it so all creatures around knew what was coming. Every creature remained still, eyes on the tunnel as the world went silent and still. Even the tremors caused by Garganda's steps seemed to have stopped.

The calm didn't last long. Out of the tunnel's mouth emerged a smoky, oily hoof like appendage, landing with a hissing smack on the ground it touched. Creatures not under the control of Sombra and Mourning Cloak watched in horror. Even when Sunny lost control and became an umbrum like creature, his body seemed more natural then the creature emerging from the darkness. The blood on his mother's side mostly likely gave Sunny's umbrum form a more natural feeling of existence. The creature emerging from the tunnel, though, was a full fledged umbrum, and felt very alien to the magical world. Another hoof joined the first, and togeatger, the hooves pulled a creature up from the darkness that was a living shadow. A starved looking horse like head emerged from the tunnel, its body constantly shifting like puffs of smoke as it looked up and saw the light of day for the first time in countless winters. It's body was light green in color, unsettaling and moving like smoke. It's eyes were pale white like looking into a star that was about to burn out. As it pulled itself up, it shook its head which caused its smoke like mane to flop back and forth. On its back were a pair of wings that looked way too small for its body, even if they weren't tethered and torn. Once fully emerged, every creature could see the monster infront of them did indeed look starved. It's ribs were visible, its legs thin at all points except at its knees and hooves, and the way it hung its head left its mouth open, it's lips pulled back to reveil crooked rows of teeth. One could almost feel bad for this umbrum.

Any and all petty anycreature had for this starved umbrum was quickly lost when it tossed its head back and let out a bellowing howl that echoed through the entire Empire. The monstrous sound spread through the entire Empire, sending a cold chill down even the bravest warriors. Sunny could feel almost every creature there shake for a moment with fear at the mere battle cry of the Umbrum.

"Awwww, you all aren't scared are you? This little one just woke up. He's a little cranky when He's hungry" Mourning Cloak spoke loud enough so every creature could hear her. A far more gruesome smile cread across her own muzzle, stretching further then any smile ever should. Her own teeth and voice becoming more monstrous in appearance and sound as she added "there are far more dangerous, more terrifying, more HUNGRY Umbrum on their way."

"They won't make it out of there!" Sunny declared, stepping forward, his own courage in the face of fear itself caught the attention of the weak umbrum, its sickening white eyes locking onto him. Buy Sunny's inner fire didn't waver. "But I think it's about time YOU go back! Friends, Allie's-"

"Hold up! One sec!" Just then, stopping everything, including a secondary Umbrum who was in mid crawl out of the prisons tunnel, was a voice most creatures grew annoyed to hear, except maybe Fluttershy.

Discord prepared, wheeling a moving dolly that had on it a huge speaker attached to a microphone. He casually rolled the dolly past the Crystal ponies, the pedal ponies, the princesses, the mane 6, the Guardians of Harmony, and Sunny, until he reached a spot between them and the confused umbrum, Sombra and Mourning Cloak, who had all paused for some reason but were all growing more and more annoyed.

Clearing his throat, Discord tapped the microphone making a loud cracking noise that annoyed every creature around, even the great dragon Garganda, who was a good few mountains away. "Thank you all for your patience. Welcome to the battle of the century! Now, let's get ready to RUMBAAAAAAALLLL!"

"For Equestria!" Sunny called out as he made a green crystal sword materialize infront of him, then grabbed it and pointed it right at his target, the grand Master puppeteer, it seemed. The real leader of the Umbrum, Mourning Cloak.

"For Equestria!" Princess Celestia repeated her son's battle cry as she and her sister took to the air, blasting whatever they could of the Daleks out of the sky.

"Calling all Doctors, calling all Doctors" Doctor Whooves heard from his TARDIS. Always being a thinker first and a fighter second, Doctor Whooves (also known as 10) ran back inside his Tardis and looked at the screen above the control panel. 12 was on the screen looking rather smug. He was calling out to all the other Doctor Whooves. "Now! Activate the dampaning frequancy!"

"Activating dampaning frequency!" Doctor Whooves, also known as 10, stated as he slammed his hoof on a green button on the control panel.

All the other Doctors that gathered at the Empire symotaniously hit similar green buttons on their respective control panels at the same time as well, just in the nick of time.

Right after Celestia and Luna blasted a few Daleks out of the sky, other Daleks near by began blasting away at them. These new Daleks blasts have been able to desolate whole planets in a day. But when the princesses were hit, the blasts became one one-millionth of their normal strengths, causing only a slight burn, like a sun burn. It stung, but it was no where near as dangerous as it could have been. All around the skies, Daleks were blasting away at the pegasi and other airborne enemies, as well as blasting downward at the fighters on the ground, confused and shocked to see their weapons had little to no real effect on them.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Davros growled beneath his mask before pulling it off with ease.

Mourning Cloak, who made sure to keet the image of Davros in her peripheral, was shocked to see him pull the mask off so easily. She would have tried to cast her spell on him once more, but a certain annoying and very determined halfling was fighting his way towards her. She focused her magic on manipulating the mind controlled ponies to step forward and fight Sunny off, but mere pawns weren't enough to keep him busy for long. Pawns don't easily take knights out. Mourning Cloak the focused her magic to reach out to Sombra using one of the mind controlled ponies. That pawn was just barely able to direct Sombra's attention to her before Sombra had to block another attack. He himself was being attacked by his puppet doupleganger, who was putting up a better fight then Sombra expected from an overgrown toy.

Davros began typing away at his own control panel, trying to figure out what was going on with his army of Daleks, when a holographic screen popped up infront of him with a very familiar face on it.

"Hello, Davros, miss me?" The Doctor Whooves known as 4 smiled widely and chuckled.

"What have you done to my Daleks!?" Davros growled.

"Well, while we couldn't disable their weapons, we did have a pretty good guess as to the frequency you use to communicate and control most of their actions" 4 began to explain, readjusting his fedora ontop of his mop of curly brown mane. "So all we needed to do was tap into it and input a complex code that would dim down the amount of energy put out into their blasts. They can still do some damage to anypony without sunblock. Well, enjoy the fight. I never really cared for fighting. But I know 3, 9 and a few others are giving it a good show."

With that, 4 cut out, leaving Davros clenching his teeth with fury. "Curse you Doctor! Curse you and all your variations! Ugh!"

Not giving up, Davros began typing away at his keyboard once more, trying to possibly change the frequency on his Dalek's systems. If he could rewrite it, whatever formula the Doctor's came up with would be utterly useless. But it would take time.

"Sister!" Celestia called out to Luna after she blasted three Daleks out of the sky.

A quick Arial menuver and Luna swooped in by her sister's side. "Yes, sister?"

"We need to stop Garganda. Gather fliers and heavy hitters." Celestia stated, then blasted a masked teenaged dragon who tried to sneak up on them.

"Do you think we can actually stop him with brute force?" Luna knew the threat Garganda was under the control of someone as evil as Mourning Cloak.

"I think Sombra and that mare control so many creatures with the help of those mask they all wear" Celestia quickly explained. "If you manage to get his mask off, he might snap out of it. Be sure to take Fluttershy with you."

"Fluttershy?" Luna repeated the name, then blasted another mind controlled creature that was trying to dive bomb her and her sister while they talked. When it landed, she realized it was a mind controlled Griffin. Luna returned her attention to her sister "Why Fluttershy?"

"She has a way with reaching out to other creatures" Celestia explained before turning her attention towards the tall mare known as Mourning Cloak. "I have a rather annoying mother-in-law to deal with. No pony talks to my son like that…"

Seeing the anger in her sister's tone gave Luna goosebumps. Putting their plan into action, Luna began teleporting all around the battle feild, asking others who could fly to aid her in taking on the larger then life dragon.

"Please, let me help" Luna's attention was caught by the voice of a familiar former guard. Looking down at the ground after convincing a pair of Shadowbolts to join her. Snowstorm, the former guard who just recently renounced Sombra after working for him since his return, appeared ro be pleading to the princess of the night. Luna landed next to him, an apathetic expression spread across her muzzle. Before she could reject him, Snowstorm added "I'm a brilliant tactician when it comes to arial battles. I can use a spell to communicate with the pegusi and other flyers. I can keep us organized so we can-"

Before he could continue, the former unicorn guard was lifted up by a claw large enough to crush him, but held him by his scruff with just two long nails. The former Dragon Lord, Torch, had heard Luna gathering forces to take on Garganda, and he wanted in! It would be a great honor to take on an opponent as legendary as Garganda. His voice was gruff and tough as he asked princess Luna "you want this guy with us?"

Luna didn't argue with Tourch as to weather he, himself, was going with the rest of the flyers or not. Having a fully grown dragon with his strength and flying ability made him a great asset. As for Snowstorm, though, Luna thought hard about trusting a pony who was once completely loyal to Sombra.

"Please, let me help to make things right" Snowstorm pleaded, a need for understanding was radiating from him.

Luna recognized such a need. It wasn't so long ago that she herself attacked her own sister, and had deep regrets about it, even if she was under the influence of great evil. Taking a deep breath, Luna told Snowstorm "Alright. But if you try anything funny, I'll have Torch here to eat you."

This made the former Dragon Lord chuckle. "Sounds good to me. I think I may like you ponies. You're cute and cuddly, but you have bite!"

With that, Snowstorm hopped onto princess Luna's back, and they, Touch, several Shadowbolts, Lightning Dust, a nervous Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane, a hoof full of Wonderbolts, half of the Power Ponies, and even the griffins with prince Razor Claw, all took flight, heading to take on Equestria's largest dragon in recorded history.


Despite all the help that had arrived to aid Sunny and defend Equestria from the threat of Sombra and the return of the Umbrum, the battle on the ground was going back and forth, with no solid victor in sight. Although the only help Sombra had on his side were the weakened Daleks and mind controlled creatures that were little more then mindless drones, they proved quite formidable despite the drive and boost in energy Sunny's allies had from the Crystal Heart. The Daleks would not stop fighting until their mechanical travel devices were completly inoperable, and even then a small creature with one eye and tendrils could jump out and do what it could to continue fighting, despite being the equivalent of tapioca pudding and spaghetti. The mind controlled drones were worse, they would get knocked down, beat up, scratched, clawed, battered and bruised, but unless they were tied up and unable to move or knocked out cold, they would get up and keep fighting.

On one end of the battle field, Octavia was fighting along her best friend, Vynal Scratch, using her cello as a blunt weapon to knock drone ponies left and right. Every now and again she would actually manage to render a few unconscious, and Vynal attempted to blast them away with wubbs using giant speakers she managed to transport to the battle. But the drones seemed unaffected by the pulsing music. Vynal's speakers were smashed to pueces with one claw belonging to a manticore wearing one of Sombra's masks. As the mind controlled manticore ripped the speakers apart, Vynal made a leap and landed next to Octavia, who's cello had taken quite a beating and was falling apart.

Both girls readied themselves to fight with their bare hooves against the dark army drones closing in around them when a scale of notes played on a saxophone rang in the air, turning the drones attention to their left. The furthest drone was knocked to the ground when a saxophone hit him in the face, cracking the mask and knocking him out cold. Another drone quickly followed the first in falling to the ground, mask in pieces. By the time the fifth one fell, a clear image of a very familiar student came into view. Octavia and Vynal were relieved to see Salted Carmel, the first pony Octavia had helped to discover a love of music, was standing there, smirking as if to say 'hey, teach, I'm here to help.'

"Right! This fight isn't over!" Octavia stated as she and Vynal jumped in and started bucking, punching and even bitting the drones who went after them, while Salted used his faithful saxophone to batter them away. It wasn't until the done manticore finished destroying Vynla's speakers that Salted decided it was time to get serious. He took of his restrictive chain and tossed it and his saxophone to Octavia and Vynal. Without the magical restriction of his necklace, Salted's body grew four times its normal size, his muscles buldging. He was now looming over the manticore drone, who lacked the better judgment to run away. One quick hoof jab to the manticore's Masked muzzle not only knocked the creature out, it dented the mask it was wearing and broke the spell completly. The poor manicore fell backwards and landed with a loud thud.

Not far from them, Applejack and Big Mac were tag teaming, back to back, they bucked enemies left and right, but no matter how hard they sent the mind corneolled drones filing, they kept getting back up. Part of them felt bad for putting the hurt on so many ponies who were unfortunate enough to become mind controlled puppets of King Sombra's, but at the same time, the drones weren't exactly being friendly either. Both Apple siblings had received blows and hits as well, but growing up on a farm where you take care of all kinds of ornery critters prepared them for such things.

"Applejack!" Twilight called out, flying above the two, blasting Daleks and dark army flyers as she got to Applejaack and Big Mac. "Aim for their masks! If you hit them hard enough, you can knock them out or- AH!"

Twilight was hit by ten Daleks at once, which, hurt quite a bit. Before the Daleks could close in, one by one, something white and sticky splattered across the Dalek's glowing blue eyes. The domed heads of the Daleks began to spin around and around as strings of the same fluid hit each one of them. A blur of red and blue began swinging around the confused Daleks, wrapping them all together until they were in a giant ball of… webbing?!

"Hope I wasn't too late, miss princess of friendship" Comic Stan chuckled as he finished webbing up the Daleks into a giant ball. He looked at the devices on his wrists and pulled out some small metal cylinders "Gatta change my web cartridges. But go on."

"Ok, well as I was saying…" Twilight was a little taken back by Stan's sudden appearance and his choice of weapon, but that's something she would think about later. Turning her attention back to Applejack, Twilight was about to finish her sentence when she saw Applejack and Big Mac had already knocked out all the surounding enemies, now focusing on the masks that covered the dark army's muzzles.

"No worries, Twi, we got this" Applejack chuckled confidently.

"Eh'yep" Big Mac agrees with his sister.

"Excuse me…" a weak voice spoke up, tapping on Twilight's shoulder.

Twilight turned around to surprisingly come face to face with an elderly mare, who looked very much like a pink version of Granny Smith, but with her grey mane down and a horn on the middle of her forehead. "Ugh, yes, can I help you?"

But the mare only pointed at the bubble floating near Sombra and Mourning Cloak that still held in its contents Cadence and Shinning Armor who appeared to still he stuck in a nightmare as well as a happily slumbering Flurry Heart. "Help them, please."

"Shinning! Cadence! Flurry!" Twilight gasped. She couldn't believe she had forgotten about them. Granted, there was the mot epic war of the century going on, but still! Her family!

"I asked these kind ponies to help you get to them…" The elderly mare stated as she turned her head to Starlight, Sunburst, Thorax and Rosewood.

"Don't stress, Twilight, we got your back!" Starlight stated with a confident and daring look.

"Thank you all" Twilight wanted to appear more greatful, but a Dalek just flew over her head his eye gummed up by more of Comic Stan's webbing.

"Get going!" Applejack yelled as she bucked another blinded Dalek into the sky, knocking it into another airborne Dalek, both of them crashing towards the ground. "We got this area covered!"

"You need to get them to the Crystal Heart!" The elderly mare called out as Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Thorax and Rosewood all ran to the the dark bubble containing the royal family. "They need the Crystal Heart's power!"

Just as a pair of mind controlled dragons were about to leap at the elderly Princess Amore, who was caught up in watching Twilight Sparkle and her friends run off, the dragons were levitated into the air and launched far away. A half pony half fish looking creature appeared next to the elderly Amore and offered her back to her. "Let's get you to safety, ma'am. A battle field's no place for you. No offence."

"None taken" Amore smiled at the odd creature. She could tell the kelpy was sincere and happily boarded her back. "Please, take me to the Crystal Heart. I will be needed there soon, ugh, I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

"Ipsy, ma'am" the Kelpy said with a small grin as she took off, using her telepathy to pick up a few more mind controlled drones to use as shields as she made her way to the Crystal Empire castle. "And yours?"

"Oh, just call me Granny Amore" the elderly mare stated, feeling more comfortable being old and incrontol of her elderly body then she had felt in the 1000 Mourning Cloak controlled her young body.


"This isn't good" 7 stated as he continued viciously typing away at his TARDIS's computer keyboard, the other Doctor Whooves images appeared on the screen infront of him, all of them doing the same thing, well, all except for the Doctor Whooves known as 10, who appeared to be caually eating a muffin.

"Tell me about it!" 6 stated, sounding more annoyed then ever. "Davros is rewriting the Dalek's control codes."

"If he succeeds, then the Daleks Exterminate every creature in seconds" 1 stated more annoyed sounding then worried.

"We need to rewrite the formula to include the new codes" 5 tried to sound calm, but the sound of munching from 10's mic was growing more and more annoying.

It wasn't until 12 noticed something was off about 10 that he paused and asked 10 "Excuse me, 10, is there a reason you're breaking for a snack?"

"Yes, you seem rather calm" 9 noted, stopping his reworking of the formula.

"Don't worry about Davros" 10 simply stated as he took another small bit of his muffin.

Looking around at his screen at the scene of 10's own TARDIS, a smile began to grow on 11's muzzle as he asked 10 "any idea where Derpy is?"

All the other Doctors paused and looked up at the screen with 10 on it. 10 finished chewing his bite, swallowed, then wipped his lips before calmly stating "Oh, she went to go say hello to our old friend and introduce him to a certain party pony."

"Oh my" 2 stated with nervous glee.

"Oh yes" 11 held back a chuckle. "Very clever."

"That's fantastic" a wide smile grew on 9's muzzle.

"Almost feel bad for him" 12 cracked a half smile as he and the other Doctors began to relax, no longer worrying about the threat of the Daleks or their father.

"Almost being the key word" 1 added as he pulled out a cup of tea and held it to his monitor, where more then half the Katherine Doctors were toasting. "Cheers."


Typing away as wast as his one hand could type, Davros was close to rewriting the Dalek's battle codes, returning them to their original destructive design. And once he had done that, he would dominate the battle and then turn his army on the creatures who brought him here and attempted to control him with such primitive dark magic. 'Magic, puh! I am the great Davros! Ruler of worlds! Father of the Daleks! I will live forever and rule ALL! As if some silly magic trick could ever hope to curb me!'

"HI there!" A pink pony with a bouncy, darker pink mane, appeared to Davros's left side. "I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"Ugh! What are you doing!? Get off of me!" Davros tried to push the party pony off him but his one hoof was incredibly weak, lacking almost any muscles.

"That isn't very polite" Derpy appeared to his right. "I wanted to introduce you to my friend."

"And I NEEDED to talk with you! Let's talk parties" Pinkie started as she strapped a party hat onto Davros's head and shoved a noise maker in his mouth before pulling out a clip board, her words spilling out at a million miles per hour. "Now, you said these Dalek guys are all your kids, right? Well, that's alot of birthdays to plan! I mean, really, I don't know how you kept up with it before! Not to worry, though! I'm here to help take some of that weight off by helping you! Don't worry! It's what I do! Now I'm going to need a list of names, any allergies, their favorite ice cream, their favorite candy, what they may like, like do any of them like sports? Or a favorite TV show? Oh! Or do any of them like to dress up as princesses? Cause I know a mare who does great work with dresses! We can get them fitted as soon as next week! But you'll have to make an appointment-"

While Pinkie was busy chatting with Davros, keeping half his attention while the other half of his attention was directed at getting the party hat off his head, it was obscuring his vision with his one good, artificial eye at the center of his head, Derpy's mind was wandering over the many shinny buttons on Davros's panel. One button in particular really caught her attention. It had the words 'Emergency Temporal Shift' written on it. Something Doctor told her before about that was nagging at the back of Derpy's mind, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. In the end, she shrugged and guessed it was something good, and pressed the button.

There was a loud beeping that started slow and drawn out, but quickly picked up pace, redirecting Davros's attention to his keyboard. Davros finally ripped off the party hat in time to see the area all around him bend and warp as he was sent hurdaling through time and space. Derpy had just managed to catch Pinkie as Davros disappeared in a flash of light.

"Huh, must have gone to the store to get supplies" Pinkie guessed. "Atleast one of these Daleks must have a birthday today!"

At that statment, one of the Daleks stopped in mid air, turned to Derpy and Pinkie who were gently floating down to the ground and approached them. When they landed, the Dalek screamed "ACTUALLY! ACCORDING TO MY DATA BANKS, TWELVE OF US WERE CREATED ONE YEAR AGO TODAY!"

"Great!" Pinkie and Derpy cheered up, their faces Lighting up with excitement. "Do you have their names? And their favorite flavors of cake?"

The Dalek leaned in to Pinkie's side and began lazering the information onto her clip board with his toned down lazer, running it across the page like a printer.


"So let me get this strait" The former Supreme King Sunny spoke casually as he and Hot Iron tag teamed against a mind controlled chimera, dodging its snake tail strikes and smacking it with his pitch fork. "he shows up at your town, after he pretty much dethroned you, sat down, talked with you, and got you to turn life in a different direction?"

"That's the gist of it" Hot Iron blocked one of the chimera tiger claws, then held up his fully armored front legs so his entire armored body could take the brunt of the Chimera's fire blast. When the flames calmed down, The former Supreme King Sunny looked at the armored pony, expecting him to be a pile of ash after that, but Hot Iron was completly unharmed. "Oh, and he gave me this cool armor. Found out it's more then just dragon fire proof."

"Huh, generous of him. I would have kept it." the Supreme King stated as he and Hot Iron split up to attack the chimera on opposite sides.

The chimera goat head followed the former Supreme king to their left while the tiger head followed Hot Iron to their right, while the snake head tail sat far back and watched, not that it really mattered. Without speaking verbally, the creature's three minds were not connected, so they couldn't see the crazy maneuvering Hot Iron and the former Supreme King were performing. Hot Iron last minute jumped up into the air and uses his smithing hammer to hit the side of the goat head hard, while The former Supreme King went low, slid under the beast, flipped to his stomach, and bucked up as hard as he could, nailing the tiger head under the jaw. Both blows seemed to knock the two heads out cold. The former Supreme King rolled out from under the beast just in time to watch it fall to the ground. All but the snake head was out cold. For a moment, the two ignored the snake tail as it repeatedly tried to strike and bite them, but the two ponies remained just far enough out of reach.

Looking over his shoulder, Hot Iron took note of the orange, freckled mare who was knocking drone ponies down left and right with her bare hooves. He chuckled and asked the former Supreme King "she with you?"

"Yep" the former Supreme King cracked a hald smile. "Was gunna propose to her when this crazy stallion showed up and told us the other me needed our help with a big, nasty fight."

The two stallions stood there and watched for a moment as the other Applejack finished knocking one drone pony out by swinging another drone pony at him.

"What a mare" Hot Iron commented with a small chuckle. "You got your hooves full with that one. She's a fighter."

"Yep" the former Supreme King agreed, then, having grown annoyed at the hissing of the snake tail, punched it hard enough to knock it out. "You got ah special somepony?"

Not far off from where they were, the armored ponies of Iron town were battling a large group of the dark army, swinging smithing hammers, spears, swords, and one mare an iron rolling pin. Hot Iron pointed to the mare with the rolling pin and said in a proud tone "that one there. She owns a bake shop. Makes protein shakes like no other."

The mare with the rolling pin swung her baking utensil hard enough to crack the mask of a hypnotized, teen dragon, knocking the creature out before it could release its fire blast. When the dragon was on the ground, the mare let out a loud battle cry as she raised her rolling pin into the air, striking a victorious pose.

"She seems nice" the Supreme King stated, cracking a smile.

"If you two boys are done with yer tea party" the other world Applejack yelled at her coltfriend and Hot Iron. "We still have ah war ta win!"

The two nodded, shrugged off their relaxing muscles and started towards a large Masked dragon. The beast growling as he took in air, his mouth already lighting a fire just behind its razor sharp teeth. The former Supreme King held his pitch fork over his shoulder and signaled for Hot Iron to mount it. Understanding what the former Supreme King was thinking, Hot Iron mounted the pitchfork. Right as the glucagon was about to blast the two stallions with an ember that could melt steel, the former Supreme King flicked his pitch fork, launching Hot Iron like a rocket at the dragon. Hot Iron rolled in the air, but extended his hoof when he reached the Dragon, nailing it in the jaw before the adult dragon could release its fiery breath. The force of the impact rippled through the dragon's jaw and vibrated upwards, rattling the mask it wore, and caused it to shatter.

Hot Iron hit the ground, creating a small crater where he landed. A second later, the knocked out adult dragon hit the ground about twenty feet away from him. Acting cool, Hot Iron casually walked back to where the former Supreme King stood and suggested "we should double date some time."

"Yeah" the former Supreme King chuckled. "I think there's another war I'll need to prevent next week. You two free?"


Mourning Cloak didn't like how the battle was fairing so far. Three of her umbrum kin had emerged from the prison opening, and two were struggling to get out at the moment. They were beyond starving, lacking almost any energy to fight.

'It's that Crystal Heart' Mourning Cloak thought as she narrowed her eyes on it. The ancient artifact was burning with energy that Mourning Cloak had not predicted. She had taken every precaution; draining the princesses, putting those Elements of Harmony in a sweet dream prison, kidnapping the princess of love and her family, even raising an army of loyal servents and then some. Yet her plans are failing! 'If only I could get to that Crystal Heart, I might be able to corrupt it! Yes! I bet if I could fill it with my dark magic, I could install fear in the hearts of every creature here! That much food would be all the incentive the umbrum need to push free from the prison! Nothing like waving a meal infront of starving animals to spur them into action!'

The Crystal Heart wasn't far away, all Mourning Cloak would have to do is turn her body to smoke or shadow and slither her way over to it. But somepony stood in her way. The arrogant mare had landed just a moment before Mourning Cloak could dissolve her form. It was the princess of the Sun, the mare who seduced Sombra and birthed that abomination, Princess Celestia.

"Well well well" Mourning forced a wicked smile, feeling more annoyed and thinking of a way around the alicorn princess. Although she had absorbed the magical powers of Celestia and Luna, Mourning Cloak still didn't want to risk a battle that she might lose, and was thinking of a way to distract the sun Princess long enough to transform and slip by her. "To what do I owe the pleasure, miss 'sit-by-and-let-others-do-her-dirty-work'?"

Celestia's hard gaze and stone like expression didn't falter as if Mourning's words were muted. "You hurt my sister, my Sombra, and my son. You won't walk away from this."

"Bold words from a princess who-" Mourning started to say but was hit with a sharp blast of a golden colord beam of magic, shot from Celestia's horn. The blast created a whole in her smoke and shadow like body that fizzled, still burning. Mourning let out a ear piecing scream as she put one of her misty hooves to her sizzling wound.

This caught the attention of King Sombra, who at the moment, had his hooves full, fighting Sunny and the puppet Sombra.

"Don't let your guard down!" Sunny called out as he struck King Sombra across the face with his bare hoof, keeping his Crystal sword up and on guard in case Sombra struck out with his own dark crystal sword.

The blow was a much harder punch then Sombra remembered Sunny having 1000 years ago when he taught him hoof to hoof combat tactics.

Sombra paused.

'Wait… I… I remember… why would I train Sunny if he wasn't…' things weren't adding up in his head. Sombra felt like he was half way in a dream, realizing thing weren't the way they were meant to be.

Sunny and the puppet Sombra paused when they noticed King Sombra hesitating, fighting his own internal battle. But before any resolution from Sombra's internal struggle could arise, two of the three Umbrum took to Sombra's side, howling at Sunny, their smoke like hooves pounding the ground as their bone white eyes burned like hot coals at the yellow unicorn.

The Sombra puppet launched at them, only for his own Crystal sword to faze right through them, doing no damage whatsoever. The umbrum then launched at Sunny, their bodies seemed to do some damage as they fazed right through him. Their bodies so cold it felt like Sunny just swallowed a bucket of snow. Sunny himself tried to strike at the shadow creatures, only to have his hooves faze though them, like fighting arctic wind. Thinking of a different tactic, Sunny closed his eyes and focused on putting up a shield. This kept the umbrum at bay until the dark Crystal sword King Sombra was weilding pierced it, causing the shield to crack and eventually shatter. King Sombra had regained enough clarity to realize his kin were defending him. That's right. He remembered he was fighting to free the umbrum. THEY needed him. Only after the sword was thrown did Sombra notice that annoying purple alicorn princess and her friends dragging away the dark energy bubble that contained the princess of love and her family.

"Oh no you don't!" Sombra cried out as he rose up on his back hooves and stomped the ground, sending a rippling wave of dark crystals slithering their way to Twilight and her friends. The Dark crystals swung around infront of Twilight and the others then burst into a wall of dark crystals that easily towered over them! After he cast the spell, King Sombra felt the sharp end of a Crystal blade cut across his cheek. This shook the shadow King and made him turn towards his attacker. His burning eyes fell upon his wooden doubleganger, who held his green crystal sword out at him in a very formal fashion.

"Your fight is with me, not with them" the puppet Sombra stated, his voice very clear and organic, and full of anger.

"I'm going to chop you into fire wood!" King Sombra growled as he stomped the ground again, creating more dark crystals in the air.

The shards all pointed at the wooden Sombra and began firing, shooting at him as fast as they could. But the puppet Sombra quickly dodged most of the larger shards, ignoring all the smaller ones that barely pierced his wooden body. After all the dark Crystal shards had been fired, the puppet Sombra lundged at the real Sombra, only to trip and fall for some reason. When the puppet Sombra looked back at his hind hooves, he saw the smaller dark crystal shards he ignored that landed in his legs began to expand and grow, sealing him to the ground.

"Pathedic" King Sombra stated as he approached the puppet that mirrored his former self. "Same old toys taken down with the same tricks-"

But the real Sombra was interrupted when his puppet bouble used his green crystal sword to cut off his own legs right above the line where the dark crystals reached, freeing himself. Before the real Sombra could react, the puppet Sombra used his sword like a pole vaulting rod and launched his now free body at the shadow king! The puppet tackled Sombra to the ground and began launching punch after punch with one wooden hoof while holding onto Sombra by the neck with the other.

Rolling around on the ground, unable to collect his thoughts enough to cast a spell of any kind, Sombra Struggled to get free. "Ugh! These toys of his are annoying!"

"You should be proud of him" the puppet Sombra snapped as he delivered a good blow to the real Sombra's gut. "He's become, ugh, quite the stallion! Isn't that what you wanted!?"

While the puppet was busy talking, Sombra seized an opening, grabbed it by its punching hoof, and tossed it off of him, slamming it hard to the ground enough to crack its wooden body.

Taking a few breaths, King Sombra straitened his mane and looked down at the broken puppet version of him. "Why would I be proud of somepony like him?"

"Becouse…." The puppet Sombra's voice now sounded shaky and slightly off, like a record that was dusty. "He's y-y-our, your, your…son."

Sombra growled as he put a hoof to the puppets chest, apply pressure which seemed to cause the puppet great pain as the board of his chest creeked, like it was ready to snap. King Sombra's eyes burned as he glared at his puppet doupleganger. "No he's not! That stupid foal is Princess Celesria's son! Not mine!"

The puppet chuckled despite his pain. He met King Sombra's gaze with eyes that felt no fear from him. "YOU are the stupid foal. That witch did something t-t-to, to, to, to, you, you, you, you… just… listen…"

The puppet Sombra then twisted his neck to the left then right, activating a secret property Whittler installed in it for Sunny, should he ever need words of encouragement. A recorder began to play back a message that Sombra himself helped create. It was a recording Sombra had made over 1000 years ago. "Hey there, Sunny. I'm guessing things must be tough if you're breaking this out for a fight. I won't alway be there to help you, and neither will these puppets…. I know you have a hard time trusting others, I understand. Life as a young prince isn't easy… I don't know what trials await you in the future, but I know you'll over come them… just continue to believe in others the way you always do, and most importantly, believe in yourself… your mother and I love you, so much… so much…. so much… your mother… and, and and, I….I… love you…"

The small recording device was damaged when the puppet Sombra hit the ground, but most of the message remained in tact. The puppet Sombra felt his life fading fast, but it didn't matter much. He wasn't a REAL puppet, like the others were. He was a memory. He existed just to remind somepony of who he was, nothing more. Now that that pony was remembering, the spirit of the puppet, the essence that gave him life, was returning to where it belonged. Looking back at the shadow King, the puppet Sombra saw tears in his eyes as he fell to his knees. Was it regret Sombra was feeling? Was everything he had done finnaly catching up to him? Or was remorseful for all he had done to his son? His beloved Celestia? The puppet wouldn't get his answer. The last thing he saw before fading to black was King Sombra mouthing the words 'I'm sorry…' which put the spirit of the puppet to rest. His body jerked and rattled one last time before falling silent…


Fighting the good fight against their dark armored enemies, Prince Razor Claw lead his warriors of Griffonstone against a good two dozen black army members, mostly consisting of hypnotized ponies wielding shields, spears, and swords. The only thing that the griffins could hear was the energizing sounds of metal on metal as their claw blades locked, blocked and struck against the armor and weapons of the dark army pawns.

"Tis a most excellent battle!" One of the griffins commented to the prince.

"What?" Prince Razor Claw yelled, trying to get his companikn to repeat himself as he slashed his claws against an armored pony's mask. With the mask removed, the spell forcing him to fight broken, the pony passed out from pure exhaustion.

"I said!" the griffon tried to repeat himself, but his words came out even more muffled then before as an armored minotaur attacked him, appearing out of nowhere and slamming a huge battle ax downward, luckily missing Razor Claw's companion.

"Watch out! There's a minotaur!" Prince Razor Claw yelled as he picked up a spear belonging to the dark army pawn he just knocked out. Taking aim, the prince shot the spear from his Claw with great force. The spear cut through the air and sliced through the wooden handle of the Masked minotaur's battle ax.

"What did you say, your majasty?" One of the other griffins asked, not being able to hear over a new ruckus erupting over the horizon.

The minotaur seemed unscaved by the loss of his weapon and instead decided to continue fighting with his bare hands. His target, the prince who destroyed his ax. The minotaur's muscular, outstretched hands looked as though he could squeeze his enemies to a pulp. Several dark army pony pawn joined him in ganging up on the griffins who refused to back down from a fight, no matter how outmatched they were.

"Stand your guard, men!" Prince Razor Claw ordered, screaming as loud as he could.

"Actually, I think we better move" one of the griffins who was looking behind them mumbled, tapping Prince Razor Claw on the shoulder.

"What did you say?" Prince Razor Claw asked with a yell.

Another griffon turned his head just in time, and both he and the first griffon managed to pull the prince and their companions out of harms way at the last moment.

A loud screech overpowered all other sounds as a loud metal monster came trudging over the hill, an owl appearing to be ridding this mighty metal creature as smoke blew from two horns atop its head. The metal beast bellowed and raised its curved face, scooping up the dark army pawns, both ponies and the minotaur, then carried them away.

The group of griffins were stunned by what they saw, having never seen a Bull-doze-R before, much less one being operated by an owl. Before the great machine and owl rider vanished from sight with their haul, the owl turned its head back, eyed the griffins with both one good and one bad eye before letting out several more scratches.

"What did he say?" One of the griffins spoke up. With the loud enemies sweept away from their area, all the other griffins could now hear as plain as day.

"I don't know, I don't speak owl" another griffon added, feeling like he and his companions were just one upped by a beast no bigger then their lunch.

"He said 'Toast'" prince Razor Claw mumbled, dumbstruckand confused by what just happened as well as the owl's battle cry.

The first griffon caught a whiff of something that smelled delicious. "Does anyone else smell ferret?"


The Masked Matterhorn's gaze shot between her comerads who were aiding on the battle feild as well as the taking a quick count of the pile of ponies that continued to grow next to her. As her fellow power ponies, Fili-Second, Radiance and Mistress Mare-velous, all worked to collect the fallen ponies and creatures on the battle feild, her other companions Hum Drum and Sunday Speinkles teamed up with some of the medical ponies from the Crystal Empire to give aid to the injured. The Power Pony's leader couldn't help but notice a certain caped crusader missing in action.

As Hum Drum passed by the Masked Matter-Horn, she asked him "do I want to know where the Dark Detective is?"

"Oh, ugh…, well, ya see… he kinda" Hum Drum hated being in between the Masked Matter-Horn and Dark Detective. He respected them both as authority figures and heroes with their own ways of doing things.

Sunday suprise, on the other hoof, had no problem ratting out her boss and spat out as she passed the Masked Matter-Horn "he went with Zapp and Saddle Ranger to fight that giant dragon."

"Of course he did" the Masked Matter-Horn sighed as she continued to calculate a plan on her clip board.

"Yeah, said he wanted to test out his new Darkcopter" Hum Drum felt a little more relaxed when he saw the Masked Matter-Horn wasn't as angery as he thought she would be.

The goggles wearing leader of the Power Ponies paused, turned to Hum Drum and mumbled through a tight pair of lips. "He. What?"

Hum Drum gulped nervously and repeated himself. "Well, ugh, he has a new Darkcopter. You know. Helicopter painted in his colors with his logo on it?"

"How did he get a helicopter here!?" The Masked Matter-Horn sounded more annoyed now then she nromally was when the conversation involved the Dark Detective.

"Its, ugh, portable" Hum Drum hesitantly answered.

"Portable… it's portable" the Masked Matter-Horn repeated the word twice before mumbaling it to herself as she hastily worked on the plans she had on her clip board before handing the paper to Hum Drum. "Here. Please pass this off to Mistress Mare-velous. Based on the way the battle is going, most of the heat is still at the front near that creepy tunnel opening. Have Fili-Second pull any and all civilians away from there and Mare-velous and Radiance cover her as she does."

"What should I do?" Sunday Speinkles asked as she finished making another batch of ice packs for the injured with her unique powers.

"I need you to continue helping me and the other medical ponies to tend to the injoured" the Masked Matter-Horn's tone was still commanding but it softened a little. She could see the young, eager heroine inside Sunday Speinkles who wanted to get out there and join the action. She understood what it was like to feel left out of the action. Putting a reassuring hoof on Sunday's shoulder, looking her in the eye with a relaxed expression, the Masked Matter-horn told her "I know you want to be out there, but we need you here. You and I are trained in medical aid. There are others who can fight, but only a hoof full who can tend to the injured. I can't force you to stay and help. But I'm asking you, as a hero, will you stay and help me with the sick and injured?"

Taking a deep breath, Sunday Speinkles shot the Masked Matter-Horn a half smile and replied. "Heros don't just fight bad guys. We go where we are needed. Right?"

Hearing the young heroine say that made the Masked Matter-Horn proud to stand beside her. "You're on your way to being a true hero, kid."

"Better then the Dark Detective?" Sunday brightly asked, a wide smile spread across her muzzle.

"Yeah, even better then him" 'You're better then him now. Although, every now and again, he does suprise me, when he can put aside his own ego and actually help others' the Masked Matter-Horn thought as she began rushing some of Sunday Speinkles's ice pack to some of the injured.


"For Holder's Boulder!!!" Limestone shouted as she plummeted down to the earth, nailing a masked pony with a punch hard enough to shatter the metal mask she was wearing like it was made of glass. The no longer masked mare fell to the ground, unconscious as Limestone twirled around, teeth gritting, eyes sharply looking around for her next target. She didn't have to wait long before a good dozen or so Masked ponies circled her. Feeling outmatched but unwilling to show fear or weakness, Limestone flexed her muscles and yelled at the top of her lungs "COME AND GET SOME!!!"

The crowd of masked, mind controlled ponies closed in on Limestone, jumping at her, only for half of them to be knocked away by something grey and fast as lightning. The half that weren't knocked away landed punches and kicks on their target. Limestome took the hits, showed signs of brusing and cuts, but remained standing. After their blows made contact, the masked ponies were swiftly flung back by a lighting grey whirlwind.

Standing above several now unmaked ponies was Ignious Rock, a large sledge hammer flung over his shoulder. He didn't look it, but the older stallion could still swing such a tool as fast as lightning. Ignious readjusted his hat, expression still deadpan as he stated "Me thinks you lot made an unwise move attaching our daughter in such fashion."

The grey whirlwind calmed down and paused long enough to reveil Crystal Quarts with several chiseling tools in her hooves, a fierce look in her eye like a cobra. "Skilled, we are, at more then farming rocks."

The dark army pawns who still had unbroken masks got to their hooves, quickly joined by more of their ranks who had successfully taken down their opponents. Facing more opponents now then before, Limestone and her parents regrouped, and formed a triangular formation with their backs to eachother. Then, when the moment was right, the trio of earth ponies launched their attack, jumping out and striking down their foes, making sure to aim at their masks.


Swinging her spear with great precision, Rose Bud knocked down one opponent after another, making sure the end of her spear collided with one part of her enemy's armor before taking an immediate swing to hit one of their masks. Unlike the others fighting on Sunny's side who overheard princess Twilight shout to her friends about attacking or removing the masks the enemy wore, Rose Bud and her warriors found out by accident. Her spear ricocheted off the armor of one she was fighting and hit the jaw part of their mask. The sonic wave hit caused the mask to crumble and freed the pony underneath. Rose Bud's mother, Prim Rose, the previous leader of the Thals, was amung the warriors who followed Rose Bud's orders. She watched and kept an eye on her daughter as she led her troops into battle. The little filly she had raised back on Scaro had grown into a fine leader that she was proud to leave the position of chief to.

Unfortunatly, Rose Bud was the only warrior equipped with a spear that could use vibrationnas a weapon. She had a much easier time freeing the dark army pawns then her fellow warriors, but that didn't mean the other Thals or Kelads were useless in the battle.

"Archers!" One of the Thal warriors called out to his group as he pointed to a spread out hurd of dark army pawns equipped with bows and spears. The Dark archers made sure to position themselves a good distance away from themselves and their targets. All of them raising their loaded bows, taking aim at Rose Bud and her warriors.

"Everypony, draw back!" Rose Bud yelled her orders."Kaleds! Defend!"

The unicorn warriors dropped their weapons then pulled out small metallic devices, holding them out infront of them. When the dark archers released their arrows, clear blue light grew from their mechanical devises the Kaleds held, emmiting similar energy shields thay unicorns normally created. The energy shields folded over one another, forming a giant shield around Rose Bud and her warriors. Upon impact, the arrows sizzles and turned to ash, blowing away in the slight breeze, leaving the shield undamaged.

"Keep formation and advance to the archers!" Rose Bud ordered.

The group of Thals and Kaleds moved very slowly. Although their shields protected them from the Dark archer's arrows, they couldn't move very fast. The archers saw this and began moving out of their own formation, spreading around the shielded group of Thals and Kaleds to suround them.

"Kaleds, spread around!" Rose Bud saw what the archers were up to and had the Kaleds with their shields spread to completly cover them. Although the shields did reach fully around and cover them, the warriors from Scaro were now stuck in a bubble suroudnded by the enemy.

"What do we do now, sir?" One of the Kaled soilders asked Rose Bud.

"The shields might have a few more minutes of power left" another Kaled spoke up, sounding more then a bit nervous.

Taking a deep breath, Rose Bud began planning her attack. There was one archer closest to them that she could reach and take down in a few strides if she ran at top speed, after she took that one down, the others would surely go after her. But she was the only one who could achieve such a specific task.

Taking a few deep breaths, she instructed her soilders "Put down the shield infront of me. I'm going to take that archer down. While they are firing in me, all of you move to take down the archers closest to you. After I take that one down, I'll signal you all before I use my spear to create a sonic boom. That should distract some of the archers momentarily."

"Sir, that's crazy!" One of the Thal warriors commented, his voice shaky. "Isn't there another way?"

"There's no time to think up another plan" Rose Bud snapped. "Follow my orders."

Before Rose Bud gave the Kaled closest to her to drop his shield and let her out, Prim Rose put her hoof on her daughter's shoulder and kissed her forhead for good luck. This isn't the first time Rose Bud did anything dangerous, she actually did it quite often. But the stakes were much higher this time, and her mother could tell Rose Bud wasn't on a whim either. This wasn't a battle any of them could afford to lose.

Nodding to the Kaled to drop his shield, Rose Bud dashed through her opening and raced like the wind to the archer in her sights. Arrow after arrow began to fly through the air, aimed at Rose Bud. She managed to manuvor around where she guessed the arrows would fly. One thing she noticed about the dark archers, even though they appeared more calculating then the average dark army pawn, they were still predictable. By the time Rose Bud made it to her target, she had hit her spear on a rock, causing it to vibrate and activate its sonic abilities. She barely touched the archer's mask and the whole thing shattered, freeing the archer pony underneath.

Turning as fast as she could, Rose Bud tore the chest plate form the fallen dark archer, and tossed it into the air infront of her. Making sure to smack a rock on the ground to activate her spear again, Rose Bud pulled her spear back over head, ready to slam it down on the plate as hard as she could to create a forceful sound wave that should generate a good amount of energy and knock a few of the archers off their hooves, giving her warriors time to take them down and her a chance to rejoin them. The plan might have worked if another archer hadn't shot an arrow right at the base of her spear, activating it's sonic powers right before Rose Bud was ready. As her spear made contact with the chest plate, it made the armor shatter and turn to dust even worse then the mask she destroyed a second ago.

Looking up from the debris that had once been a chest plate, Rose Bud knew she had distracted the dark archers and given her fellow warriors a chance to attack. But she also knew without even looking up that more arrows were coming her way. Out of her peripheral vision, she saw a swarm of them all closing in on her. She had no time to dodge, nothing to hide behind, climb or drop down into. She could deflect a few arrows at best. But was there time enough now for her to react?

Just when the Thal leader thought this would be her final battle, a giant slate of rock appeared infront of her, atleast ten ponies high and wide! Rose Bud could hear the sound of the arrows hitting the other side of the slade of rock and bouncing off. Before she could process what had just happened, her eyes fell upon a grey coated mare, wearing a cobalt colored dress (if one could call such a basic piece of clothing a dress), and a purple mane cut strait at the bangs, with an expressionless muzzle. The mare who had come to Rose Bud's aid was holding up the giant slab of rock with one hoof, appearing relaxed as she held up a rock that would normally take ten to twelve ponies to hold.

"You ok?" The grey mare asked Rose Bud, her tone as flat and expressionless as her muzzle.

"Y-yes" Rose Bud managed to find her words. "Thank you."

"No problem" the grey mare flatly answered.

Not far off from where the archers were, Marble Pie had stationed herself flat on her belly, an odd looking wooden pea shooter with a long barrel in her hooves. The pea shooter she had a pair of small legs at its center for stability, and several extra tight rubber bands connected at the end of it to shoot the ammo through the barrel. Marble pulled back and ready for firing her ammo of choice.

Marbles, what else?

Taking a deep breath, Marble Pie loaded a marble into the long barrel pea shooter, a super tight rubber band pulled back ready to fire the marble. Marble Pie took aim at one of the archer's bows, and pulled the trigger. At top speed, the marble cut through the air faster then any arrow, and broke the archer's bow clear in half, leaving the dark archer weaponless, standing there in their confusion. Their only orders had been to use their bows and arrows to take down their enemies. Without their bows, they didn't know what to do and remained standing motionless. One after another after another, Marble shot the bows of the archers, disabling them.

One archer realized where the shots were coming from, looked over to see Marble Pie in the distance, took aim, and fired an arrow right at her!

Marble didn't expect retaliation, and froze. She didn't know whether to try and shoot the arrow down with one of her marbles or to try and run away. She just watched as the arrow seemed to slowly move through the air, the world slowed down as the arrow drew closer and closer to her.

Just when Marble started to regret following her sisters and parents here, a small shadow zoomed across the sky, knocking the arrow and saving Marble. Looking over at the thing that had saved her, Marble was shocked to see it was Boulder. Maud's pet rock.

Thinking quickly, Marble loaded her pea shooter and took aim at the archer who fired at her. She was suprised, though, to see that all the other archers had been defeated and demasked already by the Thals and Kaleds.

"Oh Boulder, you brave, brave fool" Marble turned to see Maud appeared at Boulder's side. The oldest Pie sister stroked there pet's head gently, noticing a scratch on his surface. "You always wanted to be a hero. Don't do it again. I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

Marble always thought her sister's choice of pets was odd, but it was even odder that she spoke with him as if he were alive and actually injured.

Picking Boulder up and putting him safely back in her pocket, Maud asked Marble "are you ok?"

To which Marble replied with her usual "mm-hmm".

"Good. Let's see how Limey, ma and pa are doing" Maud used the nick name Pinkie gave to her salty sister, feeling that might help relax Marble and her a bit. The battle wasn't over yet, but they needed to keep their heads on right.


"Just like old times?" Midnight Blossom asked her coltfriend as she slashed a weapon out of a dark army pawns hooves before doing a flip kick and sent the disarmed pawn flying.

Cloud Skipper blocked a dragon's claw with his magical blade. He remained standing, but was pushed back several inches. As the dragon took in breath, ready to expell its lungs worth of fire, Cloud Skipper seized the opertunity to slash at the mask on the dragon's face. The special ops pegasus guard only managed a scratch on the black metal mask, but it was enough to stop the dragon from breathing fire. He wished he could trust himself to cut the mask right in two and not harm the wearer, but Cloud Skipper knew he wasn't that skilled with a sword just yet. "Yeah. Old times."

Four more dragons came to the call of their allie, all also wearing Sombra's mind controlling mask. The dragons didn't go to their friend's aid, but rather turned their attention to Cloud Skipper, the one who inflicted the wound.

The white pegasus gulped, but steadied his nerves ad he held his blade infront of him, ready to dodge and attack, starting with the dragon on the far left.

"I'll take the right, you take the left?" Midnight Blossom whispered in Cloud Skipper's ear as she joined him, taking her own battle ready stance, one clawed hoof over head and one curled up, the stance almost gave her a look of a snake baring it's fangs.

The two of them being side to side like this brought Cloud Skipper back to the mission they had to take on while their third companion was MIA. They had gone on a search for their companion, Allister, when they were ambushed by a group of lizard people who were capturing creatures from the Everfree to sell in their home, Klugetown. The two royal guards had quite a fight on their hooves, the lizard people were quite strong. The fight was exilerating, and left the two guards physically exhausted. After they freed the captured creatures and turned the lizard people over to the royal guards posted at the edge of the Everfree forest, Cloud Skipper treated Midnight to a small feast at a local diner. It was there that he finnaly shared his true feelings for her. She knew all along and also feelings of love for him, but wanted him to have the guts to say it first. That was a day neither of them would forget.

"Equestria to Skipper, come in Skipper" Midnight Blossom hissed, pulling Cloud Skipper back from his trip down memory lane. "You taking the one on the left or what?"

Shaking his head Clear, Cloud Skipper nodded and agreed. "Right. I got the left."

The dragon's slowly approached the two guards, their claws raised like they were going to attack with them first before fire breath. Both Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom were about to leap into action when the dragons suddenly fell to their knees, arms falling to their sides. Although they were a little confused by this sudden change, both royal guards knew better then to let their guard down, even if the enemy appears defeated. In another moment, though, they knew they could relax. The dragons all fell over, their masks falling off to reveil that they had fallen asleep, their masks had lost all power once the dragons were out cold. Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom looked up, saw what had happened and began to relax from their battle stances.

Standing behind where the dragon's once stood was their third companion, a grey unicorn by the name of Charming Knight. His eyes glowing grey, having to sacrifice three of his senses to focus on controlling his newest power. A stream of grey shadow was protruding from the back of his head, curving and stretching out where it reached the dragons infront of them. At the end of the grey shadow was a monstrous pony's head wearing a black top had and bearing sharp white teeth. His beady, reptilian eyes turned from the four dragons he had incompasitated to look now at Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom. The other two guards winced at the shift in his attention, but tried to relax.

The ghost like head chuckled, it's top hat lifted as if an invisible hoof where tipping it to them, then the monstrous spector retreated back to Charming Knight. Once the grey shadow was completly gone, Charming Knight regained his senses, and stumbled a little. His two companions jumped to either side of him, to help him steady himself as he regained his footing. His voice was weak when he spoke, but he spoke with a smile. "Thanks guys. I'm still not used to that."

"Now isn't the best time to be using HIM" Cloud Skipper scolded his team leader, his expression as hard as he could make it.

"Probability not" Charming admitted then levitated his spear up to him. Casting the simple levitation spell after his spell to utilize his dark side, Charming Knightmare, was exhausting. Charming would need atleast twenty minutes to recover before attempting any further spells. "I think we have company."

A good two dozen Masked ponies gathered around the three guards, each weilding a weapon of some kind. Armed with spears, axes, swords, and hammers, the mind controlled ponies appeared to really mean buisness.

"Togeather?" Cloud Skipper moved into position, his sword held infront of him.

"Togeather" Midnight Blossom agreed with her special somepony, and took a crouching position, like a cat ready to pounce.

"Togeather" Charming Knight kept his smile as he took his spear in his hoof, ready to fight the enemy with or without magic.

Charming had changed so much since his run in with Sunny Knight and those friends of his. He learned that no pony is perfect, and you should never try and be. We all have our flaws, and those who really care about you won't care about your flaws. More so, it's OK to work with others and accept their help. That ponies are stronger in in hurd. These two other guards that Charming always teamed up with don't care what things he's done in the past or his current condition with his darker side. They accept him for who he is. They are ponies he feels he can whole heartedly depend on. That is true friendship.

The two dozen Masked ponies began to charge at them, weapons raised as they ran to their opponents. Charming Knight, Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom waited for just the right moment, then leaped into battle.

Jumping over the boys, Midnight Blossom attacked from above, her claw like blades outstretched giving her the appearance of a flying wild cat. She let out a hiss as she leaped onto the masked muzzle of a drone who was weilding a large hammer. Cloud made a quick side dash from Midnight's left to her right, avoiding an attack from a drone who swung a large ax that missed him and sunk into the dry ground. Cloud then used the hilt of his magical sword to bash the masked muzzle of a pawn in, shattering the mask, before twirling around and cutting the mask of the parn next to the first, splitting the mask in half. While his companions were busy with the ponies infront of them, Charming had turned his attention to the ponies who were attacking their flanks. Using skilled precision, Charming launched a number of atta


Staring at the overgrown toy that mimicked his former image, King Sombra felt a tug at the back of his mind that something was wrong. Half of him felt enraged and insulted by his wooden doppelganger, wanting to smash it to bits, and the other half felt… was it remorse? Like he had done something terrible. He quickly shook it off, refocusing on the task at hoof. He had done nothing wrong. There was nothing he should feel guilty about… and yet, what was this feeling he had when he tore his attention from the puppet to its user. The look in those eyes. He had seen it before when he faced Celestia 1000 years ago, right before she sealed him in the arctic tundra. That look of pain, of duty, of heart ache, and responsibility. While Sombra appeared lost in thought, the cloaked mare appeared slightly nervous by the sudden appearance of all these blue boxes that came to Sunny's aid. She had not planned for this, but she did have a back up plan should that prove problematic. She ALWAYS had a back up plan.

No pony knew what to make of the twelve blue boxes appearing out of nowhere at first. But after one delivered that vital gift to Sunny, everypony hoped that THEY were the reinforcments Sunny spoke of. They weren't, of course, but Sunny focused more on the enemies before him and pushed all quesgions aside for later.

The first Doctor to have appeared was known as 9, who delivered the Sombrapuppet to Sunny, but that wasn't all he brought with him. Emerging out of his TARDIS was a familiar face. A unicorn stallion almost identical to Sunny in everyway, say for the overalls he sported, a pitch fork he kept swung over his shoulder, and his ruby red eyes. He was accompanied by a mare who looked almost like Applejack, but she wore a straw hat rather then a stetson, and had a rather calm and reserved feel to her rather then a bright outgoing one. Accompanying them, where two dozen or so scarecrows that seemed to walk on their own, each made of old cloths stuffed with straw, burlap sacks for heads, buttons for eyes, and at their core wooden posts for skeletons to help them stand up strait.

The ruby eyed Sunny and the straw hat Applejack walked up and stood beside the emerald eyed Sunny. The two Sunnys eyes met, and the stallions shared a nod, with the emerald eyed Sunny cracking a confident smile.


From a distance away, the Doctor known as 1 emerged from his TARDIS, a rather older looking fellow with a light grey coat and snowy white hair, wearing a vest over a button up shirt. She smiled as he stepped aside and let his guests out of HIS TARDIS. Ponies from another world who knew Sunny, 10 and Derpy from long ago, but not so long ago. Just long enough for a certain filly to grow up big and strong. A fierce looking earth pony mare, or as they would call themselves, Thal, emerged from the TARDIS, wearing half organic, half metal armor, holding a spear that was made of a special metal that could cause loud sound vibrations. She marched forward and brought with her a herd of two dozen more Thals as well as a dozen Kaleds, all who were dressed in similar armor. Once her herd had fallen in line, a slightly older looking warrior emerged last, bringing up the rear.

"You ready for the battle of the century, my daughter?" The slightly aged Prim Rose turned to Rose Bud, who was the first to emerge from the TARDIS.

"I've been training ever since the three great ones saved our world when I was a foal" Rose Bud beamed as she spoke, but quickly hid her enthusiasm. A wise leader doesn't lead her herd into battle to enjoy a fight. Over the years, Rose Bud had trained hard to become a warrior, all the while helping to mend the gap between thr Thols and the Kaleds. Slowly over time, she had brought the two tribes togeather, and working as one, the two tribes used their knowlage of science and organic life to rebuild their once beautiful home to its former glory before the great War.

Facing the Crystal Empire, Rose Bud knew this would be her finest moment. A chance for her herd to pay back the kindness of the three great ones, as well as etch into history a battle that was out of this world.


From another TARDIS not far from one, an odd looking stallion emerged, playing a little tune on his recorder. He had a black bowl cut, a light blue coat that was mostly hidden under a black and white patterned jacket. He seemed really cheery as he stepped aside and allowed his guests to emerge from HIS TARDIS.

"Ugh! Can you PLEASE STOP PLAYING THAT THING!" Midnight Blossom flew out, her hooves covering her sensitive bat like ears. The batpony guard was hovering just above the ground, wearing her purple, nightmarish armor she had from her time as a night guard. On her hooves were retractable blades that turned her front hooves into cat like claws when she flipped her legs a certain way in battle.

"Yes, please, the first song was… alright" Cloud Skipper was trying to agree with his marefriend and fellow guard while also trying to appear greatful to their odd transporter. The white pegasus guard wore his golden armor he was awarded when he became a special missions guard. By his side was a special blade enchanted with a spell to help him deflect and break through magical spells, a handy tool for a non unicorn guard. "But really, some of us have sensitive hearing."

"Shame, I was going to ask him to play 'Hot Cross Hooves'" the third guest emerged, a half smile on his muzzle. Allister, er, Charming Knight, emerged, wearing his new yellow Cloak and guard shoulder pads, carrying a new spear he had purchased just last week and had grown rather fond of. The grey unicorn was eager to test out his new abilities on the battle feild, rather then in a training practice. He had gained quite a bit of control over the dark side within him and was ready to test it.

"You know, I think I prefer you being quiet alot more then you having a terrible since of humor" Midnight hissed as she removed her hooves from her ears, glaring at Charming Knight. All three of them stepping forward to aid a certain acquaintance of theirs in the upcoming battle.

"You kids go have fun!" The Doctor Whooves known as 2 smiled and waved his recorder, waiting for the young mare with the sensitive ears to step just far enough away that he can begin playing his annoying instrument again.


Stepping out of another TARDIS was a thinner stallion with a curley white mane dressed in a tight, velvet suite, appearing like he might join the fight himself if anypony steps too far out of line. There was an edict to these kinds of things and he thought the enemy should behave professionally. But for the moment, he would let the allies of the party have their fun. Moving aside, he let his company emerge.

Several ponies, all dressed in spandex and dawning masks emerged. To anypony who never picked up a comic book, these individuals might look like they missed the train for the circus. But to anyone who even walked by a comic book store would recognize them immediatly. In a white, skin tight suite with purple arrows streached all along it, was a green earth pony known to her friends as Fili-Second. Following behind her was a unicorn mare named Radiance, carrying herself with elegant poise, who's outfit was covered in blue, pink and yellow diamonds. After her was a loud and proud pegasus who's power matched her personality, the thunderous Zapp. Following her much bolder allie was a rather timid and quiet mare, in a skin tight green outfit decorated with flowers to help keep her calm, who went by the name of the Saddle Ranger. Preparing her lasso for battle after the Saddle Ranger stepped aside, was a mare in a black and red suit who was deemed Mistress Mare-velous. Following up after her was a duo of a small green colt named Hum Drum, the team's former sidekick and new personal relationships advisor, dressed in his signature black mask and red cape, and the team's leader, the Masked Matter-horn. The Masked Matterhorn readjusted her goggles and narrowed her eyes on the scene infront of her, calculating a plan for action.

"Well well well, quite an interesting scene we have here" a stallion's voice spoke up from behind the Masked Matter-Horn, nearly causing her to jump out of her suite.

"W-what are you doing here!?" The Masked Matter-Horn snapped, a hoof holding her chest as she breathed heavily, neither she nor her other power pony companions expecting somepony else to show up with them, much less the Phantom member of their team, the Dark Detective.

The stallion who had got the jump on the power pony leader wore all black; his signature garments were a black cloak over a black skin tight suite, a black Renaissance style fedora hat ontop of his head, and a simple black mask to cover his eyes similar in style to Hum Drum. He cracked a smile at the Masked Matter-Horn as he flipped his cape out in a heroic fashion. "Out there is another me, from another world, facing the forces of evil, how could I not come to his aid?"

"Besides, I asked him to come, reeeaaally nicely" Sunday Speinkles, a mare who was mutated in a horrible lab axident indirectly caused by the Dark Detectice, popped up behind the caped crime fighter, even more stelthfully then he had snuck up on the Masked Matter-horn. Sunday had upgraded her refrigeration suite a few times to include a thicker material to withstands the constant fights she keeps getting caught up in, a utility belt that had patches to repair the suite, as well as various tools for crime fighting, her goggles upgraded to also include night vision and infer red. She also upgraded her suit's material to look like it was made of strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice cream with her upper body being whipped cream with sprinkles. "It was thanks to THAT Dark Detective that things started changing for the better for me. I kinda want to repay him."

The leader of the Power Ponies straitened herself up, cleared her throat and did her best to ignore the presence of the only pony to ever leave her super hero team. The Masked Matter-Horn knew the Dark Detective had every right to be there as they did, maybe more so. This Sunny Knight WAS an alternate universe version of himself, after all.

"Tea miss?" The Dark Detective's butler Penny Worth appeared out of the blue as well, but by this time, the Masked Matter-Horn had grown used to the sudden appearances from the Dark Detective's allies.

The leader of the Power Ponies sighed, took the cup, sipped it down a little then handed it back to the butler who offered some to the Doctor known as 3. 3 was delighted at the offer.


Out of another TARDIS, a rather nervous looking, brown earth pony, known as 4, stumbled out, almost tripping over his long, multi colored scarf. He repositioned his battered green and brown fedora that he nestled back ontop of his thick, curley brown mane, then scrambled out of the way allowing his guests through.

The Pie family consisting of the old English speaking stallion, Igneous Rock, the stern but loving mare Cryatal Quartz, the shy and timid Marble Pie, the ever monotone Maude Pie, and the aggressive new boss of the rock farm, Limestone Pie, emerged and looked down at the Crystal Empire.

"Looks like that dummy got himself in a jam" Limestone snorted.

"Mm-hm" Marble stated, looking more then a little nervous at the sight of all the opposing enemies.

"Provinance will smile upon us. Our motives most true, to aid family and save thine world" Ignious put a hoof on his younger daughter's shoulder, wanting to reasure her.

"Regret will fill the hearts of those who stand against the Pie family" Crystal Quarts stated firmly.

Despite her lack of expression, Maud was in complete awe over the whole situation. She never expected to be picked up in a magical box that could travel through space and time, much less being picked up and told they needed her help to save Equestria. Looking out at Sombra's dark army, all the ponies and monsters they'd have to face, Maud was terrified. But she knew that if this Sombra guy was involved with Sunny at all, Applejack wouldn't be too far from the trouble. And if Applejack is in trouble, Maud knew Pinkie wouldn't be far behind. The expressionless mare said the bravest, coolest thing she could think of, "Let's rock their world."


A little ways away from the Pie family and the Doctor known as 4 who brought them in HIS TARDIS, a smooth looking stallion opened the door to his own TARDIS, and stepped aside with a half smile on his muzzle. His guest was shocked and amazed at the situation and in awe at the TARDISthat brought them there. This Doctor Whooves was known as 5, and happened to be a younger stallion who's golden smooth, but angled, mane that was just a few shades darker then his body's yellow coat. He dressed in a slick cream colored coat, that almost seemed to glow white. Most of the other Doctor Whooves wore coats of some form or another, but he was one of the few who wore a light colored one. His tone was casual, as if this sort of thing happened everyday, which it almost did for HIM, but wanted to appear relaxed to put his guests at ease. "Ladies, we have arrived at our destination. Please, watch your step as you exit the TARDIS."

The first to step out of the TARDIS was none other then the famous dancer/singer/ choreographer, Sapphire Shores. She nearly tripped when 5 stuck out his front hoof and caught her. She smiled and chuckled nervously. "Thanks, hot stuff. Guess I don't quite have my space ship legs yet."

"No worries" 5 smiled as he helped steady her and got her back to her hooves.

As Saphrire Shores brushed herself off and moved aside, she was taken back first by the sight of the Crystal Empire. She had never been there before, but was hired by Shinning Armor to perform at Princess Cadence's birthday in a few moons. It was an amazing sight, Sapphire Shores had a weakness for diamonds and crystals. After the initial shock, Sapphire Shores noticed that the buildings, the landscape and even the castle was much duller then the pictures she had seen. It all seemed as if the Empire itself was sick. Then her eyes fell upon the black armored army that surrounded the castle. Fear began to fill the super star as she wondered what she was even doing there.

All of Sapphire's dancing crew mimicked their leader's reactions as thet exited the TARDIS, excitement and awe followed by a quick moment of worry and even fear at the sight of the enemy. Sapphire wanted to tell her crew to run back into the ship with the cute stud and fly them out of here, but she remembered what the stud had told them.

'I believe you owe this particular stallion a big favor. He would never cash it in, but if you can find it in yourself, maybe you can come to his aid. He needs all the help he can get.'

She had to help Sunny. He had saved her and her crew from the hooves of that monster, Al Ca'pony. Taking a deep breath, Saphrire Shores steadied her nerves, gathered up her courage, and turned to adress her crew as if this were any other gig. "You ladies are the best dancers in all of Equestria, and I ain't just sayin' that becouse I taught ya'll. To be a good dancer, you need conviction and determination. You build a strong body and a sharp mind. I know this is scary as Tartarus, ah'm scared too. But those ponies who saved ya'll from that nasty Ca'pony jerk are down there and need our help. We owe them this. Besides, if those creeps win, I seriously doubt we'd dance in Equestria again. Let's get out there and show them what we got!"

Her speech made sence and motivated her dancing crew enough to earn their hoof stomps and cheers.

'Girl really knows how to get a crowd going' 5 smirked at the show pony.


A rather annoyed looking stallion stepped out of his TARDIS, nearly being knocked over by a Gust of feathers that flew out the front door. The Doctor Whooves known as 6 was a maroon colored stallion with a dark crimson colored mane, who's body was mostly covered by a coat that looked like it was thrown togeather using parts of 10 different coats and oddly enough, had a stick of celery pinned to the right part of the chest. He was a little reluctant to go and pick up these… creatures.

Bodies covered in various brown, white, grey, and black feathers and fur, claws that clenched swords and shields, wings that carried them and cut through the air, their battle cries escaping their beaks. These were the proud warrior allies Sunny had made in Griffonstone many years ago, lead by their brave leader and prince, Razor Claw. All the griffins wore armor to protect their sides, chest and heads, but otherwise gave them free motion to move around. All prepared for battle thanks to their combat training with their swords and spears. And all ready to aid their allie who aided them in their time of need.

Razor Claw himself turned to face his mighty warriors, his signature weapons being blade like claws strapped to his own front claws, slicing the ground as he walked on it and addressed his team. "Warriors of Griffonstone! Today, we return the favor and aid the Black Knight, Prince Soleggiato! Let's show this dark army what real warriors can do!"

This earned powerful screeches that 6 was sure all the Empire could hear. Personally, he was rather annoyed at the screeching, but deep down appreciated their assistance. Deep, deep, deep down he appreciated it.


Hearing the echo of the griffins screeches, The Doctor Whooves known as 7, figured they must have either arrived at the right time and place or they made a wrong turn in the space time continuum and ended up at a Bird Brains concert. This Doctor Whooves stepped out of his TARDIS, appeared to be a shorter, portly stallion dressed in a egg white colored suite with a number of red quesgion marks all over it, carrying a cane with a red quesgion mark on the top of it, as well as a fedora that matched the suite. His body was a butter yellow and had a short black mane. 7 smirked as he looked around saw his cohorts all gathering for the good fight. He mimicked them in releasing his guests from his big, blue time machine.

"Gentle colts, we have arrived" he said as he motioned to the battle feild with his cane as if presenting a side show at a carnival. "Step lightly, the ground is rather… unpleasant at the moment."

Stepping onto the fields of the Crystal Empire out of 7's TARDIS was an army consisting of half an entire town, all in dark grey armor, weilding dark grey swords, spears and shields. Only one soilder differed. He wore armor black as coal, and a sword he had forged from a very large black scale, generously donated from a very odd dragon that passed through their town.

Turning and facing his solders, Hot Iron, the second pony to dawn the Black Knight armor in the last 1000 years, addressed his fellow townsfolk. He knew they were all more then a little skeptical to join him in this call to arms. Seeing the Crystal Empire in its current state didn't make them feel any better. But something deep inside gave Hot Iron the words to sooth their worried hearts. "My fellow townsfolk, my friends, we came here to aid Prince Sunny. He faces impossible odds alone. The enemy is formidable, but we answered the call to arm becouse deep down, our loyalty, our honor is what burns. Let the fire inside you grow, and never let the enemy douse it! We! Are! Iron Town!"

The nervous ponies shook off their fear and tossed it in their inner fire to feed the flames. Their hearts now ablaze, they were ready to take on the enemy that stood before them and aid the Prince Sunny.


Landing a little further away from the area where one could actually see Sunny, Sombra and the rest of the stilled action, the Doctor Whooves, known to his cohorts and friends as 8, opened the door to his TARDIS and peeked out, a little disappointed in his landing.

"Looks like we arrived at the right place and time," he called back to his guest who still remained hidden in his TARDIS. After pulling his head back out and taking a step forward onto the grassy feild, 8 muttered to himself "I just wish I had been given a better location to land. My guests and I are just as important as the others. Have we gone on as many adventures, well no, but we are still important."

"Is everything OK, Mr. Whooves?" Ipsy asked as she poked her head out of 8's TARDIS.

Ipsy was the kelpy Sunny and some of the Katherine met while camping near the lake between Ponyville and the Everfree forest. The group of ponies had been telling scary stories before bed, and unfortunatly for them and Ipsy, the kelpy had been wandering around near the lake, using her transforming powers in combination with telepathy to move freely in the air in her aquatic form. She had been training her mind and body so she could one day make the journey back to the sea and hopefully rejoin her family. While a powerful creature, having the ability to transform from a aquatic creature appearing half fish half horsez to a creature that was more horse with fish like characteristics, as well as some telepathy allowing her to lift objects with unicorn like magic, the poor creature hasn't quite met her true potential yet. She had alot of growing to do, but worked hard with her telepathy when not working at her job as forest Ranger and teacher. She loved interacting with ponies, who were amazed not only by her uniqueness as a creature few of them have ever heard of, but also by all the facts about the forest, the creature's who live there, and the basic survival techniques she shared. She had made many friends while living in the lake so close to Ponyville, both with the ponies in town as well as the creatures of the Everfree. She was suprised to see a big blue box appear out of thin air and an odd stallion sticking his head out of it to issue her a call to arms. But when she heard it would be to aid Sunny, she hopped out of her lake so fast, you would have thought she teleported.

"Don't worry about it, miss" 8 said as he cleared his throat and straitended up, puffing out his chest. "But prepare yourself for the worst. It's hard to tell which way this will turn."

Focusing her magic on her body, Ipsy transformed her aquadic serpent like body into a more equine one. Taking a few steps forward, the transformed kelpy dug her hooves into the ground, ready to charge at any moment.


Celestia and Luna could hardly believe their eyes as they looked around at the inside contents of what, from the outside, appeared to be a large blue box, with windows, a light on top, and the sign above the door saying 'Police Call Box' in white letters. A strange stallion in a brown tweed jacket with elbow patches, a red bow tie, and a fez ontop of his head, appeared just appeared not far from the cave the Princesses just left. Luna and Celestia only just took off for the Empire when they saw the stallion waving his hooves above his head on yhe ground, next to his call box. The odd stallion's body seeming wiggly in nature as it flowed with the kind of sugar rush and carefree energy you only found in foals on a sugar high after nightmare night. He simply stated that he knew Sunny, that Sunny was in a bit of trouble, and that he could take all three of them to Sunny in a split second with his big blue box. Sencing the odd stallion was speaking the truth, Celestia and Luna agreed to his help and walked inside his odd blue box. Celestia barely ducked to stick her horn through. Once inside, though, they were amazed at the room.

"Its… its…" Celestia started to say the phrase that the Doctor Whooves, also known as 11, loved to hear.

"…bigger on the inside…" Luna finished her sister's sentence, which made 11 chuckle like a little school colt, but he knew now was not the time to laugh, although he technically had all the time in the world, and then some.

"Its about time you two got here" a familiar voice arose from behind Celestia and Luna, causing both mare's to turn around, both shocked by the elderly mare's sudden appearance. The elderly princess Amore streached, cracking her back as she hobbled over to Luna and Celestia, offering them a bow. " I'm here too. I this odd colt says all hooves are needed on deck. He was nice enough to let me sleep here for about, oh, 8 hours or so."

"What!? But, HOW is that possible?" Luna gasped.

"We literally left you a few moments ago!" Celestia stated, appearing just as confused as her sister.

"Welcome to the TARDIS, ladies!" The wiggly stallion chuckled once more, showing off possibly the creates machine that has or ever will be invented. "This beauty can take you any place in time and space. See, that's how she got her name. Time And Relivant Distance In Space! TARDIS!"

"Basically, he took me once around to let me sleep before picking you two up" Amore explained, cracking a small smile. "He's an odd one. But very sweet."

Rushing over to a circular control board at the center of his ship that had a tower spiraling to the ceiling, 11 went right to work, punching in a long code of numbers that he had written down, flipped a few switches, pushed a button or two, then flipped his head over to the princesses, smiled and told them "your majasties, you may want to hold onto something."

Celestia and Luna looked worried for a second, while princess Amore simply walked over to a chair that was nailed to the ground and sat down. Her old body was hard to get used to and it tired easily. Before Celestia and Luna could think to crab onto something or even cast a heavy hooves spell that would anchor their hooves to the ground, 11 hit one final button, causing the entire ship to shake, rattle and roll. Celestia and Luna were tossed in the air and all around as the area around them seemed to be shaken up, knocked this way and that, and then finnaly landed with a thud. Luna ended up hanging from one of the rafters on the ceiling, her mane covering her face, while on the opposite side of the room, Celestia had managed to grab hold of a pillar opposite her sister and held on for dear life just before thet landed. Meanwhile the elderly princess Amore had fallen asleep in her chair, the rocking seeming to relax her enough to where she could fell asleep, despite the screaming from the other princesses. The sudden stop caused her to stir, streach and let out a yawn.

"We're here, ladies" 11 said as he ran up to the entrance door and peaked outside. "Ah, just a little ahead of schedule. Looks like Sunny's giving his father the 'I forgive you' speech to try and win him over. A kind pony, your son, Princess Celestia."

Letting go of her pillar, Celestia rushed up to the door and looked outside. Fear struck her as she saw the terrible army Sombra had gathered, and her poor son was caught in the middle of it. It looked like he wasn't alone, but from where she was, Celestia thought she saw ponies made of bushes standing behind him. It honestly wouldn't supruse her if they were just that, Sunny's made a habit of making odd friends. Luna had teleported herself down from the rafter and joined her sister and 11 in looking out the window.

"Let me out of here" Celestia ordered, her voice becoming firm without needing to turn to 11. "He needs me."

"He does, but there are steps we need to take" 11's face still seemed very colt like, but his tone was more serious then even Celestia's as he locked eyes with her for a second then turned to Luna's as well. "There's an order that we need to do this in. If we mess up the order, we will lose not just this reality, but others as well. Darkness will spread to all."

"My son needs me" Celestia's hard tone melted to that of a caring and concerned mother.

"And you will go to him, but give him a chance" 11 explained further. "This is the hardest part of being a parent; letting your child face dangerous situations alone. But that's what shapes them. You have to admit, Sunny's changed from 1000 years ago, and not just with his stylish head wear. He goes out of his way to make friends and he's more open about how he feels. That's only becouse he's been given room to grow."

Tearing her eyes off 11 and looking back at her son, Celestia wondered if he even needed her.

"Its thanks to your love that he turned out half as good as he did" 11 saw the questioning expression on Celestia's muzzle and knew what she was thinking. "Everypony grows up and eventually doesn't need their parents looking out for them. But that doesn't mean they don't want them there when things get tough. Just be patient and wait for the right time. It's coming. In the mean time, do you think you two can fix the sky? It would be about 4:23 pm, but I was thinking of something special, you know, to help Sunny."

Just then, 11 remembered he needed something, something very specific that somepony asked of him and he rushed over to one of the floor panels and began rummaging through a bunch of odds and ends nick nacks and tressures, until he found a very heavy box. The princesses watched him, both equally confused, as he lifting it up and gently setting it down, before turning back to look for something else. Taking a closer look at it, Luna and Celestia realized the heavy box was a loud speaker of some sort. They both remained equally confused as 11 returned to the box with a utility dolly and a microphone with an extremely long cord.

"Sorry, sorry, a pal of mine requested this, said he couldn't conjure one up at the moment, but will need one shortly." 11 apologized, as if the princesses themselves were expecting him to have it prepared already.


Another blue box floated in the air just above the Crystal castle. As the door swung open, an elderly stallion with a short, curley grey mane in a thin dark blue suit nearly fell out, grabbing onto the other door to HIS TARDIS and holding on with all his strength. He managed to pull himself back inside and mumbled about it being ridiculous that HE was the one who had to collect the bird ponies.

"Let's roll, team!" Spitfire called out as she and the other Wonderbolts ran into a take off, flying out of 12's TARDIS and into the air above the Crystal Empire. They quickly got into formation and waited for a signal.

Once the Wonderbolts had all left, 1w was about to take a breather and enjoy a cup of tea before the action started, but noticed about a good two dozen pegasi still lingering in his TARDIS. These ones had purple and black suits that almost mirrored the blue ones.

"What are you lot waiting for?!" 12 spat out, appearing annoyed as he approached the leader of this group of flyers. 12 then turned his attention to the supposed leader of the group, a light green mare with a golden mane and tail. "This is your time to shine! Go! What's keeping you!?"

Lightning Dust turned her head slightly away from 12, something deep inside still bothering her. "I… I don't know if we can do this."

"Let me talk to her" an elderly stallions in a flight jacket with a white scarf around his neck put a hoof on 12's shoulder, shooting him a sincere smile.

"Fine! Just hurry! We don't have time to dilly-dally!" 12 stated as he walked away and stood by the front door of his TARDIS, thinking he actually had all the time in existence and then some, but he really wanted to get that cup of tea to steady his nerves.

Putting a hoof on his grand daughter's shouoder, Wind Rider spoke in a gentle, concerned tone. "What's the matter, little spark?"

Hearing his nick name for her, Lightning Dust couldn't help but open up a little to her grandfather who always supported her. "Grandpa… I've done alot of bad things, and I know I need to make up for it, but…"

Seeing the look on her muzzle, Wind knew exactly what was going though her mind. "You're scared."

Hearing that, Lighting felt like she needed to justify her fear. "You don't know what those things are like! We faught one! Not even a full fledged one! And it took out my whole team and then some! Those things, those Umbrum, are real monsters!"

Wind pulled Lightning into a hug and held her tight for a moment. He could see 12 impatiently glaring at him, but ignored the old timer. When Wind Rider spoke again, it was honest and full of understanding. "I understand, I've seen what those things can do. But it's becouse you and I know what they can do that we need to go and help. If we don't, those things might take over all of Equestria! Maybe even the entire world!"

Lighting pulled her muzzle away from her grandfather's chest and looked nervously at the ground. "… can't princess Twilight and the others just deal with it? They deal with this kind of stuff all the time."

"Everypony helps" Wind stated as he used his hoof to raise Lighting's head by her chin so she was meeting his gaze. "YOU could be the one pony to tip the scale in our favor if things get tough. But, only if YOU choose to."

Taking a few deep breaths, Lighting gathered the courage and boldness she had hidden away, stood up and faced her team of Shadowbolts who were all seeming more then hesitant to join the fight. "Listen up, Everypony! I know you all remember what happened last time an umbrum went on the rampage! We can't let that happen again! Not only that, but we owe one to Sombra! He used us like pawns, then threw us away! Let's get out there and show him he can't mess with us and get away with it!"

This raised the spirits of the Shadowbolts enough to where they began chanting their team's name. "Shadowbolts! Shadowbolts! Shadowbolts!"

Before 12 could complain more about them needing to leave, the Shadowbolts lived up to their name, shooting out of the TARDIS even faster then the Wonderbolts had, knocking 12 on his backside. Wind Rider moved and helped pick him up before putting on his flight goggles and doing a somewhat swan dive out of the TARDIS himself. When everypony was gone, 12's hard expression cracked into an enthusiastic smile. Things were about to get epic. With his heart racing, 12 decided he didn't need any tea.


If Crackers knew that everypony else had hitched a ride with scifi mad men in blue boxes that could bend all of time and space, he would have snuck aboard. He, however, didn't even remember what he ate for lunch that day. So for all he knew, a Doctor could have invited him aboard his TARDIS, but Crackers could have just let out a wide yawn and fallen asleep. Ferrets weren't well known for their attention span.And yet, Sunny's pet was able to hotwire what he called a 'Bull-doze-R', and drive it all the way from Manehatten to the Crystal Empire. The machine amazingly made it all the way, through rugged terrain, rain and snow, just in the nick of time. Crackers was feeling good about himself for making it that far all on his own. That is, until he heard a loud and annoyed screech. Looking back over his shoulder, Crackers remembered how he had gotten that far on his own now. Becouse he didn't make it all on his own.

The pet ferret had been operating the steering wheel, gas, and gear of the Bull-doze-R, but the one that told him the direction at which to turn the wheel, when to pump the gas, or when change gears, was a monstrous thing to him. A large, musty eagle owl, who had one eye larger then the other, a slight Crack in his beak from something that happened long ago, the same could be said about two of his missing claws on one leg. It's feathers on its head made it look like it had stuck its tounge in a light socket and never recovered. This unfortunate creature struck fear in the hearts of all of Fluttersky's other animal friends, even the large and often friendly bear. This beast of an owl was know simply as the one word it seamed to speak. Toast.

It screamed once more at Crackers and pointed forward with its Claw that was missing two talons. Crackers nervously nodded and pressed on the gas while keeping the steering wheel strait, silently praying Toast wasn't getting hungry.


It had been a long flight from the dragon lands to the Crystal Empire, But Tourch, the former Dragon Lord, had received a letter from Sunny asking for his help with security. Tourch would have arrived sooner, but a storm was raging in the tundra, and he hated the cold. When the former Dragon Lord finally arrived, he was shocked to see that Sunny had barely been in charge for a few days and already it looked like a war was going to break out!

'Well, this looks like it could be fun!' Touch thought to himself. Retiremenr was boring. Nothing further to do but lay around on one's hoard and look over their treasures all day. But he was still a well embodied dragon! He needed action! And what better action then helping out a friend!? He didn't think Sunny of all ponies would get into trouble this fast, but Tourch was more then ok for a good fights! Full of bravado, Tourch dove down, performed a forward flip and landed in a brave pose with one fist hitting the ground, landing on one knee. 'Nailed it!'

He then let out a loud roar as he blew a blast of his dragon fire into the air with one of his mighty roars, catching the attention of two dark looking ponies near Sunny. "Any enemy of Sunny's is an enemy of mine!"

No pony saw him enter the Crystal Empire, or see how he had gotten to the top of the Crystal Empire castle. What everypony and creature below did see, however, was a pony dressed in red and blue spandex decorated with a spider web like design, swinging down from the top of the castle, hanging by a white rope, as he bounced off the sides of the castle and performed unique acrobatic movements in the air. When he leaned on the ground maybe ten yard from Sunny, he made sure to land on the tips of his hooves as if he were some wall crawling, web slinging spider pony.

"You aren't going to start with out me, are you?" Another familiar voice spoke up, one that only Sunny or Spike could recognize.

"Comic Stan?" Sunny asked, more then a little suprised.

Pulling off his red mask with white eyes and a spider web design, the grandfather of comics shot everypony a half smile, his mustache raised on his right side. "Yep! Your friendly, neighbor hood, comic guy! Web slinging in as one of my favorite heros to fight for what's right."

Standing up strait, the comic book master pulled out two odd looking hoof held devices that he strapped to his front hooves, flipping switches to activate them, then he loaded some small cartridges into them. His eyes narrowed as he put on his signature sunglasses. "Alright! Excelsior!"


Looking around at all the ponies and miscellaneous creatures who had gathered at the call, Sombra was actually impressed. This army Sunny had gathered actually met his own in terms of numbers, maybe eclipsed it. Others were still pouring in from all sides, even from the sky above.

Sombra blew a held breath through his nostrils as he tore his gaze from the opposing forces around him back to Sunny, narrowing his eyes that were turning a solid green. "You've gathered a fine army. But they won't stop us."

"First off, they ain't just an army" a familiar voice caused Sunny's heart to nearly jump out of his chest, filled with a mixture of relief and worry. Turning his head slightly to look behind him while keeping his father and the cloaked mare in his vision, Sunny saw Applejack, her friends, as well as his fellow Guardians of Harmony, all emerging out of the TARDIS he was most familiar with. The one owned by his fellow Guardian, Doctor Whooves, also known as 10. "We're his friends and family. And second, yes, you can bet the farm we'll stop you."

"Your rein of terror ends now, Sombra" Twilight Sparkle stated as she and her friends stepped forward, a fierce look in their eyes, all burning at Sombra.

"I couldn't have said it better myself" another spoke up, finally emerging from 11's TARDIS. Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, followed by the elderly princess Amore who kept herself hidden in the back, emerged and took their place behind the Elements and Guardians of Harmony.

Shock spread across Sombra's muzzle, his hard expression cracked. The hooded mare hesitated a little, but kept her cool. She still had a few tricks up her own sleeve.

"I believe a change of scenery is I order, don't you sister?" Luna turned to her sister and shot her a confident half smile.

"Let's do it, Sister, togeather" Celestia mirrored her sister's confidence, but held back most of her bravado, her horn now glowing gold with her magical aura.

"Togeather" Luna agreed, her horn now glowing with her blue magical aura.

The two sisters lowered their heads, eyes closed, their minds focused one one specific spell. Slowly, their horns began to glow brighter and brighter as they slowly raised their heads perfectly synchronized. In the distance, the moon began to raise from the west, and the Sun from the east. The two masses seemed to wipe clear the sickening brown sky that coated Equestria, replacing it with a mixture of blue daylight and purple starry night. Everypony watched, amazed at what was happening and feeling relieved now that the sky was a more natural color. Few guessed what the princesses were doing until both the sun and moon met, the moon being cast infront of the sun, causing a solar eclipse. A strong magical energy began to flow down from the eclipse and cast a large rainbow ring in the sky. The creatures who faught along Sunny in the past, they knew this was both a symbol of his warning, and a show of his might. To the rest of Equestria who knew the two sisters created the eclipse themselves twice a year to show unity. Either way, the eclipse brought much needed hope and vigar to Sunny's allies. Only the few ponies who were still hidding behind the shield saw the effect of the world around had on the Crystal Heart. Not only did it begin to shimmer and glow like never before, it seemed to catch fire! The Heart was set ablaze with bravado and courage. It was full of light from all who had come to the Empire to aid Sunny and save Equestria. The light and heat from the burning crystal heart spread through all the Crystal ponies and pedal ponies who had stayed to be protected by Starlight and Sunburst's magical barrier. Starlight herself was shocked when she felt a small hoof tap her shoulder. Looking back she saw a Crystal mare who had been very eager to stay behind and protect her foal, looking back at her with a battle ready glare. Her young foal was clenching to her back in a sling, a spoon for a weapon in his mouth and a small pot on his head acting as a helmet. Tapping Sunburst on his shoulder, Starlight pointed out what she was trying to show him. He too, was amazed at the sudden change in the atmosphere. All the Crystal ponies who were nervous and wanting to hide before, appeared ready for a fight. Turning to eachother, Starlight and Sunburst read eachother's expressions, nodded, then lowered the barrier they made. As the Crystal ponies and the rest of the petal ponies repositioned themselves for battle, a wave of warrior like spirit swept across the area and spread all across the Empire, filling those who sided with the cryatal ponies with determination like they never felt before!

Sunny himself felt the energy flowing back into him, a mixture of the eclipse's energy and the burning fire from the Crystal Heart. Turning his attention back to his father, Sunny spoke in a tone that almost matched Sombra's own. Somehow, when Sunny spoke, every creature who had gathered there could hear him. His emerald eyes locked with Sombra's now green eyes. "Stand down. You can't hope to win in a fight against us. Father, stop this madness before anycreature gets hurt."

Sombra remained silent for a moment, his eyes locked on Sunny's. For a moment, his heart wavered, not from fear of possibly losing this fight, but from something about Sunny. There was something he felt for the son of Celestia. Something one shouldn't feel for the child of an enemy. Pride. Looking at Sunny now, seeing all who he helped, all he had done, how much he seemed to have grown, Sombra felt proud. Somepony else senced this feeling within him. The cloaked mare who up until now had remained in Sombra's shadow and watched, wanting to continue to work through Sombra. Manipulating him as both a puppet and working him to be the face of her new Empire, she kept her distance and allowed him to do most of the talking. But somehow, he was breaking free of her dark influance. She sneered as she looked at Sunny. She wouldn't allow some disgusting mutt to ruin her perfect future.

The cloaked mare stepped forward, her cloak unraveling, revealing it not to be made of cloth of any kind, but of smoky moth like wings. Unfolding from her body, a pair of large, sickening brown and black wings spread wide, presenting the creature underneath. She was similar to an alicorn form or more closer, to Queen Chrysalis. Long legs attached to a thin body with ribs showing from her base, a long neck with a rounded horse head at the top. The now unfolded wings which streached nearly double her body's size, reveiled horrid shifting face designs on them, faces that seemed to be weeping and crying out in pain. Her body's outline seemed to be flowing and moving, almost like the shadow of smog. Following up her muzzle from two rows of sharp teeth, were a pair of glowing green and red eyes with purple flames flaring from the far corners of those haunting eyes. A horn sat atop her head, like a spire of smoke, which was now glowing a sickening brown and green.

"I'm sick and tired of you getting in my way, you mongral!" As the mare spoke through her teeth, her voice raspy, like a snake with a bad cold, the green that had covered Sombra's eyes flashed brighter. He pulled his lips back further to flash his sharp preditor like teeth.

Sunny recognized her voice almost immediately. "You! You through me through that mirror!"

"Very good, for an abomination" the mare hissed and turned her nose up. "But now it's time you join your, oh, what did you call that traitor. Oh, yes, 'Pappy'."

Sunny's heart skipped a beat as his breathing paused as the world once again went silent. "… what did you say?"

"I said" the mare felt more smug knowing the spell she was secretly casting was working, and her other reinforcments grew closer. She just needed to distract these foals for a little while longer. Playing at one's heart strings normally kept sentimental creatures busy, if you played them at just the right tune. "You're 'Pappy', my traitor of a husband, got what he deserved. To think, he not only betrayed his kind, leaving us to rot in prison for over 1000 years, but he also played grandfather to a creature like you! That's worse then any betrayal-"

"Don't you talk to my son that way, you witch!" Celestia could no longer hold herself back and stepped forward next to her son, taking his side opposite of the side where the Sombra puppet stood.

The image of seeing Celestia standing with Sunny and the image of his former self caused the dark magic influence in Sombra's mind to waver, the spell on his kind began to crack.

Mourning Cloak knew she couldn't waste more time, and pushed the spell to summon her reinforments sooner. In the sky, a new figure materialized, one who appeared more machine then pony. From his waste down, it looked like he was sitting inside some kind of construction of black steel decorated with metal balls. But from his waste up, the stallion kept one hoof on a joystick to control his chair, the other, hidden beneath a control pad. He wore a black leather suite that clung to his shriveled body. The stallion's wrinkled muzzle that housed two closed and darkened eye sockets and a third large unblinking, artifical, blue eye, was covered by a mask just like every creature in the dark army.

"Davros!" Every one of the Doctor Whooves spoke out at once, including 10, who had only dealt with him once, but knew what kind of a monster he was.

"Do it, slave" Mourning Cloak ordered, not turning to face her summoning. "Call your 'children'."

"I obey…" Daveos spoke weakly, then moved his visible hand over and hit a few buttons on the control panel infront of him.

Small creeses in the air appeared, as if time and space itself were bunching up, then pressing something through. Following a small flash, a metal being appeared, then another, and another. One after another, after another, after another, until there were just as many of these creatures in the sky as there had been pegasi. They all had a similar bases as Davros, made of metal with silver balls decorating it. But from what could be defined as its waste up was more metal rather then any sign of life. The creatures looked to be entirely of metal, almost appearing like a giant trash can with one appendage infront of it looking like a toilet plundger and the other some odd whisk. The top of their heads were a dome shape, with one long rod sticking out of it with a mechanical eye at the end. The mechanical eye had a glowing blue light for a pupil. The glowing blue eyes looked all around, lacking all emotion as they survayed the scene before them. Sunny had not seen in over 1000 years.

"Unlike the others" Davros spoke into a microphone so the Doctors and their companions could hear him. "These Daleks are creatures born from me, in my lab. Not ponies gifted with my mark 2 travel devices. You will not persuade them to aid you like before. These are MY children, Doctor!"

'Awefully talkative for a mind controlled servent' Mourning Cloak glared at the floating pony from another world, thinking he was merely putting up an act. 'It doesn't matter. He brought his army, and is willing to take on my enemies.' "Now for another suprise, I'm sure you remember this one. He tried very heard to prevent this day, and out all his faith in you. Now he'll see how wrong he was to do so…"

With another wave of her Phantom horn, Mourning Cloak cast another spell. Nothing immediatly seemed to happen, everything was silent, then the mountains surounding the tundra began to shake! The mountains themselves began to raise to the heavens, followed by a large pair of leathery wings that shifted, pulsed ,then fully extended, clearing the storm around the Crystal Empire completly! A mighty head arose from the ground, a pair of red eyes glowing behind a black and grey mask that was the size of a castle. The creature was as big as Canterlot mountain. The creature first marched towards the Crystal Empire years ago, when he wanted to obliterate the Crystal Empire completly to prevent the return of the Umbrum. The very same dragon who gave Sunny Knight his Black Knight armor, that was forged from his own scales. The largest dragon in all of Equestrian history, the legendary black dragon Garganda!

"Oh? And what is that I hear?" Mourning Cloak snickered as she motioned a hoof to her ear.

Ignoring the giant dragon moving towards the Crystal Empire, most creatures turned their gaze to the open tunned that fed into the prison of the umbrum. A hiddious sound came howling out of the tunnel, echoing off the walls which increased the volume, making it so all creatures around knew what was coming. Every creature remained still, eyes on the tunnel as the world went silent and still. Even the tremors caused by Garganda's steps seemed to have stopped.

The calm didn't last long. Out of the tunnel's mouth emerged a smoky, oily hoof like appendage, landing with a hissing smack on the ground it touched. Creatures not under the control of Sombra and Mourning Cloak watched in horror. Even when Sunny lost control and became an umbrum like creature, his body seemed more natural then the creature emerging from the darkness. The blood on his mother's side mostly likely gave Sunny's umbrum form a more natural feeling of existence. The creature emerging from the tunnel, though, was a full fledged umbrum, and felt very alien to the magical world. Another hoof joined the first, and togeatger, the hooves pulled a creature up from the darkness that was a living shadow. A starved looking horse like head emerged from the tunnel, its body constantly shifting like puffs of smoke as it looked up and saw the light of day for the first time in countless winters. It's body was light green in color, unsettaling and moving like smoke. It's eyes were pale white like looking into a star that was about to burn out. As it pulled itself up, it shook its head which caused its smoke like mane to flop back and forth. On its back were a pair of wings that looked way too small for its body, even if they weren't tethered and torn. Once fully emerged, every creature could see the monster infront of them did indeed look starved. It's ribs were visible, its legs thin at all points except at its knees and hooves, and the way it hung its head left its mouth open, it's lips pulled back to reveil crooked rows of teeth. One could almost feel bad for this umbrum.

Any and all petty anycreature had for this starved umbrum was quickly lost when it tossed its head back and let out a bellowing howl that echoed through the entire Empire. The monstrous sound spread through the entire Empire, sending a cold chill down even the bravest warriors. Sunny could feel almost every creature there shake for a moment with fear at the mere battle cry of the Umbrum.

"Awwww, you all aren't scared are you? This little one just woke up. He's a little cranky when He's hungry" Mourning Cloak spoke loud enough so every creature could hear her. A far more gruesome smile cread across her own muzzle, stretching further then any smile ever should. Her own teeth and voice becoming more monstrous in appearance and sound as she added "there are far more dangerous, more terrifying, more HUNGRY Umbrum on their way."

"They won't make it out of there!" Sunny declared, stepping forward, his own courage in the face of fear itself caught the attention of the weak umbrum, its sickening white eyes locking onto him. Buy Sunny's inner fire didn't waver. "But I think it's about time YOU go back! Friends, Allie's-"

"Hold up! One sec!" Just then, stopping everything, including a secondary Umbrum who was in mid crawl out of the prisons tunnel, was a voice most creatures grew annoyed to hear, except maybe Fluttershy.

Discord prepared, wheeling a moving dolly that had on it a huge speaker attached to a microphone. He casually rolled the dolly past the Crystal ponies, the pedal ponies, the princesses, the mane 6, the Guardians of Harmony, and Sunny, until he reached a spot between them and the confused umbrum, Sombra and Mourning Cloak, who had all paused for some reason but were all growing more and more annoyed.

Clearing his throat, Discord tapped the microphone making a loud cracking noise that annoyed every creature around, even the great dragon Garganda, who was a good few mountains away. "Thank you all for your patience. Welcome to the battle of the century! Now, let's get ready to RUMBAAAAAAALLLL!"

"For Equestria!" Sunny called out as he made a green crystal sword materialize infront of him, then grabbed it and pointed it right at his target, the grand Master puppeteer, it seemed. The real leader of the Umbrum, Mourning Cloak.

"For Equestria!" Princess Celestia repeated her son's battle cry as she and her sister took to the air, blasting whatever they could of the Daleks out of the sky.

"Calling all Doctors, calling all Doctors" Doctor Whooves heard from his TARDIS. Always being a thinker first and a fighter second, Doctor Whooves (also known as 10) ran back inside his Tardis and looked at the screen above the control panel. 12 was on the screen looking rather smug. He was calling out to all the other Doctor Whooves. "Now! Activate the dampaning frequancy!"

"Activating dampaning frequency!" Doctor Whooves, also known as 10, stated as he slammed his hoof on a green button on the control panel.

All the other Doctors that gathered at the Empire symotaniously hit similar green buttons on their respective control panels at the same time as well, just in the nick of time.

Right after Celestia and Luna blasted a few Daleks out of the sky, other Daleks near by began blasting away at them. These new Daleks blasts have been able to desolate whole planets in a day. But when the princesses were hit, the blasts became one one-millionth of their normal strengths, causing only a slight burn, like a sun burn. It stung, but it was no where near as dangerous as it could have been. All around the skies, Daleks were blasting away at the pegasi and other airborne enemies, as well as blasting downward at the fighters on the ground, confused and shocked to see their weapons had little to no real effect on them.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Davros growled beneath his mask before pulling it off with ease.

Mourning Cloak, who made sure to keet the image of Davros in her peripheral, was shocked to see him pull the mask off so easily. She would have tried to cast her spell on him once more, but a certain annoying and very determined halfling was fighting his way towards her. She focused her magic on manipulating the mind controlled ponies to step forward and fight Sunny off, but mere pawns weren't enough to keep him busy for long. Pawns don't easily take knights out. Mourning Cloak the focused her magic to reach out to Sombra using one of the mind controlled ponies. That pawn was just barely able to direct Sombra's attention to her before Sombra had to block another attack. He himself was being attacked by his puppet doupleganger, who was putting up a better fight then Sombra expected from an overgrown toy.

Davros began typing away at his own control panel, trying to figure out what was going on with his army of Daleks, when a holographic screen popped up infront of him with a very familiar face on it.

"Hello, Davros, miss me?" The Doctor Whooves known as 4 smiled widely and chuckled.

"What have you done to my Daleks!?" Davros growled.

"Well, while we couldn't disable their weapons, we did have a pretty good guess as to the frequency you use to communicate and control most of their actions" 4 began to explain, readjusting his fedora ontop of his mop of curly brown mane. "So all we needed to do was tap into it and input a complex code that would dim down the amount of energy put out into their blasts. They can still do some damage to anypony without sunblock. Well, enjoy the fight. I never really cared for fighting. But I know 3, 9 and a few others are giving it a good show."

With that, 4 cut out, leaving Davros clenching his teeth with fury. "Curse you Doctor! Curse you and all your variations! Ugh!"

Not giving up, Davros began typing away at his keyboard once more, trying to possibly change the frequency on his Dalek's systems. If he could rewrite it, whatever formula the Doctor's came up with would be utterly useless. But it would take time.

"Sister!" Celestia called out to Luna after she blasted three Daleks out of the sky.

A quick Arial menuver and Luna swooped in by her sister's side. "Yes, sister?"

"We need to stop Garganda. Gather fliers and heavy hitters." Celestia stated, then blasted a masked teenaged dragon who tried to sneak up on them.

"Do you think we can actually stop him with brute force?" Luna knew the threat Garganda was under the control of someone as evil as Mourning Cloak.

"I think Sombra and that mare control so many creatures with the help of those mask they all wear" Celestia quickly explained. "If you manage to get his mask off, he might snap out of it. Be sure to take Fluttershy with you."

"Fluttershy?" Luna repeated the name, then blasted another mind controlled creature that was trying to dive bomb her and her sister while they talked. When it landed, she realized it was a mind controlled Griffin. Luna returned her attention to her sister "Why Fluttershy?"

"She has a way with reaching out to other creatures" Celestia explained before turning her attention towards the tall mare known as Mourning Cloak. "I have a rather annoying mother-in-law to deal with. No pony talks to my son like that…"

Seeing the anger in her sister's tone gave Luna goosebumps. Putting their plan into action, Luna began teleporting all around the battle feild, asking others who could fly to aid her in taking on the larger then life dragon.

"Please, let me help" Luna's attention was caught by the voice of a familiar former guard. Looking down at the ground after convincing a pair of Shadowbolts to join her. Snowstorm, the former guard who just recently renounced Sombra after working for him since his return, appeared ro be pleading to the princess of the night. Luna landed next to him, an apathetic expression spread across her muzzle. Before she could reject him, Snowstorm added "I'm a brilliant tactician when it comes to arial battles. I can use a spell to communicate with the pegusi and other flyers. I can keep us organized so we can-"

Before he could continue, the former unicorn guard was lifted up by a claw large enough to crush him, but held him by his scruff with just two long nails. The former Dragon Lord, Torch, had heard Luna gathering forces to take on Garganda, and he wanted in! It would be a great honor to take on an opponent as legendary as Garganda. His voice was gruff and tough as he asked princess Luna "you want this guy with us?"

Luna didn't argue with Tourch as to weather he, himself, was going with the rest of the flyers or not. Having a fully grown dragon with his strength and flying ability made him a great asset. As for Snowstorm, though, Luna thought hard about trusting a pony who was once completely loyal to Sombra.

"Please, let me help to make things right" Snowstorm pleaded, a need for understanding was radiating from him.

Luna recognized such a need. It wasn't so long ago that she herself attacked her own sister, and had deep regrets about it, even if she was under the influence of great evil. Taking a deep breath, Luna told Snowstorm "Alright. But if you try anything funny, I'll have Torch here to eat you."

This made the former Dragon Lord chuckle. "Sounds good to me. I think I may like you ponies. You're cute and cuddly, but you have bite!"

With that, Snowstorm hopped onto princess Luna's back, and they, Touch, several Shadowbolts, Lightning Dust, a nervous Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane, a hoof full of Wonderbolts, half of the Power Ponies, and even the griffins with prince Razor Claw, all took flight, heading to take on Equestria's largest dragon in recorded history.


Despite all the help that had arrived to aid Sunny and defend Equestria from the threat of Sombra and the return of the Umbrum, the battle on the ground was going back and forth, with no solid victor in sight. Although the only help Sombra had on his side were the weakened Daleks and mind controlled creatures that were little more then mindless drones, they proved quite formidable despite the drive and boost in energy Sunny's allies had from the Crystal Heart. The Daleks would not stop fighting until their mechanical travel devices were completly inoperable, and even then a small creature with one eye and tendrils could jump out and do what it could to continue fighting, despite being the equivalent of tapioca pudding and spaghetti. The mind controlled drones were worse, they would get knocked down, beat up, scratched, clawed, battered and bruised, but unless they were tied up and unable to move or knocked out cold, they would get up and keep fighting.

On one end of the battle field, Octavia was fighting along her best friend, Vynal Scratch, using her cello as a blunt weapon to knock drone ponies left and right. Every now and again she would actually manage to render a few unconscious, and Vynal attempted to blast them away with wubbs using giant speakers she managed to transport to the battle. But the drones seemed unaffected by the pulsing music. Vynal's speakers were smashed to pueces with one claw belonging to a manticore wearing one of Sombra's masks. As the mind controlled manticore ripped the speakers apart, Vynal made a leap and landed next to Octavia, who's cello had taken quite a beating and was falling apart.

Both girls readied themselves to fight with their bare hooves against the dark army drones closing in around them when a scale of notes played on a saxophone rang in the air, turning the drones attention to their left. The furthest drone was knocked to the ground when a saxophone hit him in the face, cracking the mask and knocking him out cold. Another drone quickly followed the first in falling to the ground, mask in pieces. By the time the fifth one fell, a clear image of a very familiar student came into view. Octavia and Vynal were relieved to see Salted Carmel, the first pony Octavia had helped to discover a love of music, was standing there, smirking as if to say 'hey, teach, I'm here to help.'

"Right! This fight isn't over!" Octavia stated as she and Vynal jumped in and started bucking, punching and even bitting the drones who went after them, while Salted used his faithful saxophone to batter them away. It wasn't until the done manticore finished destroying Vynla's speakers that Salted decided it was time to get serious. He took of his restrictive chain and tossed it and his saxophone to Octavia and Vynal. Without the magical restriction of his necklace, Salted's body grew four times its normal size, his muscles buldging. He was now looming over the manticore drone, who lacked the better judgment to run away. One quick hoof jab to the manticore's Masked muzzle not only knocked the creature out, it dented the mask it was wearing and broke the spell completly. The poor manicore fell backwards and landed with a loud thud.

Not far from them, Applejack and Big Mac were tag teaming, back to back, they bucked enemies left and right, but no matter how hard they sent the mind corneolled drones filing, they kept getting back up. Part of them felt bad for putting the hurt on so many ponies who were unfortunate enough to become mind controlled puppets of King Sombra's, but at the same time, the drones weren't exactly being friendly either. Both Apple siblings had received blows and hits as well, but growing up on a farm where you take care of all kinds of ornery critters prepared them for such things.

"Applejack!" Twilight called out, flying above the two, blasting Daleks and dark army flyers as she got to Applejaack and Big Mac. "Aim for their masks! If you hit them hard enough, you can knock them out or- AH!"

Twilight was hit by ten Daleks at once, which, hurt quite a bit. Before the Daleks could close in, one by one, something white and sticky splattered across the Dalek's glowing blue eyes. The domed heads of the Daleks began to spin around and around as strings of the same fluid hit each one of them. A blur of red and blue began swinging around the confused Daleks, wrapping them all together until they were in a giant ball of… webbing?!

"Hope I wasn't too late, miss princess of friendship" Comic Stan chuckled as he finished webbing up the Daleks into a giant ball. He looked at the devices on his wrists and pulled out some small metal cylinders "Gatta change my web cartridges. But go on."

"Ok, well as I was saying…" Twilight was a little taken back by Stan's sudden appearance and his choice of weapon, but that's something she would think about later. Turning her attention back to Applejack, Twilight was about to finish her sentence when she saw Applejack and Big Mac had already knocked out all the surounding enemies, now focusing on the masks that covered the dark army's muzzles.

"No worries, Twi, we got this" Applejack chuckled confidently.

"Eh'yep" Big Mac agrees with his sister.

"Excuse me…" a weak voice spoke up, tapping on Twilight's shoulder.

Twilight turned around to surprisingly come face to face with an elderly mare, who looked very much like a pink version of Granny Smith, but with her grey mane down and a horn on the middle of her forehead. "Ugh, yes, can I help you?"

But the mare only pointed at the bubble floating near Sombra and Mourning Cloak that still held in its contents Cadence and Shinning Armor who appeared to still he stuck in a nightmare as well as a happily slumbering Flurry Heart. "Help them, please."

"Shinning! Cadence! Flurry!" Twilight gasped. She couldn't believe she had forgotten about them. Granted, there was the mot epic war of the century going on, but still! Her family!

"I asked these kind ponies to help you get to them…" The elderly mare stated as she turned her head to Starlight, Sunburst, Thorax and Rosewood.

"Don't stress, Twilight, we got your back!" Starlight stated with a confident and daring look.

"Thank you all" Twilight wanted to appear more greatful, but a Dalek just flew over her head his eye gummed up by more of Comic Stan's webbing.

"Get going!" Applejack yelled as she bucked another blinded Dalek into the sky, knocking it into another airborne Dalek, both of them crashing towards the ground. "We got this area covered!"

"You need to get them to the Crystal Heart!" The elderly mare called out as Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Thorax and Rosewood all ran to the the dark bubble containing the royal family. "They need the Crystal Heart's power!"

Just as a pair of mind controlled dragons were about to leap at the elderly Princess Amore, who was caught up in watching Twilight Sparkle and her friends run off, the dragons were levitated into the air and launched far away. A half pony half fish looking creature appeared next to the elderly Amore and offered her back to her. "Let's get you to safety, ma'am. A battle field's no place for you. No offence."

"None taken" Amore smiled at the odd creature. She could tell the kelpy was sincere and happily boarded her back. "Please, take me to the Crystal Heart. I will be needed there soon, ugh, I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

"Ipsy, ma'am" the Kelpy said with a small grin as she took off, using her telepathy to pick up a few more mind controlled drones to use as shields as she made her way to the Crystal Empire castle. "And yours?"

"Oh, just call me Granny Amore" the elderly mare stated, feeling more comfortable being old and incrontol of her elderly body then she had felt in the 1000 Mourning Cloak controlled her young body.


"This isn't good" 7 stated as he continued viciously typing away at his TARDIS's computer keyboard, the other Doctor Whooves images appeared on the screen infront of him, all of them doing the same thing, well, all except for the Doctor Whooves known as 10, who appeared to be caually eating a muffin.

"Tell me about it!" 6 stated, sounding more annoyed then ever. "Davros is rewriting the Dalek's control codes."

"If he succeeds, then the Daleks Exterminate every creature in seconds" 1 stated more annoyed sounding then worried.

"We need to rewrite the formula to include the new codes" 5 tried to sound calm, but the sound of munching from 10's mic was growing more and more annoying.

It wasn't until 12 noticed something was off about 10 that he paused and asked 10 "Excuse me, 10, is there a reason you're breaking for a snack?"

"Yes, you seem rather calm" 9 noted, stopping his reworking of the formula.

"Don't worry about Davros" 10 simply stated as he took another small bit of his muffin.

Looking around at his screen at the scene of 10's own TARDIS, a smile began to grow on 11's muzzle as he asked 10 "any idea where Derpy is?"

All the other Doctors paused and looked up at the screen with 10 on it. 10 finished chewing his bite, swallowed, then wipped his lips before calmly stating "Oh, she went to go say hello to our old friend and introduce him to a certain party pony."

"Oh my" 2 stated with nervous glee.

"Oh yes" 11 held back a chuckle. "Very clever."

"That's fantastic" a wide smile grew on 9's muzzle.

"Almost feel bad for him" 12 cracked a half smile as he and the other Doctors began to relax, no longer worrying about the threat of the Daleks or their father.

"Almost being the key word" 1 added as he pulled out a cup of tea and held it to his monitor, where more then half the Katherine Doctors were toasting. "Cheers."


Typing away as wast as his one hand could type, Davros was close to rewriting the Dalek's battle codes, returning them to their original destructive design. And once he had done that, he would dominate the battle and then turn his army on the creatures who brought him here and attempted to control him with such primitive dark magic. 'Magic, puh! I am the great Davros! Ruler of worlds! Father of the Daleks! I will live forever and rule ALL! As if some silly magic trick could ever hope to curb me!'

"HI there!" A pink pony with a bouncy, darker pink mane, appeared to Davros's left side. "I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"Ugh! What are you doing!? Get off of me!" Davros tried to push the party pony off him but his one hoof was incredibly weak, lacking almost any muscles.

"That isn't very polite" Derpy appeared to his right. "I wanted to introduce you to my friend."

"And I NEEDED to talk with you! Let's talk parties" Pinkie started as she strapped a party hat onto Davros's head and shoved a noise maker in his mouth before pulling out a clip board, her words spilling out at a million miles per hour. "Now, you said these Dalek guys are all your kids, right? Well, that's alot of birthdays to plan! I mean, really, I don't know how you kept up with it before! Not to worry, though! I'm here to help take some of that weight off by helping you! Don't worry! It's what I do! Now I'm going to need a list of names, any allergies, their favorite ice cream, their favorite candy, what they may like, like do any of them like sports? Or a favorite TV show? Oh! Or do any of them like to dress up as princesses? Cause I know a mare who does great work with dresses! We can get them fitted as soon as next week! But you'll have to make an appointment-"

While Pinkie was busy chatting with Davros, keeping half his attention while the other half of his attention was directed at getting the party hat off his head, it was obscuring his vision with his one good, artificial eye at the center of his head, Derpy's mind was wandering over the many shinny buttons on Davros's panel. One button in particular really caught her attention. It had the words 'Emergency Temporal Shift' written on it. Something Doctor told her before about that was nagging at the back of Derpy's mind, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. In the end, she shrugged and guessed it was something good, and pressed the button.

There was a loud beeping that started slow and drawn out, but quickly picked up pace, redirecting Davros's attention to his keyboard. Davros finally ripped off the party hat in time to see the area all around him bend and warp as he was sent hurdaling through time and space. Derpy had just managed to catch Pinkie as Davros disappeared in a flash of light.

"Huh, must have gone to the store to get supplies" Pinkie guessed. "Atleast one of these Daleks must have a birthday today!"

At that statment, one of the Daleks stopped in mid air, turned to Derpy and Pinkie who were gently floating down to the ground and approached them. When they landed, the Dalek screamed "ACTUALLY! ACCORDING TO MY DATA BANKS, TWELVE OF US WERE CREATED ONE YEAR AGO TODAY!"

"Great!" Pinkie and Derpy cheered up, their faces Lighting up with excitement. "Do you have their names? And their favorite flavors of cake?"

The Dalek leaned in to Pinkie's side and began lazering the information onto her clip board with his toned down lazer, running it across the page like a printer.


"So let me get this strait" The former Supreme King Sunny spoke casually as he and Hot Iron tag teamed against a mind controlled chimera, dodging its snake tail strikes and smacking it with his pitch fork. "he shows up at your town, after he pretty much dethroned you, sat down, talked with you, and got you to turn life in a different direction?"

"That's the gist of it" Hot Iron blocked one of the chimera tiger claws, then held up his fully armored front legs so his entire armored body could take the brunt of the Chimera's fire blast. When the flames calmed down, The former Supreme King Sunny looked at the armored pony, expecting him to be a pile of ash after that, but Hot Iron was completly unharmed. "Oh, and he gave me this cool armor. Found out it's more then just dragon fire proof."

"Huh, generous of him. I would have kept it." the Supreme King stated as he and Hot Iron split up to attack the chimera on opposite sides.

The chimera goat head followed the former Supreme king to their left while the tiger head followed Hot Iron to their right, while the snake head tail sat far back and watched, not that it really mattered. Without speaking verbally, the creature's three minds were not connected, so they couldn't see the crazy maneuvering Hot Iron and the former Supreme King were performing. Hot Iron last minute jumped up into the air and uses his smithing hammer to hit the side of the goat head hard, while The former Supreme King went low, slid under the beast, flipped to his stomach, and bucked up as hard as he could, nailing the tiger head under the jaw. Both blows seemed to knock the two heads out cold. The former Supreme King rolled out from under the beast just in time to watch it fall to the ground. All but the snake head was out cold. For a moment, the two ignored the snake tail as it repeatedly tried to strike and bite them, but the two ponies remained just far enough out of reach.

Looking over his shoulder, Hot Iron took note of the orange, freckled mare who was knocking drone ponies down left and right with her bare hooves. He chuckled and asked the former Supreme King "she with you?"

"Yep" the former Supreme King cracked a hald smile. "Was gunna propose to her when this crazy stallion showed up and told us the other me needed our help with a big, nasty fight."

The two stallions stood there and watched for a moment as the other Applejack finished knocking one drone pony out by swinging another drone pony at him.

"What a mare" Hot Iron commented with a small chuckle. "You got your hooves full with that one. She's a fighter."

"Yep" the former Supreme King agreed, then, having grown annoyed at the hissing of the snake tail, punched it hard enough to knock it out. "You got ah special somepony?"

Not far off from where they were, the armored ponies of Iron town were battling a large group of the dark army, swinging smithing hammers, spears, swords, and one mare an iron rolling pin. Hot Iron pointed to the mare with the rolling pin and said in a proud tone "that one there. She owns a bake shop. Makes protein shakes like no other."

The mare with the rolling pin swung her baking utensil hard enough to crack the mask of a hypnotized, teen dragon, knocking the creature out before it could release its fire blast. When the dragon was on the ground, the mare let out a loud battle cry as she raised her rolling pin into the air, striking a victorious pose.

"She seems nice" the Supreme King stated, cracking a smile.

"If you two boys are done with yer tea party" the other world Applejack yelled at her coltfriend and Hot Iron. "We still have ah war ta win!"

The two nodded, shrugged off their relaxing muscles and started towards a large Masked dragon. The beast growling as he took in air, his mouth already lighting a fire just behind its razor sharp teeth. The former Supreme King held his pitch fork over his shoulder and signaled for Hot Iron to mount it. Understanding what the former Supreme King was thinking, Hot Iron mounted the pitchfork. Right as the glucagon was about to blast the two stallions with an ember that could melt steel, the former Supreme King flicked his pitch fork, launching Hot Iron like a rocket at the dragon. Hot Iron rolled in the air, but extended his hoof when he reached the Dragon, nailing it in the jaw before the adult dragon could release its fiery breath. The force of the impact rippled through the dragon's jaw and vibrated upwards, rattling the mask it wore, and caused it to shatter.

Hot Iron hit the ground, creating a small crater where he landed. A second later, the knocked out adult dragon hit the ground about twenty feet away from him. Acting cool, Hot Iron casually walked back to where the former Supreme King stood and suggested "we should double date some time."

"Yeah" the former Supreme King chuckled. "I think there's another war I'll need to prevent next week. You two free?"


Mourning Cloak didn't like how the battle was fairing so far. Three of her umbrum kin had emerged from the prison opening, and two were struggling to get out at the moment. They were beyond starving, lacking almost any energy to fight.

'It's that Crystal Heart' Mourning Cloak thought as she narrowed her eyes on it. The ancient artifact was burning with energy that Mourning Cloak had not predicted. She had taken every precaution; draining the princesses, putting those Elements of Harmony in a sweet dream prison, kidnapping the princess of love and her family, even raising an army of loyal servents and then some. Yet her plans are failing! 'If only I could get to that Crystal Heart, I might be able to corrupt it! Yes! I bet if I could fill it with my dark magic, I could install fear in the hearts of every creature here! That much food would be all the incentive the umbrum need to push free from the prison! Nothing like waving a meal infront of starving animals to spur them into action!'

The Crystal Heart wasn't far away, all Mourning Cloak would have to do is turn her body to smoke or shadow and slither her way over to it. But somepony stood in her way. The arrogant mare had landed just a moment before Mourning Cloak could dissolve her form. It was the princess of the Sun, the mare who seduced Sombra and birthed that abomination, Princess Celestia.

"Well well well" Mourning forced a wicked smile, feeling more annoyed and thinking of a way around the alicorn princess. Although she had absorbed the magical powers of Celestia and Luna, Mourning Cloak still didn't want to risk a battle that she might lose, and was thinking of a way to distract the sun Princess long enough to transform and slip by her. "To what do I owe the pleasure, miss 'sit-by-and-let-others-do-her-dirty-work'?"

Celestia's hard gaze and stone like expression didn't falter as if Mourning's words were muted. "You hurt my sister, my Sombra, and my son. You won't walk away from this."

"Bold words from a princess who-" Mourning started to say but was hit with a sharp blast of a golden colord beam of magic, shot from Celestia's horn. The blast created a whole in her smoke and shadow like body that fizzled, still burning. Mourning let out a ear piecing scream as she put one of her misty hooves to her sizzling wound.

This caught the attention of King Sombra, who at the moment, had his hooves full, fighting Sunny and the puppet Sombra.

"Don't let your guard down!" Sunny called out as he struck King Sombra across the face with his bare hoof, keeping his Crystal sword up and on guard in case Sombra struck out with his own dark crystal sword.

The blow was a much harder punch then Sombra remembered Sunny having 1000 years ago when he taught him hoof to hoof combat tactics.

Sombra paused.

'Wait… I… I remember… why would I train Sunny if he wasn't…' things weren't adding up in his head. Sombra felt like he was half way in a dream, realizing thing weren't the way they were meant to be.

Sunny and the puppet Sombra paused when they noticed King Sombra hesitating, fighting his own internal battle. But before any resolution from Sombra's internal struggle could arise, two of the three Umbrum took to Sombra's side, howling at Sunny, their smoke like hooves pounding the ground as their bone white eyes burned like hot coals at the yellow unicorn.

The Sombra puppet launched at them, only for his own Crystal sword to faze right through them, doing no damage whatsoever. The umbrum then launched at Sunny, their bodies seemed to do some damage as they fazed right through him. Their bodies so cold it felt like Sunny just swallowed a bucket of snow. Sunny himself tried to strike at the shadow creatures, only to have his hooves faze though them, like fighting arctic wind. Thinking of a different tactic, Sunny closed his eyes and focused on putting up a shield. This kept the umbrum at bay until the dark Crystal sword King Sombra was weilding pierced it, causing the shield to crack and eventually shatter. King Sombra had regained enough clarity to realize his kin were defending him. That's right. He remembered he was fighting to free the umbrum. THEY needed him. Only after the sword was thrown did Sombra notice that annoying purple alicorn princess and her friends dragging away the dark energy bubble that contained the princess of love and her family.

"Oh no you don't!" Sombra cried out as he rose up on his back hooves and stomped the ground, sending a rippling wave of dark crystals slithering their way to Twilight and her friends. The Dark crystals swung around infront of Twilight and the others then burst into a wall of dark crystals that easily towered over them! After he cast the spell, King Sombra felt the sharp end of a Crystal blade cut across his cheek. This shook the shadow King and made him turn towards his attacker. His burning eyes fell upon his wooden doubleganger, who held his green crystal sword out at him in a very formal fashion.

"Your fight is with me, not with them" the puppet Sombra stated, his voice very clear and organic, and full of anger.

"I'm going to chop you into fire wood!" King Sombra growled as he stomped the ground again, creating more dark crystals in the air.

The shards all pointed at the wooden Sombra and began firing, shooting at him as fast as they could. But the puppet Sombra quickly dodged most of the larger shards, ignoring all the smaller ones that barely pierced his wooden body. After all the dark Crystal shards had been fired, the puppet Sombra lundged at the real Sombra, only to trip and fall for some reason. When the puppet Sombra looked back at his hind hooves, he saw the smaller dark crystal shards he ignored that landed in his legs began to expand and grow, sealing him to the ground.

"Pathedic" King Sombra stated as he approached the puppet that mirrored his former self. "Same old toys taken down with the same tricks-"

But the real Sombra was interrupted when his puppet bouble used his green crystal sword to cut off his own legs right above the line where the dark crystals reached, freeing himself. Before the real Sombra could react, the puppet Sombra used his sword like a pole vaulting rod and launched his now free body at the shadow king! The puppet tackled Sombra to the ground and began launching punch after punch with one wooden hoof while holding onto Sombra by the neck with the other.

Rolling around on the ground, unable to collect his thoughts enough to cast a spell of any kind, Sombra Struggled to get free. "Ugh! These toys of his are annoying!"

"You should be proud of him" the puppet Sombra snapped as he delivered a good blow to the real Sombra's gut. "He's become, ugh, quite the stallion! Isn't that what you wanted!?"

While the puppet was busy talking, Sombra seized an opening, grabbed it by its punching hoof, and tossed it off of him, slamming it hard to the ground enough to crack its wooden body.

Taking a few breaths, King Sombra straitened his mane and looked down at the broken puppet version of him. "Why would I be proud of somepony like him?"

"Becouse…." The puppet Sombra's voice now sounded shaky and slightly off, like a record that was dusty. "He's y-y-our, your, your…son."

Sombra growled as he put a hoof to the puppets chest, apply pressure which seemed to cause the puppet great pain as the board of his chest creeked, like it was ready to snap. King Sombra's eyes burned as he glared at his puppet doupleganger. "No he's not! That stupid foal is Princess Celesria's son! Not mine!"

The puppet chuckled despite his pain. He met King Sombra's gaze with eyes that felt no fear from him. "YOU are the stupid foal. That witch did something t-t-to, to, to, to, you, you, you, you… just… listen…"

The puppet Sombra then twisted his neck to the left then right, activating a secret property Whittler installed in it for Sunny, should he ever need words of encouragement. A recorder began to play back a message that Sombra himself helped create. It was a recording Sombra had made over 1000 years ago. "Hey there, Sunny. I'm guessing things must be tough if you're breaking this out for a fight. I won't alway be there to help you, and neither will these puppets…. I know you have a hard time trusting others, I understand. Life as a young prince isn't easy… I don't know what trials await you in the future, but I know you'll over come them… just continue to believe in others the way you always do, and most importantly, believe in yourself… your mother and I love you, so much… so much…. so much… your mother… and, and and, I….I… love you…"

The small recording device was damaged when the puppet Sombra hit the ground, but most of the message remained in tact. The puppet Sombra felt his life fading fast, but it didn't matter much. He wasn't a REAL puppet, like the others were. He was a memory. He existed just to remind somepony of who he was, nothing more. Now that that pony was remembering, the spirit of the puppet, the essence that gave him life, was returning to where it belonged. Looking back at the shadow King, the puppet Sombra saw tears in his eyes as he fell to his knees. Was it regret Sombra was feeling? Was everything he had done finnaly catching up to him? Or was remorseful for all he had done to his son? His beloved Celestia? The puppet wouldn't get his answer. The last thing he saw before fading to black was King Sombra mouthing the words 'I'm sorry…' which put the spirit of the puppet to rest. His body jerked and rattled one last time before falling silent…


Fighting the good fight against their dark armored enemies, Prince Razor Claw lead his warriors of Griffonstone against a good two dozen black army members, mostly consisting of hypnotized ponies wielding shields, spears, and swords. The only thing that the griffins could hear was the energizing sounds of metal on metal as their claw blades locked, blocked and struck against the armor and weapons of the dark army pawns.

"Tis a most excellent battle!" One of the griffins commented to the prince.

"What?" Prince Razor Claw yelled, trying to get his companikn to repeat himself as he slashed his claws against an armored pony's mask. With the mask removed, the spell forcing him to fight broken, the pony passed out from pure exhaustion.

"I said!" the griffon tried to repeat himself, but his words came out even more muffled then before as an armored minotaur attacked him, appearing out of nowhere and slamming a huge battle ax downward, luckily missing Razor Claw's companion.

"Watch out! There's a minotaur!" Prince Razor Claw yelled as he picked up a spear belonging to the dark army pawn he just knocked out. Taking aim, the prince shot the spear from his Claw with great force. The spear cut through the air and sliced through the wooden handle of the Masked minotaur's battle ax.

"What did you say, your majasty?" One of the other griffins asked, not being able to hear over a new ruckus erupting over the horizon.

The minotaur seemed unscaved by the loss of his weapon and instead decided to continue fighting with his bare hands. His target, the prince who destroyed his ax. The minotaur's muscular, outstretched hands looked as though he could squeeze his enemies to a pulp. Several dark army pony pawn joined him in ganging up on the griffins who refused to back down from a fight, no matter how outmatched they were.

"Stand your guard, men!" Prince Razor Claw ordered, screaming as loud as he could.

"Actually, I think we better move" one of the griffins who was looking behind them mumbled, tapping Prince Razor Claw on the shoulder.

"What did you say?" Prince Razor Claw asked with a yell.

Another griffon turned his head just in time, and both he and the first griffon managed to pull the prince and their companions out of harms way at the last moment.

A loud screech overpowered all other sounds as a loud metal monster came trudging over the hill, an owl appearing to be ridding this mighty metal creature as smoke blew from two horns atop its head. The metal beast bellowed and raised its curved face, scooping up the dark army pawns, both ponies and the minotaur, then carried them away.

The group of griffins were stunned by what they saw, having never seen a Bull-doze-R before, much less one being operated by an owl. Before the great machine and owl rider vanished from sight with their haul, the owl turned its head back, eyed the griffins with both one good and one bad eye before letting out several more scratches.

"What did he say?" One of the griffins spoke up. With the loud enemies sweept away from their area, all the other griffins could now hear as plain as day.

"I don't know, I don't speak owl" another griffon added, feeling like he and his companions were just one upped by a beast no bigger then their lunch.

"He said 'Toast'" prince Razor Claw mumbled, dumbstruckand confused by what just happened as well as the owl's battle cry.

The first griffon caught a whiff of something that smelled delicious. "Does anyone else smell ferret?"


The Masked Matterhorn's gaze shot between her comerads who were aiding on the battle feild as well as the taking a quick count of the pile of ponies that continued to grow next to her. As her fellow power ponies, Fili-Second, Radiance and Mistress Mare-velous, all worked to collect the fallen ponies and creatures on the battle feild, her other companions Hum Drum and Sunday Speinkles teamed up with some of the medical ponies from the Crystal Empire to give aid to the injured. The Power Pony's leader couldn't help but notice a certain caped crusader missing in action.

As Hum Drum passed by the Masked Matter-Horn, she asked him "do I want to know where the Dark Detective is?"

"Oh, ugh…, well, ya see… he kinda" Hum Drum hated being in between the Masked Matter-Horn and Dark Detective. He respected them both as authority figures and heroes with their own ways of doing things.

Sunday suprise, on the other hoof, had no problem ratting out her boss and spat out as she passed the Masked Matter-Horn "he went with Zapp and Saddle Ranger to fight that giant dragon."

"Of course he did" the Masked Matter-Horn sighed as she continued to calculate a plan on her clip board.

"Yeah, said he wanted to test out his new Darkcopter" Hum Drum felt a little more relaxed when he saw the Masked Matter-Horn wasn't as angery as he thought she would be.

The goggles wearing leader of the Power Ponies paused, turned to Hum Drum and mumbled through a tight pair of lips. "He. What?"

Hum Drum gulped nervously and repeated himself. "Well, ugh, he has a new Darkcopter. You know. Helicopter painted in his colors with his logo on it?"

"How did he get a helicopter here!?" The Masked Matter-Horn sounded more annoyed now then she nromally was when the conversation involved the Dark Detective.

"Its, ugh, portable" Hum Drum hesitantly answered.

"Portable… it's portable" the Masked Matter-Horn repeated the word twice before mumbaling it to herself as she hastily worked on the plans she had on her clip board before handing the paper to Hum Drum. "Here. Please pass this off to Mistress Mare-velous. Based on the way the battle is going, most of the heat is still at the front near that creepy tunnel opening. Have Fili-Second pull any and all civilians away from there and Mare-velous and Radiance cover her as she does."

"What should I do?" Sunday Speinkles asked as she finished making another batch of ice packs for the injured with her unique powers.

"I need you to continue helping me and the other medical ponies to tend to the injoured" the Masked Matter-Horn's tone was still commanding but it softened a little. She could see the young, eager heroine inside Sunday Speinkles who wanted to get out there and join the action. She understood what it was like to feel left out of the action. Putting a reassuring hoof on Sunday's shoulder, looking her in the eye with a relaxed expression, the Masked Matter-horn told her "I know you want to be out there, but we need you here. You and I are trained in medical aid. There are others who can fight, but only a hoof full who can tend to the injured. I can't force you to stay and help. But I'm asking you, as a hero, will you stay and help me with the sick and injured?"

Taking a deep breath, Sunday Speinkles shot the Masked Matter-Horn a half smile and replied. "Heros don't just fight bad guys. We go where we are needed. Right?"

Hearing the young heroine say that made the Masked Matter-Horn proud to stand beside her. "You're on your way to being a true hero, kid."

"Better then the Dark Detective?" Sunday brightly asked, a wide smile spread across her muzzle.

"Yeah, even better then him" 'You're better then him now. Although, every now and again, he does suprise me, when he can put aside his own ego and actually help others' the Masked Matter-Horn thought as she began rushing some of Sunday Speinkles's ice pack to some of the injured.


"For Holder's Boulder!!!" Limestone shouted as she plummeted down to the earth, nailing a masked pony with a punch hard enough to shatter the metal mask she was wearing like it was made of glass. The no longer masked mare fell to the ground, unconscious as Limestone twirled around, teeth gritting, eyes sharply looking around for her next target. She didn't have to wait long before a good dozen or so Masked ponies circled her. Feeling outmatched but unwilling to show fear or weakness, Limestone flexed her muscles and yelled at the top of her lungs "COME AND GET SOME!!!"

The crowd of masked, mind controlled ponies closed in on Limestone, jumping at her, only for half of them to be knocked away by something grey and fast as lightning. The half that weren't knocked away landed punches and kicks on their target. Limestome took the hits, showed signs of brusing and cuts, but remained standing. After their blows made contact, the masked ponies were swiftly flung back by a lighting grey whirlwind.

Standing above several now unmaked ponies was Ignious Rock, a large sledge hammer flung over his shoulder. He didn't look it, but the older stallion could still swing such a tool as fast as lightning. Ignious readjusted his hat, expression still deadpan as he stated "Me thinks you lot made an unwise move attaching our daughter in such fashion."

The grey whirlwind calmed down and paused long enough to reveil Crystal Quarts with several chiseling tools in her hooves, a fierce look in her eye like a cobra. "Skilled, we are, at more then farming rocks."

The dark army pawns who still had unbroken masks got to their hooves, quickly joined by more of their ranks who had successfully taken down their opponents. Facing more opponents now then before, Limestone and her parents regrouped, and formed a triangular formation with their backs to eachother. Then, when the moment was right, the trio of earth ponies launched their attack, jumping out and striking down their foes, making sure to aim at their masks.


Swinging her spear with great precision, Rose Bud knocked down one opponent after another, making sure the end of her spear collided with one part of her enemy's armor before taking an immediate swing to hit one of their masks. Unlike the others fighting on Sunny's side who overheard princess Twilight shout to her friends about attacking or removing the masks the enemy wore, Rose Bud and her warriors found out by accident. Her spear ricocheted off the armor of one she was fighting and hit the jaw part of their mask. The sonic wave hit caused the mask to crumble and freed the pony underneath. Rose Bud's mother, Prim Rose, the previous leader of the Thals, was amung the warriors who followed Rose Bud's orders. She watched and kept an eye on her daughter as she led her troops into battle. The little filly she had raised back on Scaro had grown into a fine leader that she was proud to leave the position of chief to.

Unfortunatly, Rose Bud was the only warrior equipped with a spear that could use vibrationnas a weapon. She had a much easier time freeing the dark army pawns then her fellow warriors, but that didn't mean the other Thals or Kelads were useless in the battle.

"Archers!" One of the Thal warriors called out to his group as he pointed to a spread out hurd of dark army pawns equipped with bows and spears. The Dark archers made sure to position themselves a good distance away from themselves and their targets. All of them raising their loaded bows, taking aim at Rose Bud and her warriors.

"Everypony, draw back!" Rose Bud yelled her orders."Kaleds! Defend!"

The unicorn warriors dropped their weapons then pulled out small metallic devices, holding them out infront of them. When the dark archers released their arrows, clear blue light grew from their mechanical devises the Kaleds held, emmiting similar energy shields thay unicorns normally created. The energy shields folded over one another, forming a giant shield around Rose Bud and her warriors. Upon impact, the arrows sizzles and turned to ash, blowing away in the slight breeze, leaving the shield undamaged.

"Keep formation and advance to the archers!" Rose Bud ordered.

The group of Thals and Kaleds moved very slowly. Although their shields protected them from the Dark archer's arrows, they couldn't move very fast. The archers saw this and began moving out of their own formation, spreading around the shielded group of Thals and Kaleds to suround them.

"Kaleds, spread around!" Rose Bud saw what the archers were up to and had the Kaleds with their shields spread to completly cover them. Although the shields did reach fully around and cover them, the warriors from Scaro were now stuck in a bubble suroudnded by the enemy.

"What do we do now, sir?" One of the Kaled soilders asked Rose Bud.

"The shields might have a few more minutes of power left" another Kaled spoke up, sounding more then a bit nervous.

Taking a deep breath, Rose Bud began planning her attack. There was one archer closest to them that she could reach and take down in a few strides if she ran at top speed, after she took that one down, the others would surely go after her. But she was the only one who could achieve such a specific task.

Taking a few deep breaths, she instructed her soilders "Put down the shield infront of me. I'm going to take that archer down. While they are firing in me, all of you move to take down the archers closest to you. After I take that one down, I'll signal you all before I use my spear to create a sonic boom. That should distract some of the archers momentarily."

"Sir, that's crazy!" One of the Thal warriors commented, his voice shaky. "Isn't there another way?"

"There's no time to think up another plan" Rose Bud snapped. "Follow my orders."

Before Rose Bud gave the Kaled closest to her to drop his shield and let her out, Prim Rose put her hoof on her daughter's shoulder and kissed her forhead for good luck. This isn't the first time Rose Bud did anything dangerous, she actually did it quite often. But the stakes were much higher this time, and her mother could tell Rose Bud wasn't on a whim either. This wasn't a battle any of them could afford to lose.

Nodding to the Kaled to drop his shield, Rose Bud dashed through her opening and raced like the wind to the archer in her sights. Arrow after arrow began to fly through the air, aimed at Rose Bud. She managed to manuvor around where she guessed the arrows would fly. One thing she noticed about the dark archers, even though they appeared more calculating then the average dark army pawn, they were still predictable. By the time Rose Bud made it to her target, she had hit her spear on a rock, causing it to vibrate and activate its sonic abilities. She barely touched the archer's mask and the whole thing shattered, freeing the archer pony underneath.

Turning as fast as she could, Rose Bud tore the chest plate form the fallen dark archer, and tossed it into the air infront of her. Making sure to smack a rock on the ground to activate her spear again, Rose Bud pulled her spear back over head, ready to slam it down on the plate as hard as she could to create a forceful sound wave that should generate a good amount of energy and knock a few of the archers off their hooves, giving her warriors time to take them down and her a chance to rejoin them. The plan might have worked if another archer hadn't shot an arrow right at the base of her spear, activating it's sonic powers right before Rose Bud was ready. As her spear made contact with the chest plate, it made the armor shatter and turn to dust even worse then the mask she destroyed a second ago.

Looking up from the debris that had once been a chest plate, Rose Bud knew she had distracted the dark archers and given her fellow warriors a chance to attack. But she also knew without even looking up that more arrows were coming her way. Out of her peripheral vision, she saw a swarm of them all closing in on her. She had no time to dodge, nothing to hide behind, climb or drop down into. She could deflect a few arrows at best. But was there time enough now for her to react?

Just when the Thal leader thought this would be her final battle, a giant slate of rock appeared infront of her, atleast ten ponies high and wide! Rose Bud could hear the sound of the arrows hitting the other side of the slade of rock and bouncing off. Before she could process what had just happened, her eyes fell upon a grey coated mare, wearing a cobalt colored dress (if one could call such a basic piece of clothing a dress), and a purple mane cut strait at the bangs, with an expressionless muzzle. The mare who had come to Rose Bud's aid was holding up the giant slab of rock with one hoof, appearing relaxed as she held up a rock that would normally take ten to twelve ponies to hold.

"You ok?" The grey mare asked Rose Bud, her tone as flat and expressionless as her muzzle.

"Y-yes" Rose Bud managed to find her words. "Thank you."

"No problem" the grey mare flatly answered.

Not far off from where the archers were, Marble Pie had stationed herself flat on her belly, an odd looking wooden pea shooter with a long barrel in her hooves. The pea shooter she had a pair of small legs at its center for stability, and several extra tight rubber bands connected at the end of it to shoot the ammo through the barrel. Marble pulled back and ready for firing her ammo of choice.

Marbles, what else?

Taking a deep breath, Marble Pie loaded a marble into the long barrel pea shooter, a super tight rubber band pulled back ready to fire the marble. Marble Pie took aim at one of the archer's bows, and pulled the trigger. At top speed, the marble cut through the air faster then any arrow, and broke the archer's bow clear in half, leaving the dark archer weaponless, standing there in their confusion. Their only orders had been to use their bows and arrows to take down their enemies. Without their bows, they didn't know what to do and remained standing motionless. One after another after another, Marble shot the bows of the archers, disabling them.

One archer realized where the shots were coming from, looked over to see Marble Pie in the distance, took aim, and fired an arrow right at her!

Marble didn't expect retaliation, and froze. She didn't know whether to try and shoot the arrow down with one of her marbles or to try and run away. She just watched as the arrow seemed to slowly move through the air, the world slowed down as the arrow drew closer and closer to her.

Just when Marble started to regret following her sisters and parents here, a small shadow zoomed across the sky, knocking the arrow and saving Marble. Looking over at the thing that had saved her, Marble was shocked to see it was Boulder. Maud's pet rock.

Thinking quickly, Marble loaded her pea shooter and took aim at the archer who fired at her. She was suprised, though, to see that all the other archers had been defeated and demasked already by the Thals and Kaleds.

"Oh Boulder, you brave, brave fool" Marble turned to see Maud appeared at Boulder's side. The oldest Pie sister stroked there pet's head gently, noticing a scratch on his surface. "You always wanted to be a hero. Don't do it again. I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

Marble always thought her sister's choice of pets was odd, but it was even odder that she spoke with him as if he were alive and actually injured.

Picking Boulder up and putting him safely back in her pocket, Maud asked Marble "are you ok?"

To which Marble replied with her usual "mm-hmm".

"Good. Let's see how Limey, ma and pa are doing" Maud used the nick name Pinkie gave to her salty sister, feeling that might help relax Marble and her a bit. The battle wasn't over yet, but they needed to keep their heads on right.


"Just like old times?" Midnight Blossom asked her coltfriend as she slashed a weapon out of a dark army pawns hooves before doing a flip kick and sent the disarmed pawn flying.

Cloud Skipper blocked a dragon's claw with his magical blade. He remained standing, but was pushed back several inches. As the dragon took in breath, ready to expell its lungs worth of fire, Cloud Skipper seized the opertunity to slash at the mask on the dragon's face. The special ops pegasus guard only managed a scratch on the black metal mask, but it was enough to stop the dragon from breathing fire. He wished he could trust himself to cut the mask right in two and not harm the wearer, but Cloud Skipper knew he wasn't that skilled with a sword just yet. "Yeah. Old times."

Four more dragons came to the call of their allie, all also wearing Sombra's mind controlling mask. The dragons didn't go to their friend's aid, but rather turned their attention to Cloud Skipper, the one who inflicted the wound.

The white pegasus gulped, but steadied his nerves ad he held his blade infront of him, ready to dodge and attack, starting with the dragon on the far left.

"I'll take the right, you take the left?" Midnight Blossom whispered in Cloud Skipper's ear as she joined him, taking her own battle ready stance, one clawed hoof over head and one curled up, the stance almost gave her a look of a snake baring it's fangs.

The two of them being side to side like this brought Cloud Skipper back to the mission they had to take on while their third companion was MIA. They had gone on a search for their companion, Allister, when they were ambushed by a group of lizard people who were capturing creatures from the Everfree to sell in their home, Klugetown. The two royal guards had quite a fight on their hooves, the lizard people were quite strong. The fight was exilerating, and left the two guards physically exhausted. After they freed the captured creatures and turned the lizard people over to the royal guards posted at the edge of the Everfree forest, Cloud Skipper treated Midnight to a small feast at a local diner. It was there that he finnaly shared his true feelings for her. She knew all along and also feelings of love for him, but wanted him to have the guts to say it first. That was a day neither of them would forget.

"Equestria to Skipper, come in Skipper" Midnight Blossom hissed, pulling Cloud Skipper back from his trip down memory lane. "You taking the one on the left or what?"

Shaking his head Clear, Cloud Skipper nodded and agreed. "Right. I got the left."

The dragon's slowly approached the two guards, their claws raised like they were going to attack with them first before fire breath. Both Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom were about to leap into action when the dragons suddenly fell to their knees, arms falling to their sides. Although they were a little confused by this sudden change, both royal guards knew better then to let their guard down, even if the enemy appears defeated. In another moment, though, they knew they could relax. The dragons all fell over, their masks falling off to reveil that they had fallen asleep, their masks had lost all power once the dragons were out cold. Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom looked up, saw what had happened and began to relax from their battle stances.

Standing behind where the dragon's once stood was their third companion, a grey unicorn by the name of Charming Knight. His eyes glowing grey, having to sacrifice three of his senses to focus on controlling his newest power. A stream of grey shadow was protruding from the back of his head, curving and stretching out where it reached the dragons infront of them. At the end of the grey shadow was a monstrous pony's head wearing a black top had and bearing sharp white teeth. His beady, reptilian eyes turned from the four dragons he had incompasitated to look now at Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom. The other two guards winced at the shift in his attention, but tried to relax.

The ghost like head chuckled, it's top hat lifted as if an invisible hoof where tipping it to them, then the monstrous spector retreated back to Charming Knight. Once the grey shadow was completly gone, Charming Knight regained his senses, and stumbled a little. His two companions jumped to either side of him, to help him steady himself as he regained his footing. His voice was weak when he spoke, but he spoke with a smile. "Thanks guys. I'm still not used to that."

"Now isn't the best time to be using HIM" Cloud Skipper scolded his team leader, his expression as hard as he could make it.

"Probability not" Charming admitted then levitated his spear up to him. Casting the simple levitation spell after his spell to utilize his dark side, Charming Knightmare, was exhausting. Charming would need atleast twenty minutes to recover before attempting any further spells. "I think we have company."

A good two dozen Masked ponies gathered around the three guards, each weilding a weapon of some kind. Armed with spears, axes, swords, and hammers, the mind controlled ponies appeared to really mean buisness.

"Togeather?" Cloud Skipper moved into position, his sword held infront of him.

"Togeather" Midnight Blossom agreed with her special somepony, and took a crouching position, like a cat ready to pounce.

"Togeather" Charming Knight kept his smile as he took his spear in his hoof, ready to fight the enemy with or without magic.

Charming had changed so much since his run in with Sunny Knight and those friends of his. He learned that no pony is perfect, and you should never try and be. We all have our flaws, and those who really care about you won't care about your flaws. More so, it's OK to work with others and accept their help. That ponies are stronger in in hurd. These two other guards that Charming always teamed up with don't care what things he's done in the past or his current condition with his darker side. They accept him for who he is. They are ponies he feels he can whole heartedly depend on. That is true friendship.

The two dozen Masked ponies began to charge at them, weapons raised as they ran to their opponents. Charming Knight, Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom waited for just the right moment, then leaped into battle.

Jumping over the boys, Midnight Blossom attacked from above, her claw like blades outstretched giving her the appearance of a flying wild cat. She let out a hiss as she leaped onto the masked muzzle of a drone who was weilding a large hammer. Cloud made a quick side dash from Midnight's left to her right, avoiding an attack from a drone who swung a large ax that missed him and sunk into the dry ground. Cloud then used the hilt of his magical sword to bash the masked muzzle of a pawn in, shattering the mask, before twirling around and cutting the mask of the parn next to the first, splitting the mask in half. While his companions were busy with the ponies infront of them, Charming had turned his attention to the ponies who were attacking their flanks. Using skilled precision, Charming launched a number of attacked at the enemies pressure points. Although the pawns showed no sign of pain, their muscles still gave way when the right ones around the knees and elbows were hit. Charming managed to knock a few to the ground before using his spear to rip the mask from their muzzles. The three guards didn't escape completly unharmed, though.

A part with a short sword managed to get in close and landed a few cuts on Midnight Blossom, one especially across her left cheek. Cloud Skipper, while trying his best to avoid doing any real damage to the masked pawns, had his back left hoof smashed by a hammer. He managed to cut the mask off from the pawn who delivered the blow, but his hoof was definalty broken. Charming narrowly escaped having his ear cut off. He managed to duck in the nick of time to save his ear, but before he could dish out some counter attacks Charming had been hit by a spear several times from a single pawn. Wounds were all over his body, but he managed to take down the 6 guards who he was fighting.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom were in just as rough a state as he was. But the three guards never gave up. They struggled through the fight and were victorious. All the dark army pawns that tried to surround them were demasked and out cold.

"We beat them" Charming cracked a smile.

"We ain't out of the woods yet" Midnight Blossom pointed her clawed hoof behind Charming.

Both he and Cloud Skipper turned around to see possible thirty or more masked pawns marching their way.

Taking a deep breath, Charming turned about face, cracked his neck, then took a battle ready stance. "Guess we got our work cut out for us."

"You can say that again" Cloud Skipper added, taking his own battle stance, holding his sword out infront of him.

"We soooo severe a vacation after this" Midnight Blossom mumbled as she readied herself for the attack.


"Maybe if we combine out magic, we can drill through" Twilight suggested to Starlight and Sunburst.

"Combining magic takes a while" Starlight pointed out right before another explosion took place not far from them. "Besides, if we can't calmly consintrate, we could end up hurting ourselves. This isn't the best place for that."

"I could turn into something big, oh! Like a dragon! And just punch or claw my way through!" Thorax suggested, but was quickly stopped when Rosewood up a hoof to his chest.

Before he could ask what she did that for, she put her hoof to the ground. A wooden root sprouted from the ground and launched at the wall of dark crystal infront of them. As soon as the wood touched the Crystal, the dark crystals spread all across it, agressively stretching across the ground, and nearly reached Rosewood's hoof if Thorax hadn't ripped her away her away.

"Ok, not a good idea to touch it" Thorax sheepishly put Rosewood down.

Sunburst readjusted his glasses as he examined the wall of dark crystal. "I spent some time studying dark magic and the effects it has on magical crystals. I think we need somepony who can manipulate the dark crystals. Either make them part or disapear altogether."

Twilight looked nervously at the wall infront of them. "Its been a while since I used dark magic, and I don't know if I can overpower Sombra's."

Their conversation was interrupted by a monstrous howl as scrapping hoof noises approached them. Twilight and the others turned around only to realize they had been cornered by three umbrum. One that had avoided Sunny, and two who had struggled free from the prison tunnel! All of them senced the fear in the pony's hearts, cracked toothy smiles, and began salivating at the thought of a meal.

Twilight and her friends were now trapped between an evil wall of dark crystal and a trio of starving Umbrum.


Mourning Cloak cracked a smile despite her wound Princess Celestia gave her. Ignoring Celesria charging up for another attack, Mourning Cloak's voice slithered from her sharp teeth as she told Celestia "I think you have bigger fish to fry…"

Following Mourning Cloak's gaze, Celestia quickly peered behind her and saw two situations that required her immediate attention; her son was barely holding his own against two Umbrum who appeared to be draining energy from him while they switch off lashing at him with their shadowy hooves and hitting him with their heads, all the while Twilight and her friends who had retrieved Cadence and her family were cornered by three umbrum, backed against a dark crystal wall!

"Oh decisions, decisions" Mourning Cloak egged Celestia on, her wound slowly healing. "Do you aid your only son, or your faithful student who has your precious adopted niece? Or you could do what 'I' would do and finish off your enemy while they are weak."

Turning back to look at the loathsome Mourning Cloak, Celestia could see right through her ruse. Celestia followed her heart and took to the sky to aid both her son and her student if she could, not knowing exactly how, but she would do both at the same time.

As the princess of the sun flew away, Mourning Cloak chuckled to herself. Things worked out perfectly. She knew the pure hearted princess wouldn't let anything happen to her abomination of a son or stooge of a student. This gave Mourning Cloak a chance to heal herself and survey the area. She didn't just needs to poison the Crystal Heart with dark magic, she also needed to supply the umbrum with some more… incentive. If she managed to throw to them somepony emotionally strong, have the pony completly engrossed in the dark abyss prison, she knew the other umbrum could drain ever drop of fear from their heart. Not enough to feed them all, but just enough to wet their appetites. She eyes all the creatures around her who were fighting with all their might, looking for just the right victim.


Celestia couldn't decide who to help, but Sunny was closer to her then Twilight had been, so the princesses of the sun went tight for him. As she neared her son, Celestia was shocked to see somepony else appear in a flash of green light next to her son, coming to his rescue. She didn't recognize him at first without his armor, crown or cloak. But that rugged jaw, that slick mane, and that broad chest, there was no mistake. It was Sombra. HER Sombra. He had returned!

Sombra had kneeled down next to Sunny, who was barely able to stand. He put his hoof on Sunny's back and stroked it, doing his best to comfort his son. Sunny's eyes flickered, his vision burned as he looked up at the pony who came to his aid and swore he was dreaming. "D-dad?…"

"Its OK, son, I'm here" Sombra beamed at his son, his voice softer then it had been in over 1000 years, yet still so strong. "You take it easy, catch your breath for a sec. Let your old man take care of your cranky cousins."

A wide smile grew across Sunny's face as he relaxed on the ground, but forced himself to stay awake, not wanting to miss anything. Sombra turned his attention to the Umbrum who appeared confused, but more nourished and vicious then before. They had a taste of fear that lay behind courage, and it was the most suculant, most hardy, most nutritious, thing the they ever tasted. And they wanted more.

"BE gone!" Sombra ordered as he stomped his hoof, glaring at the Umbrum who looked at his son as a meal. The Umbrum wavered, but didn't retreat. Insulted by their feral ways, Sombra dug deep within himself and found a source of magic he didn't know he had. The royal Canterlor voice. "I SAID, BE GONE!!!"

The thunderous tone rocked the umbrum to their core and made their smoky bodies shiver. The monsters stepped back and began to slowly retreat before turning around and breaking into a full gallop back towards Mourning Cloak.

Sombra turned his attention to the sky to see his beloved Celestia hovering above, her hard expression had melted away. Looking her in the eye, in just that split second, he was able to put her mind at easy, saying he would keep their son safe. She accepted that and went to help her student.

Sombra's expression turned hard again as he focused his mind, his green magical aura flairing around him, something else was backing up his magical energy now that he faught with Valor in his heart. He could feel it. The Crystal Heart itself was aiding him in both recovery and preparation for the fight at hoof. His eyes met with the detestable gaze of his own sneering mother, who looked upon Sombra as if he were the second most distasteful creature in the world.


Twilight focused her thoughts to channel dark magic while the others kept the three Umbrum at bey. Starlight kept firing blasts of magic at the shadowy creatures while Rosewood lashed out at them with thorny whipped she grew from her tail, and Thorax turned into some sort of large insect that shot off lightning, but the umbrum seem little, if at all, fazed by their attacks. Meanwhile Sunburst was hastily flipping through one of his spell books to try and find something to push the umbrum away.

It was a long couple of moments, but Twilight finally was able to channel her inner rage, anger and hatred and sew it into her magic. When she did, she had to focus only on blasting her magic at the dark Crystal wall and was oblivious to the world around her. If she wasn't having to focus so hard on the dark magic coursing through her, she would have seen her teacher, Princess Celestia arrive in the nick of time to blast the umbrum away with a beams of her own magic. The umbrum retreated, turning into shadow and smoke, back to Mourning Cloak and the umbrum who had just been chased off by Sombra.

It wasn't until Twilight felt the aiding presence of another magic user that she turned her head and peek at the pony beside her. She relaxed for a second when she saw her help was coming from Princess Celestia herself. Togeather, both the princess of the sun and the princess of friendship blasted the dark crystal wall away, reducing it to little more then rubble, that quickly crumbled into dust and blew away into the wind. Behind the wall none other then the elderly mare who instructed Twilight to get Cadence and her family to the Crystal Heart.

Sunburst and Starlight levitated the dark orb containing the royal family up to the Crystal Heart as everypony else followed.

"Bring them over here" the elderly Amore instructed, waving a hoof over to a spot right infront of the Crystal Heart.

For a good long moment nothing happened, everypony sat and waited, wondering what was going to happen, if anything. The only pony who seemed confident in this action was the elderly Amore, who calmly sat back and waited. After several painfully long moments, the dark bubble containing the royal family, began to change color, fading and becoming less dark by the moment, until it was a clear blue color.

"Cadence must have cast this to keep her and her family safe" the elderly Amore stated as she studdied the now clensed bubble more closely. "She was smart to do so. It kept them all togeather. Otherwise that witch, Mourning Cloak would have had three separate hostages to use. The magic should wear off soon, and they should wake up."

"I'm sorry, who?" Sunburst asked, pushing his glasses up again, appearing still confused.

Princess Celestia turned her gaze towards the battle feild and the monstrous mare she left battle wounded. The sun princesse's eyes narrowed as she thought about how much she would have to pay that wicked mare back for all the pains he caused her loved ones.

"Mourning Cloak…." The elderly Amore repeated the name. Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, the kelpy Ipsy, the Petle Pony Rosewood, and reformed changeling King Thorax, all listened intently as Amore's gaze also traveled to the distant image of Mourning Cloak. "A true monster. Born centuries ago from the fear of a small, but powerful foal, she only lives to fill others with fear and feed on it. She had two other siblings. One I don't know where they went, and the other, well, some of you knew him as Pappy."

"Wait! Pappy is an Umbrum!?" The words burst from Twilight's mouth.

"Yes, he is" Amore tore her eyes away from the battle field and lowered her head, tears I her eyes. "He was a wild and untamed creature when I first met him, but he was different then Mourning Cloak. He saw fear as a tool to prank others and was able to sustain a healthy amount of it from their suprise, which never did much harm with others. He lived with me, here, in this very castle. He took a pony form to better blend in with society. Seeing him adapt and even make friends with ponies lead me feel like other Umbrum could do the same."

"Is that why you went misssing?" Starlight asked, chiming in for the first time in this conversation.

Amore nodded. "I thought I could reach out and speak with them the way I did when I first met Pappy. The one I spoke with was half imprisoned and had been trying to claw her way out. She said she wanted to help make the world a better place for her and her kind. She weaved her words so I believed her to be a kind and caring ruler who wanted what was best for her kind. I thought we were kindred spirits. I offered my hoof to help her, only, she betrayed me. Weakened by forcing her way through the umbrum prison, she nestled her smoke and shadow body in mine, faught me for control, and unfortunately won. She took my body over and used my body to do terrible things."

Her attention turned to princess Celestia, who up until then, had a fix on Mourning Cloak in the distance. The princess of the sun softened her expression and looked down at the elderly mare.

"I'm so sorry for all the heart ache I caused you and Sombra" Amore's voice was shaky. "I couldn't stop her. We both saw that he loved you, to the point that you had his child. It pained me to see you had to keep your love a secret, and it disgusted her that her own son had a child with a pony… she doesn't know what love is. To her, family are just others to use and control."

The rage that Celestia felt for Mourning Cloak had increased substantially, but the praise from Amore for the love she shared with her beloved Sombra eclipsed all negative feelings Celestia had. After all, before Cadence, Amore was the closest to a princess of love. After all, her name literary translates to 'love'. Reforcusing herself, Celestia spoke in a softer form of her regal tone. "Thank you for sharing all of this. You were very brave. I'm so sorry suffered with that creature for so long. Time is of the essence. Do you have any idea how to stop her?"

A loud popping noise causdd everypony ot turn away from the elderly Amore. Everypony turned to see the protective bubble Cadence and her family were in had popped. Shinning Armor, Flurry Heart and Cadence herself fell lightly onto the ground. Slowly, they all began to open their eyes, the world blurry to them at first, their heads felt fluffy, as if waking up from a long mid day nap.

"Ugh, where… are we?" Cadence asked, her voice groggy as she spoke.

"What happened?" Shinning Armor's voice clearing a bit as he spoke, but still sounding as bad as his wife.

"Goooo gooo" Flurry let out followed by a yawn and a streach before she flapped her wings a little.

"Are you two alright!?" Twilight rushed over to her brother and sister-in-law after seeing Flurry appeared to be fine.

Shaking his head Clear, Shinning looked around, a little confused. "I think… I was having some sort of…"

"A bad dream" Celestia spoke up. "Thanks to Mourning Cloak."

"A Dream? It was all a bad dream? Wait, who?" Cadence shook her head clear, having a hard time believing such a vivid nightmare wasn't real.

"Long story" Twilight interrupted, appearing very anxious. "But right now we have to-"

"LET HIM GO!" Sombra's words could be heard over all the sounds of the battle feild, causing every creature, including the ones still under the hypnotizing spell, to turn towards Mourning Cloak, who had snagged Sunny in her putrid brown magical aura. She had snarred him and dragged him across the battle feild to where she stood.

The witch hissed at her son as he approached her, galloping at top speed. She cast a second spell to blast him and every other creature around her away, putting atleast 50 yards of distance between her and any creature else. She squeezed Sunny tightly in her aura as she hissed at Sombra "You Disgrace! You're just like your father! Well, atleast you did one thing right. You brought our family a nice, juicy meal-"

Mourning Cloak was interrupted when an orange mare hopped on her back. The freckled farm pony yelled right in her ear "let mah stallion go!"

The wicked umbrum empress chuckled as she made her body transparent, sending Applejack to the ground at her hooves. Applejack turned around, about to jump for Sunny in a desperate attempt to free him from Mourning Cloak, when she notices what he was positioned over. Mourning Cloak had him dangling over the tunnel opening into the Umbrum prison!

"Well, if you want me to let him go, I guess I could give you that as a wedding present…" Mourning Cloak teased as she released Sunny from her mercy magical aura.

Time seemed to slow down as everypony watched Sunny plummet down the vertical tunnel into pure darkness. Most grasped in horror, but none more then Applejack, who was standing right there. Thinking as fast as she could, jumped for him, her hoof outreach for his. Her only thoughts were to grab him and use all her strength to pull him to safety. Diving for him and sliding on the rough ground, her hoof streachdd out as far as she could for her beloved fiancé.

But it came up an inch too short.

Applejack watched as Sunny looked back at her with a horrified look on his muzzle as he faded into pure darkness. Applejack only sat by for a moment as it all set in, Mourning Cloak chuckling at her minor victory, her words Applejack couldn't make out, her mind was dead set on one thing. Going after Sunny.

Without a second thought, Applejack jumped after Sunny, falling into cold, pitch black, darkness, the world of light above vanished faster then she expected. She didn't know how deep the tunnel went, whether or noth something soft was going to cushion her fall, or what exactly awaited her at the bottom. The only thing in her mind was Sunny, nothing else seemed to matter at that point. He needed her, and she was going to be there for him.

Author's Note:

Authors notes; wow… I have never written a single chapter that long, ever! But then again, this was kinda the Endgame chapter of my story. I had to delve deep into previous chapters to get alot of the characters names and descriptions right. The easy ones were the Pie family or any characters from the shows, but ones just references like the Griffin Prince Razor Claw, that one I had to go back and see what name I used.

Also, I never meant to, but I apparently described the owl known as Toast very similarly to how someone might describe Mad-eye Moody in the Harry Potter series. I never meant for that. I was describing the creature to my wife and she pointed that out. Just a funny coincidence.
It looks like things are wrapping up. Sorry it took so long for this chapter, but you can see why. It's longer then alot of stand alone FIM fics out there.

Butni do want to give a big shout out to all my readers out there who have stuck by me through all of this.

Thank you all! You're all just wonderful!

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