• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,956 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Warm Winter Memories

Looking down at the Lands below, King Sombra’s eyes barely caught the faint outline of the Windigos as they ran through the skies creating more storms as their cries became the howling winds.

‘They are so similar, my kind and these creatures’ Sombra thought to himself, preparing to go deeper into thought when somepony’s presents interrupted his internal monologue.

Holding his head up high and looking down on the now kneeling pony in black armor, Sombra’s words once again rang like a dragon’s roar. “What is it?”

“Sir, we have re-captured Charming Knightmare” Snowstorm stares as he got up, looking onto the shadow king, but not in the eye. “What shall we do with him?”

Exhaling his heals breath, Sombra though how best to deal with Charming’s failure and betrayal. The shadow king knew the dream bending unicorn had gone against his wishes and deliberately tried to hurt his son, even if he was just in a dream. The punishment should be hard and leave a lasting memory.

“Take him to cell block E, and have him placed in one of the two cells, with the Amulet stripped from him and placed in the other” Sombra began to order his most loyal guard. “Make sure his horn is restricted by our best inhibitor ring. And leave him chained up in the cell, facing the Amulet.”

‘His thirst and need to be connected to the Amulet will drive him even more insane then he was before. I’ll break him and pick up the pieces later’ the King thought as he turned his back to Snowstorm.

“It will be done, Sir” Snowstorm commented. “Also, It appears that former prince Soleggiato has gathered-“

“He ‘is’ And always will be ‘prince’” Sombra fling around and snapped at Snowstorm, who stumbled a little. “‘My’ son will always be a prince, Say for the day he becomes ‘king’, is that understood?!”

Taking in a breath to steady himself, Snowstorm gathered the courage to nod and continue. “Y-yes Sir! Ugh, well, your son the prince, he seemed to have gathered a group of friends and are now calling themselves ‘the New Guardians of Harmony’.”

‘He’s made friends... even more surprising, they all formed a bond strong enough to raise to Guardian level?’ Sombra needed to refer to his scrolls and books to do more research on the previous ‘Guardians’, but that was work for later. A chill ran in the air that forced a memory into the shadow King’s mind.

Turning back to the ledge, Sombra took a deep breath and looked back to the Windigos before instructing Snowstorm to “Leave. And carry out my orders.”

With slight hesitation, Snowstorm bowed once more and left his King to remember days so long ago....

It was Harths warning eve, and Sombra, Radiant Hope, Pappy, and Sunny had all gathered in a room located at the tallest tower of the Crystal Empire castle. The room was secluded and very private due to it’s location. The room was normally used by the ruler for private meetings between other rulers or military ponies, but on this day, Sombra made sure to have the place decorated for a very special guest.

Tearing his eyes away from the clock, Sunny, now rather lengthy in his adolescent years, looked to his father with great worry on his maturing muzzle. “It’s getting really late... do you think she’s ok?”

Keeping his composure and showing no worry at all, despite how he really felt, Sombra smiled at his son and replied “I’m sure she’s just running a little behind. She’s been planing this all month long. It’s not easy for her to actually get ahead of her duties, but thanks to her sister’s help, I know she’ll make it in time to spend Hearths Warming with us.”

“If there’s anypony who can do it, it’s your mom” Radiant appeared next to Sunny with a small plate of cookies for him and Pappy.

The young prince and the elderly stallion had been locked in an epic game of chess for some time. To help get his mind off of the absent guest of honor, Sombra approached their game and looked at the board. What a stalemate.

“Who’s turn is it?” Sombra asked.

Swallowed by a large bite of a cookie, Pappy answered. “Ah reckon it’s Sunny’s turn.”

Looking at the board again then to Sunny, the king asked his son “What were you planning to do? It looks like you were trying to stalemate. I know you’re great at these games, why force it to a draw when you could have a swift victory?”

“Your right, father” Sunny admitted. “I was trying to see if I could force a draw. I want to be able to stop conflict both with swift action as well as careful planning.”

Levitating a piece off the board, Sombra looked at it then at Sunny. “You know, if I had to say which piece on the board you were, I’d say you were the rook.”

“The rook?” Sunny raised a brow.

“Yes, the rook” Sombra continued. “You always go in one strait direction or another. Once you set your mind to something, you don’t diverge from the path. And when you have the choice, I see you put other’s safety before your own.”

Cheeks turning slightly red, Sunny scratched the back of his head and tore his eyes away from us father’s for a moment. “You.... you heard about what happened at school the other day, didn’t you?”

“About how you helped that fully get her angry cat you of the tree? And how after you levitated it to the ground it clawed you? Or about how you saw a mare struggling with her groceries and helped her walk home to the other side of the Empire? Making yourself late for Floogal horn practice?” Sombra’s faint smile never wavered as he put the piece back on the board. “You remind me so much of your mother, Sunny. Your laugh, your smile, going out of your way to help out other ponies-“

“You miss her a lot, don’t you dad” Sunny interrupted his father, shaking the king a little. For those who knew Sunny well, they recognized that when he was being formal with Sombra, he addressed him as ‘Father’, but when the young prince spoke from his heart, formalities aside, he called Sombra ‘Dad’. Each time the dark grey unicorn king heard himself be called that, his heart warmed up, just like the holiday they celebrated.

Taking a deep breath and looking his son in the eye, their emerald eyes meeting once more, Sombra no longer forced a smile, but let one spread free across his muzzle. “I miss her terrably. I wish nothing more then for us to be together as a family. But you know, son, when I’m with you, I feel close to her. Like a little light of hers is here with us, in you.

“You may be so much like her, but you are so different too” Sombra continued. “I see how brave you are, how kind you can be, how mischievous you claim ‘not’ to be...”

“Like we don’t know where he gets all that from” Radiant smiled as she offered Sombra a small plate of cookies as well.

“I afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about” Sombra’s smile grew as he but into a soft chocolate chip cookie.

“Really?” Pappy chummed in, having woken up from a short nap he was taking while Sombra and Sunny spoke. “Ah remember seein’ ah lil’ grey colt and lil’ purple filly try and sneak into the castle one time or another.”

“Yeah! Like that time we rearranged all the portraits in the west wing!” Raidiant spoke up with glee. “That was so hallarious!”

“Princess Amore thought ‘I’ had done it to mess with her and her group of guests coming that day!” Pappy chuckled to himself. “Jokes on her, though, I had already pulled my prank by adding green food dye to the cake batter for the occasion!”

“Pappy!” Sunny and Sombra symmotaniously rolled their eyes, but still smiled.

“No wonder we can’t keep negotiations with Yakyakistan” Radiant shook her head.

“Actually, they loved it” Pappy continued to chuckle. “But poor princess Amore forced herself to eat what her guest thought and called ‘Allege bread cake’.”

In the midst of their conversation, there came a tapping, a rapping upon the chamber door. Then with a flapping, the unexpected guest entered the room from an open window, no longer wanting to wait for Somepony to open the door.

It was a snowy owl, a creature well adapted to the harsh frozen lands surrounding the Crystal Empire. The bird flew into the room, looked around and landed on the chess board, knocking the pieces over, and dropping a letter before taking off once again, but this time, flying up to a bust of palace above the chamber door, where he sat and watched quietly at the ponies, and nothing more.

Looking at the letter, Sunny noticed it was addressed to his father, and passed it to him.

“If that’s yer letter to magical school, they’re ah little late” Pappy chuckled to himself, no pony else getting the joke.

Opening the letter, King Sombra began to read it’s contents out loud, a smile growing on his muzzle the more he read...

“Dearest Sombra,

I’m terribly sorry it’s taken me this long to arrive. An avalanche has caused some issues in a near by town. My sister and I were on our way to the Empire but had to stop and aid the snowed in ponies. No pony is hurt but they are locked out of their homes. We shouldn’t be too long and will get there before morning. But tell Sunny to get to bed. He needs his sleep. I can’t wait to see him. He’s been looking more and more like you every time I see him. Give him my love, and tell him if he’s good, he’ll have an extra special gift under the tree this year.

-love, you know who

PS, the owl’s name, my sister told me, is name is Foresight, and was willing to deliver the letter in exchange for a warm place to sleep the night. Please accommodate, I know you don’t care for birds, but she is a rather sweet old girl.

Looking up at the elderly owl, everypony noticed she was fast asleep, warmed by the glow by crystals that lined the tower wall, providing warmth and light.

“You heard your mother, off to bed, mister” Sombra nudged Sunny with his muzzle.

Sunny didn’t have to be asked twice. He knew the sooner he got to bed, the sooner Hearths Warming game, and the sooner he’d see his mother. So off to bed he ran, as if gifts were waiting for him there.

Once the young one was gone, and Radiant also left to call it a night, Pappy and Sombra picked up the pieces to the chess board and began to play a game themselves.

“I hate to say it, but that boy of yours is too kind for the role he’ll have to play” Pappy’s voice was rather flat.

Sighing, Sombra moved his first piece. “Hopefully Princess Amore will return and I can step down.”

Moving a piece to counter Sombra’s move, Pappy also commented “I’ve searched high and low for her, but have yet to turn anything up.”

“I have faith in you, old friend” Sombra said with a hopeful smile. “If there’s anypony who can find her, it’s the great ‘Raring Mountain’ himself.”

Waving a hoof, Pappy shook off the complement. “Ah’m just ‘Pappy’ now. That name belongs in the past. But yer right, and ah won’t give up. It breaks mah heart ya see you, her and yer little one separated. Maybe one day ya’ll can just live under one roof, not two separate castles.”

‘One day....’ Sombra repeated the two words, carrying with them an echo of hope that would one day turn to hate....

“One day...” a tear fell from the Shadow King’s eye as his heart remembered something. Despite all that happened, despite her betrayal... Sombra still loved that mare who held his heart, and gave him a son....

Traveling down the seemingly endless stairs, Snowstorm’s fury deep inside began to bubble. ‘That arrogant Foal! How blind does he have to be to turn away from such a great father! He doesn’t know what it’s like! To have your father constantly disappointed in you! To have no pony on your side!’

Memories began to flood back to Snowstorm of a time of when he and his brother were in grade school, back before he even became a royal guard or had a chance at his father’s love...

“Watch your right side!” Snowstorm barked at his brother, levitating a wooden sword with his magic to strike out at his brother.

Ace, a young white colt, a unicorn like his brother, quickly maneuvered his wooden sword to block his brother’s attack. “Thanks, But you too!”

Countering and attacking just like his older brother, Ace made a more bold and daring move to hit Snowstorm. The grey unicorn could have easily hit his younger brother, but hesitated, and instead allowed his brother to just barely graze him, winning the sparing match.

Moments after the two got a drink and sat on a park bench, admiring not only their new Hearts Warming gifts from their father but also the over all scenery. All around ponies appeared to be heading to their family’s for celebrating, singing carols along the way, decorations lined the streets, homes and shops, giving Canterlot an over all warm feeling. A feeling that Ace could sense eluded Snowstorm.

Sighing, Ace nudged his brother. “I know you could have gotten me back there, if you wanted to.”

“If I did, you would have gotten hurt” Snowstorm wasn’t surprised his brother knew of his hesitation to strike.

“Not badly though,” Ace joked around a bit more. “Besides, mom and dad probably figured we’d get a little scratched and bruised. Why else would they give us these?”

“Mom was against it, and father wanted ‘you’ to be able to use a sword’ Snowstorm’s tone remained as flat as week old soda. “He’d ground me for months if we came back and you were hurt.”

“You know he loves you too” Ace tried to reach out to his brother.

“No he doesn’t” Snowstorm snapped and jerked away, anger building up, but was quickly doused. “I just... I just want him to be proud of me like he is of you...”

Knowing how their father treated Snowstorm, there was no ‘he loves you too, he just doesn’t show it’ or ‘he loves you deep down’. There was really only one thing Ace learned he could say to pull his brother out of his funk.

“Listen, that old stallion can yell and harp at you all he wants, but fact of the matter is, when you and I are awesome royal guards, skilled and have mares lining up to date us, he’s going to be an old and grouchy stallion who has to eat waterlogged oats.” Ace always had a way to paint a picture for his brother.

As he imagined the vivid image that his brother had painted, Snowstorm’s mood began to lighten until the thought of an ancient looking version of his father filled his mind, and the idea of him being too old to eat regular oats made the grey unicorn start to laugh uncontrollably!

As he laughed, Ace began to laugh at his brother’s laughter, and the two brothers began laughing there for a good while, ignoring ponies who looked at them, with slight concern, as they passed by the two chuckling colts.

That day, Snowstorm would always look back on and remember whenever things got tough for him. Because of his father or other wise. And he would remember that at least one pony thinks highly of him....

Remembering his brother, Snowstorm paused on a step, took of his black helmet and gazed at his own reflection. His eyes lost the look of rage and reflected only the deep sadness in his heart. ‘I miss you brother... but I have my
Duties. And I won’t let King Sombra down. He needs a son by his side. And I need a father to look up to.’

Taking his helmet and slamming it back on his head, Snowstorm began moving faster down the staircase, a plan brewing in his mind....

At the far end of the Everfree forest, overlooking a large gorge with giant eels, Salted Carmel watched a single snowflake fall from the sky, carrying with it something the stallion had lost long ago...

The town was coated in snow, so much so that the two dozen or so houses that made it up looked more like tiny white powder covered mounds then homes. The many mountains covering the area, rich with ore and other materials, served as a great source of trade for the town. One good in particular was the salt in the large lake that town was built by. Large amounts of salt could be harvested from it and used to preserve goods as well as be harnessed for the basic seasoning. The town, in fact, was founded many years ago by a brave adventurer who’s descendants have a small and humble home to this very day.

Stepping into the that very home was a large stone color stallion, almost taller then the door frame itself. A large beard covered most of his muzzle, and two yellow beady eyes stuck out just over the top of it, but beneath his large beard was a fun and caring laugh.

“Ha Ha Ha! Well, we’re home Prez!” The large stallion, known thought the town as Mining Tune, called out to his wife who was once again busy in the kitchen.

Pretzel Bits was hard at work with a new project of hers. A quiet cream colored, earth pony mare, she kept her mane tied up in a bun atop her head to keep it out of her eyes. Upon her little muzzle were a small, elegant pair of glasses that she still strained herself to see out of as she hopped from cook book to cook book. The mare had her cook books and food ‘experiments’ all around the kitchen, and rarely payed attention to anything else other then when her husband or her son came home.

And wouldn’t you know it, following behind his large father, was their chubby but jolly son, Snicker Doodle. The little colt looked just like his father when he was younger with his rather chubby body and large appetite. But like his mother’s parents, the colt was colored light chocolate brown with a two toned orange mane. His eyes, though, were just like his mother’s, a light blue. The child had a hard time making friends, much like his mother, due to his shy and gentle nature. But there was no doubt to either of his parents, though, that he would grow up to be a sweet hearted stallion that would make many friends and sweep any mare off her hooves. They just needed to raise him to be that strong stallion they both knew he could be. Which is why young Snicker started going to work with his father on the week ends. It helped him work out those growing muscles of his as well as mingle with the other friendly stallions.

As the colt went to wash up for dinner, his mother prepared a congratulations treat for her son, his favorite treat.

When the colt hopped up at the table, he was surprised to see not only a plate of warm vegetables and fresh bakes bread with a bowl of his family’s secret recipe chowder, but also a few cubes of his favorite treat. Salted Carmel candy cubes....

Tears fell from his eyes as Salted remembered the first thing of his old life in years. He knew what he needed to do. He needed to find his home town and seek out his parents... to do that, the muscular stallion would need a heading. Looking up into the start sky, he noticed a rather dark grey cloud with a once thought abandoned factory built on top of it. It was the old Rainbow Factory. Getting up, Salted knew what he wanted now, but he would need a bird’s eye view to figure out a direction....

Breathing heavily, Surgical Scalpel’s body began to jerk as the sound in his ears began to overcome him. The crown Sombra had synthesized, connecting it’s wearer to the entire hive of changelings, was beginning to warp the medical pony’s mind even more. More and more chattering, scratching, hissing, flapping and scurrying began to fill the pony’s mind. As the light purple earth-pony’s body began to twitch like a beetle emerging from a chrysalis, memory after memory began to be pressed down, allowing better control for the crown’s user. One memory in particular stuck out, though...

It was a cold winters day in Manehatten, and Surgical couldn’t wait for school to be let out. He was trying to read the latest medical book the library had recently gotten in when a spit wad came out of nowhere, pegging the glasses wearing colt on the head. Surgical tried his best to ignore it, but several more spit soaked wads of paper soon followed suit. Right as Surgical was about to get up and lose his normally cool temper, the teacher walked in.

“Alight, settle down class” the mare spoke in a soft, sweet tone. Mrs. Sugar Cookie smiled as she began passing out last week’s tests. “I’m happy to say you all passed, and even more happy to see some of you went the extra mile and did the extra credit on the last page.”

When the teacher got to Surgical, She paused and handed his back to him with several golden stars on the front with 120%!

“You should be very proud” Mrs. Sugar Cookie told Surgical with a wide smile before moving to the next student.

After class, every pony rushed out to get home as soon as possible, wanting to start their Hearths Warming school break with either a sweet treat, warm cup of hot coco, or to grab their gear for some snow sports. Well, almost everypony.

After getting kicked down by Bronze Brander, the strongest bust also the dumbest kid in school, Surgical scrambled to grab his test that he hoped to show to his mother. But before he could, Bronze snatched it up and began showing it off to all his friends.

“Awww... looky here! Looks like old four-eyes got another special grade!” The thug began riling up his small crowd of friends.

“Give it back!” Surgical got to his hooves and began looking all round him for something to use against his bully.

“Or what? You’re gunna tell the teacher on me again?” Bronze spoke in an even more mocking tone. “Is that all you can do? Cry to mommy? Cry to the teacher? What a baby!”

“At least my head’s not so full of rocks that I didn’t realize I was standing in wet cement!” Surgical began to chuckle as he looked at the ground beneath Bronze’s hooves.

Looking down to where Surgical was pointing, Bronze Brander and his group took their eyes off Surgical just long enough for the small earth pony to run up, jump, grab his test from Bronze, and make a b-line for his apartment building. Surgical acted so fast it took the bully a moment to realize what exactly happened and begin chasing after the sly and witty colt. He was never standing in cement, but was foolish enough to take several moments to realize it was a trick.

Running as fast as his short legs could carry him, Surgical bounced down alleyway after alleyway, trying to put as much distance between him and the group of ponies chasing after him. Knocking over trash cans and hiding behind dumpsters, doing whatever it took to avoid getting caught. After about three close calls, Surgical thought he had lost the group, and came out from hiding behind the dumpster of an old shoe store. The smell was terrible, but must have driven his pursuers away.

“Got cha!” Bronze scared what little courage Surgical had right out of him as he and his toughest looking friend appeared out of nowhere.

He grabbed Surgical, flipped up the lids of the dumpster, and tossed the colt inside! Right before they shut the lid, Bronze flashed Surgical’s 120% test at him before ripping it to pieces as throwing it to the wind, then slamming the dumpster flaps shut.

Hours later, Surgical emerged from the dumpster, eyes blood shot from the tears he didn’t want any pony to see, smelling of old shoes. After taking a long walk of shame, Surgical made his way back home only find a note from his mother on the counter with a plate of cookies. Taking a cooking in his mouth, Surgical began reading the note;

Hey honey,

Hope school is still going well. I heard about your awesome test results from your teacher the other day at the market. I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, but I told you you were a prodigy! I know you’ll do great things one day, just like your father did.

As a treat, I got you a special something to entertain you while I’m at work tonight. Sorry, it’s going to be another all nighter. But I should be back tomorrow morning. Get plenty of sleep and enjoy the gift.

-love mom

After eating one more cookie, Surgical turned to the gift that was placed next to the note. Eager to help sooth the pains of today, Surgical began ripping off the paper. Once the box was free from it’s wrapping, Surgical could hardly believe what he saw!

It was the deluxe health science kit from Canterlot! The ‘deluxe’ edition!!!! All the stores in Manehatten were sold out of it! She must have either ordered it or made the trip herself! And it wasn’t cheap either... it... it wasn’t cheap...

Looking around the apartment Surgical had grown up with his mother in. The colt noticed nothing in there even came close to the same price as this gift. Not his mother’s best dress, nor their ‘good’ China, nothing. And his mother could have used the money to either get him some new cloths, herself better scrubs for her job, but he thought about the other gifts under the tree and noticed most of them were for him from her, with one or two from her parents to his mother.

Looking at the note one last time, Surgical began to cry again as he made a vow to himself and his mother; ‘I’m going to be a great, famous and rich doctor. I’m going to make enough money for you to move out of this trashy apartment and for us to never have to struggle ever again!....’

That memory came back to Surgical, but quickly passed as it was pushed to the furthest corners of his mind. Only the hive remained, hissing, scratching, flapping, scratching... now the physical change has begun...

Looking down from the platform, Cynical couldn’t help but smile at his work. It was nice of King Sombra to give him the idea to pick up ‘volunteers’ for the Rainbow Factory durning the riots that followed that siren’s shows.

In the midst of the chaos, while everypony was filled by anger and chanting the words of ‘anarchy’ and ‘down with the princesses’, no pony bothered to notice so many rich, wealthy, and popular ponies go missing. He did it all by himself, with his own two wings, and a pair of gloves for those wings, each outfitted with sharp knives that would stretch out and be maneuvered like claws. They prevented the wearer from flying, but Cynical had ways of getting around unnoticed with even a ‘volunteer’ wrapped up all nice and to go.

Back to the Rainbow Factory, he would take them. Back to the dark steel factory of long forgotten pain and suffering. And onward to their more ‘noble’ cause. Making ‘Spectra’.

“You see....” Cynical began to explain, both to the drone soldiers as well as to anypony else listening(possibly an audience). “These machines here that the ponies are hooked up to begin to slowly drain the individual’s of their ‘spectra’, the magical force that makes our world bright and colorful! I have read a story a while back about a fare more... let’s say ‘rated R’ version on how to extract spectra, but we can’t do that in a story rated ‘everyone’. Shame, but...”

Just as Cynical was about to explain further about the machines and how they work to safely extract color essentially from ponies, his black and green eyes saw something. Something that, for the first time in a long long time, had broken Cynical free from his monsterous thoughts and took him back to a time before the pain, the loss, the frozen tears.

“Golden...” the name blew out of Cynical’s mouth like a cold winter’s wind off a gargoyle. The image painted, brining Cynical back to a place that no longer exists. Back to a house of torture and a darker tale. Back to the Lady’s mansion...’No More Tears...’

It was Hearths Warming Eve, and the Lady and her plump grandson were throwing another party, as they did every year for Hearths Warming. All the richest ponies on the east coast arrived for the biggest extravaganza of the year, second only to the Grand Galloping Galla. Not many, though, would dare make the journey to the Lady’s mansion after hearing that the woods surrounding the area were filled with Timber Wolves and witches. But most wouldn’t miss the festivities for anything in the world.

To keep up appearances, the Lady of the mansion would have only the best, most well managed, most eye pleasing and obedient servants join her and entertain her guests, while the rest stayed below, in the colder, lower levels of the mansion, well out of sight.

One servant, in particular, was a young wide eyes Pegasus colt, with wide green eyes that couldn’t help but peak through the air vents at the bright colors and decorations of the mansion. He lacked the memory of anything before he came to be, well, ‘in the possession’ of the Lady of the mansion and her spoiled rotten grandson, so Hearths Warming was completely foreign to him. And as foreign as it was, it was so magical, holding something with it. Something... peaceful...

“Dirt! Dirt come on! We have to go!” Golden Grain called out from further down the air vent. The colt hated the name, it wasn’t even his ‘real’ name. Just something the Lady’s Grandson called him to get his attention and to remind him just how little he actually was worth. If anypony else called him that, the colt would grow to despise them, but he could never hate Golden.

He was about to fall back and retreat with her back down the air vents into the lowest levels of the mansion until something caught his eye. Something he had never seen before. It’s shape, color, even the odd and entrancing aroma emoting from it was pleasing. It was a candy cane. A simple candy cane that had fallen from one of the near by Hearths Warming trees.

Without hesitation, the colt slipped his thin wing trough the grate and snagged the sweet treat, not really knowing what it was, and pulled it though to him. After that, the colt and Golden raced back to the rest of the ‘less visually appealing’ servants, trying to act like they had been there the whole time. Because if they weren’t, the most loyal servants would teach them a lesson.

Arriving back as quietly as they could, the two foals made their way to a hidden corner away from the other servants to check out what the colt had swiped. Along the way, the candy cane had broken in two, which would have made the colt very sad, but his sadness was quickly replaced by joy as he offered Golden one of the two pieces.

“F-for me? Really?” She looked shocked and confused, like he was just joking with her. Due to their ... harsh living conditions, it was every lowly servant for themselves. But Golden made the colt feel something he hadn’t before. Something he couldn’t explain. Just like the candy cane, only, not quite the same feeling. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

As the two sat down and enjoyed their treat, the colt couldn’t take his eyes off Golden. They both had lived most of their lives as servants and treated so poorly, yet, when he was with her, the world didn’t seem so dark.

‘I don’t know what this smell or taste is, but I like it’ the colt thought. ‘When we get out of here, I’m going to get a real job and earn enough money to buy you all kinds of these! All different colors and shapes! And we’ll be happy!’

Years passed, and as the colt, now a stallion stood before the mansion, Timber Wolves running around the many fires made by the mansion as it burned to the ground, the colt spoke his name once again, as he did when he was reborn. “I am Cynical Storm. And from this point on... no more tears...” ‘Good by Golden...’

Flashing back to the present, Cynical picked up the candy cane and looked to the sky. “Do you see, reader? Do you see what the writer does?! He makes you feel things just to take it away! He wanted a monster! Well HE’S GOT ONE!”

Taking the candy cane, Cynical stomped on it before kicking it away into the dust.

“You wanted no more tears? You wanted a monster?” Cynical began speaking to Somepony, or perhaps someone, who wasn’t there, but who was indeed listening. “Then you got one! I’m going to destroy everything you created! Starting with that shinning jewel with all it’s diamonds and gems. There will be rubble of of gold and marble and purple! I WILL NOT REST UNTIL EQUESTRIA IS IN RUINS!”

Mad chuckling filled the air as Cynical pictures fallen cities, empty towns, fires that destroyed what the destructive chaos did not. And him, standing as a symbol and a monolith to all, that nothing good ever lasts. That Somepony or something will always have power over you. That no one is except from wrath. Nopony is innocent. No pony is guilt free. So no more tears...

Alister awoke from his dreamless slumber, funny that ‘he’ who had been once a ‘master of dreams’ has dreamless sleeps. But they did allow him to gather himself before the Knightmare returned.

‘And like that, I’m back!’ A transparent image of Charmin Knightmare appeared in Alister’s sight, but only to him. This phantom was nothing but a haunting fragment of Alister’s persona. And as thus, might as well be a phantom.

‘Aw... don’t look at me like that! We were close’ the sinister unicorn with a top hat and formal attire said with a toothy grin. ‘Next time, we’ll have all of Equestria eating out of our hooves! We will-‘

“Will you just give it up...” Alister spat, sharply imagining air through his nose.

‘Give up?’ Knightmare was insulted. ‘We were so close! Closer then before! We would have succeeded if not for-‘

“Prince Soleggiato....” Alister knew who he really was now, thanks to King Sombra. He had no idea the unicorn he had done that stupid challenge with moons ago was a prince, let alone Sombra’s heir. He was nothing like anypony would expect. “He was kind, arrogant, but meant well... he was stupid and thought mostly with his heart, not his head...”

‘So? That just means we can take him out fairly easy! All we have to do is-‘ Knightmare began pacing around Alister’s cell as he started to think up a plan.

“We will do nothing to him...” Alister noted, then he caught a glimpse of something across the way from him, and an adjacent cell. He recognized that he was in Salted Carmel’s cell, one of the highest grade of magically enhanced prison cells available, and the alicorn Amulet was in the cell across from it, in the cell that Cynical Storm used to be in. But that wasn’t what caught his attention. It was the Amulet, more specifically the red gem at it’s center. It brought a memory back to the Royal guard, something he mentally filed away long ago, back when he went by the name his parents gave him....

It was the eve of Hearths Warming, and Charming Knight was even more annoyed with the guards in the barracks then normal. He was a mere private, with potential, he felt he had to keep his nose l the grind stone if he was going to make any head way. Which meant he had to some How force himself to study battle plan, counter spells, and defensive tactics while everypony else in the barracks cheered, drank warm apple cider, and pigged out in holiday treats.

Sighing and giving up, unable to even hear himself think over the carols that the guards were screaming, Charming got up from his bunk and stormed out of the barracks, only to be hit by the cold air of winter. Pausing only a moment to get used to the cold, Charming made his way down into town, hoping to find some place quiet where he could continue his studies as well as get out of the cold.

Several moments after entering into Canterlot’s town, he found most places were closed Say for one lonely donut shop. Stepping inside, the scent of warm coffee and fruit cake filled Charming’s nostrils, almost putting him into the holiday spirit. Almost, but not quite.

There was only one other pony at the shop and Charming chose to sit as far away from him as possible, hoping to avoid and and all conversation, that could happen.

“What will it be, pal?” Joe, the shop owner asked.

“Ugh, One black coffee,” Charming ordered, not even really planning to drink it, just doing so to be virtuous to the shop owner.

After Joe left, Charming went right to work, pulling out books, scrolls and notes from under his cloak, spreading them all over the table. Instant organized chaos. Once everything was set, Charming went right to work, back where he left off.

“What you got there?” An unfamiliar voice spoke up, moments after Charming felt he made the slightest head way.

Looking up at the stallion, Charming was surprised he didn’t recognize him from before as began to relax. “Captain Heart Patch, What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be off partying with the troops?”

“Shouldn’t you?” Heart said as he got up, streamed his wings and sat down at Charming’s table. As he spoke, Charming moved his papers for his pal. “I mean, I know the smartest unicorn in the entire royal guard would rather find a quiet place and re read a book for the hundredth time then join in with caroling, but on Hearths Warming eve?”

Sighing and taking the cup that Joe levitated over to him, Charming opened up to Heart. “I just don’t feel like I’m ever going to make head way in the royal guard, you know? My grades, recorded skills, all of it are beyond any in my rankings, but...”

“But you thought no pony noticed you?” Heart said with a half smile as he passed a small box, metallic red wrapped with green ribbon, over to Charming.

“Heart? What is this?” Charming’s eyes locked into the box, wondering it was some sort of Hearths Warming gift.

“Open it” Heart told him, keeping his half smile. “I think you’ll feel up to celebrating afterwords.”

Taking a deep breath, Charming pulled the ribbon off and took a moment to look at his reflection in the red box. Taking a second breath to gather his courage, Charming lifted the box open only to almost fall out of his seat.

“W-what is this?” Charming could barely find the words.

“Your official going. To be sworn in after the holiday, but I asked the princesses, and they let me be the one to give you your official capain’s badge.” Heart smiles and patted Charming on the shoulder. “You worked hard and did Equestria well. And I know you’ll continue to do us all proud. You were always like a brother to me, ever since that first night years ago on night guard duty. I knew there was something special about you.”

Chuckling and shaking his head, Charming smiled as he sighed again. “You always wear your heart on your sleeve, Patchy?”

“That’s what I do” Heart smiled as he raised his own mug of coffee up to Charming’s. “Now, what do you we meet Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom up at the usual spot and show them their new CO?”

“Midnight’s going to be really steamed” Charming grinned.

“Yeah, But she’ll be more happy for you then mad” Heart said as he payed both Charming’s bill and his own, adding a good tip for Joe. “Tonight we celebrate both Harths Warming and your promotion, Captain Charming Knight.”

Following Heart out of the donut shop, Charming felt a great weight lifted off his shoulders. All thanks to his oldest friend, his best friend, Heart Patch. He was glad he took those extra night shifts that allowed them both to meet...

Hanging up there in that cell, his magic restricted, unable to do anything to help himself, with his memories. His fond memories, and that light that reawaken them inside his heart.

“You know... I tried so hard to make him proud... then ‘you’ came...” Alister started at Knightmare, who raised both his brows at the light grey unicorn chained to the wall.

‘Me? ‘I’ was the one who ruined your life?’ Knightmare continued to press and press. ‘You may want to get one thing strait, buddy. ‘I’ and just a part of ‘you’. So if anypony is to blame for anything, including hurting Heart, it’s you. That’s why you can’t stand to even send him a letter. The thought of talking to him makes you sick with guilt.’

A few tears began to fall from Alister’s eyes as his emotional walls broke further. “Do you... do you think he’ll forgive us-.... forgive me?...”

Unbeknown to Knightmare, this thought or concept of actually goin and talking to Heart Patch made him shiver with fear. As he said, him and Alister were one in the same, two sides of the same coin.

No longer planning revenge or domination, Knightmare walked over and took a seat next to Alister, let out a sigh and told him in a non threatening tone ‘I don’t know...’

“I guess we can try...” a small smile appeared on Alister’s muzzle as the image of Charming Knightmare began to vanish. “I guess... we just have to have a little hope... friends should always try and be there for friends... you know, that Soleggiato reminds me a of Heart Patch... thick headed, passionate and always running in head first...”

Author's Note:

Notes: this chapter was actually supposed to be put up around Christmas, but die to events beyond my control, I was just able to publish it. But I still hope you enjoyed it.

Things have been crazy on my end and it’s been difficult to both write and revise my chapters, but I’m doing my best. I hope to have the next chapters written and posted soon

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