• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,956 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Listening to Yourself

Sunny was some how surrounded by a large, circular room, dark, with a odd pillars standing around the room. The room itself was several shades of copper and brass, with orbs lining the walls say for one door that stood at the end of the room. Turning to look around, Sunny came face to face with an all too familiar pillar of green light, where, at the base of it where the pillar met the ground, was an octagonal control panel with many different kinds of switches, buttons, nobs and several other things Sunny couldn't identify.

"Well now, I never expected to see you here" an unfamiliar yet slightly familiar voice called out as somepony stepped out from behind the control panel of the TARDIS. He was an average size stallion with a cobalt colored coat and a really short, brown mane that barely stuck up above his head. He wore a leather jacket that covered most of the front of him, but what really caught Sunny's attention was the cutiemark the stallion had. An hourglass. One that looked just like HIS friend, Doctor Whooves's hourglass cutie mark.

"Ugh, who are-" Sunny started to say, but a little too slowly.

"Yes, I know you have a million and 1 quesgions, and I have all of time to answer them, BUT I rather take a look at what's unfolding right now. Shall we have a look see?" The cobalt colored stallion spoke at a rate that would have put Rainbow Dash's speed to the test. He was practically jumping all around the TARDIS's control panel, Flipping switched, pressing buttons and doing some things Sunny couldn't recognize. After a moment, he pointed his hoof to a big screen that appeared behind Sunny. "Lets take a look and your hoof work! In all real time!"

It didn't take Supreme King Sunny long to reach the deepest, darkest dungeons where he kept all the petrified beings, his mother and father being two of them. He paused and looked upon them as he did countless times, but this time it was different. There were times of uncertainty, when Supreme King Sunny had nopony to turn to, when he was stressed and unsure of a decision he had to make. It was easier to just come here and talk with statues then it was to trust anypony with free will who could end up betraying you. It seemed silly, but Supreme King Sunny would also visit the statues once a week just to talk, to feel somenthing. They may have ploted against him, but they were still his parents. And maybe the other Sunny was right; maybe he was just afraid of what might have come. And maybe, just maybe, he was wrong to have betrayed them.

Taking a deep breath and accepting that things may turn out badly for him, Sunny began reversing the petrification spell on his parents first, but stopped just before the spell effected below their necks. Their horns still had the magical inhibiting rings.

"Ugh! What is the meaning of this!? How dare you turn on me!!!" Sombra roared, eyes flailing. "How could you!? First my beloved! And then my own son!?"

"What do you mean by that!?" Celestia with her head now free to move and speak, started questioning Sombra rather then Sunny.

Struggling to get his magical inhibitor ring off his horn, Sombra growled at Celestia. "You were plotting to betray me that night you found out I was an umbrum! And our son, being half!"

Celestia's eyes went wide as she stared at Sombra in subtle disbelief. "An umbrum? But how is that possible?"

Still struggling to get the ring off, Sombra didn't turn to look at Celestia as he spoke. "Do not play dumb with me!"

"ENOUGH!" Supreme King Sunny used the royal Canterlot voice for the first time in over 1000 years as he stomped his hoof, silencing both his mother and father, though it was mostly meant for his father. Seeing a little of his father's anger subside, Sunny began to speak. It was only when he tried to form words that he realized he was crying. "I've been running Equestria for 1000 years becouse I didn't want to face what happened 1000 years ago, on that horrible day. The day I made the biggest mistake of my life. The day I turned you both to stone… I was afraid, like you Father. But I tried to cover up my fear, rather then burn threw it with anger… It took talking with myself to realize that it was a mistake at all.

"I tried to convince myself that I did the right thing. That if I didn't turn you both to stone, it would be all out war. And that by taking up the throne, Equestria would be united and happy… but I messed up" Taking a breath to steady himself, Supreme King Sunny wiped away his tears and tried to calm his shaky breath. "Now, we're all going to sit down and do what good leaders, and a good family, should do in times of conflict. Talk. This. Out."

Celestia and Sombra paused, turned their attention away from their son and looked at each other. Not just as rulers of Equestria who were responsible for the well being of many ponies, but also as parents. For Sunny's whole life, they tried to be there as best as thet could, but being a parent isn't easy, especially when you fight with the other parent. There comes a time, every now and again, when parents have to put aside their differences and talk their problems out. It looks like this is that time.

With his anger subsided, Sombra turned to Celestia and spoke in an even tone "Lets talk about that night."

"Yes. I think there is something off about that night" Celestia agreed, replying in a soft, relaxed tone to match Sombra's.

Sunny focused his magic to create a stone chair to sit down by his parents who he planned to leave mostly petrified until all this was settled and done. Then another thought popped into his head and Supreme King Sunny began to reverse the petrification on Princess Luna as well. Before either of his parents could ask why he did that, Sunny answered "also, mom, you need to talk to your sister. She's been feeling left out and needs to talk to you about how both of you run Equestria.

"But lets do this one at a time" Sunny concluded as his aunt Luna looked around the room, slightly confused but quickly gaining her barring.

Watching from the small window on the TARDIS that wasn't more then a few feet away from Supreme King Sunny and his mother, father and aunt, a wide smile grew on Sunny Knight's muzzle. "He's making things right."

"Yes, after 1000 years, he's making things right" the 9th Doctor Whooves stated, with just as wide a grin as he stood next to Sunny, looking through the same window. "And it's all thanks to you. Not the Sunny Knight with the biggest castle, most victories in battle, the most gold and jewls, but the one that learned about family and friendship, who works on a happy little apple farm."

Turning to the 9th Doctor, Sunny raised a brow but kept his happy smile "I don't know about Sweet Apple Acres here in YOUR universe, 9, but where I come from, the Apple farm is pretty big. Why don't you come by and see it some time. Ah'll bake ya one of Granny's prize winnin' apple pies."

This notion earned a light chuckle from the 9th Doctor Whooves. "Fantastic! I can't wait!"

With that notion, The 9th Doctor Whooves plucked a hair from Sunny's mane then ran over to his control, dropping the hair in his machine.

"Ow! What was that for?" Sunny rubbed his head where the hair was plucked.

"I needed something from your universe for the TARDIS to scan so it can pin point your exact, original universe. Otherwise we could end up in a number of alternate universes." 9 explained. "And if we got it wrong, we might end up running into a cranky old colt in a lab coat and his nervous grandson. Which, I'm sure he would help us out for the right crystals, but he also might not care where he sends you."

A little overwhelmed with all that information, Sunny just nodded and casually approached the control panel for the TARDIS as the glowing tower began to make a loud whooping-scratching noise, indicating it was leaving that time and place behind. Hopefully, taking Sunny back to his home universe….

He had done it.

After 1000 years of ruling the Equestrian Empire, Sunny Knight, the former Supreme King of Equestria, who masqueraded as the captain of the guard, who kept a constant eye on every creature and kept the peace, had resigned as king.

After his mother, father and aunt spent about a good two hours talking out their differences, they all came to the same conclusion that there were other forces trying to manipulate them into fighting 1000 years ago. Sunny's father realized that he had over reacted and was glad to see his beloved was not planning to betray him. Sunny's mother appologized to her sister for making her feel second best and hogging the spotlight and not acknowledging her feelings. And Sunny's aunt appologized to both her sister for never talking about her feelings, as well as to Sunny himself for being jealous of him and feeling threatened by his ability to move the moon. Before Sunny released them all from their stone bonds, he appologized as well. He claimed he was scared, that he felt alone, and that he had to take control or lose everything. After releasing his three family members, Sunny was shocked to feel his mother's hooves wrap around him in an embracing hug, soon joined by his father.

His mother told him, thru teary eyes, that she was able to hear his words whenever he visited them. She knew how lonely, how stressed, and how tires he was. She wanted them all to be a big, happy family, but there was alot of work to do to reset the order of power in Equestria, which would take time. Sunny's father suggested Sunny take some time off to relax, enjoy himself, maybe see Equestria with his own eyes, and not from a screen. Although Sunny wanted to spend time catching up with his parents and aunt, they had alot of work to do, and he did need some R and R. The former Supreme King agreed and packed his essentials before making his way to the train station.

One thing that put Sunny at ease, was with the reconstruction of Equestria's ruling order, it could be worked that his father be given the title of 'Prince' instead of 'King'. Meaning Sunny's parents could finally be togeather without his mother becoming a queen and upsetting the balance of power. But there were alot of details to work out, speeches to hold, meetings with important ponies to have, new laws to make, old laws to Vito, ect. And Sunny was glad that, for once in over 1000 years, he didn't have to do a thing about it.

After saying his goodbyes to his parents and aunt, Sunny made his way to the train station where he waited for the next southbound train. Everything north of the Crystal Empire were frozen mountains and Yakyakastan. Not really places he wanted to visit. He wanted somewhere warm, but not too hot, relaxed, but not snooty like Canterlot was. Several cities and towns came to mind, Sunny having kept an eye on them all for 1000 years. Guess he would just have to see them all till he found the right place to relax and vacation at.

Somewhat lost in thought, Sunny didn't notice somepony else take a seat across from him on the same bench waiting for the train. Looking over, he was suprised to see a familiar, freckled orange face.

"Applejack?" Her name came to his lips without thinking.

She looked over at him, appearing very different then she normally did. He was so used to her wearing her guard armor and looking so stoic and refined, that seeing her with a stetson hat and a smile on her muzzle made him do a double take, not believing she was the same pony who once served him.

"Well howdy, captain" Applejack said in a thick country accent that Sunny never knew she had. "You headin' outta town, too?"

"Yeah… with the new rulers taking over, no more Supreme King, and everything else, I think I need a change of pace, and a vacation" He stated flatly, feeling odd that this was their first real conversation they've ever had, despite the years that they worked together. "Ugh, what about you? Where are you off to?"

"I'm headin' home" Applejack stated, practically glowing. "Home to ah little farm just on th' boarder of ah small town called Appleville. Where the soil is rich, the work is hard, but the feeling of an honest day's work is the most satisfying thing anypony could ever hope for."

Sunny had never heard of anypony being so happy about working on a farm. But Applejack was an earth pony, and it does run in her genes, he supposed. "That sounds really nice. But if you love it so much, why did you apply to be a royal guard? Especially one so far away from home?"

The light on Applejacks muzzle flickered a little, her smile shrank. "Until just ah few pay checks ago, th' family farm was hoodwinked from us by two no good swindlers. Workin' as ah royal guard at th' Supreme Kings castle payed quite ah bit. No pony really wanted th' job. Everypony was afraid of the Supreme King and no pony wanted ta deal with all them revoltin' groups of ponies."

Sunny's shoulders sunk lower, the weight of his rule hung heavy over him even after he resigned. "Yeah… who would want to deal with all of that."

"But the job did help buy back th' family farm" Applejack spoke up, the cheer returning to her voice. "And ah' did manage ta get ah little bit more ta pay fer some new farming equipment. Ah was hopin' ta use that ta buy some more acreage fer ah new feild, but th' King went and resigned."

"Yeah, who would have guessed after 1000 years, his rein would be over?" Sunny noted, feeling bad about not giving everypony maybe one last paycheck.

"Ah thousand years is an awful long time ta sit up in the castle an' run all Equestria" Applejack noted. She looked around and made sure nopony was in ear shot before whispering "so, what cha gunna do with all yer free time now that ya ain't runnin' everything?"

Gulping, feeling all the color drain from his face, Sunny turned to look at Applejack, meeting her emerald gaze with his own. She knew. He took a deep breath and turned his head away. "I don't have much in bits, but you can have it if I get your silance."

"Ah don't want yer bits" Applejack realized that she must have come across as possibly threatening. "Ah wasn't gunna tell anypony 'bout yer secret. Most folks think th' Supreme King was banished in self exile."

Releasing a held sigh, Sunny felt a little relived, but why did his heart still feel heavy. "Where did I go wrong? Was I such a bad leader?"

Tossing the quesgion around in her mind a bit, Applejack answered Sunny's rhetorical quesgion. "Ah think yer biggest problem, ya kept everypony at ah distance. Ya never let anypony get close to you. No friends. No family. Ya never even went out yerself ta mingle with yer subjects. Ya just had yer golems walkin' round, makin' folks nervous. All folks ever saw of their ruler was some stallion in scary black armor."

The answer surprisingly didn't make Sunny feel aby better, his head hung lower as he staired at the ground, wondering if self exile was a better option then a vacation.

"Hey now, buck up" Applejack nudged Sunny. Something no pony had done in over 1000 years, it shocked him, and brought his gaze back to the freckled orange mare. "Ah was just bein' honest. Now, ah have ah proposal fer ya."

This caused the former Supreme King to raise a single brow. "A proposal… for me?"

"Eh'yep" Applejack smiled as she pushed her stetson hat up higher her head. "Why don't ya come work on th' farm with me an' mah family? Ah can't pay ya much, but you can get ta know ponies around town, make ah few friends, and ah good hard day's work will make ya feel good."

The idea was crazy. HE, the former Supreme King of Equestria, working on an apple farm out in the middle of nowhere? Though, he was just contemplating self exile. And maybe… just maybe… this is what might be best. 'I can write to my mother and father about my progress, possibly about lessons I learn, about possible friendships I make. That would put them more at ease, to hear I made friends. And a little physical excersize would do me some good after all my long hours of sitting infront of those screens.'

"An interesting proposal" Sunny stated to Applejack. "What would you tell your family?"

"Shoot, they already know about you bein' th' captain of th' guard. Could just tell them th' truth; ya got canned and needed ah change of scenery."

This made Sunny chuckle a little, thennpaused with a big smile on his muzzle. "You know, that's the first time in a long time that I actually laughed."

"Well, then buckle up" Applejack chuckled a little too. "Ah got me ah friend, and possible relative, back home who loves ta make folks laugh and smile."

The weight on Sunnys shoulders suddenly felt lighter. "This place is starting to sound better and better. Oh! And hey, do you 'need' new farm equipment, or is your old equipment just in need of repair."

Applejacks joyfully expression wavered again. "They're in really bad shape. Rusted, falling apart. Held togeather with duct tape."

"Well, I know a few repairing spells that work on wood, metal and crystal" Sunny stated with a small smirked, his posture now fully up right. "Maybe I could try and fix those for you."

Narrowing her eyes a little, Applejack thought about it. "Hmmmm… ah'll allow ya ta repair th' equipment. But when it comes to plantin', plowin' and Buckin, yer gunna have ta do it the Earth-pony way. Got it?"

That sounded reasonable to Sunny. One should never rely on magic to solve all of one's problems. Then a thought popped into his head "wait… what's 'Bucking'?"

This caused Applejack to look genuinely shocked for a moment, but that moment passed quickly as she started to laugh and slapped Sunny on the back. "Yer in fer ah new exercise alright! But don't worry. Ah think you'll get used ta farm life in no time, make some friends, and if yer lucky, ah might introduce ya ta some of mah friends, too. Pinkie ah know will seem wierd at first, but you'll like her. Oh! And ah have ah friend ah knew from mah years at school, she's ah bit of ah snob, but she's generous. And ah got this other friend who…"

As Applejack went on and on about her friends, Sunny couldnt help but take a second look at her. There was this new light to her. The more she talked about her family's farm, the small town of Appleville, and her friends, the more she seemed to glow. Just being around her, taking in her rays, made Sunny feel better then he had in a long, long time. 'Maybe this is where I'll belong…'

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading guys! I'm still working hard to finish Sunny's fic either before the start of Gen 5 or the end of the year, and I want to thank you all for your further support.

These last couple of chapters were planned out years ago when I first started writing, but I only perfected the idea of an alternate universe Sunny where he was the ruler of all of Equestria, after reading 1984. I had the ideas for that other Sunny to use Crystal golems as opposed to the main Sunny using wooden puppets from the beginning, or possibly enchanted suits of armor.

Other aspects I took from 1984 were the control over revolutionists, with the whole catch and release with a man on the inside bit. It was a world I thought about expanding upon, but I prefer action and adventure, and friendship and romance to dark dystopia worlds.

This was an alternate route I wanted to show of what would happen if Sunny, instead of standing up to his father were to take more planned annishiative, but also was more paranoid. I also thought of an alternate world where Sunny just plainly ran away after seeing his father, or rueling by his father's side. Things I may or may not squeeze into future chapters.

One thing I did change about the original idea of Sunny coming face to face with a dark ruler Sunny was how they conflicted. I originally wanted them to fight, but over time, I thought that Sunny, himself, would rather talk things out and fight only If he had to. I love writing the action scenes, but I wanted to also write something a little more memorable. Something where a charicter had a revolution and a change of heart.

Also, little side note; I'm a nerd.

I got the title 'Supreme King' from YuGiOh GX. It was either that or Dark Kaiser or Overlord, and 'Supreme King Sunny' rolled off thr tounge better.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading. Let me know your thoughts and/or opinions in the comments below.

And I'll try and have more chapters posted in a month or sooner!

And again, thank you for reading!

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