• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,956 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Masquerade Gala part 4

From a safe distance, Discord watched as the shadow King grew more and more frustrated with every turn he made. When Discord used his chaotic magic on the maze last time he was able to turn Applejack into a lier, Rarity greedy, make Pinkie Pie hate laughter and even lead Twilight to give up on friendship. But could he really push Sombra to seeing the error of his ways, give up this vendetta and accept friendship as he himself did? The Draconaquis wasn't sure, but he had to try. For all the trouble he had caused in the past, Discord had to try.

Growling in frustration, Sombra turned and bucked with all his might at a statue that he turned to rubble in a cloud of smoke. This really wasn't going to be easy. Not only was the master of chaos having to try and deal with King Sombra, but he had to keep a barrier up of his own over the hedge maze to keep falling debris from the mountain from distracting the sourpuss. Discord was attempting to jog something good deep down inside the shadow king by bringing up statues of the memories of his past. Stone statues. Not unlike the stone he cast Sunny into 1000 years ago. Just like the statue Discord placed an the Apple orchard to jog Sunny's own memory.

Anger and rage built up inside Sombra as he erupted into a gallop, now just running past the statues, focused on his one goal of finding the cornerstone. Once he had this one he would only need the last, the 4th and final cornerstone to free his brethren. The imprisoned umbrum. Turning yet another corner, Sombra could see a statue blocking his way. But before he smashed it to bits, Sombra paused to look at it. It was a statue or Princess Amore, the ruler of the Crystal Empire before Sombra had to take command. The one who believed in him and helped him raise to the ranks of captain, despite his lack of a cutie Mark. It was she who believed in him and helped him when times were tough.

The statue moved and looked down at Sombra, wearing a long and sorrowful frown as her stone eyes looked into Sombra's. Her voice a harsh wheeze as she struggled to speak "Sombra… you no longer have to be king… others have relieved you of your duty… go and be with the ones who love you…"

That statement alone sent a chill down Sombra's back. It was what he had wanted for so many years. Just to be a regular pony with Sunny and his mother. No duties to perform, no empire to protect. Just his family. It was a dream... And just like a dream, Sombra had to wake up. Rearing up at the statue of Princess Amore, Sombra bucked with all the strength he could muster. The statue closed it's eyes and waited for the impact with pure acceptance, as if it were the real Princess Amore. When the dust cleared, Sombra emerged with a victorious grin on his muzzle. In his sights were two more statues, but these were the ones he was looking for. One of Princess Luna and on of Princess Celestia. The two statues held between them a purple, diamond shaped gem slightly bigger then one's own hoof. 'That' was the cornerstone Sombra was looking for…

Although Sunny's spell did help to wave most of the Gala's conflict in their favor, he was having a hard time keeping Snowstorm at bay without magic.

"You should just give up and join us! I'm sure your father will be forgiving" Snowstorm's voice grew deeper and more matalic when he put on his helmet, his sword swinging violently at Sunny.

Sunny refused to back down and kept his guard up, barely avoiding Snowstorm's strikes by a few inches. "I will never surender to the likes of you!"

A smile broke out across Snowstorm's muzzle under his helmet. It was as if he had been waiting for Sunny to say that, giving him permission to no longer hold back. Snowstorm had a clear advantage, using magic to manipulate his sword, putting as much distance as he wanted between him and his opponent, where Sunny had to get in close with his own sword in his mouth. But Snowstorm knew just how he could make Sombra's son break. The very idea brought a wide smile to his muzzle. Pulling back the flow of magic on his sword slightly, Snowstorm located several guard's swords from all around the gala to him, some belonging to his own defeated comrades, some to enemy guards still fighting. He stretched his magical aura out and latched on to the swords, pulling them to him. In a flash, Snowstorm had nine swords floating around him, all taking aim at Sunny.

"It seems as though I have the advantage" Snowstorm triumphantly raised his head and looked down on Sunny, positioning the nine swords he now held in his magical aura in various positions, but all were pointed at the yellow unicorn.

The battle seemed futile, and Sunny felt like this was one fight he couldn't win. His magic was building back up again, but not fast enough to even hold a sword, much less defend against nine. The yellow stallion couldn't see any way out of this. Then time slowed down. He looked all around him at the gala, where his friends and fellow guardians, Twilight and her friends, other guests and friends he's made across his various adventures were all fighting. There was no way he could give up. Not now. Not even if it seemed futile. Then the words of his father rang clearly in his ears. Words that had sucked with him for 1000 years. Words Sunny spoke as he picked his sword back up and took his bravest, most noble stance.

"A knight will always use his words first, his sword Second" Sunny spoke loudly, addressing Snowstorm. "Lay down your weapons, I'm sure the princesses will be understanding and hear you out if you put this to an end."

Snowstorm was a little shocked by this boldness, but he kept his head raised, and his swords still aimed at Sunny as he simply replied "No."

Readying his sword, Sunny took a step forward and continued to repeat what he learned from his father all those years ago before he became a knight. The words and teachings of his father. "A knight holds the elements of Harmony in his heart!"

As the words escaped Sunny's mouth, Snowstorm struck out at his opponent with two swords, both striking downwards at slight angls, one on the left and the other from the right. But Sunny blocked both attacks at once, easing the blow by bending his knees slowly with the strike, then exploding with enough force to send both the swords flying out of Snowstorm's magical aura. The now freed swords flong off, one landing in a table, and the other cutting an ice sculpture in half.

"A knight stands strong in the face of evil!" Sunny spoke his words louder as he lunged at Snowstorm. The over confident unicorn then raised three swords in front of him to block Sunny's attack, forming a triangular formation.

Thinking quickly, Sunny knew caught on that Snowstorm was right hooved, so he would be focusing more energy on his left side. Which is where Sunny needed to strike first to throw his opponent off guard. The yellow unicorn knight used his sword to strike at the handle of the sword who's blade made up Snowstorm's left side defence. The blade of that sword tipped the sword on the right upwards, and gave Sunny the exact opening he needed. With one swift motion, still decending after striking the left sword's handle, Sunny then pushed up off the ground, his blade now directly under the third sword, who's tip and handle now we're directly underneith the other two swords. With one powerful swing, Sunny not only split the bottom sword in half, but the pressure of his attack sent the other two swords flying into the sky, out of Snowstorm's magical reach, landing them deep into the marble ceiling above.

"You won't better me! My cause is Noble!" Snowstorm insisted, but panic began to bubble in his voice.

"A Knight defends the Weak and Innocent!" Sunny spoke up louder, other ponies nearby listening to his words, feeling their weight.

Snowstorm refocused all his magic into his four remaining swords, setting two to spin around above him and out like tops, and two to spin similarly, but downward and closer to him, creating four bladed sheildes. "I don't care what they taught you, I won't lose to some spoiled little prince!"

"I'm not just a prince" Sunny declared as he made a quick strike, hitting the spinning sword to Snowstorm's top left, the blade knocked out of Snowstorm's magical aura and flung out into the garden. "I'm also a knight!"

Snowstorm's three remaining swords reformed their positions to form three spinning sheilds now circling around in front of their master, who was beginning to not only feel the stress of all his magic on his mind, but a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he might lose.

"I'm also an apple farmer, a guardian of Harmony, a friend to alot of ponies and creatures" Sunny added as he struck out again, Knocking another sword away from Snowstorm, sending it flying across the room until it landed in a table. With two more hard strikes at just the right moment, Sunny sent one sword smashing into another, shattering them into pieces, then sent the clump of sword debris flying away, landing in the punch bowl.

Snowstorm could hardly believe it. He didn't expect the son of King Sombra to be so… so strong. But maybe he should have. Snowstorm knew all about Solggiato and his lineage. He should have expected this from him. Such skill, such power. Only, this messed up his plan. He had to keep everypony busy until he received the signal. Looking around, Snowstorm could see the Changelings were slowly losing the fight. But they could still be of use for a little while longer. The former warden of the Ironlock prison was yanked from his thoughts when he was pushed onto his back by a sword pointed directly at him, Solggiato on the other end looking him down with a hard gaze.

"You know what else I am?" The yellow unicorn asked.

Trying to stall for time, Snowstorm played along. "What?"

Solggiato then lowered his sword and offered Snowstorm a hoof, his expression softening slightly. "I'm forgiving. I saw into your heart. I've seen the depths of your anger and convitions, as well as the good in you that you don't even see. You aren't a bad pony, Snowstorm. Just misguided and unsure of how to achieve your own personal goals. But I can help... Let me help you…"

Snowstorm hesitated for a moment, looking up from Solggiato's hoof, to his relaxed gaze, then back to the hoof he still had extended. For a long moment, Snowstorm weighed the options, thinking what could happen if he decided to surrender to the yellow unicorn, to turn himself over to the princesses and possibly let them know about King Sombra's plan… but that moment passed as quickly as it started.

Snowstorm's own gaze turned hard as he glared back at prince Solggiato before he smacked the extended hoof away. "I will not be tricked into betraying the King!"

Snowstorm then grabbed Sunny's own sword with his magical aura and teleported to a doorway that Snowstorm knew would lead him out of the castle. He looked back at Solggiato, narrowed his eyes on him and said as loudly as he could "You think you're so high and mighty, you 'Defend the innocent' well let's see what you plan to do now! You can follow me, or go to your father who is in the garden's maze, or save 'the innocent'!"

Before Sunny could process what Snowstorm meant by that, the armor clad unicorn used Sunny's sword that he stole to cut a chain that was latched down near his exit.

Sunny's eyes quickly followed where the chain ran and what it was attached to only to realize he had to get moving fast. Other ponies who had been watching had done the same only at a slightly slower pace. Guards had seen where Sunny was running to started to move their hooves, realizing what was going on, but weren't going to make it in time. The possibly last pony to see what was going on was Celestia, who had entrusted the safety of her ponies to the Elements and Guardians of Harmony, as well as her own guards and sister. But upon hearing Snowstorm's parting words before he escaped down a dark hallway, the princess of the Sun felt her heart sink into her stomach. The chain that was cut was one holding a very large chandelier in place. Below, most ponies who had not joined the fight had taken sanctuary under tables, behind statues, or even behind royal guards. But one couple stood directly underneith the chandelier, unaware of what was going on.

Knowing he wasn't going to make it in time, Sunny focused all his magic that he could muster on one last spell to teleport him to right beside the couple. They appeared to be average Gala going ponies, possible wealthy. Wealthy enough to he able to attend the Gala on more then one occasion. Maybe they were teachers at Celestia's school, maybe they were aids to the princesses, or representatives from some city in Equestria's. Sunny had no idea who they were, and it didn't matter to him. What mattered was what he had to do in that very split second. Just as Sunny disappeared in a flash of green light and reappeared Beside the couple, Sunny pushed with all of his strength to get them out of the radious of the falling decor. Before the couple even saw who had pushed them or why, there was a loud crash, followed by a mare screaming in the near distance.

"SUNNY!!!!" Applejack cried out, stopping what she was doing to run over to the pile of broken glass, Crystal and bent and twisted metal, trying desperately to move it, tears streaming heavily from her eyes…

The wave of Spectra flushed down the halls of the Rainbow Factory, instantly rejuvinating the grey zombie ponies who lined those halls. As Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Thunderlane and the rest of the others made their way down those same halls, desperately trying to reach the outside as fast as they could, they were able to drum up some pegusi to aid them in safely dropping the factory. The other ponies, Unicorns and Earth ponies alike, all teamed up to double check the inside of the horrible factory and to gather any remaining ponies at the center of the factory, in case the factory does crash hard.

Before they knew it, the Pegusi reached the exit, and began flooding out like a hose. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Thunderlane and Spitfire the flew into possision, trying to gather everypony's attention.

"Listen up!" Spitfire barked, demanding everypony's undivided attention. Ponies who were enjoying the freedom and open air had to refocus on the Wonderbolt captain. When she felt all eyes were on her, Spitfire cleared her throat and began to explain what she needed everypony to do. "There are a lot of ponies still in the factory, and it's about to crash. We're going to control the crash and land it safely in the lake below. We're going to create a water spout! We'll work our way up from the bottom up, with two ponies directing the rest of the herd. Any questions?"

Not wanting to anger the Wonderbolts Captain, the pegasus ponies all shook their head, ready to go along with the plan.

"Good! Thunderlane, Fluttershy, you two direct us" Spitfire stated, before almost flying off to begin the base of the waterspout.

"Me? Why me?" Fluttershy asked Spitfire nervously. "I-I can't order ponies around! I can barely speak above a mild yell."

"True, but I know you can handle this" Spitfire paused and told the timid, yellow mare. "I need eyes I can trust in the air directing us. I saw you cheer Rainbow Dash on at the young fliers competition some time back, we could hear 'you' over everypony else in the coliseum."

The normally timid and quiet yellow pegasus looked away, blushing with a small smile on her muzzle.

"You totally got this, Fluttershy" Rainbow Dash shot Fluttershy a confident smile and nod before flying over to the rest of the Pegusi, who were starting to form the waterspout just in the nick of time. The cloud structure was slowly starting to desend like a small snowball rolling down a snowy mountain side. Al Ca'Pony and WoodenToaster must have made it to the boilers in time. And just like a snowy mountainside, the factory began to quickly pick up speed.

Fluttershy and Thunderlane quickly got into their positions, ready to direct the ponies and correct any mistakes. The Pegusi who were creating the water spout had a hard time seeing anything with the water spraying in their eyes. When they normally performed such a feat to refuel the water supply in Cloudsdale, they all came prepared with special water proof flight suits and goggles. Flying in as they were was going to be difficult in itself, which is why they needed ponies to direct them on where to fly and to course correct.

"Ugh... maybe fly a little closer together guys.." Fluttershy started off barely being able to be heard, which made the yellow mare start to doubt herself.

"Come on Fluttershy!" Thunderlane called out from across the way. "Use that voice I know you got!"

Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy realized now was no the time to be mousy. Fluttershy then called out to her fellow pegusi, her voice like a roaring lion "KEEP IT TOGETHER! YOUR SPREADING TOO FAR APART! CLOSE THE GAP BY SIX INCHES!"

After hearing the order, the Pegusi creating the waterspout adjusted accordingly, stabilizing the tornado of water. But it wasn't over just yet. Fluttershy and Thunderlane kept a watch full eye on the Rainbow Factory as it slowly began to desend and pick up speed. Continuing to give instruction to their friends and allies, Fluttershy and Thunderlane rose up higher and higher until the waterspout barely touched the underside of the Rainbow Factory. Water sprayed everywhere as the waterspout began to slow the falling structure down.

At first it didn't appear the waterspout was doing anything to slow the Factory's descent, then Fluttershy barked the order "PICK UP THE PACE! WE NEED MORE SPEED!"

Just as her friends began to do so, something hit Fluttershy from behind, striking her right in the arch of her back, with enough force and precision to send her through the water spout, missing the fast moving pegusi, and landing her right in the heart of the swirling water tower. Fluttershy landed hard with a thump on the stoney ground that is the bottom of the lake. When she looked up, horror filled Fluttershy's heart as her eyes locked with a pair of black and seemingly green glowing eyes.

"Miss me!?" Cynical chuckled as he stood over Fluttershy and flexed his wings, only one of them holding the claw like wing weapon, having lost the other in th factory. Taking a few steps closer to Fluttershy, Cynical moved and manipulated the claw weapon on his wing to move much like spider legs, blades scraching against one another in an even more menacing manner. "I'm not done in this story yet! I still have to deal with 'you' at the very least!"

Standing up, Fluttershy kept her gaze locked with Cynical, but stood her ground. With a stern look on her muzzle Fluttershy told him "I'm not afraid of you!"

This made the grey stallion chuckle. "I'm glad you're not. That will make this all the more fun. There's little I can go in this rating of a fan fiction. But there is one thing I can do. I can hurt you. And I'm going to. Alot!"

"Why? Why go through all of this?" Fluttershy stomped her hooves. "You say you somepony made you bad by giving you a terrible life, and you enjoy it, but why me? You seem to be going after me. Why!?"

Cynical paused, surprised by not only Fluttershy's bravery, but also the meda way she was going after him. Attacking his character. He couldn't help but pause and look at his reflection in a shallow puddle of water, reminding him of what and who he was. "It's because you're just like me, I guess…

"Yes, I'm cynical and horrible where you are sweet and kind. But if you think about it, I'm no different then you." Cynical continued to say as he stopped the movement with his wing weapon. "We both started out small, timid, with just a single friend or two who would look out for us. If life had continued for me the way it did you, maybe things could have been different. But one bad day, I lost it all. My friends, my eyes, my sanity. All at the cruel works of the narrator. All to have me become what I am... There is no place in a peaceful world for something like me. Something that enjoys pain and suffering, torment and agony..."

Glaring back at Fluttershy, Cynical's smile grew wider as he began stepping closer and closer to the yellow pegasus. "And now, you being the very symbol of purity, innocence, kindness, understanding, and all that junk, will have a very, very bad day, just like me! Then 'you' will know why I laugh at pain! Then 'you' will know what it means to suffer! Then 'you' will-"

But before Cynical could say anything else, Fluttershy was pulled out of the eye of the water spout by a cyan colored hoof, leaving Cynical alone, with the world growing darker around him. Wondering why it had suddenly grown so dark, Cynical looked to the sky, only to see the underside of the Rainbow factory meer feet above his head. There was no time for Cynical to avoid the impact.

"Well, I guess I'd doesn't matter…" Cynical quoted another mad character from an alternate universe. As the structure landed with a loud crash, crunch and rattle.

From outside the water spout, Rainbow Dash had putted Fluttershy to safety and watched as the factory fell. Although Fluttershy appeared to only suffer from a few scrapes, she was crying heavily, unable to say what was the matter, although Rainbow figured it was the close call she almost had with the understide of the Rainbow Factory. After the dust had settled, the all the pegusi swarmed the factory, leading the earth to and unicorn ponies out of the structure. Everypony not only had their full Spectra back, but appeared to be unharmed by the fall of the structure.

"Good work team" Spitfire addressed everypony there. "You should all be proud of yourselves. But we aren't out of the woods yet. Let's get up there and help the princesses! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!"

Remembering there was still a battle going on, the Pegusi, including Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane, and Fluttrshy, all flew as fast as they could back to the ballroom, ready to tell princess Celestia that she can put down her barrier as well as and their friends in the fight at hoof.

Once the group of fly ponies got to the battle, though, everything seemed to be at a stand still. The few Changelings that remained there were being faught back by royal guards and brave guests, Sombra's own guards had long since retreated, but most ponies had gathered around a fallen chandelier with mornfull looks upon their muzzles. While Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts aided in fighting off the rest of the Changelings, Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane and Fluttrshy made their way steadily through the crowd to rejoin their friends only to find Applejack kneeling down at an edge of the chandelier, tears streaming from her blood shot eyes. The orange farm pony's hooves looked like she had been ripping and digging at the fallen metal and Crystal decoration, but as to why, the three pegusi had no idea.

Looking off to the side, Thunderlane saw Doctor Whooves holding Derpy, her muzzle buried deep in his chest as she cried heavily. Still confused, Thunderlane walked up to him hoping he could shed some light on he situation. But when he took a step closer to his friend, Thunderlane's hoof kicked something. The grey stallion looked down at what he kicked, then his heart sank. It was Sunny's Stetson. His Apple family, signature Stetson! Looking from the hat to the fallen chandelier then to Doctor who saw Thunderlane kick the hat. Their eyes locked for only a moment, then Doctor could no longer hold his head up, and looked away.

"No… no, it can't be! It just can't!" Thunderlane said under his breath as he looked back at the scene with the fallen chandelier. It all pieced together and made sense now.

Everypony held a moment of silance for the stallion who made a quick decision and saved a couple's lives. A couple he didn't even know. All was silent say for the two mares greaving for the yellow stallion they had cared so deeply for…

Then something broke the silance. A single piece of Crystal fell from the side of the chandelier, ringing as it toppled down and hit the floor. When it hit the tile ground of the ballroom, others looked up at it, little hope in their hearts, but curious. The one piece of Crystal was joined by another, and another. The whole pile of metal and Crystal began to shake, the curiosity in everypony's hearts began to grow as they watched with great anticipation. What happened next, though, no pony was expecting.

Something began to bubble up from the center of the fallen chandelier, smoking and bubbaling to the surface in a black and yellow miasma. More and more of this black and yellow smoke began to ooze out, then it started to come togeather in a lump. The lump after a moment began to take form, with four long legs, a dropping horned head, and a pair of sickly butterfly like wings on a back. It's body swirling with black and yellow smoke, with a large mess of flowing orange mane emerging from the top of it's head. The last things to form on the nightmarish creature was a mouth of jagged and sharp teeth, followed soon after by a pair of large green, glowing orbs that served as it's eyes. Everypony froze as the creature took a few deep breaths, the wind making a horrible wheezing sound as it entered and left the creature's lungs. No pony knew what to do about the arrival of this frightening being. Well, almost no pony.

"SUNNY! Yer ok!" Applejack screamed as she threw herself at the creature, her front hooves wrapping around it's large neck.Tears streamed heavily from Applejack's eyes as she tried to speak through her sobs of joy "I was so worried… I thought ya were really… I'm so glad…"

As Applejack tried to finish a sentence, her tears falling on Sunny's smoke like body, all of Sunny's friends and allies around him took a second look at his monstrous body. Some squinting, turning their heads from one side to another, but after a quick few moments, they all approached him. Some, like Pinkie and Derpy, ran up and began hugging him. Others, Like Doctor, Big Mac and Thunderlane all patted him on the back or gave him a playful jab on the shoulder, telling him in their own way 'you gave us a scare there pal' or 'glad you're ok'. The rest of his friends continued to shower the shadowy Sunny with words of encouragement and relief.

Sunny began to wake up out of his dazed state as something warm began to grow from within him. Something he had felt many a time before. Like when he became a Knight and his father told him how proud he was of him. Feelings rushed over him of a faceless mare who sang to him when he was a foal. Memories flooded back of when Apple Bloom got an A on her math test after he helped her study all week for it. Or of when Ganny sat down and shared stories with him of the apple family, showing him old pictures in the various albums she kept. And how could he ever forget when he and Big Mac took a trip to Manehatten, even when they got lost the two of them still managed to have fun and made some friends along the way.

More memories tied with great emotions began to flood the young stallion's mind; All the adventures Doctor and Derpy and Sunny shared, both in the past and present, time was never a problem for them. Then there were all the times Sunny met up with Octavia, either at tea shops, art galleries, or even an Opera or two, but whatever they did, Octavia was sure to help Sunny relax and take a breather. Thunderlane helped to introduce Sunny to buck ball, he, Big Mac and Thunderlane had quite the team. Sunny didn't ever want to stop playing. Sunny also remembered the times he was saught after by Twilight for some advice, having been a prince longer and dealt with more royal troubles then she had. He was happy to lend his friend some advice and help her see her problems through. Or the times where he taught Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash some basic self defence, feeling that the timid yellow mare could benefit from such a skill, and her cyan colored friend could help her keep her training up. And of course all the times Sunny helped Pinkie and the Cakes out in sugar cube corner. Sunny enjoyed not only baking and serving the customers, but he secretly enjoyed taking care of the twins… every now and again. Not all the time. But he still doubts he will ever get all the flour off of him. Then there was Applejack… so many fond memories. She had showed him her favorite spot in the swimming hole, she taught him hot to make a lasso, they had shared stories with thier of his past adventures on the farm house patio, making meals togeather, taking care of farm chores and making every day, no matter how routine into an adventure. All such fond memories filled in any hole that was ever in Sunny's heart. Rage, hate, and fear were all replaced in the pony's heart with love, caring and friendship.

The smoky yellow and black body of Sunny's Umbrum form began to shrink as it condensed. The smoky feel of his body began to reshape into his normal pony coat, his wild matted mane began to straiten out and return to it's normal state of a Stallion's messy mane, moth like wings began to retreat into his back, disappearing benith his coat, sharp jagged teeth reverted to flat equis like teeth, and lastly, his glowing green eyes shifted and morphed until they once again were his regular emerald colored pony eyes. It took a moment, but everything began to make sense to Sunny of what had happened and what braught him back. The magic of Friendship. It was a more powerful thing then anything he had ever seen.

Returning the hug to Applejack, and embracing the hugs from all his friends, Sunny merly muttered under his breath "I'm so happy… thank you all for being there for me…"

It was a peaceful sight indeed. And if left alone, the hug probably would have gone on for at least several more minutes. But a matalic clang caught the attention of everypony there, and caused them to turn and look to the main exit.

King Hamon looked sheepishly at the guard's helmet he had accidently kicked, then at the group of ponies who were staring at him. The changeling king looked more battered and bruised then anypony the guests had ever seen. Sporting two black eyes, limping on two of his legs, wings were torn and ripped, his mane messed up beyond repair, it was a sight to behold. Trying to think quickly, the changeling king looked out the window and stated in a shaky voice "ugh, King Sombra is still in the maze. You may want to stop him. You know, before does more…bad stuff…"

Before anypony could follow him, King Hamon shot a magical blast above the hallway enterance, sealing his exit and a safe getaway. The Changelings the self proclaimed king left behind that weren't caputured, bound and gagged, took off without a second thought through the nearest exits, chasing their King like moths to a flame. About two dozen or so Changelings were left behind by King Hamon as he got himself to safety.

"I need to go find my father" Sunny told his fellow guardians and friends. "I have a feeling this was only a distraction."

"Distraction?" Twilight chimed in, a little more then unsure. "But why?"

"My father is crafty, I wouldn't put it past him. Look what happened at IronLock" Sunny's expression was one of both admiration and detest. "I'm going on ahead to the maze. Can you guys handle the clean up?"

"Ah ain't gonna let ya do this alone" Applejack put her hoof down. "Ah almost lost ya once. Ah ain't gonna let anythin' happen ta ya again."

"We won't leave you hanging either" Thunderlane stepped forward.

"We couldn't let you take your father on all by yourself" Twilight chimed in, great concern in her voice. "Not that we don't think you can't handle it this time. But he is your father, and you shouldn't have to do this alone."

"All of you just go, and Quickly" princess Luna popped up near them, addressing both the Elements and Guardians of Harmony. "we can deal with the clean up here. Just go do what you need to do!"

Without a second thought, the Guardians and Elements of Harmony nodded to each other and dashed out of the ballroom, traveling down the stone stairs that fed into the garden. Sunny paused for only a moment to look back at the princess of the night, who looked back at him. For a moment, he swore he saw something in her gaze at him. Something like a mixture of regret and a need for understanding. Pushing the princess's look out of his mind, Sunny pushed forward to lead his friends and fellow guardians I to battle.

A moment after the dozen ponies ventured into the Canterlot gardens, Luna released a held breath and walked over to her sister, who still dawned her mask, but saw to her subjects. Most of which were alright or already being treated for minor wounds.

"You are needed elsewhere" Princess Luna told her older sister.

"My place is hear" Celestia tried to hush her younger sister.

But Princess Luna cut her off, glaring hard at Celestia. "I won't let you hurt anymore. Go to them. Both Sunny and Sombra. No more hidding, Tia…"

A wave of emotion flooded Celestia's heart at the mentioning of the Stallion's names. Guilt, hate, love, pain, peace, all swirled within her. She couldn't think strait, which is probably why the princess of the sun found herself running at top speed out of the ballroom to the garden. It was time she stopped thinking with her head and started acting with her heart...

"What is the meaning of this!?" Sombra roared as he took the fake cornerstone, a diamond shapped rock from the hissing place at the base of the two pony sisters and smashed it in his hoof.

"Well, them's the breaks" Discord took out his eyes, shook them in his claw, then rolled them onto the ground. The eyes morphed into six sided dice and landed beside Sombra's hooves, one dot sides up. "Looks like somepony beat you to it and left you with a dud. Snake eyes to you, old boy."

Growling once again, Sombra stomped on Discord's eyes, which disappeared only to reappear inside the troublemaker's claw, then he probably them back into his head. Before Discord could do anything else, the maze returned to it's normal size, the game having come to an end. Which also meant that Sombra once again had his horn. Noticing this, the enraged shadow king turned and glared at the Draconaquis.

"Guess I'll take the consideration prize…" Sombra growled as sparks of bubbling dark magic began to channel through his horn.

Before Discord had a chance to clear his vision and see what King Sombra meant, he was blasted with a large amount of dark magic. At first, Discord felt as if he had nothing to fear. Whatever Sombra was going to do to him he could easily reverse with a snap of his fingers, at worst, Fluttershy and the others could help him in their usual way of helping their friends. But as the Draconaquis felt his body stiffen, he recognized what was happening. Sombra was turning him to stone. Starting at the center of his chest and reaching out, Sombra focused all of his rage, frustration, and anger into dark magic, casting the curse upon Discord. It felt different this time to the Draconaquis. Unlike when he was turned to stone with the elements of Harmony, this time it felt cold, where last he felt a warm tingling. Unlike last time when he felt defeated but nothing otherwise, fear began to set into his heart. Discord wasn't going to be a statue in the presence of forgiving and kind ponies, but a cruel and cold tyrant. A tyrant that he possibly could have prevented 1000 years ago if he had only sought out friendship instead of power...

1000 years ago, Castle of the two pony sisters…

Outraged by what he had discovered, Star-Swirl the bearded retreated to his room and slammed the door, locking it with a silancing magic to prevent eavesdroppers. What he rages about would do more harm to Equestria if anypony else found out about it.

"How could she do this!" The bearded old stallion screamed as he kicked a chair into a wall, shattering it. "After all I did for her! After appointing her and her sister as Princess! After teaching them both everything I knew about magic! I practically raised those two! And she goes behind my back and does this!!!"

After taking a breath to calm himself, then losing his cool once again and flipping over his work table, Star-Swirl let out more outraged horse screams before finaly cooling off.

His eyes caught sight of something on the open page of a book he was reading. It was a formula to synthesize a very powerful magical item. In theory, the item could more then multiply the wearer's magic ten full, but it all remained theoretical. No pony in history dared to try such a thing. If even the slightest measurement was off, it could turn the pony to stone or dust, even rip a whole in the space time continuum.

Narrowing his eyes on the book as he levitated it up to his muzzle, Star-Swirl looked over the formula, contemplating on the risks and the gain.

Just then there came a knock on the door.

"Come in" Star-Swirl dispelled the silencing charm he cast on the room, allowing the knocker to hear him.

Stepping inside, Clover the clever started to speak in a hushed tone, feeling hesitant and a little nervous given the condition of the room "Sir Star-Swirl, I just wanted… well, I was worried about you, given how you, ugh, reacted to Princess Celestia's news."

"Do you realize what could happen to Equestria should this get out?" Star-Swirl asked with a tone that was annoyed to say the least.

"I know, but we can't stop true love" Clover walked in and shut the door.

"I will hear no more about this 'act of true love'" Star-Swirl spat out, then began packing his things."I have more important things to attend to. You can join me if you like."

Clover would normally jump at the opportunity to aid her teacher and mentor. But there comes a time where the student has to make their own path and stop following in the footsteps of the teacher

"I feel as though I'll be needed here" Clover answered honestly, nervous of her teachers reaction to her answer.

To Clover's surprise, Star-Swirl didn't seem to care and continued to pack his bags, replying with a nonchalant "as you wish."

"Will you be coming back?" Clover pressed, trying to see what her teacher was packing.

"I will, in time" was the last thing Star-Swirl said before finishing collecting his things and teleporting himself out of his room, out of the castle, and on the other side of the canyon that surrounded the pony sister's castle.

Without another word, Star-Swirl left Celestia, Luna and the rest of the castle and it's inhabitants behind to venture out on a long and dangerous quest. For several months, the wizard ventured to many different parts of Equestria, collecting rare or seemingly worthless ingredients for a very special item he wished to forge. Upon his return, the old wizard merely walked right into the castle as if he owned it, ignored Celestia and Luna as they watched him storm up to his room in the tallest tower, shut and lock the door. Not a single word uttered after all that time.

Going right to work, Star-Swirl pulled out his alchemic equipment and began synthesizing the ingredients he obtained in his travels. He knew it would take some time, but once the synthesizing was complete, he would no longer have to worry about what those foalish sisters did. Weather it was the younger sister complaining about her elder sister hogging the spot light, or the elder sister running off with some colt. None of it would matter. Because 'he' would set things right.

During the years to come, Star-Swirl was forced to play nice with the princesses he appointed to rule Equestria. Pretending one of them didn't betray him for some pretty boy, and ignore the growing resentment of the other. He even played along with their 'secret' and ignored the foal Celestia wanted him to teach. But he refused to do so. He wouldn't let the secret out, but he refused to play nice with that which could bring the peace of Equestria topaling down like dominoes.

Then the day came, when the item's synthesizing was complete. The item in question was a powerful red gem. But not just any gem. A gem of sheer power. Power that when channeled through the workings of a carefully designed pendant, would bestow it's own magical power to the wearer. It had taken years to perfect and mature the stone. And although Equestria had not yet toppled as Star-Swirl had predicted, that didn't mean it wasn't going to, should Celestia proceed with her hidden agenda. He had watched as the little sun spot grew and became stronger then he had ever hoped. Sar-Swirl only wished that he wasn't to late to set things right. For the good of Equestria and pony kind.

Placing the red gem carefully in the center of the metal pendent, Star-Swirl cast the spell given to him by the three Babayaga sisters. The spell to complete his craft. But as he did, he felt great darkness flow around the room as if evil itself were drawn to the making of this magical item. A wicked laughter began to fill Star-Swirl's ears. He had hopped he wasn't too late to prevent the return of the Umbrum. Star-Swirl had checked up on the seal multiple times since discovering King Sombra's liniage. Star-Swirl and the missing princess Amore were apparently the only ones who knew the king's dark secret, that even he himself did not know. All the more reason Star-Swirl felt to press forward with his plans to take back the rule of Equestria.

'Leaving the future of pony kind to a couple of arrogant foals, what was I thinking!?' the old wizard thought to himself as he finished crafting the magical item.

The item in question was made of a rare metal that harbored the powerful gem, with wings resembling a pegasus's, and a unicorn's head at the top. 'I shall call it the alicorn amulet! And with it, I shall take back Equestria from the hooves of those spoiled alicorn foals!'

But upon placing the powerful amulet on his person, Star-Swirl instantly knew he had made a terrible mistake. He was granted a great amount of magic, indeed, but far too much for anypony to handle. The magic began to flow out of control, Star-Swirl felt the room begin to spin as colors and shapes began to warp. No longer being able to tell up from down, left from right, the old wizard fumbled around, reaching out with his hooves that seemed to grow tiny appendages themselves! His neck seemed to stretch out, allowed the old wizard to shift his head over to watch as his fur changed colors and on some parts of his body, fall off. Flopping his head around to gaze at his now twisted appearance in the mirror, the old wizard thought he was going mad when he saw two wings had appeared on his back! Not like a pegusi, but one like a small blue bird and another like a bat! If only the physical changes were enough. But worse was about to befall Star-Swirl.

The twisted laughter from had returned, but louder, and more maniacal, echoing not just in his room, but loud enough to be heard through the halls, the Court yard and maybe through the surrounding forest. What made it worse, the laughter wasn't the oncoming creatures of shadow that Star-Swirl feared, but rather the laughter was coming from his own lips! But rather then stop his demented laughter, Star-Swirl continued his laughter, as if to declare his Presence to all the world!

Focusing his magic, the monster snapped his fingers and brought the furniture, the magical and scientific instruments and books in his room to life! All of which began dancing or flying around the room in a most chaotic way. Snapping his fingers again, Star-Swirl turned a near by bag of oats into a bag of creepy crawling spiders! Snapping his fingers again, and he turned a mirror into a pond complete with fish and a frog swimming in it! One more snap of his fingers and Star-Swirl made pink rain clouds appear in his room, which began to let loose rain that happened to be chocolate milk! Star-Swirl the bearded had ascended beyond the level of mere 'wizard' and aquired magic beyond that of the alicorn sisters! Chaos magic! He himself had become Star-Swirl, master of chaos!

'No' the mangled mixed up creature thought to himself. As it began to fly out his open window and far above the castle of the two pony sisters. "I am Discord! Master of chaos! And I alone will bring peace and happiness to Equestria when I reshape it to fit my own views! A chaotic view!"

That was the last day anypony saw Star-Swirl, and the first they could ever recall seeing the fiend known as 'Discord'. Not long after he began his raid over the ponies of Equestria, tormenting them and bending them to fit his own twisted fantasy of peace, did the two alicorn sisters team up and do what their teacher had taught them to do. Protect the ponies of Equestria. They cast the villain Discord into stone with the help of the Elements of Harmony, and kept him safe in the gardens, never knowing their missing mentor was never far from them…

Once Discord was cast in stone once again, this time by Sombra's own hoof, the shadow king walked up to the statue, disturbed by how peaceful the master of chaos looked. And with one rage fueled hoof, Sombra struck the statue of Discord, and reduced it to rubble like the other statues before.

Before taking off, King Sombra looked back at the broken statue of the Draconaquis, then snapped off the one tooth from his still grinning, stone smile. Taking it as both insurance and a trophy, not wanting to leave empty hooved. 'Atleast one good thing came from this. I have one less powerful enemy to deal with…"

With that final thought, Sombra disappeared into the shadows. If he had stuck around a few moments later, Sombra would have had a chance to see his son yet again. But by the time Sunny and the others arrived at the heart of the maze, all they saw were a few knocked over statues of the princesses and a pile of broken pieces of a shattered statue.

At first, no pony knew what to make of the scene, but Sunny knew his father had been there. It was a feeling deep inside that the yellow Stallion couldn't explain.

"I don't get it" Rainbow Dash blurted out. "Why go through all that just to make a mess in a hedge maze?"

"I think he was looking g for something…" Twilight answered, not one hundread percent sure of her answer.

"Looking for something? Here?" Derpy asked the question out loud what everypony was thinking.

Taking a second look, Doctor stated "you could be right… yes. Yes there is some indication that he might have been looking for something."

"There were alot of destroyed statues along the way" Octavia chimed in. "Maybe he was looking for something in one of the statues."

"That might be it, but what was hidden and did he find it?" Twilight thought out loud.

"I can answer that" a heavenly voice spoke up from the enterance of the maze's center. Standing there at the only enterance and exit was the Pearl colored alicorn princess of the sun, still dawning her masquerade mask. But her eyes could clearly be seen falling gently onto Sunny. "Its been a long time, Prince Solggiato… too long…"

Instantly, Applejack stepped between Sunny and Princess Celestia, remembering the warning Sombra gave to his son about Celestia and her plans to turn the yellow uniorn into stone.

"Princess, ah know Sunny's part Umbrum, but he ain't bad!" Applejack's words and actions shocked Celestia. The princess of the sun looked down and listened to the heartfelt words of the orange farm pony. "He's a really kind, sweet, honest, all around good guy! It shouldn't matter ta anypony what his pa is! Sunny ain't ah monster!… And… and if you wanna turn him ta stone, yer gonna have to get through me first!"

Everypony stood still, shocked and moved by Applejack's noble stance as she stood her ground between Princess Celestia and Sunny, who had removed his Black Knight helmet and watched the scene unfold.

After a long moment, Celestia removed her own mask and looked upon Applejack with a most respectful and understanding disposition. "Applejack, I am glad Sunny has such a caring and spirited marefriend in his life. But I will ask you this once and only once: step aside and let me see my son."

The words rang like a paralyzing echo in the ears of everypony there, freezing them all as Celestia walked past Applejack to Sunny who looked upon Princess Celestia with a mixture of confusion and understanding. The missing pieces of his mind's puzzle were found and we're just starting to slide into place.

Everypony now watched as Princess Celestia walked forward towards Sunny, nervously taking each step as gently as if she were walking in glass. But she no longer needed to worry. Sunny's once lost memories had gently returned to him, all now making sense.

Looking up at the tall, elagent alicorn princess before him, Sunny felt relief like he hadn't in a long time as he muttered the word "m-mom?"

Tears began to flood from both Princess Celestia's eyes as well as Sunny's as the two embrassed each other in a well deserved and long awaited hug.

"Oh Sunny… my Sunny… I thought I lost you… I missed you so much…" Celestia spoke through her tears.

While most ponies watched the touching scene unfold, Pinkie pulled out a camera and took a picture of the mother and son. Then pulled out a scroll and quill, and began writing. One of the ponies who was closest to her was Derpy, who looked over at what her friend had been scribbaling.

"What's that?" Derpy spoke as quietly as she could to avoid drawing attention away from the heart warming scene.

"It's a family tree I was putting together" Pinkie answered her walleyed friend. "Trust me, it will come in handy in the next couple of chapters."

Ignoring Pinkie, Derpy, and everypony else, Celestia and her son, Sunny, just enjoyed holding one another. Despite all that had happened, their worlds seemed to be at peace.

Author's Note:

And here we are! The big reveiled! (Although if you read chapter 100, you saw how upset Celestia was, plus the numerous hints I dropped throughout the other 152 chapters.)

But yes! Celestia is the biological mother of Sunny, and Sombra the father.

This will tie into numerous conflicts later, as well as explain some things, all of which will be touched on later.

153 chapters and still going strong. Thank you all for sticking with me this long. I love you guys!

I especially wanted to post this chapter on mother's day for obvious reasons.

Till next time guys. And a happy mother's day to all you mother's out there!

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