• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,944 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Masquerade Gala part 2

Standing there at the edge of a small arched bridge that lined the streets of Canterlot and fed up to the castle where Equestria's rulers lived, Sunny's mind began to flood with troubling thoughts, questions, and doubts.

'What if my mother doesn't want to see me? What do I even say to her? 'Hey mom, guess what, after I failed to save the Crystal Empire 1000 years ago, I decided to live and work.on a farm?' And what about the letter father intercepted? What if my mother really has turned her back on us and she still plans on turning me over to the princesses to be turned to stone and locked away forever!?!?' Sunny's head felt like it had been inflated with all these heart wrenching questions. The yellow unicorn almost retreated back to the city where he planned to sneak out and run all the way back to Sweet Apple Acres, that is, until a gentle hoof firmly grabbed his.

Looking next to him, Sunny's troubled heart began to relax as he caught sight of the most beautiful mare in all Equestria. Applejack shot him an understanding look with her emerald green eyes that seemed to match Sunny's own. She had her mane braided by Granny, hanging over her left side, with her tail to match. Applejack wore a green and brown dress that looked similar to the one she had shown him that she wore to her first gala, only this one was fitted with a few more regal details around the head of the dress, with shoulder pieces that matched a formal princess gown, but the dress still carried poudly a country style base, with a set of new boots to match. To pull the whole look togeather, Applejack wore her signature Stetson hat. She was more then a sight to behold. Like an angle strait out of the old west.

"Ain't gettin' cold hooves are ya, partner?" Applejack asked, her tone and soothing voice like chicken soup for Sunny's Ill thoughts.

"Just… nervous, I guess" Sunny replied, eyes falling to the ground, no longer feeling worthy to look into Applejack's.

Lifting his chin up and moving her muzzle closer to his, Applejack spoke softly to him. "Ain't nothin' but good will come outta' this night, Sugar cube. Things may get ah little rocky, and it might not be what ya hoped, but ah got ah good feeling 'bout tonight."

Hearing that, put Sunny's worried far from his mind. Breathing easy, Sunny didn't notice somepony almost crash into him from above.

Landing almost on the yellow unicorn was the soon to be wonderbolt, and fellow guardian of harmony, Thunderlane. He put a hoof around Sunny and spoke loudly "Looking snazzy, man. But not as good as me."

Studdying his flight loving friend for a moment, Sunny noticed Thunderlane went with a similar style tux as he did, but with the tails in the back, his vest being light blue, and his suit being white instead of black or dark blue. Next to Thunderlane was his younger brother, Rumble, in a suit almost exactly like his older brother's say for it's size being several times smaller, as well as Flitter who wore a pearl colored dress that hung off one of her shoulders and feathered from the waist down.

"Well don't ya'll look picture perfect" Applejack commented, never letting go of Sunny's hoof.

"Not half as good as you do" Flitter complemented Applejack. "You look amazing! Who did your mane?"

"Granny" Applejack blushed a little. She didn't like getting all done up, but when she did, she humbaly knew she looked beautiful.

"Ah told ya it looked nice, sis" Big Mac appeared to Applejack's side. He himself was wearing an older style of a classic fit with a green colored vest similar to Sunny's, but he decided to wear a bowlow tie that he picked up in Appaloosa a few months ago. Big Mac noticed the bowlow Sunny was wearing and smiled. It was his father's. Applejack gave it to him for his birthday, and Big Mac knew their father would be honored for Sunny to wear it. "Nice bowlow."

Looking from his bowlow tie to Big Mac's, Sunny tipped his stetson, smiled and replied "you too."

"What are we all standing around for, isn't there a party going on?" Doctor Whooves walked up to the group. He wore what appeared to be more of a suit then a tuxedo. Dark blue, but not dark enough to be navy blue, with a white button up shirt and a red tie.

"I'll have to see you all after my performance" Octavia stated, walking up wearing a simple, but very flattering, velvet silk dress. "My group and I are in charge of the entertainment for the first half of the gala, then Sapphire Shores is supposed to come in after us for the second half. But you all have a fun time, and I'll see you after I-"

"LOOK OUT BELLOW!!!" cried a familiar and normally soft spoken voice from above. A grey and light blue blur fell from the sky and almost crashed into Octavia if Sunny hadn't thought quickly and put a protective barrier around his musically gifted friend.

The grey and blue blur in question that smacked right into Sunny's barrier was none of the then the final member of the new guardians of harmony, Derpy. As she slid down off the Barrier, the group rushed to her to make sure she was alright, Octavia jumping in first to help straitened poor Derpy's mane. The grey pegasus was wearing a flashy, light blue dress that had pearls and sapphires embroidered into the folds and small gold rings hanging off the ends of the final fold. To complement the rings, Derpy also had matching bracelets and a mane clip that also had pearls on them. Looking closely at the aranment of of the pearls on her mane clip, one could easily see that they were positioned to minic her bubbles cutie mark.

"Thank you, Octavia" Derpy said bashfully. "Sorry I almost crashed into you. I was running late and didn't want to miss the fun."

"It's quite alright, Derpy" Octavia gave the mare a smile and a wink before whispering something in Derpy's ear and waving by to her friends.

"May I have your attention please!" An elderly stallion wearing a red coat, a pair of glasses at the end of his muzzle and a mustache just below the glasses, began to address the growing crowd just outside the castle gates. "It is at this time that I ask you to Dawn your masks and prepare to be called by name. When your name is called, please step forward and enter the party. If your name isn't called but you have an official ticket to the Grand Galloping gala, please speak with me after all names have been called!"

As the stallion began to call names, Twilight and the others quickly joined Sunny and his group of friends. They all waited for their names to be called, Twilight leaned in and whispered between Sunny and Applejack "I'm going to talk to the princesses about Sunny when we have a moment alone. Until I talk to them, I don't want them to know you're here. So I RSVPed you two under alius names."

"What names?" Applejack asked, raising a brow at her alicorn friend.

"Trust me, you'll know" Twilight chuckled and stepped back, waiting to hear her name to be called.

Kibits continued to call off named from his list. "Miss Fine Line and guest!
"Miss Minuette and miss Lemon Drops
"Miss Fluttershy and guest"

Fluttershy stepped forward with a rather relaxed green earth pony with a mopy looking red mane. The two smiled at Kibitz as they walked up the stairs and entered into the castle, joining the rest of the party.

Kibitz waited until the group of ponies entered before calling out the next couple of guests.
"Mr. And Mrs. Doodle Donkey
"Miss Mercury and guest"
"Mr. And Miss AppleKnight"

Both Sunny and Applejack stiffened when they heard the names be called and looked at Twilight, who smiled and gave them both a wink. Sunny turned to face Applejack and gave her a large but worried smile." I can't say for certain wheather this will be good or bad, but I have a feeling tonight at the gala will he one nopony will ever forget."


Thunderlane started to sing as music started to play could up "at the gala, I'll enjoy time with friends and family, sharing laughs and stories. We dine on fancy foods and take in the rich scene. My brother will hear how awesome I am and I'll share a dance or Two with Flitter, here at the gala!"

A group of well dressed stallions and mares joined in forming a chorus to keep the sing flowing."All dreams will come true, right here at the gala! At the gala, at the gala!"

Octavia smiled and chimed in with verses of her own "At the gala, I'll galvanize new students to join my music class. They will hear me play, and wish to join our musical group. I'll inspire dreams, right here at the gala!"

Big Mac couldn't help but contribute too "At the gala, I'll enjoy so many treats, all the while, bringing a smile to ponies faces. Their lives, so busy, they need to take some time to smell the daisies, have a laugh, and a bite of an apple treat. I'll show them how to have fun, tonight here at the gala!"

Derpy was a small distance away, just barely out of ear shot as she joined in, singnig words from the heart "At the gala, I can show I'm not a clutz. I'll dance with Doctor and show how light I am on my feet, er, hooves. I'll show him, how elegant I can be. He will hold me tight and I can finaly tell him how I feel, here, tonight, at the gala!"

While straitning his tie, Doctor sang mostly to himself "At the gala, I can show off my research. At the gala, I'll prove the findings of my works! I can share what secrets that we lost to history, and set stories of the past strait, all while eurning the respect of my peers, tonight here at the gala!"

"All dreams will come true, right here at the gala! At the gala, at the gala!" The well dressed ponies jumped in again to keep the rythm of the song going.

Sunny's heart began to fill with bravado hearing all the wishes and hopes of his friends, enough of help him contribute a few verses. "At the gala, I'll finnaly have the answers I've been searching for. I'll find her, my mother, and find out why she did what she did. Why she betrayed my father and I. Maybe it's all a mistake, maybe it's all a misunderstanding, maybe there's more to the story. But no matter what, we'll find out, tonight, here at the gala!!!!"

Sticking to Sunny's side, hoof in hoof, Applejack sang a silent verse of her own. "At the gala, Ah'll watch over him, protect him, like he's always doin' for everypony else. So kind, so smart, brave and true. Ah don't care what it takes, Ah'll protect you. Ah'll be your sheild tonight, here at the gala…'

High, high up in a tower of the purple, gold and ivory castle, a certain reformed villain watches the well dressed and mask bearing guests enter the ballroom. Discord had calculated and planned things out perfectly up until tonight. It bothered him that everything went so well according to plan, being the emissary of chaos itself. But knowing that many ponies went through quite a bit of trouble to unknowingly follow his plan made it all the better. Clenching the edge of the ledge, Discord began to sing along with the others as well. "At the gala, at the gala, I can start to make things right. All the things I messed up, all the trouble I caused, I can start to set right. One day, I can eurn back Tia's friendship, make Fluttershy proud of me. It all starts here, starting here at the gala!"

From atop the flight of stairs that looked down at the ballroom, allowing Celestia to see each and every guest as they enter. Her heart pounding loudly in her cheast, the princess of the sun could barely contain her mixed emotions. The only remedy was for her to also add to the song in the air. "At the gala, tonight, after 1000 years, I'll see that selfless prince. I hope he remembers me, as I so fondly remember him. Is 1000 years too long a time, am but a ghost of the past. I want him in my life, but do I deserve it? Will he want me there, with his new family? I'll just wait and see, here, tonight at the gala…."

After entering the ballroom, Sunny looked around at the scene. The gala seemed so very familiar to him, almost like a dream he had had over and over again. Part of him began to relax until Twilight pulled him out it.

"I'm going to go talk to the princesses" the purple alicorn whispered to Applejack and Sunny. "Why don't you and Applejack just relax and enjoy the gala. I'm sure it's changed since 1000 years ago."

"Thanks Twilight" Sunny forced half a smile while he adjusted his mask. His and Applejack's masks were almost identical in design, say for Sunny's being made more for a Stallion's muzzle, and Applejack's a mare's. Their masks looked very similar to a Knight's protective grate eye cover, but with the top of the masks decorated with the outlines of apples. The name Twilight put them under 'Appleknight' fit them to a tee.

"Announcing the arrival of Mr. And Mrs Rich!" A royal guard called out then stepped aside for the couple who walked in as if they were honoring the other guests with their presents. They both wore similar masks as well, made of silver and gold, bearing dollar sign symbols.

After Twilight steadily made her way up towards Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, having to stop every now and again and shake hooves or greet ponies who were happy to see her, Sunny and Applejack casually strolled towards a table decorated with a wide array of foods. Sunny had been exposed to such a wide and extravagant selection before, but his smile grew as he looked to Applejack who's mouth went wide, a grin growing from it's corners, as her eyes looked from one end of the table to the other. A part of him wished she had been with him 1000 years ago, perhaps then he would have enjoyed those balls more sharing it with a mare as refreshing and relaxing as Applejack.

"Announcing the arrival of Dragon Lord Ember and guest!" The guard called out again, allot of ponie's heads turned as a blueish green dragoness in gold armor stepped forward, the bloodstone scepter in her right claw. Following behind her, a wide eyes smaller dragoness, orange in color with dark pink fins. While Ember did her best to appear unimpressed by the scene to keep up the heir of Dragon Lord, the younger dragon couldn't help but gaze around at everything.

As the two descended the staircase, Sunny and Applejack watched Spike ran up to them, jumping into a hug with the Dragon Lord. At first Ember hesitated, but then embarrassed Spike's hug. The young dragon with her looked even more suprised by Ember's reaction to the hug, knowing dragons weren't the 'hugging type.'

"Wow, didn't think ah'd ever see dragons comin' ta th' Galla" Applejack said as she handed Sunny a cup of punch.

"Me neither" Sunny added as he took a sip.

"Hey guys!" Pinkie's voice caught the attention of Sunny and Applejack, turning their attention to her and her guest, Maud.

"Howdy, Pinky. Howdy Maud" Applejack smiled at her friends and possible distant family members.

"Ladies" Sunny simply tipped his hat to them, also feeling them to be close family members, but still wanting to be semi-formal.

"Hey" Maud's tone was lacking of any emotion, but Sunny and Applejack could tell behind that rock hard, cool exterior, Maud was actually enjoying herself.

"Isn't this party great! So much better then last time! You guys remember! The time when we all came to the Gala with our separate intentions and dreams, but it all ended up a big disaster! Not like the time when I tried backing 18 dozen cookies at once, that was just a plane bad idea. But more like when I tried to teach Sweetie Bell how to bake, and batter went everywhere, even on the roof! And I don't mean like the ceiling, I mean outside in the roof! But we ended up having a fun time cleaning it up and had some cupcakes after." Pinkie had a few too many cups of punch and one too many fancy deserts right before she approached her two friends from the farm.

"Announcing the arrival of Sir Mac and Sir Tosh of the Yeti tribe!" That announcement caught the attention of most of the guests, even the princesses who's attention up until then had been focused on skimming the guests, looking to see if they could spot one specific pony in particular.

The twin brothers stepped though the doorway, dawning vests and coats and top hats, one set orange and the other a sky blue. As the twin yeti paused and looked around, they noticed all eyes were in them, but didn't really care much. Yeti were considered by pony kind to be a myth or legend, no pony in the longest time, say for those who took part in the attack on Iron lock knew of their existence.

"Say, dear brother" Mac started in as the two walked casually down the stairs heading into the crowd.

"Yes, dear brother?" Tosh asked, smiling at his brother, ignoring the many eyes on him and his sibling.

"I dear say, we've attracted quite the attention of the other party goers" Mac concluded his statement.

"I do believe you are right, dear brother" Tosh agreed, then a light bulb went on in his head. "Oh, dear brother."

"Yes, dear brother" Mac asked as the two reached the edge of the crowd.

"We forgot something rather important" Tosh stated, then pulled a mask out of his coat that looked just like rainbow dash from his light blue coat and put it in over his face.

"Oh dear, brother, it seems we did" Mac chuckled as he pulled a mask out of his own orange coat, this one resembling Applejack, and copied his brother in putting it on over his own face.

"How silly of us to forget the theme of this Gala" Tosh chuckled himself.

"Silly in deed, quite silly" Mac agreed. " I dear say, brother, look over yander."

Looking to where his brother was looking, Tosh noticed the snack table. "Oh my, yes in deed dear brother."

"I say, perhaps we should accept their kind offer" Mac notioned.

"It would be rude if we didn't" Tosh replied.

"And we don't want to be rude, do we brother" Mac smiled at his brother.

"We do not, in deed brother" Tosh agreed. "After all, James III sent us here as a show of our good faith towards Equestria's ponies."

"And we can't let him down" Mac nodded as the two made their way towards the table.

"Indeed we can't, dear brother" Tosh followed quickly beside his brother.

Ponies stepped aside allowing the two giant ape like creatures a path to the table.

"I had no idea the Yeti were invited" Doctor appeared beside Sunny.

"Maybe Twilight sent them tickets as a thank you for all their help" Sunny guessed.

"Hmm, maybe" Doctor pondered the thought until something caught his eye. A group of ponies he had been looking forward to all night were gathered by the fountain near the west side of the Ball room. "If you'll excuse me, I have some historians to impress."

Right as he left, Derpy appeared with two small plates of appitizers, nearly tripping over her own hooves trying to carry them in her flattened out wings. Sunny used his magical aura to help steady his clumbsy friend. The grey mare smiled and shot Sunny a greatful look with her eyes looking in two different directions. "Thanks Sunny. It's not easy carrying stuff in a dress. Have you seen Doctor anywhere?"

"You just missed him" Sunny pointed to the group of ponies Doctor seemed highly interested in.

"Thanks!" Derpy said to Sunny before speeding off to find Doctor, hoping to get him to dance with her at least once while they were there. She planned to stick by his side all night if she had to to wait for the perfect opportunity.

After getting something to drink and snack on, Sunny and Applejack began to wander around the ballroom until another familiar voice called out.

"Hey Sunny!" A familiar mare and stallion trotted up to Sunny and Applejack. They both had masks on that looked to be made out of comic book pages, which was a dead give away to Sunny who they were.

"Well howdy there, Sketch Pad, Typo" Sunny tipped his hat to the couple, then remembered Applejack never met them. "This is Applejack, my special somepony. Applejack, this is Sketch Pad and her husband, Typo. We met at their daughter Dawn's birthday a bit ago with Pinkie."

"Oh! So these two are th' comic book ponies, right" Applejack tilted her hat then held out a hoof. "Pleasure to meet ya. Sunny told me all 'out ya and yet daughter's party."

"Yeah, where is she?" Sunny looked around for Dawn, the filly who's birthday Pinkie took him to. If not for her, Sunny might not have bounced back from his funk after the attack on IronLock.

"She's over with Pinkie and the other fillies" Sketch told him and pointed across the room.

Looking off into the distance, Sunny smiled after seeing her laughing and having fun with some game Pinkie was playing with all of them. Sunny noticed right away that Dawn was wearing the tiara he made her.

"When you sent us the tickets for the Galla, we knew we had to get Dawn a crystal dress to match her tiarra." Typo told Sunny, waving at his daughter who waved back with great enthusiasm.

"Well I'm glad that… wait, I didn't send any-" Sunny started to say, but was interrupted by an elderly voice.

"Well who do we have here?" An older earth pony stallion approached the small group of friends. He had thick sunglasses resting at peak of his muzzle, a peppery mustach that matched his grey and black mane, and a red sweater that covered his light grey coat. "Why, is this the Colt you two told me about, ugh, Sunny was it?"

"Yes it is!" Sketch answered enthusiastically before turning back to face Sunny and Applejack. "Sunny, Applejack, this is our boss, mentor and Idol. The father of comics and the greatest comic book heros, Comic Stan!"

"Please, just call me Stan" the older Colt smiled and extended a hoof to Sunny and Applejack. He shook Sunny's hoof and complemented him on his strong grip, and kissed Applejack's hoof trying to be courteous. The orange farm mare blushed a little at the notion. "Typo and Sketch have told me all about you, mister Knight. And I must say, after seeing you in person, I think you have allot of potential to become a true hero."

Adjusting his hat and clearing his throat, Sunny replied "ah ain't no hero, mister Stan. Ah'm just ah regular fella who wants to set things right and help out a pony or two when ah can."

"Son, I've created many heros over my many years of story telling and I've learned many things because of it" Stan started to say. " And by definition a hero is somepony who is concerned about another's well being and will go out of his or her way to help them, even if there is no chance of a reward. That pony who helps others because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a super hero."

Chuckaling a little and nudging the yellow stallion, Applejack snapped Sunny out of his trans. "That 'definition' sounds like you partner, to ah T."

"Just keep pushing forward, and never give up on your friends, those you care about, and most importantly yourself" Stan smiled and took off his glasses before pulling a red mask with a spider web design and two white eye pieces on it over his head. The stallion then stood up on his hind legs and pulled a grappling hook seeming from out of nowhere, just like his mask. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go shake hooves with the beautiful princesses of this wonderful land. EXCELSIOR!"

With that, Comic Stan shot the grappling hook into the air where the claw grabbed firmly onto a pillar, then with a running leap, cleared over the heads of most of the attending guests.

At the other end of the room, Derpy watched with great unease as Doctor tried desperately to share the fruit of his ventures into Equestria's past to the Historian Society. Unfortunately, the stuck up ponies of the group took more entertainment in laughing at Doctor's 'outragous', 'praposterous', and 'laughable' statements.

(Redo with actual doctor who episode ideas)

"But it's true!" Doctor continued his plea.

The stuck up members of the Historian Society laughed once again repeating Doctor's words over in their heads.

"I'm so sure" a mare in the group was able to catch her breath enough to answer. "The legendary sword 'Excalibar' is just laying at the bottom of froggy bottom bog."

"YES!" Doctor replied. "It was sent there by the king's closest friends with the help of the seamare of the lake to await when the king would return!"

"That's just some old pony's tale" another mare chuckled.

"No, it's true I tell you" Doctor's tone was beginning to weak.

"Let's not forget the missing jewels of Trottingham" a stallion added in when he finished laughing for the moment. "First they were stolen by the fabled Robbin Hoof, then they were given to him as a reward by the King after Robbin stopped the king's evil brother!"

The group laughed once again, with the first mare speaking up again. "Everypony knows that just an old pony's tale!"

"It is not" Doctor tried to speak above their laughter. "If you want further proof, I could take you to the exact site where it sank. It's just off the coast of-"

"And the legendary golden chalice that can heal any wound, no matter how bad it is" another mare chuckled. "It actually exists and can push modern medicine forward by 1000 years!"

"Well it could" Doctor felt the battle with the Historical society was a fast losing battle.

"Well, Doctor, we would love to look further into your 'findings'" the first mare started to say, holding back her laughter. "That is, after we find the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny to help us take down the evil Boogyman!"

The whole Historian Society broke out into laughter, barely able to hold their sides togeather. Doctor just sighed and walked away with his head hanging low, Derpy following closely behind him. After walking for a bit, Doctor realized he had lead him and Derpy to the snack table at the other side of the Ballroom.

Far from ear shot of the Historians, Doctor sighed and picked up a cup, filled it with punch, then turned to face Derpy. "Care for some punch?"

Looking from Doctor's sad eyes down at the cup, Derpy reached out and took the beverage. As Doctor began pouring some for himself some, a familiar voice rang like the sound of a bouncing ball.

"Derpy!!!" A small earth pony then hopped into a hug with the grey pegusas mare, causing her to spill some.of her punch.

It took Derpy a moment to recognize the filly. But when she did, Derpy's eyes twinkled as her smile grew wide as she returned the hug. "Rose Bud!!! It's so good to see you!"

"Rose Bud!?" Doctor was a little shocked to see the Thal filly, and even more surprised to see the small group of ponies who accompanied her. "Prim Rose!"

The leader of the earth ponies from the planet Skaro smiled as she and several of her warriors as well as half a dozen of the unicorns who called themselves Kelads, approached Doctor and Derpy. Primrose was dressed in some organic material that formed a rather exodic looking dress. "Doctor, Derpy, it is good to see you both."

"I could say the same to you, Cheif Rose" Doctor did a courteous bow.

"Please, no need for such formalities among friends" Prim Rose then lifted a mask to her muzzle, the rest of her company, say for her daughter who was preoccupied talking with Derpy, flowed suit removed their own individual masks.

"Not to be rude, Prim, but … how did you get here?" Doctor asked, then noticed a familiar looking stallion kidding in the crowd behind him. One who wore a blue mask and a fez, performing some wierd dance with his front hooves waving in the air. Sighing, Doctor smiled and shook his head a little. "Well, I'm glad you all could come."

"We wouldn't miss it" Prim Rose stated. "Even if Solggiato did not invite us himself, we wouldn't pass up a chance to view a world where the winged ones still soar in the skies."

"Wait, Sunny invited you?" Doctor was caught off guard for a second time during their conversation.

Prim Rose then presented Doctor with a note that did indeed read that it was from Sunny, inviting them to the Grand Galloping gala, where ponies of all kinds would take part in the biggest party event of the year.

"Wow! It sure was nice of Sunny to invite you all" Derpy added in while she continued to dance a little with Rose Bud.

"Yes, very nice…" Doctor muttered under his breath. 'Something doesn't feel right. That doesn't look like Sunny's hoof writing. Even if it was, how did he not only get his hooves on that many Galla tickets? And how did he send it across dimensions to Skaro? It just doesn't make sense.'

Across the table, unaware of what Doctor and Derpy we're up to, Thunderlane, Flitter, Flutter, and Rumble were telling flight school stories, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

"-And then Spitfire came in, yelling at the top of her lungs 'Who's the wise guy who put whipped cream in the Captain's office!?" Thunderlane faught as hard his could against the laugher that was desperately trying to escape.

"What happened next?" Rumble asked, as if he hadn't heard the story 1000 times already.

"Some stallion in the back called out 'Did I forget the cherry on top?'" Thunderlane's laughter broke through, the fillies and his brother quickly joined in, laughing at the story.

"So that's what you guys do down at the Wonderbolts academy, eh?" A very familiar voice arose from behind Thunderlane.

When the small group of pegusi turned around, Thunderlane and Rumble could hardly believe their eyes. Cracking a smile, the grey Wonderbolt greeted his cousins. "Race, Reese, Reina, Ralan. What are you guys doing here?"

"You remember that coach you guys had" Reese spoke up. "That Sunny guy? Well he sent us all tickets in a letter. Said we should come, if nothing else, then to meet the Wonderbolts."

"Yeah, but we ain't seen them yet" Race commented, sounding a little annoyed. Not only was he bothered by not seeing his hero's, but also at how underdressed he and his siblings were. Race even took note of how well dressed his cousins and their dates were.

"Spitfire is running one last security sweep around the castle" Flitter told Thunderlane's cousins. "With everything that's happened, the last thing anypony needs is some party crasher to ruin tonight."

"But they will be here?" Ralan asked, speaking up for once.

"They should be done any minute now" Rumble told them, trying to appease his cousins.

"Alright, guess we can just have something to eat while we wait" Race settled, then turned to face the buffet table with his cousins and began to help themselves.

While the young ponies ate, Flitter leaned over to Thunderlane and whispered "Sunny gave you tickets for your brother and us right?"

"Yeah" Thunderlane forced a smile to keep appearances up while the two of them talked, trying to keep their conversation on the low.

"I don't mean to seem ungrateful, but how many tickets did he get?' Flitter asked.

"I have no idea…" Thunderlane had a bad feeling that something in the air wasn't quite right. There were always alot of ponies at the Grand Galloping Gala, but this year it seemed like there were alot of odd groups of ponies.

As the orchestra took a break between song, Octavia stood up at one of the mic stands and addressed all the guests, feeling a bit nervous about her announcement. Gulping down her fear, Octavia looked out into he crowd and spotted not only Sunny giving her a smile and nod off encouragment, but also her life long best friend, Vinyl Scratch, doing the same, but with a large plate of food in one of her hooves.

'You can do this Octavia' the chelloist told herself. 'I know public announcements we're never our strong suit, but this is really important. Remember; it's for the fillies and colts who would grow into great musicians, if only somepony were to guide them. And we will do our best to guide them. This is just the first step.

"I hope you all are having a wonderful night" Octavia started, the microphone screatching a little in the beginning, but she pressed on. "My name is Octavia Melody, and I've been the cello player of the Canterlot quartet for quite a while now, having played in previous Galas, weddings and other events. But I didn't want to stand up here and talk about my accomplishments. I wanted to let everypony here know that I will be starting a music school that will have locations both here in Canterlot as well as Ponyville.

"I am knowlagefull of many instruments, not just the cello, as well as singing. Anypony who is interested in attending classes, please see myself or any member of the Quartet for flyers and forms. I will be at each location twice a week, please, feel free to drop by and check us out. Thank you" Octavia finished up, released a held breath then calmly walked off stage to get a drink of water, her bandmates smiled, congratulated and patter her on the back.

She had told them about her plans beforehand and was relieved to find they were fully supportive of her want to educate others.

"Congrats, Octavia" Big Mac said as he walked up to her, along side her best friend, Vynal, who had made it through 1/3 of her large plate of food.

"Thank you, Big Mac" Octavia smiled at the large, down home earth pony. Then she noticed something different about her large red friend. "Ugh, Big Mac, are you… wearing balloons?"

On his head rested a top hat made entirely out of black balloons with a white balloon running around the base of it, and under his chin was a large green and red balloon bow tie, also made of balloons. The farm stallion smiled and beamed with pride. "Made them mah self. Would ya like one?"

"Yeah" Vynal spoke with some food in her mouth. Knowing Octavia hated when ponies did that, the DJ swallowed everything she was chewing, nearly chocking on it, and continued with what she was going to say. "Big Mac's been making them for all the guests! Don't know where he got the idea. But Big Mac, I bet Octy would look super cute with a big pink bow on her head!"

Before Octavia could protest, the red stallion pulled a few pink balloons out from his rather small vest pockets, blew them up, then in a flash, folded them and morphed them into an adorable bow that he quickly placed on Octavia's head. The musician felt rediculous at first but after seeing her with a balloon creation, her other band mates chimed in and wanted similar, if not more silly headwear of their own. Despite being members of a prestigious band, the Canterlot quartet members were just as fun loving as anypony.

Standing back, Octavia watched as one by one, Big Mac made fun and wacky creation after another. It wasn't until somepony tapped on her shoulder that Octavia was made aware of a rather large group of ponies waiting behind her.

"Miss Octavia" a little filly spoke up, then handed Octavia the form she had filled out with her mother. "My mom wants me to learn the piano. But can I learn other instruments too?"

Smiling at he young filly, Octavia gladly replied "of course you can. Let me know what you want to play and we can make it work."

"I wanna play the saxophone!" Some colt declared then proceeded to make it look like he was playing one while imitating some song he liked with a saxophone solo.

"I want to learn to play the flute!" A filly called out as she too began to play an imaginary flute, whistaling in lue of it's actual sound.

"Pardon me, miss Octavia" an older voice caught Octavia's attention and pulled it away from the young crowd. Octavia was shocked to see one of the two Yeti brothers standing beside her, kneeling down so as to not appear too intimidating as well as to ask her his question more privatly. "I was wondering, and well, I do hope you take me seriously when I ask this, because I always wanted to learn to play a certain instrument, but it's not exactly the most popular among out kind. And if you don't teach adults, I was hoping you could at least give me a good recommendation."

Octavia had originally planned on only teaching young ponies, or maybe even a young adult pony at the very oldest, but never in her dreams a yeti adult. But after seeing the nervousness and the want in his eyes, Octavia knew her answer. "I would be honored to teach you whatever you desire to learn. What instrument was it?"

"Well, I honestly was always a big fan of precision instruments. Drums, marachas, and the like." Mac answered, His brother standing behind him, slightly rolling his eyes, but with a smile plastered over his furry face.

"I'd love to help you learn" Octavia smiled and passed a form.and a quill for the yeti to fill out.

"If you're open to that, Octavia" A chilling and annoying voice ran in the musician's ear. She knew the voice and it's owner better then she honestly hoped. Discord appeared out of thin air dressed in an orange Tuxedo and matching top hat. "Then perhaps you could help my new friend out too. See, he's in need of a good, creative, positive hobby. I think music might be just what he needs."

Before Octavia could object, Discord stepped aside to reveil a rather gruff and more then rough looking character. He was an earth pony with a milk chocolate colored coat, two toned orange mane that was short in the back and slightly long in the front, with a short tail to match. A single chain and shackle around one of his front hooves with the chain wrapping around and up his hoof. But what caught Octavia's attention the most were his eyes. Those burning red eyes like a fire in the middle of a snow storm. But a fire that seemed to be looked at from a distance in that same snow storm. Like a pony could see it and want to run right over to it, at the same time it seemed to far away, with many possible dangers leading up to such warmth and comfort.

Octavia hardly knew what to say, and was found speechless and lost in thought in the presence of this tough character.

"This is my new friend, Salted Carmel" Discord started off saying. "I ran into him one day in the woods and thought a destructive character like him would surely be a blast to bring to the Grand Galloping Gala. I was going to bring my pal, the Snooze, but the writer thought this would be a better direction to go."

Nopony was listening to Discord as he went on with his spiel about writers and character development. The ponies interested in Octavia's classes had left their already filled out forms with the other quortet members, along with the yeti brothers, Octavia was too lost in Salted's eyes to pay the trickster much attention, and Salted had spent years listening to Cynical go on and on about 'writer this' or 'auther that' and assumed all insane ponies thought their lives were nothing but words on a page. This, though, was the writer's way of letting Discord know that although he was the master of chaos and can do anything he wants within the world he lives in, that it is the 'writer' who gives him that power and can do anything 'the writer' wants…. But the writer needs to get back to the story now.

After a few moments of Discord talking about what Salted supposedly wanted to learn to play and Octavia stairing deeply into the angry pony's eyes, Salted decided he had entertained everypony enough for one evening and began to wander away from the loud crowd. One thing the silent earth pony liked about the woods was the silence. After snapping out of her daze, Octavia decided to follow Salted, if nothing else, then to talk to 'him' about what 'he' wants to learn. After watching the two walk off, Discord smiled at his work, but the night had just begun.

A little ways down the way, Sapphire Shores was giving her dance group another pep talk to ease their troubled minds. After being captured, shrunk, and imprisoned in small crystals by the fiend Al Ca'pony, the group was left more then a little shaken. Saphire had done everything she could to make it up to them and rebuild assurance to them that bad guys aren't lurking around every corner waiting to leap out at them. Needless to say, it was a blessing that the princesses hired them for the gala. It was a little odd that they would want entertainment that was as loud and wild as her and her group of dancers, but this was just what her team needed. A job that payed well with that had the best security in all Equestria. Who would be dumb enough to attack not only Canterlot castle, but with princesses Luna, Celestia, Cadence, Twilight, Shinning Armor, and the other Elements of Harmony here.

"Sapphire!" A young mare's voice cried out.

The dancer was shocked to see a very familiar little filly run up and greet her. "Why, is that you Melody? Girl I haven't seen you since Manehatten. How have you been, sister?"

"Alot better" the little siren replied. Melody was once again in a pony form, but she seemed more comfortable then last time, when she was being forced to sing and control ponies with her music for Ca'pony. Two more mares appeared behind Melody. "These are my sister's, Orchestra and Symphony."

Looking over the young filly's shoulder, Sapphire met the gentle gazes of two other ponies. Well, to anypony else they appeared to be normal ponies, but to Sapphire Shores, who had spent a lot of time with Melody, she could tell they weren't normal ponies. They walked on four hooves, had pony like ears, pony like tables, pony like manes, and pony like shapes, but were slightly off. Their coats glistened slightly like fish scales, their eyes looked watery even though they weren't crying, and their Irises looked more like jewels in a sunken treasure chest, with the whites of their eyes containing a slight bluish green color.

The eldest sister stepped forward and offered her hoof. "It's a pleasure to finally meet the great pop star our sister told us so much about. Thank you so much for taking such good care of our Sister during that whole incident with that criminal."

"It was no trouble at all" Sapphire started to say, but stumbled over her words. "Well, except for the whole criminal thing."

"Do you have some time before you and the others perform?" Melody eagerly interrupted.

"We were just warming up, why?" Sapphire asked, half smiling at the little filly.

"Well, see, I made this new friend..." Melody started, trailing off a bit.

"Miss Shores can meet Ipsy after she and her group perform" Orchestra told her little sister.

"Who's Ipsy?" Sapphire asked, her question directed at the little filly.

"A friend I made in Ponyville" Melody told her idol and teacher.

"She's a kelpy" Orchestra added. "She's in the pond over at the edge of the garden. She'll be able to hear the performance and can talk with guests, but she's a little restricted to the water."

Turning to Melody again, Sapphire spoke softly "I'd be happy to meet your new friend. But we're about to perform. After we're done, ok?"

Melody was so pleased with Sapphire's answer that she could barely speak. Melody's sisters felt happy that their sister had made so many friends who cared for her. After living for so long up.in the mountains, their little sister was always so lonely. It was a relief for the two older sisters to see Melody making so many friends.Especially somecreature like Ispy, who Melody conected to.

At the far end of the ballroom, Fluttershy walked with her parents and Tree Hugger into the garden, a place Fluttershy didn't have the fondest memories of during her first gala, but there after had many wonderful times. And now, she wished to share it with those she cared about, and who she knew would appreciate it. Her soft spoken parents and nature loving friend. While there, Fluttershy was surprised to see Ipsy the Kelpy in the pond, carrying in a conversation with Steve Magnem the sea serpent.

"Are you all enjoying the Gala?" Ipsy asked as she and Steve swam over to the small group of ponies.

"Isn't this gala just to die for? The decorations, the food, and of course the theme!' Steve commented, full of cheer as he raised a brightly colored masquerade mask to his muzzle, one he personally made with Rarity some small time ago.

"It is very nice" Fluttershy agreed, casually looking over at her parents. Her father was released from the hospital not long ago, and both Fluttershy and her mother were hesitant about him coming. But Mr.Shy was feeling claustrophobic just staying inside all day, and was hesitant about going almost anywhere alone. Something was still bothering him. Then an idea popped into the yellow pegasus's head. "Hey Dad, did you know that Ipsy here holds nature classes at the forest near Ponyville?"

Fear over took the elderly pegasus's heart as the color slightly drained from him. "T-the one with T-T-Timberwolves-s-s-s!?"

"No no no" Fluttershy spoke quickly. "The one adjacent to the Everfree. The one with the big lake.

But the image of Timberwolves and their glowing green eyes was now in the old Stallion's head. Mr.Shy began muttering to himself "green eyes… green eyes…"

Mrs.Shy acted quickly and began to lead her husband away to give him some space. Turning to her daughter and the group of acquaintances, she sheepishly whispered "we're going to go get some air. We'll find you girls later…"

After they left, Fluttershy had to bite her lip to stop herself from crying. Both Ipsy and Tree Hugger did their best to comfort their friend. Fluttershy was worried that this would be her father from now on, despite what the doctors and therapist tell her. A comforting hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder snapped the yellow pegasus back to the gala. Her oldest friend, Rainbow Dash, stood behind her, a worried and soft expression on her muzzle.

"It will be ok, Fluttershy" Rainbow spoke as gently as the jock could. "It's not going to be easy, but-"

Fluttershy couldn't stand listening to one more pony tell her 'It will be ok' or 'it's going to take some time for him to get better', even if it was one of her best friends. The yellow pegasus flew as fast as she could into the hedge maze part of the garden.

Rainbow was about to fly after her when a too familiar voice caught her attention. "Well well, looks like somepony has some team work issues to work out."

Rainbow Dash turned and glared in the direction the voice had come from. The cyan colored pegasus couldn't believe her ears when she heard the voice, but her suspicions were confirmed when her eyes locked with the golden colored eyes of somepony she wished was out of her life. The name slithered out under Rainbow Dash's breath "Lightning Dust…"

The seafoam colored mare stood against the railing leading into the garden area with a very smug look on her muzzle, dreased in a very flattering black dress, a hair clip in her mane with a symbol that Rainbow Dash swore she had seen before. A smiling pony like skull with a single wing behind it's head.

"I'm sooooo glad my old wing pony remembered me" Lightning Dust casually walked over, with the eyes of Ipsy, Steven and Tree Hugger falling heavily on her. At one point or another, they all learned about the reckless behavior of Lightning Dust. But the trouble maker ignored their eyes and remained focused only on Rainbow Dash, the pony she consider the one who ruined her life. "If you want, I could give you an autograph for a discount. 50 bits is a deal."

"Autograph!? HA!" Rainbow fake laughed. "What are you going to sign? Your mug shot?"

That hit a nerve and broke the cool and calm look Lightning Dust had. Taking a deep breath, Lightning gathered herself and remembered why she attended the gala. "Funny as always. But looks and smells aren't everything. Jokes aside, Dash, I came here to see how you liked my gift."

This confused Rainbow a bit. "Gift? What gift?"

"Why the Monster bracelet of course" Lightning sounded confident and degrading again, seizing control of the conversation once more.

"What!? That was you!" Rainbow had lost her cool and tackled Lightning, grabbing her by the shoulder straps of her dress. "DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU DID!? OH, I CANT WAIT TO REPORT YOU TO THE PRINCESSES AGAIN! THIS TIME THEY'LL LOCK YOU UP AND THROW AWAY THE-"

Pushing the cyan colored mare off her, Lightning straitened her dress, and smugly brushed off the dust from her shoulders. "Rainbow Dash, I don't give a flying feather about what the 'Princesses' care or do. I have bigger things going on. Speaking of…"

Lightning Dust motioned behind the cyan colored pegasus, making Rainbow look over her shoulder in time to catch another trouble maker from her past landing into a trot. A stallion with a very similar coat color to her, who had tried to use that to his advantage in getting Rainbow kicked off of the Wonderbolts team forever. Wind Rider.

"Hello Rainbow Dash" the former Wonderbolts said with a smirk and cocky tone in his smooth voice. "It's been a while. Not long enough to be honest."

"I feel the same" Rainbow agreed, keeping a close eye on Wind as he casually trotted over and stood side by side with Lightning Dust. "So you two know each other?"

"I should say so" Wind looked down at Rainbow Dash.

"He's my grandfather" Lightning gave a strait answer, and sat back to enjoy the shocked look on Rainbow's muzzle. It was a look that Lightning Dust had hoped she would get used to seeing.

Rainbow was beyond shocked. Looking at the two Wonderbolt rejects, something seemed off about them and deep down inside, Rainbow knew something was wrong. 'who would give these two tickets to the gala!? And how did Lightning get out of prison… something doesn't add up. I should talk to Twilight.'

"I'd say i'd love to stick around, but I really wouldn't" Rainbow spoke honestly as she started to casually and slowly leave the two in the garden, hoping that she could get to Twilight and warn her before Lightning Dust or Wind Rider could do whatever they planned to do. Rainbow felt something bad was going to happen. Something really bad.

The two former Wonderbolts let Rainbow Dash scurry away, laughing evily knowing that they had indeed scared the Wonderbolt. And it felt sweeter then pie to install that fear….

At the far end of the ballroom, Rarity was showing several of her fashion enthusiasts the dress she had warn, which was made of a new type of fabric she created. Several were students of various fashion schools from all over Equestria who were excited to see what the gala goers we're wearing. But one pony in particular stuck out in Rarity's eye. It was Coco Pommel, a friend she had made back when she visited Manehatten for the fashion show. Coco and Rarity kept in good contact via letters, and would have tea whenever they were in the area.

"As you can see, it's softer then velvet, but light and sturdy" the white unicorn went on, presenting small samples of her fabric to the ponies around her.

Several of the students awed at the structure of the material and felt it with their hooves as they closely examined it. A few even asked Rarity how she was able to create such wonderful materials. Rarity loved sharing her ideas and processes with others to help them achieve their own great works, sometimes she been though of opening up her own school of fashion to do so.

Just as Rarity was about to delve deeper and explain her process for how she achieved the makings of such material, the fashionista saw out of the corner of her eye and aquantance who she hope would come to the gala, despite her hermit like ways. "If you all would excuse me for just a second. I have somepony y I need to speak to…"

Rarity casually left the group to go and greet a certain shy wallflower. Approaching a pillar that no pony was near, Rarity smiled as a young looking mare with a red cynthetic mane, dressed in one of Rarity's most creative dresses. "Rosewood, Darling, you looks beautiful. You shouldn't be hiding here all alone while the gala is in full bloom. Is something the matter?"

The living puppet pony, known as Rosewood showed little to know emotion before whispering. "Im.. I'm scared... Uncle knew I was scared before he sent me a ticket to the Gala. I didn't even have a friend to use my plus one with."

"Sunny gave you a ticket?" Rarity sounded a little shocked. She knew he had enough tickets for his fellow guardians of harmony and himself, but she didn't know he gave Rosewood one too. Pushing that though out of her mind, Rarity thought the best thing to do right now was to help Rosewood relax and make a friend if possible.

"Rarity" a soft spoken voice rang from behind the white unicorn as if on cue. Coco appeared, a little standoffish herself, with some of Rarity's fabric in her hoof. When Coco noticed Rarity was talking with somepony, Coco immidiatly put a hoof to her mouth and began to withdraw. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Actually, Coco, this is the niece of a friend of mine" Rarity stepped aside and presented the shy Rosewood to the equally timid Coco. "Coco, this is Rosewood. Rosewood, my dear friend and fashionista friend, Coco Pommel."

The two young mares looked at one another before chuckling nervously. After a small moment of hesitation, the two mares took small steps towards one another and shot each other a small smile.

"Hi, I'm Coco Pammel" the cream colored mare offered her hoof.

Look down at the extended hoof, Rosewood moved slowly, hoping the sounds of her wooden body would be muffled by the outfit Rarity made to cover her odd body. With one final, slow movement, Rosewood met Coco's hoof and lightly, but firmly, shook it. Both sharing a smile again.

"So, ugh... What do you like to do for fun?" Coco awkwardly asked, not really knowing much on small talk.

Thinking for a moment, not really sure how to answer Coco without freaking her out, Rosewood finaly answered with "ugh…. I like to whittle, with like, wood…"

"That's cool" Coco answered softly and sincerely, peeking Rosewood's own interest. Other then her uncle and father, Rosewood hadn't met anypony else who thought her hobbies was 'cool'.

"What do you like to do? For fun, I mean" Rosewood smiled at Coco, wanting to get to know the pony a little bit better.

"Well… I make cloths. Mostly costumes for plays" Coco felt a little embarrassed that that was her focus point of work. Ponies either thought her work was great or they just bushed it off. This wasn't the case with Rosewood.

"Really? What plays? My favorite plays are 'Hinny of the hills' and 'a midsummer nights eve'".

"Hinny was actually my first big break!" Coco started to say, her smile growing. "I owe it all to Rarity. She got me a job working with a director in Manehatten who's best play was 'Hinny of the hills'."

"Really? How did that happen?" Rosewood was really eager to hear Coco's story, so much in fact, she forgot all about her fears.

"Well, it all started when Miss Siri heard about a new fashion show going on…" Coco started to tell the story, feeling even more relaxed then before.

Rarity sat back and listed as Coco told he side of the story where she and Coco actually met. It was a trip to Manehatten that the element of generosity would never forget.

Atop the main staircase, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked down over the crowd. Both wearing similar masks, with the left half of their masks bearing intricate designs of the sun or moon respectively, with swirly designs of either gold or black. Their dresses we're also similar in design and color to their masks, almost appearing to be flowing forms of black or gold on blue or white. Twilight had approached both princesses and began making small talk with them, wanting to lead them into the topic that was eating at the back of her mind.

Princess Luna seemed happy to engage in small conversation, as for her elder sister… her mind seemed else where. Twilight kept talking only pausing when she directed an question at Princess Celestia, who had to be nudged by princess Luna to bring her attention back to her faithful student.

After doing this several times, Twilight took a step forward towards the princess of the sun and asked her directly "Princess Celestia, is something wrong?"

Shaking her attention away from skimming over the crowd, Celestia looked over at her most faithful student and smiled " I'm sorry Twilight I'm just… I'm expecting to see somepony very important here. Somepony I haven't seen in a long, long time."

Interested by what her teacher said, Twilight forgot about talking to the princesses about Sunny for a moment to ask "Really? Who is that?"

Beneath her mask, Celestia had to fight back the tears. Tears of joy, of regret, tears that had not dried up even after 1000 years of pain. She didn't want to speak, but Celestia knew that she had rudely ignored her student for long enough "You know him... I just..hope he's ready to see me."

That answer left Twilight baffled, But the young alicorn didn't have a chance to press further. Gathering everypony's attention with a loud screatching microphone, Discord appeared hovering above the crowd, still dressed in his orange suit and matching top hat. As he cleared his throat, collecting the attention of everypony at the gala, the Draconaquis pulled a scroll he prepared a speech on out of his coat pocket. Looking at out at the crowd, Discord spoke with great confidence "I would personally like to thank each and every one of you for coming to this years' Grand Galloping Galla! Especially those who accepted the Invitations I sent to you on my pal's behalf. You know him, you love him, Let's give it up for the Prince of the Crystal Empire, the honest apple farmer from Ponyville, leader of the New Guardians of Harmony, and the Black Knight himself, Give it up for Su-"

But before Discord could finish his introduction that had caused Sunny to sink deeper and deeper into the crowd, a blast of disgusting green goo splattered across Discord's mouth, silencing the master of Chaos.

"I don't care much for long introductions" a deep and powerful voice echoed off the walls of the ballroom, causing ponies to panic and look all around for the source. They didn't have to wait long. From atop The ballroom, several pegusi dimmed the lights and focused to stage lights on the staircase where the guests had descended when they first arrived. The lights fell upon a pony shaped figure hidden benith a dark green cloak. The hood covered head of this mysterious party crasher rose and a pair of glowing green eyes shinned through the hood's shadow. "Or long winded buffoons, so I'm going to make this simple and clear. I am taking over, and you will be the first to bow before me."

"And who may you be?" Princess Celestia asked, little more then annoyed as she glared at the cloaked figure.

A green magical aura wrapped around the mysterious being and levitated the cloak off of him, reveling a creature with a dark green exoskeleton, tall, but not quite Celestia's hight, with thick green mane much like moss from a swamp. When the being flexed, powerful insect like wings emerged that had once covered his chest. From atop his head two large pincer like horns curved to the sky while several smaller black horns circled the creature's head like a black crown. It was a sight to behold, like a beetle and pony combined into one being. "I am the King Hamon Optera, the Ruler of the Changelings. And now that I have you all here, I'll be taking over all of Equestria."

"Oh yeah? You and who's army!?" Rainbow Dash, annoyed by the self proclaimed king's statement jumped up and out of the crowd, not afraid to be singled out form the rest of the crowd.

A small smile broke across King Hamon's muzzle as he stomped his hoof, signaling his followers. With that signal, the changeling who had been in hidding as both guests and guards reveiled their true forms, frightening and pushing back the real guests of the gala. Twilight and her friends watched in horror as the memories of the royal wedding replayed in their heads. But unlike the last time, the Changelings seemed more… rabbid. They seemed as though they had been starved and were eager to follow their ruler's orders, their eyes glowing green like the Changeling King's horns.

"Ya just had ta ask, didn't ya" Applejack raised a brow to Rainbow Dash who let out a sheepish laugh.

"Get ready to fight girls" Twilight and her other friends quickly regrouped and went into.battle formation.

"Guardians, let's back them up!" Sunny called out, casting the spell to enlarge his Black Knight armor from underneith his Stetson hat, and magically put it on his body. His friends and fellow guardians also talking a battle stance.

King Hamon looked down at the twelve ponies and one brave little baby dragon and continued to smile. "I was hoping you wouldn't make this boring. But I didn't come alone. And Celestia, if I were you, I'd put that sheild of yours up right now."

Before anypony could figure out what he was getting at, there was a loud blast from outside, followed by a deep rumbling sound. Those who looked outside could see small rocks falling from the sky, followed by larger rock, and larger still. Ipsy, Steve and those who had been in the garden had quickly taken shelter inside the castle, but even there was not safe.

"Your majesties!" Several pegasus guards flew in in a panic and approached the princesses. "A blast of rainbow shot out from the clouds and hit the mountain, cutting the top completely off! It's going to crush the castle! We need to evaluate, now!"

Rocks began to land on the castle itself, breaking through the sky light of the ballroom, sprinkling guests with bits of broken glass as they began to panic further. Changelings under the new king's control remained focused on their prey, ignoring the greater danger, and began to attack, capture and feed off the guests!

"There is no time!" Celestia declared and began to focus her magic into her horn before shooting it out through a hole in the roof where some rocks had broken through. Just in the nick of time, Celestia put up a barrier to sheild all of Canterlot from the falling mountain top.

Unlike when Shinning Armor cast the spell before his wedding, Celestia had to put up the barrier to keep the falling rocks from causing any more harm as well as keep the mountain top in place. But another rainnow blast from an approaching dark cloud had pushed the severed mountain top right into position ontop of Celestia's barrier!

As Celestia struggled to keep the barrier up, Luna tore her eyes from her sister and looked to the sky, trying to find the source of the rainbow blasts. "Where is that coming from?"

As if to answer her, a dark and sinister voice began to sing out in tune with the twisted, dark mechanics of the factory everypony tried to forget about. The dark secret of the Pegusi. The Rainbow factory...


Whilst the music continued, striking fear deeper into the hearts of the gala attendants, forcing the princesses, the New guardians, Twilight and her friends into swallowing that fear in order stand tall and uphold the image of courage and the belief of harmony in the face of evil. To top it all off, with ravanous Changings surrounding the guests, the impending fear of a collapsing mountain that no pony could escape, a dark armored figure dropped from the sky and landed feet away from Sunny, a dark blade pointed at the yellow unicorn.

"It's time, son of Sombra" the deep voice called out. Sunny and Applejack recognizing the armor as to belonging to the guard loyal to Sunny's father from the attack on IronLock, the one who also could use dark magic and used it to lure them to Sombra himself. The one Sombra called 'Snowstorm'. "Let's see what you are made of. Just you and me!"

Looking around at all the chaos and mayhem surrounding them, Sunny sighed slightly. 'Guess this will be a night to remember, if we get through this...'

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