• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,957 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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The Monsters Within

Guilt began to engulf Rainbow Dash as she stood in front of her locker getting suited up for the show. She knew that Sunny had done what he did for her as... a friend of a friend, all so she could go and perform tonight and not get kicked out of the Wonderbolts. But part of her couldn't help but want to fly strait out of there at that exact moment and fly with everything she had over to grab Twilight from Canterlot to help get that thing off of him.

"Huh..." the cyan colored mare sighed as she finished zipping up.

"First show giters?" Fleet Foot appeared beside Rainbow, nearly sending the mare with a Rainbow mane into a panic attack.

"Ugh, yeah. I guess you could say that" Rainbow half lied as she calmed herself down.

"I couldn't worry, you're a pro! In no time, you might give me and Spitfire a run for our money" The senior wonderbolt joked as she put a hoof on Rainbow Dash. "Just remember, we're a team. We all work together and look out for each other out there. Just breath and clear your head. It will all come together."

After patting Rainbow one more time on the back, Fleet Foot left the locker room to join the rest of the Wonderbolt's on the field, leaving Rainbow Dash alone with her thoughts.

'I know what I have to do' Rainbow said as she stood up and began to fly as fast as she could to where she knew Spitfire and the others would be.

As Rainbow began zipping down the hall, a familiar, and very unwanted voice caught her ear, making the rainbow maned wonderbolt stop mid flight. The voice came from just around a corner. With her back against the wall, Rainbow Dash decided to listen in. "So she took the bait?"

"Hook, line, and sinker!" Another voice said, this one Rainbow Dash remembered belonging to that mare who gave her the monster bracelet! "Just like you said she would, captain."

"Excellent!" The first voice said. Peeking around the corner just slightly, Rainbow Dash confirmed the voice belonged to who she thought it did. Nopony else other then the ex-wonderbolt, Wind Rider! He was talking with that filly Rainbow had met in the locker room, both had sinister looks on their muzzles. "And you saw her fly off towards Princess Twilight's castle?"

"Yep!" The filly answered again. "She transformed even sooner then you said she would!"

"Ha! I wonder what that bird brain turned into" Wind chucked at the though, all the while Rainbow was finding it harder and harder to keep quiet.

"Oh! You'll love this!" Firefly began, her sly smile growing larger and thinner. "She started losing her feathers and mane and became a Wrinkly, senile, old griffin!"

Both ponies began laughing, which was really starting to make Rainbow's blood boil. 'So they were working together on this! I need to tell Spitfire!'

"All is going according to plan..." Wind spoke up again, stopping Rainbow in her tracks. As much as she wanted to fly off and inform Spitfire about what Wind and Firefly had done, there might be more to it then just them pulling some stupid prank on her. So the normally hot headed mare cooled her jets and listened.

"Yep! When I saw Rainbow leave Princess Twilight's castle, not only was she back to normal, but the Princess wasn't with her!" Spitfire informed Wind Rider.

"Oh, most excellent" Wind's own smile began to grow more and more crooked. "A team of other Shadowbolts will already be at the castle now to retrieve her. We knew Rainbow Dash would go to her friends for help. And with half of her friends in the hospital and the other half out on a stupid 'friendship mission', that arrogant dodo had no choice but to go to Princess Twilight! And from our intel, Twilight had already read several books involving the bracket, but none with any other way to remove it other then by transferring it! So she took the bracelet from her friend and is most likely trying to do research on how to remove it! No matter what form the princess takes, they should be able to capture her and bring her back to the king. Two down, and two to go!"

'So that was their plan all along! They weren't trying to get me! They were trying to get Twilight!' Rainbow Dash thought to herself, then began to smile as well. 'Joke's on them! They don't know Twilight wasn't home, and Sunny actually was-'

Just when Rainbow thought things couldn't get any hairier, a flash of gold wizard past her, barley screeching to a halt in front of Wind Raider and Firefly. Rainbow Dash couldn't believe her eyes when she saw who it was! It was her old rival/enemy, Lightning Dust! Wearing a Shadowbolt's uniform none the less!

"Dust?! What are you doing here? What happened?!" Wind asked, his malicious tone completely vanished.

Trying to catch we breath, Lightning glared at Firefly before pushing the filly against the wall. "You idiot! You gave us the signal that Twilight had the bracket on! But she wasn't even home!"

"W-w-what do you mean?! Who else could-" Firefly tried to speak but could barely get air into her lungs.

"IT'S THE KINGS SON!" Lightning Dust snapped. "Rainbow Dash gave the bracelet to Soleggiato! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT JUST HAPPENS TO ME AND MY TEAM?!"

That's when Wind took a good look at his granddaughter, her flight suit was torn and she suffered some minor scratches, but more importantly, she appeared to be alone.

"Where is your team, Lightning?" Wind Rider asked as his expression turned cold and hard.

"That... that THING got to them!" The seafoam colored mare with a lightning colored mane answered her grandfather, her voice still shaking as she remembered what exactly happened to them when they entered the castle of friendship....

Sitting and waiting up on the cliff overlooking Twilight's castle, Lightning Dust and a team of seven other pegusi and several of Sombra's unicorn guards waited for the signal from their scout and newest member. Watching a pony shoot off towards the Wonderbolt's academy with a rainbow trail behind her, Lightning knew what would come next, but she waited to confirm.

Flying up as fast as her wings could carry her, the little filly known as Firefly flew up and saluted Lightning Dust. "Ma'am, I'm pleased to report that Rainbow Dash no longer has the monster bracelet, and it is now in possession of Twilight Sparkle, who had Rainbow hold her up in her private study, probably so she could get some research done on the bracelet."

Firefly hadn't really seen things all that well. Unfortunately, the whole lower level of the castle windows consisted of stained glass images, which, although were magnificent to look at, didn't allow anypony to see clearly inside. But what the little filly did see was somepony in the shape of a unicorn take the bracelet from Rainbow. That was pretty much all she was sure of. Even the color of the magical aura she wasn't sure of. But she assumed nopony else would be in the castle alone except for the Princess of the castle.

"Excellent work, private" Lightning Dust began rubbing her hooves together. "Let's go get ourselves a princess, boys!"

As Lightning Dust whistled to her group, the pegusi took to the skies while the unicorns simply teleported down. As Firefly took off to inform Captain Wind Raider of the news, Lightning and her crew of unicorns and pegusi kicked open the front doors to the castle of friendship. All appeared to be quiet, but Lightning didn't want to take chances.

"The pegusi start searching for that stooge of an assistant Twilight keeps around" The lightning haired mare ordered. "Unicorns, come with me. Let's go pay the princess a little visit..."

As her fellow Shadowbolts flew off in search of Spike, Lightning Dust lead the unicorns to where Firefly said Twilight was held up. When the team arrived, Lightning took quick notice that the room was sealed up as tight as a cell block F cell back as IronLock.

"He he, 'oh! No pony look at me! I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, have become a hideous monster! I'll locked myself up so no pony sees me until I'm cured!'" Lightning Dust did her best at mocking Twilight by speaking in the sissiest voice she could. The unicorns, if they could think for themselves, would have laughed or forced a fake laugh. But knowing she was practically talking to herself, Lightning just gave them their orders. "Open those doors! Break the locks, turn the chains into spaghetti if you have to! Just open those doors and nab the princess!"

Taking a few steps back to a safe distance, Lightning watched as the team of unicorns stood together and focused all their magical energies together before shooting the metal door with one, large, blast of arcane unicorn magic! The spell that was previously put on the locks and chains broke, and all fell to the floor with a loud 'clang'. Just at that moment, the Shadowbolt pegusi returned, with empty hooves.

"She must have locked that pip-squeak up with her" Lightning deducted, then returned to the matter at hoof. "Alright! Break down the doors and bring me that princess!"

Readying some magically enforced nets, the Shadowbolts and unicorn guards moved in, ready to take on the worst of the worst.

They couldn't have prepared for what lay just beyond those doors...

One of the unicorn guards was about to use his unicorn magic to pull the doors open when they both slowly creaked open, without anypony seeming to help them. The guards remained ready to catch anything that came at them, expecting the princess to, at worst, be a giant monster as big as the room.

Several moments passed, and no pony came out. The room itself, from what Lightning Dust could see, was pitch black. As if less then no light was available inside the room.

'There's no way the princess was reading in that dim of light. Was she expecting us?' Lightning started asking herself. Before turning to her second fastest flier. "You! Go draw her out!"

"W-what?! Me? Why me?" The Shadowbolts nervously asked.

"Quit being such a foal and get in there!" Lightning snapped at the stallion.

"B-but I-I-I kinda have a fear of-" the Pegasus started to say as he stared into the hark void.

Lightning just rolled her eyes as she flew up next to him, then kicked the stallion into the dark room. "I said get in there and bring her out!"

The stallion fell and bounced into the dark room. No sooner had he entered the shadows did all sign of his color fade to grey. As the nervous Shadowbolt nervously wandered into the dark, his whole body disappeared into the black emptiness. Lightning and the others waited, some of the other Shadowbolts began to worry about their commerad when they noticed how the sun was starting to set.

"Ugh! What is taking him so long?!" Lightning snapped before turning to two more Shadowbolts. "Ok, change of plans, we're all going to rush in, using some of the unicorn to light the way with their magic. When we find her, we corner her and take her with force!"

"Yes Ma'am!" Almost all the Shadowbolts answered, all except one nervously looking mare, who's eyes were drawn to the stained glass window behind them.

This didn't go unnoticed. Lightning stood over the mare in a flash, looking down at the mare. "And what could be so important about the window that you lose focus, private?!"

"M-m-m-Ma'am, I think you should take a look at..." the mare couldn't finish her sentence, it was taking all her strength to not just run away right then and there.

"I don't care how nice the windows..." Lightning started to yell as she turned to the stained glass window where the sun appeared to be setting, her eyes slowly found what was scaring the mare.

The other Shadowbolts nervously looked to the window as well, leaving the hypnotized unicorn guards to be the only ones still facing the open doors to the study, ready to charge in upon command. In the window was originally an image of Twilight and her friends using the elements of harmony against Nightmare moon, their first victory as a team. But something was covering it. It appeared to be solid, like tar or taffy, but it slid and slithered like melted chocolate. But as it moved, it appeared to glide along whatever surface it touched like smoke. The sun wasn't setting, the substance was enveloping the entire window! As it slithered over the image of Nighmare Moon, a separation of the liquid started to take place. Then two more just above that! The large separation began to grow long pointed teeth, and at the two spots above that, two bright green lights flickered on! A face began to form as an entire yellow pony head began to press out of the window!

"Retreat!" A Shadowbolt called out, and like roaches when a lights flicker on, they all scattered. Even the unicorn guards who were awaiting orders started for the nearest exit, followed the orders that were just screamed into the air!

But no pony could escape...

As fast and as skilled of fliers as the Shadowbolts were, they were not paying attention when the doors to the study first opened. The same substance that covered the stained glass window had creeped steadily though the shadows naturally produced from the doors, completely unnoticed, and traveled through the cracks high above the ceiling. Within a matter of moments, the dark substance had already engulfed the castle's entire first floor. Exits and all.

Not wanting to fail in her mission, Lightning Dust grabbed the net they had brought and dove into the dark room herself, forgetting about the loser teammates she brought with her. The room appeared to be slightly lighter then before, to a point that she could make out the finer details of various things. A desk and chair sat in a corner of the room, along with two or three book shelves filled with books just to the other side of that. And kiddie corner to the desks appeared to be a large globe. Others then that, there was only one thing that stood out. A pony shaped form.

Without a second thought, Lightning took the net and flung it over the pony form, making full contact and trapping it within the net!

"Gotcha!" She cheered triumphantly, only for her victory to fall to pieces as the pony figure fell over with a 'thump'.

Getting a little closer for a better look, Lightning Dust quickly realized just 'what' or rather 'who' she had caught it was the wonderbolt she sent in earlier! Somehow he had become as hard as stone! Taking a closer look at the stallion, Lightning grasped and flew out of the room as fast as she could.

The stallion wasn't just as hard as stone, he had been petrified into a stone statue! With the most fright filled look on his muzzle!

As fast as her wings could carry her, Lightning tried to look for a way out, forgetting all about her team mates and Sombra's unicorn guards. 'They can take care of themselves! It's Everypony for herself now!'

Flying for several moments, Lightning eventually made it back to the front doors, only to see a pony who half their body was engulfed by the darkness. The pony in question was a yellow unicorn with a two toned mop of messy orange hair. His front hooves were completely engulfed by the black tar like substance and had wrapped around the Shadowbolt mare who flew off in such a hurry. Lightning couldn't be sure, but it looked like the yellow unicorn was sucks something out of the mare. A kind of yellowish light that escaped from the mare trough her mouth and eyes. Lightning swore she could hear the mare screaming, but it was as if the mare were screaming though a pillow. Just when Lightning thought it couldn't get any worse, it did.

As the muffled screams began to fade, the screaming mare's lower body starting with her hooves, began to petrify and also turn to stone. Once the yellow light stopped streaming from the mare, her face became petrified, and the yellow unicorn's body began to wrap itself up in darkness, all except his head. His green and red eyes then quickly turned and spotted Lightning Dust. His nostrils flared and a toothy grin grew on his muzzle, exposing two rows of sharp teeth.

"Delicious... fear..." a deep voice called out from behind the sharp teeth as the Black mass with the unicorn's head began traveling towards Lightning Dust.

Instinct kicked in and Lightning bolted faster then she ever had before. She travled too fast and was too focused on running away to pay much attention, but if she had looked down, she would have seen the stone statues of her former Shadowbolts and the unicorn guards, all petrified and frozen with looks of fear upon their faces. The spell cast on the unicorn guards to make them obedient puppets was broken just long enough for the monster to feed on their fear.

Faster and faster she flew, but not matter how hard she tried, Lightning couldn't fly fast enough to get away from the shadow monster chasing her. It was then that something clicked in her head. Something that King Sombra had told her before she left.

Stopping in mid air, Lighting called out the name of Sombra's son. "Soleggiato Cavalere!"

The shadow creature paused, and looked at the mare with more curious look, while still hungering for the fear in her heart.

Feeling a little better now that the creature had stopped, Lightning took a few deep breaths before nervously laughing. "Oh boy! So it is you! Thank goodness! Sorry about the whole, you know, net thing. We thought you were somepony else..."

Even though she tried to remain level headed and calm, Lightning couldn't help but notice all around her the darkness was growing more and more dense, details of the castle began to fade to black, as the yellow unicorn head kept it's glowing red and green eyes locked on her.

"W-well, ugh, we weren't looking for 'you' per say, but, ugh, h-his about this?" Lightning was starting to lose it. "How about I take it to your dad, and you don't turn me into a statue?... deal?..."

But the yellow unicorn's mouth just cracked an even larger smile as his glowing green eyes narrowed on the leader of the Shadowbolts. "You... are so afraid... of so many things... it's... delicious!"

Through the shifting shadows, Lightning noticed a small glimmer of light and decided it was her best bet to get out of there. She flung up her wings and bolted as fast as she could around in a circle, creating a mini tornado. As the tornado began to form, several dark tendrils lashed out at her, cutting right trough her Shadowbolt uniform and gave her a few minor cuts. She endured long enough to notice some of the shadow began to part around the dim light from the window. With a quick change of direction, Lightning Dust bolted right through the opening, breaking through the window, and up towards the Wonderbolt's academy!

"DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!" Lightning was hissing with eyes of fire burning onto Fire fly.

"I-I'm sorry! I-" the little filly tried her best to apologize, but everypony's attention was redirected towards the Wonderbolt's field as several screams erupted, followed by a deep, loud chuckle that Rainbow could have sworn was Sombra.

"You lead him right here!" Wind snapped at his granddaughter.

"Where was I supposed to go?! I can't fly as long distance and you can, gramps! There was no way I could lead him back to the hide out!" Lightning started to defend herself.

Realizing she was right, Wind just nodded and thought of the next course. "If he's here, that means he left the castle unprotected. I'll send some guards to pick up your teams and bring them back. I'm sure the king can fix them up."

"Forget about them! What about us?! That THING is out there!" Lightning said, frantically looking around the hallway, keeping an eye out for moving shadows.

More screams came from outside, followed by more deep chuckles.

"It sounds like he's busy out there! You and Firefly get going back to the hide out, I'll grab 'your' team with the team 'I' brought" Wind ordered then signaled for the two to get going.

As the two mares flew off, Wind started with a gallop down the hallway Rainbow was hiding at. When he turned the corner, Rainbow quickly acted, tripping the old timer and rolling hill up in a wonderbolts tapestry.

"Nice to see you again, Wind Rider!" Rainbow Dash said with a grin as she tied a knot in the tapestry good and tight, to prevent the former wonderbolt from escaping.

After several moments of struggling, the stallion shot Rainbow a glare and snarled at her. "You spoiled little-"

Before he could say anything else, Rainbow took some dirty gym socks and shoved them in his mouth to silence him. They weren't hers, she had technically just found them in the locker room and planned to pull a prank on Soarin to lighten her mood, but this was a much better use.

"Stick around, old timer" Rainbow Dash stretched the 'old' part of her sentence as she took to the sky. "I have a few things to deal with, then I'll be back to take care of you!"

Flying off, leaving an after image of a rainbow behind her, Rainbow Dash flew as fast as she could down the halls and onto the air field where the Wonderbolts were going to have their air show that night. Only, once she got a good look at the area, she knew there wouldn't be any show there anytime soon.

There, on the field that the other Wonderbolts had practiced for hours and done numerous shows on, was now a torn and demolished area, occupied by rubble and destroyed foliage, all with one nasty looking creature at the heart of it all. It's body seemed to be pony in shape, but black with smoke covering it's body. The creature stood an easy thirty feet tall, with it's small yellow head poking out of the top. It had grabbed several ponies in it's large black front hooves and was holding them up to it's mouth. It had planned to consume all the ponies fear, just like it did back at Twilight's castle. But right as it opened it's jaws, it was quickly hit by some flying object.

Spitfire had gained it's attention while the other Wonderbolts rounded up the
civilians and were getting them to safety. Soarin and Fleetfoot attacked the creature's front hooves and forced it to release the fear filled captives. After carrying them to safety, the two heros went to further drive the creature away.

"We need to push it off the cliff!" Spitfire ordered

"How?! That thing's huge!" Soarin commented. "And I don't think it has pressure points in its back hooves like it's front ones!"

"We aim for the head!" Fleet Foot commented as she pointed out the smallest body part in the creature that wasn't covered in black smoke.

"Alright! You two lead the attack! I'll follow behind it and-" Spitfire started to say when Rainbow Dash quickly flew up and intervened.

"WAIT! Wait!" She screamed trying to catch her breath. Other wonderbolts who had been distracting the creature had flown up and joined in the conversation. "Let me talk to him! I think I can get through to him."

"Talk to 'him'?!" Spitfire couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Have you lost your mind, Dash?! That thing just tried to eat civilians!"

"No way! That thing was going to eat their fear!" Thunderlane added, joining the group. "My pal Sunny told me about those things! It's an umbrum! We need to chase it off with a tone of lanterns and-"

"That 'thing' is Sunny!" Rainbow Dash interrupted again.

"Wait! WHAT?!" Thunderlane's jaw dropped.

"You know that 'thing'?!" Spitfire asked, turning to look at the creature down below making a mess of the field as it looked for more victims.

"I do, and he's not a monster!" Rainbow stated, then her eyes fell heavily on the monster Sunny had become down below. "He's like this because he was helping me out. Please, let me talk with him. I can get him to stop."

"Sunny's a good guy" Thunderlane added. "Of he's in there, seeing us will help calm him down and bring him back."

Spitfire sighed and looked down at the field to better judge the situation. After a quick moment of thinking, she narrowed her eyes at Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane, "alright, you two have two minutes, starting now, to get him under control. And Dash, I want a full explanation after all this is over! Got it!"

"Yes Ma'am!" Rainbow saluted her CO, then together with Thunderlane, shot strait down to where the Sunny monster was now trashing the stands, growling like a mad beast.

Sunny had made short work of the stands, and caught sight of the academy building, ready to make that his next target when two familiar faces caught his eye. He stopped his rampage as something deep inside shook the hold the darkness had over him. Looking Sunny in the eye, both Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane couldn't believe this creature was their same friend.

"Sunny, that you in there bro?" Thunderlane was the first to speak up.

That caused the creature Sunny had become to stop and look down at his own giant hooves. A dark miasma engulfed any physical form they had, bringing the creatures Sunny used to fear to life. He had become and umbrum. Tears began to fall from his eyes as he quickly realized what had become of him.

"Hey, hey, it's ok big guy" Rainbow quickly moved to massage his hoof just like he had done for her when she was an cranky old griffin. "Don't worry, we'll make this all better. Just give me back the bracelet."

"I'm... a monster..." his voice was deep when the yellow unicorn spoke.

"This isn't you, bro. You would never do this" Thunderlane tried to get his attention again. "Just do what Rainbow says. We'll make this all better, ya know?"

He wanted to believe them, but Sunny's green eyes looked all around the Wonderbolt's field and what he had done to it. "What... have i... done..."

"This isn't you, Sunny" Rainbow pulled his attention back to them. "We're you're friends! We know you wouldn't do this!"

"'You'?... friend?" Despite his face being slightly distorted, Rainbow Dash could still make out a questioning raised brow Sunny shot at her.

Looking back over her shoulder at the other Wonderbolts, the Rainbow maned Pegasus then called out to the other friend of Sunny who was currently present. "Hey, Thunderlane! Go tell Spitfire and the others not to do anything and to let them know we're going to work this out. But they need to check on the civilians."

Looking from Rainbow to Sunny and back, Thunderlane's facial expression made it obvious that he did not want to leave his best bud, especially in his current state. But looking at Rainbow Dash, he knew something else was up. He turned back to Sunny and shot him a weary smile. "Hang in there bro, I'll be back in a minute, ok?"

With that, the grey Pegasus with a two toned Mohawk flew up and began filling the rest of the wonderbolts in.

Once he was out of ear shot, Rainbow moved in closer to speak so only Sunny would hear. "Listen... I'm sorry I was so, well, mean to you."

"I deserved it..." Sunny's deep and monstrous sounding voice no longer sounded threatening. More like the tone of a gentle giant.

"Well... maybe... a little" Rainbow started to agree, but when she noticed Sunny's eyes fall back on the rubble and destroyed field, Rainbow pulled back his attention to her. "But I should have given you a chance, like Twilight and Fluttershy said. I guess I was just... scared."

"Good reason... to be..." Sunny replied as he tried to look away from Rainbow once more.

But she wouldn't let him break away. Not now. "Quit feeling sorry for yourself! You don't get it! I was scared because you out smarted my smartest friend and kept that big of a secret from Everypony for that long! I guess.... I guess I was worried that if you wanted to, you could have fooled us better then Chrysalis, Discord, or anypony else put together!

"And I guess... I guess I was scared that I wouldn't be able to protect my friends" Rainbow admitted, sighing heavily as she dropped her shoulders. "That's why I was on you so much. I didn't want anypony else to get hurt. And when I found out about Mr.Shy, I guess I kinda... lost it. I'm sorry. And after everything you did for me. If it weren't for you, I probably would have just taken a nap and slept on Twilight's couch for the next week and forgotten even who I was by the time she got back."

Ignoring everything else, Sunny began really taking in everything Rainbow was saying.

"I guess what I'm really trying to say is; thank you for being a friend. I was wrong about you. You aren't a monster. And I don't think you're a bad guy..." both ponies looked down at the ground and sheepishly back at each other. "Ugh... but I guess you could be if you wanted too. But to be honest, I rather be a cool monster like you then a bald, senile

That statement was just what Sunny needed to lighten the mood. With a chuckle, the yellow unicorn monster agreed. "Me... too."

Flying around to the same hoof Sunny had the bracelet attached too, Rainbow put her hoof on his. "What do you say we get you back to normal and get this mess all sorted out. You won't believe the story behind this thing."

Nodding, Sunny started to say the chant. "I offer you-"

Just at that moment, as the golden bracelet with the now glowing writing appeared out of the black smog and muck hoof of Sunny's, a flash of light slightly blinded both Rainbow Dash and the cursed yellow unicorn. When they both could once again see, they were shocked to see who was standing there.

"Oh my! You sound my mother's missing bracelet!" Discord said as he looked over the cursed jewelry wrapped tightly around Sunny's forehoof. "I've been looking everywhere for that! Soooo glad you found it for me!"

With a snap of his claw, the bracelet disappeared from Sunny's forehoof and reappeared floating just in Discord's open claw, the master of chaos made sure that it never touched him.

With the monster bracelet no longer around his hoof, the sludge and miasma that coated Sunny began to dissipate, leaving the yellow unicorn with his old, none monster like, unicorn body. Shaking his head clear, Sunny tried to collect his thoughts and piece together all that had happened. He was able to recall the whole conversation with Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane, but everything before that was a bit of a blur. The only thing he remembered was a voice... it told him to feed... but feed on what?

"Thank you two again!" Discord said as he snapped his fingers, causing the bracket to disappear in a flash. "We'll have to do this again some time."

"Hey, Discord!" Rainbow Dash spoke up before the draconiquis was able to flash away himself. "Before you leave, would you mind fixing up the damage Sunny did to the field and the school?"

Raising a brow at the mare with the Rainbow colored mane, then looking all around him, Discord just gave a slight shrug. "I don't know, I likes like the new look. Besides, what have either of you two done for me lately?"

"Please, Discord..." Sunny spoke up, taking a few steps towards the master of chaos. Both eyes locked with his. "I would really appreciate it... and helping each other, without keeping score, is kinda something friends do."

For once, Discord didn't really have a snappy come back. He had never seen Sunny just come up to him, or anypony except his own father, and ask for help in such a way. Rolling his eyes, Discord spoke in his usual tone of half annoyed half disgust, a he usually did when things got too touchy feely. "Fine! Whatever! If it will please his majesty, I will clean up his mess!"

And right as Discord waved his bear claw in a circular motion, his body dispersing behind him, leaving just his bear claw behind, he snapped his claw, and without hardly any effort at all, the destruction and rubble made by Sunny in his monstrous form had been reversed, without a single indication that any harm had been done to the surrounding area. The wonderbolts, civilian audience, Rainbow Dash, Thunderlane and Sunny all looked around in awe, amazed that Discord could do such a helpful thing.

Turning to face Spitfire and the rest of the wonderbolts, Rainbow nudged Sunny with her hoof. "I can handle explaining things to them if you want to head on home. I think you've earned a nap."

But when Sunny didn't reply, Rainbow looked over at him and smiled. The yellow unicorn had already fallen asleep on his hooves, as some ponies sometimes didn't wen they were too tired to even find a comfortable place to rest.

"I'll take him home" Thunderlane said as he struggled to pick up his farming friend.

Just as he managed to lift Sunny up a few inches from the ground, Flitter joined Thunderlane and together the two started the journey of carrying their friend back to Sweet Apple Acres, where he could get a good nights sleep...

Author's Note:

Just as a little side note for those who were wondering. Yes, Sunny turned into an actual Umbrum, more adapted to this story, rather then to the comic. Just like with Rainbow Dash who idolized Griffins (more or less thinking it would be cool to be one), Sunny looked up to his father, who he read about becoming a living shadow after the fall of the Crystal Empire. By now you all know my fic ties heavily into the comics, mainly with King Sombra's arch, but with some twists. Like how he ruled the empire before his transformation into the evil king we all know. But for anything else that would relate to the Sombra and his ties with the umbrum, well, let's just say you'll have to keep reading.

Like with Sunny, the worst monsters are sometimes the ones we hold deep inside.

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