• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,958 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Where We Stand

The smell of freshly cleaned sheets filled Sunny’s nostrils as he slept. His body numb, but his mind began to stir. Thoughts of recent events began to fill his mind after a dreamless slumber. He was in the Crystal Empire... something happened when he shot tat blast of dark magic at the Crystal Heart, but as to what, Sunny had no idea. As he began to search his mind for possible lost memories, familiar voices began to ring in his ears.

“But who are they? And what do they want?” Doctor’s voice sounded slightly shaky and unsure.

“They say they want the one responsible for some attack on their village 1000 ago” a member of the elite guard replied.

“And they assume that’s Sunny?” Octavia questioned, a hint of annoyed anger in her tone.

“They do. Try specifically asked for ‘The Prince in Black Armor and seals with dragons'" the guard replied, trying to mask the worry in his tone.

Without realizing it, Sunny had levitated himself up and over to the far end of the room, where the group of his friends and a few elite guards stood just out side, talking while also remaining close to their ill friend.

“I don’t know what do to...” Doctor admited. “Maybe we can reason with them? Talk to them sensibly?”

“Don’t think they’re up for talkin’, Doc” Thunderlane stated. “When me and a few others flew over head, their archores tried to take us out with arrows. They mean business.”

Now fully awake, Sunny took a few deep breaths, having heard not then enough, and mustard the strength to walk as naturally as he could. if he even appeared half as weak as he felt, Sunny knew his friends wouldn't even let him leave the castle, much less take on this new opposing force.

Derpy was the first to notice Sunny approaching them, and gasped. “Sunny! You should be resting!”

The others quickly turned to see their yellow friend barely able to stand, but a burning look in his eye that tore their attention away from his wobbly knees. Sunny's tone was firm and solid as the castle walls themselves “They want the Black Knight, they’ll get the Black Knight. But Doctor is right, we need to try diplomacy first.”

“No!” Octavia interjected, a firm look also in her own eye as she locked with Sunny’s gaze. “You are in no condition to do anything of the sort! You need rest!”

“Yeah, man” Thunderlane found his voice, but his words weren’t as solid as Octavia’s. “‘Sides, Cadence and Shinning Armor went to go speak with them. They might-“

But before Thunderlane could finish what he was saying, the royal couple entered the room, a defeated look in their eyes as the slightly hun their heads, unable to look Sunny or the other guardians in the eye.

“Ah take it that didn’t go well?” Big Mac honestly commented.

Taking a deep breath, Shinning Armor began to explain the situation. “The group claim to be from the Town of Iron Hill and demand that Sunny be handed over to them so they could try him for some past crimes.”

“‘Past crimes’?” Octavia repeated the last words.

“They all seem really convinced that Sunny is responsible for something terrible that happened to their town in the past. Over 1000 years ago.” Cadence started to explain further. “We told them that was ridiculous, but they said that if they do not get the yellow unicorn with the eclipse cutie mark by sundown, that they will attack the Empire, and tear it to pieces until they find him."

“Do they realize that’s an act of war, not just on the Empire, but Equestria itself?!” Sunny stepped forward, baffled at how some ponies could be so arrogant, so nearsighted.

“They all seem really determined and willing to make that sacrifice” Shinnig Armor noted, could noletly agreeing with Sunny.

“But don’t worry” Cadence forced a smile as she looked at Sunny. “We can have a letter sent to the princesses right away. Not only will sun down not happen until they command, but they’ll be here and stop-“

“No” Sunny shook his head as he looked around for his Stetson hat. He saw it hung on a near by coatrack and tried to levitate it over to him. But his green magical aura was weak and wavered. That blast Sunny released took more out of him then he realized. After slightly lifting his hat up, his magical aura disappeared and dropped it to the ground. With a sigh, Sunny walked over and picked the hat up, dusting it off before putting it back atop his head. “like I said before; They want me, they’ll get me.”

“Don’t be foolish!” Doctor put his hoof down, a serious look plastered all over his muzzle.

“He’s right! Maybe this is all a big misunderstanding!” Derpy pleaded to her yellow friend.

“Whether it’s a misunderstanding or not, I need to confront them” Sunny told his friends. “If I don’t, they could harm innocent ponies. The Crystal Empire already suffered enough because I wouldn’t meet a problem head-on. I won’t let that happen again.”

“You shouldn’t keep holding that against yourself, Sunny” Cadence spoke up, stepping forward. “Nopony should ever have to fight their own father, especially Somepony who felt as close to him as you did.”

“You know nothing of my father!” Sunny snapped and turned away from Cadence and his friends. “Regardless. I need to face this new threat.”

“Are all stallions so stubborn?” Octavia cracked a small smile while shaking her head, then stepped forward to Sunny’s side. “If you insist on going, I’ll join you.”

“Me too!” Thunderlane hovered over Sunny. “I ain’t gunna let a bro of mine go face some goons alone! If they want a fight, we’ll give them one!”

Big Mac appeared by Sunny’s side as well, nudging him. The large red stallion was always a pony of few words, needing only slight facial expressions and looks in his eyes to get his point across. Over time, Sunny could read him better then even Big Mac’s sister’s some times. And from the look Big Mac was giving him, Sunny could tell he wouldn’t let him go in without him either.

“Count me in too!” Derpy tackle hugged Sunny.

“Agreed” Doctor straitened his tie. “I prefer to come to peaceful resolutions, but I’m not opposed to hoof to hoof combat.”

Looking at all his friends standing beside him, ready to take this challenge on, Sunny felt something warm growing inside. Like when they all faced and defeated Tirek. That inner light was there inside him again. Sunny could sense that it was inside his friends too as he looked to each and every one of them, a smile growing and spreading across his muzzle. The conduct ahead no longer felt like an inevitable fight Sunny would have to decide or deal with, but more like a problem he and his friends would soon solve. the hanging sence of dead wasn' t weighing in Sunny's heart, but rather a shinning ray of hope.

“Shoot, ya’ll are th’ best darn friends ah pony could have” Sunny admitted, his hard tone softening as his accent returned, indicating his worries were melting away. “Well, let’s go welcome our unwanted guests!”

All together, Sunny, Octavia, Thunderlane, Big Mac, Derpy and Doctor made their way down and out of the Crystal castle and down the streets, heading towards the pillars that stood at the edge of the Crystal Empire, where they saw the flags of the enemy flying high in the sky. As the group galloped through town, they were joined by the elite guard.

Noticing them, Sunny spoke to their leader while still Galloping. “You guys should stay back, let us Guardians handle this!”

“No can do, Sir!” The leader commented. “You may not remember us, but we all owe you for what you did for us way back when. And we always pay our debts.”

“Yeah!” A few of the their guards cheered.

No longer wanting to put up a fight, Sunny shook his head and gave up. “As you wish, but ya’ll don’t owe me nothin. Ah never helped anypony wantin’ anything in return!”

Ignoring the curious eyes of the Crystal ponies as they galloped faster and faster, racing to the edge of town, Sunny and his friends never lost sight of the invaders, eyes locked on the target. Finally, the New Guardians and the Elite guard arrived at the pillars at the farthest edge of the Crystal Empire. The ponies in black colored, iron armor looked from pony to pony of the group that approached them, until their eyes landed upon Sunny. Despite the lack of his Black Knight armor, and the out of place Stetson hat, his cutie mark of an eclipsed sun gave away his identity. A stallion in slightly heavier set armor then the others, armed with a large hammer, stood up and approached the group, followed by two other armored ponies barring long spears.

“I am the mayor of Iron Hill!” The stallion declared, his eyes narrowing on Sunny. “You there! Are you the Black Knight?”

“Ah am. What do ya’ll want with me?” Sunny asked plainly, keeping his composure, as if there wasn’t an army standing right in front of him.

“We want you!” The mayor stated loudly. “Black Knight, you are under arrest!”

The rest of the New Guardians as well as the elite guard gasped in confusion of the statement.

Sunny kept his cool, his tone remaining loud but had no emotion attached to it. “Under what charges? And why bring an entire army for just one pony? If Justice is what you seek, why didn't you so only explain that to Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor when they came to speak with you? what go through this possible act of war?"

The mayor was about to say something when something behind Sunny and the rest of his group caught his attention. “Because of that!"

Not fully understanding what the mayor meant, Sunny turned his head to look to his friends for an answer, but was quickly met with one. Approaching from the town was a sea of Crystal ponies. Guards, shop keepers, foals and the elderly. All appearing to have a hardened look in their eyes, set a blaze by determination, all armed. weather with actual armor and weapons, or pots and pans and household utenciles.

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about” Sunny stated. “I doubt they are here to aid me.”

“Your wrong” a female voice corrected him as a pink alicorn descended from the sky. Just as Princess Cadence landed, Shinning Armor appeared out of a flash of light by her side.

“We’re all here to make sure you’re ok” Shinning Armor stated with a half grin.

“So you want a war?” The mayor stomped his hoof.

“Just the opposite” Cadence said as she took a few steps closer, putting herself halfway between the mayor and Sunny. “You said you wanted to arrest Sunny, but to do that, he needs to be put on trial.”

“And he will have one” The mayor said in a softer tone to Cadence. His tone did not remain soft as his eyes fell upon Sunny once again. “The Black Knight will be tried for his crimes back at Iron Hill! Where he commuted the crime over 1000 years ago and has been dodging judgment ever since!”

“No he won’t” It was Shining Armor’s turn to speak up. Taking a few steps forward to join his wife, the captain of the royal guard started in with a statement of his own. “According to Equestrian law, anypony found guilty of a crime could request to be tried swiftly in the place of his origin, should he wish it.”

“And I do” Sunny spoke up, stepping forward, eyes locking with the mayor’s. “With Princess Cadence and Prince Shinning Armor acting as judges, I request this dispute be settled here and now.”

Turning his nose up to Sunny, the mayor removed his helmet and stomped his hoof. Immediately a meek looking stallion jumped to his side, a large book under hoof. “Fine. The trial begins now!

“Black Knight, you stand accused of destruction of both private and public property, of conspiring with a dragon to cause mayhem and destruction, and for reducing an entire town to rubble in mere moments, leaving a townsfull of ponies without food or shelter for months!" The mayor began his statement, grabbing the book from the stallion at his side. “Here, we have full documentation from every pony who was victimized 1000 years ago by the Black Knight, and his dragon cohort. Over twenty five buildings, a dozen shops, several stands and carts, as well as the only school within a hundred miles of the small town and even the town hall and Equestrian history museum. All burned to the ground when ‘this’ Black Knight road into town on a giant dragon!”

Everypony gasped at the statement. Sunny’s closest friends as well as Cadence and Shinning Armor turned to him, hoping to see some sort of shock or disbelief on his muzzle. But Sunny's eyes and expression remained monotone through the mayor’s statement.

“That winter was the coldest our town ever had to endure. But our ancestors did endure it” the mayor continued, passing the book over to Cadence and Shinning Armor to look over as documented evidence. “As you can see, our town’s founder, my distant relative, documented everything into the town’s history book, including the image of the ‘Black Knight’ as well as ‘the Prophecy’ that was told to us by the great Star-swirl the bearded, himself!”

“Prophecy?” Sunny repeated the word, his focus shifting. “What prophecy?”

“That is for us to know and to keep, especially from a monster like you!” The mayor snapped.

“Now hold on” Cadence raised a hoof, having skimmed over the book the mayor slid over to her. “This Book was written by your ancestor, correct?”

“That is correct” the mayor answered. “Every word of it.”

“From what I read, the ‘Black Knight’ appeared one day and threatened to destroy your entire town, using a giant dragon, did I read that right?” Cadence continued to press, her tone remaining as neutral as it could.

“Just as my ancestor documented!” The mayor had no problem answering loud enough for everypony to hear. “He showed up, and in a loud commanding voice told us he would destroy the village with the aid of dragon fire and dragon claws!”

Turning to Sunny, Cadence and Shinning Armor kept their tones and their expressions monotone to keep their judgment unbiased, with Cadence asking “Can we hear your side of the story, Sunny. I'm sure there are parts not documented that we need to hear."

“I’d be glad to take the stand, your majasty” Sunny bowed his head then took several steps forward so he was at the center of everypony, and as he spoke, he called from deep within him a strong commanding voice that could reach everypony for miles;

“Over 1000 years ago, I received word that a disturbance had happened between a dragon and a town full of ponies. Needing to stop any possible conflict before it arose, I traveled to where Iron Hill must be located now. It didn’t take me long to locate the dragon in need. She had built a nest in a cave at the base of the mountain and had her clutch of eggs hidden around there. But ponies arrived and began building a town one day as she left to eat and stretch her wings.

“She asked if I could speak to the ponies and get them to relocate their town. Your ancestors just started construction, still sleeping and living in tents as I approached them. They wouldn’t listen to my pleads, so I spoke with their leader. As I explained the situation to him, though, I could tell my words fell upon deaf ears. In his eyes I could only see greed. Greed for the rich iron ore that the mountain held within it’s stony body. He justified his greed by claiming it was for the town. But I could see his true intentions.

“Knowing I would be unable to have the ponies see reason, I thought to put a little bit of fear into them. I did in fact tell them that their ‘camp’ would be attacked by a rather angry dragon, if they didn’t move the town they were building to a new location. But they all booed my off my soap box and claimed ‘I’ wanted ‘their’ ore for myself. Never in all my years of service as a Knight or a prince had I ever been treated with such disrespect. Knowing I would make no head way with my current methods, I sent a letter to both my father and the princesses of Equestria, seeking their advice on the subject. But before I could receive the response, the mother dragon attacked the camp!

“The miners had found her nest and thought to present her eggs as trophies at what I assumed would be the center of their town. After she snatched up her eggs, the mother dragon defended herself and her eggs from the barrage of rocks and sticks being thrown at her and her unhatched offspring. I tried with all my might to stop the fighting, but after a rock grazed one of the mother's eggs, the female dragon lost control and quickly set fire to the camp. The minors and their leader quickly dropped their weapons and fleas to the nearby forest for shelter. once the mother dragon calmed down, I begged her forgiveness on their behalf and offered a sanctuary for her and her young. She was hesitant, but accepted my proposal. I then hopped on her back and directed her to a nearby volcano that could over her protection and a perfect place to raise her young that nearly nothing could harm them."

The eyes of all the iron armor clad ponies widdened as their anger and thirst for vengance disapated. As whispers began to grow from behind him, the mayor felt control over his village's ponies slipping through his hooves. He had to get it back, and knew his skilled silver toung was just what he needed to do so.

Slowly, the Mayor began to clap his hooves, eyebrows raised as his cold glare fell upon Sunny. " Well done, Black Knight, well done! You managed to not only make your war dragon out to be the victem and yourself a sympathetic herold, but also drag our ancestor's name through the mud, making them the bad guys. Did you come up with it a while ago, or did you just think it up on the spot?"

Eyes belonging both to the Iron Hill ponies as well as the members of the Crystal Empire fell upon the Mayor.

"'THAT' is what really happened, Mr.Mayor. I'm sorry what it makes your ancestors, but it's the truth" Sunny did his best to keep his composure, but a hint of anger was seeping through.

"Losing your temper, Black Knight?" The mayor sounded smug and confident now, his voice growing louder as he pretened to speak only to Sunny and the royal couple acting as judges, when in reality, the Mayor wanted everyone around to hear him to gain support. "The way I see it, WE have documented facts about what happened, and YOU, Black Knight, only have some bedtime story. No evidence or proof of any kind to support your tall tail!"

"I'm going to stop you right there, mister mayor" Shinning Armor put his hoof down, hardened eyes locked onto the armor clad elected official. "Your 'Evidance' isnt very sound, and hardly anything to be taken into consideration."

"From what we've heard" Cadence chimmed in before the mayor could argue with Shinning armor. "Your Ancestors did suffer through some hardship, and it did involve Sunny."

"They did indeed!" The mayor's smile grew wider as Cadence continued.

"Should this have involved anypony else, given what time has passed, as well as his record of various deeds he's done" Cadence's tone and expression retained it's nutral tone. "I feel he has already payed his debt to Equestria, and then some."

The mayor was too shocked to say anything at first. Then his face cracked and his wide smile broke into a ragefilled, teeth grinding, frustraited frown. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S PAYED HIS DEBT TO EQUESTRIA!? WE DEMAND JUSTIVE FOR ALL OF OUR PAST SUFFERING!!!"

"Who's suffering, exactly?" Shinning raised a brow at the mayor.

"From what we've seen and heard from you, you and your town in great shape. Any damage Sunny and that mother dragon might have done had long since been built over or burried." Cadence elaborated, eyes locked with the mayor, who didn't appear to like what she had to say.

"If you don't mind, can I say something" Sunny spoke up, redirecting everypony's attention to him.

"You may, Sunny" Cadence urged him to speak.

Taking a deep breath to gather his thoughts on how to word what he wanted to say correctly. "Although things did not go quite as I planned back then, or how the ponies from 1000 ago documented it, I still feel like I owe the ponies of Iron Hill something. Perhaps I could do some community service-"

"Absolutely not' Cadance put her hoof down, shocking Sunny quite a bit.

"Sunny, you're a prince of Equestria who went out of your way so much to help his fellow pony" Shinning armor shot him a relaxed smile.

"What does that-" the mayor started to pip up again, but was cut off when we need of the royal guards stepped forward.

"Of it wasn't for you, Prince Solggiato" the guard removed his helmet, held it to his chest, and bowed to the prince. "I, Flawless Arrow, might not have ever become a Crystal Guard at all. You spoke to the captain about me and my potential, and I was given a second chance when I was about to be kicked out of the academy. Thank you…"

"If it wasn't for you, Sir, my sister and I would still be living on the streets." Another crystal guard, quite small, but muscular, stepped forward and mimicked Emerald's bow. "But you brought us here, to the Crystal Empire, and gave me a job working at the dinning Hall. We worked our way up, and now my sister teaches at the local school, and I'm am elite guard. I hoped to be just like 'you' one day."

"You helped to build and and restore my shop after we had that terrable fire!" A mare stepped out from the sea of Crystal ponies. "If you didn't offer to help and pay for some of the supplies, I wouldnt be where I am today. Thank you so much!"

"When my mommy was sick, you were the only pony who took me seriously enough to come back with me and see my mommy." A filly stepped out of the crowd, holding her mother's hoof in hers. "Of you hadn't taken me.so seriously and got Nurse Hope to her, my mommy wouldn't have gotten better!"

"Thank you so much, your majasty" the mother of the filly smiled and bowed to Sunny as well.

An elderly mare stepped out of the crowd, catching everypony’s attention. It was the mare who ran the library. “When no pony would visit the library, and I felt like not even opening it some days, you brought in a new wave of ponies by holding that book fair week. A week long book related fair with food, activities, and best of all reading!”

“When I first started workin at my parent’s restaurant, business was very poor” The mare on the opposite side started to speak now. She was a eater tall and thin mare, with a well kept mane that would droop down to floor if it wasn’t tied back. “But you started eating there, even so far as bringing other delegates who came to speak with you. When the word got out that royalty ate at our restaurant, business picked up better ten it ever had before! We even had to expand and add an outdoor sitting area just to accommodate!”

"You found my tinny ews when they ran away!"

"You helped me pass my math finals!"

"You helped me.tp believe in myself again!"

"You taught my brother and I the importance of sharing!"

"You brought my wife and I closer together!"

"You pushed me to be better at my art!"

All the Crystal ponies began calling out what Sunny did for them, and for a brief moment, Sunny's nightmare of their angered screamed flashed before his eyes. But only for a flash. The horrible nightmare was then replaced by the meaningful words that the Crystal ponies we're cheering for him. This was it
The darkneed world filled with the familiar screams melted away, and Sunny stood in a bright new one , filled with ponies who he helped and we're great ful for him being there.

Cadence and shinning armor smiled at each other as the white unicorn guard through his front hoof over his wife. They rubbed muzzles then turned and looked at Sunny.

"Although crudely delivered"Cadence started to say. "You helped us grow closer again."

"Thanks to you, I remembered what was important, and I'll never forget it. Shinning bowed his head a little to Sunny.

Playfully, Sunny chuckled and replied "if you do, you have three more legs. Better watch out."

"I'M GLAD YOU ALL THINK THIS IS FUNNY!' the mayor snapped, his voice roaring over everypony's laughter. "But 'I' still think the Black Knight needs to be tried properly for his crimes! We are going to take him back to Iron Hill and he'll stand on a 'real' trial!"

As he Mayor of Iron town finished his speech, a sound of matalic shuffles and clings hit the sound like thunderous rain. Looking back to the armored inhabitants or Iron Town, Sunny, Cadance, Shinning Armor, and everypony else watched as the mayor:s army removed their iron armor, toaaing it aside, and began walking towards the Crystal Empire train station. Dumbfounded and unable to speak, the mayor watched as his entire town abandoned both him and the revenge he preached to them for years.

"I think it's best of you just go home" Sunny told the mayor, being the first to speak up. "It's over. Let it go and move on."

Snapping back, the mayor's eyes blazing with rage as they locked with Sunny's. Anger sown into every word he spoke "'move on'!? You think this is over!? I don't care what those spinless foals think! Not only are you guilty of destroying our ancestor's homes, but you insulted their and 'my' honor! You may have everypony else fooled, Black Knight, but I see right through you!"

Now dashing off in the opposite direction of the train station, towards the boarder of the barrior of the Empire's boarder, the mayor yelled back "You'll rule the day you me! I will have my revenge!!!"

Author's Note:

I'm really glad I finally got to this chapter. I've been putting it off for a while so I could develop Sunny outside the Empire and his previous reputationm. Honestly, I think he and I agree he's happier and more suited for a regular town pony with some princly/knightly duties, then a reluctant prince.

But I'm glad he no longer has to fear going back to the Empire or suffer from the 1000 year nightmare. Funny thing, I just got onto EQUESTEIA amino, and posted that first chapter '1000 year nightmare.' if you want, please follow me. I'm also gonna Ng to start posting reviews on custom ponies I make as well as reviews on merchendice and comics.

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