• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,944 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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3 Flower Sisters

It was another wonderful day in Ponyville, and Rose, Lily and Daisy, were all working hard in their flower shop.

All three earth pony mares had talents for growing and caring for flowers, and they all worked really well togeather, so it was only natural that they open up a shop togeather. The shop itself was quite famous in Ponyville, having provided flowers for every major event; Hearts and Hooves day, Mothers day, weddings, birthdays, Parades for both the Summer Sun Celebration as well as the Winter solstice Celebration. They always provided just the right amount of flowers and right on time.

But on this particular day, somehow without any of them noticing, a certain yellow unicorn had appeared in their shop and was looking around at the boques.

Rose noticed first and nearly dropped the watering pail she had in her mouth. "Oh! S-Sunny! When did you get here?"

Sunny turned his attention away from the boques for a moment, and looked at Rose with a confident expression. "I haven't been here long. I'm looking for some flowers for my mom. I'm going to suprise her and take her out to lunch today. But I can't decide which ones to get her…"

"Oh! Flowers for Princess Celestia!" Daisy jumped in, her entire body seemed to glow with joy.

"How about these lovely sunflowers!" Lily presented the large sun shaped flowers to Sunny.

"Wow, ugh, those are really nice. But, ugh, how about something a little less… large?" Sunny's expression was hesitant and Rose could tell he was trying to be nice and turn down the idea for the sun flowers. The size of the flowers wasn't the problem.

"What kind of flowers does your mother like?" Rose asked casually, trying to help Sunny relax. Its not easy picking out flowers for one's mother, especially when your mother is a princess that everypony looks up to. Under normal circumstances, Rose and her sisters would normally play the part like anypony else, and overreact, going overboard and try and sending Sunny away with half their shop of flowers, free of charge, all becouse his mother is the princess. Everypony would give up hundreds of bits worth of product and act like giggling dopes if it was for the princesses. But thats not what Sunny and his mother need right now, so Rose was willing to forgo their charade of citizens-desperate-to-please-the-princesses, for now.

"Well… my father used to send her roses, or orchids, but…" Sunny felt slightly guilty for not knowing what kind of flowers to send his own mother.

"Roses are for 'lovers'" Lily stated, a sly smile grew across her muzzle. "But they are also nice to recieve from one's son, brother, or even a friend."

"And orchids are lovely, but they may tie into your mother's fond memory of your father" Daisy noted.

"Hmmmm" Rose thought for a moment, then dashed off to the back of their shop. Daisy and Lily followed close behind her. Rose went right to work, grabbing flowers from here and there. Lily and Daisy stood close by, handing Rose a flower from here and there, plastic wrap, ribbon, and anything else their sister needed.

Sunny sat back at the front of the shop, his eyes locked on the entrance to the back of the store where Rose, Daisy and Lily disappeared into. He didn't have to wait for long before the three mares emerged. Presenting Sunny with a unique boque consisting of Tulips and baby's breath, all wrapped up in a clear plastic, wrapped further around a purple and gold plastic and tied with a gold trimmed ribbon.

"You three are amazing" Sunny stated, a large smile spread across his muzzle, happy with their work. "She will love these! Thank you! How much do I owe you?"

"Its fr-" Lily started to say before Rose interrupted her.

"Five bits" Rose smiled at Sunny, making sure to speak over Lily. "Tulips are fairly inexpensive, but it was a rush job."

"Thank you, that's more then fair" Sunny lifted his hat, pulled the bits out from under it, and offered them to Rose. "How about 8, the rest is a tip. Though, I owe you three for alot more then the boque."

Rose, Lily and Daisy looked confused for a moment before Lily spoke up and asked "ugh, what do you mean?"

"Today it was a boque, yesterday you all helped me and my neice out of a real pickle. Actually, you three have always popped up whenever I needed you. Helping with guidance and advice" Sunny's tone was relaxed and neutral, meaning the three mares no harm. "I don't like to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I need to know, why have you three always gone out of your way to help me?"

Lily and Daisy instantly became nervous and were thinking of a way to shake off Sunny's accusation, then turned to Rose. Rose froze for a moment, sighed, then her expression turned stoic.

"When did you figure us out?" Rose asked, her tone turning to that of her cloaked alter ego.

"That you three were the Baba Ya Ga sisters?" Sunny spoke in a more hushed tone, but his expression still relaxed. "To be honest, a few weeks ago. I just didn't think I should let you know I knew. No real need, really. You three seemed happy just working int he flower shop. What good would come from me calling you all out? But I wanted to thank you all for helping Rosewood and her other puppets."

"No thanks is nessisary, your majasty" Daisy reverted to her cloaked voice now, sounding far older then she looked.

"Please, call me Sunny" Sunny told them. "I'd like to think we all could be friends. If that's ok with you three."

All three mares looked to one another, smiled and nodded, but Rose, as the leader, Spoke for them. "We would like that very much. But there are two more things we will tell you."

"The first is you need to go to the Vetrinarian's office in three days" Lily stated. "Don't go anytime before then. 3 days. And bring a blanket."

"And the last is, although we are friends, we can offer you no further help" Daisy said forlornly.

"Wait, really? No further council?" Sunny was suprised to hear this. They had been helping him for over 1000 years. "Why?"

"The rest of the story is up to you to write" Rose spoke as if the pen to Sunny's life was in his own hooves. "We have helped and guided you, but our help ends here. One thing we could add, as friends, is to tell you to just be yourself. The happy go lucky, always believing in the good in others, always fighting for what's right, Sunny that you are. Never forget who you are."

Sunny was a little down to hear that he won't be receiving their guidance and advice anymore. But maybe that's part of growing up, making the decisions for yourself and not looking for magical witches to pop up and give you the answer. Coming to terms with that, Sunny bowed lightly to the three mares. "That you again, for all your help. And if you three ever need help-"

"We know we have a friend we can turn to" Rose smiled at Sunny.

With that, Sunny was about to leave, but paused and saw another boque. This one was made of roses of the most vibrant color. They almost seemed to glow. They stuck out above all the rest. 'Roses are for lovers, eh?… maybe Applejack would like a little suprise when she gets back from her friendship mission with Twilight.'

Before Sunny could ask about them, Rose told him "three bits."

Sunny smiled again, pulling the coins out from under his hat and handed them to Rose before taking off down the road back to the Apple Farm, with both boques levitating in his magical aura beside him.

"Do you think its really time to let cut him lose?" Daisy asked Rose, once Sunny was out of ear shot.

"He's not the lonely little colt trying to prove himself, anymore" Rose explained. "He can handle it. And he will need to. Dark times are ahead. I sence a great evil will soon arise."

"Is it really that close to happening? The release of the Umbrum? The return of Queen Mourning Cloak?" Lily asked.

"Sooner then I had hoped" Rose answered, but when she turned to her sister, she added "But have faith. Sunny and his friends will prevail. His heart will bring light to the darkness. He has made real friends, found a family, and found love. He won't rest until all is set and well. No dark intent can stop him now."

"Hellooooooo ladies" Mr. Rich walked in, hidding his nervousness behind his usual business smile. "I want something that tells my wife how much I love her."

The three mares knew he only needed something like that whenever he either had to fogo a dinner date with his wide for business, forgot her birthday, or he embarrased her infront of her stuck up friends. And luckily for them, each time he needed to make it up to Spoiled Rich, he had to add more and more to his gift piles. He looked like he had already stopped by the jewlers but didn't pick up any chocolates yet.

"Well, you got five dozen roses last time, all arranged in hearts" Lily pulled out a notepad with his last order on it.

"We could do that again, but add a small hedge cut to look like her" Daisy added, pulling out a small square hedge, then in a flash with some small sheers, cut it to perfectly look like Spoiled Rich's head.

"Yes! Yes! That sounds great! And can you deliver-" Mr Rick started to ask.

"We can have it there in 10 minutes" Rose smiled slyly. "But there is a speed delivery charge."

"Money is no object" Mr. Rich stated as he tossed a large sack of bits at them "just have it delivered in ten, I'll be there by then."

"A pleasure doing business with you, Mr.Rich" all three mares stated as Mr. Rich raced to the candy store to get his wife's favorite chocolates.

"Business sure is good" Rose chucked as she counted out the bits with her sisters, who also snickered at Mr.Rich's misfortune.

Author's Note:

And here we reach another turning point!

Big reveil: the Baba Ya Ga sisters were the three mares who ran the flower shop all along!

Yes, they seem to age very, very slowly.

Yes, I think I should do a spin off story about them explaining how they became wise witches and what not.

And I'll get to that and more when Sunny's story is done.

Until then, I hope you all keep reading

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