• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 1,944 Views, 31 Comments

Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale - TheothersideofSunny968

A story of love, loss, pain, and how finding and making friends is as easy as giving an honest smile.

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Dreams Come True?

-Dream world-

It seemed to be an average night of work as princess Luna made her way across the dream realm. Most of the ponies slept soundly, a few foals having a nightmare or two, but nothing she couldn't handle. It brought her joy when she entered a foal's dream and helped them to conquer their fears. Weather it was as rational as fearing a bully, creatures of the Everfree forest, or a parent's scolding or as Irrational as fearing monsters under the bed, it was all in a nights work for the princess of the night.

The dream world was a simple one to understand, when one traveled it as often as Luna did. Pony's dreams were held within large spheres that represented the world in which the pony dreamed they were in. When a dream was pure and the pony in it was resting easily, the dream bubble, as Luna had often called them, was clear and she could easily see into it, viewing the pony in their dream. But when the dream turned into a nightmare, the bubble could warp and change violently.

Princess Luna had seen all kinds of ways a nightmare presented itself. It could cloud the bubble like a dark storm, make loud and frightening noises, shake violently, pulse rapidly, even produce large amounts of heat or cold. All of which would attract her attention, to which, se dealt with accordingly.

But on this nightly venture something the princess had never seen before caught her eye. It was a dream bubble, that much was for sure, like most the dreams she dealt with. But this one appeared to be... Hard. Solid. Made of stone. She couldn't enter it. And when she places a hoof on it, it shocked her! Something in the dream world was working against her. Her! The princess of the night! The protector of dreams! How could this be so, she thought.

For a moment, she hesitated. Torn between caution in wanting her sister's advice in such an event, and wanting to deal with it herself this being a matter of her own 'area of expertise'. She started at the dark grey dream orb, wondering what contents it held.

"We've never dealt with the likes of this before" Luna spoke to herself. "It's unheard of... Somepony must either have a great and strong subconscious... Or be under a very strong spell..."

After observing the oddity a bit more, taking in ever inch of the stone colored bubble and obtaining from it little to no information about who could be having the dream, the lunar princess decided it best to speak with her sister and ask for her aid in researching the phenomenon.

-Sweet Apple Acres-

Before the sun rose and the roosters had a chance to crow, Sunny was up and awake, and readying himself for the day. Washing his face, using the restroom, some what brushing his mane (not putting much effort into making it look nice,it's going to be under a hat anyway), he quickly through on his Stetson hat, then took one last glance in the mirror before he made his way down stairs. He gave his reflection a nod as he tipped his hat and quietly moved out the door and down the flight of stairs. As he did, right as he reached the front of the kitchen arch way, a lovely aroma hit him like a tone of bricks!

"Is that...." He smiles as his muzzle rose high into the air, not wanting to miss a single scent of the delicious, fresh baked goods.

"Freshly baked apple fritters" Applejack said as she placed them on the counter to cool. "Just like you like them."

Sunny's mouth was drooling enough to water the entire orchard twice over! It was like a dream! The yellow stallion couldn't help but look at the spread in awe. Mott only Apple fritters, but a tall jug of cool milk, oats, and apple juice to go with it! "What's the occasion?" He asked Applejack as she placed the last of 3 dozen or so of the freshly backed apple goods on the counter.

"Ah just wanted to make you breakfast" Applejack said with a smile, as she felt her nerves began to eat at her, making her more jittery and nervous with the stallion around. "Well, you and Big Mac and Apple Bloom, but mostly you. I mean, they get some too, but I really wanted you to-"

"Thank you, Applejack" Sunny said, interrupting her. Not meaning to be rude, but at the same time, not wanting her to stumble across her words any more. "I really appreciate it, and all you've done for me."

The orange farm mare smile and looked to the ground as she adjusted her own Stetson. "Well shucks, ah just do what any pony would..."

"I don't think so" Sunny commented as he took a seat at the table. "You really have gone out of your way to help me. Both on the farm and with trying to get my memory back. And I want you to know just how much really appreciate it. It means a lot to me."

The made Applejack smile wider then she ever had before. Then the question slid it's way from the back of her mind. She let out a heavy sigh as her smile disappeared. "Say, Sunny... What if... What if ya never get yer memory back? What do you plan to do?"

The yellow stallion's ears dropped. "I... I haven't really thought about it too much... I guess I can't really ask you to put me up forever. That would be rude, and I don't want to be too much of an inconvenience-"

"No!" Applejack yelled accidently, then covered her mouth. "Ah mean, if ya want, yet free ta stay here 'slong as ya like." She began to smile again as she lay here eyes upon his. "We, ah mean, the ' family would love ya have ya here as long as ya like."

Time seemed to freeze as the two pair of emerald green eyes began to grow closer and closer together as the space between the two ponies in the kitchen began to shrink. Their muzzles just inches from each other. Their respective heart beats causing their bodies to tremble, the temperature in the entire room to rise, as they both leaned in and-

There came a knocking at the door!

Sunny slipped and fell to the ground as Applejack herself fell on top of the table. Both of them sat there for a moment as Granny trotted down stairs, yawning. "Now who could that be at this time of day?"

As she opened the door a tall yellow mare. She had a bright orange mane that flowed behind her head. She was an earth pony, who stood maybe a few inches taller then Big Mac, had perfectly white teeth, and grassy green eyes. She looked down at Granny with sorrow filled eyes. "Excuse me miss, I don't mean to intrude, but is this 'Sweet Apple Acres?'"

Granny smiled at the well mannered mare and nodded. "That it is miss, ugh, can we help you?"

"Oh I do hope so" she began as she dug around in her purse. "You see, I've lost my son and I was told there was a stallion who lived here who he resembled ... Ah here it is!"

The mare pulled out a photo and showed it to Granny. The elderly green mare pulled out her glasses and peered at the picture. Her jaw dropped almost immediately. "Well ah'll be! Sunny! Take a look at this!"

Sunny and Applejack stuck their heads out of the kitchen for a moment to see what all the fuss was about. The moment they did, the yellow mare's frown blew into a full smile, reaching from ear to ear as she ran into the house and up to the yellow stallion, wrapping him in a bear hug that knocked the wind out of him. "Oh my baby boy! There you are! I've missed you so so so much!"

Granny dropped the picture that the mare had handed to her and ran over to the mare who now had Sunny in a death grip hug. Applejack couldn't help herself but pick up the photo that Granny dropped. She looked it over and gasped. In it was a buff looking brown stallion standing next to the yellow mare with an orange mane and tail that came to the door, along with several smaller fillies and colts, all different colors of the rainbow. All happy and smiling, with Sunny right in the middle, beaming with joy.

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